World’s Strongest Man Tries Navy Seal Fitness Test | Passes?!

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[Music] hello youtube world i'm eddie hall the world's strongest man at 2017 i hold the world record for the deadlift at half a tonne i hold the world record for the most weak pressed overhead in the axle format at 216 kilos five times britain's strongest man six times uk strongest man and of course the world's strongest man 2017 and then this guy that is a good cv that is a good cv uh my name is ross edgely first person swim around great britain uh took me 157 days 1780 miles uh also climbed a rope at the height of everest eight thousand eight hundred and forty eight meters and uh ran a marathon uh pulling a car two shots that's okay i've not done that i am six foot three inches tall and in english terms 26 stone american terms about 360 pounds 365 pounds i think i don't know what i am i think i may be 510 in a generous pair of heels and um i think i'm about 95 kilos at the minute i actually feel quite heavy uh it's about 210 pounds something yeah i think about 10 220 pounds yeah so we're not small guys especially not me no but with that said i think we're at this stage in our training at the moment where it kind of made sense to come together and try the navy seal fitness test yeah thanks for the idea yeah why not let's do it so what does it involve sit-ups you've got two minutes as many setups as you can yep as many press-ups as you can yep and then it's as many pull-ups on a bar as you can do consecutively i think yep um it's a mile and a half run yep and then a 500-yard swim yeah i mean i like i think we're gonna i think you're gonna gauge on that i like the sound of the last one the swimming i'm alright of that we're gonna be okay on that i think obviously you uh previously national level swimmer yeah you're gonna be okay i've been doing a lot of runs recently and i've been doing a mile in about seven and a half minutes seven minutes most mornings well this is it so i'm fascinated personally i just want to see how this all pans out because i just don't think they have many applicants to the navy seals who are of your stature 26 stone so i'm fascinated i think we do it in uh absolutely but i'd like to leave the run until last because i think like i said the run until no no no no no swim until last i think the run just because i think you're going to smoke all right paper scissors all right so go run paper scissors don't go rock paper scissors go yeah okay you ready yep rock paper scissors go rock paper scissors right first up as many pets as you can in two minutes i think a pass is 50 press ups yep i think optimal i think like the elite will get 75 press-ups done perfect so we've got a judge jury and executioner here ross's girlfriend pastor hello and we'll be counting the reps and timing us so whatever hester says goes okay understood you ready yeah well i forgot to say guys if this video does well if it's a hundred thousand likes we will do another one and we'll do the top comment likes maybe one million thank you maximus i think you can rest but you have to put your bum in the air you can't rest on the floor i believe that's the protocol yes it's fairly unbroken three two one let's go one two three four five [Music] 49 50 pass 51. tell me when i've got 30 seconds left 30 seconds yeah yeah yeah now 52 53 24 55 is it that went so wrong so wrong but so right at the same time well my arm's about four the optimal so that's like super performance 75 went two minutes i did 78. i did 78 because i wasn't sure you're counting so well i hope it's i think i missed one 77 then it wasn't really it's good for the fishes all right ross are you ready okay hashtag on the timer i'm on the timing okay what's yours 78 well 77 or 78 we don't know oh come on okay pretty okay go one two three four five six seven one two three four five two wow come on make sure you're getting full lockout what did you get what did you get 78. what time we're at so i've got 17 more [Music] one eight nine ten that's the seventy nine oh i just heard a crack man i just heard a crack in his shoulder showing you know right so i guess that feels okay that was good so 50 for a pass i think we've got 78 79 not sure on mine definitely over 75 anyway sit ups i know you got strong abs i reckon i'll get 50 and i'm gonna i know i'm going to do 50 and buy out because i know 50 sit-ups is a big ass for me but i can do it okay right a bit of a handicap for me yeah so i think you have to you have to go all the way down yep and you have to come all the way vertical okay i cannot come vertical because of the size of me okay so let's do one and just see what's you out like how good i can do right so i think you have to have your hands on your head at all times okay that's the best i can do i will give you that i hope you agree that seemed okay considering his well it's unusual just because i've got so much bulk about so much muscle mass i cannot do a full sit-up i think that's fine 50 setups is the goal two minutes on the clock referee three two one let's go one two three [Music] [Music] what's up yes tell me how you're feeling tell me tell me about your thoughts just be quiet for one minute he's the worst right two minutes on the clock 50 is a pass 75 it's that yeah yeah and again you can't rest at the bottom yeah okay yeah pester you on the time yeah okay three two one go you're gonna count now one there's two they're good grips three yeah four five six seven eight nine seven one eleven twelve fifteen fourteen fifteen [Music] [Music] drink just a drink just a little a little tip just yeah thank you here we go yeah 49 yeah i'm 49 yeah no i'm good i'm good 50. no rep hands right behind your head i think we've got we've got some of the other stuff to come the run seeing what sort of shape you're in