I Can't Stop Beating Everyone With Gambits

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[Music] so my goal this tournament five month gambit is to play gambit every single game uh starting with a hillbilly oh no my pawn thank you square mountain also thank you reuter nfl so this is a um the hillbilly against the caro khan opponent wants to trap my bishop i'll just play a4 and the idea is after takes queen a5 the threatening sum f7 pawn thank you laser po the prime sub yeah very often this will be played and i might i might take but i might play f3 depending what black does oh i have this move i also have f3 immediately i'll play f3 yeah this might only be a a temporary gambit because the pawns attack three times and pinned to the queen queen's not defended if bishop c5 then maybe 92 hit the queen i think my next move will be 92 and then eventually regain the pawn good luck in the tourney oh thank you mr wk and welcome back tommy triathletes something for half a year oh that's a good move oh my pawn structure is going to be in shambles almost like gamut again no i should probably play d3 so generally when you have a single bishop of a certain color you want your pawns on opposite color of the bishop the structure complements my bishop maybe my knight can find happiness oh that's a good move i have this in king c2 defending the pawn so i'm probably slightly worse here but game will carry on i'm realizing my knight wants to be on c4 b5 was potential square but didn't wanna suffer with triple pawns i'm threatening a fork i fix my structure now it's actually not so bad with all my pawns on light squares avoid the bishop trade yeah i think for black as the pawns are stuck on dark squares i can go for the minority attack yeah minority attack is when you have a two on three situation and you storm with uh the two trying to do some weaknesses in the three thank you balubaloo opponent probably wants to play this which it might be hard to stop could respond with bishop bishop f4 i mean h5 with g5 because i want to keep h file closed oh to do this i can't believe i'm almost a twitch baby any interest in playing a greco gambit amused very maybe or very possibly yeah i want to play e5 here there's a cool looking move fakes takes i'll play e5 no time to calculate so i'm i'm end game gamuting upon to try and uh double these pawns and get the rook in oh it's probably a good move unless i have this move which almost works promise bishop g7 in the end so i guess rook f f3 looks wrong i gotta do it oh completely overlooked that okay i'm in trouble now 16 months wow thanks for the awesome content for the 16 months yeah i'm in trouble ah my pawn please take it please yes let's go okay i'm winning now opponent took the bait i was the only hope actually it still might be a fight because black has pawns but black is probably crying now um yeah let's take and just take and push the pawn maybe do this hey eric let's peek today i'm going to try and peek first i have to stop these pawns there we go okay pawns are being tamed it's scary but uh king is coming here and yeah that was nice okay wow oh that was a close one i could have easily lost that um knight c5 was very strong i got to find position and then black played well to actually counter like stop my minority attack and just make progress on the king side this bishop was strong uh but yeah this uh this oh no my pawn paid off okay let's move on thank you tagi ifting5 thanks so much five more people have access to the talk emote and thank you mvp at life for the 500 bits so i want to make a notepad of every opening that i played so game one was hill billy versus caro come on okay so i'm gonna try and play a different gambit every game um i'll hold off from berserking i know a lot of people want staffer gambit so uh i'll try wow it's a lot of talky emotes how many talking boots there are okay uh ooh okay i'm gonna play uh d5 and i'm gonna play a reverse myth mora which involves c6 and i might even after it takes i might play reverse danish which might be reckless but fun okay now i'm just making stuff up i insist on the gambit of this move now maybe this move okay so i've i'm down the pawn but i have some more active development e5 potential prime 75 so if takes i take induce the pin take away white's casting rights and then take back and if that wow wow eric baiting opponents is super easy barely an inconvenience yeah it's one of my hobbies these days this is getting spicy i want to take and then between a pawn um what else was there i take on i have this move g4 oh and then sack uh let's do it yeah it reminds me of the baffinix hemislav where you take and then this is probably objectively bad for a block but it looks fun there's prospects of getting a bishop to f3 and [Music] yeah queen a4 is a move this sentence contains exactly three errors three oh three error oh i pronounce that pretty well though also i'm in some trouble here uh because my things are falling i'm in this move no and queen a4 was such a good move whoa it's har krishnan gifting so many subs i have to focus though thanks for all the gifted