Beginners guide to vbit carving - Fusion 360 - MPCNC

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hi everyone welcome to new tech my name's miles and thanks very much for watching today I'll be showing you how to do true engraving using fusion 360 so let's go before we jump into fusion 360 there's just some basics that I want to cover so we get some greater success with the engrave tool the very first thing that we need to consider is what tool we're going to be creating this with and here I have a 90 degree V bit tool now this one is super handy and this is one that I rely on most often you can get different angles such as this one here this is 120 degree V bit you can see that the angles differ and you can also get like a 70 degree which makes a lot deeper grooves as well there's a whole lot of different angles that are available but this is the one that you want to start off with to create most of your artworks with it's the most versatile the 90 degree V bit it's really easy to tell us a 90 degree because it actually creates a right angle if it's laid down on a table and you can see there that that's a 90 degree now fusion 360 does realize that this is a works of a 45-degree angle V bit because the - actually just works from the center point outwards I'll show you how to set that up in a second the second thing is is your artwork so you're going to be creating in fusion 360 so I've got an example of a well this is an example of a vector line or a spline or a line that you're dually use in the fusion 360 or get imported from a DXF file or SVG so you're going to create your artworks but when you're creating your artworks you need to consider the size of the the bit that you're going to be creating with now as you can see here that there is only a certain size diameter of 22 mil for this bit from one side to the other side and the the reason why you've got to take that in to account before he start designing is that none of your lines should ever be greater than the width of your vbeaute tool unless that you want it to be and I'm going to show you why that you need to know this and some issues that you can account for when you don't follow these rules so here is a simple eye shape and what fusion 360 is going to do is going to use that v-bit tool to dive down into your line work push down and then carve along and as you can see that each side joins or meets that V bit quite quite well and it doesn't reach the outsides of that 22 mil however if we have a bit that is larger so that means that the V bit tool can fall through and then it's not going to be able to reach each side successfully so what's going to happen here is that fusion 360 will then just fall into like a similar to a trace so it's going to still use the inside of the part if you want it to and it's going to go in and just touch one side and then carve around the issue with that is that in the center of your part you'll find that there's like a little bit of an island or a raised part and quite often that you don't want that so it's really important that when you create your artworks that you know how big your V bit is to start with the last bit that I really like about fusion 360 is more of the three-dimensional carving that you can get out of it so here have an organic shape the shape of a leaf now I love doing this and this is one of my most favorite things to do on fusion 360 because it looks so good now what happens is that this piece will dive in and as you can see that I've made the shape ups a little bit too big for this demonstration so I've actually gone ahead and created a 3d printed part so what's going to happen the fusion 360 will go into the shape of the the leaf and as you can see it meets both sides but as that diameter changes on the leaf the groove will actually get a lot more shallow and as it comes to the end it will flick up and create this really cool little shape and I'm going to show you that in fusion 360 so let's go alright guys in fusion 360 we're going to first set up our stock that we're going to be creating on our grave two lon so let's go ahead and create my stuff that I've got which is going to be 300 by 300 mil okay I'm going to extrude that by 17 milk 17 multiplier that I'll be using for this tutorial and then we're going to start doing our sketch on the top plane of my surface here it's important that you only use the top part because that's where the engrave tool needs to meet so I'm going to go ahead and start doing my graving up here okay I'm going to do just some basic geometry at the top to get started so there's a rectangle and I'm actually going to bring up my shortcut and then go fill it whoops fill it and then just fill up these edges and go okay and then I'm gonna put offset in there as well and let's say that this offset was for about it's been negative 8 to go on the inside maybe something a bit thinner maybe 5 okay that looks good alright so inside here I'm going to put some circles now just remember that your circles can't be any greater than the diameter of your the--but tool that you're using otherwise it's going to have issues with cutting them so there is a simple one there I'm actually going to put one over here I'll show what I mean by creating one that's larger than the diameter of the debit tool that you've done so I'll do a 30 mil there I also pop another couple over here so I'll do a 20 mil with an inner circle that is let's say 5 no 15 mil okay let's do it will go and engrave circle there we'll do another one like that but it will start at 20 mil and we'll actually do this circle and the how to part which will be 30 will do another circle here and I'm gonna put this one a correct so I put a rectangle on this one the rectangle I'll start from the inner point that will be 25 20 staff on to the contour of the circle there and then this one here will be a jewel circle so this is 20 and then the circle here will be another 20 okay underneath here I'm going to do a bit of a pattern with the circles to show you kind of what will pick up