Abandoned $154,000 Luxury Barth Motor Home Pt.2 (Will it make it home this time???)

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so [Music] hey friends dustin here you're watching the life of lynn channel thank you guys so much and today today we're doing something you've requested a lot everybody keeps asking me in the comments so comment down below if you're one of these people but uh where is the barth motorhome that we purchased in nebraska well honestly it's still in nebraska like i said the last video had been there for almost a year and uh we finally got things resolved with the towing company in the shop and it is now at the shop they put some new stuff on the drive shaft got that hooked back up and put a fuel pump and a battery in it for us so hopefully she can go get this thing and finally bring it home so today myself kim we're gonna go get this thing and we got a five hour drive just to get there and we're gonna drive it back if it runs because it's been sitting what could again go wrong [Music] [Music] so [Music] oh tripp's going pretty good so far we're about halfway almost halfway there i found ourselves like fat dogs the stunning metropolis of north platte nebraska hit some fog but uh trips going well getting diesel in the truck about ready to head down the road see how the rest of this trip goes [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] well guys i found her a little rougher than i remember i think the bumper was used to push it around here that's been sitting for a little bit so one or two people might have been in here mice might have been in here i completely forgot that uh this window was broken out key is in the ignition all right so guys you'll be happy to know that this time i'm not chewing gum i did charge the camera so we're good there and we made it back after an entire year it's still here she's still here look at this thing these barth motorhomes are amazing i'm really happy we're able to get to an agreement with everybody uh and pay all the tow bills and everything like that but unfortunately it's been sitting for another 10 months after it got repaired so the battery is completely dead and we're gonna have to go through the whole process again we're gonna go check fluids uh go get the jump start pack on on the batteries and try to get this thing going all right got the noco boost hd upgraded jumper packs a little while ago this thing's pretty decent me slide this out hopefully that's working so i don't recall getting a roll of wire but uh maybe i did let's go there's definitely an aroma in here kind of like wet cat and an old carpet in a chevelle you can taste it kind of forgot that window was broken out so it's been raining in here for a year good good that's fine well turns over let's check fluids smells strong in here the uh the mice may have visited yeah squirrels raccoons i don't know i don't know it's probably fine we got back here training transmission oh she's full there's our new pump coolant do we have that oh wow that's actually full engine oil holy smokes that thing's got to be a mile long um yeah it says full and it doesn't look that bad we're gonna see if we can uh breathe some fire into it come on well i'm gonna go get a little the laughing gas and uh see if we can't coax her back into life here all right we just oh that full can doesn't work neat we're getting closer uh the fuel is now 10 months older might be having an issue with that let's uh see if we can keep on the spray so all right we got a fuel issue for sure uh i'm gonna put the jumper pack back in the truck and charge it we're gonna run back over to the fuel station get some fresh 91 for this thing and uh put a little dough juice in and see what happens you know i put this in everything so treats 100 gallons uh let's put the whole thing in and wow it's getting tight down here is this fuel oh yeah that's fuel oh they got them they got them in here tight this is like a foot apart i don't know if i can fit the gas can in here we're just going to put the whole bottle in it i don't i don't know if this is gonna work yes yes and that was the last of our jumper pack so now we got to drag this thing forward with the truck and hook up the old to the side of this thing [Music] so [Music] foreign all right ah you got at least pulled out of the lot i think i was fighting there's a pretty steep downhill i was fighting 30 feet of fuel line going uphill also found a crimp in the fuel line yeah up that one there the clear one that's that's probably not fuel grade line so we cut that i got some fuel line i'm gonna be putting on there and look i got us a long lasting silver edition die hard uh yeah that was uh those aren't cheap i guess even no it's not the good one huh it's better than this one though so we're gonna get on it get the old stow and go crescent yeah that's a good brand it's got all the tools you need nice little kit just ready to go uh oh it doesn't have an eight millimeter that's the one i need though [Music] so how