EVERY Minecraft Mob, Ranked Worst To Best

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hello i'm wx toy cat and today i wanted to rank every single mob in minecraft but first we need to know the question of how many mobs are there in minecraft and that's actually a pretty hard question to answer because it depends on what you count as a mob but if we count all of the used mobs so nothing that's been removed or it's just sitting in the game code then we get 69 mobs yes really and we're gonna be ranking from bottom to top and we're going to be going based on how much i like them as a player but also how much i like the game design one would be the perfect mob design that i wish we could see in every single update and 69 would be the sort of thing that leaves a bad taste in your mouth after you experience it so with that said let's go straight to the 69 on my list and i know you all see this one coming but we have to mention the phantom is the worst mob in minecraft i went through every single other mob to try and think of a worse mob design but no the phantom is a mob that actively detracts from the game in so many ways first of all obviously it's the fact that you have to go to sleep every three days it's a fun enough mechanic for single player you might argue except you wouldn't actually argue because it's always very annoying but if you're playing a multiplayer you just can't sleep and phantoms spawn constantly and they have some of the most annoying attacks so you can't just get rid of them no you have to wait for them to fly into you and then uh it's a whole thing but even ignoring that you might think oh well fandoms are cool because you get phantom membranes which is how you repair the elytra and you like repairing your leeches except no this is contrived game design they took something away from us the ability to repair electrics using a readily available ingredient the lever and then they gave it to the phantoms meaning the fandoms are not only a bad mob because they're annoying and because they make your game worse in single player but they actively remove from the multiplayer experience unless you use commands which you shouldn't have to do and they actively removed from the electro experience making it significantly more annoying to repair something making minecraft worse than it would be without it we voted wrong at minecon 2017 and boy you better believe the phantom reminds me every single night i'd say every day but obviously it's a phantom so with that said the 68th worst mob is not actively removing from the game but it does make me question its existence every single time i see it because the bat is a cool idea it was added in the scary update the spooky scary uh you know 1.4 update and you know i kind of get that they were just going for this ambient mob that maybe would make things spooky when you hear a bat screech it has the tiniest bit of fear but nowadays when you hear a bat screech you're like huh that's a bat that's the first time i've seen one of those in forever the bat is an incredibly rare mob and when you kill it you get nothing there is no back wing drop or something that can actually improve the game making you push them no you kill the bat and it's gone and it's dead and there is no real purpose to this mob there are so many things they could have done with it but they've done nothing and it makes the game again it has one little feature that makes it not actively removing but otherwise it's just a feature that exists in the game unlike the polar bear which exists and you know and admittedly if you removed it tomorrow most people won't notice but the polar bear is slightly more annoying than the bat because uh you know it exists in the game and is mostly neutral until it has a cub nearby except whether it has a cub nearby or not seems to be a very buggy mechanic and it's not even one that you can really work with too much and the only reason it gets to be better than the back is because it's got the same kind of annoying thing except you can consistently find it in one place and you can kill them to get fish if you really want to do it that way but again polar bears super terrifying they their behavior doesn't match the real world behavior if you're curious polar bears will just kill you they are one of the most terrifying types of bears i heard this phrase that's like what to do with bears because it's a wait when you go hiking in america it's a real fear that you might find bears so if it's brown lay down if it's black fight back if it's white good night that is uh my life lesson that minecraft won't teach you but you know what minecraft will teach you cod is apparently not a very good fish i you know it's a big thing in the uk where i'm from so i should love cod uh by all rights you know fish and chips and all that but you know the lack of chips in minecraft ruins it and more seriously cod is one of the worst mobs because they added fish as a mob to the game and when they did that they could have made cod more exciting in some way because you actively had to find it but no cod is just a slightly harder to find salmon because it spawns in weirder places that it's just worse cod is worse than salmon in every single way both in what the end item does but also in terms of where and how and etc you find them i think cod should not be worth salmon but that's what it is there there are very few mobs where there is a directly better and every way comparison to it but cod is one of those unlike perhaps the wandering trader which again the it's it's so close to being something that's great i really wanted this to be well you know when the wondering trade was first announced it was such a cool idea did they keep the good idea going though the answer is no i think you'll find though because the problem with the wandering trader is he only mostly trades things you wouldn't want i i think there is an edge case for like oh yeah if you're playing a weird survival map that doesn't have cacti you can trade for him but even then that's like that's not desirable behavior actually that seems like actually a problem um the wandering trader is theoretically a way to make certain things easier but he spawns too frequently he doesn't have great trades and he's missing some things that could really make him better um you know there are so many trades i thought about minecraft that just don't exist and it makes me sad unlike the next mop here the turtle so the turtle is a fun idea for a mob it even gives you the little turtle helmet they got all of the things right with a turtle but then they gave it annoying breeding mechanics which would be fine if like every mob in minecraft really like it in real life the turtle you think that you're breeding it and then it goes home to its home uh you know desert beach biome and then it breathes over there which you know it's fine except it very is it it's so different to the rest of the game that it's frustrating and then when you if you want to have a turtle farm or something which you totally can do um the way they drop scoots is very random and arbitrary and it just it doesn't feel like a fun type of farm when you breed any other type of mob you have direct results that make you feel good the turtle just feels weird and inconsistent and maybe this is the sign of where minecraft's going and people will get used to it and it won't feel like that way in a while but right now the turtle is just a sign of fitting out place in minecraft both for the art style i mean look at this thing compared to like a pufferfish or something no spoilers to where that is on the list but like um you know when you look at the art style it just looks at a place but it also feels out of place and it feels like um you know someone who had like super love for a turtle just programmed it without realizing how it would fit into minecraft i love the turtle don't love how it works in the game next up we've got the drowned the drowned you need it for tridents and um it's good for tridents but it's bad in the sense that they can basically to hit you and they can spawn even during