This Is What I Made In 7 Years Of Minecraft Survival

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/enderdragonpig 📅︎︎ Oct 16 2019 🗫︎ replies
hello I'm a px look at and the way that most people play minecraft has always seemed a bit alien to me because it seems as though people stop brand new worlds every single time they get bought off or feel like they've completed their old world in some way and this could not be further from the way I like to play Minecraft because whenever I'm playing Minecraft Survival I like to do so in these same world every single time I like to consistently work on the same world and build it bigger and better and see how nice and big it can be and that's why I've been playing in this same survival world for seven years as of today that's right seven years ago on the day in fact I started this very let's play well you can see the exact starting of it in a video to actually hello my click and this is my new Minecraft 1.8 series which is a new let's play I'm starting for 1.8 I was a long time ago very cringy very fun thing to see but because I've got seven years worth of survival in one world a lot of people have questions about why so many things are done in such weird ways and sometimes the answer is because a long time ago and sometimes the answer is just because you know what after you play Minecraft for a while you start doing some weird things such as posting your ending glass such as building an overworld and you never or such as many of the other things that you're gonna be seeing in today's full world tour so without further ado like this video if you do like it but let's dive straight into it by explaining why exactly I have this right here because this is a solar to buy the world and I have a spawn platform a place with whom to spawn it that is torched up so mobs don't spawn and so you won't be a pet attacked but where exactly do I have this and the simple answer is that's not really a good reason besides you know sometimes I might leave my world open someone might be able to join and I wanted to be kind of corralled in a place until I let them out if there is whatever reason then you've been played so on it's never really happened and that's why I have this fun exit or not here and then that's kind of fit like do you let them out you don't and then that's kind of the game and yet that's just kind of how my world is it's worth mentioning that by the way this also has a little tunnel because people used to sometimes spawn just over here just in front of it I even dug a big pit where the people wouldn't be able to get out without the game obviously being up to have braking privileges in some way and always thought that was kind of fun that like yeah we I want to guarantee that even if someone's somehow does join my single soul player world they carnage the interaction anyway which seems really weird it seems like a weird control thing and I'm sure on some level it totally is but that is helping so anyway we need to go to sleep so how about I give you a tour around my first house because I have something like five different houses I have sorry weird builds and weird places that don't even make sense a lot of people especially as you look around but we'll explain him one by one starting with my first house right here so this is my kind of ugly let's be honest right minecraft house that I built because I was like you know what I need a house nice spawn my spawn was here but my house was all the way on the other side of the world surely I needed a house at spawn this is the one I decided on I was like you know what bricks a common out you know clay used to be super rare when I started this world it became common all of a sudden and I was like yeah I can finally use the clay to make some bricks and I'll make a nice traditional brick house with a wooden ceiling and obviously this looks terrible by 2019 standards and it looked terrible by 2012 standards too but it's a you know it's one of the first houses that bit was like I need a place for me to settle down near the spawn because you know this is a whole area of the world I want to change in claim so that if anyone does joined which they don't and that's kind of a key thing you know unless they download or purchase the map or whatever but you know but no one ever does during the world but if they did they'd see all the big things burst because this is kind of my base of operations now and by that I mean this is where I stopped most of my videos this is where I do a lot of stuff with potions and whip stuff the other thing I don't really do here cuz they even choker boxes come from here I don't have my mass storage over here I have a big mass storage room and another big mess turrets room you know I don't have much centralized anything in this world it's very weird to see but yeah I have just a bunch of places where I drop stuff off when I'm you know my inventories kind of filled up so you'll see I have lots of chests full of very miscellaneous things it's the least organized of my house because it doesn't need be organized it needs to be a place where I can grab stuff if I need it for videos and I can dump stuff if it's holding up my inventory for videos because I have the worst inventory management you'd assumed right though are you been playing minecraft for all these years and you've got like this night you know you've got five houses you've got mess storage rooms you've you've spent you know spent fifty five thousand blocks of loss plus ten thousand repairs so you spent close for a hundred thousand blocks applause surely you're pretty good at this by now and the answer is none not in the slightest like I have to hoppers here that I really don't need but I'm just like oh where would I put them cuz I'd want to get them back when I need them and then I just I just don't deal with it and even like keeping things in order like I could totally just you know keep things great by moving everything into a corner but then it just never stays there like this is at least organized this amount of space but yeah the amount that my inventory management saw for I'm you gonna be offended by that at least a few times in today's video I want to warn you now but here is the place where I start all of my let's play videos hello my VIX loike welcome back to Noah sewed of the Minecraft Xbox update Adventures wow this is the very place from that like right by the way I decided for this video even though it doesn't really affect things for all the shots I want to do where we kind of show the cinematic stuff the way I'm doing it is actually all in survival are you scaffolding or I use flying or something like that isn't you know elite replying just like this but yeah this is how I'm getting the shots of things just like this because I think that's kind of fun so yeah just a bit of a behind the scenes on how shots like this work you know they're not gonna be great in survival it's something I really believe in I really am a survival a big believer in the survival only gameplay because as soon as you go into creative you generally just start ruining things of yourself obviously do what you need to do this isn't a survival rant video this is a world tour which is I'm gonna show you my beacon I have a mega beacon next spawn or other that a level 4 beacon