I Busted 100 Myths in Blox Fruits..

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from random glitches that break the game to secret Areas you didn't even know existed I'm going to be testing 100 of the most popular missing block streets that you sent me to see if they're true or if they're fake and for the first myth apparently cyborg V3 can one shot a boat so to do this I'm going to have one of my friends summon a boat normally this ship has 1,200 Health let me activate V3 and damn that thing didn't even last at all so it took care of that ship easy we going to see if this go one out the biggest ship this is the boat that has the most health in the game other than Beast Hunter 2500 let's see if cybar V3 takes this out and oh oh oh this one's surviving longer and and it's still it's still drowned okay wow so this myth is true C V3 actually does one shot of ship now that was a pretty cool myth but for myth number two apparently if you use parallel Escape while standing on lava you take no damage so now let's try it with parallel Escape let's see if we take damage on lava and we very much do I am dying quick bro so that myth is false that was that was just not true at all myth number three the age-old question do you get better fruits the higher sea you're in now to start this off we're going to head over to First SE do aacha then we'll go to Second SE do aacha paare the first versus second seat and lastly we'll do third seat me personally I think this is fake but we're about to find out right now boys first SE let's see what we get and we got a spike fruit yeah that is that's pretty dooky bro that's dooky now let's head back to Second C got my friend Jason about to do a gacha right here let's see what he gets he said best fruit SP damn he got Spike too that's crazy so far this miss looking false but I guess we about to find out on third seat we got my boy husky doing a Goa and let's see what he gets and oh a blit no shot no shot no shot I ain't going to ask you to drop it man but that's actually kind of crazy blizzard for the Third c a legendary fruit even though technically third SE had the best role I'm still going to say this myth is false because first and second C there was literally no difference it's just 100% luck B so myth false myth number four portal parallel Escape can negate water damage all right let's activate a parallel Escape let's go in the water let's see oh there's no damage the moment it ended I started taking damage again nah that's actually fire let's see that one more time all right all right parallel Escape yeah no damage look at that that's kind of crazy now that one surprised me but let's see if this next one will for myth number five apparently the more Master you have the more damage you'll deal with weapons fighting styles or fruits all right now to test this out what I'm going to do is I'm going to equip one of my lower Mastery weapons like hype or something now that we have equipped let's go ahead and do an M1 let's see how much damage this does M1 1,398 now what I'm going to do is I'm going to kill a bunch of these NPCs we can get our Mastery up and then we'll check the damage then we're at 83 Mastery right now there we go last of MPC there now we're at 107 Mastery that's about a 20 Mastery difference let's see how much gone up oh look 1,410 that myth is actually true I never even knew about that the more Master you have the more damage your weapon fighting sty of fruit deals myth number six if you start a raid all in combat you can PVP inside the raid let me tell my boy come to se Castle there we go we're in combat let me go ahead and buy a raid chip let's see are you able to PVP no we're not we're still Allied now that raid myth wasn't true but let's see if this next one is apparently if you're sitting in the raid Bool when the raid ends it'll bug the game right now my boys on the second island so we'll see when he finishes third island down fourth right there and now the Moment of Truth boys is this myth true and oh it took the boat to the land with me what the heck wait it just disappeared okay well that GL only last for a second but I would say that is true bro that is actually weird I don't think you'll ever use that myth though but it's still pretty cool myth number eight if you use doz on the ground it'll fling you up now if we go ahead and equip D and use missile jab you guys can see it has a little bit of push back when you just use the move in general but apparently if you aim it at the ground it'll fling you up in the air so I guess let's find out all right here we go let's aim it down boom Oh damn that actually kind of flings you kind of high up in the air okay okay myth true next up if you hold superhuman X and equip another fighting style while holding it it'll make you stuck forever got to say good bu my electrical fighting style let's talk to the martial arts master there we go superhuman let's hold superum X while trying to talk to SAI huh it doesn't even let you all right well I tried it on Sai let me see if it works on any of the other NPCs let me just try this real quick all right there we go I'm holding conqueror gun we'll talk to this guy let's switch to dead step and I'm it worked I'm stuck what the heck yo okay so this myth is actually true if you do that you literally just become stuck now that was pretty cool but I think you'll like this next one even more we all know about the match in third c a place where people can be safe or so you thought there is actually an area in the Mansion where there is not a safe Zone apparently if you go up these stairs and go in this upper left corner there will be no safe Zone there you guys can see the safe zone right here let me jump up now there's no safe Zone okay hold on hold on so I should be able to hit my friend right let me see oh I can actually hit him that meth is true now we all know about the Buddha shift glitch where you unshift the waken budha quickly switch over to a sword and now you have massive swords which have increased hit box but apparently for this next myth it works for guns as well now normally when you go to Buddha and you pull out a weapon you guys can see it's still pretty small I I I don't even know how this is going to work but let's go ahead and try it we shift unshift with the gun oh wait hold on that does look like it got a little bit bigger not as big as the swords but look that does look kind of bigger look at the