subs i think i just play rook c8 and then cry i'll be down on time down to peace but i have a open file dreaming of taking this bishop someday thank you hari krishnan lifting 10. word francesco yeah that's good move okay so we're we're alleviating the pin um if take side if any tricky wait what is this move okay i have some trickies so this is a a double attack against the queen discovered attack against the bishop and the skewer along the c file um and a potential outpost on d3 or f3 yeah that turned around really quickly wow can we get some wow wows again oh we have to wait for the sub thing to to finish um so this was a uh improvised english gambits or gamut against english i just want to see this uh computer graph yeah wow wow eric baiting opponents is super easy barely an inconvenience yeah i feel like i'm going to be replaying that tts a lot this stream okay looks like a fun roller coaster nice nice drop okay okay undefeated very dubious aggressive chest so far yeah thanks to everyone who's been subbing and gifting and cheering our ph guy yash nevadi east charm okay it's africab time hopefully okay i'm gonna play um this line where i say oh no my oh white's not going into anything actually wait i have this move is this just better for black so d4 is like an anti-stafford i think white's already walking into some pain all right krishna you just gift another 10 i think you did unless i'm experiencing deja vu wait i'm confused thanks for gifting another 10. also welcome back to pam okay i think i'll gambit my night yeah let's oh no my knight but oh yes i'm forking stuff very temporary pork the point is after takes queen h4 and it's reminiscent of a reverse fried liver toggy gifting 10 thanks toggy so much love 10 more people so many more people have the tagi emote now okay time to punish white i should calculate queen g3 king d2 maybe i should just castle it's castle the rook wants to join the party like when you have three people at a party you want to have more people and then it becomes a bigger party then order some pizza rookie it takes where's the meat let's just maintain the pin he won oh [Music] this king wants to leave the party how do i invite the king back i'll just bring more things to the party okay so i'm still down the piece but okay now the king is on a light square we'll start with this move threatening the sneaky skewer if a4 i think i'll play c5 because i want to open the c file get all my pieces involved incubicriz incente so opponent wants to play knight e3 i'll play c5 it's absolutely gifting too eric. and we are going for more.love you heart oh i love you too thanks so much [Music] so much hype much wow so much hype oh the king wants to really just retire uh how do i stop it oh there's a funny line where i take does it work it might work it is after takes queen e4 type training takes a bishop f5 and now the king has to return to the center i appreciate the hype train bits let's play there's so many funny things i want to do almost works too i want to play queen e193 it doesn't quite work though okay let's just play this and is matt stafford your favorite qb uh oh is that a quarterback if that's actually his name then yes of course okay so if takes takes i attack the knight and threaten the pin i'm also threatening the bishop maybe threatening the um the fork followed by the discovery followed by the the wind of the queen i have 26 seconds to try and convert this okay doing some fancy tactics oh i want to do okay let's just take and push upon i have to be aware of c4 and the battery um i'll take it takes i have f5 f4 at some point i'm gonna say laser focused here there's this move too wow like this so oh no i'm getting fork skewered but i have this move for fork that was a wooden shield but a failed wooden shield it was actually a funny uh like black or white was attacking everything but it just didn't work and now life is very good up the exchange the king is naked and we'll go for the the triple open vial mate not quite e5 or uh i wanted to finish the game with g5 that was still pleasant though we need a slow motion replay for this uh oh no uh i don't think i have no it doesn't sound familiar at least not knowingly so slow motion replay wait the bishop took my pawn attacked everything and pinned my queen to the king xqc would be very impressed with this but not all wooden shields and good for the for the person doing the wooden shield this was a counter like golden shield okay uh let's move on what opening was that i was like auntie stafford auntie stafford oh no my knight on gambit thing okay so top 50 every game has been kind of fun i guess the second game i won in like 13 moves but the first and most recent game where long fights okay new gambit what to play i'll play a smith mora ooh i insist on speaking broke two months ago frown oh no your streak i insist on smith mora i will i just want to smith mora i'll play e5 let's take my pawn opponents not behaving just take my pawn at some point i'll take back i have i've tried so hard but what to do takes takes i'm actually not sure what to do here maybe i'll take and play