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hello I'm if the ex slick am walking backs video stay of something rather special for you all because it is going to be a collaboration with my good friend green if you don't know greens quite well known for making building styles teaching people how to make things better in their minecraft builds and one of the things I like still in my channel is to make terrible minecraft builds there's just something beautiful about a build that's just perfectly wrong and I've made a lot of fun videos on it and Middle Earth on videos and I really enjoy seeing bad minecraft builds and I think you're given that we have literally opposite talents that'd be a fun opportunity for us to make a game outfit so today's Li is all about that I've shown grin a few of my bad builds and we're gonna see what he thinks of them we're gonna see how he reacts and builds with them and then I'm gonna try and re ruin them and we're gonna see exactly if we have a good builds or bad builds by the end so hopefully you'll enjoy the video like if you do like it because it helps out the channel and let's say you do like this fun wacky I do but anyway green what do you think of some of the awful minecraft builds I've shown you so far your builds have proven to be somewhat in need of improvement so hopefully in today's lesson you're gonna learn how to make something worse and I'm gonna learn how to make something better because I've taken some of my worst minecraft builds from several series I've done and you're going to be trying to save them and then I'm gonna you know and we're gonna be taking turns and then I'm gonna be trying to ruin them just afterwards so would you like to get straight into it yeah so the concept is we spend a minute each basically battling to try and I'm trying to save this build and toy cats trying to ruin it and I guess at the end we'll see who was the most successful and I have a feeling you might have the upper hand here so I have the advantage in this obviously because ruining something is a lot easier to make it good so my rules are like I'm not just gonna destroy what he's done I'm not just gonna throw a cobblestone or of it my goal is to make it look like something someone might actually end up building again misguidedly like our first build here can you draw a quick tour around it yeah let's have a look so this is the would you call it a tree house it is a tree house is it not it's on top of a tree and it's good like perching on it looks like it's gonna fall over it's the first house you make in Minecraft it's a perfect representation of Minecraft because it's a cube I think you'll notice and because I'm really good at details you might have missed this one it's got stairs on the top so it's like oh no no I didn't Oh trust me I didn't I did not miss that one and then to make it even better this is like next-level minecraft building it's got some locks over here to really add that extra let but it's a beautiful Minecraft build already so got your working out for you but would you like your a minute to try and make it even better yeah so I've selected the blocks which I think I'm gonna need for this one let's just grab them so yeah we both have these same chests sort of ingredients to either work or room with it yeah off the blocks but just over half the blocks which shows my green and a few of them were chosen by me you can probably see when you look at it which ones came from which four yeah I definitely chose the wet sponge all right so that's gonna be in charge of my minute timer and he's gonna tell me which that's exactly now go oh yeah okay I've got like no time at all to try and improve the build yeah I think we agreed the like drink to do something constructive takes a lot more time than just trying to break away something so I'm really curious to see oh well so I want to point out that this is my first time on this edition the better together one like I haven't Windows 10 edition it's completely new to me so hang around is weird because they've like removed momentum and like I keep short falling myself I'm like where I need to land so that's gonna take some getting used to which I have like a left you have 20 you know at 10 seconds I'm about 10 seconds yeah I might not finish this bit but I'm really impressed actually I thought my work would be really easy but I guess not so you have one second left one second none oh it's over okay okay that's as far as I got what do you think I managed to put a little dormer on it I was I'm actually really blown away by like it looks like you know like a real build one of a sudden but that might just change so if you stop - okay so let me get your timer up Andy ready yes three two one go okay so I'm going to start with a chimney because every house needs a good chimney right and we have this perfect block for it right here as you can see looking really really good I think helping me see that's that's let's have that code there and then we gotta have smoke coming out the chimney right let's out chimneys walk correct me mate what are you gonna use for smoke I didn't even include like cop are no I mean I mean I grapple would work too right no even a new would use wet sponge it's too hard to get you right okay so we've got the chimney again that's that's where that's gonna come out of I think it's also worth adding