Teachers REALIZE The PARENTS Are As BAD As The STUDENT (r/AskReddit)

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our slashes credit teachers have read it what are your thoughts just as bad as the students stories if you mean crazy I got this let's call this student Amy kinda quiet kind of quirky enter mob hit a teacher with her car the youngest daughter darted out in front of the car to get in the other side against protocol supervising teacher literally jumps into action and put a hand out yelling stop car hits hand driver drives away hospital visit required and police called parents times up to read to the class she chooses a book called that's disgusting pretty run-of-the-mill call and answer staff pick your nose that's disgusting forget to wash your hands that's disgusting until she got to put your finger in the cat's behind that's pardon that's not a thing please stop introducing the idea to these eight year olds that putting your finger in a caps behind is a thing Amy's mom wants to check in on Amy so she peeks through the hallway window during class a student raises his hand Amy's mom is staring at us I turned to look mom Dax I walk to the hallway door and open it mom remains ducked we have a two-minute conversation with my doctor of the ground of when it is appropriate for parents to be on campus this is actually a story from a substitute teacher I have who used to be the principal of a smaller primarily white school some are 20 or 30 years ago so there was a class of around 18 to 19 elementary school kids third or fourth grade I believe and there was only one little black girl in the class a couple of boys picked on her repeatedly and excessively for a while calling her a little an asterisk G ger this is an exact quote from what we were told in our 10th grade English class by the sub until he called the boys into his office and threatened a 10-day suspension the most he was allowed to give without consulting the board well one of the little snot-nosed brats told his father who came into the office and asked if the whole ten days pension threat was true he said yes and that really pissed this guy off the kids that proceeded to say so you're telling me that if my kid calls that injure injure than you're going to suspend him and in response he said yes now get out of my office the father threatened to take it up with the superintendent and get him fired which didn't happen and he worked there another ten years before becoming a substitute teacher the dudes really cool and I wish the world had been my principal a Caucasian student yelled the n-word in the middle of class so following protocol I contacted the parents this was maybe ten minutes before my contracted day was over I was asking admin for help getting numbers et Cie and when I informed the parent the dad blew his lid and yelled that he was coming to the school right then and there because the school was messed up and was picking on his kid etc I locked my doors closed all the blinds and camped out in the counselor's office until the office secretary gave me a clear sign to leave context I was a long-term sub the original teacher have had run-ins with this dad way he came into the classroom and yelled at her I'm five feet five and he's about six feet two and twice my size I didn't want to be intimidated by him physically so I left Edit for those saying I'm being racist this was in a second grade classroom seven to eight year olds learned this word from somewhere and brought it into the classroom no matter who said it it is a racial slur and that is not something I condone in my classrooms the only reason I brought up race into my story is because the dads reaction was over the top and he was not at all sorry or horrified that his child had said an offensive racial slur some people think that racial slurs directed at their own race is okay if you don't know the whole story don't just assume racism had a grandparent come in once and verbally attack me she asked me to let her grandson in at lunch on my break so he could get his backpack and go home for his homeschooling after four years of our school putting huge amounts of time into his learning and him not caring in the slightest they decided to home-school him half days where he took piano lessons and played on the computer his description then as I was in the room I said Oh students take home your math homework he never did any of it in class and if you get time you can finish it at this point she stood in front of me and I had my back up to the whiteboard so I was essentially trapped and got very close and said loudly I know you're a young teacher and you have all these ideas and things you want him to do but I'm going to tell you right now in point not points doing point any point of point it and then continue to go on about how this student was failed by the school et CTC this was not only my first year there but I went above and beyond for this kid daily as did everyone else and he just didn't care wonder why while she's yelling at me I look over and see the kid standing there nodding along with her he was nine and this was what he thought of his teachers via her after that I avoid her like the plague his mom came on a field trip later in the school year and expensive one that we paid for as she was a chap around and she left halfway through handing her group off to another parent and then on the last day of school I gave out little gifts to each kid with personalized notes and the grandmother came into my classroom and said never in all my years have I seen a teacher do this for a child seems untrue this is truly special well done it was a very special year with her not a parent but when I was in high school a bunch of girls vandalized a gay teacher's car the fact that he was gays relevant because he kept all sorts of decorations on his car and the girls made fun of him constantly for it so he obviously felt discriminated against they stole his antenna a bunch of stuffed animals and other decorations and even keyed the cars and they took pictures of everything and showed them around so they got caught by the school's administration and the only punishment they faced was having to take all finals that year if you had a certain maverick grade you got to skip them they qualified well the parents of all the girls went apposite started threatening the school with all kinds of lawsuits and other more veiled but serious threats the sad part is that they