and make it would probably be like four or five of them which is a fun idea also but yeah this is a level 4 beacon because I just figured you're not after beacons came out I need to show that like yeah this is a part of the game I can Dom dominate and so yeah I went very quickly to defeating the whipper to getting all of the iron required and now I've actually done that because I got the master trader achievement which was the the last one for me to get I decided be kind of fun to feel like well if I'm getting that achievement anyway would it be kind of fun to you know use the emeralds the thousand emeralds like God especially cover my beacon in emeralds and I think it actually looks really good this way emeralds are obviously a lot harder to get generally speaking than iron or gold so yeah it's a really nice thing to have next spawn it looks really you know I think the way we've actually put it here is awful but it yeah it's a fun little build that goes next to my cow farm which in case you're curious I know this is an awful way to do it I just dug a pit in the ground really early on and then started breeding animals and it's always been my go-to for when I need meat or when I need leather or wool or pigs or whatever and it just kind of works and when it ain't broke don't fix it is a phrase that people say and I disagree with I still think of it ain't fix don't broke it you know but anyway with that said over here we've got a church to the WIPA this is definitely nothing else just the church to the river as you can tell from the river paintings on the the wall over there this is a place where I used to fight the wither because the wither used to be a way less hot fight if you don't on but for some reason bedrock has to be way harder with a fight than Java so the first time I tried to fight the weather here my entire you know like obsidian box that I used to fight the river in just got entirely destroyed I to fight the river all the way up there it was a problem destroyed my entire world I'm glad it didn't because I can give you a wall tour of it today next to the women I've course have my never portal will lead into the Nevel later we have my giant smoker or I think this is actually a blast furnace this is where I do all of my its melting or would do it I actually don't like it's just not convenient no I made a whole automatic smelting system that sorted items so he could smelt things individually I could just put all my ores in a big chest but honestly I just don't get enough ores that this is hugely useful to me and you know like things to go alongside them it's a really cool concept but there's kind of that also when it comes to cooking food or smelting food or ever the most efficient way to do it is with campfires I even have this little campfire automatic sequence things that takes it and puts it all in a big chest right here but the problem of this is that I just I just don't never feel motivated put it all on there so yeah I have a giant blast furnace which is the best way to cook everything and anything in Minecraft everything super efficient but uh yeah it goes unused which is kind of sad which is also kind of the story for my never walk farm over here so yeah I have lots of things around spawn which are great I where great ideas at the time and maybe had some use for a little bit but that never really see long-term use and one great example is the the never walk farm so over there the place with the creeper inside which is quite a concern right boy but the place over there is my art you know my never walked farm I need to get some never what's going so I do it over there right next to the giant unfinished dome I guess anti-dog of things that I'm not gonna address it's not a Death Star okay but yeah you can see I've got never what farm it's automated you push a button and then it all goes down it's pretty effective or was pretty effective it's not fully automated it's only semi automated and also we bring creepers towards us so that's a good sign we should undo of that but yeah I I thought it was kinda clever at the time all goes in one big chest but the truth is I just don't need enough never walks honestly like you how many potions do you make in Minecraft not enough to justify thousands of never bolts if you make if you get a hundred that lasts you for most of your Minecraft years and that has lasted me for my last seven years kind of like the bank of toy cat over here so yeah this is one of the first things I focus I was just like next to the spawn we should have a bank why should we have a bank don't don't ask me I don't use it for anything I figured let's use it to store some gold and some iron or something I still think the way I've set this up is kind of clever oh there's a update block in here oh we found a CI have not been here in so many years that in the two-and-a-half years since I switched the bedrock world over there's still a block which is that's a bedrock bug if you don't know where old blocks were just called up don't don't ask how that happened but yeah that's the thing anyway so I have like a fake vault over here if you fall down there you die or you can't go for it because this used to be a wooden door which for some reason is now an update block but yeah um what a weird thing there's a vault you go through your diets terrible you get trapped in a box I think it's hilarious but yeah the way I set this up is like there's a door over here if you press that lever it unlocks the door over there but the idea is you've got actually standing both pressure plates at some point and then this should activate which is where the real bank vault was gonna be I think oh and then you've got to go through the lava for the yeah I still think this is great like I set up a lot of security mechanisms that I just never ended up using cuz why would you have a bank vault in a single-player world you wouldn't is the simple answer I'm starting to realize this whole video is just me roasting myself for bad build decisions but if you if you can't make fun of yourself who can make fun of you wait I guess everyone else can make fun of you nevermind that's not how that phrase works in the least is it anyway so next up over here we've got the big lighthouse it's a big guiding pillar to guide me home and then also I got really big into skinned statues at one point like I just liked building them mostly in creative of course and I was like why don't I try and build my skin at the time I'm now just not luck nah nah slowness suit I've downgraded I've gone from you know business to business casual I guess I'm naked so I've gone from business casual to nudists right now and yeah we have a giant Ocelot snatcher over here I still think this is pretty cool I just don't really know what to do that I think I set up a temporary base in here but again why would I have a fly up to use a base that is just a bed a chest oh it's got some sand in that's nice and a crafting table that's that's the extent of this and it's pretty pretty unuseful in that way it's just really cool I figured like that'd be a great shot me standing on me but I guess the clouds kind of ruined that and I Oh controversially I do leave clouds on which I know a lot of people hate but yeah what you gonna do about it you can't do anything about it so next to