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[Music] what's up guys we are here at Sarge's and we are here for an eating challenge so we're actually gonna take on the monster which I haven't physically seen yet but it is a massive sandwich I've been told it weighs somewhere around nine and a half pounds and if I'm honest I'm a little bit scared to see it because I can't imagine what a half pound sandwich looks like but that's the challenge I'm here to take on I'm actually filming right now with Eddie hall for his TV show which is called Eddie eats America so I'm just kind of a guest on that show with him we're gonna challenge each other to this eating contest and have some fun with it you can see behind me actually his ugly mug on the wall they put that up specially for him to make him feel better about himself and I'm sure that picture was photoshopped so he looked better but anyway yeah we're gonna or they've kind of got everything set up here with the with the lighting and the cameras and and all of that and they've they've actually filmed some stuff in the kitchen for the show you know showing how the sandwich was made and that type of stuff so I'm looking forward to it I think right now some fun Eddie and I right now had kind of a long day I'm both a little bit tired but really give it a go and see how we do right what's up buddy come on I'm just just make these sandwiches yeah they are the monster is the right name for monsters so what are we what are we talking what's all in red speak totally pastrami it's okay honestly automates pile hi okay well it's about three and a half times a week okay bicoastal bread big chunks of bread so are they just stacking thanks all of that I'll go fix that coating halt that's plate too and what and what is it wait total in terms of it is just over six and a half pounds holy cow so uh well I will say I am hungry I'm not getting that I'm starving yeah if you've kept me waiting for this food for long enough it's almost as if you could punch the point of being hungry like when you wait that long yeah all right now yeah I'm actually starting to get really angry at you I'm very angry hungry angry at you because you were prepping the sandwiches and obviously you've messed up somehow you've messed that up I mean I'm not a little never watch this making the sound again did you so you feel better than I do a lot better a lot better so how are we gonna do this so I mean going up what Steve said no one has ever really got halfway that's about three point two five pounds something are up okay so I lay my sandwich and your summary and the point naught to of a difference in the pound okay they're almost identical so I think what we should do is there's a tightness as best we can aim to finish get what if we don't we weigh them and we remember and we can basically see who ate the most by the way so that it's got it's got to be competitive yeah of course and I'm gonna eat more than you say about okay okay Wow all right look at that that's a hell of a summer it's great when you said there's no figures my hands and I think it's probably bigger basically no fighting okay I think it promises no no I mean strategy you just got to try to break parts or likes most wait isn't it so it is most wait what were the most dense stuff first I guess I don't know I mean it's nice you to put a little salad yeah on here I mean you want to diet go through this so so we're like tough to balance the calories I mean I miss you I don't know why there needs to be salad on this normally like like to eat meat but you should know of a salad I probably will it's not gonna weigh very much is it alright okay game time huh let's go more room fried got pinned me in the corner here inspect me out the elbow you a little bit no this layer is absolutely good you quit playing around we started to sweat but the mix left employee even started what so I'm was rumor but what I feel good is the food you hit a brick wall really quickly and cut off in a viewport well the minute I'm oh I don't you feel like you're doing the sandwich a little bit of a disservice not eating the bread and toppings if you haven't eaten half the sandwich you should be ashamed of yourself in the face gonna come back it's really bad it is oh god you looked in the mirror lately have you okay you have one of those mirrors that like you can't see very clear in because if you had actually looked at your face you would know that you're very disturbing to look at not pleasant disturbing feeling yeah not sure if that's news or not I mean it Walt Oakley runs away from me well evolved way you are yeah don't fall on me though [Music] starting to hit my wall I feel like if you don't finish half of it you don't even get weight he hasn't touched one piece of bread you got to disqualify him shut up Brian nobody wants you item oh all right we'll make it worse for yourself is that right [Music] a view of me manage to get pregnant somehow yeah other toilet Brian I mean a fitting name it's good how how many of us can see [Music] the two of us together made that baby wonderful great so good thought for everybody out there I could go on but it's the point where I don't want to be ill I don't want to be sick yeah that'll ruin me for a few days when you pile it all on like that looks like a lot of food so leftover and what about what about the liquid [Applause] [Music] okay boom [Music] five five four so that's six seven eight nine and he was porpoise walk there's nine nine nine nine point five so I've done really just a speck on the four powers in total you get a client you soon three point one three point nine