like a proper way up to the tree house because right now even 15 seconds could I make a proper pathway no and then they you go five-second can't even use that come on you cannot get up there okay and you're times that that is a hundred percent usable I let quickly prove okay how do you get from this thing you see you see it's a little but it keeps the creepers out so that's really and if you look it's beautiful as well it's a spiral staircase they're in right now alright I'm gonna attempt to finish my build all right I made my side of things right you ready okay go you time it started so what is this I hate speed building like yeah I know that I build battle a lot but even then I take my time five minutes is a lot more than one yeah what woman it really isn't enough time to do a lot of things like you think a minute so long until you start trying to yeah significant down in it I like what this is but I'm not sure that it's meant to actually be would you like to elaborate on that well I'm giving it a proper a-frame I'm giving the house a proper roof and shape and then my plan was to actually add it in some roof blocks but you've actually used the block I was gonna use for the roof he loses the chimney so that's covered my plans somewhat I'm a roof some chiller might just might leave that as like that for now just to make this front face as best I can I'm gonna framework sent ten seconds we're gonna make some quick framework I might actually manage to finish one side of this behind it's over okay that's getting there it's getting there I'm really liking that one in particular so I'm gonna say it's been a couple of seconds get some new blocks out because you know I'm really liking this jungle wood but let's try and bury this up shall we so I'm gonna welcome the interior now I think so if you wanna start on the inside we have wait you didn't even include a door oh how about I do that now yep three two one go okay so the doors gonna be here I reckon right yeah I thought you heard right there right next to where it shouldn't be that's perfect placement you gotta have a way to get in so we have like a proper okay little balcony yeah that's perfect and now let's now let's do the inside because it's a little bit a little bit bland in here so we'll put some carpet aboard we can't cover the whole thing in carpet yet so just like make sure we huh like you know it's it's a it's a modern design thing where you just only have half your house covered in carpet uh-huh okay yes it's like a very used carpet we'll have like a little step everyone can sit on over here as you can see yet okay and then of course we'll have a little mosaic pattern on the door so that people can see when they come in this is a this is a classy house it's up Roman wait was that is I meant to be like another carpet it's like a rug cuz that's the carpet and this is like gonna see well fill in the gaps too don't worry I'm not gonna I'm not sure ruin on purpose and oh wait wait wait Oh time is oh okay okay I did one more thing that's a good interior if you ask me I think as far as things I could've done I think my audience are turning in there see it's like they're not happy all right I'm trying to save this build I'm gonna focus on the exterior I think the interiors like beyond gone okay you got a minute starting now okay I'm having to this is my final round yeah we'll make it the phone around okay right I'm we're gonna buy that's what he heard that a finished house and we can tour it we can do the it's gonna be beautiful so we can we can also if you want we can leave a poll and see it who ends like the audience who the audience thinks yeah I like that we don't where if we if we do a bunch of these we can say like who likes overall and who is better at their craft again technically for it to be me but I think you're doing a really good job given the situation that like I thought it would just be like I run away like the pink carpets gonna ruin everything but it's almost looking homely well I'm really struggling to deal with this situation of a second side as well that's oh yeah your time is a few seconds how many I think it's over now okay okay that's it is that was that the last round or do you got one more you got right yeah well let's let's give it a try but you've only had two right oh no wait did you have to I've had so you know I'll go for one last round and I'll add something nice to it so do you want stop my timer yep and ready 3 2 1 go so I'm gonna add like a back porch because if you're even this guy you want to enjoy that view right I think we can all agree yeah this this view yeah actually the better together update it I don't know if renders the background really really well so I will agree with you that the view is much nicer to look at and a job for addition you could well I disagree with your one single massive platform with zero support how would you want to support okay if that's what you need for oh no no please it's supported by a tree so that's a hundred percent safe and then we'll just quickly you know and we don't quite have a door blocks we'll just have like this like it's oh yeah that's a nice feature yeah that's I I'm actually I'm happy of this already so I'll just uh and I go for seconds left okay when we come camping we can count and stop there we go we'll just block some of the view of our it's a shame we don't have