the daytime kind of breaking one of the rules of minecraft given that you can spawn on islands given that you can spawn near rivers without knowing about it you can be too hit it's frustrating they're not an all-round bad design it's just their implementation is kind of bad i would love to see a drown be a great you know like having a zombie that sometimes can throw tridents is kind of a fun idea sometimes don't like the execution um however uh you know like something that is like kind of in the same wheelhouse in my opinion is the vex the vex exists it's a super tiny mob it can be spawned by the evoco wow it's so fun except the vex is so rare to encounter and it does it doesn't have like particularly unique behaviors besides being kind of a weird little small thing that i feel like its job could have been done by one of the other tiny mobs in the game uh the vex is a mob even putting on this list i felt like well it's kind of a subsection of another mob and if there is a mob in minecraft that makes you go is it even really its own mob then it's probably not doing its design right unless that's what they want it to be unless they want the vex to be a part of their vocal in which case they did their job perfectly but if we're ranking it as a mob the vex is just questionable they're cute they fly they they're somewhat interesting and if they existed in any way independent of the evoka i would find that interesting sadly that's not where we are speaking of places we're not slimes they are such a fun idea when you first encounter them they give you slime blocks they give you sticky pistons they give you what you want in the world but they kind of feel short when it comes to the spawning mechanics because their spawn mechanic being based on the chunks and those chunks being the same everywhere across your world at least on bedrock it varies by seed on java means that there are certain areas that will just spawn slimes without you having any idea why i wish there was some logic or thing you could use for them because i loved when they you know when they make the slime it spawns at like the full moon in swamps that is fun waiting for the moon great mechanic then making them spawn in every other chunk or whatever gets very confusing very fast you can make slime farms technically speaking but i don't think that you know you know they're one of the weirder mobs to make happen and to find etcetera etcetera um the fact that you either have too many slimes or too few slimes to me wreaks a bad design like i would love to see a mob that you spawned just the right amount of times and also the fact that it can spawn mo attack multiple times per second the fact that it splits and it's just annoying to fight it's just another bit of icing on the cake as to why i don't love it so much but you know what i also don't love so much the husk the husk is a husk of what the you know i'm not gonna make that joke i'm gonna resist it okay but the husk is just a worth zombie every time i see them like oh yeah they added those mobs to the game it is a zombie that it looks worse because it's got the weird disney vibe and it gives you the hunger effect which is so minor that you don't even think about it most of the time it's just the mildest of inconveniences when it hits you i don't know why the husk needs to exist or why it's the only zombie that spawns in deserts but it doesn't give the deserts more of an interesting vibe it's just like a oh that exists and i'd like to see something unique about the husk to make you go oh it's husks we're in a desert that's cool uh but we don't really have that right now but what we do have right now against the will of every minecraft player ever is the ghast the ghast is the scariest idea that i admit that i like the idea of like um you know it's a fun scary terrifying mob that actually gets the never feeling like it is a scary place to be the never feels like hell when ghosts get there and that's great but the fireball not back trying to knock back a fireball to the ghast never feels good on any platform i've ever played i've never felt like i've solidly knocked it back sometimes it just explodes in your hand et cetera et cetera that is a inconsistent mechanic but also explosions don't feel good either because when a gas fireball lights up the nether those never act blocks stay lit until you put them out by hand and going out to put them out by hand by the way is going to have more gas fire for you basically they're a way of keeping the the never always on fire and they kind of discourage exploration a little bit that way in my opinion i think that the explosions should be a temporary fire not that that makes so much sense and i think that they should be less able to destroy things but maybe i'm just removing the point of the gas i'm not going to talk too much about my own feedback on these ideas i just think that the ghast is a great scary mob that's just a little too annoying for me to put anywhere above it on this list you know this this is a great position i think you'll find so the 58th mob on my list has to be the enderman it was added at a time when slender and slenderman were at their absolute peak so it made sense that they made a minecraft version and when you look at him he teleports it is genuinely terrifying when you first encounter an enemy and again adding genuine terror to minecraft is a great thing there's a great design between the audio visual of this mob but what isn't greatly designed is the fact that if you want to beat minecraft you have to find this mob multiple times at least a dozen or so and if you want to find this mob there used to be no way there is the only way now is to fight you know like obviously you can find them just looking around randomly but they used to be a very low spawn chance making speed running frustrating which obviously sucks me as a person but if you don't speed run just trying to get to the end was like oh yes what we'll just do is we'll spend a few hours looking aimlessly maybe that was what they wanted but that's not good game design in my opinion you should feel like you're actively doing something that helps and the endermen did not do that also the reason they're so low here is because they break the fundamental cardinal sin of minecraft which is that your blocks that you place should not be moved around without your permission for the most part that's why we don't have natural disasters that's why we have very few limited ways to mass destroy blocks but the enderman says now i'm gonna pick up a key block in your house even if it's got a block on it and i'm just gonna move it around somewhere else because i'm an enemy and i don't care about this cardinal sin not allowed not okay but you know what else is not okay the way they ruined the ocelot i know that they feel like the cat and osloth should be separate mobs because you can't pay monosalon to a cat you know they wanted to make some environmental point i guess but i think that having a ocelot in the game separate the cat makes you question so what does this thing do and the answer is this thing is the ibx toy cat skin but more seriously it's just it's just a mob that you can uh make it trust you and then i guess you can use it for creeper deflection maybe or something like that or maybe it's cute for someone but otherwise the ocelot without the cat functionality is just a bizarre animal in minecraft that again it almost feels as bad as the polar bear but at least it doesn't attack you also taming it is always annoying every time i trace terminal slot i just i just have to face palm because it's like why just let me tame you anyway as i said what else makes you want to tame it this is all clear but the zogling cannot be tamed so this was a fun enough mob idea but in reality it's just a very annoying very aggressive mob that um maybe because i played my uh ultra hard survival map where maybe they tried to wreck you a few times and maybe a few people have been wrecked maybe they have a bad rap but they just don't come up very often you have to bring them into the game and once you do there's