within patterns so this one here will be a circle another circle okay so next one I'm actually going to put some organic shapes to show you quickly what the organic shapes I'm going to be using the points spline tool to create this the leaf shape this is one of my favorite shapes to engrave the idea is try and uses as minimal points as possible to create a really lovely curve there you can use the select tool to kind of come in here and and alter those but I'm pretty happy with that shape as it is okay one thing that I'm keeping in mind is that that is the diameter of the 20 mil and that kind of looks very similar here I could come in here and inspect it and just see but that was 22 mil so it looks like it could have a little bit of issues with diving in here but we'll have a look anyway over here let's do some another organic shape let's just do a really random shape to see kind of what it picks up and what it allows you to do I'll just click around looks like a bit like a fern leaf or something and the very last thing that I'm going to use as an example is actually putting some text in so over here let's type in my name which is a mild swoops the text I want to show you is actually downloaded from one of those free online websites now when you download those free online font it's really important that you take an account what the use of it is so this is only for a personal use font so I wouldn't be able to use this for something that I want to sell later on you know let's go fifteen size and then drop that there I'm going to also put in another version of my name just to show you the differences there go ahead and click but this one's going to be all in caps and we're going to use I think it's time oh it's going T yeah and I'm gonna make this a bold font size 15 as well and drop that in there okay but before I exit out it for my sketch there's one thing that I want to do quickly is just right-click and explode my text so those lines are really that much easier to use those lines once are in the vector file instead of just the text so I'm going to duplicate this I'm going to show you two different types so this one I'm going to leave as a sketch and the one underneath I'm actually going to do an extrusion version instead so go ahead and copy that over now let's try the other select which is the window selection okay and let's go okay okay so as I said I'm gonna leave this as the sketch tool and I'm going to start extruding some of these and I'm going to show you the difference if you just leave it as a sketch it can work totally fine but there's some pieces will be definitely not what you wanted so I'll show you quickly what the difference is so I'm going to go through and just extrude some of these I'm going to do that this is the part that I wanted extrude now this one actually I'm going to do this kind of beak book this one or three down side there now with our little pattern here I'll try and do something that the computer would find it hard to generate from what I had selected before let's go here here just for fun let's leave these little islands in the middle okay just missed a couple of things there mmm that looks pretty good okay this shape their shape and jump into my text as well you can see that there's some lines crossing there so just gonna make sure I've selected everything that I want okay and also jump down here and do this and the very last thing is my outline okay so I think I've selected everything I wanted here I'm gonna say now it doesn't really matter what you extrude I was sorry cutting to your object by because we're just gonna be taking off the top surface anyway you can make this all the way through or you can just make it like one mil it doesn't matter too much because they're the engrave tools not looking for the depth from here we're just looking at that part okay so let me turn that sketch back on at the top and I want to show you the differences so at the moment you can see that the fusion 360 will kind of select whatever especially when it comes to the pattern here or these overlapping circles or these ones it'll kind of select what up wants to do rather in contrast I've selected specific things down here so let's jump across to our manufacture screen and let's see what we can do to set this up so in our setup I'm going to go ahead and this is my box point down here now just a quick little hint if this wasn't your x-axis and you wanted to flip it over there's two parts of the areas that you can click you can either click the outer part which is the head and that will flip it to the other side or you can even click the bottom off that axis and then choose the axis that you want your X on and then we'll change it you can see it jumps from point to point so then we can just come back down here and select but I actually wanted it initially the other way so let me just go ahead and change that back the way I wanted to and then the stop point just here okay this is the other important part of the the tutorial that I want to tell you about is the stock top offset now I always set this to zero because I'm going straight on to a finished surface that means I'm not going to be standing and I need to make sure that my engraving purely works off the surface of what I have selected when I go to use the CNC machine so I'm gonna select that as zero now if you wanted to sander back in you you're pretty good at getting your depth okay you might want to leave that there is one but I suggest you turn that off and go to zero and then click OK now over here in the 2d manual drop down we'll see that there's an engrave selection we're going to go ahead and set up how a tool now another little quick hint if you have the Tuileries set up in another file you could open that in the background have it in another tab now the beauty about that it'll actually showed up here in your documents and all have the project underneath with the tools that have used you can go ahead select those tools then you have them ready for this project without having to set them up but