Saving Best Friend from NEW Bullies!! | Yandere Simulator Update

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She's the worst she's terrible she's the worst So terrible look at this I just want to hug her, her hand is also going through her bosom you should not do anything in this game in real life Anything, anything in this game! Evil. Just want to give a super quick warning before this video starts that this video deals with Bullying and murder obviously, it's Yandere Simulator if you're a sensitive to either of these things Please do not continue watching. otherwise enjoy, but don't bully people or murder people Please hey guys! So this morning. I was trying to relax and enjoy some coffee before I start my day But then I started getting tons of notifications that Yandere Dev had put out a new update to Yandere Simulator at first I was like hmm should I join the hype train? It's been a while since I joined the hype train when it comes to Yandere Simulator updates I'm pretty sure you guys can guess what I decided to to because this video is out right as the update was just released. I jumped aboard the hype train! Choo, choo! So pretty big update they added a bunch of new characters Masume's friends more actually the school bullies, and there's a lot of new mechanics, and we're gonna try and check it out uh Ha oh my gosh Immediately, I was like. Where are they gonna be yes here are Masume and her friends look how cool They look boo. They're gonna. They're gonna walk right past me like I don't even exist They're the worst, but I love them because they're so pretty and popular I just want to impress them so anyway. Let us identify each of you so of course we have Musume Ronshaku. We already knew about her, ooh There's a purple one Kashiko Murr KashIko Murr Kashiko, Murasaki, so that's most of her time texting on her phone pretends to be a sweet girl, but in private Personality is quite nasty. Secretly her favorite activity is gossiping and spreading rumors You seem like a great person cuz she go super class act the rest of them Don't even wait hold on hold on hold on. What's your name Kokoro? Momoiro yeah god ma ma ma ma ro Momoiro I can't say it I did my best spends most of her time taking selfies with her phone Pretends to be opposed to bullying but in private she harasses the people she dislikes Secretly her favorite activity is shaming and ridiculing other people another class act new students So glad that you have been added to the school now. What about you? I like your hair All their poses are ridiculous I'm just gonna start posing like these girls they're my idols not at all at all that's most of her time playing games on her phone pretends to be pure and innocent but In private she can be extremely vulgar I see that from her profile picture actually Secretly her favorite activity is looking for dirt in people's pasts Yes, and last but not least what's your pose? Oh, so cute spends most of her time browsing the internet on her phone pretends to be a positive person But in private only says negative things about others. Secretly her favorite activity is operating a hate blog on the Internet well fantastic Welcome to Akedemi high school I think these people will be the only ones that I don't really mind doing bad things to I'm gonna follow them let's see what they do, let's see what their activities Include I'm just gonna pretend like I'm one of you. Please let me join your cool kid Club. Please. Oh my god They're like a pastel rainbow. I mean I want to hate them, but they're just so adorable They also never stop looking at their bone, which is the new addition Yandere Dev added the phone addict persona? Oh god. They split up. What wait? Where are you going? Okay? Let's follow the rest anyway The phone addict persona is kind of like a security camera walking around the school so if I do something bad in front of them They will text a photo of it to the police is she gonna know she's gonna Okay So they each deter and go their own way to just you know look at their phones what you're looking at but ah I need to know your secrets What's hanging off your phone was it a bow is it a purple bow charm? You're just so cute and the biggest thing that was added with these guys is that there's new bullying animations We have to choose one student to drop their reputation so that they want to bully them I think I know who I wanna do it to Best friend see normally I would not let any harm to befall best friend But if they bully her I could come in to the rescue and stop them, and then she will be my best friend forever It's definitely foolproof like for sure I upped my reputation now. I gotta talk crap about her. Hey girl I know hi see now. They're friendlier with me because I have a higher reputation there we go I have to tell you something about this student. Oh my gosh. That sounds awful. I know doesn't it She's gonna keep talking trash and pretend like she can't hear us right next to her okay? We gossiped about her to all these people who there's one of the masoom A's as they're now gonna be known to me told her about kona. She's negative 26 and she needs to be negative 33, let's just keep going Oh another one gossip cook kona She's the worst goodbye gossip. Cook onna. She is terrible goodbye negative 32 We're so close. We need more people gossip Kaukauna She's the worst is it is it done negative 34 perfect. We have done it Where'd she go? Oh? Hey girl? Hey you having a good day. Oh? Hey girl. Are you having a good day? Well, that's