all of this I have this right here this is what I like to call Table Mountain there's a real place on earth called Table Mountain and it's not flat like a table but I hear the name nom like you know there should be a mountain that's perfectly flat so I took a Mountain which existed again from the 2012 old generation and yeah I decided let we build it up a bit and make it perfectly flat at this height you can actually see if we dig down anywhere below here that it's like yeah very much below the surface you can see the old high of the mountain I really like the way this you know this turned out if I'm being honest I love the fact that we've got a little bit of a mountain that is entirely fake in every way because there's something just so perfect about it that shows how I how I treat this world this world is a big terraforming project where you know I like showing the world even if it's up in a bad way like this mess that we're not going to talk about um but I like showing the world that like yeah I'm making it slightly changed that's why I love about playing in a well for so long is that you are changing the world on a non-stop basis it changes for you and it's always gonna stay changed until you change it again minecraft is a game what about moving blocks around this giant you know big world and you're consistently doing it but if you don't have a record of when you did so if you keep changing worlds then you won't see how you used to do things and if you don't know how you used to do things you can't do them better that is just an eternal fact of life learning from your mistakes is one of the most valuable things you can do and that is why I'm gonna avoid that creeper over there and instead I'll just give you a brief tour of this right here the two cross swords nice pick slot I know with an amble behind them I still think this is a nice little build this is where I do all of my enchanting I need a big enchanting room with all my enchanted books for example or all my enchanted books for example or my enchanted lower level books for example I need the lapis I need the full in shaman table I need an Anand Sharma table I've got a bunch of swords if I ever need to enchant them I think it like you know it's an armory I should make a bunch of stone swords so you better believe I did I think I've made a bunch of Pinus swords that was probably a bad used to flying honestly and same with diamonds but yeah the whole point of this place was like yeah I'm gonna have a big place where all of my weapon decisions are made because my sword right now if you look as plaintiff ARF pods on it really really useful for killing spiders let me let me show you the the power of this but not so useful against the wither or against actual animals that you want to kill for instance look one hit kill it's nice but if I want to kill a creeper it's a free hit kill so I think if I don't get criticals so one two and there yeah you can see free hit kill that's terrible right you'd rather have sharpness and do better against everything or I prefer smite having a bunch of weapons in there means I can switch it out as I go the reason I'm using this is because it has because by aspect and loosing and I need both of those things right now more than I need damage but yeah the fact that I can go to a place and switch it out is kind of nice also I'm gonna sleep right here cuz I mentioned I have five different houses I've only shown you one of the houses but I have beds everywhere because I have so many temporary places but I just need to work for more than ten minutes at a time such as here this is my big fishing station this is where I did the eight hours of fishing livestream which was or two for our fish and live streams really silly thing but I have a bunch of fish a bunch of miscellaneous garbage that comes up alongside ER in fact I think that's the one big common thing about this world there's so much stuff just all over the place that isn't probably categorized so you'll see there's just loads of chests in a place where I did a thing and if I need the stuff from that place hopefully I remember exists I don't always remember exists but yeah it's kind of a fun thing Oh so next up we're gonna go north in the world there's two ways we can get there or free if you include boats or if you include flying five if you include the nervous so I've got five ways I can get between my main area and between my cave house and the mountain house one way is I can take this big road I made I think roads and Minecraft have honestly kind of useless these days but I really liked it as an early idea for Minecraft like Terra Terra form the world be like the Romans you make the world you know like belong to you and that's kind of like my big thing here right so I you know I made a giant stretch of road right here I also have a big again one of the first projects I finished in this world I also have this giant sky pathway up here which I made again back when when carts for the fastest form of transport they've actually gone slower since then which is a weird thing but basically when when cots are the possible transport I think of the coolest thing in the world would be like a sky you know kind of way to do them a lot of people she did like it at the time and yeah even though it's really basic it's really let's say Chablis put together right again 2012 technology does not meet 2019 needs but it is still like a free fun and used to be the fast way to get around the world that I really do like so yeah this is a second way I can get there there's boats that can kind of take me there cuz I've got a canal system etc etc it's a whole fun thing oh speaking of hope on things we're about to pass the world origin this point right here is zero zero which I'm mark for beacon not even a beacon with an effect on it if I'm not mistaken it's just a beacon so I can show like this is the center everything radiates from here which is why also just over I have a pretty fake map I'm gonna explain this in a video that's coming out soon like this is this was many many hours like I think it was something like 14 15 hours in the end to get it done it was some absurd number of hours to make this but this is a map of my world and you can see looking at this map how like there's a you know big square that's different to the rest this is because I started this world and this was the size of it back in the free 60 days 2012 in 2014 I expanded to be this exercise and then in like 2017 I expanded it to be infinite like it is today so I used to have to the reason I like it changing the world so much is because it used to be so finite that when you changed it you were changing a genuine percentage off the overall total you can see just looking at this map like what is oh that over there oh I mind an entire desert what is that up there that giant flat square oh yeah I made a flat land so I could build on it and it's also super green because jungle grass you can look at this map and you can just see the weird things that we've done like what's that that's what I love about you know having the map here but also that's why I like this world okay I've wrote ibx in letters back when it was way harder but it was a smaller map at the time okay but still you can see what we did here right anyway though I know what you're