will you know that when you hooked it up backwards oh it would have probably done something it shouldn't have done i don't know it's old it might have worked i think that was right that seems right there's a there's some custom stuff going on in here this is neat you put your battery tender on there that way when you go to fire up after the winter it's good to go all right time to take care of the fuel line situation which is not good it's windows need to open it's a little it's a little fuel uh yeah fuel line situations iffy at best so we gotta get that figured out real quick but we're gonna go from a 3 8 line to a 7 16 line hopefully able to prime the fuel system and get it fired up once and for all luckily since i build things and work on rvs for a living that's some hex fittings half inch brass one right there a little loose on this line a little tight on this line you ever hit our twist it goes right on so here's our adapter piece i'm gonna adapt to the old fuel line coming off the truck run this one fresh right to the fuel pump then we're gonna see if we get it primed get this thing fired up and running all right well we're on to trying to back feed the line a little bit oh yeah we're getting air bubbles out [Music] turn the pump on it's just it doesn't it can't pull enough from 35 feet back you know they're not designed for it so we are slowly trying to back feed this line maybe have some fluid to get pumping and then once it gets into the liquid it should go well as luck would have it we are now on the third fuel pump in this thing the first mechanical one from a year ago the second electric one was apparently not working i couldn't get it to pull vacuum on the tank so we flushed everything out back fed the old one turned it on still couldn't get anything going so we went to the auto parts store thank you o'reilly's he got hooked up with another edelbrock electric fuel pump and it immediately started sucking fuel out of the tank so we're making some progress time to put tools away what do you think yeah maybe we can go home she's not super impressed because it's like 2 30. and we planned on hitting the road by 12 30ish so we're about two hours beyond schedule and well technically i haven't even gotten it fired up yet so let's work on that yay well that's what i wanted to happen a year ago runs i guess that's a good start [Music] finally it runs as before maybe without a fuel leak this time i'm gonna button everything up turn the lights off i'm gonna button everything up and uh just double check everything and then we're gonna give her a road test okay it's still running i might have found the keys for everything else in here okay i don't know somewhere i have keys for this gosh dang guys in case you didn't see the first episode give a quick wants over of everything here but look at this temp gage not working recorded phone this last time you saw one of those lights working look at all these hardwood cabinets wow ms emerson quiet cool i don't think i've ever seen that brand so getting parts for this is gonna be horrible but we got not only three furnaces we have one we have two air conditioners there's another one i mean she needs to be cleaned up but overall it's not bad i don't see any signs of like roof decay or leaks or anything really a tv vcr omnivision bathroom needs a little love yeah it's a little gross let's look at this this doesn't have regular old rv light switches which is a little plastic click click breaking breaky ones look at that fluorescent lights i mean for the 80s this thing was fitted to the max it's got a water filter this is this is crazy here i believe this is actually a convection oven slash microwave from the 80s it just got this nice mechanical sound pretty excited guys look she's coming back to life battery good lp third of the tank all right water pump tank built i don't know what that does holding tank those are currently empty water tank that's empty that's good i don't need the water heater i think these are off i don't know what that does that twists and something turns on a lot quieter with the uh doghouse cover on we got good charge voltage temperature slowly coming up we got plenty of oil pressure we need fuel so that's where we're at now guys we're gonna head to the fuel station and see how it goes all right let's go for a gear i'll torque for days i'm gonna have to take the curtain off that's already slapping me we're only doing uh 25 miles an hour [Music] look at that truck what a steam [Music] you should name it [Applause] [Music] all right fuel gauge actually works uh i put 125 dollars of fuel in and we almost have three quarters of the tank hopefully that gets us pretty far probably well but check this out oh power see look at that i don't know what that one does that's about top speed i can push it more but this thing needs an overdrive it's bad we're headed out at nebraska on two lane highway well heading out of nebraska had like four hours four or five hours in nebraska still kim's going to