let's jump in and see how we set up a V bit tool so the first thing we do under the cutter tab we're going to go down and choose the Shanta where is it chef Mill there we go now I've only got two flutes on this and this is where the tricky part starts to happen so am i with backwards in a way so I know that the diameter of my bit is 6 mil I know that the tip is going to be 0 because it's going to be a sharp point there's some ones that we don't have to worry too much about I say the body length was 44 the shoulder length 30 that's fine I might keep that as is now it's a 45 degree but the diameter of this was 22 okay so I might just bring this down a little bit more and so it's 30 22 okay so I'm pretty good with the look of that for the moment you can see that it has that 90 degree angle here even though that I've put it as a 45 degree because fusion 360 takes it off this central axis and measures from that 45 degree angle there so just remember when you're putting into fusion 360 high of your angle and then put the hive dangle into the taper angle okay from there I'm going to pop in a holder so holder that is very similar to what I use already is this one here that's my 1.5 kilowatt fan cooled motor from China the feeds and speeds my speed is 24,000 and my cutting feed rat feed rate I'm going to be a bit more conservative and just put it at 700 for the moment and then the post processor I'm going to disable that click okay okay again and then you can see that those values come across okay here we come to the fun part is the contour selection so I'm going to start up here and do my contour you can see that I'm only selecting the contours that are laying on the surface and you'll see that I do the same down here I'm going to come across that's interesting to me a bit of a triangle there okay it doesn't really matter you it's pretty good with recognizing what parts that you want to do as long as you do if you do one single contour we usually do the whole if you do two would do it between those two lines now let's do this pattern I'm really quite excited to see what's going to come out of this pattern because it doesn't really know what it wants to do but oh well you're gonna take the journey with me okay there's my leaf there's my crazy abstract piece of organic lines and here's my name okay you can see that that name whoops got a little bit there see that name has really tiny little bits we'll see about that detail in a second okay I'm gonna do two different engrave tool paths one that does this one another one that does the other one so down here we have the bottom height now and this is really important to take note of now if I change the the top height so this is actually saying that it's minus ten point four five mil from the top now it has calculated this value from the tool that I selected so we already know that my tool was twenty two mill wide but we know that the depth of it so from the point up until the top of that it can only go down it was 11 mil so what fusion does is that it goes that amount plus a little bit less just to be in a safe side so you can goes and does ten point four five mill so it doesn't hit the sides of where the the v-bit hands okay leave the passes and the linking let's go okay so let's have a quick look through who once this is finished generating what fusion 360 has understood and what it's decided to do sometimes it might come out as an error to say that I don't really understand what you asked me to do so you'll have to go back in and choose something different well sometimes it can just like sit on 10% and freeze up because it's just decided to not agree with what you want to do alright so a couple of things that we can see straight away is that it doesn't tend to like circles that much it's like this larger circle but this one here it doesn't really like I'm not too sure why just randomly does that sometimes I'm sure somebody out there will let me know why doesn't select some circles sometimes that was selected in my selection but it hasn't done now but the other shapes looks like it's selected pretty well okay so let's go through and let's simulate this I'm going to turn the model off and make sure my stocks on okay so in my simulation it's going to go around does that really beautiful contour you can see that that here's there's a V there because that end mil okay it's doing these really nicely okay this is where some weird things start to happen but really cool you can see that this the circle and the square it's just decided to go between the corners of that and then same thing over here it's actually handled the text pretty well but there's some issues with the crossover of the lines okay and here where I've put the 30mm now this is the issue that I am talking about when you create geometry that is much larger than your your tool width so it's going to press pause there but go back to where it was doing that circle I'm going to show you really quickly that error so as it goes in it does a circle around that part because it's trying to meet that outer contour but why don't make sure it reaches their a quant or it creates this little island in the middle so that's one of the issues to keep an eye out for and then it's going through done that really nicely and absolutely smashing through those those organic geometry but this is where the magic happens and with kind of when it thinks about doing its it has a mind of its own and you can see that that is really stunning the pattern that's come out of those those lines there I had no idea that that would happen but this is kind of what happens when you put geometry in which you don't specify exact amount it kind of just chooses what to do so I'm going to leave that there I'm going to show you turn my model back on now down here is where I got to duplicate this and I'm gonna actually do my geometry down here but I'm going to turn for this one I'm going to be turning off my sketches so I can just do the the parts that it's sunken back in the cut away from okay so I'm going to keep