Strongman swaps diet with wife for a day | Ft Eddie Hall

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[Music] guys welcome back now today I'm with my gorgeous beautiful wife Alex so today we're the wild idea that me and the wife would basically swap diets completely mouthful for mouthful swap diets whatever she drinks I drink a web she eats I eat and vice versa so you've got to basically eat whatever just let the lady come over in order wide usually okay no problem first meal breakfast hey can I have a full captain's breakfast with an extra sausage and black pudding and have a coffee with one sugar to be fair I'm being really nice to you because I wouldn't usually practicing you know that I don't have time not that I choose not to but I don't have time to I've cooked you breakfast have cooked much breakfast now I've got to go this is like a tweet to source I like to relax to eggs mmm great well this is gonna be a good day straightaway by the way I reckon you're gonna actually appreciate no meat no I'm gonna wake up tomorrow I'm gonna be on orexi literally I'm gonna wait you know out one of those skeletons on Indiana Jones when they find them in the end okay even they're just just skeleton we work like a white beard and white air that's gonna be me tomorrow but after this we're actually gonna go to the gym and do a bit of a workout for a couple hours and then it's snuck 11 a.m. so so off we through the session you've got to eat together just say excuse me how do you know that these sausages are from the same factory that the beef sausage is made in to the amazing how about a cup of coffee for the children you don't need sugar babe you're switching off mmm I can feel the games already whose mushrooms [Music] [Music] you know what this is actually making them not hungry of course you put so much good food in you ballet no it's because the vegetarian food is so disgusting no it's not it's pulling me off my food [Music] [Music] come on babe chop-chop tips torch charlie I've been funny happy but you don't need this I do feel sick and I know you don't you crush so they're saying I do sometimes no you got your agate and curly do you make your hair curly okay well barring a mile we've still got snacks lunch snacks dinner snacks snacks snacks snacks to go suppose that's meal one down I think getting towards about thousand calories there and about another hundred so I'm at about 200 calories Alex or a thousand after the gym we go [Music] right are you feeling after you wrap yourself before swapping diets so that includes drink as well as water drink during training are you ready for scoops of oblivion which is 50 gram of protein bar and then two liters of you look you actually I'll because this used to be full fat from the juice and today well nowadays no shirt no added sugar things look a little sausage here and then for hydration to keep you hydrated so we're going to spare moderation dehydrated on a day like this hydration tablet when the Oblivion's already got hydration electrolytes in there what's putting all about extra what would you drink you're not very thing you just have water for your training session now you can have the cheapo to you make me bring I don't know how people train and just drink water I need a little bit calories in there you need something to keep you going and cranberry juice just just does that trick I can't drink are these I don't know wedding after day like really small mouth or really big mouth okay yep actually each they're just four times it 11 - babe and the world of the beast it's nap time so what do you have some juice I've actually done pretty light on this day so I'd usually have like a hundred grammar notes in this case we're gonna go for 200 gram of strawberries you don't eat the stork calorie-wise superb magic ground as creative calories some technology we don't need the storks I see this is why I used just before me top sounds this is what I do just before me Top Chef - for a full English breakfast right yeah snap time over but to maximal whipping [Music] right under the section and I need little not fair enough so at the end of every training session I have force yeah maybe feel a bit bloated there so the end of a training session I have four scoops of eight times away a liter a liter of full fat milk [Music] yeah that's all I want to pull the bread teacher Jeff Richard shakes or something so I'll eat the protein shake and you saying you'd have a bit of oblivion so I'll have a little bit with Olivia thanks Rick no for me because if you diving down there you might drink the rest of their steel don't get it right we're gonna head home now then get some food at home and our children on the way I'll make sure officer Riggs all that don't worry and then we're gonna go home and we're gonna swap diets at home as well so I dread to think what Alex is gonna eat for dinner probably I don't know piece of corn or something we'll see we'll find out anyway see you back [Music] right there there's lunch time and because we're in a bit of a rush today we've got some stone right so we've come to a restaurant just because just cause we're in a rush today so same thing an order food and swap meal so here we go gonna have a ginger beer yeah and obviously the big bottle of Stillman in Hamilton's wrong or Diet Coke crib loss of wine regulan I never drink alcohol rightio cannot for starter can divert muffled patty please Maine is the 16-ounce t-bone steak and I've got medium done with fries I'm gonna go for a side of 14 rings garlic bread so you say no and portion of seasonal veggies like and then thank you good job so what the beetroot Wellington is that the Scooby beetroots and Department pastry I saw my little straw in a few flavors and 20 chips pajamas once again [Music] yeah mom's right absolutely starving this is why my last day on earth because I'm going to die of starvation would you at least have a pudding [Music] [Music] so reminds me off you know and you walking through the park and you see like it then you see like a better dog that slight turning white [Music] calorie count wise wonder claps bottles with the starters 150 calories this leads to be about infamous out 400 you don't yours are about 1600 calories there Sparta was a good 200 250 let's say so eighteen hundred and fifty calories for so far we'll do have to give you calorie wise a normal day out a normal day 18 I mean I feel very weak right now very lights depleted me on a regular day between I'm gonna say between five and seven thousand calories so and I think we're getting quite light today so we're probably going