really here for is the you know the crib tours or whatever so let me show you around two of my houses in quick succession let me show you around the house that I really thought that I would end up living in sir people could always criticize that I have two houses a house that is just a generic blob and then a cave house you'll see the cave house later so I built this as the countenance of that I was gonna live in a castle it was gonna be wonderful there's like this outside Castle era that's kind of like moat see in this light it's got like pretty yeah where is I can fight off the invaders or Depa it's got frozen moat outside you got to swim over that although it's frozen so good luck swimming over ice I guess you could walk over ice but you know we've got a lot of like small things like that it's balanced on top of the hill it's high up it's cool in that way but despite the fact that I went for a lot of effort to like furnish the place look at this for instance this used to be the smartest way to do this I put a lot of effort into you know furnishing this into having a throne room in a target practice room and whatever else you're gonna see around here it was just never thing that I found convenient I guess because I didn't have my stuff stored here and because my staircases were all built in weird strange ways like this and I don't know I guess I just never used as for its intended purpose look out great my bed is right here royal red bed I think you'll find I even got if I'm not mistaken a toilet where I can put items and they vanish forever I'm not sure if that is true but yeah I there's a lot of really weird things I have around here that I just I was making for the sake of making I was like let's have rooms in my house but I didn't need them I didn't it wasn't actually helping my minecraft gameplay and that's when you realized that sometimes things can look really great but when it comes to survival minecraft release the type of survival minecraft I like to play if something doesn't improve on your day to day minecraft experience or it's not just something pretty to look at you probably shouldn't build it you should build things that are both functional at least for me I like to build things that are both functional and that are also you know like useful or pretty in some way and this castle is sadly only one of those two things anyway though let's next up go to my cave house so yeah like I said there's kind of two major houses I use my world the second one and the first house either built again what I did on my first day in Minecraft is I followed the kind of world north where the road currently goes all the way from spawn all the way along here into this kind of little fun valley that was surrounded by mountains and I was like I need to live here my house has to be somewhere in one of these mountains so what I decided to do is I took one of the mountains ignore all this bull damage and it was actually a mountain that went for a ravine I was like this is so perfect so what I did is I built this front dog much later actually I built a front door and that this is a terrible looking one I know but I built a front door I covered up all the gaps as you can see mostly and then I just decided to build rooms into the mountains so here is my mountain house or as you might recognize it from let's go episodes held on my TX Lake and welcome back to episode 427 if my minecraft letsplay wow how fun right but ya know you can see looking over here how this all makes sense right so yeah while it rains outside which is always depressing let me show you around my cave house because although the Cape house is a pretty simple thing I've got a storage room with infinite amounts of like cobblestone and all the other resources that we keep around so yeah we have a cave room it's full of all the different stuff we've got i am we've got gold with god dirt we've got obsidian obscene amounts of Citian right all mined by hand i should mention because of those silly mining streams we've done yeah we got a lot of lots of different things stored around here we even have up here a bunch of smooth stone we have a bunch of iron we have all the sorts of things that you might want on a regular basis all stored in the chest room this is probably actually the most significant storage room I have in one place again the rest fits very well diffused then I have a second bedroom over here you know I live fancy it's just because like a lot of the time there's mobs near the outside of my house and I have to move here to sleep it's a big problem okay you know honestly just living in a cave house probably not the most recommendable thing because they changed the sleeping mechanics like after that point it used to be really easy to just sleep in a cave and then like again if they were mobs nearby didn't matter as long as the room was lit up but yeah that that bedroom gives me issues so sometimes I go there sometimes that bedroom gives me issues and I move there just in case your bedroom ever gives you issues just know you can move to a different bedroom you can cheat on your bedroom it's totally fine society deems that okay as long as it's not a person it's okay to cheat on that is I think a good quote to put in the book so yeah I've also got a furnace room here I have a lot of furnace rooms you're gonna notice as we go forwards here and then also I have my biggest single mine area so one of the things that I loved about mining you know you might think when I joke about cave updates and such that like oh well you never really went mining no I loved mining in Minecraft it was the thing that got me into this game I love doing it I don't even know why I was so obsessed of diamond collection there's one of the things in the game that I just absolutely loved I enjoyed I did on like obscene levels if you look how far this farm goes it goes past the render distance that way by the way that's how far our you know branch mines gone even though we're at the wrong therefore effective branch mining but that's because this is just a second branch mine on the main mine which looks something like this as you can see past the render distance that way pass the render distance that way pass the rent distance that way and pass the render since that way three of those directions this way this way and this way are all just branch mines looking for diamonds and such we found hundreds and hundreds of diamond doors and the time I've also got myself an automatic spider spawner over here I think it's a pretty cool farm at least spiders spawn spiders died and then we get a bunch of string in a chest and string can be used to make wall as well as like I'd know scaffolding and trap wire hooks like I guess it's a make very much string but it makes a spider I it makes string as long as y'all nearby it which I guess I haven't been in a while and yeah just long story short it's a fun little farm totally recommend because Mac McGill's spiders even when there's water on it I can see what heat up the water and that does actually makes sense but it's always weird to watch to me but yeah easy farm to make just have you know water and magma and then a place for all the luke to go look at this look it's gonna go somewhere it's gonna go into that spot right there you'll notice oh no didn't