Worship Service - September 19, 2021

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i was glad when you said unto me let us go into the house of the lord our free shall stand within the gates of jerusalem jerusalem they're built as a city that is impacted together whether the tribes go up in the triumph of the lord into the of yeshua to give thanks into the name of the lord for there are set tons of the testimony and the throne of the house of david praise i will now say jesus be with indeed because of the house of the lord because of the house of the lord god the second day i have read it on psalm 22 [Music] and wild god we just want to say thank you that the ones that came and the ones that are here and the ones that the only way up here will get us all logged out with thank you for your angels watching over both day and night you didn't have to do it but you didn't know it with that father and we thank you even the fault for doing it for us we pray our heavenly father for the ones that are driving up and down the dangerous highway that you will see that they make it to their destination safe wherever they be going amen [Music] is filled with transitions oh [Music] oh oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] this [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] oh world [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Applause] uh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] so [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] and i'll go [Music] [Music] oh [Music] every day [Music] [Applause] already [Music] me [Music] [Music] and i thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] day [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] huh me [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] the scripture says i wish i could bless the lord [Music] no matter what you're going through this morning i will [Music] you have been called to worship already [Music] i already [Music] [Music] uh is [Applause] [Music] um [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] is is me [Applause] is [Music] away [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] me [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] good morning this morning is coming from the second corinthians and he said unto me my grace is sufficient for thee for my strength is made perfect in weakness most gladly therefore therefore will i rather glory in my infirmities that the power of christ may rest upon me one more time and he said unto me my grace is sufficient for thee for my strength is made perfect in weakness most gladly therefore will i brother glory in my affirmative that the power of christ may rest upon me but since y'all y'all know come one more time together for my strength is made perfectly most gladly is [Music] [Applause] that are doing us on facebook and youtube it is so good to be with you again i think i'm losing the voice that's all right all right do we have any visitors with us today would you please raise your hand visitors no visitors any of our returning members back today please raise your hand members that have been out for a while and it's uh to the deaconess ministry from uh deaconess dwindling brown she says hearts touched by the lord's kindness can't help but be grateful love you and thank you all so much chess center please continue to remember our six a's then shutting members and please continue to pray for them and pray for each other thank you so very much i'm all right oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is foreign [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Music] all right [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] where we realize the fallacy of man for manhood is premised on strength and fortitude father even mortal flesh becomes weak and we we need to rely on that strength that is not from this side [Music] fatherhood we can't rest on our own abilities and we ask lord as we look to the heels from which cometh all of our health and your children ask for help on this holy so father we ask that you do what you do best god that you would speak to your people comfort carry and keep them as only you can because you made us and you know all about us so father we pray god that preaching would rest upon this house preaching that would provide hope that would provide encouragement inspiration and uplifting my prayer this morning is that you would be the lifter of heads on this morning that you would bring smiles to somber spirits that you would bring peace to troubled minds father i would pray that you would speak through this your servant hide me behind your cross so that you can be glorified and i could be diminished i ask these things in the name of the risen savior who is jesus christ our lord in jesus name we pray and all god's children said amen amen [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you thank you [Music] thank you don't want to [Music] oh [Music] is thank you is is [Music] my soul [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] uh [Applause] thank you [Music] matter what you're going to do thank you thank you [Music] thank you want to thank you [Music] honor to the almighty god and if i'm honest y'all i think i prayed i've prayed more in the last three days or so than i think i have all year and i was telling brother brown in the office this morning that for as well river wilson as i think i know the lord [Music] there's there's a lot that happens according to his will that he has now made known to me and while i know as a good christian it is my volition to rest in his will but the mortal