to go towards more than 5,000 mark [Music] are you taking a breather on it but better be a big green because you saw that desert would you seriously this much fungus daily basis so that's done we had some mushrooms on toast for starters and then be true something with something else the collars because polenta chips must admit it wasn't the best I busted a really well there babe t-bone steak for a bit a good bash at the veg good batch at the chairs done all the chips actually do all your rings but now I mean if we're doing it properly I've would have a cheese cake recording and you can put that in come on mano mano okay oh we've been doing our purpose this is what I do your normal daily basis Oh sire hiya buddy did you do dude cheesecake chocolate cheesecake perfect one of those please how's that baby was always really dessert cheesecake then another strawberry as well come on baby lead on [Music] well just just paid the bill and the bill always comes with a chocolate for every person and every person on the table never eats the chocolates away and I've beaten him so we'll see one chocolate compromised thing is a REITs working both ways though there we go right bladder is lunch done and we've got a little while now until second dinner and afternoon be later right 4:00 p.m. were half an hour later so I would usually have second dinner about half past three to four so we're on cue I think for you guys is literally upstairs asleep so I'm gonna go wake her up have a second dinner hopefully because I'm absolutely starving you will have something as well yeah second dinner of the day darling so I will have to sandwich is too flapjack and a couple of pieces of fruit come on maybe my second did it what do you not would you not just have a little bit this lack anywhere for a little do for flapjacks or just a pack of crisps you know what I feel I think of the school I think I'll go for two tuna sandwiches crisps and an apple actually that's what I feel like I'd eat right now [Music] she was genuinely like in bed rolling out the box was unconscious it's hard work eating all this food genuinely is it but it ties around what you could do to spice this up and you're actually born to be fast should we get that picture for the views pleasure [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] only a prize the biggest prize of the world so the evening meal is gonna be the hard ones you know that's where I need the most while we were shared evening meals obviously I got the lion's share it's a few things we'd rather go for curry spagbol or for DJ ITA would you do you want for DJ's potato so for heaters fatigue it's four o'clock now right well Eric I believe that watch is absolutely that demolished to big tuna sandwiches bucket crisps and so so I think we'll have tea about about seven o'clock maybe off seven yeah one of the last meals of the day I will actually at the very end the day I have a protein shake [Music] let's give me what I creep your meal then right we'll see you at 7:00 p.m. right there it's a rarity we have fajitas lovely spicy chicken and peppers wraps Cheers are you ready to go babe I would have at least I think minimum five [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] why don't you guys let us know what the next challenge should be is a couple what could we do together to compete or just a hangout cool there's up in the comment under the calorie counter out for me that was very generous sort of 300 calories on swalot jobs and the rabbit is having for another 1200 calories you do take your [Music] [Laughter] cheesecake justice leather how about we come to the fourth one because you like you don't think you might be gonna throw up and you're doing a little bit of cheesecake this is always just for clarity that is the quarter of the cheesecake so we estimate there wraps to be at 900 calories because you like the really 200 apiece so quarter [Music] a little calculator higher on the screen it's gonna say how many calories Alex is how about very much actually in starvation pick which words well because I'm actually line eaten choice tomorrow whoever the airship either why don't you just be an absolute legend that would be legendary this is unheard of territory gold egg let's go for it get it like it's the wasp it makes me where's miksa mountain be quiet anything that he wants in life I'm not gonna do it if you don't shut up no it's your strong will to say no Alex it's impossible it's inevitable this is your destiny I agreed cultural to the community of what do you do then this is collective okay and I pretty much do the same course if you need to your eyes that's incredible by genuine this lateral it's a fairly struggle a bit of today so you're admitting you've been a bit extra no I'm just saying some days lie I'm not as hungry as others saying what you've eaten today is like a good amount of food - I wasn't too worried Emil after all she's eight today I was lying amazing to be fair that's the first burger going to do today by volume eating dragon that's the first way of eternity right guys I've got to say I am really really impressed for me as well right and guys it's been a nice day with the wife to be honest above anything else very rarely good things like this do you ever do you think you give you that often there are no doubts no no no no I'm a vegetarian ok for a one-off day very good fact right guys I'm at an absolutely also dough the wife if you actually start absolutely fantastic can't believe my eyes if there's any other challenges where SEOs do hit me up in the comments whoever it be a challenge just something nice for being the wife to do so for that you may enjoy watching those do that might be a bit of fun for now thank you very much please like the video subscribe to the channel they'd want the Beast see you later [Music] [Music]
Channel: Eddie 'The Beast' Hall
Views: 11,443,448
Rating: 4.8953028 out of 5
Keywords: Eddie hall, Larry wheels, Brian shaw, worlds strongest man, deadlift, world record, strongman, giants live, history, hathor bjornsson, mattdoesfitness, strength, strong, official strongman, diet swap, I swapped diets with my wife for a day, eating challenge, I swapped diets for 24 hours, 24 hour food challenge, beard meets food, Leah shutkever, matt stonie, beardmeetsfood, furious Pete, first we feast, shawstrength, randy santel, mashed, man vs food, food network, food network uk
Id: XdP1ejKBQ-A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 28sec (1948 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 01 2020
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