Webinar – Sculpting Basics (& More)

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I think it is time to get started so once again my name is Aaron magnin I am the technical marketing team over here at Autodesk focusing on fusion 360 the the webinar today is going to be all about sculpting I'm going to be talking to you about some of the new features and functionality and sculpting we had some pretty cool one that was just released last month now but real quick about me I am a mechanical engineer by training I worked in industry for a company that did safety products stringing fountains went to the University of nevada-reno I've done a little bit of industrial design style work building a Santa paddleboard actually that was that was kind of a fun project but it was not using t-splines technology at that time so it was it was not as easy as it could have been but I didn't know that and I need to get a new picture there that's kind of like my running joke look at me funny I have a pets but you know I need to get some new jokes anyway the goal and focus for this webinar is is basically to cover the basics of this tool and from the poll that I ran it sounds like a lot of you are kind of at this step you want to get into to using fusion 360 and using sculpting within 360 so that's kind of where we're gonna focus as I mentioned there as well we're gonna get into some of the some of the background we're gonna get into some of the new features that have come out and basically I'm gonna be working on a door handle so I don't know if you guys saw that when I was running the poles in the background there there was a door handle and we'll get into that in just a moment here but as I mentioned for those of you who did come from a t-splines background this is the same technology that we're using in fusion 360 that technology was acquired by Autodesk it's incredibly easy to use it's very flexible the one of the name come from comes from actually is any of these times you have points where there's you know three lines coming together that's something that that other software I think struggles with and so it gives you this added flexibility of being able to work with these complex mathematical surfaces I'm not gonna pretend to know all the technology behind it I just know it makes designing incredibly easy and incredibly powerful in fusion 360 so my suggestion to to everyone out there who you know getting into sculpting and wanting to learn the most efficient best practices is keep it simple I can't emphasize this enough if you get into fusion and your first design is you know I saw someone built a Tyrannosaurus Rex head it's one of the the things in the fusion 360 gallery really incredible actually that the person who built that has the video that goes along with it that shows you kind of their steps they went through really neat and I suggest you check check that out but keeping it simple doesn't just mean you know don't build a really complex model to begin with it also goes into the software as well like don't don't make a body with hundreds of faces and don't don't add unnecessary detail where you don't need it so that's where we're gonna start we're gonna get into how to edit the forms and understanding all the different handles that you have access to we're going to talk about some of the keyboard shortcuts that you'll use a lot in sculpting and in fusion in general these are these are keys and commands that we use quite a lot and then we'll get into how to visualize your your model better there's actually a couple of different ways that you can do it ways that will help you understand the curvature changes much better than with the the standard view and then also show you how you can use the double click options gonna get to some get some good selections that will help you quite a lot so here's here's my introduction to keep it simple you have you know when you when you first start a sculpting body you can you can drop it in with you know hundreds of faces like the model on the but you can also do it with you know very few faces I would definitely recommend using the one with fewer faces in this case because it's gonna just make it easier to control it's gonna make it easier to handle and you can always add more details later and you can also also remove details later but it's a lot I don't know I find it easier to add detail than to remove you know additional edges or lines or vertices and other details like that so that's one way that you can help to keep it simple the other way is to leverage things like symmetry and I'm actually not gonna be using symmetry during this presentation the model that I'm going to be building just doesn't really have a lot of symmetry that I could leverage so that's the reason for that but it is important to know of and it is important to know where to get to these options so for instance I mean one place that you can go to add symmetry is when you're first making the body that you're going to be using in your sculpting environment you have the ability to to use this option here the directions option that's where you can turn on you know to make the body symmetric from the sketch that you make so in this case it's a rectangular sketch and you can make it go you know equities in both directions kind of like a mid plane you can also add symmetry along the the major directions so length width height in this case length was selected and it's kind of arbitrary when you're first getting in there I would just recommend that if you're trying to add some sort of symmetry you don't know what what fusion might understand length to be or