Aussie Coin Pusher EP 168 VERY TOUGH GAME

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[Music] good day i'm jason from aussie coin pusher um yeah this is uh not the game that i wanted to play uh i was supposed to play two games yesterday and while i was sitting back enjoying my bourbon my phone rang yep so i had i had no choice i had to go cash in me chip my coins and nick off back to work so um yeah i'm running so late today i'm gonna take a look at that 11 33 that is incredible i'm here i'm never here that late so um so yeah um today's wednesday and i'm gonna have a good game yep uh 50 coins so i'm having a shocker day today [Music] all right let's see what i can do i mean look at all the gaps in this it looks like if dave's not even trying to hide the gaps in this one yeah look at that wow that's crazy talk right okay well i'm not getting any movement oh guys can't afford that mic wow [Music] i think those little tower things those little chip things whatever you want to call them pinnacles and let's call them pinnacles um i think they're going to fall over real easy top heavy oh i did just see a bit of movement oh thank you i saw a little bit of movement just in the middle there so maybe i need to be playing the middle right now [Music] not yet a lot [Music] i got the movement that time all right i think we're good to go [Music] oh what's going on what is going on i haven't heard anything full yet and what have i got 10 coins [Music] um what am i going to do what am i going to do i think what i'm going to do is play the left side it's got more overhanging i'll just play left only oh my top tray looks like oh this is not going to work this is not going to be nice i've got 100 bucks in the car this is a game i needed to play with 100 coins oh jason oh there dave has totally got me he has absolutely smashed me oh there's a couple of coins i'm holding one coin oh well done dave he's got a way to make things look really really easy and it's actually really hard that was my last coin all right let's tell you that's what i got oh look at that we did it right didn't we hey unfortunately no uh yeah i did go out to the car and grab the other 100. i was going to say there's 25 coins here but now with that one 26 coins but i am only holding 25. come on do something for me oh this top tray is so thirsty all right now we're moving come on give me a push that was my last three coins oh i took a risk i took a risk and it totally bit me in the backside all right let's tell it up see what i got oh that's all i can say um yeah that's not good that is not good at all now i'm starting to uh get a little concerned oh jace well that wasn't really wasn't my fault it did bounce that was my fault i'm just having one of those days everything's going wrong today oh no come on all right let's tell it up see what i got [Music] um not good what is there like roughly eight i think there's about eight coins there i just got to get that pile to fall off and that there's probably six coins there there's probably 10 coins along there oh nice push i've got a little push i'll take it [Music] there's my last three oh no oh there i think i'll be in trouble five coins that's five coins lakes come on come on oh that'll do i'll take it i'll go right in the middle if i can all right let's tell it up so what i got six coins we're on the up i've got to be a little bit careful here six coins oh nice that's what i was looking for that's my last two come on do me proud i'll take it yep we're definitely on the up 10 coins or 11 coins or something like that uh i wonder if i should go for a whole mirror and just try to see if i can't push that that's probably what i should do i mean everything's telling me to do that but i'm not gonna do it [Music] a little bit come on oh no last coin [Music] come on [Music] oh man that's so good who was doubting me hey that's probably good 20 25 coins [Music] [Music] oops ah come on last coin all right let's tell it up so what i got bloody seymour so 15 coins at the max i'm targeting this side here that's what i want right now all right so what i want to do now is i've got a bit of a plan uh this is a two-stage plan well it's got a double meaning to it i'm gonna go for this and i'm also gonna go for that the reason why i'm going for that is because right now i seem to be struggling hardcore and i need to get some sucker flowers but i am actually aiming for this but i reckon that will go down with it [Applause] [Music] oh no ah what happened there i'm not sure if anything fell i'm gonna go and take a look well i can't remember them falling but they're there so i'll take them all right come on come on pendulum hurry up [Music] oh they'll do it that'll do it [Music] as you can see i'm just taking a huge risk it's either going to work or it's not there's my last coin i was trying to avoid that all right let's tell it up see what i got 12 to 13 coins [Applause] come on at least gotta get that 20 over i get that 20 over i'm gonna start relaxing a bit this top tray just does not want to spit coins off for some reason [Music] come on 24 ah thank you my last coin all right let's tell it up so what i got all right suck up flowers uh seven or eight coins somewhat probably six uh um what's over hanging i still i'm still liking the right hand side all right don't do that [Music] but i also like this too so i have a little bit of a crack at that i got one right in the middle come on i don't know what it is with this top tray but it is not spitting coins off i'm not double stacking all that many but yet there seems to be a lot of double stacked coins up there i've got no idea something's changed i haven't worked it out yet hopefully you guys can four coins one coin just dropped [Music] four coins let's go two in the middle [Music] that was two coins that just fell two more in the middle oh this game's killing me [Music] sideways um all right what am i doing i'm still liking the middle because i've got a better chance to knock off either side of that i mean all i need is just one one half of that ball so i'm liking the middle plus there's a coin overhanging in the middle [Music] that was it come on come on come on you're my last hope oh that nearly fell for something phil i'll be back that's all i need