matter where it goes cuz there's a hover minecart under there so you'll notice how one that the spider dies and it drops the spider the spider gets picked up immediately by the hopper such a useful thing to know anyway yes sir useful field I have two llamas inside a little gap in this cave I don't know how they got there or what they're doing of each other but I don't think they want me to look at them so I'll bounce over but yeah if you look at even direction I've done a lot of mining including obsidian mining too by the way just to have this like big flat pathway that goes in the lot in each direction I don't know what what I was really going for I just wanted to mine out an entire layer of the world and it's saying I work on from time to time it's fun stuff well maybe it's the opposite of fun I don't know the word fun means if I like mining in Minecraft without a cave update god dammit ok this video it's not for that there's videos to show my world so how about we talk about this by the way because you might notice there's sugar cane in my cave what's that doing there well what this is is this is the bottom lip so I have a shoe came farm in Minecraft and most people when they farm shook cane it's like well I might need like 20 sugarcane plant maybe 30 maybe 40 well I have something like 64 I think it's more like 66 but I have a roughly 64 of these sugar cane per layer and then I have 5 layers per row I guess 5 rows per layer but I have 5 of those for every single layer off the world all the way down from bedrock all the way up to sky height all the way you'll notice like from there up to here because fun fact you can have sugar can't be surrounded by water on both sides but yeah you'll notice all the way from bottom to top it's gonna be exactly the same just sugar cane and sugar cane and sugar cane and sugar cane and sugar cane and sugar cane and yeah a lot of people know this farm it's actually one of the first entry points to the channel for a lot of people it is very big to say the least again shoot canes one of those things you really don't even need boss at some point but I love the idea of taking some that you don't need to do and taking it to an excessive level I mean isn't that what I've done with Minecraft I played this same world for seven years and one of the microsomes of that I would say would be the insane should gain farm also what are on the same subject I guess I should say I do have just over here eight slowly getting insane but not quite yet insane bamboo farm which is automated entirely and then over there in the distance we have of course the wheat barn which is where you can farm wheat every day if you really want to but yeah you can see I've got wheat farm it goes it's gonna be a same similar thing it's like I'm planting the wheat now it takes a long time to get the seeds but I'm trying to have wheat go all the way from bomb to top using ouch yeah as you can see oh using the exact same technique of having some water go through the middle and then planting and replant it takes a bit longer week and honestly I don't need wheat that often but it is cool to see just how fast it stacks up as you can see we've got a whole chest of wheat which we can use to make hay bales and other things like that because hay bales are like flocks of gold or diamond but that week it's it's pretty cool I guess well I'm here anyway I should mention this is my insane flat land or not insane but it's something that started really not flat and I was like why don't I plan that one day I might want to build on it and then I made it so big those like oh this is just genuinely useful but hunting down creepers or hunting down other mobs they only kill maybe like 20 up or something in a row not enough to justify a mob farm but enough to be like oh I need to find them so this wide open area in the daytime I get cows pigs and chickens and stuff in the night time I get creepers as I get Enderman I get witches all the mobs that you rely on just naturally spawning can come here which is nice also I it's just straight part of this mountain to do that also as part of the mountain I have a nice farm up here back when ice had to be farmed as opposed to just found infinitely in the world and then also we've got a boat highway thing it's a bit of a weird thing to describe and honestly even at the time it didn't work well I bet with modern mechanics it works less well though but there's only one way to find out doo doo doo doo doo oh my favorite minecraft song is playing doo doo this is this is what your picture right you want to just be chillin there oh this is my outro music actually calm if I'm not mistaken by the way the boat farm is I mean it's functional now it just doesn't save any time over just paddling in the water a dope thank you at one point in time the momentum from boats was way different and this actually had real uses but yet since then it was really silly that I realized as I was going halfway up like oh we're not gonna make it and then I was like okay we are gonna make it and but basically this was a really silly thing to do as my point here and it's not even a good angle it's a really annoying curve and you know I learned how to curve things from this and now we can at only look at when I didn't know how to curl things also I've got a bumble bee here ready for the next update better believe I'm hyped for the bees and bugs update 1.15 come in to an update near you probably maybe by the way frame can move on to the next thing I actually do need to go to sleep and I happen to be in the area so guess who's sleeping in a king's bed tonight oh not me this will teach meter not lights up the bathroom I guess protip this is why you should leave the bathroom light on at night yeah if song tries to tell you otherwise now you have to fill it it proof that zombies will in fact spawn and they'll wreck your day anyway I feel like I need to show you the mountains here not because there's anything impressive but because I technically have built here over my seven years so let's do it anyway over here I have a bridge that is covered in snow because snow update things it wasn't a very useful bridge anyway I was just kind of testing my bridge building skills I don't think it's a terrible bridge or a brick bridge I think it's just kind of a bridge and it's uselessness kind of amplifies the mesh nasaw fit like it's not a good fridge or a bad bridge I kind of wish it was sometimes cuz then then at least you'd have strong opinions on it right and then also confusingly enough over here somewhere I think I have a bunch of redstone yeah I only know this because it shows up really weirdly on the map I have a bunch of redstone I was trying to spell play cat out redstone on a mountain again high quality idea and then I'm not sure even happened here I got to the the sea and I was like well I've ran out of mountain so that's stuff doing that I guess and maybe that's a good thing maybe that's a stupid thing you tell me Internet but yeah also I assure you the unmounted terraforming things so I am I decided I would make because hollowing out a mountain always seemed to be the dream project but Halloween our mountain takes a really long time so I figured what if I just made a mountain that looks like I followed out and that's all I'm vaguely trying to