bishop g3 still waiting for them to take my pawn ah they're not taking it okay last chance take my pawn at least i have the h file now my pawns have been like this for most of the game there we go okay it's finally a gambit so i have uh an h file i have some development opponent unexpectedly bond clouding what is king e7 it's a funny move i plan this together another pawn at him rosen that bits you are playing over and over are from those pitch meetings oh wait really oh the wow wow wow i guess i didn't realize the b4 is annoying maybe i'll play this move restricting the knight offering the trade i still want to play this in this yeah so now now i'm attacking the knight and the pawn and now i have the oh it's a pork it's a pin plus a fork one of the tastiest tactics opponent proceeds to bond cloud even more now i could take the queen but i'm trying to imagine some castling queenside with mate there's e5 unfortunately let's just take and uh we'll enjoy position okay uh yeah i mean after king e7 this this idea immediately came to mind um i thought it would only be a fantasy until it became reality okay so that was a smith mora myth mora kind of okay um i haven't had a true stafford yet so i'll try and get a true staff right now you know you want to yes okay so after grammar time this time accepted oh opponent gives back the pawn straight away so this is a counter gambit at some point i might want to counter counter gambit bishop d2 i take on d4 yeah this is already very unpleasant for whites i went upon the king open i guess i'm forced to trade queens i have this move just defending if takes like a pinned but then i can castle with check wow i would like to keep queens on the board somehow uh there's this move which might just win yeah attacking everything painful game for white hey it's pam what's up pam lifting five thanks so much even after life train really appreciate that have this move now oh no my oh actually that would be bad [Music] i don't want to trade queens but probably should i'm just taking [Music] to be a little bit careful so if i take there's hi eric just wanted to say that your youtube videos are not only entertaining but they have helped me become better at chess oh that's so kind thank you that's great to hear one yeah really rex okay so i have rock f2 here um up two pawns yeah this this opening started just staff or gambit down a pawn but opponent was counter generous i have this move and now ooh i'll play f5 so i'm threatening the rook but also threatening rook c2 if this i made if this side probably just taken with the bishop okay that was pleasant so a lot of these games i'm winning like relatively quickly nice miniatures okay uh that was stafford gambit meets counter gambit the five games so far five different kind of strange garbage to catch many streams since the birth of my son could you play the tennis and gambit at some point this stream ps thanks for the amazing content yeah let's play tennyson so if d5 i'll play yeah tennis and gambit that was very good timing your wish is my command my command is your wish please play this okay so we have a tennyson where wait does this work big bishop no it doesn't work tennyson where black is avoiding the traps i'll try and play aggressively here also happy belated birthday to your son i assume it's like his zeroth birthday right um [Music] i want to play this move provoke e5 and then just move back ooh okay this knight's not defended now can i punish black this move this move this move looks fun now there's a pin it's attacked twice if queen defends ooh wow okay as a nice gambit recommendation tennis and gambit looks like looks like this is winning after just 11 moves point is after takes i check and win the queen or i win one of these things i didn't want to take on c7 immediately because uh i wouldn't be mating black's gonna fight on understandably so kind of want to play castling queenside although castling kingside is probably more responsible the question is can i save the night might be difficult trade yeah let's just trade like i'm up a full rook here so [Music] i could desperado i think i'll play this move idea after it takes i start getting initiative might still pinned life is still good thank you space ops wahoo six months wahoo the risk is i'm aligning my stuff so there's potential companies i want to hear what authorshnap sounds like on tt uh what to do here there's this move play this move i'm asking to get discovered skewered but after which there should be enough counter attacks between this or this stuff you have been giving me 12 months of entertainment thanks a scotch or a buddha pest gambit would be good yeah i'll keep those in mind i don't think i've encountered d4 yet this uh the stream it's bound to happen eventually oh this tournament is only for some reason i thought it was three hours long it's only uh i guess two hours total or hour and a half total okay what to do here right queen g4 maybe just this move safety first if i defend i also pressure the bishop um defend some more yeah gotta move a little bit quicker here getting the queen ac3 or hitting