flesh is often impacted by his will in the conversation that i had this morning i told him brother brown that my legs were heavy [Music] because over the last month this house has seen for a church that is private on our resilience and our ability to do anything we're in a tough season right now and this morning was the first morning in a long time where i felt like a pastor because my flesh would tell me well we've got five associates pick one but the word pastor it means literally one that looks to the heavens and as i was asked or that word has stores where we get our word astrology from one that looks to the heavens and as i was praying last night it seemed like a word wouldn't come it seemed as if i needed to hear from the lord the most it seemed like he wasn't talking to me while i didn't get a thought i did get a scripture [Music] and i don't know how this is going to preach the fact of the matter is preaching isn't always what we need in times of ministry let me quantify by saying that we need the word how it is delivered whether it is spoken whether it's taught whether it's preached is it relevant i think in times like these i think what's important is that we understand the word just for a moment i want to acknowledge any guests that we might have here or thank god for your being your returning members i came with a mindset for celebration because you all saw our driveway as we were coming in eight acres clear looks mighty good it looks like it looks good it looks good over there i was coming out yesterday i came out here yesterday deacon anderson sent me a picture around midweek and i was i was all excited and i started to ride down here but i had obligations on the north side of town and when i came out yesterday and i saw guy with the disc harold and he was turning up the land i mean flying through and pulling up sticks and all that and they're going to come back tomorrow do another round of it we're gonna throw some grass seed out there and then we're gonna shout around it in the spring because the left side is gonna look just like the right side and around the spring of next year we're gonna stick a 12 by 12 sign out there and announce our future plans around the fall of next year we might have a groundbreaking ceremony and prayerfully around the spring of 2023 we'll have construction crews on the campus building westinghouse park at zion benevolent in our family life center according to the will of god because we believe that god can do all things but fail and there is nothing impossible when we believe i came celebrating that this morning i came celebrating because today is deacon davis's 69th birthday and he's in the choir city a couple days ago my mother celebrated her 69th birthday and mama i know you watch right now to all of you that are celebrating birthdays anniversaries special events any special occasion my uh my eldest son my the one that stole my face a few years back malachi will be turning 11 years old on the 23rd well if y'all remember that when i came here first sunday when i preached as your pastor since cables was wobbling down the aisle and six months into my pastor and god blessed us with at that time my only begotten son god is blessed god is blessed with another one go ahead brother amen amen 11 years old amen amen when birthdays are special and fred davis [Applause] see the thing is with brother fred you don't know how old he is because he won't slow down tell him dave is the same way i remember once i promise y'all longer preach we had a wednesday celebration or something out here deacon davis had a cup of coffee in his hand and i was jogging when we do the men's day run he was running with a cup of coffee in his hand sipping and sipping and drinking coffee so i i dare not 40 years old talk about any any pain or being tired because y'all some freaking nature's down here in hobbies i don't know what's in the water but y'all send some hopkins water to my house every sunday because i want whatever y'all drinking but it's uh praying for those that are uh that are hospitalized right now in their convalescence we've got a number of them and i'm asking i'm just asking for prayers my phone has been on fire here the last couple days if i start naming names i would miss somebody or kind of damper the mood of the service and i dare not want to do that i want to preach encouragement i want to uplift i want the word of god to be an encouragement sister for all those that are here i'm so glad to see laverne here with us i've been praying for you sweetheart i've been asking about you i can't wait can't wait to hug you after service you've been praying and on tomorrow we're asking all of you to be here with us for those who are able to at 11 o'clock for the homeboy celebration of a stalwart of this ministry a good soldier in the army of the lord that would that worked until the very end of this house brother herbert randolph and we're going to lay him to rest on tomorrow asking prayers and i i don't know why i was surprised to see reverend weston here i should have known better praying for her family as they uh they they lost a loss of a precious jewel not just to this church but this community in the past and her mother of the celia i said something that i'll probably say again is that that sister lived until she died she lived until she died and god blessed her to see 89 years and she's going on from labor to reward so we're asking that you would keep their family in your prayers they know jesus they're encouraged with the word but we we pray for their hearts because even though you can be seen you can be