Hermitcraft 8: Episode 1 - LET'S GO!

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I wonder how long mumbo will last not killing.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/YungFurl 📅︎︎ Jun 19 2021 🗫︎ replies
season 8 is here and i'm here as well and so is my hawaiian shirt and so are my shorts and sandals yeah i am wearing shorts people keep thinking that i'm not wearing any shorts these are shorts they're just very very skin colored oh and in case you're wondering yes this was also me he just snuck up on me while i was getting myself prepared now now this guy's snuck up on me while i'm trying to get prepared as you can see we've already kind of gotten started on this world we've had we've had a little bit of time playing together and it was hugely hugely productive let's roll the montage of chaos oh wait so this is it this is the start this is this is it we do have two new hermits down in in this crevice down here gemini and pearlescent moon oh goodness to stay as close together as possible we're all on a single continent all right so we're all going to be staying pretty close this season we're going to be you know butting shoulders and being neighbors i am wearing pants sky you've got a tiny hat season eight let's go can you briefly explain why you're just wearing a hawaiian shirt uh what do you mean just wearing a hawaiian shirt i have shorts on as well you're wearing shorts oh my goodness to be fair they are pretty close to my skin tone aren't they no i'm looking at them can you explain why you're wearing a red jumper you know what you know i was born with this okay oh shipwreck right let's see what we got oh dude we got moss blocks straight away oh we got potatoes ah can i have the potatoes please oh oh oh quids in fellas what have you got we've got tons of iron and emeralds and lapis and i got a buried treasure map and it's really close i'm not kidding captain yep head direction left that direction's very vague i can't straight ahead straight ahead the person that's navigating has the map but the person who's controlling the boat has no map so you're having this needle stop stop stop okay uh i don't actually know which way it is but turn let's try right first 180 degrees wait wait you got it totally right it's like at the bottom of the sand normally i got it i got it i got it i got it dude where is it where is it oh bro is it actually good stuff it's actually good i'm not even take a look at that i didn't take anything oh mate i'm already i'm excited that's deep oh we are quitting look at these guys [Laughter] [Music] wait should we go back and show them the heart of the sea yeah yeah let's let's throw it in the waterfall oh no wait turn around i was flexing too hard i wasn't sleeping too hard korean green i yeah he's got that yeah what is that what my goodness and i got and i've got two carrots and two potatoes yeah the season's only been up for 10 minutes but retribution is at hand we will see you again soon wow but we got a diamond man let's go potato boy i like this nickname who's that is that scar i think it is i can't see past your massive waffle good place hello guys oh my gosh what you doing dude hello hi i've been in the ocean for so long well uh hop on can you stand on the boat i'd like to stand on the boat oh my god does this work i can't believe my luck here does this work get on yeah there's a drowned there's a drone dude [Music] you guys are going down there did it work can someone send the boat back up to me yeah that's how boats work do we actually need any of this stuff are we just mining in just needlessly i'm just excited in other news guys am i a steam train because i'm full of coal [Music] wow that was crazy that was wow wow what about impressive guys 1.17 what an update what an update okay i think this is this is oh oh whoa oh scar i am immensely sweaty right now that was well we've reached the end of the island dude you how far did you go this is it this is the northeast north we're at the north district yeah dude i found a cabin on an island over in the spruce forest it's a mason well this is as far as we go so we either settle here or turn around i didn't turn around i can't go any further i sprained my ankle and i'm immensely sweaty and dehydrated i know honey have pants on i feel uncomfortable all right well this is it let's mark let's mark this this is the spot i'm gonna mark it with this bench crafting crafting bench yeah yeah i like it let's put a torch on it it's like yeah and the boat on it hey [Music] is there anything else you can add to the mix [Applause] this is the most iconic founding of a village i've ever seen you tell me we're all going to become friends here i should i hope so i don't do this people my person has to stay oh oh goodness gracious i hate i hate putting people on the spot but does anyone have a name for our little thing that we've got it's the bottom pole it's the photo hole it's the motion pole we sit here now why am i at the top this is the boating pole this is our season season eight season eight here we go we'll be here for the next next bunch of months it's fine yeah we're building anything we're just gonna hang out on the bottom in the boat yep pretty