do right here or vaguely tried to do I guess I haven't been here in a while but I have in fact I have a mountain or like the cypher mountain I did an extra kind of like Lehr twit and it looks like I've made this giant mountain cave thing I think it's beautiful at least and if you don't think it's beautiful then you just don't like curvy mountains okay also I took all the dirt off this mountain here cuz I needed my wheat farm I honestly I kind of like having a Stone Mountain especially because it's at such a jarring angle it looks like a low generation bug no I did this myself also in the area because there's lots of just tiny builds I've done over the years like I do it for one episode once and it stays there forever which is the cool bit about a world view up for so long you remember these tiny ridiculous decisions you made a while ago I built some dragon eggs here kind of a reference to diddy kong racing like dino domain or something I don't know I was like this is I guess they'd be dinosaur eggs if it's dinosaur domain but you get the point there's there's a bunch of low eggs here I think this was well done I think they actually do like like looks like dinosaur eggs and given the failure rate on projects in this world we've got to give that something uh also in case you like your pointless bridges you better believe I have another one over here made from spruce wood again made a very very long time ago I don't know if I later expected this to be useful or if I was like you know I'm gonna build a bridge and test my bridge building skills but as you can see it's um it's not a bad fridge or a good bridge it's just a bridge oh and also you know how I mentioned I had a free sixty sized world that expanded to an Xbox one world that expanded to a bedrock world around the 360 size ball when I moved the new console because I wanted to kind of keep the the limited feel of the world I built a big wall around it and I was like well I want to go past the wall when I need to so yeah this big wall around my world to keep the the new world out I made that joke back in 2014 and I guess it's remained great ever since also I feel like there's way too many like kind of finished kind of embarrassing things I really wanted to make a super stable so I could make a super force there's a horse printing strategy where you can guarantee eventually you'll get a near perfect horse if you put some time in it's something I really want to do I haven't designed some stables I I hope you would agree quite well or at least moderately well but then I just maybe I ran a spruce wood or something I never finished them it looks very odd business it looks like someone's burned it down and honestly that could be the story I could just believe that I haven't done this but yeah some reason song burn down my stable or I didn't finish it whichever's the more believable story Abby I've got horses I got mules I got horses and donkeys and then I got skeleton horses every single variant so I've collected something here at least our video I want to make be real soon is collecting every red knob in survival to show you how to do it cuz I think I've got most of them now honestly like I think I've got the pink sheep I've got the skeleton horse I've got the charged creeper that is a buggy parent by the way but um yeah I think I've got most in the house but I've got the elder Guardian to see it might be fun to try and get all of them cuz I don't have a brown panda yet stuff like that actually maybe I could I can extend this next to the stables have like a Ren Mar barrier would that be cool that might be cool now I guess I have to do in the museum because the elder Guardians kind of like you really don't to move those guys when they're when they're done anyway so a speaking about guardians just over to the east hit the reason there's a gap the only gap in the entire fence this fence literally goes around an entire 800 by 800 world so think about how big that must be 1600 no 3,200 blocks times two by the way but just a little bit out to the ocean over here I have the first ocean monument I ever drained and started to train and conquered and empty down the inside as you can see it's got a little tee on the front because you know it's week at Avengers or something and yeah you look inside the entire thing is strained it was such a big project it was the first time I ever started streaming mega projects and I realized oh some people like this not only as age streamed like it you know maybe a thousand people showed up but hundreds of thousands of people loved watching four hours of a dude doing a big project in Minecraft and it was a weird thing for me because it made me realize that like oh just because something intuitively doesn't sound you know great doesn't mean there's not some people who would like to see that like the thing I've always fought is cool on YouTube is you know the first thing I ever did in my in Minecraft is my first let's play I would show people everything I did in my world every every single moment of it but I'm people like actually there are some moments we won't edit it out but there are some people who want to see everything and I love that cuz you know this world I get to do that with also something I don't think I've done yet is take the gold oh I totally taking the gold out here sad but yeah his notion monument without any warfarin you ever seen this before I mean it's possible but yeah I tried to make it Guardian farm to but I didn't quite cross the mechanics and they've changed since then anyway so oh I'll have to read come back to this one finish up the draining maybe there'll be a fun idea actually you know let's come back at us I've got enough sand now I think no I don't have sand got gravel I guess I could turn into Flint slowly but yeah maybe be fun to finish up some of this and do this I do have a thousand sponges so yeah Lloyd no if you want to see me draining the rest of my monument like three years later or something oh also I've got to do underneath it yeah this is a this is a big park or two there's a lot of water down here that needs to be drained somehow and you can watch a live stream of it if you'd like to a little bit of throwback or maybe you think that's the worst leader ever let me know anyway let's head into the never shall we let's talk about the main never points because I have a big never highway that's just in one direction to make it really easy to get between portals because I have one portal which links to my cave house and then literally I think it's 40 blocks away again very efficient thing all I have to do is run this way just a few blocks head down some stairs and then there's a portal down here which links to my never Church and my kind of brick house then if I really want to I can head a little bit further down the corridor and I can get to my end fun fact so yeah if you go down a little side staircase again you follow it into the fortress and then just around the corner we have a portal which takes us to the end room so I've got a strong hole which is notable because it combined of an abandoned mine shop I don't think that's entirely common maybe you disagree but I think it's kind of cool abandoned wine shop that's also in a stronghold and then yeah the stronghold has an end portal which is of course activated