walking in the will of god that don't mean that tears won't fall down your eyes some of you don't know that grab your bibles with me while we uh while we minister and we haven't had bible study in a while and we're not going to have it wednesday night i don't want us just to study the bible without applying the bible we're going to have we're not going to have bible study wednesday night we're going to have bible application wednesday night y'all reach out to somebody wednesday around seven o'clock that needs to hear from you somebody that needs to hear a word somebody that needs to be prayed for pick up the phone if they'll allow it go by and see them minister to somebody from lindsay 7-8 minister to them we'll get together our own zone again we'll study the scripture we'll go through whatever living that we need to go through but i need i need you all to be touching flesh this week second corinthians chapter number 12 verse number nine just one verse in the sermonic text paul's worst of the church of corinth this is one of paul's there there are two letters in the scripture but paul wrote three letters to the corinthian church the scripture reads at second corinthians chapter 12 verse number nine and the word of god reads on this wise from the rustic language of the king james version and he said unto me my grace as man said is sufficient for thee for my strength is made perfect in weakness most gladly therefore will i rather glory in my infirmities that the power of christ may rest upon me and he said unto me my grace is sufficient for thee for my strength is made perfect in weakness most gladly therefore will i rather glory in my infirmities that the power of christ may rest upon me and he said unto me turn to somebody left or right and tell them is what he said hallelujah i don't ask this very often but i'm gonna need y'all to help me preach this morning if you will it's what he said i'm at a stage in life and i wish i wish bertha jones was here this morning because i will look right at her when i say it i got a stage in my life i wish keller brown was here this morning because i would look her right in their eyes what i would say i'm at a stage in life where conversations cannot come to me without context your daughter did this last sunday i love when people come directly to me with issues as opposed to say i heard somebody say a bcxy is there anybody that believes that like i do i don't i don't like secondhand information if i want something verified especially at this season of my life as an academic researcher i go to sources i want to know who wrote who said who did and to validate it i will go to the source to accuracy because if you leave your words your thoughts your feelings your opinions in the hands of people that do not value what you value people even church folks will jack your stuff all the way up if you ain't careful that's why i've learned that matthew chapter 17 first corinthians chapter six if i have an issue if i've got a problem that needs resolution the bible gives me the roadmap on conflict resolution you've heard me say this a time or two if there is a conversation that needs to be had go have the conversation can i tell you why it's because we are on finite time to get things right because we all know our birthday we're celebrating birthdays today but none of us unless you have the foresight that god gave you and nobody else don't there one of us in here know when our expiration date is and i don't know about you but i'm in a season in my life where i like clarity i don't like having issues with nobody i don't want beef with nobody i'm too old for that i don't want to have to walk on the opposite side of the room when i see somebody walking in life is far too short for that i don't want to live a life where the family that i grew up with drinking out of the same pickle jar when we get to the family reunions together we can't even look each other in the i don't want to live like that i don't want to be in the same home in the same bed with somebody i can't stand life is too short for that because i know that as i live and as i walk my flesh is getting weaker even as a young man i understand the fallacy of human emotion i'm finding myself fighting tears differently than i did 10 15 years ago because the longer you live the more things start hurting because it is a subtle reminder to every one of you injured i don't want this to be jarring i'm going to encourage you but all of us have to realize that we're not designed to be here forever and y'all i'll be honest with you this morning i really ain't got nothing for you the last three weeks have been so draining i told reverend west and i said i'm physically i'm good emotion i'm tired when people and it is my job is to be an encourager that's what a pastor does i want you to call me i want you to text me i want you to reach out i'm supposed to be stressed but you're the sport and i'm gonna be honest with you i ain't got nothing because this last three to five weeks have been more than anything that i've experienced in the previous 11 years here ain't nothing i can pull out of my vocabulary because it seems that every time that we prepare to celebrate it's sickness death and problems begin to present themselves and i want to tell y'all something that you might have never heard before but you may have experienced you can come to church every sunday you can be active in every ministry you could have read every word assigned to every period semicolon and comma in the bible and know it from front to back but sometimes every christian goes through a heavy heart so