size right now you guys can see let's put it away pull it back out yeah it got it got like 5% bigger let's try it out with a different gun though let's say kabuchi all right let's try it again there we go oh wait actually this looks kind of big hold on hold on put it away pull it back out I think it did get slightly bigger I can't really tell but to me it looks like it got slightly bigger so I'm going to say true but let's see if this next myth is true apparently control gamma Rush can hit players in the safe zone so in case you guys didn't know when you use gamma rush it hits anyone inside of the room so the theory here is that we hit somebody outside of the room with gamma rush and it should hit players inside the safe Zone as well so I got my friend maras here let me go hit him with the gamma Rush my friend exotic is in the cat you guys can see him right there don't believe it is hitting him right now let me see okay hit mariz let me see did it put me in combat with him and no cannot attack players with the safe zone so this does not work whatsoever myth fake myth number 13 ice fruit doesn't take damage from lava I don't believe this because it' literally be the exact opposite of the point of ice but I'm here to bust them see if they're true or not let's go ahead and do it and oh I that's already false I took damage let's see I mean I'm standing still right now I'm not taking damage let's walk around oh yeah oh yeah yeah yeah we're done we're done that myth is not true at all but what about this next myth apparently you can glitch the saber expert out of his little zone so what you need to do is equip sad and use the Swords Dance while he's in the corner or whatever and I guess it's supposed to glitch him out of the area let's see oh oh it actually got him out hold on hold on let me go see let me go see he's not in the room he's outside he's right here bro so you could actually use this to to troll first C players and like get the Savor expert to kill them that's actually kind of cool man myth confirm myth number 15 if you use rocket flight and quickly switch over to another fruit it'll bug you and make you fly forever I don't know if the timing on this is hard so let's go ahead and try let's do it 3 2 1 boom oh no it didn't work okay maybe I got to try that again let's try this one more time one more time quick equip blast off oh it worked it worked I'm literally floating my hands aren't even on the keyboard right now bro my hands aren't even on the keyboard right now I'm literally just floating infinitely okay so that myth is confirmed and I was cool one but I think this next one will be even better myth number 16 if you unequip kurur du Katana right after hitting someone with the Slayer of Goliath it'll make them stuck forever all right so here's how we're going to do this apparently if I open my menu I use Slayer Goliath right moment of hits unequip he can't move he's literally stuck he's he's literally stuck bro and now I can do whatever I want with this man yes sir no no no Diddy no Diddy I'm just playing bro so that was how it looked like on him but now I'm going to show you how it looks when he does it on me and this will also tie into our next myth he's got to do it real quick there he goes boom now I'm stuck for our next myth if you teleport while being stuck like this you'll get kicked from the game so let me teleport somewhere far like Fountain guys can see I'm my hands aren't on the keyboard I'm literally like just flinging like this and the game anti-che is going to kick in and kick me from the game any moment now all right I've been doing this for about 5 minutes and even teleporting to different Islands to see how it would react and if it would kick me I haven't gotten kicked yet it's a cool glitch but false myth nonetheless next myth though ice Admiral in first SE is Invincible if you don't have the quest active so if you go over to Frozen Village and go under here you can see there's this door which normally would open if you had the quest line but we don't so we have to teleport through it like so you guys can see there's a ice Admiral boss now apparently he's going to be Invincible if you don't have the quest let's see let's try to attack him okay I'm I'm attacking him oh wait I'm dealing no damage okay so this myth is actually true you can't damage him unless you have the quest so while we're still on the portal fruit for this next myth you can M1 and even use gun m1's while in Portal Escape now normally when you use parallel Escape if you m one or use a move it instantly takes you out of parallel Escape here we go parallel Escape let's see if I can M1 them I I I can M1 them I can literally M1 him and hit him while in parallel Escape hold let's try that again with guns parallel Escape once again literally hitting him with the m1's and can hit him with the damn kabuchi M1 and he's even surprised he's saying huh wait what I actually didn't know that and for those of you portal Bays that could actually be very useful for you w myth moving on to myth number 20 20% of the video cyborg V3 skill can break obstacles in the game throughout block stre there are random walls that could be broken such as this wall right here if you use a skill on it you guys can see it is now broken normally you need to use like a specific skill on a weapon to be able to break it for example dark air slash wouldn't be able to as you guys can see right there let's see if cyborg V3 works here we go 3 2 1 boom and it does not work so cyber V3 does not break obstacles that myth is fake and while we're in second seed for myth number 21 apparently on the cold side of hot and cold there's a chest inside every one of the igloos let me goe and see if I can teleport inside oh there's a chest inside here huh I didn't even know that okay the first one had a chest in it let's check this one this one has a chest too bro there's no shot that third one has one bro it does it does it has a chest it has a chest in there bro that's actually crazy we're out here learning second SE lore that I didn't even know chest in all of the igloo that myth is confirmed now that was some cool second C facts but let's go for some third sea warrants for those of you players who are max level and tried to get in the shark acre you would know in order to craft the Monster Magnet you need fool's gold which supposedly is only supposed to drop from a haunted ship sea event but apparently regular