this is how I get to and from the end 99.99% of the time and yet next to it I have a easy LAN drop I need to look how fast and efficient this is Wow and then I also have just in case I want to get into the end and I'm flying around hang in there I have a slip and slide so I can slip hit the water slide down and then and somehow that didn't give me forget okay so this is my end it is covered in glass of course it's a very fun strange place if I'm being honest of you I've got a big last pyramid which is my kind of base of operations for when I need it I have a base there but I don't fit with anything so I guess I don't use it but that's where my end stone storage will because I've got a lot of a lot of outside arms and he's destroyed Olive Street this island I want to destroy this island which is the one I've been working on it's getting smaller I wanted to straight this island over here there's a lot of things to be destroyed because I want every single piece of end stone within like a thousand blocks of the origin to be covered in glass just like this this is something that took way too long it was a really silly project it were being entirely honest but it was something that was really fun compelling interesting I don't even know and actually it was useful look people look at this and say toy cat why did you laminate your end there actually is a points this there is a real value the reason is is because if you torch up your ender if you laminate it if you do whatever basically it makes it impossible for Enderman to spawn which is essential if you want to make yourself an Enderman farm that's right just over here I have an Enderman farm it took me a very long time to put together you can watch the let's play episode now actually but yeah basically I have this farm over here where as you can see Enderman spawn all the way up there there's a bunch of platforms for them she you want to see the platforms I'll spoil you the low explanation so here it here the platform's they spawn on the platform's they teleport to fire they teleport fire they teleport to fire they teleport a fire and then they end up over here this is generally the best way to make it on bedrock I know it's different on Java someone's gonna be like it doesn't walk like that we can't it's because there's different versions of the game I play bedrock minecraft I don't mention that yeah how do I mention this ball is on the federal condition okay now you know so anyway um every video by the way it happens every single one of them every livestream I ever do is like well so we cut don't you know this thing I do know that thing but I know it for a different version of the game but again this isn't a cave update bedrock Ram or something to do of survival instead it's talked about yeah we got a little farm here bill venneman it's very effective you're gonna kill them we can get it it's nice in that way and super effective bomb and it's one that we can make more effective in the future - again right now it's so that's like base level we can get about 50 percent more Enderman per minute if we want to and given how many we have in there right now already that is pretty impressive right so yeah as far as any projects go this is probably the most I've got going on well so my end looks really dull when we use it with the realm vision so we're gonna do right now is I'm gonna switch out from this kind of like okay you can see 10 chunks around me which is the realms default and I'm gonna show you the beauty that is minecraft bedrock on a Windows 10 device okay so I actually do think they're four videos it's better to have a lower render distance in general because you know what to focus your mind on more there's less going on I guess you could say however when it comes to the end cutting down that low render distance even further that realms has I think that was going a bit crazy so here's the render since we have on an old back of the world but downloaded on my own all the recent backup of the world I'd downloaded for Windows 10 it's the exact same world you looked at before but look how much you can see on screen at once too much I would argue but I'll give you moderation don't worry so let's fly from here by though you can see the end portal from here like all the way out over there like 600 blocks away and we can see way further behind it as well oh we can also see my nether fortress that I rebuilt entirely guess what we're getting side tangent to Donna's side tangent I destroyed an entire never fortress and I rebuilt it in the overworld and it looks something a bit like this yeah if I was joking when I said our standing here no this is this is real talk I built a whole never fortress and never village and never mountain and never city and then there's even a giant never region I guess you could call this over here and yeah that's a thing isn't that nice anyway let's slide into the end look at handy the slip-and-slide is by the way like i'll do this oh god no I did it wrong I did it wrong okay it's fine let's slip and slide into that end and pretend that went perfect but yeah this is the difference in render distance rather than seeing from here to that pillar I can see from here all the way out to there you can see my giant glass things going out because again it's not just the the main thing covered in glass there's a lot more to you better believe it and yeah I think this is a much more beautiful view enman farm so I'm glad this is a thing oh and here's something again this is a not even work in progress it's like if I have a needed thing if I have me to make perfect colors say green or black or white or whatever I have specific places in my end I'm gonna use to make set of maps and yeah the goal is if I make this a entire covered in quartz I can have a perfect white map they cover an entire area and green wool or green concrete powder perfect Green map what a wonderful thing we can potentially have also yeah here's my end it's nice there's a few blocks uncovered it's very sad try not to focus so that was a bit of a tangent on the Neva raid but yet there's a nether portal over there the cave house nip all over here for real house there's a net portal over there just on the left for the en portal and then about 200 blocks that way there is my ice Islands thing it's an upcoming video I hope there's a lot of work going into that but then also we have just over here on the right side as opposed to left like everything else we have ourselves and inside the never overworld I recreated a lot of stuff including trees including ice and grass is really hard to make in the nerf by the way fun fact but I recreates a lot of things over here just so I can myself a little slice of the overworld in the nether one day I'm gonna try and trick myself or trick someone into placing a bed down here it'll be great I even have an ever themed house which i think is very clever you'd never guess that you were not in the correct dimension right but yeah that's the thing I've gone all right here I also have a portal which links to my tu 31 days so here are two more of my houses by the way got on acacia house got a dark oak house and then I also have a bunch of other builds because I started my let's play over again but I'm so attached to the same world that I started it again in the same