what orientation that is so just click the toggle look at the feedback the green line indicates where that symmetry will be you can always you know unclick it you can always add it later there are a number of different ways that you can add symmetry and I'll show you where these are located inside the interface here so let's jump into fusion I am going to be doing a lot of design within fusion and like I say I'm gonna be working on the model that you see here this is just a door handle there's actually the door itself is available here as well if you want to visualize what's going on there but but on the one side you have kind of really traditional I don't want to say boring handle but you know these things are things that these these designs can be very ergonomic you know we want to make it really nice for the user on there when they're going to enter their house or whatever those doors can be located so on the other side here I'm gonna do a totally different door handle and this is one of these areas just one of the many areas where you can leverage sculpting in your designs so to get into sculpting I'll just verify that I'm in the correct workspace and when I'm talking about workspaces I'm talking about you know whether you're in model or patch or render animation etc by default you should be in the modeling workspace I'm gonna just go ahead and click model just to verify that I was and I actually was I could have told by the you know commands that I'm presented with here in my toolbar but to start creating a form I'm gonna just select this guy right here create form this when you select it does actually change the buttons that you see in your toolbar so now I'm presented with all these kind of fairies you know sculpt related commands and options available symmetry for instance the the one that I was showing in that last slide is right here but let's go ahead and start to create a really basic shape with a lot of simplicity we want to keep it simple per what I was talking about in my presentation so I'm gonna just go ahead and use this drop down under create and when I look at this door handle an existing door handle I could do this in a lot of different ways I could use like a cylinder if I want to make it kind of a more rounded shape I've seen people start with just fears and just go crazy with them I mean you can you can do quite a lot of stuff with spheres I mean actually quad balls is the one that I think is is the one that's a little bit more flexible the spheres as you can see they have a lot of points at the top there so that makes it a little bit more difficult to work with but quad balls is a nice one to work with I'm actually going to start with box here I think it's just good to start with a very very simple option there and generally the the shape like a door handle is something similar to like the rectangular shape we'll say so I'm gonna click box and when I move my cursor in the graphics area it's looking for a sketch plane right so the first thing that it needs to do that you need to do is to drop in this rectangular shape to kind of start this shape that you're after and then you can play with the things that I was showing you that relate to symmetry and things like that as we get further into it so in looking at this I could drop it on the plane that was highlighted there I could select this plane and actually that's the one I want to use there so I'm gonna just move my cursor over here that plane is kind of going right through the center of this model and I'm just using the the graphical interface there to kind of visualize what I'm doing so I'm gonna just click to select the plane and then now I'm sketching and I can use the grid to kind of shoot for a specific size I can kind of rotate around here to get better oriented to see kind of where how far out I want this thing to be like maybe I want it out here but I'm not gonna worry about all that too much yet because I'm gonna be working with this quite a lot you'll see that they're working and sculpting is a lot of just you know you put your ideas on paper and then you start molding it you start sculpting it I was trying to use a different word there so I don't say sculpt a thousand times during this presentation but it is like working with clay you can actually just drop in a shape and just start pulling and dragging and rotating and doing all kinds of stuff with it so I'm not too worried about where this goes I'm gonna just click once to start this rectangular shape click a second time and look at that it's already it's already off-center I was drawing a center rectangular there and you know what that's alright it's a little bit out in space kind of not exactly where I want it to be but like I say it doesn't matter we're gonna just kind of be stretching and dragging this thing around so I'm gonna kind of click this and drag it out to get to a general like length size that I'm after I can make it wider I can make it skinnier this is where you can play with adding you know the number of faces along the way you can the click and drag on these handles and this will help you add more and more faces like I say this is a no-no you don't want 32 faces along the height is what this orientation actually is I'm just looking at the number over here and like I say that's not what I would consider it like to be but you know use the on-screen handles that's gonna make it pretty easy for you to make these changes and make these manipulations so we'll go ahead and just set that at something like four maybe across the length and I'm just kind of rotating until I see the other handle so I can decrease