we all know what i'm talking about where you pray sometimes two three times a day know the word from the back can sing every song that lee williams the canton spirituals have done that no one would ever wrote but you still have sorrow in your heart and as i read this passage i was asking god i was like lord give me a word that won't just help me but it'll also help somebody else i was asking for a sermon but god gave me a passage and we know this almost like the back of our hand and what i have to understand you might say pastor this sounds kind of dark and you ask where's the encouragement and here's what i have to say is that when your flesh fails you you got to learn how to rely on that which is unfailing the god that we serve is incapable of failing and when we cannot trust the fallible human form we have to rely on that which is a figure turn to somebody and say god can't fail and now that i need to do this what i'm going to do is make a qualifying case for the person of jesus in this passage paul is asking for help in his frustration deaconess rivers he has a thought as the scripture says in his flesh and scholars for many years have debated whether this was a physical or a literal interpretation of the scriptures and the conversations at this point are inconsequential necessarily to the premise of this passage but what you're seeing here is a land that at this point in the scripture that has already been established in the ministry he's already been converted on the road to damascus he's already preached and established churches on at least weeks one of his missionary journeys he's already given discourses on the policy and the majesty of god and the question is how is this man having trouble getting a prayer through to god and some of you have never been in a place in your life where you cried out to god have been faithful in your service has done everything that god has asked you to do and it seems at the moment that you bow yourself in prayer you see everybody else getting prayers answered but you can't seem to hear and you ask yourself what if i do it wrong that god ain't answering my prayers i know i didn't remind myself the bible says that paul talked to god on three separate occasions asking him for the exact same thing and god said nothing to him the lord didn't answer his prayer according to the scripture but i want you to notice what's in the scripture go back and read the preceding verses of this paul never asks god uh why he won't remove it he just asked that he do it for it and what i like about the scripture is that the lord responds in crisis when we talk to him anybody in here beside me ever talk to god i want you to know that sometimes if people don't know how christians work you might think we're crazy on the outside looking in how it seems that we can have encouragement with the worst of things are happening in our lives that when sorrow and sadness fills our hearts somehow we can say god i thank you it's there that you have to realize that you should talk to god and as i make a case for christ i don't need to give his resume but if you allow me a few sermonic moments let me tell you why you need to talk to jesus because it is this god through the power of his voice he was the one that created the heavens of the earth it was this god who we need to be talking to reverend wilson through the power of his hands created mankind and breathed into man and made him a living soul this is the god that through his own opulence and glory gave luster to the sun and reflection to the moon this is the same god that specializes in impossibilities and allowed a woman north of 90 years old to conceive a child in the fulfillment of his promise [Music] this is the same god that gave confidence to a teenager on a battlefield to kill a giant that was preparing to kill his brother and then the king over the nation that he served this is the same god that loved you so much that even while you were in sin this is a news class to those who have lived the perfect life that have never done anything wrong were born in missionary white and deep in black he never said anything all about the goodness of god even while we were in sin he fashioned himself in human form born of a virgin and died for every one of our sins the redeemed can save amen right there here's why we need to be talking to him is because there are some things that we will experience in our life that we can't rectify in the power of our own strength so he had a conversation with the savior and the bible says that when paul started praying he got a response to his prayer anybody in here can testify that we still serve a god who answers prayer so we open this scripture at second corinthians chapter 12 verse number nine when paul stops talking is when jesus started responding it is in verse number 9 where you see that a portion of it is written in black and the other portion is written in red the bible tells me that when jesus speaks it is called the red letter edition the bible says that jesus responded by saying to him i'm not going to even address the thought in your flesh i'm going to address your flesh he says my grace my grace not your pain not your circumstance not your situation not your stronghold not your frustration not the tears that fall down your eyes not the pain that is wreaking in your body not the problems that you have in your head he said my great turn to somebody and say his grace oh you miss me if you're not your bank account not your connections not your friends on facebook not your followers on instagram not your followers on twitter now the people that