ship raids drop fool's gold as well in third sea but it doesn't appear when they drop I have seven Fool's Gold okay so now what we're going to do is we're going to go out to see and if we get a regular pirate raid we're going to defeat it and see if my Fool's Gold goes up all right here we go finally got a normal Ship Parade let's go ahead and destroy it and see if we get any fool's gold one of them down we iron 25 fragments let's see boom another one down iron 25 fragments we had seven Fool's Gold beforehand now let's go ahead and check our Fool's Gold we had seven before let's see if we increase 10 Fool's Gold so this myth is actually true now I don't know why it doesn't notify you that you obtain Fool's Gold must have been a mistake on the dev's part but uh blocks versus Team please fix this not many people know about that next myth apparently if you use a transformation then teleport to third sea it'll bug you now I highly doubt if this is even going to be true but we're here to test it out let's go ahead and do Buddha shift let's talk to the experienced Captain there we go let's teleport to third sea and here we go and nothing happens just normal game I can still transform and and shift yeah nothing happen that was a little bit disappointing but let's see if this next one isn't apparently if you equip the magma fruit spawn a boat and go on sea and go under the boat like this and use magma shower it'll give you magma arms like like a bug or something so let's test this out let's go under the boat like this magma arms magnet shower oh there we go it worked so you have to like kind of like drown yourself a little bit go into the boat and use it to the point where it interrupts the move then it just creates this like blob of magma bro that's weird myth confirm next myth apparently cyborg V4 is faster than M V4 now I don't really believe this one but that's what we're here to find out got my friend Mar here he's going to be meek V4 I'm going to be cyborg V4 let's go ahead and get each other V4 real quick there we go I got my V4 now what we're going to do is we're going to race around this little circle and back here and the first person to get here wins let me say 3 2 1 and go so let's go ahead and do it there we go with the V4 jumps I should have a decent lead I'm pretty sure I think we actually might be in the lead heavy here boys damn cybor V4 might actually be faster than me V4 boys what the what the look at this I won I I I won wait if I did another cyboard jump at the end I would have won but he he he he just barely won man he said yeah I think you won that yeah I kind of mess up at the end by not doing another sideboard jump but like in terms of actual speed sideboard V4 with the super jumps is way faster I clear way more distance so that miss is actually confirmed man now that was a cool one but I'm interested to find out if this next one is true for the next myth apparently you can make kiten fly while in Angel V4 first things first I got to reset my race hopefully we get Angel first try there we go Angel race now what I'm going to do is get both kit a form and V4 at the same time there we go V4 let's activate it now let's go ahead and transform to Kits a and let's see if I hold space I should be able to fly right okay hold on it's not working normally when you hold space you should be able to float with with with with Angel V4 it's not working okay what about Q I can't even Glide with it okay yeah this just straight up does not work at all I was hoping that would because normally as you guys can see right here you can levitate and also Glide and fly with Angel V4 normally it works while holding moves but it seems like with this it does not myth sadly busted but while we're on the angel race this next myth is not really kind of a myth but just experiment I guess but apparently using gravity x with the angel bow is a one shot so let's go ahead and test it out so I got my friend Mar here I got the angel V4 active let's use gravity oasin and go up to him let's see if this one shots him and it almost does but it doesn't oh my gosh oh it doesn't it doesn't I thought that would myth busted though that does that does not one shot he is a 30 million Bounty though let's see if it works on a 2.5 mil here we go let's use it gravity o Basin with this and oh it did it one shoted a 2.5 million so technically this myth is still confirmed bro now that was pretty op but we have one more Angel V4 myth to test out and it's that a angel V4 can't make a ghoul V4 deal I'm going be honest this is this has got to be cap but we here to test it out now let's put to the test he has his domain I have my angel domain me step up closely and uh well no more questioning about that he definitely is kneeling and that boy getting packed up yeah that myth was just straight up false fake myth now you remember the Buddha sword glitch from earlier right well supposedly you can do it with T-Rex as well so you can see my sword is pretty massive right now okay pause so what you have to do is you have to get your Fury meter full with T-Rex so you can transform next step we have to pull out a smoke fruit hopefully I have one right there and as we're transforming we have to quickly switch out and pull the smoke fruit out that way we can go invisible so let's do it 3 2 1 there we go all right I did that perfectly now we are an invisible T-Rex here's where the next step comes in what we need to do is we need to switch over to the warden sword there we go equip that we got to use the Z move there we go and you guys can see now I am back to normal but my sword is literally twice as big also if we switch to any other weapon wall like this it'll stay big as well you guys can see look at that now my Shark anchor is like twice the size of what it would have been if I was normal size also I don't know if yall noticed but uh my character's also like twice as big so yeah that myth is firm but will it work for guns as well I guess all we got to do to find that is pull out this gun right 3 2 1 Boom the the gun is still small okay so yeah this does not work for gun that that myth is false now we all know the rubber fruit is immune to Grumble right as you guys can see I'm not getting hit by this lightning but apparently the rubber fruit is also immune to pull V1 and V2 moves let me tell my friend go ahead and equip pull V1 and try using a move on me go ahead use a move okay no I still got hit by that