no point for them so they're kind of pointless mob in that way uh they're not aggressively bad but they're not any definition of the word good uh but maybe they're not meant to be maybe they just exist on the side either way though that's why they get 56 from this list unlike 55 here the cave spider do i need to say more do i need to i don't think i do it's a spider terrifying enough but it fits through tiny gaps they can fit through a half slab gap and you better believe that terrifies me more than anything else also they poison you if you're not playing easy difficulty so a poisonous spider that fits through i don't need to explain why i don't like this mob but what i do need to explain is the skeleton the skeleton is minecraft's most annoying bass mob sure the zombie is just a zombie but it's easy to get rid of sure the spider is terrifying but you know he's got weaknesses and how he moves et cetera um you know sure the you know creeper can explode your stuff but the skeleton can attack you from any distance he can turn around instantly to do so and uh you know like if you want to go and attack him not using a ranged weapon then he's going to hurt you every single time he makes the entire point of i guess they you know we don't know the skeletons gender my apologies uh the skeleton though uh is super frustrating in terms of uh you know like when it attacks you you can you know you get knocked back every single time making it just one of the worst things to deal with i don't like the skeleton i think it's a i think giving the skeleton a buff twice now has happened in minecraft's history and i think that was entirely unwarranted most annoying bass mob by far but you know what else is annoying the squid the squid is still minecraft's best way to get ink sacks black dye and you know how you find squids go to some water the squid feels like a mob that they intended to add something more to and then they just didn't i i don't know why you punch squid they make a little squid attack that's a new feature that was added in like you know because of the bedrock version besides that it was just a mob that floats around why does it exist i don't know like when it comes to minecraft need to revamp features and give them purpose like they did with the never in the villages why not the squid can we have a squid update i'd give you some quid that's i i guess that joke doesn't make sense if you don't know if the quid is what british people call pounds whatever you know with that said let's move in to the next one because the stray it's a skeleton but it spawns nicely biomes the reason i rank it higher than the skeleton though is because this mob variant is actually cool when you look at the husk you see the worse of what a mob variant can be same with the ground i would almost argue when you look at the stray you're like oh it's cool because it's a frosty biome it slows you down the theme matches the biome matches the mob variant and it makes you think like oh wouldn't it be cool if we had like a mountain skeleton would be cool if we had like uh you know a never skeleton which we do by the way but anyway with us you know it makes you wonder like all these different things that's actually cool that's cool game design i love when it was first added i think the flavor is cool you don't encounter them very often so they're still fun and uh i think they're annoying because it's a skeleton and they slow you down which ugly makes that worse but at least it's something but what we're talking about annoying we have to talk about the grand daddy of annoying the thing that will get you and will make you feel bad about it the elder guardian the elder garden gives you the mining fatigue free effect and i get why this is it's to make sure you can't mine in to the uh you know the ocean monument sure that makes sense but the fact that it will give you that effect even if you milk bucket the effect away over and over again so you can't get past it the fact that effect will happen within a certain square radius even if it's not in the ocean monument that makes it the most annoying pop that has ruined so many hours of minecraft myself into that by gameplay one in my farm but the fact is the older guardian is a weird mob it can shoot for armor which is annoying it can do nothing about the odd garden is like oh this is great game design and uh yeah it the fact that it's the boss that most people don't even consider a minecraft boss anymore uh kind of shows how it's annoying but not challenging when a chat if it's challenging in a way that you feel good fighting you're like yeah i did it that's great you know it has the choreographed spiking and not spiking etc but the piercing through armor the magic ray beams that don't seem to add up um the the mining fatigue effect all of those things aren't fun or challenging they are annoying and that is bad mob design and that's why it's so low on the list kind of like tropical fish where i i think the implementation is kind of interesting you know there's there's like 4 000 variants you've got to catch them all i don't think anyone's actually done that since five projects yet i'd love to see it someday i've seen a few people try but um the tropical fish cool looking mob find them an interesting place add something to the game and then oh yeah you kill them and you end up with a clownfish looking thing what do you do of the clownfish tropical fish you eat it and it's pretty awful they're theoretically good for taming cats but even then it's just like oh these are an interesting mob because they have different variations but most people won't encounter them so they fall in the neutral part of the spectrum where it's like they add a little bit and then they don't take away anything so i guess that puts them right here kind of like honestly the panda the panda uh is uh by the way ever since i've been in america i've realized that we say panda with like an er it's it's it's a weird thing like panda instead of panda a panda um which which sounds wrong that's that's how it's spelled anyway if we don't talk too much about the panda's spelling uh so the panda bear which isn't there it's just called the panda uh the panda is a very interesting mob because it's cute and it rolls and who doesn't love seeing a rolling panda but the problem is is it was added in a phase where they're trying as hard as they could to actually give mobsy use they realize that oh yeah um certain mobs weren't being too useful maybe we could fix that and then they just didn't really um you know it was admittedly it was a mob vote from the china edition or something so maybe that's the justification for it being just kind of okay um and admittedly they gave it mop variants they've got a brown type so it's fun to collect but there's just no compelling reason to have a panda maybe that's their reason so that you don't want to have them in captivity maybe they're making a grand point about animal safety but i don't care about animal safety when i'm playing minecraft i go into minecraft to escape animal safety to murder cows and you know when i can't murder a panda and actually be benefited anyway that makes me sad not as sad as the vindicator though because the vindicator was the first i guess mob that they've added to minecraft in a while that was challenging without being annoying i'll admit that but the flavor behind it feels a bit weak like it's an illager it's a you know a villager but they're kind of mean but they're an illager that's like oh yeah i have an x that's that's my personality the flavor behind it the personality behind it isn't really there the you know the the drops are bizarre at best you get iron access sometimes emeralds over uh you know times the locations it spawns are weird everything about the the vindicator is just a bit off like i'm not excited about it but for the first time on the list i'm not disappointed too much in every way i'm just like ah yeah that's there i guess speaking of things that are there next up we have the snow golem at 47 and my god i did not realize how big of a list this was and how long