or I can increase the number there maybe I just want to have you know one face along the width there and then even the height I can look at but in this case I'm okay with where that is I'm gonna kind of shrink this down and make it a little bit smaller just kind of match the size on the other side here so that's good like I say keep it simple you can always add more faces later you can always add more edges you can always you know do all kinds of stuff to this so and actually I'm gonna decrease the number of edges along this length we'll go to three in this case I don't have like a set size that I'm shooting for here I am really just kind of going off the cuff here this isn't like pre-planned this is all about exploration and getting these shapes these curvature continuous shapes the sculpting will allow you to do okay so I'm gonna click OK and then you know we're still in the sculpting environment you can see I'm still you seeing these tools and I'm gonna be using quite a lot and then you get into modifying it and really the number one thing that you're gonna be using when you're in the sculpting environment is this very first one under modify or even just that the top-level modify button is at it form and through this presentation I can go and I can click here I can use the drop down it's like the same button I don't want to do that though but I'm gonna be using my marking menu quite a lot when you're in your marking menu in the sculpting environment you get a lot of these very specific sculpting options you'll see the one in the upper right is that it form and so you'll see me go like this quite a lot and that's going to take me into my edit to land I would encourage everyone if you haven't seen or used the marking menu before I really recommend that you take a look at it you explore it it's very very efficient easy to use I use it all the time so okay so just like that I'm in my edit form tool using the drop down under modify I do want to just draw your attention to a couple of these this is where you can go to insert additional edges it can it's where you'll go to like crease edges so you know you don't always want your bodies in the sculpting environment to be this curvature continuous look sometimes you do want to crease sometimes that helps add some distinction some styling to your designs so adding a crease is one way to do that and I'll be doing that just a moment or at some point during this presentation I'm gonna watch my time make sure I'm not bobbing on too much I'm gonna be showing you a little bit about bridge the new tool that I was going to show you was freezing freezing is pretty neat it just came out in the last month it's very very handy so those are some of the kind of modify tools but like I say edit form is where you'll spend about 85% of your time in sculpting so get to know this tools get to understand what they do and you know you're gonna be well on your way if you can understand and work your way through this edit form tool so first of all I want to show you tool tips if you scroll over different items in this menu it'll tell you what they do it's gonna show you the transformation mode so I'm gonna just click a face I'm gonna make some changes here in just a moment but when I click a face I'm presented with a lot of different handles these are related to things like translation so if I wanted to grab this face and move it up that's a translation if I hit ctrl Z I can undo that option so that's always nice to have that that's not a you know how I want this handle to look the other handles include rotation so I could rotate that face just by clicking the the kind of circle looking handles that you see there I can scale this and what scaling will do will shrink it so I'm shrieking it along a length they're using just the handle that you see I can scale it to you know along the all directions scale it up using the corner piece there and also you can grab these and just kind of like slide it around wherever you want and you can get to some shapes that you know you really don't want to do you see how that one actually passes through the other existing bodies there so I'm gonna undo that control-z there we go I can hit it a couple more times there's a couple of those changes I did there but that's an introduction to what these handles do and I did have a slide that off this will turn quite rapidly but I'd rather actually show you in the software but if you want to kind of filter through and just find a very specific type of change that you want to do you can use these options here to only show the translation handles to only show you the rotation handles and this this makes it easier to visualize and kind of work through if you're a new user it's easy it's nicer to have kind of something some simplicity and the handles because they can get they can get to be quite a lot in one area so just filtering through something that you'll definitely like to be able to use you'll see I use multi control quite a lot I probably won't actually change it from here on out but next up is is coordinate spaces and this one's pretty handy this one's definitely worth talking about if I if I click say like this edge I don't always want my my handles to be oriented kind of with this global orientation right now they're still using kind of that XYZ orientation it's it's not really aligning to this edge that I'm working on maybe I just want to select a vertex and again you can see it's not quite aligning to what I want to do there actually let's do a change here what I want to do is I want to make this this end a little bit sharper so maybe I want to grab this