it as that shampoo that's fine I'm going to deselect those ones and then go through and select my geometry now I'm going to take care to make sure I don't accidentally select geometry that is the bottom geometry because you can imagine that the v-bit tool were then trying to reach these lines instead and that will start to cut away more than what we need so we don't want those ones we just want the top contours that's what I said that the five mil drop into the piece was not really a necessity to worry about okay so here's some issues and some things that fusion 360 finds really hard is when your your contour lines meets at like a zero point that means there's not much stock in between it really starts to get confused with what line is what but we'll just see how this generates which is to keep an eye out for that when you start to get into some of those more complex geometry lines okay all those lines are selectors let's do this one now to forget that little line there okay now I really like when you extrude it in four texts this is where it really cleans the text up and you don't get that overlap of lines all right and the very last piece here alright ok that's everything selected and let's go ok so in this tutorial I kind of just wanted to show you what you can what you can't do what things don't work very well what things do work I might have to come back in here and reselect some geometry because sometimes it doesn't like these kind of meeting points sometimes it does get stuck on 10% so just bear with me I might go back in and just change this geometry get rid of the little diamonds there okay and it really isn't liking this shape at all now when I go through you can see that there is no constant contour around the outside that's allowing me to select so one thing that fusion 360 doesn't like very much much as these like highly complex contour lines that you've drawn in fusion 360 so for the moment I'm just going to leave that shape there finish off with the outer contour and then just click OK generate the other one as well okay so it's generated both of those paths now what I'm going to do I'm not too sure why that it's rejected this circle both times but it's just one of those things that happens in fusion 360 that you can't account for a little bit frustrating but hopefully that's an issue that will be fixed in later versions so I'm going to export both of these these parts now as one engraving because it uses the same tool so I can just put it through I'm going to show you what it looks like down on the machine so I'm going to right click on both of them selected go post-process it's just going to be saved in saved in the engraved folder on my desktop and I'm going to call this one now it's really important when you name your files is that one thing that I do and I've done since I've started doing a lot of CNC work is label the order of my files so I know that you can export like a tool list and and what kind of programs that you've gone in there but this is one way to really simple way to keep track of what you have and what order that you need to run your tool piles in so this one here is a number one tool path and I'm going to call it the 90-degree so I know that it's a nine degree V bit and it's going to be in grave tutorial and then I'm going to click Save now if it was the second one you put two and then change the tool bit there or a flat end mil whatever so in here one thing that my garble doesn't like is this t1 m6 line so I'm going to go ahead and just delete those ones and click Save and then close that down let's jump down to the machine and see kind of what this looks like [Music] hey guys so I finished the cut on the MPC NC I just want to explain to the the wood that I've actually used is a plywood made of time and I've just gone over the top with a heat gun just to char the top layer makes it easier to see the difference between the engraving and the stock itself so there's a couple of things that work really really well and things that I would say definitely avoid for the future when you're engraving the ones that didn't work so well were these large parts we really have to get in there and and mill quite a lot out of those parts with a little bit of stability issues in the version of the machine I've got they did get a little bit of a wobble when diving in quite far if you do want to do those type of things I suggest do it in two passes so the first pass is just to get rid of a lot of that material the second pass is to clean it up and go around it and the other thing too I suggest is that you have done a really good surface mill of your board underneath because if this is not lying on the flat board some of your engraving will be further in and some of it will be like shallow so it's really important that you get that board well surface before you do any engraving so the past I real love about this is with that surface cutting so this pattern this awesome pattern that came out of those circles that I drew this one I really love even the text just is absolutely beautiful and it would work really well if you had like chopping boards or something that you want to engrave with family and friends probably the best outcome was the one that I used the extrusion tooling and use that for my guide because you had the entire Texas ones missing just a little bit of text which is not too bad but it certainly didn't come out the way that I intended so all in all so happy with the engrave tool I hope that I've helped you out today I love it if you could hit subscribe and like on my video and I'll see you next time thanks guys
Channel: NEWTech Creative
Views: 41,608
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fusion 360, engraving, vcarve, vbit, groove, mpcnc, cnc, milling, spindle, 1.5kw, newtech, creative, carving, tutorial, learn, beginners, technology, australia
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 42sec (1842 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 31 2020
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