I swapped lives with my wife for a day | Day From Hell

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on the top of the mountain grip around the neck and tell you to hit that subscribe button morning everybody hi so today we've had the great idea that i'm gonna swap a day in the life with my wife i'm just like super not excited about this because i know you don't eat anything i don't think okay that's the worst bit is it you don't you don't really do much you just sit around playing tetris on your phone all day so this is uh it's like just just coming up to eight o'clock in the morning what do we do okay well the cats are hungry so is that what we do first yeah otherwise i mean everyone's hungry but you need to feed the cats first because they'll scream until you do so cat food wait don't tell me where it [Music] is it's not cat food [Music] [ __ ] it a jiffy [Music] felix cats eat better than me okay right and we're getting breakfast on now then okay now you've got to do breakfast for all four of us yeah and clean while you go otherwise you're going to find yourself in the right mouth yeah so what do you mean max what'd you want for breakfast nothing there you go that's easy no come on mate you've got to eat something banana apple toast cereal eggs bacon bacon how many pieces hello i've been gone max how many pieces gordon ramsay eat your heart out okay [Music] okay okay we're getting places now all right how's that there we go oh what's here whisper going there you go darling thank you all right thanks definitely make your life ten times easier yeah i was clear at the end at the end of the day no you will not that's not what i do what are you doing you're gonna do me do you need oh god it's tiring yeah this is too much this is too much right what are you doing this is exactly what you do to me this is exactly what you did to me don't turn the bacon do it properly then i'm trying to help you do it right you've got your cartogenic mince meat on there pat you're gonna die today go away scissors in the dishwasher before you kill someone i'm not joking now so much for sitting down and being quiet morning darling maximus mom what where's my baby it's coming perfection takes time max how many hours do you usually have i like that obviously eating without that spider oh this bacon cooked funny it's meant to be scrambled eggs is served where's my clothes you're alive it's okay that's exactly how i like to drink a coffee all right so this is all i get for breakfast that's a good breakfast i don't want you stupid skinnies whatever no i don't want it i don't want it no cowardly ketchup oh you better just stay out today just completely stay out of it the bad things are gonna happen oh can you eat that crap oh my god [Music] basically your morning is organize tesco run clean the house but you've got to be back to start dinner and didn't need to be on the table at 12. i'm not doing eddie today there you are we're doing that another day aren't we we can't do both well okay that's a good question so if if this video gets a hundred thousand likes alex will do in the daily life of me clean your plates up i'll clean mine up but i'll do exactly what you do i will take it to the dishwasher and put it on top make sure you i'm doing the bin though i won't i'll empty it all around again make sure i move the bag so that i have to bleach it all afterwards [Music] this is why you're so happy all the time it's actually really fun [Music] it's a protein powder all around i know i don't get it [Music] [Laughter] i think this is cleaning it off now let's clean it off yeah okay yes one dry put it away then you need to put wash on take the bin out there's no way you do this every day out yes it is there isn't yesterday no there isn't yeah i do the wine you're telling me you do this every day yes the best way about it is get all the little bits off of the sponge like this let me show you let me show you hello okay right yeah all the little bits all those little bits in that core look at that bit there get them all down there yeah you can pick them up take them away clean your sponge and then you've just got to clean what's left haven't you [Music] i know what to do next [Music] [Music] i would never do anything wrong try to get that all all right that'll do it i'll kick it under the fridge let's just clean washing that's the dryer so yes yeah so does that go that's odd okay we'll bring it to the rest of the drain it's clean so is the claw your shoes aren't are they perfectly folded blankie there okay now put a wash on all right so we're gonna fill stuff for me [Music] can i put any liquid stuff in there open the drawer [Music] that's how i fall if you want me to honestly that's it i can't fold any better than that that's a fold do want me to teach you no it's like a straight jacket morning it's actually quiet all right so acts as like you know you get them things you put on it might make you stand up straight your boobs down here [Music] that's actually quite a good fit [Laughter] i think i'm doing a good job of being you today are what are you doing what all the fuss is about you know just a bit of cleaning folding a few clothes putting in some machines pressing play you've only done one room when you've gone power plays you'll get dressed max will you please get dressed and brush your teeth because it because because you love me ah i'll just brush his own teeth right so i've done breakfast i've cleaned up i've cleaned half a house i've done all the washing dress marks and brushes teeth times it 20 to 10 that's not too bad okay so check this food in right so i'm going to go to tesco to get some frozen veg and some chicken dippers chips great here we go [Music] stop playing mario kart in this you're not a big gorilla that drives the car for