what about the second move yep still got hit by that too that's a little surprising I thought I wouldn't get hit since it's lightning technically but maybe I'll still be immune to P V2 let's find out and I am not immune now that didn't work but let's see if this next one does apparently if you use l diblo and soul guitar it has life steal capabilities so let me tell my friend to come here real quick get me low my boy all right there we go there we go that's good enough that's good enough we have 2,700 health I'm going to use l Diablo and let see if my health goes up oh it is going up a considerable amount damn it just jumped up jumped up to 4,000 so that myth is actually confirmed while we're on Soul guitar this next myth may be interesting apparently if you teleport to Honda Castle go over to the living skeleton and and hit him with the soul guitar M1 it'll actually heal them I don't believe that at all but uh let's go ahead and just test it out let me get this boy low real quick let me hit him with the M1 no it's still dealing damage it is still dealing damage I don't know who came up with that myth but that is just not true apparently you drown in water twice as fast when you have sign activate now to test this out we're going to go ahead and do it right now without sand let's see how quick I drown I would say this is probably about like close to 10 seconds around there now let's go ahead and equip the sand fruit and see how quick we drown now and the anime canonically sand is twice as weak to water than most other devil fruits so they should make sense let's see oh yeah oh yeah that is quick that is way quicker bro that myth is confirmed 100% next myth apparently when you dash you go further if you jump okay normal Dash goes what like 1 2 three squares let's do a dash and a jump oh you do go further you go like twice as far okay that's actually interesting and useful so if you're in PvP make sure to utilize them jumps boys myth number 36 you can get more than three Rumble dashes now the timing on this is a bit hard to do what you have to do is you have to wait a little bit between each electric flash electric flash one wait a second electric Flash 2 wait wait a second electri flash 3 wait a second now let me start spamming it oh I do not believe that worked here's a video of a guy doing it right here though and he's about to demonstrate how you do it so this myth I believe is confirmed I just got the timing wrong you guys can see right here he's spamming the F button 3 4 5 6 seven he got seven dashes there so clearly the myth works I just couldn't get it down number 37 apparently if you activate V4 transform to leopard then reset in water something crazy happens I don't really know what that's going to do I think I'm just going to end up dying so like let's just let's just try to do it bro okay and I don't think anything happen that myth is just false but let's see if this next one isn't apparently you can make a fruit invisible what you have to do is you have to reset and as you're resetting you drop the fruit and apparently it'll become invisible so what I'm going to do over here I'm going to reset boom but I'm going to drop the fruit you guys can see I dropped that at my inventory it should be on the ground right in this exact area I should be able to pick it up let me see let me go on the ground oh I picked it up it's invisible it's in my inventory it's in my hand but I I I can't see it hold on let me hand it over to my friend husky let me see now he's literally holding the invisible fruit that is actually kind of crazy now apparently portal m1's can glitch you inside walls for those of you who don't know what portal M1 is basically it's this right here now I've never actually glitched inside of a wall with this but let's go ahead and test it out here let's see let's aim it at this let's go in there oh damn I literally got that first try that me this confirmed bro like there's no no question about that that one is confirmed you can glitch inside walls with that 100% next myth apparently if two T-Rexes use a SE move on each other it bugs the game 3 2 1 go oh oh damn damn that bugged the game out bro I I honestly didn't even expect that that would work bro but that was that was kind of crazy next myth if you equip portal and use dimensional Rift you won't be able to use your world warp W and dimensional Rift now I've actually never tried this I've never tried teleporting one my dimensional Rift but let's go ahead and try it okay the Gateway pops up but will we be able to teleport let's click sea castle nothing happens the portal appears there and it went on cool down but you can't actually teleport so yeah that myth is true next myth apparently if you join a game as a marine then switch over the pirate you won't be able to Ally anybody start as a marine as you can see there is no Ally button normally it'd be where my cursor is right now but usually when you go switch to a pirate the button should reappear so let's go ahead and switch to a pirate and see if it does and no it doesn't you see that little empty spot right there where my cursor is that's where the Ally button would normally be but since I started off as a marine switched over the Ally button just glitched out which is very weird the devs should definitely patch that but that is myth confirm number 43 if you kill someone and then do a gacha you're guaranteed to get a legendary fruit let me type in chat someone come out here please let me go ahead and quickly just pack up one of these boys you know what I'm saying let me pack up this boy right here boom boom boom boom and one and one finish him off now let's go ahead and do a block sh gotcha [Music] and chop that just that just did not work whatsoever bro 44 if you're Meek V4 and use Meek V3 while in water it'll negate the water damage there's no shot this works right like there's actually no shot okay we're at the water we have V4 activated now let me use V3 yeah we're definitely drowning we're definitely drowning that is 100% cap number 45 apparently you can use control gamma rush outside of the room if you hold gamma Rush wait like 30 seconds event you will be able to move and use the outside of your room you see now my arms went down and now I can move but I'm still holding it my hand still holding V right now as you guys can see what I'm going to do is I'm going to have my friend come over here outside the room I'm going Let It Go