peaceful to be honest this is what season eight looks like everyone as i said incredibly productive so now i'm sure you're all wondering why i'm wearing this rather glorious outfit well for hermitcraft season 8 the suit has been left in the wardrobe and i am going in for peace love and plants last season you know i did a lot of killing okay i killed a lot of things and there was a lot of harm look there's harm going on right now i don't want to be a part of it so for this season i'm going to be all about the good energy the good vibes i'm going to be all about the peace the love the plants and i'm going to try my best to not harm anything so first things first i actually need to get all of my plants in order this little farming setup that i have right here isn't particularly fantastic is it and because i'm not able to kill any animals to get their food it's a very important lifeline for me so first things first i've just flattened off this little area here got to do a tiny bit of deforesting but it's all good because i'm replanting peace love and plants this is incredibly satisfying and now i'd say we're all set to actually start getting these things in place so i've got nine potatoes and i've got six carrots which yeah isn't fantastic and now green is taunting me with beheaded beheaded things right well i guess while all of these things grow we could probably work on making this a tiny bit nicer looking something like this could potentially help things out little logs on the corners stairs going around it maybe some fence posts on top this feels like a very odd use of my early game wood but i think people in this area will thank me for it we are almost done with our little starter farm here just a final few fence posts and that should do it as you can see absolutely nothing has grown so far i think maybe i have some carrots over there but that's it regardless of the efficiency though it does look rather cool doesn't it i always like the look of these little things however it definitely feels like i'm going to be living off of wild berries for a little while longer and i don't want to so now we wait i'm bored bored bored flawed stored reassured and still very little progress has been made many rhyming montages later the wheat and potato farm has been fully grown and then fully harvested and then fully grown again and i've got enough food to actually live and survive on i'm not going to eat wild berries anymore so i would consider this a successfully completed project and now that i have myself an official base i think it's time that i actually get myself set up a little bit because i can't help but notice that everyone around me seems to be wearing much better clothes than i'm currently wearing and by that i mean iron armor i'm clearly wearing the best clothes let's get down into the mines now i probably say this every single season but i always forget just how slow conventional regular minecraft mining is you know i'm so used to having a haste two beacon with efficiency five in my pickaxe i'm just flying around taking out tons upon tons of blocks now i'm back to an iron pickaxe it is painful it is so painful you know you're just gradually making your way through especially in minecraft 1.17 now that we have the deep slate and we've got the tough you know those things slow you down even more it takes days i i honestly thought i was never going to find diamonds at one point i think it took me about an hour to find my first ones but gradually i got into a rhythm and after a handful of hours i've managed to get myself a decent chunk of resources so now it's time for my first max level enchantment i am incredibly incredibly excited for this one i'm going to craft up an entirely new pickaxe because i kind of like this little unbreaking two one it's quite useful oh and if you're wondering what these blocks are doing i really really like the look of the weathered copper whatever this stuff's called i think it's called weathered and i actually want to use it in my starter base so i've left these guys outside to hopefully get a little bit tinted up now my enchanting table is saying efficiency for i'm hoping we get more than just efficiency for we we just we just got efficiency for that's i mean that's still good i'm still i'm happy i have just cycled the enchanting table a few times though and we do now have fortune 3 as our option so i think i'm going to get a few more levels but i'm not going to get them through killing those skeletons because that seems cruel i'm going to do it through mining quartz this is absolutely terrifying i fear for my life this is definitely scary definitely fear for my life at this point in time we're nearly there i've done it and i've managed to survive and i've got a bunch of quartz as well i think we can all agree i'm now looking rather fancy and fortune three and it's a good one that is as good as it can possibly get as you can tell i was rather chuffed with that what actually is this because i saw this pop up and i was just too scared to walk over to it the cave of temptations which is always literally like that's such a bad idea to go inside this is terrible which is why i thought you could go in first have you just