that's all i need to get that off it's funny how i could be getting my butt whooped like i am right now i'm still confident enough to get that off with three coins oh no come on oh do it do it do it you beauty right the guts ish all right let's tell them up or nine coins yeah something like that i'd like to get a like i suppose i can one time yeah eight coins um the reason why i don't count them i don't have my glasses on me when i'm looking at that that's blur so i mean if i if i honestly tried to count that with no glasses on i'd have to call about 30 coins all right uh right hand side by the look of it i reckon let's have a crack at the right hand side i still like playing the middle though oh yes i just dropped all these coins [Music] all right last coin run the guts ish all right let's tell it up yeah i reckon there's at least 15 coins there [Applause] [Music] i've got you by the short and curlies now mate [Music] that was my last corner oh another 20 went down oh let's knock this 20 down with chips i meant coins but he knew what i meant oh man that was awesome okay i've got about 25 coins 40 bucks that might have been the start that i was looking for come on stop double backing come on last coin oh let's take a look how much is overhanging um i think that's probably half the problem there's too much there's too much where there's two who's making it too heavy i don't know i'm gonna go tell you it up well i reckon there's more than 20 less than 25 yeah right oh come on thank you that was my last two coins take a look at that big chunk come on chunk i'll take the 20. nice [Music] okay there's 80 bucks there and about 40 [Music] [Applause] coins all right [Applause] that might be a turning point of my shitty day i'm having [Music] i'll tell you what i can't fault my [Music] timing [Music] that's all my coins oh nice thank you all right let's tell you that's what i got [Music] there's way more than 50 coins there i can probably close to 60. [Music] all right two more to go [Music] come on [Music] oops [Applause] now we're getting some pushes [Music] that was the last three coins all right let's turn it up so what i got i am definitely calling 60 coins definitely 60 points [Music] oh so close [Music] so [Music] definitely sounds loud [Music] [Music] all right i'm gonna go for the 50 that's near on the middle oh thank you [Music] [Music] wow how close is that that was my last three coins all right let's tally it up see what i got [Music] okay 130 bucks probably 50 coins whoa you don't go anywhere buddy you don't know how hard you were to get off i reckon 50 coins there nicely [Music] heyday i saw that [Music] come on [Music] if that doesn't get it off ah no way [Music] finally and i've got a little push out of it [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] that was my last boot oh again a nice big mountain going on here all right let's tell it up see what i got 150 bucks there's probably 60 65 coins all right um let's have a quick look get boundy getting a little bit moundy in the middle i'm going to continue removing coins from the top i was doing that late in the last round [Music] so [Music] do [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] that is my last two all right that's starting to get a little concerning let's tell you now [Music] hey look i'm being a good boy 20 bucks yeah i'm still looking there's like 60 65 coins there i'm happy not to be losing coins if you don't gain coins you really don't want to lose them ah come on there's a rust uh that one [Music] [Music] so [Applause] [Music] it's [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] last coin wow all right let's tell it up so what i got i did better than all right that time hey 90 bucks and there's probably 80 coins [Applause] all right our mound is not there anymore that's a good thing [Music] right hand side looks like it might be a little stuck right hand side looks like it's completely clear [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] last two coins [Music] all right that's what i got all right probably 50 coins 20 bucks [Music] i'll tell you what seymour has put up an absolute ripper fight man i feel like as if i was a bloody blue i'll tell you that much [Music] oh third wave look at that 50 just popped out of nowhere [Music] [Music] so [Music] something's definitely changed i haven't been double stacking all that much and this seems to be a lot of coins up there unless it's just me it could be just me i suppose all right the left hand side is locked up [Music] that was my last coin all right let's tell it that's what i got [Music] i reckon there's about 45 coins there at 100 bucks i'll take it so what do we got we got 60 we got 100 bucks on there at the moment i've all i've given up on that 50 up there for some reason i cannot get it when it's in that position uh must be something to do with the game because i don't have a problem anywhere else i have noticed on that um on the back end there's a screw right opposite that one so i wonder if that's got something to do with it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right there's all my coins what i was trying to do there i was trying to shift that because that was building up a little bit too much but while i was watching this i didn't notice all that building up and i'll show you the reason why i watch for build ups and i get concerned pretty fast about build-ups [Laughter] that's why it'll take your coins really really fast and you don't even know it's it's doing it you really don't know i've been caught out a few times by that now i'll watch out for it and i try to tackle the build ups asap faster [Music] so wow see all those coins that fell off nothing moved that was my last coin all right let's tell it up so what i got [Music] well i reckon we don't know 45 maybe 50 but yeah probably not 50. 