this pawn now if we end up trading then i'll be threatening b6 and pinning stuff finding this now i don't think the queen has a square to keep the knight defended there's bishop c3 but rook c1 yeah it's a very nice kabob along with a pin really no counter attacks f2 is covered okay that was pleasant i got low on time but uh position was good that was a fun one kindness and grab it played super aggressively it paid off um yeah so this is just a 90 minute tournament i was game six anderson gambit um i'll play e4 again hoping for a french so i can play an ortho snap oh this time i'll play a scotch gambit will you do 24-hour stream on friday after nine days uh after wait after nine days um probably not anytime soon but maybe maybe some friday in the future opponents declining the gambit i'm going to play um in the style of anziani so this is a nice trap after queen e2 if black plays this or this i on poissant and the knight's not defended and the pawn landing on one of these squares prevents queen e7 so locks in trouble there's knight c5 and then i take and then knight gets kicked around oh i think this is the best line though for black i'll take threatening f3 opponent is kind of counter gambiting but this should still be good for lights because i still have my pawn here takes takes high pressure the knights and i mean rookie 8 now i have this move i still have my pawn here i think i'll take on g7 soon and enjoy the nakedness of box king maybe castling queenside bishop e2 [Music] to do this maybe castling kingside exchange i like to keep f2 defended and the plan is to lift the rook over and keep initiative okay preparing rook g3 so i tried to gambit this game but i'm the one up a pawn question is how to proceed maybe bishop c4 queen d4 i'll start with this i want to play this eventually hey it's adfast oh maybe i'll try and play a traxler at some point i track sorry budapest a lot of classic gambits i want to check off the bucket list okay i think f3 is called for eventually or even f4 f4 f5 could be interesting and black definitely has compensation here though this move oh i'm losing maybe not moving on to the pawn i also unpin the f pawn so probably now threatening to take if rook c2 i think i just take and when f2 doesn't hurt me too much interesting you don't know what to do here give me this move it's strange to put the rook here that i just want to take upon if rook here i might even play f4 first this takes his rook g8 which i don't want to deal with yeah i got to be careful here turning into a bullet game with rook g8 i play this or even this probably queenie actually i don't know just move back it's equal material position is getting spicier but the king side's safe maybe each word some point really cementing the rook push the pass pawn the push and baby defend also this move this moves trickier oh no my pawn [Music] oh no my pawn let's take it the pawn's always poisonous running this now f5 was nice because it supports this and defends this now it's a mating attack oh no my rook where's my mate where's my mate there's my mate okay that's a fun game what does leech house call this opening the goring oh that was a goring gambit i tried to play scotch gamut the two are very similar boring okay let's move on uh i was actually in control like the whole game um okay top ten sixth place make a running to try and win this tournament i'm not uh i'm not berserking too much winning a game here we go oh let's play a walrus there's not too many gamuts i can play against knight f3 but the walrus is one of them so this could actually transpose to a stafford if y plays e4 if g3 then this looks fun now queen d5 and white has to either play this or this or this yeah this already looks really fun the g3 is very tender king f2 or rg1 coming and the thing is e4 is coming so [Music] be wise in the way i proceed i'll start with this on an offer to draw no draw if this i play this i want to play f5 just want to open files before white develops anything these pawns are they're frowning from my perspective from mike's perspective they were smiling but now the pawns are in more shambles i could castle just castle here i guess i just castle oh no my bishop i'm threatening maiden two so white needs to be careful if rook f1 i take and uh bring the other rook to f8 yeah this is a very very pleasant walrus these pieces are feeling left out oh there's a funny line uh takes or cafe queen g1 bishop h3 to deflect the king away wow e3 oh i can just take the thing [Music] and then be up a piece yeah i can choose which bishop i want to take i think i'll take this thing but then knight d2 [Music] i'll take this thing i keep the pin and then probably threaten this although maybe i can start with this or not okay so that was a walrus and these gambits are working out well let's proceed thank you eric the sailor subbing with prime it's a new prime sub we have looxius 14 solving with prime for eight months um and thanks to everyone who maybe i didn't acknowledge i have been focusing more on the games trying to keep the quality high um i still want an ortho schnapp okay let's play a