fired a snowball at that big i don't i don't know why i thought this would do something let's read it welcome to the cave of temptations this is the home of timmy the magical pig once a day timmy will use his mystical powers of generosity to summon gifts of wonder into this chest however if any contents of his chest are removed no don't don't remove them will lose his powers forever this will make timmy very sad you made me jump so much like i i was in the middle of reading about what timmy could do and you were like okay cool i'm just gonna open this up let's find out okay so basically if we just wait stuff goes in the chest but if we get tempted to take something out he loses his powers how much do you like calcite now i i reckon we wait okay cool we don't we don't just completely just take it out on the bus yeah i think i think we leave it yeah yeah no i'm with you i'm with you should we come back in a week yeah yeah come back in a week see see what's see what's going on you know that there's there's going to be diamonds in it next time and then i mean who else is should we change the name of it like we could maybe change the name of this thing so that nobody else goes near it okay it could be our own thing maybe do not enter works for me i mean you haven't made it the most legible thing hey that is i would say i'd say we've done a good job here i reckon we could be funny yeah i think we're gonna be we're gonna make bank here so with the law of the early game prep all done and dusted i think it's about time that i start work on my starter base because impulse is really putting everyone to shame at this point in time i mean that is gorgeous that is so pretty andy has some copper action going on and it really does suit the build at this point in time i'm kind of between ideas as to what i want to do with my base so i guess i'm going to harvest some potatoes and hopefully that will activate my brain a little bit well that didn't work much head scratching later i've come up with a fully fledged rather expensive and also rather silly idea which of course means it's perfect in every single way first things first i need to do a little bit of flattening of this area here and now we should have enough space to construct this thing now what i want to do is i want to create a vw bus that is transporting a tiny house so first things first of course we've got the wheels for these things for those of you who aren't really familiar with tiny houses essentially they're houses that are small enough that they can fit on a trailer type thing i absolutely love tiny houses i absolutely love vw buses but i especially love tiny houses i follow a lot of tiny house accounts on youtube and on instagram and you know if i could i'll be in a tiny house in an instant but i can't for many reasons and mainly the fact that i'm not a tiny person i probably wouldn't actually fit i'd need like a big tiny house so those are all of our foundational points laid out now it's time to start actually getting the blocks in place the design that i have in mind uses not only a bunch of quartz but it also uses a bunch of copper as well we do not have enough gobble blocks for this thing so for the time being i'm making use of these warped wood blocks and i have to say i actually think they look really good like it could be a better color for the bus than the copper blocks but then again i quite like the vibe of the metallic slightly rusted look of these things i feel like that goes along better with the idea of an old vw bus well that's just about the best feeling ever i had the perfect amount of quartz to construct the shell of this thing and i think that's pretty much everything for the actual exterior and we just need to do the floor and the ceiling and of course there's a million different details to work on with the structure as well which i've gradually started to add in place i also need a lot more of this glow squid ink but obviously i can't kill any glow squid so i might have to recruit someone to kill some on my behalf does that still count as being all about peace love and plants i personally think so this might just be one of the jazziest flaws i've ever created in minecraft but it definitely goes along well with the build and the build itself should now all be finished at least on the campervan front of course it's going to be carrying a tiny house out the back but first impressions are this is ridiculously cool i mean i'm really really happy with how this came together you know the warped wood and then we have the fully oxidized copper and then some of the slightly oxidized ones i think that combination there it just ties it all in really really nicely it's like exactly the vibe that i was hoping for i am i'm really really pleased i would say that i'd love to have one of these in real life but i kind of already do and it is it's actually in a very similar state it's it's kind of it's rusting a little bit itself maybe that's why i love this thing so much because it is so similar to the one that i actually own now time for the tiny house and honestly i think this is what chains were invented for however we could potentially fall at the first hurdle here because the design