it's gonna take to go through but what's important is that we order them all by the end of the day we will have a definitive list so at 47 is the snow golem and the reason it places at 47th is because it's a fun mop it's a kind of companion it is a friend it just isn't a useful one like i always think to myself yeah let's use a snowball then i'm like okay realistically there's an iron golem it strikes me as a feature that was like made was uh it kind of has a complete circle but then was outclassed and then they forgot to come back and like give you a real reason to make use the snow column it's great for snow farms and um i guess it's fun looking and festive it's got festivity too um but otherwise it's not uh so perfect the only reason that i don't uh market lower for being kind of worthless besides one point is because you get to spawn in yourself you will never see a snow golem unless you're playing multiplayer and someone else has made it or you have made it yourself it's entirely avoidable so it effectively doesn't exist if you don't like it and that's what i kind of want from a bad mob kind of like the endermite which effectively doesn't exist until it doesn't it's kind of like oh yeah this is a thing the end of my is again something i like the idea of it's a fun piece of game design they nerf the enderpearl by giving you an endermite design uh in the end of night spawns i think it's every twentieth and a pole one it's a five percent it's actually every twenty f but uh the the the end of my is an interesting game design mechanic uh and then it nerfed a item but then they didn't really get much of its own purpose again what unique drops does it have what unique flavor why does it need to exist in the game and the answer is like oh it it's purple and it spawns from the end but it's like but why where what what's what's with the you know give us some law give us some reason to kill it give us give us any of this and they just kind of didn't which i think is sad because right now it's just a lame bad bug speaking of lame mad bugs though you know what could be worse than that the puffer fish at number 45 why is the puff fish a badly designed mob well it's not so clear that you'll get poisoned from being there unless you know the puffer fish is like a you know don't go near that so maybe it's meant to be a surprise people with minecraft players uh to me it's not choreographed too well and then outside of that it's just a piece it's a fish that you know if you do get past that and you do manage to kill a fish then it's a fish that you can eat except it gives you the nausea effect the nausea effect is cool don't get me wrong but there's no good reason outside of being wacky and liking to show dumb stuff off on youtube like apparently i do um to really want that naughty effect i wish there was some benefit to it i wish there was some great reason for the puff fish to exist outside of poison tramps um but again most uses for the puff fish are very very very very very niche and i guess the only reason i'm giving it anywhere on this list is because i like north shore it looks fun i'm running around and i look drunk speaking of running around looking drunk you know what i'd hate to find llamas llamas are [Music] i'm sad okay llamas i petitioned them to be added to minecraft forever i was so excited when they announced them minecon minecon live 2016 whatever it was called at the time just minecon i guess i'm in california everyone's saying hey toycat they just announced llamas i was so hyped the update comes around llamas come out yeah i get to finally tame llamas what walks of llamas oh so you tame them by putting carpet on them weird then you sell the llama can it actually go anywhere no you don't get to decide where the llama goes you can just sit on it for whatever reason oh what's the point of the llama then oh you can put chests on them and then you can like they'll follow each other so if you can get one to follow you they'll all follow you really that's the one feature is that they follow each other are you me are you why why why do you do this to my favorite mob why do you go for all the effort all these years of hype and tears and the joke becomes real and then when the llama finally does come out when when the dream finally comes real it becomes one of the most worthless mobs in the game honestly the llama is just proof about a fun idea a fun unique mob not given enough reason not given a great reason to go there admittedly it's one of the few things you can find only in extreme hills but i think savannah's too but like otherwise it's just why do you do this to me jeb why why why are you breaking my balls and that's all i have to say but what i also have to say is that the rabbit is something that you should enjoy uh but also falls under the same category of like oh it's cute and what does it do oh you can kill it for its rabbit meat which is not very useful or sometimes rabbit leather which is not very useful because it just makes lever but slower i i rabbit lever is still one of the things that makes me question myself to stay the only reason the rabbit gets to exist and gets to be fun is because they're cute let's all give them that and because they give you the rabbit's foot which makes the potion of leaping do you ever need that no but at least it's unique at least it's there at least there is a pathway that takes the rabbit from being a kind of generic cute mob to being a generic cute mob with a reason how often do you need that reason not that often but at least let's give some real reasons for actual gameplay that normal people are ever gonna pick because to this day i have not seen anyone use the llama you know we're talking you might think we're talking about the right now no we're talking about the llama why is it that the llama has no real use why does the rabbit get a use but the llama doesn't why don't they have bat wings why don't they have llama tears why don't we have new post ingredients of each of these mobs i don't get it and i'm i'm kind of sad imagine you could have a llama potion that when you like a llama tear potion whatever you want to call it that gives you like more inventory slots temporarily that would be fun there we go i came up with it on the spot you're welcome mojang why'd you ruin the llama like that okay we need to get through these 42nd magma cube magma cube it's like a slime but it's magma spawn's never very frustrating 41. silverfish it's it's tiny and it's very frustrating because 99 of the time you kill it with your diamond or your nevrette sword dies in one hit it's gone forever it's a mob that punishes you for not having a strong enough sword because if you don't get it with one hit if you punch it anything like that it will spawn all of its friends in the nearby area and then it becomes terrifying i don't know if i like the fact that it's a mob that punishes you for being weak as opposed to you know like trying to challenge you being strong but i find it interesting but also they look awful and also the number of times that one has knocked me into lava ruining a speed run gets the mark down anyway so uh next up here we have the witch as in which way does minecraft need to fix llamas like another witch it's it's frustrating they spawn you know spawning witch huts kind of fun spawning all over minecraft so you know sort of thing that make me go okay i guess that was a change they made and now that every time you see a witch you're like oh this is gonna be a frustrating fight i like that they use potions they teach you that like oh you set them on fire it uses fire resistance if you hurt it it drinks a healing potion like it actually is like a potion-based mob there's some kind of fun stuff going on there um but i think the overall witch fighting experience is more bad than good but the reason i gave it 40 on the list is because of the fact that at least you know it at least doesn't spawn too often at least there's fun mechanics where lightning strikes a villager you get there and at least it's theoretically a way to get uh potions so if you really need a