edge and kind of drag it out and you know do some changes to it or maybe maybe we'll start with this vertex here so once I select the vertex if you want to actually alter the coordinate space that you're using there instead of using world space you can change it to the view space and I don't use this one all that often I mean it really depends on the way that you're looking at this model as I rotate it's gonna rotate those handles accordingly that's like stop rotating you'll see it kind of updates to reflect that but the one that I will use often times actually is this local control so because that corner that vertex I selected falls on this edge that's making it very easy to kind of drag it out in the direction that might be normal to that vertex they're selected so that might help me in this case as I was mentioning I do want to just grab this edge and kind of drag it out to kind of make this a little bit sharper on the tip there and that looks pretty good okay so that's that's an introduction to some of these different coordinates that you can use and then also you have filters right so I'll you saw me selecting vertices you saw me selecting edges you saw me selecting entire phases or patches I believe that we're supposed to call them but you can you can leave the global control on you can get all of them but actually I do want to make a change here to my selection filter because I want to slide this thing kind of down and I want to orient it kind of further down because I'm gonna have a transition from this location to this existing geometry on here at some point so right now it's just not in a good location in addition to that it's up a little bit too high so using this one filter here and I'll use body filters from time to time if I click it you can select the entire freeform body and then just slide it around and you can you can shrink it down you can make it thinner and this is just changing this whole body as one global change there so I do want to kind of slide this down this way and maybe oriented a little bit differently in this direction in the Z direction I think that is but that looks pretty good I think I think that's a good location and then I'll go back to using the all control it's actually pretty easy to select different items and to make those changes so I do typically leave this on all selection so that's just my own personal thoughts I guess so from here I do want to start to kind of make changes to this to kind of make this thing wavy and and if you want you could actually insert an image that will help you visualize this I mean a lot of times people will start with like a hand sketch and you can use that for guidance I'm not gonna be inserting a canvas in this case but it's actually really simple to do you just select this button you select the face that you want to drop it on obviously these these pictures are 2d so it needs to go onto one plane or another and then you select the image from your hard drive drop it into place and scale it do a couple things you can actually scale it per like a measurement as well so there's some nice options there's and it's called calibrate if you're gonna do something like that okay so let's let's make some changes to this I do want to kind of make this a little bit wavy so you'll notice that I actually exited out of my modify command I do that kind of a lot just old habit I guess so I'm gonna jump right back into it right back into edit form and I'm gonna grab maybe a couple faces here and you can see I can just do like a window style selection and get all of those faces all at once you can do the left to the right to left kind of selection that'll get anything that it encompasses if you do left to right it will get only the ones that you fully encompass so there are some selection shortcuts there's also a lot of different selection methods as well right now I'm using the window selection paint selection it's pretty anyone as well but let's get into this I'm gonna just do this selection this is this lecture I want to do and I kind of want to make this kind of go up and maybe rotate it down a little bit and maybe a little bit down further and like like I say there's there's really no exact perfect way to do this it is just you know we're trying to get this general or Gotama shape and so it's just a lot of very small changes a lot of you know clicking and dragging and moving multiple faces at once or one face at a time there's quite a lot that you can get into so that looks alright I mean I've done this a couple times now and you know all the times it might look a little bit better I'm gonna kind of shrink this down a little bit okay just like Matt just similar size he's the one see there and you'll see that you know I can I can select multiple items I can I can select one single item if you want to select multiple items just hold your ctrl or command key so on the front of this maybe I want to get really specific and and actually what I want to do next is I want to delete these faces out of here because that's gonna help me do this transition from this handle piece I'm working on to the existing geometry in this model so to do this I'm going to just hold ctrl or command and I'm saying both because it's depending on your operating system if you're in a Mac operating system it's command if you're a Windows operating system its control so I'm gonna hold command in my case and select these two faces and just like that I'm gonna hit the Delete key and that's gonna delete those two faces out of there and you can see that it it's still trying to maintain the curvature continuity so it actually kind of