that i have in mind makes use of dark oak and i am not sure we have any dark oak anywhere near us but with the biggest thanks to pearlescent moon we are now sorted in that department is it one of those ones that requires four saplings yes how long have dark oak trees been in the game i mean you know i feel like they're not really a recent addition anymore my little tiny house is gradually coming together it is starting to look cool and now that i have removed the spruciness of these spruce trees everything is starting to look yeah that that definitely smooths things out i was wondering why i was looking so rubbish once again the key with this build is all in the details currently it still looks a little bit pants but i can promise you at least if it looks anything like it does in my head all right it's going to end up looking good i have confidence there i'm having to do something here that i haven't had to do in an incredibly incredibly long time like i really want to have a grass roof on the top of my house and i want to place plants and things on top of it but of course i don't have silk touch and i forgot that if you don't have silk touch then you can't have a grass roof so i'm having to do this this has definitely come together really nicely it's looking great it's looking cool but there is one massive thing that is missing and that is all the plants you may notice if you've got a bunch of platforms around i put those in especially to just cover this thing in potted plants ah ah that is just beautiful i want to live there i want to move into this world and exist in this thing this is the definitive proof that i needed that size in fact does not matter although i mean that is still gorgeous and this is shaping up to be rather impressive looking let's wait for my grass to grow and see how it looks in the end good question i can't hear you shuffling around above me right now do you really think why remember why aren't you living in your van that she made a hole well look i need a living roof that's a good point actually i could totally be in my tiny house this is a very good point this is adorable this is absolutely adorable i love it it's coming together as i've explained to scott you know i don't have silk touch just yet so i'm i'm gradually getting my way towards a living room oh have you done the door trick though you're not going to get any zombies what do you mean door trick the door trick you place them down in an open position and then the zombies won't break them yeah i said know about this pearl the keeper of knowledge here wow oh my goodness have you got anything else now this i mean i've told i've told scar about the coffer and i think i also found the tree problem before so i'm getting them this time we want to lag the server for a moment click click click click oh oh no there it goes oh oh oh i see i only placed four bone meal but it took like five days for me to place those full bones that's the lag there it lags out the whole server being the the the environmental um small house man yeah can you not cut these trees down like you can't cut an animal down no no i can i can cut down the trees i can cut down the trees they're leaving trees though guys yeah i'm not i'm not that like i'm all about the peace the loving the plants all right and i know that there's plants in that word in that in that phrase but i can cut down the trees i just now have to replant them somewhere else you're willing to to cut jeffrey down here thing is is jeffrey has said some real choice things about you scar while you've been uh well you've been while you've been talking what did he say what did he say mumbo just lots of terrible things about your hat dude i mean oh my god not a tiny hat he's got a reel oh oh okay you're kind of only scott all right it's too late anyone else have any problem with my hat anyone else no i think your hat's adorable personally all i can say why thank you scarf if your hat had a house it would look very similar to mine all right well i guess we'll clear out these trees now cheers guys oh you've got a lot of puds on now for you wait he doesn't have socks so that's the other thing where did the pods all come from from the trees what don't tell me you don't know this either what the two by two spruce trees generate fonts all underneath them scar did you know this i forgot about it until i like blasted my area with this stuff yesterday this is this is this is genuine news to me today i have learned that hermits aren't as knowledgeable as they seem so you're telling me pearl so i've been waiting right so i've been waiting to get the grass to grow up on my roof finally i think it's almost getting there but now i have to wait for the grass to spread out the front of my house as well and look at the size of this area well this grass doesn't spread on pods no i know so i'm gonna have to clear it all out and now i'm gonna have to yeah good luck with that bamboo why did you guys come around would it be too look at your tiny house but we should parcel no stop stop leave all shenanigans and server lagging aside the tiny house and bus combination is now all completed and i have to say it is looking ridiculously cool i am so so happy