not gonna last long It's a for your own good, though You need to know how much I love you, and this is gonna prove it try it I guess we'll go to class There we go yes Let's see if they have any lunchtime animations dude cats will not do anything leave me out. Hey The worst get away from me this episodes not about you. It's about them assuming. Why you gotta wait Why are you guys splitting up you guys don't have lunch together. Where are you going? Do anything? We're best friend. Go she came up here. Yeah, it's gossip. Yes Oh, oh, oh, I guess they don't care that I was listening then I'm obviously listening very obviously listening Okay, I guess them assumed a girls. Don't do anything during lunchtime. All right might as well. Go to class okay now What happens okay? It's cleaning time all the students are cleaning being good students, but let's see where the masu maids go Stop following me. I was trying to get around you you did that on purpose. I hate you Where you guys going hmm can I hide in the stall Yes, you don't see me in here wait over here. Whoa why is open here Oh, Oh cuz just throw in a bathroom, okay there we go I can set up my spy camera And then uh I just want I'm gonna go to the bathroom. Can you can you let me go to the bathroom, please there? We go yes. Spy camera. Yes. Why is Oka randomly like wandering in here. Oh there. She is okay? What are you doing welcome? Oh god. No. This is my hiding spot get out of here oka. You're blowing my cover get out of here I'm stuck oh there. She goes Oh, Oh cos cleaning the bathrooms, and now she's doing this, I'm Okay, Oh Ladies I was going to the bathroom in there I heard everything you said it does that mean I'm part of the club now Can I be pretty and popular with you guys please, please? Please just gonna stand here and pretend like I'm part of the group if that's cool. Okay It's just gonna circle around us. Did she has no idea what's going on. Okay girl get out of here You're not part of the group She just keeps going back and forth and scrubbing toilets, so not only are you guys mean bullies? You don't even help out with school stuff. You don't even help out you're the worst, ooh I have not been ooh intruding. Why what is this? I'm confused, Oh missus announcement room. Oh, okay? What do they do after school? I Just want to learn your routine girl Best friend what are you doing? Hey, girl. What are you doing her life is really falling apart as you can see look she doesn't do anything I Have literally been circling this hallway this whole time. You know. Oh, okay school Dandan. Okay? Oh? Here they come House best friend doing best friend oh no oh no shit. Oh, no this friend. Are you okay? I just wanted to tell you you look lovely today. Well that means a lot coming from you. Thank you so much Oh, you're welcome best friend. You just hang in there. Okay. It's all gonna be over soon All right time to see with these evil evil beautiful monsters - please do something interesting today woo They're all going somewhere together. Yes, are you going are you going? I lost them. Where'd they go okay good. You're too quick for me. Oh no. What are you guys doing? Are you guys doing? Oh, my god. That's best friend's desk. What are you? Oh? Okay, oh, oh my god. You guys are evil you're so evil All of you are evil. Oh my god Wow Wow Savage oh, no I can't let best friend see this But I must continue to follow them I need to see where they're going or they'll know they're all separating now Okay, that's friend this friend. Where is she I need to warn best friend. Oh, yeah. Where is she oh? That's right? Oh, I had found you on, but god. This is so sad I hate that I have to do this you best friend. I hate it I hate it so much, but you know what someday You will see this is a really weird position to be hit some day You will see that it was for your own good so that we could be happy together as friends his friends this rent. Oh Look he loves me. It's happening already. She loves me. I can't compliment you again all she's got hearts though She loves me See I knew this would work out can I sit? I want to sit with you make you feel like you have a friend. Oh wait No, yeah, that's not sitting that's not sitting either. That's looking really really evil I mean This is probably as close as I'm gonna get to sitting yeah I'll just I'll sit on the floor best friend. I'll sit on the floor She's just looking at me like is this really my life Now is this the person that I have to be friends with because people are mean to me Hey, you mean, I'm your best friend ever. Okay. I mean name a better pairing than me and Kokoda seriously name one There's nothing you can't it was a trick question. You can't there is no better pairing than me and my best friend Oh, that's right. Wait wait wait wait wait. I need to be there for moral support when you go into the classroom Oh, no. Oh, I'm not doing anything stop leave me alone. Oh my god This is the saddest big effort Why? Why do I have to do this to you I'm gonna cry So terrible look at this oh my god How did no teacher notice this yeah can somebody, please tell me somebody? I just want to hug her her hand is also going through her bosom. I just want a hug you girl It's not fair leave a gift for Sep. I jerk oh here comes MA. Oh, this is so sad I guess I believed though and go to class yeah Okay, I'm gonna follow you pinky You're gonna. Tell me where I need to go to see what you guys are up to next Oh No, I hear evil laughing, what are you guys doing? Oh? Are