Food Challenge Vs Worlds Strongest Man EDDIE HALL! | Fish 'n' Chips | Fosters MaleVs Whale

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a little bit yeah yeah a little bit nervous not gonna lie he's amazing [Music] [Applause] what is up everyone my name is Lea cleaver anomaly UK's number one female competitive eater I'm here taking on world's strongest man 2017 winner mr. Eddie hall Eddie how are you feeling today I'm feeling or what's this child called this is called the male versus whale challenge at Foster's in I mean I wouldn't call you a whale what are you feeling about the competition today Eddie hall um you know what I'm not feeling not too actually did a whole day of eating challenges yesterday as well so what you know me and you are both used to used to that kind of stuff yeah day after day so you know what I'm here I'm hungry let's go to game time so without further ado you guys if Eddie is ready I am let's get stuck into some fish and chips do it right then guys without further ado we're going to get stuck into this platter on three two one go taking my strategy no you should've told me incredibly sneaky tactics are for mr. Eddie hall so just before setting off Eddie asked me what my tactics were going into this and I said sandwiches that I was just going to make as many sandwiches as I could and then just tackle the rest as I do those of you that I've watched quite a few of my videos will know that when in doubt I sandwich and it has worked so far people earlier never seems to work very well [Music] well nail Thalia I've never win strongman however isn't that the truth so eating here is my strength and I could certainly not compete any kind of strongman competition so I think it's fair okay it's not too bad we can do mushy peas I definitely thought the mushy peas were going to be a hindrance here in this challenge but they actually helped an awful lot it's nice to have something green on the plate too that definitely definitely is a blessing in disguise yeah we're doing lemon too so I was trying to hold on to use a lemon to see how much I could get through without having that citrus flavor citrus definitely does help with cutting fats and cutting flavor fatigue so it was definitely good to have it there and a little bit of a secret weapon it was a very delicious challenge and not one that I expected because I'm not the biggest fan of fish and chips and please don't come for me but it's just one of those things that I was very very badly traumatized by when I was a kid while I was made to eat fish and chips at school but I was a really fussy eater believe it or not everyone and there was a dinner lady called Helen who made me eat this really really greasy battered fish fillet and I just couldn't I really did not like oil and I didn't like anything that was batter and it was just the most traumatizing thing in the world and I just carried it with me into adulthood so just doing this for me today was just a it was a big thing that I had to sort of get very fishermans otherwise very British thank you so what about you guys do you love fish and chips do you hate it are you traumatized by it like I am would you have it as a regular lunch or would you try and avoid at all costs what your thoughts comment below I would absolutely love to hear from you and see what the general consensus on fish and chips in our little eating community is it a win or a bit better Roofing mom's a teenager but summer not that Eddie representing you guys I was a mechanic 10 years drop mechanic so somewhere jae-young really you can't call mechanic in the trade what would you call it Oh Eddie's offended I'm not gonna lie I thought the mushy peas were going to be a hindrance but they're actually helping much better sugar in that get into it but then guys on that note I'm going to leave you to enjoy the rest of this video if you do enjoy it as always please remember to give it a like if you have any comments or suggestions for future videos or if you'd like to see the beast back on the channel then please comment below and let me know and if you haven't already smash that subscribe button join it the farm and here on notification icon so you get notified every time I upload a new video thank you guys again so much for watching and I hope you enjoy the video I think people can appreciate when you get a little bit messy like performing your craft you know [Music] I would love that I would absolutely love for Eddie to smash yes [Music] sorry guys has to happen [Music] [Applause] actually a very very slow time than I thought because quite labor-intensive picking up chips and they're very yes I did say labor-intensive this isn't a very difficult job it's hard work eating big there is never the fish is actually really nice it's so nice to have a good quality fish in something like this I get it I'm too good at it also very terrifying to you happy so the owners have just given me the side guns so I asked them whether they were happy and they said that they are and they're going to change the male versus whale to female her to play all of those very happy it's like highlight of lifetime shows that let me the world are looking that way unless of course beat the challenge you can do female pull us Eddie hall you could definitely do this I could do this in 45 minutes well honestly like do you really want to say era watch me do I do to be on it Connie I don't want you to quit I'm gonna call that a yeah I don't mind honestly there's no there's no sort of like disappointment or shame in losing to Leah because we're is just next level you know I don't claim to be a competitive eater but I've lips I've got my own eating show that leads America and I do all right you know I never complain I never claim to be the best but I'm well above average eater or Jesus this isn't over animal litter I've net namely the the human cement mixer oh my god the amount of comments cement mixer that's what you are cheering it up when it keeps disappearing yeah like an endless tunnel I'm Barry now I'm not I'm not ashamed of all you can't thank you [Applause] and what was what was the time he did it in 11 people old record by 4 minutes yeah that was a competitive eater as well probably wise yeah that's what I mean that's just ridiculous innit ridiculous right and guises so there we have it that was the male versus whale challenge at buses up in all the edge with the Beast mr. Eddie hall what an absolute pleasure filming here today and it's a pleasure having you having you with us there's what's now being renamed that the female versus whale should rename it let's rename that challenge I'm elated managed to do that in just over 12 minutes really has to be that time it means that we beat the previous record and it means that the male versus whale is being renamed so could be happier and not thank you guys it's so much for watching but do hope that you enjoyed yourself with us I did I mean above all got a free dinner and I got to spend time with Natalia so all good brilliant thank you guys so much for watching I hope that you all have a great day and we'll catch you on the next one also if you're on Instagram follow me at schottky official for some more real-time at posts and foodie updates you
Channel: Leah Shutkever
Views: 2,890,229
Rating: 4.8519096 out of 5
Keywords: #eddiehall, #foodchallenge, #foodbattle, #eating, #worldstrongestman, #strongman, #eats, #girlvsfood, #girlvfood, #eatingchallenge, #fishnchips, #fishandchips
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 2sec (842 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 05 2020
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