Boom it activates it hits him and now the room is going to teleport to where I'm at right or I guess not I don't I don't know what the heck just happened but it still did damage you guys can see there so yeah that myth is 100% confirmed now that last myth was true but let's see if this next one is does the gamer Rush glitch have infinite range all right here we go I'm about to walk up to my friend Marise go ahead teleport me there we go let's see if it works or it still works does have infinite range it can be hit no matter where you are next up apparently if two gravity cane users use dimensional grasp on each other it'll bug the game all right so I got my f here he's going to use his dimensional grasp at the same time I do hold it and 3 2 1 go yeah nothing really uh interesting happened there okay well that myth is false now it didn't work with gravity cane but what about midnight blade it's going to be the same premise we're both going to use portal opening on each other and see what happens all right go oh damn okay that wasn't really buggy but that was nice that was nice still not what I was looking for though so that myth is still false let's use curs dual Katana next except this time we're going to make it a little more interesting you guys remember that cursed du Katana glitch we did earlier where it makes you stuck we're going to see if two people do it on each other will they both become stuck all right so let me go ahead do this okay let me unequip am I stuck h no it does nothing okay well that unfortunately was false doesn't work now all three of those weapon misss were false none of them worked but let's see if this fourth one does if two spiky Trident users use D hurricane in each other will the game bug 3 2 1 go yo yo that's what I was looking for right there I was looking for something game breing like that man one last time 3 2 1 go what what the bro he literally just teleported me to like under the map bro what this myth is confirmed something crazy indeed does happen number 50 boys we're now halfway through the video apparently the cdk X glitch works on NPCs and you can break them to where they can't move all right let's hold it boom unequip there we go let's see is he able to move man stuck so that actually works on NPCs that could be a way you could glitch NPCs number 52 if you eat a fruit and leave game before you finish eating it when you join back it won't activate so let's say for example you accidentally ate a chop if you leave while in the middle of eating it when you join back you'll stop have your previous fruit just to make this as realistic as possible I'm going to equip kids today and pretend I'm eating this top fruit eat all right here we go let's reset let's join back and let's see if we still have kitchen a equipped or if we have chop equipped all right here we go here we go and I love kids in equip so that is true if y'all accidentally ate a fruit one way you could avoid using it is just quickly leave the game before it finishes eating apparently if you use Flamingo ride on an NPC it makes it to where the NPC can no longer attack you immobilizing them so let's go ahead and go up to this NPC Let's test if that's true there we go he's still attacking me hold on let me see oh that that that doesn't work hold on let me see one more time oh wait it does work don't really know why you want to do that though now worked on NPCs but for the next myth does it work on bosses let's go ahead and go up to Bow and Hancock and let's use Flamingo ride and it doesn't look like it works on bosses okay let's give it one more try yep didn't even pick her up whatsoever so that myth is false but the first one is true next apparently if you go inside a Buddha you won't be able to Sky jump so you guys can see right now I can sky jump as usual normal me just go inside him and now I won't be able to Sky jump you guys can see right there for some reason it's just disabled you can't sky jump inside Buddhas that myth is true he said what you check it up there with nah bro no Diddy bro no Diddy relax with the sus jokes next myth apparently if someone summons a Sea Hunter Boat and you go inside the boat like this and transform the Buddha it'll make the boat fling so let's go ahead and do it Buddha and it didn't really do much of anything okay let's try that again maybe it's similar to the magma one where I got to be under the boat let me do it like this under the boat okay let's do like this uh yeah nothing's happening I'm drowning though I'm drowning though just let me know in the comments down if this is true but for me it's looking like a false next one if you use lightning thrust while using the teleport to home feature it'll make you fling teleport to home I'm going to equip e- claw and the moment it gets to 1 seconds I'm going to use lightning thrust oh it's supposed to put me on land when you teleport home but lightning thrust and made it like fling me like up in the air that was that was weird okay that myth is confirmed so earlier we couldn't Sky up inside of a Buddha and that myth was confirmed but apparently for this next myth you also can't sky jump while inside of a boat this one I think is a good one to try it out on all right so I'm going to stand right here and I'm going to try to Geo I'm spamming my Geo it's not working let me go a little bit outside of the boat and it's working let me go inside of it and it no longer works which is weird I don't understand why that doesn't work number 59 spring is faster than the light fruit all right I to test this myth out I have my friend exotic right here with the light fruit we're going to raise at the end of this bridge and whoever gets to the end first wins 3 2 1 and go boom ooh ooh we're actually winning we're actually winning we're actually winning boys spring actually won spring actually won bro and I wasn't even going as fast as I could now in terms of traditional speed spring is just not even close to as fast as light but in a race like this with walls to bounce off of spring is the fastest fruit in the game hands down next myth if you sit in a boat while teleporting to home the boat will come to land let me get my boat over here and let's sit down and and teleport see if it goes oh what it actually worked huh next up apparently love X has infinite range I did this in a video once and y'all didn't believe me y'all said it was fake y'all said it was crypted whatever whatever but let's