take us on a little highway out of town that way 55 to the actual scale hopefully that works but i already got traffic back up behind me i don't know how much fuel i'm burning but probably quite a bit it looks like i'm bouncing right at about half a tank already and i don't think i made it that far it's almost four o'clock we are still oh hey fred deep in nebraska like this cool little town oh look at this all right here's those tacos little farm community so status report uh so far so good this thing actually runs surprisingly well it just needs more gears or an overdrive or something in it yeah been great i even have a seatbelt so i feel slightly safer not really let's get to it yeah that's the side of the road yeah we broke down ah looks like the float in the carb got stuck all of a sudden she was just guzzling the gasoline i choked out and died so it's real flooded now so i don't know it smells like fuel in here real bad i'm gonna smack the carburetor really hard with a few things disconnect the fuel pump crank on her for a little bit and clear her out hook the fuel pump back up and see if we fix the problem i need to smack it harder i guess well it's running it's not smoking like it was still a what'd you little well i took this uh zip tie very important piece then uh it's got a quadra junk carburetor on it and it's got a bunch of slots in it with little valves and stuff probably got clogged up from rust out of a gas tank i just jammed this down in there and unclogged it i guess it's running again that's important hey no the important part is gonna make the five hour drive home what are we on hour number two uh yeah and we still have about five and a half to go but we're only going 55 which we're probably gonna have to go slower now uh i bet my steps i'm really mad about that yeah you had your door flying open and you just kind of went for it no safe place just to be hanging around okay i'm like a kitten again stuck float or stuck power valve i don't know i pulled over this thing was just loaded full of fuel sprayed everywhere i beat on everything poked it all with a zip tie and uh it's running again i'm gonna take it a little easier i gotta air out some of the gas fields in here because i got headaches status update i feel like i've been driving for hours because i have been i'm not actually that close to home it's only like a 380 mile trip or something i don't know i think i have like 280 miles left to go and i've already had to stop for fuel this thing is drinking it is literally getting gallons per mile wow but uh other than the door coming open and breaking my electric step it's going pretty well again a lot of empty country out here so it's seven o'clock nebraska time now so it's gonna be going down soon [Music] [Applause] [Music] guys it is dark out there's headlights they don't work very good but i found a spotlight that still works ah yeah still in nebraska i didn't know i was doing 20 miles an hour slower than what i normally drive i've been adding like 20 more hours to a five hour drive this is just insane it just feels like it's taking forever on the plus side kim's driving the duramax and uh yeah that's getting incredibly good fuel mileage right now she hasn't even burned half a tank uh me on the other hand i just filled up again so we're up to about two hundred dollars in this about 60 of that good pricey you're not home now yeah you hear that thing that is a 35 year old big block chevy sitting at 3 200 rpms just wailing it down the road this last name the fuel must have been real good because this is top notch now 65 miles an hour i can't believe this thing this thing is massive and it is just whirling along four miles drink a lot of fuel again [Music] again no wheel turning now getting stuck a half mile before my house oops not sure what that was but yeah it's been raining oh it's been raining a lot wow what a mess sideline a little high well friends made it home last night wow what a drive we turned a five hour drive into about an eight hour drive on the way home slow going on the old girl but uh she made it only broke down a couple times and uh didn't get pulled over by the police it's always a plus because uh you know i didn't i didn't put tags on it no it's fine anyway parked here at the homestead i got update videos coming on this thing soon uh we're gonna go through the whole thing find out what's good what's bad what's gonna cost me a lot of money and uh what we're gonna do with it so thank you guys so much for watching god bless you we'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: Life of Lind
Views: 276,256
Rating: 4.9089174 out of 5
Keywords: Life of Lind, Tiny House, Copart, Auction, Tiny Living, Colorado, Adventure, Bart, will it run, abandon, motor home, RV, vice grip garage, diesel, 454, gas monkey, cleetus mcfarland, hoovies garage
Id: n2NQqFPXZlg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 40sec (1960 seconds)
Published: Sun May 16 2021
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