48Kg Girl fires magnum | Nearly loses teeth!!!

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[Music] the daughters the big daughters coming out serious ain't just me it's more person be out here we have here we are laying no tell here they taste money bags no clout he'll go dead no bail here for the south side we worries today guys went to Daytona Beach in Florida well the official strongman games about eight world titles being fought for we've got some greats in there we honor Lovelace directly under sixty four Qi Felix we have Luke Fallbrook Terry Holland's in the Masters fighting alongside Nick bastard unas Invictus we've got some amazing the concepts going down right on the beachfront and we're just heading there now nice let me fly so see you on the other side swindle video like legroom suit is the smallest person in the world always swindle like their seats all right guys were heading into the are you doing bed it into the upper class and that's why I see so let's try lit out these aren't usually the biggest yeah lovely I'm gonna sit like this in 10 hours great but at least the bed falls down flat to get good service lovely attractive stewards or having a glass of bubbly please sir Cheers feel kind of sorry for honor and a boyfriend riding in pheasant premium costs I'm not taking some into t remote I'm sorry what they're upstairs when yourself a nice cold bath [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] right we've got a four-hour layover in Atlanta before we head off for Daytona Beach so we just hit a lovely thank God it's Friday Carolina Reaper hot wings [Music] [Music] that tastes like Dex it looks like that taste back there I've been looking for the supposed Dunkin Donuts in this terminal for sentry I'm lost scared from hungry I'm tired [Laughter] I've okay now they've found where Dunkin Donuts I'm saved we're gonna go get some donuts and then we're gonna get on the flight good morning madam what delicious delights have we on sale today I want the sprinkles on the side you have to have one of each we are in Nutella can I have a job no no I'm just those two of their big greedy and there's a massive queue behind me now mmm update Turner ng levels are back yo all right anybody that's got it cheese mom doughnuts that's the secret [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] say you guys just landed in Florida got in late last night going to the river about half 1:00 in the morning on a few hours sleep I breakfast and I thought it's a beautiful day but oh come on do something so I was gonna go and hire Harley Davidson but on the way there I saw these things and I just couldn't resist this looks so much cooler Hollies are so yesterday till they're high one of these really do some cool things on it and perhaps get to a shooting range I know there's a big biker bar me they want to go to quite famous biker bar so day one in Florida for the official strongman games my story Laureus ain't just me it's more person we out here we have here we are Leno down here to chase moneybags no clout he'll go dead for this outside we were is my blood vainglorious my story live victoriously just me it's more bust me out hear me out here we all live no doubt he'll chase moneybags no cloud he'll go dead is no route here yes flow potent go slow-motion my bread up not that dope flow true one shot out their scope folder don't leave with a throat coat my coat coating my socks magic they sleeping on me go stop that here we gonna say time I push the clock back it she top Lisbon can't top that we from outside of the Southside extreme hard world name mouth while it's true Riverdale's and they pick the sale I'm gonna give him he'll slip outside my business and giving back she's got a whole vision hope you kill with that days engagement up I hope we get it back deposit interest rate I let it sit in stacks on this money child money time by building let us sit and cry by building let us sit incline [Music] so hey guys hahaha we just arrived at the top gone shooting range this place has been recommended by a few people I've got some really big guns here got the Magnum 500 apparently they've got a 52 tau sniper rifle as well so I'm gonna try the Honda you have a lot of competition very competitive as we all know so we're let's do prepare should we do the Magnum 500 25 yards on a target do it it's like a point system and I'm gonna do it a rifle an assault rifle it's aiming at 25 yards and never have a shot at the 50 Cal each should be a good laugh the 50 caliber rifle is literally one of the most powerful guns on the planet so I've never shot one before so I'm really looking forward to that I think it's it's literally 50 dollars a bullet so looking forward to that [Music] [Music] we worry is my blood glorious my story live victorious ain't just me it's more person we out here we have here we all and no down here to chase