World's Fastest Bullet!!! 300WM Sabot round!!!

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[Music] hey everybody how you doing this is about to be a really fun video i think these are going to be the fastest bullets we have ever fired ever put on camera but what these are this is a 300 win mag look at how big the case is there but then it's got a little plastic sabo in there with some two two three rounds at least i think they're two two three two two three or two two four but little paul says two two three so two two three rounds with a sabo i think if you're in french you call a sabbat i don't know why but that drives me crazy when somebody calls this a bot but plastic sabo in a 300 win mag and uh rumor has it these are supposed to go over 5 000 feet per second so i mean your 308s and stuff like that they don't even reach 3000 22 250 we've had over 4 000 feet per second never shot anything over 5000 feet per second but a buddy of ours sent these in so appreciate you big time for sending these in really appreciate that but these right here we got these are some 55 grain bullets with 70 grains of match rifle powder then we have some more yeah this says two two three 62 grain with 65 grains of powder so i'm going to shoot two out of each first we're going to shoot the heavier ones with less powder the 62 grainers see how fast they are and then we're going to shoot the 55 grainers see if we can push these over 5000 feet per second you know even if they don't reach 5000 i think they're going to be really really fast but check it out got the chronograph right here i'm gonna go grab my 300 win mag rifle and see what kind of speed we get should be pretty awesome we're rolling all right guys so i'm gonna put it here on camera so you guys can stop it and see but this one is a 62 grain bullet with 65 grains of match rifle powder and i'm going to shoot two of them i'm gonna forget what these are in a half a second so just to show you guys the uh my 300 win mag i got this is a remington 770 with a boyds what is this stock called i forget spike camp stock and we got a nikon scope on it let's load these two up see what happens they should be the slowest out of the two being heavier and less powder but stranger things have happened so i got two of those loaded up man i was just telling paul this is the stuff that gets me excited check that out 62 grain sabo's in a 300 win mag man i'm gonna uh pay attention in the camera too how much recoil it's got i told paul it's going to be low recoil because it's a light bullet but it's still got a whole lot of bucky behind it come on 770. be good to me bolt's not wanting to lock up there we go these 770s are budget rifles sometimes the bolts are finicky to me but here we go we are hot the 62 grain 300 wind mag see what happens make sure i shoot through the chronograph 726 there's no way that was right that ain't right oh man we kind of wasted one i'm gonna back up that was at like two yards maybe we're too close i'm gonna back up and shoot it again there's no way no way that's slower than a 22lr all right so that's a bummer let me shoot it again let me see if i can back up here go back to like 10 yards all right guys now i'm standing at about what is this 67 yards probably we'll see what happens with this remember this is those 62 grainers hopefully this one reads better than that last one so that one red 3 316 feet per second no 5 000 yet but still no slouch i definitely saw a big fireball out of the barrel of that one too so that must have been the problem with that first shot but let's load up the others here let me grab them now i'm going to show you these on the camera too so this is a 55 grain bullet with 70 grains of match rifle powder so i'm gonna get two of these out of here too i believe these should go faster than those last ones which was 3300 but i got two let's load them up see what kind of speeds we get now the the only thing we've ever had break four thousand feet per second is a 35 grain 22 250 so this is the same caliber 22 but with a whole lot more boogie behind it now let's see uh let's see what we get here this is the 55 grain there's that bolt again 770 bolt here there we go ready ready we even got good sunshine for this shot 3400 still didn't hit the 5000 the 3400 is still pretty fast let's see what the second shot does [Applause] that one red 2500 let's do one more that's some screwy data one more of the 55 grinders all right now here's another one of those 55 grainers let's see what she does make sure i'm not going to shoot my cameras [Applause] 3 400 which is pretty close to what that first one was so 3 400 feet per second that's probably reading about right since we got two of them around there yeah well there you have it guys there's the chronograph readings for those two two three loaded into a 300 win mag a little bit slower than i expected but that's still zinging faster than your standard 300 win mag load but comment down below anything and everything you want to see us shoot this set in a video probably for sure some ar 500 see if we can blow some holes through it as always appreciate you guys watching big time don't forget to check out my friends at the heavy metal channel don't forget to subscribe to the hoodie who channel if you haven't already comment down below what you want to see these in 223 300 win mag sabo rounds you
Channel: WHO_TEE_WHO
Views: 170,558
Rating: 4.7530155 out of 5
Keywords: 300wm, 300 win mag, 300 win mag sabo, 300 win mag sabo round, 300wm sabo, 300wm sabo rounds, worlds fastest bullet, fastest bullet, world's fastest bullet, fastest 300wm, fast 300wm, fastest 300 win mag, 5000fps bullet, 5000 fps bullet, 5000 fps fortnite, 5000 fps minecraft, whoteewho, who tee who, 300 win mag sabo bullet, sabo bullet for 300wm, sabo round for 300wm, 300wm chronograph, 300 win mag chronograph, 223 in 300wm, 22 caliber in 300 win mag, 55 grain 300wm
Id: dUjUq9U_EsQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 9sec (489 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 06 2020
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