100 Baby Challenge ...in This CURSED App Game

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we go here we go here no too many kid sacrifices whoops it's fine these people aren't real okay these kids aren't real nothing's real [Music] so you guys seem to like 100 baby type challenges on the channel and you guys really seem to like weird app games lately and so through the magic of the app store algorithm gods i have been suggested this game non-stop called family run 3d and i officially think that these weird ridiculous runner games have gone too far look what is what it's gone too far run and make your family bigger collect the power-ups to grow your family comforting game i love it this gives me anxiety what do you mean what do you mean look at this this is anxiety this is what anxiety looks like okay i really want to know because i see babies about to be dunked in the ocean are we just like sacrificing family members on the way to the end of this game because that's what i'm hoping for i'm about to attempt the hundred baby challenge in family run 3d don't know if it's possible it's probably not but if it is possible i will find a way to do it oh jesus oh god okay hold on it just it threw me right in and threw me right in sacrifice all the kids we we got to do this okay thank god it had to be done that had that had to happen there's no menu or start screen as there is none with actually having children you just get thrown right into it what is in the middle of the ocean by the way what is that is it a teething ring oh i think it's blot like children's blocks and a teething ring okay well we we just sacrificed our family and we have two sons that are left to carry on our legacy and be traumatized from that all right three two one let's try this again okay so we're getting five babies let's feed all the babies oh my god they're getting so big i'm so proud of all of them yes okay so now are we sacrif we're sacrificing that we don't even care we sacrificed like six of our children all right okay three more children feed the children get them big and strong yes oh we don't sacrifice them the ocean we're just putting them all to bed oh my god oh we didn't make it oh the dad has some moves oh yeah no wonder what happened so many babies we didn't get to the dinner though okay so does this mean i had nine children then okay the counter is nine i can technically do the one hundred baby challenge in this game i just have to play it enough times oh we writing this down nine we gotta do it until we get a hundred i don't think it'll be that difficult we get in that dinner at the end though we need to get a full ten having babies feeding the babies uh oh we need five babies yes getting some plum bobs don't hit the red block of death all right come on children yes all right we're gonna have to sacrifice our least favorites timmy johnny cara and and timmy all right now we're getting new ones we could start over we didn't like those kids anyway all right do we have enough do we have enough for our steak dinner we need date night oh my god i can't ugh nine i need my step we need a date night i just can't get over the husband's moves oh wait no oh the wife is being sassy now all right get it girl i do appreciate that each level has been getting harder and harder and it's not the same level over and over again okay here we go here we go here we ah no too many kid sacrifices whoops we're gonna be on the news oh whoa how did that happen how did we just multiply so much should i put a disclaimer please don't sacrifice your least favorite children oh we could pick gender all right well i was close to the right girls i'm biased i'm a girl all right we're getting our steak dinner please please i just need my steak dinner oh my god i think we're getting it oh we're getting it i love how we had two extra children and they just waved at us they're like we don't need beds or food or anything congratulations to you two for your full pig dinner by the ocean we seemed a lot happier at nine children now we're just staring eerily at each other from across the table like we don't like one another is there some hidden meaning in this game don't have 10 children you will be miserable that's a fair point game thank you for letting me know that i should not have 10 children my life will be like this i'll be sitting at the total opposite end of my husband just staring at each other and thinking about how much we will both want to die oh my god this game is way darker than i had anticipated oh crap i forgot to write down how many children we had 12 we had two extra okay oh no susie we lost susie now we only have a bunch of derricks he's the worst kid okay what happens if we it's fine we had like five derricks and we did not like that kid we we should start over anyway okay so i added the ones that i forgot and that's 30 and i think we killed actually i didn't keep track so we'll just say two two of our families didn't make it okay i like how i said that this game is darker than i thought when i had fully anticipated that it was a game about creating enough children to carry you through life and then sacrificing them where you need to let's make sure we don't lose our susie our precious susies i don't want to get stuck with 10 derricks no red block of death now we know what happens more susie's no derricks there we go there we go good night good night mommy loves you daddy loves you damn it we currently have had 38 children look at all the babies we start with yes oh we getting right down to business immediately i could make this less dark of a game we didn't sacrifice our children those are just the ones that grew up and went to college and left us or just moved out oh this game is hard parenting is hard 47 children in total so freaking good at this game does that mean i'm gonna be good at parenting if you were to look at this video as a whole you'd probably be scared of me being a parent but look look at all these children that have survived because of me look at them all yay yay us all right that was a happier ending this time let's eat our full pig honey what else is there sushi we have sushi a pig a cake and oh my god i forget what they're called those triangle rice things that are in anime so many people are yelling at me in the comments i'm sorry i've never had one i only know them from anime ani giri onigiri onigiri one of those anigiri crap i don't know how many children that was how many children all right well we're just gonna have to go with a safe estimate of 10 so we're at 57. okay all right we're a little more than halfway there we got this no no no oh i say oh we're trying to save our family i accidentally hit that tried to save us about three times did not work well all right yeah what happens if i just don't have any children we're just gonna not have children we're gonna go through life with no responsibility