changed that a little bit change the shape there and so that looks alright but I do think it's still extending a little bit too far and I do want to try to match the shape a little bit closer to what we're what we currently have in there that kind of cylindrical shape so let's go ahead and do some more changes to this geometry and just double clicking on an existing edge model edge will actually get the whole loop so I did it there for the end edge if I do it again for the middle edge here you'll see it does the same thing I can select this one and it'll go along the full length there so quite a lot of options there it's really nice to be able to get those guys at the same time because you do a lot of these kind of loop changes from time to time so here I'm going to double click once again just to kind of get all those edges around the outside there and then I want to shrink it down kind of in this direction to kind of match get it closer to the size and shape of this guy maybe I want to stretch it out a little bit and and again it's it's really just kind of playing and moving and altering things you know it's it's it's very flexible if I wanted to I kind of dragged these guys closer to one another I could add symmetry at this point if I wanted to you could just select two faces it'll add the symmetry between them but I think that's pretty close to what I want it looks all right we'll we'll take a look at this a little bit more in a moment here but what I want to do now is I want to connect the end of this handle to this existing hardware that we have in this store handle design so to do that I'm gonna use a different tool so I'm gonna get out of this edit or modify dialog and I'm gonna come down to my drop down under modify and what I'm looking for here is something that will help me convert an existing model edge to these these be rep or T splines bodies or faces that we we have this ability to alter in this design mode so using convert I'm gonna select this button you'll see you can convert you know entire entities and bodies existing you know mesh bodies etc but in this case I do just want to get one single face I'm gonna select this option and then I'm gonna select the face of the silver that you see here now let's see I'm just gonna rotate around just verify so in this case what I was looking at there is just looking at how many you know faces go around the outside of this one and there's six right so one two three four five six and in order to make this transition easier and to in order this to happen a little bit smoother I want the number of faces on this body that are this thing that I'm converting into a t-splines body to have the same number here so I'm gonna increase the number here and you know it's not actually length that I want to do here I actually knew that was the wrong one there so I'm gonna change that to one I don't really need I'm not going to make be making changes on this guy so I'm gonna just put one single face along the length there and then around the width I want to have six here so once I have that everything's good I'm going to click ok just like that we've actually converted an existing parametric design into one of these T splines bodies and then this is going to enable me to make this this connection here so at this point I'm gonna double-check or sorry I'm going to jump into a different command here I'm gonna use the drop down under modify to jump into something else and you know half of learning a new software is just understanding the names of certain commands right so this one took me a little while to figure out it's called bridge so bridge is how you will be able to create segments between two opposing faces or bodies so again use the tooltips they're doing their best to tell you what to do I mean I sometimes don't have patience to read all those but it's pretty short actually so I'm gonna click bridge and what it's looking for is two sides so side once I do and then it also gives you this ability to follow a curve think like a guide curve or something you can add twists you can have a number of transitional phases here it's showing three but in this case I want to just go ahead and just double click on one side of this and then just change my selection to side two and then I'm going to double click on this one right here so it's giving me a little warning here we're gonna go ahead and it's just a warning it's not telling me something's really wrong yet but once I click OK you'll see what it did there is it is it made this transition between these the best at new right so I didn't give it a guide curve so it just kind of went whatever direction it could have to go from point A to point B and that's probably not the best looking handle so I'm gonna start to make a couple more changes here and try to get this to a better looking shape right so in this case I did three faces one of the options in there I'm gonna I'm gonna back it up I'm gonna do that one more time so I do also have my s key bring out my shortcuts and bridge is one that I knew I was going to be using today so I've added it to the shortcut list and I'm gonna check questions here I just want to make sure we're still all hearing me and seeing me it looks like we are I did have a problem with one of webinars were audio cut out so I know has all worried there sometimes but in this case we'll do this one more time what I want to draw your attention to is this one right here this is the number of faces that we'll use to do this translation translation so if I want three I can use three if I want to reduce that to two again keeping it simple is always nice