just hold ahead and test it on a small scale Cupid zone right see that NPC over there that Raider let go to use over there see that range right there all right now let's double that see that Raider over there I'm now double the distance I was before so let's go up and see if it still hits Cupid Zone boom it's still hitting it's still hitting it's over there it's not hitting him but it's like right on top of him now let's take it a step further and test it out on a player got my friend exotic right over there we're going to test it up from this distance boom and it hits I don't think like much skills in this game would be able to even land that far so let's take it a step further go even further back no skill in the game would really be able to hit this far like let me use solar I don't even think that would hit yeah SAR doesn't even hit from this distance so let's see if Cubone does all right so let's go ahead and use Cupid Zone let's hold it there we go let's go ahead and shoot it out boom and it's still hitting him it's still hitting him from that distance that's crazy so there you have it man there you have it Cupid love zone is infinite range literally no move in the game is going that far distance next up you can phase through the ground in second sea using buddy sword now to do this what you need is someone standing on this brown little path outside a cafe right right in the middle you jump up hit him with both buddy swords moves real quick and you guys can see didn't work that time let's try it again this man said doooo all right bro you talking crazy all funny games so I launch you under that map man it's all funny games let's hit him here boom there we go you guys can see I launched him under there man's just drowned from the water under the map number 62 apparently if you use Dragon transformation in lava it's immune to damage so let's go ahead ahead and go over here to the lava let's use the dragon transformation and let's go down see if we can be damaged trying to go down as far as I can it's not letting me so technically by default this myth is true number 63 There is a hidden area inside haunted ship so if you equip portal and teleport to haunted ship and then you switch over to the T-Rex fruit there we go got Max Bar then you have to go in this room right here where the raid boss spawns go up to the chandelier go to the top of it right here transform to T-Rex and then hit teleport you guys can see this is now a secret area which is technically under the curs ship now that myth is true but let's see if this next one is technically this is under the curs ship which means you should be underwater can you move around in this without dying okay let's take a step oh damn my health went down quick look at that I went from 12,000 to 9,000 in like seconds look at this I'm going to move watch my health went down like another thousand what if I flash that boom let me do this yeah I died okay yeah that method is false you cannot move under here but it's still a cool area apparently dashing with the aetm rifle makes you dash faster so first off we need something to scale it by let me Dash without it let me see how this looks okay dashing let me pull out the acetum rifle M I wouldn't say it's faster it feels about the same if anything it's slower cuz now my feet are like dragging I don't know yeah I'm might have to say this myth is false I'm not feeling no difference but let's see if this next one is true apparently if you drop a fruit on the ground and World warp to a different Island the fruit will come with you there we go got the flame fruit I'm going to drop it right here now I'm going to World warp right next to it without picking it up right there okay that should be close enough to world war with me Doc one and the fruit did not come with so that is fake number 67 using SL winter clouds luck in chat will guarantee you a mythical fruit the gotcha you already know this one's 100% boys SL winter cla's look yes sir this man about to pull a crazy Mythic bro this man about to pull a crazy Mythic no shot bro actually pull something he said that's actually not bad I mean it's a legendary I gu I guess not a mythical so technically myths false but if you use SL winter clouds look you guaranteed to at least get a legendary next myth you can use gun attacks while riding a kit soon let me go ahead and mount let me see if I can do like gun m1's oh you can do gun m1's normally if you do move it like pushes you off of them immediately right so we could do m1's let's see if we can do spiky bomb nope spiky bomb gets me off of them as well so technically this is true you actually can use moves or at least the M1 while riding kitsu next up if you drop a fruit on the ground and use doish fuchila it'll make the fruit move all right so the fruit is right there see I'm going to keep my cursor right there the entire time if it moves then we'll see it move off of the cursor all right and it didn't move whatsoever my character was the one that moved from the doist fade myth busted number 71 if you equip the pale scarf use Ken then unequip it the Boost will still be there so we can see that guy right there that's my boy Marise let me tell him teleport to a far Island he is over there at the winter castle normally if you didn't have the pale scarf you wouldn't even be able to see him let me just demonstrate that real quick you guys can see without the P scarf I can't even see him now theoretically if we equip this activate our Ken right then equip a different accessory and don't unactivate our Ken it should still be there and it is true even without it activated you guys can see the P SC is not there we still have the Ken boost and this next one I think will be will be pretty interesting apparently if you transform into awaken Buddha while you're drowning you'll still be drowning as we all know if you transform into awaken Buddha and just go on water you guys can see it makes you immune to drowning but let's see if you transform while you're drowning what happens all right I'm drowning and yo I'm still drowning wait it stopped okay so that myth is false but the follow up on that this next myth is that awaken Buddhist can be drowned all right so right now he's in the water and he's not drowning he's perfectly fine but if I use a move that'll push him under the water then he'll start drowning for example do is Fay you guys can see now now he is drowning and actually getting