his banana all right well i better get some uh women's essentials so excuse me uh pissed me towels and i'm sure she'll have some there oh hello and you just get a splash of nutella don't usually have a knack about that don't get one of the cats i'm just going to cut a little bit 2 000 years later so i'm having a little bit of a break here because i've got a really hard morning cooking and cleaning and doing the shopping so i'm having a little bit of a power up before we have to start cooking the dinner and everything else thank you so this is exactly what alex would do sit down and have a bit of a break right babe i'm uh re-energized after my very busy morning so dinner's at 12 so just under an hour so if you've got a bit of spare time what would you do if i've got a bit of spare time i might go for a really quick run so leg foot out like fuzz yeah so you're telling me i've got to shave my legs that will go for a run i'd rather yeah i'll shave my leg okay you got this leg shaver thing no no okay this this day isn't really not going to plan is it there you go [Music] do i shave your legs do i what does this do i do need to show you how this is good because if you shave your legs it's going to be back tomorrow the day after if i do this you've got a good like two three weeks oh right great so it pulls the hairs out yeah that looks horrible [Laughter] it's that something outsole the more you the more you talk about it the more it's just gonna hurt so if you just go for it you should shave your legs with that that's horrendous you don't see me crying dude how did you put up with that no no no oh no out no how did you put up with that oh god ah oh god jesus christ no that's enough wow come on you can't just have that little pattern no we're done we're done that's it i don't know why do women do that to themselves why not just shave it right so it's lunch time so i'm going to cook you and pop chicken and rice and veg max is having chicken dippers and chips and you're having a pizza no i'm not having a pizza what are you having you wish it was having a pizza i do i just want to put a pizza in there no uh tuna and rice right so i've got chicken and rice for my dinner chicken tikka corn and rice corn don't even check it think it's time for max's nuggets to go in oh for the other chicken it's just cooking lessons with the beast okay the perfect chicken nuggets watch this space wow the chicken's done whoa oh look at that sit down and eat food show up overnight before please i feel like i'm not that rude when i give you [Music] how many calories is this on um is it about 350. that's what's the plan after dinner you go to the barbershop let's go a few moments later what's going on here i don't know this isn't part of the video [Laughter] well it is it's part we're being honest that you're failing miserably but babe i i don't think you understand how hard your life is it's that it's like it's like half past 12. i haven't gone well we haven't got the energy to keep up with all this cleaning the fork would have been nice but we're down at the barbershop now i mean alex has set me up with a client to see one of them deaf which i don't mind but um typical alex making things as hard as possible for me to be fair to alex she does have a lot of deaf clients because she does all the sign language stuff which i have no clue about i just know that means no or is it that well anyway so i'm going to get in there and uh cut a few people's hair because that's what alex would do on a daily basis so here we go [Music] first time i've ever ever got anyone's eye apart from the sun [Music] [Music] all that [Music] that was a breeze all the fuss is about who's next interesting lucas sir let's do what really alex does on a daily basis right what should we go for buddy should we take the sides exactly what i'm doing all right keep that still not me [Music] now who's your favorite me right guys we're back from the barber shop we're there for a few hours i'm very tired now i've done a lot of work been on my feet and uh and now i'm back and i'm cooking tea for everybody because obviously i'm a big eater alex has to keep it in a uh in a big pan for once a pan bigger than my head right we're getting we're getting places now and the butter's melting chicken's getting caught the cat is on the stove cat's on the stove look he hasn't got hair so you can't really set the fire you hungry babe you're on a nice day off after relaxing no you are not i've done that i did everything i did the washing i didn't do it all right let me ask you this what's the dishwasher oh i'm going to order a pizza that's cause that's you do that sometimes friday nights it's friday nights takeaway night so i'm if heaters max a lot of pizza so i'm going to be dead honest with everyone now it's been a day from hell i think every couple should do this you you and if as i say if this video gets 100 000 likes alex will be in my shoes for a day and i will make sure but if we do do that i will actually do it properly and win thanks for watching guys thank you darling for and don't forget to like the video don't forget to subscribe to the channel and i'll see you next time but for now keep being amazing keep being awesome big love the beast take care guys you
Channel: Eddie 'The Beast' Hall
Views: 1,969,390
Rating: 4.9758487 out of 5
Keywords: Eddie hall, Larry wheels, Brian shaw, worlds strongest man, deadlift, world record, strongman, giants live, history, hathor bjornsson, mattdoesfitness, strength, strong, official strongman, Arnold Schwarzenegger, nile wilson, martins licis, sidemen, ksi, Logan Paul
Id: OvlYj2TkZXU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 14sec (1514 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 02 2020
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