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[Music] right guys today I've come to London to meet a guy I only knew him as Matt does fitness a big youtuber and we decided to meet up today do a little bit of training but most importantly we're gonna swap diets now I haven't eaten anything I set off at 6 a.m. from my house and I've got to London we're just waiting for a cab all the trains were delayed now 9 a.m. I haven't eaten anything I've got an ice cube from a breakfast because I assume that's what bodybuilders have for breakfast ice cubes so we're gonna go meet at a cafe so that's gonna be our breakfast and we're gonna order for each other and basically a whole day of eating and so I'm like a bodybuilder is really like a strongman I say guys so here is Mike does fitness right I haven't eaten anything yet mate and we're gonna get in that cafe we're gonna order for each other what we'd normally eat so what would you normally in the mornings so I'm like I eat a lot of food but not in the morning I'm not hungry so typically I'll have like cereal I've literally normally have a bowl of cereal maybe like some protein I'm out I feel like I'm gonna get absolutely mugged ocula normally normally and I be the one eating more this is a very rare occurrence for me so I'm quite frankly I'm terrified right well let's get into the journey Oh No sorry where's your strong man but you have two left on a false story that's the rule of a strong man we'll just take a serious table service so make up your own breakfast so I'm going to say earlier three bacon three sausage two eggs beans tomatoes black pudding hash brown and a thank you very much [Music] literally in the most caffeine sensitive person on the planet good job sugar I really I really hurt not only have the whole thing with the student it feels like feels like a meeting it there you go exactly it's more than a form to be honest I was expecting attorney I mean it's a lot of food that's fine the question the question marks I have all over this what is that it looks like you've obtained some kind of your eat wonder if your organs and then you've like bled out and the blood is congealed and it's now on my plate we'd be two glasses of what I don't assume is someone's your breakfast I mean it would it would be really a liter of Granby juice for the your honor dress when I might say I'm actually quite happy with that I was expecting a little less maybe also in a little different maybe you said cereal so yeah it's not Detroit Detroit's here was not an option yeah I'm not so I see it I saw I see I don't quite know how I'm gonna be able to train your saying that that's gonna be a good amount of calories you're gonna feel you're going to I'm gonna be literally eating know our whole time we should have that anytime I feel sick that is going to be going through my mind so as a strong man you have to train on a full stomach that's a rule flare it is a rule of thumb do it for yourself I even tried over I have a cheeseburger and four slices of strawberry jam on toast the latte okay [Music] I'm really jealous for ourselves years ago silly xperia play around it's like a security system mr. Hollister keep the flavor in my huh I'm backing myself to eat this but I'm not backing myself to be able to do anything for the next three hours are that really I mean we are being straight trading after this scene that was a special just for you Eddie grant beef what is now so I'm gonna be asking for a prosper Abarth a well I want to be deserve [Music] [Music] a little bit sick is a lot the tomato we said you're on now chocolate actually the ideal and those yeah that's by far the best part that's like being pumped in the face being pumped in the stonework being pumped in this penis and then like someone gives you a lot deadly felt quite good comparatively they're just feels like and then puts in the boss constant gimme love jam on toes man that's a great breakfast was a lot was a totally I'm passes by strawberry government very good it's not better major YouTube videos now you're trippin aims going to be send you now oh sorry there's anything there's any lice even a much sausage was come on yes without topology so I found it easily I did save that took the time looking at washed and sorted eat my Watson's wrong [Music] imagine going to safety among you net to wash it down with a hot chocolate motion capture [Music] [Laughter] yeah Jim now offer from a training session I know you're saying I do snack so I'm not wrong and they have to win together all right I'll have a breakfast their burger for pizza tastes my ate what I would normally eat which is a full English with all the sides hot chocolate headed to the gym now and then I'm afraid it's time our favorite tray as well so cut you off we put the training session okay I'll be out this at two seconds well hoodie it's a bet one down I was a true strong man awfully free training session or in this case and a the way for your training session in there I would have a Subway sandwich so I already this is absolutely outrageous a breakfast about 20 minutes ago nice big cheese and ham toasty that's someone's like feet have got really hot and they're in a box Jenny's CAF wouldn't deliver so I just sort of change it my hands gonna be greasy as well goodness sake mmm where do you get it from I was found it in a bag outside what is that Rahman disgusting so you wouldn't you wouldn't have a snack in between breakfast and lunch if I breakfast and then didn't rain brought two hours and I'll eat it oh yeah that's nice small like I thought we should sugar and a bit of me I bear cars anything but don't have a massive disgusting wait I need to be brutally honest that is actually quite small I would find subway delivered say look I made a ham sandwich injected your semen into the top leather percentage and it is now being secreted Elin was a bit like a ganglion light sort of ghandi's flipflop absolute covered in cheese this is why I actually stand the urine of your diet in each mare it's not even achieve toasting [Music] [Laughter] anyone deliver these cheese spread is an absolute purple absolutely runs it mate it's like quiche hang on a minute if I mean you're weird daily sandwich maybe you're not drinking you're lovely you can't allow to have that you have to have more I have when I trained now I normally drink whiskey on actually never had your drink I'll drink water from the tap I drink toilets happened can't deal with that this is a very strange experience rap and sat on a log thing in a weird lasagne sandwich the picture of Darth Vader on the wall over there and then Eddie hall to my left you just think to yourself how did I become such a lucky little sauce it because we've got two more events there's a lot of a sandwich to go through all right guys we have had a nice breakfast and a bit of a workout and that's how this sandwich and now we've come to kickin smellin ormally what I can