are watching remotely he says it's not grace how can he say my grace is sufficient is because his power cannot be how can you trust his voice for his will not only because there's power in his hand it is because there's power in his purpose and it's here that you realize the true meaning of jesus the word of god here's the thing people oftentimes want the presence of god but don't want the word of god you miss me come here many of us want people to praise the presence of god pray for me when i'm sick pray for me that yours would over pray that i would get a new job that i'll give financial security that my body would be healed and would fail to realize that the will of god is found in the word of god and you will never know the word of god if you don't read in them you don't even know the will of god if you don't read the word of god there's no secret there is no magic conquering that we can pull out of the sky if you want to know what god's will is for your life you got to find it in the word of god tell somebody i need the word and all the word is in the things that god has said but scripture uses also to praise the word of god as a date literally the name for jesus christ that's how i can go to john 1 1 where the bible says in the beginning was the word and the word was with god and the word was god he was in the beginning with god and all things were made through him and without him was nothing made that was made and it's in this same word that the word became flesh and dwelt among us so that we can see his glory as the only son from the father full of grace and truth who is the word here it is jesus christ apparently the word is not in it the word is a he that's how he can be described in this way now tell you saints of god we reveal ourselves through our words into that end that paul can say and he heard what jesus said he said but my strength my strength is made perfect in weakness it's full splendid therefore but i rather glorify in my infirmities that the power of christ might rest upon me and i read that saints of god it made no sense to me says how is it that i can smile through my infirmities or the scripture makes it known to us it is because if you're resting on the strength of your own self you will fail and fall every time for these moral flesh is designed to be weak but the bible shall be something that we can be encouraged by the bible says the reason that we can shout in our past the reason that we can rejoice in our difficulties is because when our flesh is being weak his strength is therefore perfected to preach a word to somebody this morning that has been tutoring and tolerant all the customer workers they need to just let go to talk their hands in the air to let their hair fall back and say lord i can't take no more but i've gone as far as i can by myself i fought as hard as i could and i'm just about to crack up right now my belly is overflowing the tears are about to out of my eyes i want to get in my car and ride the jacksonville because i can't take no more and the lord is saying to you that my strength is a turbine in your weakness and my grace is sufficient for you you might be saved lord i spit my last down i took my last pill i caught my last bell i can't go no for the lord god is saying to you this morning not grace is sufficient for you i'm tired of going to the hospital i'm trying to reap the trouble in the news and on the text messages the bible says my grace is sufficient for you i'm tired of trying to pray i'm tired of my children telling me everything that's going wrong in my life i feel like i'm by myself and i got nobody else that i can turn to jesus is saying my grace is sufficient for you i'm telling you to lay sickness and rest at night because i fight all day and i fight all night if i sleep i go to sleep higher and i wake up tired jesus is saying my grace is submitted [Applause] [Music] [Music] guess what [Music] [Music] when you don't have the words you don't have to conjure anything just go to the book you don't have answers you seem [Music] to some of the things that he goes through biblical scholars call it a defensiveness of his apostleship oftentimes paul felt like he had to defend being who he [Music] number with was scripture says that when the lord told him read letter edition said my grace is sufficient he said my strength is perfect let's make perfect this morning all of us are carrying our fair share the reason that the loads have been so heavy on me because of a partner i'm dealing with as a pastor i'm dealing with stuff as a professional i'm dealing with stuff as a husband as a father dealing with things as a son as well my mother going through some stuff it seems like when everything starts pounding and starts compile your legs start getting heavy i found myself on the couch yesterday reverend wesley after i left y'all's house i just dropped out on the couch and i slept for about three or four hours i was like what's going on and sometimes people don't know that sometimes your body will just shut down and my prayer this morning was like lord give me a word but also give me strength i asked the lord for this speaking david anderson and i we prayed this prayer yesterday we said lord give us strength so that we can give strength to somebody else because if now if there's ever a time that our church is going to be defined by anything i say this in love i'm proud of what we're doing we're going to be redoing sunday school classrooms we clear our land building and all that that'll mean the philippines that does not define who our church is if we can't be with somebody in the