potion and you can't brew one there's the witch ready for you 39th we have the dolphin dolphin exists in the oceans and is another example of a mob that minecraft clearly was they wanted it because it's cute didn't come up with a real use case for it i mean you can feed it and then it will take you to structures but not on bedrock so what's the deal with that next up here we've got the wither skeletons i think that the wither skeletons are a very fun variant of the skeleton in the sense that like oh yeah it's taller and it's interesting but i don't get why it has to be a variant of the skeleton at all there's a lot of weird bugginess that comes from it technically being a skeleton and i don't really like that i think the withering effect is one of the worst things uh to come to minecraft except that time that minecraft ruined the llamas and uh yeah the wither skeleton is of course something that i like and i think is a fun thing to fight but the effect that comes with it the fact that it's a skeleton variant all these things make me kind of like torn on it and that's why it's middle of the list could probably be higher i'm you know maybe you think i should mark it higher and i should not let my biases get in the way but this whole list isn't inherently biased if you want to rate anything on the internet you can try and be objective sure and that's a great idea to start but you can never have anything that's truly objective because objectivity rarely exists we can we have very few things that we fundamentally agree on as humans something we all can agree on though is that parrots are adorable and in case you're not in agreeance somehow let me show you this is there any other minecraft mob looking for a smile on your mob this way [Music] oh this isn't the real video oh they did it in the end okay i've this is the wrong video i'm watching right now it's it's very nice though anyway you know the parrot objectively a terrible mob i mean it sits on your shoulders sometimes what's that all about but the reason it's at 37 is because that is one of the few things that makes me not want to end it all because why didn't they fix the llama but you know what they did do they added shockers to the game shulkers super interesting end game like i think shockers as an end content are very interesting because they they levitate you which would usually be a benefit in the overall it sounds fun in the end they levitate you so much that they can genuinely kill you and it's such a great example of using something good to do something bad it's like a bit you know when you first get levitate you're like oh this is kind of fine and then you drop and die and you like it's a mob that you have to learn how to fight and that is a rare thing and that's a thing that is great if you're you're having it protect something so rare like the shulker box shulker great game design kind of frustrating don't like the fact that they only spawn once that is a key mess up in their behavior in my opinion but again maybe something something in-law something something end expiration something something uh you know like only gets 36 on the list unlike the zombie which is 35. the zombie is green has blue trousers is debatably a steve after he turned into a zombie and it's kind of interesting that they added the breaking down villager door things it's interesting that they can like there's a there's a spawn mechanic where they can spawn in friends because i guess that's how zombies work it's interesting that you have to watch your villages for them uh but otherwise i think they deserve to go perfectly here in the middle of the list is 35 the middle of one to 69 i think it is yeah they deserve to go perfect here in the middle of the list because they're exactly a middle-of-the-road mob if we think of one as being the best design 69s being the worst designed the zombie is a perfectly neutral mob that's like yeah minecraft kind of needs them ideally not too many of them but we need some mobs at this level every mob at this level or better is at least somewhat an interesting design so at 34th we've got the guardian of course and the reason for that is because the guardian by itself is a much more interesting design it's just like hey it's a mob that kills you uh at distances but also it makes you know it gave a real threat to the oceans because they kill squids they kill other mobs that spawn in there so there are these dead zones in the oceans around the guardians that's cool they have laser beams which is kind of weird and doesn't seem like it fits perfectly into minecraft um which kind of marks them down they hit through armor which is frustrating but at the time uh you know minecraft armor was just too powerful so i understood why they were introduced in that way and i think that by themselves uh you know if they were just like guardians and big guardians and chunky guardians or whatever um i think the uh the temples for them the the ocean monuments would be much better uh speaking of things that could be much better the hoglin hoglin is the first new mob in minecraft for a while where i was like yeah this right here it's uh you know i guess like kind of pacifish but like this is a mob that you want to kill and they kept things simple you get pork chops you get leather both things are things you want but because it's the nether it's much harder to get that pork leather and uh yeah i really like that and honestly uh things that i really like honestly though are things like the zombie villager because the zombie villager just a zombie right but he looks kind of like a villager there are rare spawn chance but they really get you thinking like uh you know like when you find one of these guys you're like do i kill it or do i convert it it's just a zombie with that mild increase and i love that they spawn with different outfits i think that's kind of a weird uh thing that i've forever i've had this build idea i want to use that i don't want to spoil it because someone else would do it but i i had an idea of like taking them all together put them in a place it's a thing but you know what else is a thing 31 here which is the illusion so the illusioner is um a mob that isn't in minecraft yet but the reason it makes the list unlike the zombie horse unlike the giant and other removed or put to the side mobs is because the illusioner almost definitely is coming to minecraft we know that because it's in minecraft dungeons we know that because they literally are not removing it and we know that because they've always said they're going to be adding it they said in 1.12 then they said at 1.13 then they said we'll add it in the future and admittedly it could never come to the game but i think it will do and based on its behavior so far it's kind of fun it's ranged mixed with magic what's what's not to love it's interesting uh probably when it comes out it'll be too annoying and we'd rate it down but as we all know when something doesn't exist yet when something's not out when we haven't experienced it we love it so much more we build up an image of things of our mind that we can kind of build on it can be perfect as we like we can really make those things great and uh you know speaking of things that we can make great the llama why don't we fix the llamas they were so perfect in our mind we had a thing we were ready we were so we were so close to having a great mob that was cute that could bring stuff around and actually was useful and we blew it why did you do that minecraft why did you make us feel like we were responsible why why don't we just have some cute llamas in the game so the 30th uh mob on the list is going to be the spider i don't like spiders i'm uh i guess technically arachnophobe like i am very freaked out by spiders every single time i see them um and so the spider goes at 30th but because we have to fill time or people will say that we're rushing through the list um one time i went to australia a place famous for its giant spiders i didn't see any spiders but i did when i was on the plane getting home i was like itching my hair and i found like loads of