eat here and I will be ordering you a very nice meal I don't know what you're gonna order me for me there i'm eddie order first and depending on how much how much you mugs me off that will determine how much i retaliate take an appreciation of how good this menu is special offer special offers chicken chicken chicken chicken unfortunately at the end of these p.m. i think it's worth waiting that looks like a rat to me and chicken-fried wrap will see right can I have where's your just like a big family what get a chicken yes did you coleslaw and stuff I have that it's called a family bucket so we found the mega bucket I know portals washing of coleslaw as well please thank you and they they how strong how spicy they can I get them can do they be more spicy can you add a bit more to them literally if you've got a spice just add it all in there like really go out because I love honestly spice food was the best for me right or rewarded for Java thank God doesn't have the ribs in so substitute it there's some more spicy chicken and yeah so I are a stripe I ordered like extra spicy fingers because I thought I don't like spicy foods I was hoping he wasn't the same it's something you like spicy food do see it try a couple and then we seem like your gauge your reaction don't play down be honest come on no I'm gonna stare for three and a half four outs out that's pure Chile as well but I love I honestly love this I can't get enough of this stuff there's that much yeah with them all a bit there we go to do any more napkin go away good I mean there's good yeah capuchin a drink forfeiting your veggie who I think okay conversely right this is ridiculous there is no way even you four liters of coke literally all the chickens in London have been fried and for trade so every single bite that you have to know what is that [Music] [Music] [Laughter] halfway [Laughter] [Music] [Music] there is room for dessert of course okay would you have dessert I would so I've been going to have dessert so at least go find a dessert right dessert was what's Casper's on top of it to customers before just like waffles ice cream pancakes a plethora of dessert opportunities amazing yeah we got swarmed by about 4,000 kids as we're leaving the last 10 minutes of that was a very surreal experience it's like knee-deep in like greasy chicken and PVA glue like all of the kids in this area we're in the restaurant the guy the till was just like what is happening today it was a strange strange how to get jackin from appease and photo quite dodging your eye it's nice and easy for me I'm always after a big meal ah I'd always go for half a family cheesecake and you would not do that half of that we're even is that was even option no but it will be thank you so this is what I would have for desserts at home would be I mean that's use that I would have the best part of half a family cheesecake so got the equivalent of a bow I'm gonna pull it up to a third of the family to escape with three scoops of ice cream so and a hot chocolate I'm suffocating brain freeze I mean it's not hard that will be that will be nice that they're really a great dessert and won't be nice when it's not strong I'm glad I've already voted for you based on this I thought you're gonna be I thought you're gonna be really reasonable sensible mature guy seriously look you keep saying that that's good we keep saying this but that is what you don't understand our body I'm off caffeine so I should have said that was just luck to free there's a lot Toph really good oh my god every Monday and Thursday I come to customers and get one of these birthday thing is yeah I mean that's I'll only go for the ground that this is this is the medium one says you make aware she's got who's there what's that cream or ice cream all three every time I feel a bit formal it across Eddie and enough I was right the biggest poured in a bit think about your mouth there mister no a cup of coffee cup of expresso just it something getting brain freeze choose me [Music] who's that brevity [Music] that was at least enthusiastic happy birthday rendition of a good one even the music stopped seeing her after that there the muzhik quasi thing is the octave beyond that the bench no one shows you nice [Music] as if you realize that is ridiculous oddly more greater than you now it's definitely the most polished and everything humanly good a little disappointed think I could finish it out I'm back to do I normally like so my lunch would be my like would be a reasonable then you know I'm really pissed about [Music] right the next one is gonna come in here like a tiny bit right right a full day of Ethan and we're just getting the train home in about 20 minutes walk into Euston so this is the last meal of the day so thanks buddy thanks friend obviously had a good date today strong one bodybuilding date it's been really good close draw the curtains but it's a last meal let's get it lovelyz get a large American horror jalapenos there's probably three times the amount of normal if he knows how to be my favorite all right just put loads put loads on perfect thank you you know I'll go for the same for like two three please yeah it's like grapefruit I love I love about three lights palutena or cheese that looks lovely have a huge kind of bitter orange San Pellegrino nobody get five cans like a lot taper down a little bit give me hot I'm gonna be on it's like imagine being hungry and then just the opposite to that that's my current state all right I'm done right now ice cream finish me off in the day so it's on the pizza map it's been a pleasure bro really nice day abhart yeah eating ice cream was maybe a little bit off your normal diet yeah except from that that wasn't make that was an amazing feat of easy to inspired me you taught very well as well I mean just smush two pizzas as well I'm still building up ice cream I'll be honest all right why don't we do to be honest to finish the day I don't we just look a little bit of oh you would know just kidding I find it kind of like my stomach a little bit I'm gonna go catch a train home oh he is not you know it's cool there's that kid he's like be like do they just a lot of comedy all right I've got to get a trainer and I put now stick me put absolutely awesome man I finally do guys please check out Matt does to this YouTube channel we should all be doing more stuff in the future please like the video subscribe to the channel big with the Beast [Music]
Channel: Eddie 'The Beast' Hall
Views: 4,100,083
Rating: 4.9193897 out of 5
Keywords: Eddie Hall, Strongman, Worlds Strongest Man, Giants Live, Worlds Strongest man, Britains strongest man, europes strongest man, 500kg deadlift, eddie the beast hall, brian shaw, official strongman
Id: PldoGdsRsC0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 48sec (1788 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 26 2020
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