20 bucks that's a good thing 60 bucks left to go a ton of coins all right 40 bucks left to go oh yes [Music] [Music] oops [Music] so one coin left i'm going to go run the guts ish i could have swore 40 bucks fell i could have swore um i've got about the same amount of coins actually it's probably a bit less that's concerning to me i double checked in there just to make sure i actually got it all out but i can swear as you can see i'm only holding one i thought 40 um 40 bucks fell i don't know i'm have to have a look at that one when i get home because it wouldn't be the first time i thought something's fallen and i haven't found it yeah and when it's not in there well where else can it go i don't know [Music] is there like a hiding spot you know a slot like somewhere where you can't see where the money's already falling into the hopper and it goes into this i don't know another compartment i don't know anything about these machines i know how to play it if anybody does know can you let me know because that's really strange [Music] so i got one coin left okay as you can see it is built up the whole way along not not right there but pretty much from there all the way down whole thing's built up i need to make a decision really quickly on what i'm going to do [Music] um 40 coins so i'm losing coins now there's not enough money on there for me to chase the money but what i am actually chasing is all those coins what i'm going to do is i'm going to go one round fast i want to coin dump one round and just see what that's going to do it's either going to really really work oh it's going to might be the backside [Music] [Music] one coin last coin oh i think it's bitting me in the backside but i reckon i've probably here probably got about the same maybe even a bit less i got my um all right let's just do it once more [Music] something's definitely changed with this top tray though [Music] oops oh nice [Music] all right so i had 40 bucks on there and now i've got 70 bucks left all right let's tell it up see what i got [Music] yeah as you can see i am losing coins and pretty quickly i did get the 20 but that's cost me way more than 20 bucks than the amount of coins i've just lost i'm gonna do one slow run one slow run and i'm just gonna have to make a decision that 50 is a long way off if i can gain coins this time i'll keep going if i lose coins this time [Music] [Music] so [Music] there's my last coin i'll take it all right let's tell it up i reckon i've got my 50 coins back or very close to it so i need to make a a a decision here whether i'd keep going and try to go for that 50 which is a long way back there this guy he's slipping and sliding all over the place [Music] what do i do i know i said if i gain coins i'm going to keep going well i have gained coins but i need to be smart everything's telling me right now just back off back off um stop you know i've got to stop so i know that's going to upset some people i mean there's still 70 bucks on there there's still quite a lot of coins on there but i just don't want to lose because i'll tell you what i'm going to go one more one more that's the gambler in there i just want to know what's going to happen if i gain coins i'm stopping if i lose coins i'm stopping either way i'm stopping [Music] [Applause] so the slow way worked for me last time so i'm gonna go slow again [Music] [Music] [Music] oh please don't bite me in the butt [Music] i totally deserve it though i tear i really do [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on oh nice yeah i'm not an idiot i'm stopping i'm not putting that in um that was uh that was a lot of coins that just fell down then so um all right uh i know that's going to upset some people but at the end of the day this is my money and you know it's worth a lot every coins worth three bucks to me right now so um you know 10 coins 30 bucks what can you do with 30 bucks and i can do a 30 bucks i can buy two pizzas with 30 bucks oh i gotta stop thinking about pizza i'm hungry now anyway i'm gonna tell everything up now i'll get back to you that's actually not bad considering i got down to one or two coins oh wow yep i do love a good scrap anyway so the telly goes i've got 200 bucks in notes i got 530 dollars in chips i ended up with 61 coins so although there are quite a lot there goes my drink so um i do know yeah there's quite a lot of coins overhanging but i also know that i've been struggling with this the whole game and how many more coins is this going to absorb before i start knocking that over quite a lot i reckon i think i've done the right thing 61 coins 183 bucks um so everything together is nine hundred and thirteen dollars minus off three hundred and fifty because i had to go back out to my car um 563 bucks not bad considering i actually thought i was getting my butt whooped i'll start to think now should i be deleting this or should i actually post it how long's it been going and well you know the turnout you you keep going you know as long as i've got a coin in my hand even if it's one i've got to be confident enough to um just keep going you know keep playing keep playing when i start thinking okay i've got enough i'm happy now i've you know i've i mean i should not have won today let's face it i absolutely shouldn't have won persistence luck oh man they they helped me heaps so but anyway look this is the outcome that i've got and it's one that i'm happy with so i'm gonna go catch everything in i don't have time to go play anything else um so um yep anyway i'm gonna go catch everything in i'll be back [Music] yep 500 bucks i'll take it [Music] nice um so uh yeah 63 bucks to the tin and uh 500 bucks comes home with me i don't get to keep it for very long trust me so but that's all right um so anyway if you like what you see give us a thumbs up and you want to see more subscribe if you haven't and look you guys have been absolutely smashing that subscribe button i really really appreciate that i didn't think in my wildest dreams when i started filming these i didn't think anybody would watch i didn't think anybody would care and uh yeah i mean i'm happy to be wrong on that case so look thanks you know very much for that i really appreciate it you know growing my channel is um you know it's it's it's an awesome thing i didn't realize how good it is makes me feel really great when i check it in the morning so anyway i'm out of here and i'll catch you guys in the next one
Channel: Aussie Coin Pusher
Views: 2,769
Rating: 4.935185 out of 5
Id: jJlvu0UQQ9o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 36sec (2676 seconds)
Published: Wed May 19 2021
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