with how adorable this thing is now after constructing it i was a little bit stressed out because i realized that there was absolutely no room for me to put anything in and i i wasn't really sure what i was going to have to do i was thinking about adding a basement but then me and green kind of ran around and we just started adding functionality into this thing and not only is this thing now actually usable as a base but it also it's made it look so much cooler like the added texture of the barrels looks really nice the addition of the chimney on the top is obviously just an enormous wind that looks fantastic and then even adding functionality to the bus as well so we've got some furnaces and some extra storage in here this is a solid little base like this is this is actually a solid little base now you may be wondering what these things are well they're not really meant to stay here but with that being said they are really really satisfying and they do kind of go with the mood of the build so they might temporarily stay except i've just spent many hours designing something better you see i've been camping on a number of occasions and i've been around campfires on a number of occasions and occasionally someone will have a guitar at that occasion and there is always one song that is guaranteed to be played every single time it is of course wonder wall so i have spent so long learning chords and then translating them into minecraft so that i can have an accurate representation of the sort of music that would be played around my tiny bus honestly this might be my proudest achievement in minecraft so far this is exactly the sort of project you expect on episode one none of that punching tree nonsense and gathering diamond rubbish we get to work on the important projects here this is going to require an awful lot of hay bales like an awful lot three one two three four five six seven and i believe that creates an f sharp or is an f hash m whatever whatever that might be four five six seven eight nine ten and that should be an a and this should be an e and then here we have what's known as a b7 sus4 which honestly i don't know what to think about that seems a bit sus to me and if i loop it back to the start [Laughter] oh man that's already annoying today it's gonna be i'm gonna feel like that i gotta get it back to you i'm feeling it i've got flowers in my hands i'm breathing my hair i don't believe that anybody here's the way i do about you now i wonder if there's someone better who sings on the server i'd say it's actually that was pretty spot on if you listen to it it's not far off okay okay let's do this i mean he's definitely going to think that something's going on i'm buttons in place is it in put it in it's in shoot it yes oh let's just cover this up like we were never here moving incredibly swiftly on from that i have done even more work on the base area now we've got a little campsite and also i've got this switch right here which is our wonder wall switch so i can turn that on and off i am so happy with this but i have to leave it alone i can't stop touching it you know it's just it's my favorite little starter base it's so cool i can't stop taking with it i need to leave it alone and i need to work on some other bits and pieces let's head down into the mines and now that i have fortune 3 we should be rolling in diamonds except i wasn't you know earlier on i said that things felt incredibly slow and i thought that was just because i hadn't mind in that style for a very long time well it turns out that not only is that the case but also something has definitely changed in minecraft 1.17 and the distribution of diamonds is definitely different all of the hermits have been talking all of us are really really struggling to find a decent number of diamonds and that is it's bizarre you know we're not normally struggling for diamonds on the hermitcraft server but we've all been trying out different techniques i've been chatting with impulse and he suggests going really low he's been mining around about y5 whereas i've been mining at y7 and that seems to be better than y11 but honestly it's still not great so i'm yet to find the perfect solution either way we now do have a somewhat decent amount of kit i'm in full diamond armor which i'm just about to go and enchant and i guess one benefit of struggling to find diamonds is that you mine for longer which means you end up with a lot more just general resources we've got tons of redstone we've got tons of iron loads of coal a bunch of gold a bunch of copper we've got a bunch of everything basically right leggings now it's only saying i'm breaking three but unfortunately i don't have enough levels to be able to spin this enchanting table too many times so that's a win and then blast protection four is probably actually going to come in handy but only blast protection for that's a little bit advanced still being in a set of fully enchanted diamond armor always feels pretty special and on the topic of a special what on earth scar it's meant to be a starter base buddy what is this this is this is many things many many things starter bases not one of them tiny bass i still love you i'm hearing the