spiders just like i don't know how they got in my hair or my head or whatever but that was um that was terrifying and that's why you should be scared of the spider also um my first ever like mob spawn i found was a spider one and it was so scary it like got me into minecraft so i guess we can't fault the spider being scary but i can say it's never going above number 30 unlike the fox which is cute and oh my god they made another useless mob didn't they okay this one at least can bring you things and can spawn with things in its mouth and it kills chickens so it's something you gotta keep out of your coops i guess you could say the pillager is something that will pillage your villages it's part of the village and village update he's a a crossbow wielding dude which is bad because who likes range attacks what is this a skeleton uh but it's good because he has some of the drops in minecraft which really fits the role personally you get emeralds great to spend with the dudes it it feels a bit weird that you like kill uh pillagers and then you get rewarded but i guess it's like a bounty that you get so yeah the pillager is a really fun uh mob you kill it you get something that's useful for your village sure great it's annoying but at least there's a high reward for the annoyingness and at least it's pretty avoidable if you want it to be the 27th uh item on this list by the way um it has to be the b because this was the first neutral mob they added the game that they got something right with because they teach you how to farm bees whatever it's an ecological thing but at the same time they add honey to the game so if this was a part for bigger update this would be the cool feature in it it was the only feature in the update though because when you farm bees you get some honeycomb you can use the honey to you know as a tool that you drink yourself you can use the honeycombs to make some blocks or you can make honey blocks which are genuinely a new mechanic in minecraft i don't think there's many ways to use them but i like that they're trying to add those new mechanics again and therefore the b directly leads to a new mechanic both in how you find them they spawn weirdly how you harvest them that's entirely different but it doesn't feel weird and out of the way like the turtles and then because you can still breed them just using flowers uh et cetera et cetera but then also you know it's it's a unique mechanic at each step in the process i like that i think that's great mob design kind of like the piglim group i think the pickling brew um pro my judgment is clouded because when it came to the game it just felt like making the the piglet bastions harder but the big limp roots fun enough they give the piglens that the bastions a unique mob to go after and uh they make it so that you're not just immune from all the challenges if you wear gold i like that they make the bastions a better place what's not to love you know what you know what's not to love the wolf at 25 this is a mob i feel like most people would put right at the top of their lists yeah who doesn't love dogs with minecraft they're so great no dogs in minecraft aren't so great um they're super annoying they follow you all the time they attack and you know like basically i run in so many shoes of dogs i have a bunch of my minecraft world but i never bring them with me anywhere the only reason you bring a wolf with you somewhere or a dog with you somewhere is because you're role playing and sure roleplay all you like but don't claim that it's a good mob because you get to roleplay of something i can roleplay of the llama but it doesn't mean the llamas are well designed mob does it speaking of well designed mobs controversial one here i actually like the spider job i think it's a really clever combination of just hey what if skeletons could spawn on spiders and you know you get the movement speed the terrifying speed of the spider you get the attacks of a skeleton and you get a genuine challenge just from having two mobs combined i like that i think that's you know like if they're not adding too many uh mobs of the game sticking two together really great i think the baby zombies on horses or cats have a similar effect where it's like oh it's faster than normal and also it's got the same kind of terrifyingness i think combining mops like this is great and maybe i'd hate it if there was too many other jockeys but the spider jockey great combination of mobs is it even its own mob you could argue but what you couldn't argue is that the blaze is a chill mob actually yeah that's because it's it's very hot it's it's definitively not chill if there was a cold place we'd be talking cold blazers in the ice maps but today's list is not about my ideas what to do the blaze instead it's rating the blaze and i think the blaze gets a solid thumbs up it's a fun mob it's got less health but in exchange it's fiery to the touch it will hurt you if you touch it or it touches you and it fires fireballs at you which is fun because it's the never i do have issues with blazers and their implementation on bedrock but as far as the mob itself goes you need to kill it to beat minecraft but in exchange you know like you can use snowballs from a distance or you can go up close and attack it or you can crossbow it you can farm it in spawners or you can find them naturally you have so many choices of the blaze and it makes me envious of what the enderman could have been if they put that much thought into it blaze is a great hostile mob one of the best in my opinion and i love that because you can fire resistance from it and you could whatever it's it's great i love it unlike the cat actually you know i love the cat i love cats who doesn't love cats cats are great um and they go above dogs because you know what i'm a cat person i'm saying it now i know dogs are objectively better like they love you you don't have to love them but maybe i like cats anyway they make cute pictures you ever wonder why all the cute pictures on the internet are cats it's because we love when cats do crazy stuff when dogs do crazy stuff it's like yeah you're trying to impress me cats don't have to impress anyone and uh anyway minecraft is uh what we're trying to go for here so um the reason cats rated so highly here is because they do bring you some fun things uh they do admittedly just sit on things which is very annoying but they teach you what pet ownership is really like it's give and it's take and um they also don't like join you in combat which makes them objectively better than the dog unlike the chicken the chicken won't join you in combat either the chicken is uh a little too chicken to do that if you will chicken's a fun mob okay um it gives you feathers makes some flection happen gives you raw chicken which you can eat and get food poisoning from what's not to love next up here we got the vodka the evoka is a great as a great mob that makes me wish that i could choker the person who came up with the name um no so the thing about the evoke this is getting worse you can tell us like this video is going on my ability to to give you objective like analysis is going down but the reason i like the evoker is because of the fact that it can spawn in uh those fun little spikes that feels like a fun magic attack it feels like a scary mob to be attacking that's why they made a boss in minecraft dungeons um the fact that it spawns the vexes as well the fact that it gives you one of minecraft's best items in exchange it's a mini boss with a mini boss reward um and i really like the way that works uh personally i think the i think them only spawning william pensions was a bad idea i think now that they spawn in raids and they're fireball that's gone too far the other way but besides the preciseness specifics i think it's a fun model i think it's an interesting fight every single time that i do so number 19 is the wither the wither is an incredible boss in minecraft sure it's destructive sure the you know like the work going into it can feel a bit weird and arbitrary of the drops or whatever making it kind of hard