we'll do two and then it makes that transition a little bit sharper maybe not the best for what I'm looking to do there so at this point I have a transition it's all made of t-splines bodies and faces and so I do have this amazing ability to make these changes to make these transition smoother so let's just jump right back into modify like I say this is where you'll spend about 85% your time in this tool and just right watch you guys see this well and what I want to show you now is some of these additional options and these additional options are accessible through these these you know drop down as you can see here yeah the ability to use numerical implements you have the ability to grow or shrink bodies in different ways quite a lot of options you can invert your selection that's gonna it can be actually sometimes these all have most of these I should say I have keyboard shortcuts you'll see it's actually totally controlling now in that case in that case but the reason why I'm coming to this is actually this display mode now the default display mode that we're in right now is this smooth display style and this is this is what this body will look like if you go on you you know put it into some tooling and start to do some injection molding this is what this part will actually look like but in order for me to visualize this better there's some different ways to visualize this or to change these display modes I'm gonna check this next one and you'll see what it does is it puts these kind of boxy these this box display I should say around the outside of your body helps you visualize curvature changes so incredibly easy so when I pulled that vertex out for instance sort of I think I pulled the edge actually I pulled it pretty dramatically it causes this pretty sharp change in curvature and that might not be something that you want at all times and that's something that this visual display will help me kind of deal with so that's one way to display it another way is just the full box display and I actually I really like this display and this is something that Mike Sagan one of our experts in this tool showed me so this is what I want to do here I want to to use this display mode to make couple changes and once I'm done I'm gonna change back to this smooth display and you'll see it does have a keyboard shortcut which I will be using control one two three are the ones here so first one I want to do here is I want to double click on this edge and I want to rotate it and I'm okay with this you know global coordinate system that it's using here because I just need to rotate it around this orientation so when I rotate that it looks a little bit smoother I can also kind of drag it out one way and I can drag it another way and this is just gonna help me kind of make this transition a little bit smoother and what I want to watch for is just you know anytime there's like a really sharp change in curvature like I'm not I'm not very fond the way that this looks so one thing I might be able to do is I can control select these two guys and kind of drag this out a little bit more now we'll go the other way drag these in this way maybe I'll grab just a single vertex and slide it one way or the other and like just like I'm saying there's a lot of just kind of manipulations that you're gonna be getting into and the more you can do this the better it's gonna look and what I wanted what I want to verify is that that we're gonna get this to look a little bit smoother here so let's go ahead and change this lens well style back to smooth and you'll see it looks looks much better in this display but you know the real problem here is that I don't really have enough edges or faces along this transition right if I had more edges in faces I'd actually be able to make this change a little little smoother so to do that I'm going to add some edges and this is something that is very important to know how to do like I say keep it simple when you can but you know add complexity you as needed so in this case I do want to add some complexity so I'm gonna go to my modify drop down and I'm gonna find insert edge you'll also see there's things like slight edge bevel edge insert point insert edge is the one I'm looking for though and maybe I'll just select this loop just double click on the line there and this is going to enable me to either you know drop in one single new edge or I can go in both directions and that's gonna help me kind of split this split this difference and make this transition a little bit smoother so let's click OK to this and you'll see that when it did that by adding the additional edges that actually kind of changed the geometry a little bit if that's something that you want to avoid I just hit ctrl or command Z to undo that if that's something that you want to avoid you can use that insert edge once again but you'll see this one that I was toggling down this is this insertion style so simple we'll just add a new edge it won't care about what the geometry currently is if you change it to exact it will save the exact same geometry that you're after and add those two edges so most of the times you probably do want to use exact sometimes you don't want to use it because it will add additional edges in order to get this exact geometry that you're after anyway using edit form I'm going to kind of drag this down I'm gonna double click on this and rotate it a little bit and I'm kind of just speeding up a little bit here just cuz I'm a little bit behind schedule there but this is gonna help me kind of get this transition a little bit better and one thing that you might want to do is you