hours that they need us the most we're not a church if all we do is worship together sing a few songs shout when the sermon comes and then go home that's not fellowship that's not industry what i want us to do is to lean on each other this morning as you're resting on your feet who might need to do [Music] and we will do that because when you don't [Music] [Music] that is looking for fellowship that's looking for a relationship with the sovereign savior you know we don't have to go home in the same way that we can't get this one this morning i'm not talking about joining the church i'm talking about receiving salvation this morning what a way to be a blessing to the kingdom of god by surrendering your will to yours if there is one this morning just come as you are more than to look at the oh [Music] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] me [Music] i'm [Music] [Music] [Music] to foreign [Music] [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] me [Music] see [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] i'm asking as we pray for ourselves this morning i know that many of you were driven to be all different personal concerns whatever god is working on in your life i think there's power real power in this recession if there's somebody that you know that you're holding in the recesses of your heart while you're talking to god this morning on what is it you're going through mention their name mention what they might be going through because they're there a time that we need to be praying and lifting up one another that was a great time while you're watching by by way of youtube or whether you're home where however you might be screaming i won't get over praying for you we're praying with you we love you we thank god for you as every hit is bowed and every eye is closed the bible says everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving to let your request be made known to god and the peace of god it passes all understanding will keep your heart's minds through christ jesus and i believe that on this morning father we come in the name of jesus okay father god with our hearts very much open to your will and to your way and lord we come calling on the name of him that provides strength for us in our times of weakness in the name of jesus we hope for the praying for these families of our church [Music] family lord and father we just want you to do what you do best father just take control [Music] touch hearts let your people know that in your infinite wisdom that you know exactly what you're doing [Music] that while our weeping might endure foreign god we prayed their master for our church family as a whole father i pray that we will provide strength to the leadership father strengthen our deacon's ministry our trustees probably got our music ministry our ushers father god bless everyone that serves in this household allow them to be agents of your peace in this season help us to draw strength from one another i pray for the families of this church [Music] master i pray god that you would bind them together in your love [Music] have them hold your hand while they're linked to one another but i pray i pray for my strengths father give me what i need so i can give these families what they need [Music] father god plant my feet lord [Music] strengthen my heart straighten up my walk lift my head of jesus so i can serve your people for those that press their way to the altar lord that might be engaging in any kind of spiritual warfare [Music] father let them know that they already have the victory forever now [Music] the fight was never fair because you gave us the victory on calvary father remind your people to lift up your heads and be he lift up ye everlasting doors and try to show them that the king of glory will come in walk right into their hearts for those that are watching hold on for trusty viola for some guy i pray for for sweetie adam's god well i pray for everyone that is whole those that might be calling on your name while you're watching lord we know that you're able to do all things lord we love you and we love to linger in your presence but when praying these are done this time we know that you've prepared a place for us father we pray that we can't walk this way in life any longer that you'll be so kind to us as we know that you are that you will beat us in death and not this holy judgment these things we ask and thanks we give in the name of the risen savior who is jesus christ our lord in jesus name we pray and all god's children said amen amen [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign ah [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] what's next for me in ministry and i know that i can't i can't do this forever and i've been paying attention especially to my sons lately they've been wanting to get involved in ministry and i was like lord that's it that's that's why i was going to invest in him kind of struck me as odd when duck came to the altar i said doc you want to give the benediction all right and for those that might not know the word benediction means good benevolent beneficent the word bene means good diction dictionary it means work benediction is a good word so if you're all allowed my six-year-old son if y'all wouldn't mind him giving the benediction this is [Music] [Music] this weekend holy spirit [Music] and forever
Channel: Zion Benevolent Baptist Church
Views: 149
Rating: 5 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 42sec (5142 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 19 2021
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