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I'm sorry I shrunk her boobage a little bit oh yeah she is boo delicious hey guys and welcome to an extra-special Sims create a sim on my channel slash Sims challenge which is my Instagram followers create my sim so I've seen a couple different variations of this like from de legacy and X Y or ela I'm butchering that name for sure but I'm gonna link up in the description below if you want to see other people who have done similar challenges but yes I asked those of you who are following me on instagram and check my Instagram stories which if you're not following me on Instagram I highly recommend that you do I post a lot of stuff over there and of course its / Lauren Z side but a couple days ago I posted a bunch of poles with two answers to see which ones you guys voted for the most and then that's what I'm going to make in the sins now after I did this I had the idea to maybe turn this into a little tiny bit of a series but we're gonna see how you guys like it for this first episode first before I decide so pretty much this episode will be creating the main Tim next episode will be you guys get to pick all of the house stuff for building their house and then I could do a third episode where you guys choose like what their career is what their love life is like what I should do that day with them and I mean if it does really really well we'll just keep going but those are my main three ideas to have you guys basically create this series on my channel so if you guys like that idea make sure to leave like so that I know but without further ado we are going to make your guys sim so certain categories were kind of hard to ask you guys cuz I could only give two options so I think what I'm gonna do for those categories is just randomize it so for the face / skin tone we're gonna randomize it 1 2 3 so the first question I asked you guys was what kind of body type should this sin have slender or curvy and 63% of you said curvy we go make her curvy oh ye oh yeah oh yeah is a Buddha licious you don't say it would be proud all right I would say that's curvy right she's curvy ooh all right the next thing I asked was what should her eyes be creepy or cute I don't know why but I was kind of hoping you guys are gonna say creepy because you know Halloween's coming up and I have a lot of custom content for creepy things but 73% if you said cute so of course that's what we're gonna go with let's try to make like the cutest anime looking eyes that I could possibly find all right so these are like the anime I custom content that I have I might change the eye color depending what the rest of her features look like but they're pretty freakin cute she is alright moving on to nose nose big or small 79% of you said small and because I take things too far because it's more fun that way we're gonna need to pick the smallest nose oh this one's really cute Danny oh yeah that's a tiny nose and we're gonna make it as tiny as I can possibly get it because you know I never play The Sims correctly it always has to be weird oh here we go alright fine that's a little ridiculous but I mean I want her to look nice but you know it's got to be a little funny there we go she's got like the tiniest freaking DOS all right lips big or small 60% of you wanted big so should I give her the biggest lips it was a luscious lips girl I'm jealous my lips are so tiny my nose is big this is like you guys chose the opposite of my features Thanks I'm just kidding I don't care all right hair length I asked you long or short seventy-three percent of you said long which I knew was gonna happen because for some reason people always yell at me what I give people short hair in the Sims I don't know why and because we're gonna take things to the extreme with this sim what's the longest hair I have okay I think this may actually be the longest hair that I have because not only is it in a ponytail but it's still all the way down to her butt so let's do this hair plus ID I haven't got to really use this hair a lot and then the next question was hair color natural or a fantasy color 79% of you said fantasy so prep so proud of you guys it's because you love my multicolored fantasy purple don't you it is so multicolored right now it's kind of cool but I definitely need a haircut all right let's try out the fantasy colors so we have pink ooh I kind of like that we have this blue I have a teal I kind of like this it's like a periwinkle this or the pink periwinkle the pink kind of looks like blonde looks like a strawberry blonde we need the peri wood yes periwinkle okay I might change her eye color oh yeah I like the darker blue next up moving on to her outfits I'm sorry I shrunk her boobage a little bit there we go because some of the long hairs I was trying out we're like messing with her chest area so this one works anyway cuz it's all in the back alright so for her outfit I either asked if you wanted it comfy or dressy this was the closest one but comfy one out with 55% of you guys so not by much because of that I'm mainly gonna make it comfortable but I'm gonna make it look really nice anyway alright for some reason I'm liking this outfit I've been really into like tying up t-shirts that are a little too big like this and a not this shirt is so cute and then I found these comfortable jean pants with this plaid shirt tied around the waist but look the lines are like a periwinkle purple which match her hair it is too perfect she's got like a neutral outfit and then this pop of color tied around her waist that she can also wear over her crop top t-shirt but obviously she won't cuz this is the Sims and then of course she's wearing some periwinkle flats to tie in that color with her plaid shirt and her hair so see it's comfy but she could also leave the house in it oh crap I forgot I asked about the outfit color so the next question I asked was Elfie color trolls or colorful and 70% of you said colorful uh whoops all right well this will be everyday outfit number one because I like it and then we're just gonna add a second one that's gonna be like way more colorful all right here is her second super colorful outfit and look I found an outfit that has the periwinkle in it again to match your hair how perfect and it's also comfortable and it's super colorful so we got this one and then we got the tiny bit colorful outfit that I'm keeping just because it took me so long fun well say this is her main one my bad all right finally makeup so a choice for makeup was natural or glam and this one was pretty close to but glam won out with 52% which is pretty interesting that you guys wanted her to have a comfortable outfit but a really glamorous makeup but I love Sims makeup so we are going to glamorize her face all right and here is her super glamorous makeup I tried to not go too overboard I tried to match her lipstick to her outfit oh yeah I'd say that's a pretty glam I mean look at her eyes also I completely forgot about eyebrows so I just gave her like standard ones and then matched it to her hair all right and now her main aspiration I asked you guys if that should either be love or money and you guys chose love so let's say she wants to find her soul mate and then for traits I asked you if her trait should be majora Lee good or evil and 63% of you said good so let's put good toga because her aspiration is love we'll say romantic and we'll say she's cheerful and her name we must randomize let's see one two three Jenny all right one two three Jenny ivy sounds like a fake alias name but that's okay and there you have it here is your guy's creation well happier guys creation half my creation Jenny Ivey she's super cute so thank you guys so much for helping me answer those poles I hope you guys like what I made make sure you let me know in the comments below if you like her if you don't like her let me know why I really like her I think she's super cute and colorful and whimsical I love her like I mentioned if this video does well and you guys want me to do another one then I can put up poles asking where and what she should live in and then that could be next episode so like I mentioned earlier if you like that idea then make sure to leave a like before you go subscribe if you're new to the channel I put out new videos every single day and as always I will see you guys soon [Music]
Channel: LaurenzSide
Views: 3,072,203
Rating: 4.9325666 out of 5
Keywords: laurenzside, Laurenzside of Gaming, funny girl gamer, xureila, sims 4, the sims 4, my instagram followers control my life, my instagram followers create a sim, instagram controls my life, instagram controls my sim, instagram followers create my sim, instagram followers create a sim, deligracy, CAS, Sims Challenge, subscribers create my sim, subscribers control my life, laurenzside sims, sims 4 cc, sims 4 cas challenge, sims 4 challenge
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 57sec (537 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 09 2018
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