might want to sure that this comes out straight one of the things that I probably should have done in this case was I should have frozen this first edge right if I wanted to maintain that same hardware I could freeze the edges that's one of these new tools that you have access to when I go to freeze this I can select a couple edges here and you'll see that by freezing some of these faces here and are deny rotations you can use the select other click and hold and I'll enable you to select through things and I don't have to you don't any new entry which way I'm gonna freeze these six edges around the outside that's gonna ensure that that doesn't change at all like that was that was probably something that I should have done when I first converted that to be wrapped body so that would maintain that exact geometry okay so that looks pretty good I do want to actually add some of that you know crease styling to this that I was mentioning before so I just wanted mostly to show you guys how to do that it's very simple to do when I use the drop down under modify you'll see the crease option and with creasing you can crease these edges so this is gonna enable me to have sharp edges on along maybe like one one side of this model so I'm gonna just have a sharp edge along this front edge and again this is just some sort of styling that I want to do I probably wouldn't keep it that sharp you know when I go to manufacturing I probably put some small fill it on it actually once you're done with this it'll act just like any parametric design you can add fill it's to it who cuts into it do whatever you need to do but that's going to help me kind of capture a little bit more of that design intent that I was after and there we go have a pretty nice it pretty nice might be an exaggeration it's a it's a okay looking door handle that I've made here so I'll go and click finish form and when you finish with this it's not quite a body a solid body yet so one way to just help you visualize that and verify that it's to do maybe a little section analysis so honors inspect I can select my section analysis and with this analysis will select some sort of face to use and then I can click and drag this through you can see all these other bodies are all solids they're all you know solid bodies but as we get to the actual T splines that I've been working on it's it's open it's just an empty cavity right now because it's not kept off I haven't actually created a solid from it the reason for that is the end of this is actually open I could very easily just you know put a patch on the other side there and really kind of focus in on that make it a solid but I can also do it in a couple different ways first way I want to or the way that I'm going to be showing you is I want to put a plane onto this face and this is just gonna help me put a cap on the end of this so once I have that cap I can use that to do what's called a boundary fill so in this I'm back in my normal modeling workspace this is you're gonna see I'm back to like combined and you know extremely things like that boundary fills an amazing tool I use this all the time I just use it to solve this problem I was struggling with to make actually the cavity for this next part you're gonna be seeing provided I haven't been bobbing too much but boundary fill you can select your sculpted surface body if you will and maybe that plane that I created and then it's giving you a showing you where this this cavity is is found to be so or the cell is as it's called here so once you have those two items selected make sure to change your selection to here I have a the own sorry I have the the issue of always just trying to click this toggle here make sure to just change the selection here hit the toggle now and now you're gonna have a solid body from which to work with so there we go that looks pretty good like I say it's it's it's alright for like you know 10 20 minutes of work I've been doing a lot of talking mostly so I'm pretty happy with that so now we have a solid we can actually go and like I say we can make like a mold or something if we're gonna make this from maybe some cast material or something let's jump back into the PowerPoint I kind of forgot that I had a PowerPoint at all let's just start back into it just kind of recap some of these things I wanted to make sure to talk about understanding the handles here I kind of break it down into the individual handle types this is your translational handles sorry about that translational rotational and scaling style handles the ultimate alternate and command keys I was talking about using your command keys to to actually you know do multiple selections the alternate key on your keyboard does something entirely different I want you to watch this video again from the beginning so if you just click and translate a face normally it'll just move it just like you see if you hold alternate and click and drag on that it'll actually start to add new faces to this so that's a really cool way to make some some very serious changes to your designs it's really simple just hold alternate just need to know about that keyboard shortcut alternate alternate alternate it'll add geometry it's not gonna just alter the geometry as you were seeing originally the display settings as I mentioned makes it easier to visualize the curvature changes we also have a number of visualization options curvature combs zebra stripes I find these these this box display to be very handy while the curvature the curve display looks really nice a lot of times this will help you visualize those high curvature changes that a lot of times