wing gambit i played i tried to play the mora earlier wow d5 i feel like i've seen this at some point i think i'll play this and um insist on gabbing what is going on here bishop b2 i didn't want to run into this and get forked okay it's officially a gambit lock finally took and now i'm trying to induce taking so my knight can develop there's a funny line takes takes a6 i still play knight b5 knight c6 is a fine move i'll play bishop e2 idea being if takes takes takes there's takes a d4 so this is resembling a french uh that's a good move now it's time to take and then get the pawn here thank you to zen fortitude gifting five appreciate that yeah so now this bishop looks kind of ridiculous but the idea is to play this and get my knight in with a6 i still play knight b5 that's a fine move i'll play this move run the knight and just castle this could be more positional there's some positional compensation because black no longer has c5 still trying to exploit my pawn oh isn't that uh that's like beetle lyrics right is a song from the beatles what day is it on friday next week uh friday right unless it's thursday on friday next week oh it's a good move play this move no let's not play that move ah what do i do if this move maybe i don't want to get hurt too much let's play this move so i'm grabbing some exchange oh i'm in trouble though [Music] wow they take okay let's take this way i'm still in trouble [Music] x6 takes i don't really want to trade queens but i kind of have to yeah it's not pleasant oh no i've gammeted too much and my knights just trapped the smooth maybe i had to stop rook c8 it takes i have this mesopotamia oh welcome back to mesopotamia and squishy hercules yeah i'm feeling the pain treat every gambit as a blunder uh that's not that's not what you're supposed to do that's kind of what i'm doing do you like rose and trenter and oxo gambits oh i've heard of those yeah the rosen shredder it's so painful [Music] my thing is so sad my time let's believe getting this now for this [Music] yeah this is really bad i do there's no still matrix either i got mated okay oh okay so i lost my first game the wing gambit has been defeated in gambit vs sicilian oh no my my rating kind of okay we'll try and rebound with more gambits nobody's working though um if d4 i'll go for a buddha pass if e4 what happened i played yes oh i guess i'll build it i'm gonna play the o'sullivan or scandi maybe i'll play whatever this is uh i guess i can take no let's treat this as a no wait let's take i'll be down the pond um but there's some some diagonal [Music] some g-file [Music] okay you're already getting the gambit style compensation winning material now running this and the knights pin too also threatening this oh this would be a nasty fork here we go i'm winning something here if this i fork if this side fork this side went upon and also kind of fork i'll lift the rook do i forgot queens could move from far distances okay i have to treat that as as a gambit i guess ah my pawn i've induced white's queen into the corner and now the queen's not here to defend my may threat wow it's a fancy move play this oh no okay quindy it was missed there we go that was a nice kind of taste of my opponent's medicine my opponent moved into my corners and i moved into the opponent's corner okay what was that opening that was like an alakan alakine weird thing i can't spell friday next week is 3rd of september oh it's true [Music] wait that's my birthday i think i was also born on a friday i wonder how often that happens probably one and seven wait really my birthday is coming up okay playing mexi let's play oh let's play this um stuff not really a gambit but at some point i'll sock stuff uh like this yeah so my idea is to play d4 okay now i'm gammating idea to do fun things wow so if here let's play this yeah sometimes it's hard to gamut against g6 lines but uh trying to make this oh no my bishop but black doesn't get forked trying to make this work i am ready to take back the pawn if black doesn't take wow take on f7 that looks too much fun let's take black was expecting it so now i'm down a piece but it's just heating up letting the pawn forking doesn't work unfortunately it's a good move i have c4 oh no my pawn if takes i fork okay here i fork i don't know what just happened but something happened life goes on so i have broken two pawns for two nights an interesting material imbalance the king f1 first didn't want to get checked good move and difficult position of this move though i'll win the pawn once bishop c3 but then this move [Music] check be very careful here it's almost made not quite hey let's go i went on time and i was winning in the final position too that was a weird game what opening was that i was like modern um reckless how do i spell reckless reckless play against modern is it with a w i don't think it is unless it is unless both spellings are correct okay move on wow i'm in second place i guess i double berserked one i'll only berserk if my opponent berserks oh it's a silent k no w okay good okay nobody's working so i played e5 earlier the walrus now i'll