lights and frames or a pitch but yeah this is this is this is good I like I guess like we give it a give me a little tour so what I've done is I've attempted to make the front look presentable and I'd say it does look quite kind of presentable and then as soon as you go to any other angle you realize what I'm s is the other side of the houses I think honestly you've made the side of the house worse back when it was a cube this looks fine now it just like it looks that place honestly I think I didn't have an opportunity to make this site any better you you have to kind of visualize that this one side here would have been on every single side plus the roof if I had had my way wait are you saying you wouldn't have a Crabble chimney is that what you're saying I'm definitely saying I wouldn't have a privileged Jimmy I definitely wouldn't have had this terracotta chimney either I definitely I might have included a balcony out the back but I wouldn't have had this gigantic support so I think that was beyond repair okay you know I I think this is really good personally I think that I've done too bad a job here because it looks beautiful from every angle beside the sides they look a bit plain but the balconies beautiful the inside it's rustic you know it's a it's a it's coming back in it's like the home that's been abandoned for three years look and the wet sponge it's up to the audience oh we can't wait how do you even get out of here you gotta get out you have to leave for the balcony that's that's the beauty okay my design it makes you use the whole house so you want to move on to the second one don't see my second beautiful bill yes just one quick look for the audience you decide who won that round place a boat down below ever this is the worst thing you've seen or the best thing you've seen because it's really only one of those two things the next one is over here okay so this is so you've seen a lot of wall designs in your day right yeah I've seen a fair amount of walls and I set out to make so this is from one of the worst builds ever this is a wall which was designed to be creeper proof and as you can see if a creeper spawns over here I placed a sign to illustrate a creeper would not be able to get through this wall because it's too high and then because I figure like just cobblestone wall that's ugly we can both agree right yeah and I gel when you said this was creeper proof I thought you had some amazing design that I'd never heard of with this sand and this like because lads I thought this was like some magic I'd never heard of that keeps the creeper away but no it's just the designer the link of it this way though what if the creeper thinks that - yeah sure but have you considered that the creeper can just walk around creepers are not that smart you see I I made the creepers pay for it and I'm just saying the this base right here this is represented by a coal block 100% safe you can don't even alright so am I going first or do you want to go first um I'll let you go first cuz I think I've had a pretty pretty fair shot already with this ball so would you like your 60 seconds begin yeah I don't know what I'm gonna do alright I'm ready okay go I'm excited to see this actually cuz there's some day I'll let you do almost you could almost just overwrite it and start again but I think I think working with it it's gonna be the challenge oh you see you last night oh wait no I did you start the time oh yeah oh would you move to okay so that's not not so now I said start okay just anyone to go your time began say boom I'm gonna get rid of that sand straightaway because that is a problem but now the creepers this I think I'm just gonna make this up completely like I have no idea what I'm gonna do here looking for hands already that's like looking like an Aztec build or something yeah I'd I don't honestly I don't know I'm just gonna randomly play some I don't see like I'm just making this up I'm just placing some random staircases when in doubt span staircases you get an awesome shape that's true I'm probably not gonna make this consistent put one there and another row here's get rid of those how's it looking on the time you go up now few five seconds left so you might want to make them count yeah yeah five seconds I'm just gonna the main thing is getting this cobblestone away from the wall so that you can actually see it oh no I forgot these I'll get you time okay okay so before I go I just want to quickly ask what are these beams here I've never seen a wall having support beams they're just meant to be there for support because it's like only one block thick and I guess I just wanted to give it a bit more depth and structure okay okay grab some blocks we don't a sickly anything anything I do is gonna be for looks and not for functionality and that's why I get I get a lot of backlash from my audience because they're like well that's not practical at all like well it's not meant to be practical as meant to look good in your defense on this one it wasn't creeper before and it's not creeper proof now so it's just as functional as it was so yeah exactly it's just a wall 100% functional okay so you want to salt my time and three two one go okay so I'm gonna take your mossy stone right here and I think we're just gonna have a lot of it saturate a little bit cuz we we went and raided a stronghold and you know