moneybags no clout he'll go dead Nobel here from the south side we worry is my blood laughs and glorious my story live victorious ain't just me alright so what you're telling me is you're without a doubt gonna hit the paper the first shot really yeah you ready how many bullets we got in 2020 so let's head each ready for this 75 foot 75 feet where were you in wrap your head will tell me you're even on the act that was rewritten that all right hold on he's he wasn't a minute yes he was just putting it up there I swear to god that's the loudest thing I've ever that's so loud yeah do you know who why interface to Wyatt Earp no he was an old-time cowboy shot really really good yeah that's I just called you wider or will calm Annie Oakley you know who areƶ please write those up that's a girl shooters okay right so Amy for the Black Duck now can you even see the black guy I messed up I'm not even really saying that's pretty good in 75 see that's not a bad shot for a magnum where's that - in three inches off the top inches probably right around two and a half or three inches right cow best out of ten yeah I'm gonna do ten shots what the targets you to touch our railing for the axe yeah that's the point [Applause] [Music] here we go though - is 175 for 500 Magnum let's work it out it's on the Y count seven two seven two seven one bullet missing so definitely miss mr. paper or bother it's gone through the same hole 84 outer so it's even bigger back they only have one round that's bigger is considerably different okay I'll try to exercise this stuffing 300 rain rain those are 600 gray which is the measurement of the Gunpowder that's in the ranch double the gun power the top of the seventy-five for Worster fall straight through it maybe the bullet might tumble a little bit or because the 300 grain has that pointed own on it Moscow is eight to four out of a hundred swap the sheets now for Chow the same distance and breathe [Music] [Music] it's more powerful than the other one less powerful stuff is what more accurate quicker firing as well we working just like what she said I don't trust and plus she liked it we're not big I'm asleep see your master again amid so confess whatever it is she was before I ain't five in each one so see how it did okay one two three four five one two three four five one two three four five one two three four five one two three four we shot twice if that one down there oh yeah five right so not buying a shot everyone hit the target at least so Cal you're all dr. Cullen the darkness the big donors coming out oh yeah everything everything absolutely everything what I just cleaned that lens better than anybody else but I know how to deadlift for than anyone on the planet yeah well I lose it that's the God's honest truth everyone's got their own an iron skillet wife mine was dead lifting so now are we going to shoot a fun gun before we shoot the Barrett let's do it all right yeah it's good fun good whatever go honey you want to shoot one y-yeah you'd be fine maybe we should let her go first [Laughter] not my ear not that off yeah definitely me ain't safe to say that somebody won't survive that aha definitely I would yeah [Laughter] the thing the weapons going to want to do is when we pull the trigger it's going to want to go like this up into the right so when we pull it in this is called a tooth plate so I'm bringing that part of the weapon right up to my cheek I hate you so much see not bad at all right so do you want to do one more shot and then do the fully automatic you want to go to full auto good nice alright come on come on yeah right now hold the trigger she was worried about you pulling the 500 that definitely wasn't loaded when she boarded the full automatic action oh Jesus honey get it [Music] [Music] worship worship worship you don't have to get worse oh my god yes she is plain and simple you pop in like a pimple I know this nasty oh you know I like [Music] [Music] two miles away couple more shots I'm going to get two in the head I'm actually going to put eyes in the head I'm going to put the right eye to left eyes this thing is also I want one christmas is coming up babe that's pretty accurate scope is on two eyes that car you've got to put a nose and start the bouquet [Music] you taste it you go worship me these three senior bounces it up perfectly you see my head you spin my identity purposely now you gonna pay [Music] [Music]
Channel: Eddie 'The Beast' Hall
Views: 1,452,492
Rating: 4.9281745 out of 5
Keywords: Eddie Hall, Strongman, Worlds Strongest Man, Giants Live, Worlds Strongest man, Britains strongest man, europes strongest man, 500kg deadlift, eddie the beast hall, brian shaw, official strongman
Id: NLDt-vi6Ibk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 34sec (1294 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 13 2019
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