were all middle to high class families who were supposed to be decent people with decent jobs eventually the school took back the punishment and some of those girls went on to become owner grads next year all this happened a few years ago and as far as I know they've always remained a burden on their parents and society they graduated from good universities but none of them work they just go to Europe like three times a year as a teacher's aide I've seen quite a few badly behaved children with even worse parents but this kid was the most backquote out there he was consistently late to school if he ever came and always left before the end of school which was his only saving grace for the rest of the class this kid was nine and still threw temper tantrums when things didn't go his way he was so self entitled and selfish that he had no friends and would constantly bully his classmates into handing over toys and lunch money he was quite a stocky kid and knew how to throw his weight around to control other kids but this was nothing I repeat nothing compared to his mother she had multiple restraining orders on teachers and staff at the school 'she would verbally and occasionally physically assault on her son would spin stories about other children hurting him and teachers being mean and she would lose the plot she would enter the school whenever she wanted usually during class time and insist on speaking with teacher and refusal would mean getting cussed out in front of the kids or even get physical she's technically not even allowed on school property but has disregarded this the police are called every time she comes but cause we're a rural school it takes about 25 minutes to get there otherwise his paternal grandma is pleasant and is fortunately the one who usually picks and drops him off not a teacher but I have worked at a summer camp with occasional mom / daughter and dad / daughter weekend camps and the moms are horrific at the end of every program week weekend however long it was all cabins have to be cleaned and sanitized at the end of mother / daughter programs there are always a few months who think they don't need to help their cabin doesn't need to be cleaned or their daughter doesn't need to help isn't that your job excuse the [ __ ] out of you no no it is not my job is to plan and lead activities supervise for camp rules and safety and assist in emergency situations my seventh graders last week and the fourth grader than the next unit / mopped their cabins and bath houses wiped and sanitized their mattresses scrub toilets etc so they would be clean for your procedures you will do the same for the next girls to come no we can't talk to them that way but nugget was so annoying we also had a counselor table in the dining hall with coffee and hot water for tea as well as things we brought for ourselves tea hot chocolate our own mugs et Cie at the beginning of the first meal we explained all of it and still moms always act like well I'm an adult so it's okay to do what I want and they get into someone personal stash take someone's mug and sometimes get it for their kid but I wanted a bigger mug she can have it it's okay like [ __ ] that is a staff members personal mug we do not work and get all sweaty and dirty having minimal sleep with screaming children for weeks on end so you can come for 48 hours and just de because you had to get up to refill your cafeteria coffee mug up a few extra times and no giving your kids someone personal hot chocolate is not okay someone paid for that with their own money and now every kill here is going to complain because they want some yes we moved that stuff to a councilors only table away from the coffee parent weekends I had a student last year who was new to the school really nice friendly shy and hilariously absent-minded he would come to school at least two days a week with either his shirt on backwards inside out or both so I wanted to talk to his parents about how his absent-mindedness was affecting his learning mom shows up at 5:00 dad shows up one hour late we have a good chat and they get up to go as I'm walking them out I said I will show you the shortest way to the parking lot the dad replies with I didn't park in the parking lot so I said you can go the same point way to the street he said I couldn't find the parking entrance so I just drove around and parked on asphalt play area sure enough I walked by and his car is next to the playground so it all came together after that teaching adjacent I used be an educational facilitator at a Science Center during the school year I would be the liason for school trips during the summer I would run the summer camps parents used to like to plunk their kids in science camp because it is educational we had a pile of hands-on programming I have to say it was pretty fun fun unless your kid aggressively hates science and you are forcing them to be there enter Jason Jason was a [ __ ] on day one we welcomed them to camp with by making liquid nitrogen ice cream Jason didn't give a [ __ ] he refused to eat stupid nerd ice cream through the day his attitude got worse he refused to participate told the other kids nerds and losers he was an all-around pain in the ass at pickup I pulled his mother aside and said I don't think Jason really wants to be here we can arrange for a refund or see if we can transfer him to another program he will find more to his liking his mother applied it's your job to make him want to be here clearly you suck at it great day too Jason shows up with an even bigger chip on his shoulder the day's activity was engineering Fort building every kid loves a good fort except Jason Jason picked up one of the plastic tubes and cracked a kid across the back of the leg with it as I run over to tend to his victim Jason cracks me across the side of the head with the tube with all his might breaking my glasses and giving me a decent bruise across the side of the face it takes two of us to do some Jason and separate him from the group we pull him into the admin office and call his parents to come now he is no longer welcome his mother shows up a good three hours later absolutely livid not about Jason's behavior not in the least there was no Apple G or understanding instead as we are ejected her son from Camp she turned to us as said I hope you will get cancer edit have a few people saying we should have pressed charges this camp was for 6 to 8 year old Jason was a fairly young child at the