I'm gonna go to include that everywhere so just lots of it and a nicely happy to put it in a chassis that would actually work if it wasn't in a checkered pattern it's already yeah like you could have actually made this floor look really nice if it wasn't just completely checkered if it was all randomly set in the ground then it might actually look good mixed in with some cracked and some normal I could actually I might even be able to repair the damage that you've done oh why did you have to put glass in a wall because it's look like it's got an aztec feel and you decided to add glass it's a modern aztec feel modern has tech right yeah defining a new style here you've got ten seconds okay the worst be higher on this side because there's like a bit of girls behind it but we'll just we'll just cover it over there instead in fact we'll do that both sides four seconds three two oh no no no no what and time oh okay wait is there a slime block there or not for you there is no slime bar okay Brooke okay then as you can see the wall is a nice combination of modern with Aztec the the fusion as I like to call that I've never heard of a modern Aztec build but I have now so this is probably not what it looks like either so you're officially confirming you're officially confirming this is the best modern Aztec build ever all right I'm ready to continue this monstrosity and I'm gonna actually try and repair the damage you can now go right I'm gonna finish off what I was doing last time and then if I take the cracked and mix it in just so then I might be able to repair the damage that you've done to this floor Wow by mixing insulting how'd I'm not touching anything I'm not touching anything that you placed that's the key like yeah I'm not I'm not ruining your build I'm not briefing that's good that's good I mean your name's too close to griefer I'm just saying like yeah looks a bit better and I think what I can add is just another little bit your website probably looks a bit odd actually but oh well I don't know what to do with this lastly you've created I mean you chose to put the the glass panes on the box I just chose to use them yeah for Windows later on is that not a window it wasn't meant to be for the wall three seconds quickly two seconds oh and it's okay right well I think I actually repaired a bit of the damage you've done to be fair I like it yeah I think I think that that there that's modern house tech at its best that's okay one more time all right so is that is that it or is we got one more oh no I'm yeah what I'm gonna at least have my round I think okay all right are you ready yeah I'm ready three two one okay okay so I'm thinking we need a bit more height to the wall and it seems that your your pillars freshly from before really is paying off so have like a few supporting pillar sir I think well we'll make this one because if you have them the same pipe they look ugly together but if you make one a little bit higher than the other see it's it's its limit consistently so I'm gonna it looks like a bus it looks like Aztec basketball or something like if you add in a hoop you could just like don't get in and you just added some slime just fit just for the oh no because that that's so you can bounce on it and you can look at the creepers and they can because you okay you gotta think if you're up here you want to bounce on something so I get how do you get up here there is no way up here see that's why it's a really good ball it's like a security point so I'm going to surround the base of even more mossy cobblestone that's all beautiful block for the day and then just to finish it up just a little bit just you got three seconds okay that's that's good he really painted this behind so add some more modern Ellison see like there's there's a big modern on the edges but the center's wasn't feeling modern and what's more modern than pink carpet training oh goodness so this is the new modern Aztec style at the back it's just a flat wall but it's these bits that stick out that really ruin this build really we're in this all right so it's up to you just let us know in the comments who wins and who loses I think this one's been thoroughly ruined to be honest it's it's more noticeable on this one than the house over there because at least one side of that house looks okay I think if you just spent 10 seconds doing the same thing you did in that slide on this side I think that would have saved it honestly mom dad's tech make it happen alright should we move on to the final on to our final build so the doozy this is the most up voted bad minecraft house ever it's so you didn't make this I did not make this one this is from a subreddit I cannot name but it's um it's one of the very worst minecraft builds as voted on by hundreds of people and around it like they put it's not that it's just bad it's the there's a tension put in to how bad it is if you look around okay so the this is like consensus of the Minecraft community that this is the worst house ever made and it was purposely made so yes it was it wasn't someone didn't just like make a bad minecraft house they will let you know by accident this was someone who was like how can I offend the most people and they said okay all right I'm gonna have to go and select some new blocks me too I think this is gonna require a whole new palette I think you know moderns just