you want to try to avoid in designs like this I did talk about these I actually went through each one of these understanding the coordinate systems the local coordinate is one that I'll use with a lot the view space is an interesting one if you want to just get it to some crazy angle then then I could see that working well for you filtering is a handy tool as well and I'm not going to cover all this stuff this is some of those advanced options and you know you may not need to get into that level just yet know your tools in this case I'm going to be showing while on this jiff that you see here it's just doing some more that but in this case it was going from like a curved handle surface to like a flat surface rather than kind of that display that I had previously written match is a is a are some of those advanced options the crease option I shared a little bit of flattening in pole those are something some more options that you have and again I just don't have time to cover all these I didn't really get into how Freese works I think it's pretty self-explanatory in this jiff that I've created here I'm going to show you what it does like I created this this iron I've been using it quite a lot actually and maybe I was really happy with the way to handle looked but I want to make changes to the other bodies without affecting the handle by freezing that handle I'm freezing those those patches or faces it enables me to continue to make these changes to the rest of this model but it's gonna ensure that I don't you know change something that I'm you know satisfied with when you freeze by the way you'll notice that I'm always selecting these first couple phases it actually gets these ones as well and that's because if these phases begin to change it'll affect these phases that's why inserting additional edges might fix that that's like understanding how this description continue this kind of workspace reacts is important so just be aware of that it's some nice options it's a it's a pretty handy one to use once you're happy you're you know if you get to a point where dissatisfied with the faces that you frozen you can always go back and unfreeze anybody so always good to be able to and do something now the last part I did just want to talk about a fusion 360 and the fact that it's it's pretty much the only tool available right now where you can go from doing industrial design to the mechanical design to all the way through tooling and actually cutting your part so that handle that you saw is actually part of this amber printer that Autodesk made we make that handle as a part of a demonstration here I'm showing you you know once once you get the general shape you're not done right I mean if you're gonna be injection molding this you need to thin it out and it's if you want to to you know add some some bolts or if you want to do not bold say should say just if you want to screw these things together if you're gonna be molding it in two separate paths you're gonna add some some both holes you can add ribs and things to strengthen a plastic part so that's what I've done with the second imagery here and then you can get into actually creating tooling so I mean this is only showing cavity core there's obviously a lot more that goes into the injection molding by the way this this part is not going to be molded very easily or well with that edge down there so obviously you know there's there's a lot of things that I'm skipping there but I'm just showing you you can do all these different types of designs in fusion 360 at the end of the day you can go and actually do your camp tool paths and start cutting these parts making this tooling and go to production I didn't actually talk about simulation submissions actually something that I cared quite a lot about it was what I focused on previously but that's another option available to you but I think that just about does it for my presentation today I hope everyone enjoyed it I hope you learned some stuff I I do know that I have some questions I'm going to need to get to there I will stay on the line while those are going on I'll try to answer them the ones that I think pertain to everybody otherwise I'll send you emails directly make sure that you go to our our learning web site has quite a lot of content I was mentioning today you know half of the quick tips I do or related to questions that I get in sessions like this our quick tips are released on YouTube they're released on our blog the one today I made I was pretty proud of it it's it's talking about how you can use the insert from mcmaster-carr as well as the SVG manipulation creation and using that to do things like create logos or embossed or d-bus text into your designs take a look at our YouTube channel there's a lot of built in tutorials if you have any questions that's my Twitter handle fire away or you know use the the actual dialog here in this GoToWebinar interface I'll definitely get back to you so thanks everyone
Channel: Autodesk Fusion 360
Views: 40,649
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fusion 360, autodesk, design, engineering, mechanical design, mechanical engineering, industrial design, product design, software, CAD, CAD software, Computer Aided Design, Modeling, Rendering, 3D software, Autodesk fusion 360, cloud based CAD, CAD in the cloud, cloud, Free CAD, Free CAD Software, Autodesk CAD, cloud manufacturing, free CAD program, 3D CAD solution
Id: _MPnyFKKH8k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 46sec (2806 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 17 2016
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