to speed run but as far as the mob design itself it is a terrifying most powerful boss in minecraft and um yeah i wish we i wish we could make something that was like even bigger than this but for now having a most terrifying minecraft it's great so at number 18 we have these zombie horse the zombie horse um doesn't exist yet so i get to project all my thoughts and feelings onto it but i love the zombie horse as an idea because it looks like it's a horse that is undead so it has a lot of anti effects when you're harming uh all of your enemies you can heal your horse some dumb stuff like that i think the zombie horse is a fun idea right now i'm not going to rate it too much higher because i don't want to have a theoretical mob being at the top of the list but the zombie horse pretty darn fun kind of like the ravager the ravager was another new hostile mob that they added that actually was fun and interesting you kill it you get a saddle which is great that's a fun little exchange but to kill it you need to go for a lot of work because it's big it knocks back weird it has bizarre attacks it can destroy uh you know blocks etc um the the way the ravager works is super super super interesting crops as well it's a very it's very bizarre mob and it actually can ravage a village which is fun you need to build defenses because this thing will mess up your village otherwise that's fun game mechanics in my opinion uh unlike the sheep do you know what the sheep is the sheep is a mob that i can't tell you a peep about because if i did then my editor would put a beep above the words that i said because it's that weird anyway with that said uh the mule is a really bizarre combination of the horse and the donkey um i admit that it's like objectively better in some ways but i never like get excited about the mule i'm always like yeah it's donkeys because they're like chests on wheels that you can breed together or it's horses because you go fast i think that middle way between them i don't know why but i'm never excited to use them and as a result mueller's at 15 unlike the pig which is at 14. you can ride pigs also you can kill them for me but mostly you can ride them you put a carrot on them they ride around it's great who doesn't love the pig the only thing better than the pig is the piglin because you can barter with it give them gold they give you stuff back i think the battering mechanic is super fun by itself i think the piglet mechanic if like they trust you if you wear gold they don't trust you if you don't that's also kind of funny makes you want to mix up your armor and wear some gold instead of just all never right or diamond piglet is fun and for the first time actually rewards diversity of outfits something we maybe see more from the future number 12 is the ender dragon i love the enderdragon fight i think it's uh you know a really intense thing i think it's pretty well designed in terms of the law aspect but in terms of the actual game mechanics it just doesn't she doesn't telegraph her attacks well enough um it's not very clear intuitive to a new player how to do things in my opinion and as a result the ender dragon is uh something that i wish could be improved kind of like other mobs of the game but you know what else could be improved the iron golem the iron golem is a mob spawns in defends you super well it now spawns in villages and defends them too um in my opinion though making it spawn on villages was one of the biggest mistakes in minecraft because now the iron golem has gone from this super cool hench mob to being just a source of iron people see the iron golem as just a you know like a way to get some iron and that's fine for the one that sponsored villages now it's like a risky way to get some in that way but the iron gun's gone from this like defending mob to this kind of role as being a way to get iron which only i hate most people love it i can't actually mark it down for that and as a result it is a very interesting uh very high reward mob that kind of functions like eva a defender or a mini boss or a farm mechanic it pulls off a trifecta in a way that i can't fault except i can fold it it goes 11th yeah it's not my top 10. what are you going to do about it internet what are you going to do about it because number 10 is the horse horses are one of minecraft's best improvements horses are one of the uh you know the first mobs they had in a while that were genuinely new and exciting to this day horses feel new exciting and you're like yeah i can ride horses they feel like a breath of fresh air in such a great way and again the fact that any mob can do that is great you ride horses they're wonderful you can feed them tame them you can try and get the best one um again the fact that it's exciting on the low end but also has the high-end thing of light can you breathe the fastest horse it's kind of hard you have to do a lot of breeding pairs and testing that is objectively cool that is objectively fun and it's one of the best mobs in minecraft i think a lot of people might even put it as their best mob but i do like the zombified piglet the reason i like the zombie piglen is because it's the zombie pigman that's how you should know it because the zombie pigman is a scary mob and it's scary without you ever needing to attack it the zombie pigman looks terrifying and you know if you ever had one how much for trouble it causes you so without ever hitting you without ever threatening you without ever doing anything besides existing the zombified piglet is scary and i like game design that like builds the spear in your mind minecraft when you play a video game of any type most of the game is happening in your brain you might not think that you might think you're interacting the computer no it's all about what it's doing to your brain and that if you can terrify people without needing to terrify them that is great number eight here is the donkey the donkey is the horse's like weird chest carrying cousin but the fact that you can have like movable storage was a huge innovation just because people don't use it it doesn't mean it's not great and they made great strides forwards with the game kind of like the strider did the strider is adorable look look at this guy look at this guy's face he's so adorable i love him so much but as well as just being super adorable the strider is a way to traverse the never lava and you know like that it is balanced so you don't have to feel like you have to do it but it exists in a way that allows you to explore the nether in a way you've never done before i even think that there's a lot of you know again i'd love to explore this and do this sometime i think there's enough benefit to strider that you might want to make some you know lava pathways specifically so you can ride through him with him in the nether uh because it's not that hard to make a not lava pathway you know you can easily just kind of modify your existing nether i think that the uh the strider is so cute and i think he adds a new mechanic and you know what is bad about the strider nothing is bad about the strider and if you say anything otherwise i will fight you just like how i'm gonna fight the person who made the llama bad why why would you add a llama to the game if you didn't have a mechanic plan friend why would you do that to us jeb why would you make it so that we have our dreams but then we they're they're worthless are you trying to tell an entire generation of people that if you actually chase your dreams and if you actually find them they're going to be worthless because that's what it feels like unlike the skeleton horse because the skeleton horse is a fun mob they spawn randomly it feels kind of random but it's always fun because of just how rare it really is and you know sure the skeleton trap it's a whole scary thing but killing the skeleton trap dudes you know killing killing those little dudes i will reward you with their horses their horses at least on bedrock i know there's some slight differences are great because they require no taming they require no saddle and unlike the regular