play g5 which is i guess now decline with b4 uh what is this let's make things weird attack upon oh no my knight what is this opening this funniest opening i've ever had probably my bishop's getting trapped which isn't so funny a6 i treat every blunder as a gambit take and win a two what is this position likes playing fisher random my rook is my only developed piece uh let's develop a knight i don't want my rook to get trapped though even though it's probably about to get trapped bishop east actually let's play play c6 defend ooh fancy move i have f or knight f6 there's not too many moves here let's play this this is such a weird position i've broken two pawns for knight in bishop similar material imbalance compared to the last game um [Music] i could take with pawn but then bishop g5 if i take with queen that's probably the best approach i don't mind the queen trade if i get forked i take the queen this rook is actually well placed putting constant pressure on the seven or on the second maybe i'll play this move pressuring the knight hmm i can take and play rook a1 and after rook a1 knight b3 i take take rook b1 wins a piece i think this pawn is clutch because after knight b3 takes take never mind king d1 is probably a good move maybe this move as if oh i just lost a pawn or did i have b6 coming i'll try and win this pawn wow reserve my knight objectively i'm probably worse here but it's still interesting my rook's still active things are pinned now f2 is attached light's restricted like a castle but the king is better in the center so the other rook wants to join the party here's this move yeah the rook wants to come in if night here [Music] my brook is almost trapped oh no how'd that happen oh how that happened i'm down on time too [Music] such an awkward square for the rook f3 is a good move too play g3 and this and rook g8 the pawn so i want to play yeah i want to play this pin the bishop and then get my rook out of here okay here we go um pressure everything 28 seconds okay now i'm winning almost everything except only in the night a funny move oh that saves everything well played i have to i could have taken the knight i think maybe i'm still winning something e5 yeah d4 is coming and my epoch didn't move for so long running this now getting this uh oh yeah l1 f3 bye let's go okay let's go i actually had a very similar position a few years ago in a tournament game and i won in the same fashion it was dead drawn bishop and pond vs rook and my opponent uh somehow found a way to get mated um that's why you should play on and not flag what opening was that oh that was uh it was this game oh it's such a funny game there's no way like this position's ever been played like on move three i think that's completely new position [Music] oh wow wait let's see uh leches database so b4 has been played before oh d4 was a novelty and then then it just got crazy okay uh oh this graph let's move on so [Music] that was knight f3 g5 leads to insanity so i'm top five might be hard to win this tournament but let's still try and keep gamuting yeah hello to gory hello to everyone watching for those just joining i'm playing the daily super blitz arena i'm trying to play a different gambit every single game um i'll play a d4 gamut uh let's play g4 yeah i think they call this the steinitz or rubenstein named after one of the og chess players um i don't know what i'm doing here play this move be h3 coming okay i could take let's take make things spicy now knight of three taking was probably the wrong decision what to do please ignore this and focus on the game okay i'm focusing focus time getting a knight if this i want to play e6 eventually but lock's probably going to beat me to it that doesn't scare me okay now i want to play king f1 also knight h4 um e6 is coming unless i play okay e6 time i'm gabbing some more because i i just didn't want the things to defend the things in this way i might be able to take and actually get away with it the bishop has a hard time taking back there's that move yeah maybe like d4 there's a funny line takes takes takes takes takes takes oh but i take on h8 and then win everything so that would be pleasant oh please do it b4 is interesting hmm you take the knight i'll take the knight in castle queenside didn't spend too much time here yeah so i just calculated uh rook b rook g1 i think is a key move well i have to generate initiative quickly wow castling queen sign uh now i'll put the rook here pressure the bishop it's hard to actually attack on the queen side e4 always runs into this queen e3 check maybe start with start with queen f4 i do this in this i can take like queen h4 you need to swing back over e7 is also tender preventing queen f4 i don't want to trade queens e5 um always play king b1 i guess make luft oh fancy move this is so confusing i have no time i just want to do things with my things this and this if this i play this 33 seconds to a minute it does look more fun because this king is much more exposed it can move over good thing i made luft just have to watch out for this bishop being unleashed the a4 place a5a6 [Music] uh wow i'm meeting i'm meeting let's go only legal move okay it worked out what a game the opening was oh that was uh yeah what is the name of this this is called the oh the gibbons widen hagen okay i didn't know that had an actual name gibbons widening hagen that's a cool name let's move on so 10 points are the first whoa it's jw content has helped me develop tremendously thanks so much thanks for being you oh that's so kind thanks for being you being so generous okay what to play let's play um e5 at this point i'm just making up gambits uh b4 counter the counter polish or orangutan i guess i'll play e5 try and follow some opening principles and take a free pawn i guess it's just a trade look at this and then take with rook and then swing the rook over how about this looks fun yeah oh i'm having too much fun in this tournament now push idea to target g2 [Music] i also want to play this this and be sneaky along the diagonal uh neither four is coming oh actually no knight of four i take now maybe threatening this move oh this is so much fun i should probably develop my king side someday f4 is probably a good move to do this i want to play queen eight but then queen d5 kind of ruins my fun i mean this is kind of the natural continuation there's also rook d6 i think i'll play no rookie 6.84 i'll start with this f5 then this some idea also queen h4 oh no my knight when it's not giving in though give me this move now this move what is going on attacking double attacking the queen there's no queen e5 check everything's hanging okay so i won the queen but i'm losing a knight white's gonna have oh white is being generous now it's getting mated actually is it so simple depends what white does yeah now i have this move and probably just win the night i also have this move oh this fancy move let's win the night first bishop is trapped rook is almost trapped okay that was a funny game so what does leachates call b5 oh the the yanish gambit that's also a gamut against a spanish that was a funny game got some rook lifting in okay in third place so 18 minutes less than 18 minutes left trying to close in on first it's doable but there's an im who's berserk winning a lot of games i lost her streak i just want to keep playing fun dubious gambits okay playing kojnay oh i feel like i've run out of gambits against this maybe i'll start with this and again go for let's play a wing reverse wing gabbat pretty sure susan polgar didn't teach these openings ha ha yeah oh can't imagine how you would react to this play okay uh let's just develop let's uh accelerate development and try and justify the fact i'm down upon we'll try and open the center i mean white is very underdeveloped stick with queen stick with stick with bishop yeah white has nothing developed until now okay i'll gamble this pawn because why not opponents being wise complete development and go for this i'm gonna try and get some attack in and squeeze white on the queen side eventually i do want to play this move yeah this is actually a problem i want to play this but then e4 if i play e4 right now [Music] it doesn't work at all so maybe this move not what i want but keeps things defended now i have the square to work with so some idea a4 bishop b3 good move i'll have to take i mean there's night let's try this yeah just trying to create some imbalance and now there's some plan c5 bishop here and then eventually mate being very optimistic also some plan a5 and then lift the rook and then later c5 bishop c7 maybe bishop b3 also plans with f5 this move's coming it's hard to stop as i just allow it take okay five okay another rook lifting moment f4 might be coming i can't look rook lift anywhere f4 would control like all the squares there's a funny idea if white plays f4 never mind maybe it's time for f5 yeah because i want this work involved so it would be very nice if i place f4 it takes takes and then i i fork discover win everything but that's not happening probably don't want a queen trade hitting the pawn pieces actually have nice harmony everything's defended here only down the pawn up some time i might even want to lift the other rook doing a lot of rook lifting only swear for the queen is b7 queen was almost trapped not quite let's take opening the file it takes and there's some potential for discoveries yeah f3 the move white wants to play but gets punished punished with d3 um [Music] yeah unfortunately my pawn is perished i think i'm gonna win on time though oh it's emo only mode someone redeemed something i think um [Music] let's show you the pair of rooks here we go okay one on time what gambit was that i was like in english oh that was a reverse reverse wing gambit versus english okay uh let's preserve and let's play let's play a black mardemer wait black mardemer is f3 eventually okay black more dimmer time i'm playing the person in first place too so uh we'll see how this goes i'm down upon so off to an expected start i'm getting some [Music] compensation keeping the pressure open f-file i kind of want to play this move also maybe just this move making things crowded oh no my bishop not sure