packed up by the water so don't think buddas are just completely immune from drowning with certain moves you actually can pack them up and make them boys drown next myth if you stand on lava without moving you won't take damage and let's test this out an easy way to test this out we have cortal teleport to Lava have my hand off the keyboard I took damage initially but now I am no longer taking damage so this myth is true and while we're on Portal this next myth apparently if you use portal parallel Escape while on a boat it'll fling the boat I'm going to use parallel Escape while trying to sit down at the same time so let's see parall Escape one one more time one more time P escape and yeah none of it works okay this myth is false and continuing even further on the portal Miss apparently you can't use World War and teleport when you're during a law raid all right now I'm going to get this raid started by fighting law like this and then I'm going to try teleporting to Cafe oh it's true you can next up if you use the best friend move of Love while fighting a Sea Beast the SE Beast will Target the best friend instead of you so we got a C Beast now is our time to shine let's see if he targets my best friend or me we start hitting him oh he is talking to my best friend look at he's shooting straight at my best friend he's not even shooting me he's he's straight up ignoring me so this myth is actually true all right though with that myth out the way we have another one apparently second CC beasts give more fragments than third CC Beast so first off we got to go kill the C Beast we have here all right here we go here we go and SE Beast down we got 250 fragments for one SE Beast all right now we got to go to the third SE and check how much we get from that one we're now danger level three CB should Spa any minute now speak of the devil speak of the devil one CB over there all right bet bet bet all right here we go boom and oh wow this only gave me 150 so that myth is actually surprisingly true second ccbs give like 100 more next myth apparently while in mink V4 you can super Dash to glitch through walls there is actually a place in the castle on the sea I think it's like up here which you could glitch through the wall if you try let's see if it works here super super glitch boom okay it doesn't do it let me try this wall oh it went through that wall okay let me TR let me try that again boom yes sir you can glitch through walls with this two dragons using draconic Claw on each other will bug the game all right I got my boy right here we're going to hold draconic claw and then when I say go he's going to let it go and we're both going to use it at the same time 3 2 1 there we go and damn that was just like the spiky Trident move we did bro it kind of flung us around a little bit okay that myth is true but what do it do if we do it in the air let's see this next myth in the air let me tell him go O Okay that kind of bugged it a little bit more next myth you can't go up the stairs to the Temple of Time without there being a full moon active all right here we go now we got to talk to this guy right here mysterious ious Force we are now in the Temple of Time now this you can go into without a full moon just fine but if you open this lever go through this little doorway go straight across the hall you guys can see there's another entrance over here and you guys can see it is completely blacked out as you guys can see no matter how much I go up these stairs I'm never going to end up getting to the top of it because it's not a full moon now you may be thinking that the myth is true because of that but it's false my boy maras is currently up there even though it's not a full moon and that is because he has his race completely maxed out and have all the gears if you have those two things you'll be able to go up there at will whether it's a full moon or not so this myth is false you don't need a full moon to go up there number 82 unawakened magma ultimate does more damage than the awakened version I'm going try to aim it right so all of them hit too magma meteors boom okay there we go it's doing a lot more this time 3,597 now let's go do the awaken version and compare awaken volcanic storm boom yo yeah yeah that that is way damn damn 7,365 that that is not even close this is no competition bro awaken magma wins by long shot next one apparently if you hold an ability while trying to go through a portal it won't teleport all right there he goes right there as soon as I'm walking in I'm going to hold 1 th000 strikes there we go oh it didn't do anything hold on hold on that was weird the first time it didn't teleport me the second time it did one last time this some time I try it with D yep there it is right there completely bug when you hold a move like that then it starts to bug okay so that's true that myth is true and speaking of not being able to hold moves if you hold an ability while being teleported through a raid it will bug you there we go and now what I'm going to do is I'm going to activate it except I'm going to be holding an ability right here holding it should teleport me any second now and it did nothing all right that one wasn't true but since we're in the Phoenix raid let's go ahead and do this next myth apparently the Phoenix raid regular NPCs are higher level than the raid boss itself these guys right here on the first island level 3,55 and let's see what level The Raid boss is all right boss about to spawn in let's find out boys all right there he goes let's go ahead and go in there and see he is level 237 he's actually low level to the NPCs bro what now as you can see I am now sailing back in the danger zone once again and the reason why is for this next myth you can make a terror shark despawn danger level four Terror shark should be spawning any moment now there we go boys a terror shark just spawned all right I have to act quick before me and my boat die so apparently all you have to do is just press dimensional Rift right when I go on my Dimension he should be disappeared by the time I go out if this works this would be lit bro dealing with unwanted teror is so annoying all right so let's go out now and he should be gone and oh no way it actually worked myth confirmed man the cool thing this also works for any event as well you guys can see a go ship just SP dimensional Rift and let me go back out and the ghost rate is gone 88 similar to a myth we