horses you can swim them at the bottom of the ocean so this is by and large not that useful because eventually you will drown but getting through rivers skeleton horse going under oceans if it's a short enough ocean or you have a watering potion skeleton horse the skeleton horse is such a cool mechanic because of that underwater thing and it's such a cool mechanic because it's rare and that rare mechanic makes you even more want a rare and a good one if you have a good skeleton horse you have done minecraft right and uh yeah there's something i love about that personally kind of like how i love the salmon salmon spawn in three varieties big small medium i like that personally you kill the salmon you get you know some salmon and you get some bones that's great salmon are a great tasty mob that if you smoke you know it's something that you could eat i think more mobs should have this size variance i think it's such a small feature that makes this like the salmon as the one mob of the salmon justifies the making fish for all of them if there was no giant salmon mobs if there was no tiny sand mobs etc i think all fish would be pointless and would make you mad but the salmon makes the entire category justifiable kind of like the cow the cow justifies the mob farm so much when we play minecraft we're all cattle ranchers we're all saying yeehaw and throwing our lassos because the great thing about the cow is it gives you two resources one is the best type of meat in terms of the hunger to saturation ratio etc etc um it's a really great meat that if you cook it up you get cooked beef or steak if you're playing java edition who doesn't love that but you also get leather leather makes leather armor sure um leather also can be used to make books farming reasons great as well um leather can do so many different things as well as being you know like this armor thing as well as being used in all these recipes and i love the fact that the cow is so simple to farm just give them some wheat and they'll go together the cow is so simple to breathe there are even memes about it you know hey wouldn't it be funny if uh you know we were both minecraft cows and someone fed us wheat it's funny because we would go into love mode and we will produce a smaller cow that looks exactly like both of us but you know i know that said uh let's move into the villager the third best modern minecraft and the reason why is because the villager used to be kind of close to pointless right you spawn in a villa villages exist and they have their little villages and then what then they had a village trading and it was kind of unique nowadays villager trading is like this whole game woman again can you get a villager to max level if so you get a reward of a really fun trade sometimes that trade is just like golden carrots or something sometimes that trade is something you really really want like an enchanted uh your diamond chest plate or uh you know even better things and charted down pickaxes uh there are really really really great rewards for getting into those villages and they make villagers feel like an entire game mechanic do you settle down on the planes and live by yourself or do you live in a village in society i love that minecraft kind of gives you that like the alumnus city surrounded by people or do you live out on the road like the fact that they can match land minecraft somehow is incredible villagers are moi i love them so much but you know what else i love so much the creeper don't you just want to give this guy a big hug i think the creeper is one of the best accidents in minecraft's history i think minecraft will be a notably worst game without them because the creepy gives you a level of fear that you can't really describe i know they break they make the cardinals in minecraft and they explode they break blocks etc but the fact that they explode the fact that they break the blocks and the fact that you really want to avoid them gives you something to always be terrified for you're always listening out for the creepers when you're in a dangerous place you're always trying to torch up your world to not have creepers spawn in because zombies whatever their skeletons you know they're annoying but you can kill them spiders same thing creepers you are genuinely scared of no matter how far you progress in terms of your gear because your stuff is always vulnerable your house is always at risk of exploding and that is a super interesting mechanic in my opinion also they're cute don't you want to give these guys a hug kind of like how you might want to give the llamas a hug except if you do give the llamas a hug there's not going to be any point where because the llamas don't have a fundamental point to exist their whole point is you make caravans with them what is that that's not a fun game mechanic that fundamentally redesigns minecraft do you know how different minecraft would be if they didn't have llamas in there they would be exactly the same it would be a game that functions exactly how it does right now it would be this it would be no one would know the difference that's what i'm trying to say right here and that is a fundamental shame why can't we redesign the llama i wish we could but we can't speaking of which the mushroom is a great design mob that we don't need to redesign in the slightest i love the mushroom it's a cow and it's got the little red mushrooms on and you can milk it if you want to get some mushroom stew pretty great source of food that's unlimited or if you really want you know like it's by the way it's adorable too but mention that um also it spawns in its own unique islands every single part of the mushroom by accident or on purpose is great and adorable and feels like a secret and you get rewarded for that secret it's not just a secret like oh you find out the parrots dance and they look cute no mushrooms are cute to look at they're a source for limited food you can turn them into cows if you ever do want to or you can breed them as mushrooms and get a little baby mushroom that's right there's adorable baby mushrooms also strike them with lightning you find the opposite color um off them also when you feed those mushrooms something you can get suspicious sue which sometimes is one of the best sources of food in the game there are so many layers to the mushroom and i love it so much i think the mushroom is a golden standard of what minecraft mops could be uh it's almost why i regret that we not adding the mu bloom to the game right like the moo bloom could have been so cool but it isn't it's no mushroom and it's also no llama because if it was a llama then we would have to um put our feelings to it to bed and you know what that's the thing you got to do ranking things from top to bottom it's fun but in the end the thing that's more important is having a good time what if really the mob ranking list was the friends that we made along the way what if it's not about whether the cave spider is better than the witch or whether the mushroom is better than the villager what if instead minecraft is really a question about finding ourselves and finding the hate to you know like find uh and finding the hate inside us that we really need if we're gonna make sure that the llama can never be made that bad again maybe that's what it's really about anyway that said i hope you'll enjoy this video um if you'd like to see me rank more things in minecraft let me know and then i then i won't do it because it's a terrible idea i've been being clever right that's not me making the problem any worse but you know what is me making the problem any worse telling you to subscribe and notifications turned on so you can see more of these videos daily on your homepage thank you for watching and i'll see you all next time goodbye [Music] you
Channel: ibxtoycat
Views: 291,580
Rating: 4.8253717 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft
Id: HGPIjE2jlcE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 4sec (3424 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 23 2020
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