not gonna cut it when you've got this isn't gonna be fun this one I have one prediction for what you're gonna do and I think you're gonna place a window in that frame there can you confirm or deny this I will neither confirm nor deny the fact that I will be adding windows Oh windows it's not just windows singular you have got some fancy words yes right okay I'm ready am I going first as usual yeah yeah I've given my explanation you can go first now all right so first of all got to get rid of these random blocks that are just everywhere after you get these serve no purpose also the most eco ball I'm gonna have to cover that up I'm gonna try and give as much I'm gonna do as much as I can with the time that I've been given but your issue is I know you're gonna give that room there's no way I'm improving it I'm improving it so I'm gonna try and give it a little roof as well as with most minecraft builds I suppose and that should indeed cover up the cobblestone on top but I won't have enough time to finish them so I don't I don't think I'll be able to cover all of this up ten seconds I think I've actually made a mess here I'm really not used to flying and I don't think until you play you will never understand how different is yeah I'd recommend playing edition oh and that's your time over okay I'm just gonna race now I definitely did some work there I cleaned that up you know I think it's only fair I help you continue your your roof desires I think that's fair right I've you know I'll let you decide should I help you of your roof board you to work on perhaps a back porch or a garden like it's up to you I mean it's your game that's true I'll take my minute exactly how I want it I'll do both in fact so okay you ready yep three two one go okay so we're gonna continue your variable but oh come on but because oh no not even not even like being consistent in your inconsistency it's me it's as you can see it's a very well-known technique in the beauty world and it's making the house look just beautiful we're gonna add we're gonna clean up this antara a little bit okay clean it up yeah I suppose it doesn't eat cleaning I don't think you can do much damage in here to be honest having the rug over there I think that really helps and then we gonna add the back porch so the back porch is gonna be out here there's not much of a garden so it's gonna be one block thick and that's the gut that advise the garden good and then obviously this is something you miss and I'm surprised I thought you were the master builder a chimney oh goodness sake I didn't even get that far you've got five seconds making time is up I I did pretty good in that time okay I think I've cleaned this up a lie thank you some well really yeah okay all right I'm ready okay time starts now right let's just finish off the roof because if I cover up if I cover up this cobblestone successfully I think I have a good chance of winning this round Oh so if I give that a little bit of shape one here one there and then I think there we go that does that does wonders yeah that's doorway techniques guys don't have roof access have like fences instead all right now I got to finish off this other side of the the roof before you have a chance to ruin it because I feel like that's where this is going to go wrong I mean you already tried but you basically helped me a lot because things like time to fill in those blocks everyone watching agrees is that's a really pretty pattern I think it's it's weird you know I think your pal the roof looks weirder than my partner I'd go I think if it was spruce over jungle it would it would be better I I think I haven't even kept it consistent here I think five seconds and I think I got it I'm gonna actually just make that chimney at least oh you dip into the wall about there we go right I've got to spend like 20 we've like we've got like a full house here now right it's like yeah and if you learn if you remember what it looked like before I think you will agree that this is a significant improvement and this is you are not doing your job properly this is three minutes of build time to write like oh yeah I think I helped a lot you not go me I'm I'm so generous I'll help you around but I guess I do my next round now then so you want to stop me yep you ready 3 2 1 go so I think we need like an annex building right so I'm thinking like are you just gonna make a straight new one for me to have to deal with I mean like house are you gonna use the Minecraft bathroom so we're gonna make an L of these chiseled stone going for that modern as technical again it's in right now I don't we don't have doors so we'll just leave it like that yeah I mean that did the Aztecs have the modern doors I mean I'm sure what are you doing in here I'm gonna have a roof access so why why would you have roof access there's no roof there's no space up there and then I'm gonna do a garden out front because we all have two Gardens because the back one's a little bit small you know no space for activist yes so 15 seconds and I think you know you had two didn't you you had to make it okay I remember is to always build diagonally and I'm really taken advantage of that tip right here okay I'm adding some random brown add your time is up oh oh I was trying to get that in the hole I swear I was I didn't want to place it there but if that is that all the rounds that