had earlier apparently if you eat a fruit and reset while you're eating it won't activate Okay so let's go ahead and eat the ice fruit and then let's go let reset and let's see does it activate it's still activated that myth is false it doesn't work like the other one where if you leave the game it doesn't activate 89 if you pull out a smoke fruit while transformed into kitsun a it will go invisible let me get all my Tails real quick boom boom boom there we go now what I got to do is I got to pull out a smoke fruit and as I'm transforming quickly switch over and there we go boys invisible kit soon 100% confirmed it number 90 for this one I got to talk to this luxury boat dealer and get a boat I'm going to get like the lantern boat now I have to go back to portal and the myth is if you sit down while trying to do World warp it won't teleport you so let me go ahead and just do this there we go I'm sat down on the chair and I have my Gateway portal menu open let me try to teleport to port toown and as you guys can wow that is weird I I didn't think it would work like that but looks like sitting down negates being able to teleport now we all know that leopard form makes you immune to taking damage from lava as you guys can see right here I'm taking no damage whatsoever but apparently if you're activated in cyborg V4 for some reason it makes you immune to Lava which I think is count but let's find out all right here we go let's activate cyborg V4 now let's go transformation I have no idea why would this makeing me take damage in lava but let's test it out and this is false I do not take no damage whatsoever let me go over here like I did with the dragon form oh wait okay suddenly I can take damage from lava so that myth confirmed huh that's weird bro kit a with pilot helmet is faster than do now to find this out we're going to do the same method we did earlier we're going to race from the start of this bridge to the end 3 2 one and go all right all right I'm using my scorching donut damn damn I'm going get dusted shees this is Undisputed this is Undisputed bro pil but kitsu is way faster kitsu may be faster than dough but is it faster than light though next myth we're racing against light countown again husky count down again let's do this 3 2 1 and go all right bet I may have aimed it wrong I may have aimed it wrong but oh he's already he's already ahead of me he's already ahead of me he's already ahead of me yeah kitsun is faster than light 20 in Kit's favor last but not least boys I got one more thing up my sleeve it may have been faster than light and D but is it faster than spring the thing that beat light earlier too last race spring versus kit a and go all right all right I got the spring leap let's see how this keeps up oh I'm actually in the lead I'm actually in the lead yo yo spring actually won so Spring's actually even faster than pilot helmet kitsen a that's wild so the last one is busted helmet kit a is not faster than screen and while we're on kit a apparently for this next myth if you Ally someone let them Mount you as a kit a then un Ally them the kits a will deal damage to the person mounted to them all right I got my kitchen a form let me do transformation let me tell my boy Mar Mount me pause okay there he goes He mounted me now what I'm going to do is I'm going to un Ally him and now I should be hitting him just by M1 yep I'm hitting him by m oneing he's literally mounted to me and I'm hitting him bro that's wild I could Lally just kill him if I wanted to while he's on my back even he's surprised in chat he said what the hell so yeah that is confirmed if you hold a cursed enchantment after you run out of Sky jumps it will lend you more sky jumps so let's go ahead and use it 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 I ran out sky jumps can't jump anymore let's hold a curse enchantment holding it for a while let's see if this works and it didn't regen my GEOS so that is false now that didn't work for kiden but I believe it does work for leopard 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 now you got to hold spiraling kick you got to hold it for like 10 15 seconds and it'll grant you your GEOS back one of my favorite glitches in the game hopefully it didn't get patched a moment of truth and let's see nah I got patched bro it doesn't work anymore oh both of those myths were fake myth 98 M1 spamming while holding Ken Vander grants you a little bit of float time in the air all right I'm going to jump up really high and I'm just going to spam M1 really quick oh you can get a little bit of float time in the air okay you know what I'm saying we got floow time we got hang time you know what I'm saying okay that myth is true myth 99 the lower stat points you have in health the less damage you take from lava all right so right now I lose I don't really know how to lose I don't know how to count that but like I lose a ton per second like I died in the matter of seconds so let's go ahead and do a stat Point reset there we go one defense and let's see how much I take then oh yeah you take way less oh it just scales with your health okay so that myth is true and now for the final myth myth number 100 now as you guys see in human V4 it affects the terrain and there's like little rocks or like particles coming off the ground now apparently if you transform into Buddha these rocks become bigger scaling with the size of Buddha oh it does look at that look at that look at the terrain bro look at the Terin bro that's fire that you last myth if I do say so myself anyways boys that is 100 myths busted in one video I spent a ton of time Gathering all this together so hopefully y'all boys enjoyed it
Channel: WinterKloudz
Views: 421,099
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blox fruits, roblox blox fruits, blox fruits update, blox fruit, blox fruits myths, blox fruits roblox, roblox fruits in blox fruits, blox fruits noob to pro, blox fruits codes, blox fruits race v4, i busted 16 blox fruits myths, roblox blox fruit, blox fruit roblox, blox fruits live, i busted 15 blox fruits myths, i busted blox fruits myths, busting myths in blox fruits, myths blox fruits, blox fruits troll, blox fruits kitsune fruit, blox fruits race awakening
Id: ndC2mTRrrvQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 39sec (2319 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 07 2024
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