and then we're gonna hit this and see what happens uh this game's like you had no children to sacrifice this is a post-apocalyptic world you need children to sacrifice okay okay i want babies but i don't want to feed them that sounds terrible where's the babies where's the babies oh no what happened to the babies they didn't make it they're so cute look at them they just got left behind babies we will feed you so that you can make it and not be sacrificed to the ocean for no reason wait that one baby in the back made it what happened to the other ones get big and strong now we will sacrifice some of you goodbye what do we got steak dinner i mean steak dinner i keep saying steak dinner pig dinner seven 64 children and many more that have been sacrificed for the greater good it's fine they're going into an ocean that has a bunch of toys in it though it's fine oh the babies get bass and nets that's cute oh my god we're going to make it we're going to make it we're going to make it oh crap crap grab it and mark it down all right we're going to have to say 10 again i'm going to be so freaking good at this game oh god we did it again all right that was 11 children i saw 10 the one before that 85 oh my god you know when i had the idea for this this video when i saw this app game i was like maybe the timing the timing will either be good or bad because i just had a baby myself people will either be scared for my baby's well-being oh no oh no oh no or they'll think that the timing of this is funny i hope it's the latter my baby is fine we are not trying to sacrifice anybody all right eight oh we are at 93 all we need are seven children let's see if we can let's see if we can make this a perfect seven that'll make it harder and my god we completed the challenge darn it we were almost at seven all right we had 102 children go keep going actually i don't know does this get harder do we get new obstacles oh god sorry we had to kill a lot of you there oh my god and we made it to dinner i'm thinking back to that review that that one person left where they said that this game was relaxing what part of this game is relaxing to you maybe they're apparent themselves and they're like they're like just being able to like sacrifice my kids whenever i want makes me feel a lot more comforted at the end of the day knowing i can just put them to bed and get a steak dinner wow i did horrible that round look at all the babies oh my god i love the rounds where you start with a bunch of babies oh oh we lost a child that freaking red block of death every time oh my god look at all the babies they put the babies at the bottom oh my god we lost so many babies we lost why would you put the babies at the bottom they can't fan for themselves i'm getting rid of my kids oh they're turning to all they were all turning to babies that's what i gotta do this is the hundred baby challenge not the 100 kid challenge we need a bunch of babies and then i will be happy ending playing this game oh my god look at all the babies oh so many babies yes yes yes yes i could oh it's all babies all the way up i could have made this challenge so much harder if i would have just counted the actual babies that i got is that even doable it makes me leave them at the trampolines though look at that game can you please oh and i'm gonna die now gabe make it possible to only end with babies please oh okay now the babies are f so we only need one bigger kid oh god oh oh i lost i lost a bunch of babies so you need like one big kid to help the other babies cross over got it oh i got three kids whoops i just want babies oh they're coming oh my goodness oh i did it oh i did it oh i didn't lose my army oh god my army of babies no i just wanted an army of babies come on why are the babies on the bottom yeah why was i not doing this from the start this makes this game like a thousand times better all right we gotta feed some of you guys we can oh no oh we're go oh god what's happening damn it army of babies and cindy in the back good job cindy down there oh never mind you did a terrible job cindy now that i have a baby it feels weird playing and commentating i'm like i would never do this to my kid but it's fine these people aren't real okay these kids aren't real nothing's real okay go to the babies yay oh oh no oh no i mean yay oh i just say i forgot it turns to the babies don't feed oh we're not gonna make it never mind oh oh oh this is good it's it's just us and our one kid oh man we got a bunch of cindy's again oh oh we started with a bunch of babies yes oh no oh oh god oh my god my nightmare oh no they're never gonna oh no oh no no oh my babies all right what if i like we'll bulk you up and then we'll go through this it's still not gonna work it's still not gonna work oh it might nope all right babies i gotta turn into kids that we're all on the baby at the bottom all right we gotta turn you all back into babies so let's go to the 30 oh geez i can't get through this level all right i think i've officially had enough of this game although it's i'm still playing it for some reason just end it just end it all whoa well that was a glitch i'm just gonna let it go and not do anything let's just see how it does without my help it'll probably i'm literally not touching the game you don't have to do anything in this game you don't do anything in this game let's see [Music] oh whoops never mind i guess you do have to gotta do something all right guys well that was just a super stupid app game that i came across that i had this video idea for that also was probably pretty stupid but i hope you enjoyed it anyway if you did make sure to leave a like before you go otherwise all the babies are going to be sacrificed are you guys leaving a like it's about to happen again are you leaving a like oh my god you didn't leave a like look what happened leave a like for the love of god and if you're looking for something else to watch then why not check out one of these videos they probably make way more sense than this video also if you made it this far you might as well subscribe because i mean this is as weird as things get if you're still here then bravo you're one of us and as always i will see you guys soon
Channel: LaurenzSide
Views: 1,374,853
Rating: 4.9581542 out of 5
Keywords: laurenzside, Laurenzside of Gaming, funny girl gamer, family run 3d, girl games, girl app games, weird, runner game, app games, mobile game, 100 baby, 100 baby challenge, babies, funny, cursed, fail, noob, hacker, apps, app game, ios, android, free app, funny moments, funny app, full game, walkthrough, funny game, dumb, worst app games, worst apps, simulation, simulator, life simulation, life simulator, real life
Id: dkvk9fFxQFs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 19sec (799 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 18 2021
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