we do I should we put this last one I think we should do neck which I think okay we're almost there you know like this is an almost real house okay right okay I got an idea I'm ready go your time slots now I'm gonna try my best to fix your monstrosity of an outhouse whatever if that's what you can call it as TECA Madonna is the that's that that's the name is it let's fill in this space here so that you can't see that mossy cobblestone it looks like a dog kennel now and I really like it that's not what it's supposed to look like can I buy you a round and make this diagonal nonsense I think I'll just repair this damage that you've done I guess I could put in just a bit of a floor here big big and shut the door uh-huh I could add another window in the side here just to give it a bit more circuiting I really don't have enough time to do anything with this cuz it had to choose the square block okay I think I made some very neat well much needed repairs to that so that outhouse I've got one final round great yep that's it this is your last one to make it count you ready yes let's go okay why not go get it so I think you're the biggest criticism you made is that there was no roof access and I agree with you entirely so I'm gonna add a second floor just over here so we'll do over you know we'll round it off later for now we just need to have probably main round off lights you're definitely not gonna finish a second layer dome in it okay no no no I can have I got hungry go you've got 40 seconds that's plenty of time he's Craig and he's bottling it he's bottling everything's back on baby's back what is this you're just making a block on the house yeah no no it's okay wait and then we go to the top we're gonna make it connect up with the chimney it's gonna be like a chimney second floor you know oh my goodness the worst part is I could repair this and you got ten seconds and then the chimney has to go up some more - times up okay why I failed I destroyed two blocks can we put those back no no no no ties up I didn't get the place box but the time was gone it's oh boy so I think I think I think when you consider what it looked like before this is still an improvement I would say this is a beauty compared before even when you look at the yard and you look at the second-floor chimney even all of this stuff it's still like good in comparison but to be honest with you if you didn't have that final round I think this would have been a presentable little house yeah I think I think you could have freshly done it that way so I think for the rounds I think you probably might actually have this last one but I think it's up for the audience to decide which yeah take it take all free and like maybe do like a round by round brick down who won who won the first house the tree house if you will who won all right I guess really I mean you're just gonna give a little tour of each one so this is the final round this is round a three week at did that monstrosity let's go over to the Aztec modern the modern Aztec walled up saying those words hurts me with the basketball hoop type things in the glass and I think you I think you've got this round personally yeah I think I think it's pretty and then the first round was the tree house which if you look at it from this angle I definitely win but if you go anywhere else it's still a monstrosity so let us not so and put cat I think toy cat has the interior ruined every time mainly because I don't touch interior at all I female a smart few actually I think the not touching the interiors like you can focus on the biggest stuff yeah that wet sponge I don't know for me at least the exterior is more important and I think so yeah let's no comments down below breakdown build is the treehouse bill - is the wool bill free is the thing and we're walking out later who wins and they'll be like cake and trophies and it we great yeah and you you win some you win ten green points and twenty imaginary takeout points because the exchange rate isn't so great on those so it's about the same value but thank you very much in this video you anything else you wanna say before we go yeah I just wanted to actually point out that I'm playing on the computer and toy cats playing on the Xbox so this is a collaboration that wouldn't have been able to happen without this better together update so that's really cool it is what I pointed that out like this this couldn't have happened otherwise right yeah when you if you watch this back like he's playing on PC or the keyboard of mouse I'm playing on xbox but controller and we're just in the same world it's working like flawlessly and I like that so it's someone we were from walked upon when we first on the game and it's pretty good actually so yeah like the new if you like being better together dislike it if you don't like playing Minecraft I thank you very much for watching and I'll see you in will see you in the next one let us know if you want to do this again also good bye [Music]
Channel: ibxtoycat
Views: 661,821
Rating: 4.9062557 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, xbox, windows, 10, ruining, worst, best builds, grian builds, worst builds, toycat, grian
Id: jeyXunS6XrE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 49sec (2089 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 29 2017
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