you guys laughing at her? What are you doing? Oh god? What is this one gonna do? She broke it. Okay. I'll break you okay. Bye so I guess they'll comment different times to like laugh at her It's terrible now. They did they just broke in cuz they missed. They missed it. They missed it. Oh, what did I just do? What the heck is that what is that? Did I just figure something out, I press this is this a thing I just press the spacebar and then this happened Let's press the spacebar again. It's gone can somebody explain what this is did I just find it Easter Egg of some kind or glitch I don't I don't know it happens when I'm out two of the camera mode. Okay, apparently I missed the Laughing now They're just like taunting her just taunting her all right well I'm just gonna go back to class see what happens after class let's rush upstairs and make sure best friend is okay Not waiting on pinky this time. They didn't do anything to her. Okay. Well she's gonna clean She's still a good student even in her misery meanwhile the rest of them are going back to the I Thought think I was stealing my present for senpai. Yeah wash that off wash it off. Oh he's so cute He saw it didn't work. It didn't work Kokoda is broken again Kokoda girls. It's okay tomorrow will be better. I promise maybe They I don't know anymore whoa wait a minute. Oh yeah, you're the gym teacher, but you're in a school uniform Is it cuz I did this did that mess you up, baby? They're back. Where's best friend there. She is oh girl All right what terrible news are they gonna do today. They're all going off together What are you guys up to oh my god? Did you they clean the desk and you're gonna put it back on there aren't you? wow You guys are Such evil okay Wow Two days in a row bullying is wrong guys. I'm serious note try to be on a serious note Oh, they'll get what's coming to them Don't you guys worry which also you should not do anything in this game in real life anything anything in this game does not Work out in real life. I feel like I shouldn't need to say that but something sometimes. He's surprised okay We got a run upstairs to stop them from laughing at her whatever. They do to her. I need to need a help What are you guys doing? Oh? Wait a minute. She's not there. You look like an idiot now because she's not there She was like hey, I need dust clouds with the chakras sir haze. I'm so Valerius. Oh you guys come to do 200 just just a beautiful hand came out of nowhere. It's a new update it obviously is gonna Have a couple bugs here and there leave another gift for somebody cuz why not yeah Good thing you guys are stuck in here. No you can't hurt anybody. I think that's the only animation. I haven't seen yet They're going back to the bathroom. I have not seen the animation with the erasers. Oh she's back in her track uniform Yeah, that was weird. She just decided you wanted to be a student that day I just need to see this last animation best friend, and then I will help you okay I will help you defeat them, and then you will love me forever. Okay here comes the evil Evil's changing it shoes Evil is going upstairs to be evil again I guess we could skip that go to class and I try to run upstairs And maybe the animation will be the way it's supposed to be get out of my way out of my way It didn't work again and here comes the glitches Maybe I'm just gonna skip class this time. I'm just gonna stand out here. I am here. Oh My goodness senpai what a jerk he doesn't even stop her Oh? Oh, my goodness that takes okona. I can't stand to watch anymore Mmm-hmm this is not the way that you should try to solve your problems. It is just a game mm-hm Come on come on in here, it's all fun. It's all fun They're all gonna try and take pictures of me as I'm doing it unless they try to take me down I don't know so they're glitched out. We'll see Kokoda. I'm your best friend Best friend oh god, they're all taking pictures no no no no no no don't post a picture no We're we're know this friend oh I was expose X How dare you expose me good. I'm glad I was exposed for trying to take down bullies, okay even though There's no real good reason for murder. It's not like I murdered puppies. Okay. I murdered them they're able evil Evil is rising up from them Disgusting she walked right into my camera you Gonna pay for my broken camera all right guys, I think that's gonna be it for this episode of yandere simulator There was a lot of fixes like bug fixes and little additions to the game But I think I pretty much covered the main aspects of these new girls the lovely lovely new Students that they are as always guys if you made it this far in the video make sure to leave a like before you go Subscribe if you're new to the channel I put out new videos every single day and as always I will 'Z' you guys soon! Yandere Music Plays for outro.
Channel: LaurenzSide
Views: 3,454,196
Rating: 4.9105887 out of 5
Keywords: laurenzside, Laurenzside of Gaming, funny girl gamer, yandere simulator, yandere sim, yanderedev, yandere-chan, yandere, Bullies and Phone Addicts in Yandere Simulator, Feb 2 Update, New Update, New Build, New Characters, yandere simulator bullies, musume, phone addicts, kokona, best friend, funny yandere simulator, laurenzside yandere simulator, Bullies Phone Addicts Update, musume friends, popular girls
Id: Lp162xef8l8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 0sec (1020 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 02 2018
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