time high school teacher and we have something called soft lockdowns known as shelter in place by some schools where doors are shut and locked but classes continue as normal these are pretty common and can be used for anything from a medical emergency want everyone out of the hallway if someone needs to be cared for because high school is an Aussie to a fugitive running around the neighborhood we've been in many soft lock downs because parents have come to the school ready to hunt down and beat the crap out of a teacher they usually come in the front office can't access the rest of the school without someone opening the secured door screaming cutting threatening everyone in the area you get the picture often they're removed by the SRO and given a criminal trespass citation we have a pretty high rate of fights and violence between students when I see parents acting this way it all makes sense I once had a student who thought I should drop whatever I was doing and help him immediately any time he asked a question one time I was working with another student and this kid yells across the room that he needed help I told him I would help him when I was done and to please raise his hand next time apparently this said the kid off because he went on a loud tirade about how I was racist for not helping nevermind the fact that the student I was helping who he wanted me to abandon was the same color as him I ended up kicking him out of class after he went on and on about it for a while which he said only confirmed my racism everyone else in the room just kind of stared at him as he left he got suspended from my class for a couple days which meant I needed to inform his family I never actually spoke to his mother because his aunt was listed as a contact about any incidents turns out he and his mother were living with the aunt at the time but the aren't explained to me that he had learned this behavior from his mother who demonstrated this behavior anytime she felt she was wronged the aunt said she was trying to fix her nephew's attitude and promised me that it didn't matter if her sister thought it was fine to teach her son to act that way because it wasn't going to happen again while they lived in her house and you know she was successful the kid never pulled that crap again at least not in my classroom a bit different because this is a positive story I'm not a teacher but I'd had for a freshman chemistry class last year so college kids but ones that were in high school like three or four months previously one kid in my section was amazing scary smart always got great marks on assignments asked fantastically phrased questions that the professor love to answer was a joy to be around during the lab section because he was so easy to be friendly with he clearly loved and accepted the work and enjoyed being in the environment which definitely extended to the rest of his lab group they were consistently the most talkative but also got the highest marks on assignments about halfway through the semester we introduced a concept that he struggled with a bit so he came to a few tutoring sessions and he was a joy to help one on one our third tutoring session was in the campus Starbucks and went late so he had to get his dad to pick him up because his ride to campus that they had already left his dad came a bit early so he ordered a drink and sat down with for a bit and I immediately understood where this kid got everything from his dad was wicked smart asked relevant questions in a way that made me think about the material in serious depth same way that his son did cracked a couple of dad jokes that made me laugh and was beyond easy to talk to to the point where we had stayed an extra thirty minutes beyond what we were supposed to swapping between going over the material and cutting up just a joy to be around from day one until the day of the final and the Apple clearly didn't fall far from the tree when I was still a student teacher I was asked by my cooperating teacher to sit in on parent-teacher interviews the first parent sheduled for that night was the parent of a student who was completely tuned out in my class usually always sleeping never does any work never did well on tests or assignments the usual suspects the student was also often caught on his phone in class watching streams on Twitch with the volume on and complaining when his phone would get confiscated my cooperating teacher tells this parent all of our concerns in the nicest and most polite way possible going as far as beginning to suggest homework management solutions study tips and even formulate a plan of action for the student so that his grades could improve come next term now if I asked you to go and look up the definition of disconnected in the dictionary you would find a picture of this woman everything my cooperating teacher said all her concerns her suggestions her plans of action for this student went in one ear and straight out the other when the teacher finished voicing her concerns / suggestions I kid you not this woman blinks like one of those I have no idea what you just said kind of blinks pauses for about five whole seconds then replies with how many students are in this class my eyes immediately bulged out of my head at that response this wasn't a classroom size problem this was your child puts in zero effort problem still the teacher politely replies with 26 relatively small for a school of more 1,700 students the woman stood up from her seat so violently that the teacher flinched and proceeded to storm out of the room mumbling too many class is too big too many kids too many my cooperating teacher and I were both speechless it turns out that she went straight to the principal's office right after the interview and began to complain to her about the class size and how it was hurting her son's education when the principal said that there wasn't much she could do about the situation the parent began to complain about how high the student teacher obviously didn't know what I was doing for her kid to be failing and that the student teacher should teach the class alone thankfully the principal backed meet up but I still couldn't believe what in her head this parent was TLDR student puts in zero effort but to the parent it's the class sizes fault and also my fault edit spelling I'm French so I often rely on autocorrect too heavily this is maybe just a bad parent story I had a little girl in my pre-k class age 4 name day