i think the run's gonna be hard on your abs isn't it no i don't have to see in you right okay so both past the setups yeah just flying callers two minutes resting between hearts yeah yeah absolutely and then also as well i mean it's worth noting that you know i've got friends in the navy seals and and this is just to get in this isn't hell this isn't the whole this is just what they will do as standards next on the checklist pull-ups i think yeah and i feel all right at 168 kilos i'm 166 167 kilo yeah let's go find a pull-up bar okay right ross well we found a pole right right so tens of pass yeah i don't know what what like an optimum is so i'm going to say 20 is like optimum okay yeah okay so there'll be full extension yep and you've got to i think it's go you've got to put your chin at least level with the the pole yes at least yes [Music] two minutes rest almost over let's go big man ten for the past ten for the pass one two three four [Music] [Music] i have to like you know like crossfit do the kick-up thing yeah yeah yeah i can do them yeah yeah but that i'm thinking they're full extension got them out as i say so that's a pass yeah yeah tick okay yeah again any neighbors he was you know watching please let us know we'd love the critique but i'm i'm going to give you it so i'm just going to go tactical i think so 10 years i think so 20 20 for premium i'm gonna see how i feel okay let's go one two three four five six seven eight nine what the [Laughter] i didn't have much more i did not be honest i didn't have much more i was that's what i love we've done the easy stuff i think yeah we've done the stuff that i was more confident about yes that was i'm very confident about the swim yeah which we're doing last yeah it's the run next bit this everything that we've just done i would say is kind of in your realm you know how to bench so you can kind of press up you know you've got a good deadlift it's all right before we get into the nitty-gritty let's go and find the track okay and then go from there yeah let's go it's the moment of truth big man i really don't want to do this one i've got that feeling from you i'm sensing that everything else i was like yeah yeah yeah swim yeah press subject pull ups yep for the run you're not a fan the run i'm not far i've got six coming on already i can feel it okay so it's a mile and a half in ten and a half minutes that's a pass an elite is nine and a half yeah kind i know how it feels that this is my kind of back garden this is my training ground so i will set the pace okay and i think what might be good i will run exactly to the pass mark so if you stick with me you will pass and i will put like a metronome i will set the pace okay so i'm going to keep up with your face yeah basically that's all you've got to do that's all you got to do all i've got to do 1.5 miles 10 minutes 30 seconds with the world's strongest man three two one in jesus christ good on pace okay yes let's get ready on pace [Music] get it [Music] so it's going to be man i got a bit carried away nine minutes nine minutes fifteen he's gonna kill me let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go finish finish finish finish finish finish finish finish big man yes yes my abs jesus christ good big man i'm trying to concentrate on living right now i mean lips blue or what mate that was that was ridiculous what was your time man you got 10 30. uh yeah can i be can i be honest can you can you reach me from there no okay why you've done something stupid i'm well you know i'm not very good at counting what time do you do so i ran nine minutes 27 you no i know i know i know [Laughter] you got 9 27 what was my time then you did run a gentleman's super heavyweight 11 minutes 27 seconds yeah that's not bad so i failed by just under a minute right next up swimming we're back over there i don't want to talk to him for a little bit how do you feel no swimming but doesn't say no navy seal testing 500 yard swim yep in 12 and a half minutes and or less i believe yep yellow boy right there boom to yellow boy down there that is 125 meters so basically we're gonna do a little bit more but like i said this is kind of our territory eddie's pretty good at swimming i'm not bad one two five times two times four times four five hundred meters yeah which will be 550 yards we're doing 50 yards more yeah okay right so we're going to go there back there back in 12 and a half minutes [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] mr ross sub 10 sub 10 yeah yeah there was a sprint at the end that's why i was calling you in but there was a moment there where i'll be honest i was worried you weren't going to make it i've i've got i did under 10 what did you get i busted out six i mean it was fair that's what i do it was it's the same as if it was deadlifting you kind of expect it guys thank you so much for tuning in it's been an absolute pleasure i hope you enjoyed mine and ross's company for a few minutes of your day do not forget to like the video and 1 000 subscribe to the channels alright take care big one see you later [Music] bye
Channel: Eddie 'The Beast' Hall
Views: 4,438,566
Rating: 4.9719882 out of 5
Keywords: navy seal fitness test, navy seals, ross edgley, matt does fitness, Natasha oceane, Brian shaw, worlds strongest man, strongman tries navy seal fitness test, thor bjornsson, fitness test, marine fitness test, bodybuilder tries navy seal fitness test, fitness test without practice, giants live, Eddie the beast hall, Larry wheels, deadlift, world record, strongman, history, strength, strong, official strongman, nile wilson, martins licis, sidemen, Logan Paul
Id: 34rwW-chtIY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 33sec (1413 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 30 2020
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