how sound this is but it looks fun white no longer has an h-pawn uh that's actually a good move maybe this working oh no my pawn now i'm threatening this and this [Music] probably have to take it's getting weird is going on b1 oh no i'm getting forked oh a point wants to pork me did this move am i down how am i down a piece oh i sucked a piece earlier oops down the piece here try and recover putting stuff in the corner [Music] oh no you don't see it please how they saw it how bad is this it's kind of bad oh it's tilting okay failed plaquemine okay that was my second loss of the tournament still hope though do i try and win the tournament by berserking the rest of my games maybe i do yeah opponent played fast that game and found knight g3 my queen unfortunately got trapped i like my position too just a bit too slow [Music] okay tilt berserking uh let's play in england play one of these oh my knight oh no actually with the pawn in e4 it might be different okay opponent doesn't take it though i think white could have taken and played king e2 bishop g4 knight f3 but okay not happening so playing some gambit style oh no my bishop a typical fishing pole trap now i probably want to sack and have fun i'm trying to win as quickly as possible [Music] let's take that oh take maybe take with bishop okay so this could be a longer grind but still trying to attack getting stuff taken in some things there's bishop seven king here now probably castling yeah the position was very sus earlier but uh now it's good up upon uh going in for the kill [Music] just have to make sure white doesn't have enough counter play oh it's a windmill i have mates oh this is a nice mate here here and then mate and white had e4 but okay let's move on so still within range i need to get in like two more games maybe oh it's probably this robert no robert's not from cuba uh oh let's keep playing gambits okay gambit declined uh playing whatever this is that's risky to do against the player like this but try and still be aggressive hey aaron clay there's a funny line rosen oh [Music] always looking for funny lines take an in bring the queen to the game push upon i had to watch out for this move but i think it's okay trying to play like alpha zero so c5 is always met with queen d5 oh fancy with a rook if i took with bishop there is a pork so i had to be careful there okay pressuring the knight wow take that and to calculate this and this go for it so there's looming potential oh do i suck i think i got a sack if i want to win quickly this could really backfire but it's still interesting idea king d2 rook g1 might be a little bit slow but we'll find out soon go down a minute oh i played with this move i have to play this move i do this and this it's hard to solve rook g2 this is probably last game that counts for the tournament [Music] inbox the material here the threatening queen jeter rook g7 two pawns there we go there we go classic end game made is coming got the berserking points too yeah there's no defense these pawns are irrelevant okay let's go just enough time thank you gary yeah oh opponent rage quit but it'll account for the tournament pairings are probably closed anyway so it's okay i can claim victory two seconds before my opponent flags oh never mind i'll draw or resign wait if i try clicking call draw and then it switched to resign that would have been tragic but hey okay i finished with a win bearings are closed i finish in fifth didn't quite finish in the top up first place but that was a fun tournament um i don't know what my last i think that was game 18. that was like an attempted attempted gibbons something something um i have to go back and see what the other game was i think i'll put this whole tournament on youtube whoa it's sonya lang thank you sonya lane with a five five five quadruple five five five five five bits thanks so much that's so kind um yeah that was really fun i i did try to play a different gambit every game and even in games where my opponent declined gambits i tried to insist on gamuting led to just some really probably unsound dubious but uh enjoyable chess so yeah this goes on youtube thanks for watching let me know if you made it this far if you made it this far comment below your your favorite gambit actually about to hit a half a million subscribers on youtube so once i do i'll have a 12 hour stream
Channel: Eric Rosen
Views: 475,688
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chess, imrosen, Eric Rosen, Chess Openings, Chess Tactics, Chess Strategy, Twitch Chess, Chess Stream, lichess, IM Rosen, IM Eric Rosen, Eric Rosen Chess, Best YouTube Chess Channel, Best Chess Channel, YouTube Chess, Blitz Chess, Speed Chess, Chess Commentary, International Master, Chess Tutorial, lichess.org, chess explained, rapid chess, chess 2021, gambits, stafford gambit, Tennison Gambit, Smith Morra, Englund Gambit, Hillbilly Attack, chess gambits, opening traps
Id: XCANsOz-cT0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 58sec (5458 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 29 2021
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