weirdest noise can you hear that is this it's a it's a pair of glue squid i wasn't expecting this i can't kill them i could however wait for this one to die naturally i mean this guy he's dying for me he knows he knows i wanted to die and he sacrificed himself so that i wouldn't have to kill him how how generous i mean if i nudge him up onto the side is that still i'm still technically not killing him but this is this is fine this is absolutely fine after a tiny bit of coercion i believe this guy is dying for me as well yeah totally of his own accord he he wanted this to happen there was absolutely no convincing on my part let's quickly remove all the dirt blocks that i just placed sweet we now have six ethically harvested glowing sacks peace love and plants baby peace love and plants but that has made me think i should probably get myself set up with some form of weapon in case something attacks me and i think i have the perfect solution in mind what would be the most convincing um don't hurt me i love you this is so stupid so now if something is trying to attack me then i will i will chuck one of these on the floor hopefully it will pick it up it will read it and it will understand that i feel love for that thing and it won't continue attacking this should also work on players as well i think we can all agree this is a flawless strategy now i quickly want to clear up the little area in the front of my starter base and get everything officially moved in to the tiny house which is now looking much much tidier now that that little mess out the front is gone it allows me to fully appreciate this build and as i mentioned earlier on i'm really really happy with the functionality of this thing look we've got all of the various different stone types in the floor so that's all covered over here we have got our various different types of vegetation which we're probably going to need more storage for but for now this is fine then up here we have got our food we've got wood in that section we've got handy bits and pieces there we've got redstone supplies in this barrel over here and then we have our dirt up at the top given that the interior of this thing is literally three by one i'm not even counting this block because it's got a door on it so i can't place anything there i would say that is remarkably functional but there's one piece of extra functionality i want and that is a tiny little super smelter because of course i'm going to be living off roast potatoes for the foreseeable future i want a really quick way to bake these things and i'm hoping i should be able to do this in quite a seamless fashion so if i create something a little bit like this it almost looks like a table in fact actually i want it to be a wooden table just have to wait for the saplings to drop so i can actually replant this tree why did i do this to myself why did i tell myself that i was going to plant every tree i i don't need to these are virtual trees d4 the world is infinite so underneath this little table which i think looks absolutely lovely are these two barrels this one is going to be the input chest that's where we're going to put the items that you want to smell and then this is going to be the output chest for the smelted items coal i'm just going to put in manually because that makes life a lot easier free plant replant replant right if this piston is extended across and this hop of mine cart is here that then gets stuck that's good and then if items are on the inside of this barrel they go straight into the minecart hopper okay this this is like the main part of the system all working properly so we're going to use a comparator to detect the fullness of the hopper minecart and that means that this hopper minecart will only move off once it fills up with items so then it travels off and that would drop all of those items into all the furnaces so i would say a good number of furnaces to have is probably about 12 given the number of items to end up in the minecart let's get all of the hoppers in place and then we need all of the underside hoppers as well powered rails to bounce our minecart back and forth and i've just realized that that actually should be everything it kind of caught me off guard i forget how simple these little minecart super smelters are there really isn't too much redstone to go into them now there is one extra thing that i do need to work on which is the item elevator which is going to take the items from this thing up into the barrels but for the time being i'm just going to do a real quick test run so i've got two stacks of potatoes and if i throw those into this barrel here oh gosh okay well thankfully that didn't that didn't make his way into the hop of my car because that definitely would have broken things but this is a good sign so we've got five three three three four okay it looks like they're pretty evenly distributed apart from the first ones how many are going into this thing i mean that seems like more than enough but we definitely need to balance this thing a little bit because i think it's going a bit too slowly over the top of this first one here either way this is considerably faster than a single furnace which is what i