pounds sandwich okay Oh 6.05 Erdogan 3.7 pounds you're not really surprised I felt as though I [Music] hindsight I have to pick you up and read afterwards the read was actually quite thanks from all the South Africa all the dressing is refund everything why couldn't I just didn't happy a enthusiasm to chew and swallow like I killed my taste buds off I mean you don't really have to say that like I mean one of us won and won lost and I was the winner so he could know yeah [Music] yeah there's no shame in losing to Brian Shaw still competes in strong line you'd be like well you are 450 pounds of body weight bagel I ate earlier excuse me I mean well I mean that was your choice it was yeah I was mindful all right guys we have just taken on the monster sandwich challenge here in New York how you feeling buddy um I'm pretty full it's weird out I mean I've talked about totally different to you I a all the meat first yeah crazy but I think that was my biggest mistake because it made me fed up with the meat very quickly yeah whereas the new there wasn't any variation in the meat over and like roast beef and so on I mean then roast chicken then the straw I mean like oh yeah the second time not on the second sound made it was just like oh yeah well there was always room for cheesecake yeah yeah at the end like I guess so I not beat you or the cheesecake challenge you did you did but I ate how much more a little bit over a pound more food no no no I did two point seven the two point eight pounds and you did oh yeah you did 3.0 3.9 it's almost four pounds we did nearly pulled by yes you have power more than me yeah it was a lot a lot of bread actually I mean I feel like I'm paying the price even more now it kind of caught up me with me toward the end and at the beginning I was like oh this is going really well the first half I actually thought I had a chance to maybe finish it yeah and then after after I got into the second one it was just it was the wall it was hitting a wall yeah and I'm actually hurting now starting to sweat a little bit and just feel feel kind of the stomach discomfort almost more now than during the contest the most I've ever eaten one gave us five pounds that's a lot that's a lot yeah yeah any more than that is live that's when you saw you putting put you're compromising yourself because you eat any more than five pounds like you're gonna be sick yeah oh and it makes you bad for a few days and I'm doing this TV show for 21 days straight so I thought forward to be so so I'm gonna be sensible on the challenges yeah this is well with that type of me too it's so salty yes that I think that's probably what I'm what I'm starting to feel right now too is is the fact that it's just so much sodium yeah in that and you know that's what I'm paying the price of the bread and the Salton all that I'm not gonna lie I'm happy I won but I don't know how you're gonna make it through so many more of these eating challenges is what I don't know if this is the first one yeah I mean I did have a Eagle challenge this morning so I'm like oh this is number two yeah so I said okay second in charge today okay so I was pretty bummed up from that like bagel road boom bill yeah soon as I walked in here I just like I know you know when you're not hungry yeah I start myself hold life pretty much since she hasn't finished the bagel challenge probably about two o'clock positive and just we started this that like yeah 39 yeah five and a half hours and I'm still what I wasn't hungry when we started this yeah so I did all right considering I wasn't feeling right yeah well I've got a had a few man it's gonna be crazy yeah crazy doing all these eating things and I'm glad that guy that I'm just doing a one-off okay and then I'll leave the rest of you alright well thanks for pulling up right yeah it's gonna be released in the UK on channel date and we anticipate it will result in the US as well I don't know what channel or similar today but Bravo or something something like that so I'll be like that so it will be coming to the u.s. screens from 2020 I did at what time but it will be and things like this is episode one essentially and Brian's come on and very kindly to climb up there's a busy schedule we got eight seven or eight weeks till worlds yeah and we we've just done two weeks filming for this we turn on those lets they've been home a day and then probably supported me with this one so very grateful buddy Frank yeah man absolutely yeah yeah definitely got a scratch your back a little bit yeah yeah and of course I'll do it back 100% yeah so if you're what you're actually watching this video that means that this show has aired in the UK yes so it's already out yeah so so I prize and Watchers release this bushes until tonight in the UK so I'd imagine you'll be watching this probably back end at 20,000 in 2019 yeah so so you're beyond uh on to season two hoping at that point yeah yeah a lot of big things but anyway I think we're gonna wrap it there we're gonna try to relax go get some rest but hopefully you guys have enjoyed this video gotta be great and we will check you later I'm still hungry are you are you yeah that's a low dish [Music]
Views: 4,133,768
Rating: 4.9235353 out of 5
Keywords: Brian Shaw, EDDIE HALL, WORLD'S STRONGEST MEN VS 18LB SANDWICH, food challenge, eating challenge, sandwich challenge, new york eating challenge, eddie eats america, brian shaw eddie hall eating challe
Id: jwf86Q-icSw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 57sec (957 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 03 2019
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