world so I just decided I'll go to the brand new part of the world beyond the wall that keeps everything in or out and I'll just start a new world here and that's why I kind of did I decided to play Minecraft like a lot of people do where you just build a lot of things close together look how nice there's a goth parliament buildings got a library got like a little bow tiara got like a skyscraper another skyscraper a dollar sign skyscraper - look how high-quality I am I love capitalism so much I feel a dollar sign in Minecraft but um yeah there's also drank Chester a one-armed laser beam tweak out of there's a lot of fun things here something you might recognize again a lot of people love the throwback this gives them so for you I'm gonna give you this right here just a little bit of a throwback to Minecraft 360 days my right Ramon 4 jesters were making some of the best minecraft content ever and I have this as the lobby you might just it's not perfect there's a lot of things that are missing it's gonna be impossible to recreate this now that we've lost the lobby but still I love this as a as a concept if nothing else I love that I did make this it's got the same stuff including the chest of the eye it's just I feel nostalgic looking at this may be due to has a few flaws such as I mean there's no library here but whatever we trade our best I think any level of recreation on this scale is pretty impressive and I'm sad if you don't agree with me I also have some other things around here that I've been slowly building bit by bit it's fun it's the thing I'm sure you know anyway so finally I think this is the last big error if the world haven't spoken about here is my desert that I entirely destroyed and covered with torches why did I do that is a question I don't I don't think I have a solid answer for you besides well the desert wasn't a desert anymore the biomes have shifted in this world so much so that the the places that things should spawn and where they did spawn is kind of so messed up that even though this is a desert in terms of it has sand it's not a desert in terms of it doesn't rain here so I torched it up and I've just decided well I'll make my own volume the torch biome where it's never dark and where you never have to fear anything so yeah I've got a cactus farm here I built myself a desert temple that didn't spawn naturally I wanted to show that it was a desert before by building a desert temple after don't question my logic here okay it's flawless I also have a furnace house this is rice pellet most of the glass for the big project so maybe you know that and then yeah I've got a museum of God man there's so many things I've got every single block in Minecraft as a 1.11 I think it was every single block in the game all laid out one by one for a stupid video concept I think that took me eight hours I spent a whole day collecting all the blocks it's fun I recommend it very stupid though I have to admit I have over here giant boat I made off the old boats by the way before the new boat model I have the world's smallest minecraft house here so if you don't know this let me show you something exciting ignore the net right for now this is if you count all of these as blocks you need the fletching table it's a fitting table etc I believe this is the smallest way you can make a Minecraft house where every block is usable and functional I can use that chest underneath the bed you better believe I can use the grindstone the barrel I can use this music disc player I can use this like it everything here is actually usable and that is beautiful if not a little bit stupid but yeah this is this is how my house works hope you'll enjoy it and if you don't well you know it's my video I have a Minecraft village that spawned before Minecraft villagers had village villages had villagers also it got broken in the wall gem somewhere so this happened everywhere also I've got a big old logo that says 400 I've gone all rig I've got blocks made of this there's so many builds around here that even in today's video where I've spent just under two hours trying to show you every single one of them by hand and then going back and even giving you Kenneth pool glimpses I can't show you everything because over seven years so much gets made so much gets done that I hope even seeing this low with an insight this like the majority of things that I'm proud of gives you an idea as to what's going on here look it's an Enderman farm made of giant never portals inside a giant cube of never rack that also for the face has ice because why not right its ups mob spawning so many wacky things gone on there's so many weird little concepts and whatnot but I wouldn't have it any other way I think it's beautiful maybe you agree pal there's a red bed down here that's nice let's sleep in it I'm gonna sleep in the giant cube today but yeah there's so many projects in this world subway systems and you know parcel than ever I haven't shown off and different things I've built like I've destroyed entire strongholds mansions etc there's so much to show off that even this video could only get you you know 75% of there and if that's not beautiful I don't know what it is see I'm just gonna finish off by flying and kind of proving that the cool thing about Minecraft is your ability to change the world some parts your world you might change very little this jungle I removed a few trees but I left it mostly intact and then this Plains biome in this root Forest I haven't touched a single block in yet besides maybe one Lok to make a crafting table like these biomes are entirely untouched but the beautiful thing about Minecraft is the game remains untouched as as you want it to and then you can change it's like the real world there are some places in the real world we've never built anything it's bland that belongs to someone somewhere but like one day it will be useful it will be great and when we do change it it will be changed permanently and when crap having that kind of effect I don't know why I love it so much but I really do I built a fascist village that genuinely later became useful for getting high level enchantments isn't that silly it is very silly but you better believe we did it anyway and yeah I guess long story short today's video the moral of it is that if you stick to something you believe in it maybe you one day too can make a village which will get you great little trades with better villagers such as diamond pickaxes and maybe you too can look a bunch of people in a place they don't really want to be against their will with nationalism as the backdrop you know that's something you can discover for my other videos but now though I hope you enjoyed this video at least a little bit if you did make sure to like it let me know she really liked it and make sure you subscribe to know patience time if you want to see more of these videos every single day on your home page I've been ibx wait I've been i bx toy cat and i guess i'll see you all in the next one goodbye [Music]
Channel: ibxtoycat
Views: 1,086,720
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft
Id: SsPEkMC_nsU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 4sec (2884 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 16 2019
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