was using previously and now i've fixed up the redstone a little bit and everything seems to be a lot more balanced now let's hook up this item elevator so okay that's running the items up to there and then hmm how do i connect this up i think i've accidentally done it i wasn't expecting this to fully work but it seems to be sending the potatoes right the way up to the top uh but it's not they're now getting stuck there this is an absolute noisy mess this is not going well but it does now appear to be working and it appears to be silent which i would say is a massive bonus and with the completion of our item elevator that should mean that our super smelter is now actually finished so our minecart is traveling back and forth it's depositing all of the potatoes into the furnaces and then if i keep an eye on this barrel the potatoes then come up into the barrel and it is working really quite quickly i mean you can see it stalls every now and again and then another batch comes through but i gotta set i'm incredibly impressed with this thing especially because it is completely concealed underneath this really nice looking table chuffed to bits absolutely chuffed to bits for that thing and i'll be honest i'm absolutely chuffed to bits with everything that i've created so far on hermitcraft season 8. this is a solid solid solid start we have some serious resources we've got ourselves a very cool little camper van complete with tiny house that has a storage system inbuilt into the walls we have a solid food farm that will keep us sustained for the foreseeable future we have a tiny little campfire we have a machine that plays the song wonder wall for everyone who's around the campfire and we have ourselves a fully functioning 12 furnace super smelter underneath a little table and we did all of it without killing anything and i plan on keeping it that way what is this what is this what is i mean okay like i i guess you know green's a good builder maybe he knows where trees should go you know that i guess that does feel quite nice yeah i like it i i i like it [Laughter] well what grader doesn't know is that i can replant them anywhere i guess this is my life now he seems to be taking out my tree i think we all know what this means he's right there but i think scar has distracted him by goofing around with the dragon's egg and i'm hoping that i should be able to get in what's it going over there buddy i touched his thing i did see you touched this thing and it worked very much to my favor you see do you want to touch his thing over there it's really fun i mean are we allowed to am i allowed to touch the thing now i know you're not allowed to touch the thing yes we're touching the thing we're here to touch the thing here touch this thing i mean what happens do i want just right click amazing he said it's cool i didn't realize there's an animation of it literally falling should we just touch it until it lands back in its original position i think that's oh oh dear where is it where did it go that's a genuinely genuinely my heart actually sank when we couldn't find it then i was like i thought we had totally ruined your thing so i'm glad i'm glad it is back and i'm glad that this this this has been restored as well you know i'm starting something you can't finish i mean i look i know i know i have to replant every tree the thing is i can replant them anywhere they can go anywhere it's the beauty of of of replanting things they don't have to stay in the same position that's the beauty of making up your own rules that is also very true so expect many replantings in your base from this point forth you've started i can't believe i've been uno reverse cards like this all right well i'm gonna get back to my vw bus listening to wonder wall uh i guess i'll see you all soon oh you'll see you'll see me real soon don't worry about it yeah score i've never heard wonder wall this is got tiny hat yeah she's got it that's it i touched her egg again and i think that's the perfect conclusion to the perfect episode i hope you've enjoyed and i'll catch you in the next one see ya this has been so incredibly fun i've absolutely loved the process of making this episode i'm sure you can tell as well at least i hope you can tell from the video i think it's come out really well i'm just i'm i'm chuffed i'm so chuffed a bit i cannot wait to continue the shenanigans on hermitcraft season 8 i think this season is going to be incredible so keep your eyes peeled
Channel: Mumbo Jumbo
Views: 5,198,937
Rating: 4.975246 out of 5
Keywords: Hermitcraft 8: Episode 1 - LET'S GO!, Hermitcraft 8: Episode 1, Hermitcraft 8, Hermitcraft, Hermitcraft Episode 1, HERMITCRAFT SEASON 8, Minecraft 1.17: Caves and Cliffs, Minecraft 1.17, Caves and Cliffs, Hermitcraft Season 8 Episode One, Hermitcraft Season 8, Hermitcraft Mumbo, Mumbo Jumbo, Grian, Hermitcraft Server, Minecraft Starter Base, Hermitcraft village, Tiny Minecraft Farms, Minecraft Super Smelter, Minecraft 1.17 Mining techniques, GoodTimesWithScar, Minecraft Farms
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 12sec (2172 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 19 2021
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