she was a delight very smart very well-behaved and just lovely always got good behavior marks and was always excited to be at school I used to braid my female students hair after they would wake up because their hair would always be in tangles and a was coloring and shouted out Misbah maximum Kent is so good at doing hair like she was singing a song to herself she was honestly one of my faves her mother couldn't stand her some days they'd get along fine but more often than not a would sour as soon as her mom came to pick her up one day during morning drop-off I'm sitting at my desk while the kids are playing at their tables before the actual school day / academics begin and I look up to see a being dragged by the wrists into my classroom by her mother her mother hauls her in front of my desk let her go and says she's your problem now and walks out I didn't have enough time to even greet nor say goodbye to the mom she was in and out of there so fast I walked around my desk and gave their big and told her how glad I was that she was at school today and she immediately brightened had a great day etc I don't think mom was actively abusing a like nothing to call CPS for but it was painfully obvious she did not like her daughter red was heartbreaking edit to answer some questions all in the same place I had a behavior system setup similar to the system the public kindergarten used so the kids would be used to it where each kid starts the day on green and can either get a yellow or red depending on how bad their behavior gets well my system went like this everyone started on green that could go down to yellow then orange then red which prompted a phone call home or they could go up to blue then purple then wonderful and you could move up and down all day so you were never stuck on one color anyway once the kid got to wonderful they got to take home a wonderful word which was like a little award on a strip of paper that had a synonym for wonderful like terrific or awesome all stupendous on it and their name date and my signature on the back this kid got so many wonderful words sir her mom knew she was doing well in school behaviorally also her academic work was sent home every day with high marks I was the youngest sibling to a brother I was working in a private preschool so they were fairly well-off family they were white and American some days things were fine between a and her mom and I think her mom really did try most days to smile at pickup and show a good face to her daughter but some days she just ran out of [ __ ] to get and it shows really really badly in my experience CPS will not do much of anything unless there is absolute proof of physical abuse they are so overloaded with complaint / cases and if it's anything less than severe then it's not worth their time just how I've experienced the system thus far I really just think her mom didn't like her and a intern didn't like her mom it may have been like someone commented that it was just a weird super personality difference that made things really difficult for both a into a monster as mom was the parent and it's a job to keep it together and provide a safe stable loving home for her child Ren though I don't think she had this problem with a Zelda brother also she was a stay-at-home mom and literally had most of the day away from a while she was in my classroom it just really made me so sad to see someone so obviously and blatantly and unapologetically dislike their child also to the people who called me Miss Honey Yule made my f and day and even though this is a sad story I appreciate the silver I just hope this serves as a reminder to be kind to your kids even when they are being unlikable because no kid is likable all the time but they don't need to receive your vitriol threat and you can and maybe should tell your child when they are not being likable but again you don't have to be unkind about it empathy and compassion especially for small humans I got a phone call from a parent basically saying that a few other children had beaten up their child so the following day we take aside that child then all the other children in the in turns out there were nine other children involved and it turns out to be the complete truth the children had been arguing about a video game they attend and this one child had a different opinion to the others so they push him to the ground and while he's curled up on the floor they start kicking him my head teacher contacts the parents of the children involved to let them know and explained the punishment fast-forward to the next day when one of the parents comes into school and starts shouting at their child in front of his whole class and teacher asking him why the hell he admitted to doing it what was the matter with him and how he was stupid for doing so before taking him and his two siblings out of the school this child was one of the ones who admitted straight away to doing it and had burst straight into tears and was clearly feeling guilty not a teacher but one of the kids at my high school was the world's biggest [ __ ] he would find something wrong with everyone and bully them about it until he found another thing wrong with them he picked on me because I had muscular arms I'm a girl and that I'll never be in a happy relationship because I look so disgusting I've had enough of his [ __ ] so I went to a teacher and told them skip forward a couple of days me and a bunch of other kids he bullied were called into the office to tell our stories he was there too and when the teacher gave him his consequence he said you can't punish me I'm gay he's been using this excuse since he came out in 2014 in no way am i homophobic but he just uses the in gay card anytime he gets in trouble he still gets in trouble and he has a meltdown and calls his mum saying the school's homophobic mum comes in and punches the principal so hard she loses a tooth and gets a black eye and hurled abuse at her police are called and she isn't allowed back on school grounds unless it's a school event I still wonder where he got his temper from thank you so much for watching the whole video please leave a like and subscribe
Channel: Slime King
Views: 10,630
Rating: 4.8054056 out of 5
Keywords: high school, reddit stories, reddit
Id: 1H5relFjMws
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 34sec (1654 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 10 2019
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