Fusion360 Car Modeling Tutorial (FOLLOW ALONG) Beginner Friendly!!!

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hi guys welcome to the max 3d design recently i created a video about how to sculpt a car and unfortunately it was quite long video and i've tried to speed up some of the moments of the video and that's how for some of you guys it wasn't pretty clear on exactly what i'm doing so today i will try to slow down and we're gonna make a car in create form mode easy step by step so that you can follow along okay let's get started [Music] so i'm gonna enter create form we are now in the sculpting mode as you can see all the icons have been changed so let's create a plane on the x y axis you see there is three axis green is y red is x and then the blue is z so we're choosing x y which is this one which is highlighted okay then directly from the center it's very important that you draw from the center i will explain later why we draw a plane rectangle plane so let's say 60 millimeters by 130 millimeters and then i hit enter okay now the fusion offers us how many faces we will have on our plane let's say i prefer four length faces and eight with faces then we will also have to choose symmetry mirror and it has to be length symmetry so that whenever we do anything here we'll reflect on the other side and then i hit okay okay now we can start forming the shape so i press edit form i choose the squares which i want to be edited so let's say this i press command and hold this this you see it's selecting automatically the other faces and we have to choose preferably all the faces which we want to be shaped then i will have to hold alt on my keyboard while i'm holding by dragging up my faces which has to be shaped okay for now let's have a look now we will have to get rid of this t-spline for that i hit ok while it's selected i press delete on my keyboard and you can see that the shape of the car slightly starting to appear then i press modify edit form and i continue shaping i can use these squares in order to drag my model then i choose another face so now i need to select this line because it looks like a bump in my roof and drag it slightly up let's try to delete this line okay to exit edit form then select the line press delete so that's how it looks for now i'm gonna choose this four lines so i'm gonna press comment and select all four of them edit form and i will slightly move so we have this face for the wheels then we have two faces without the wheels then this face will be for the wheels this face will be without the wheels so basically we can delete these faces by selecting them and press delete and let's say this faces delete let's have a look okay now we will have to make our front this lines so i hold ctrl or command on mac select all the lines i enter edit form and i move them slightly down like this like a real race car then i double click on this line it will select the whole line i will enter edit form a little bit back in order to make the shape of the car from the top we can select all of this row so i click on one face then i hold shift and double click on another face and i can make it shorter then i double click on this line just like that then we need to pull this line to make it a little bit more round our car so let's say like this this line will go closer here okay so that's how it looks for now i think the hood is a little bit too big so i choose these two faces and move them slightly closer then i double click on this line move them also slightly closer okay that looks better now i have to select absolutely all perimeter of the car so i double click on this line then i hold command or control on the windows and i double click on this line double click here and double click here so now we have absolutely all the lines around the car selected then i switch to the right view i hold alt and i drag them down with this parameter we can make this part a little bit more straight so i just drag it down okay then i hold alt in order to make one more t spline in the middle so i hold ald and i drag down and you can see one line appeared okay now we need to make it all flat so i use this function and i drag it down like this then i hit ok so as you can see we already have pretty interesting shape of our car so now we need to get rid of the sharp edges in our model for that from modify drop down menu i will have to use increase this function over here and then i choose which lines i want to be increased so that's our lines that looks pretty sharp so for now basically we selected all the possible of them and then i hit ok now you see our car becoming more round so let's make the space for the wheels let's try to delete this face and then let's try to delete this face then i double click on this arc i enter edit form and i try to make it slightly bigger then i do the same at the back don't worry we will come back later for the actual shaping of the wheel arcs okay now i want to select again around the whole car so i double click on each line by holding command i enter edit form and then again we use this function in order to make it more flat so as you can see it becomes quite straight i hit okay so let's make our first wheel so that we can modify our body a little bit more i choose cylinder it offers me on which plane i want to put so let's use this z y plane and let's put it somewhere in the middle where we expecting to have the actual wheel so let's say here is fine okay we can hide the body here on the left side menu by clicking on this eyeball and our body will be hidden so that we can easier see the model we are working on so diameter phases we will have to have five and of course we're gonna have symmetry circular so now we have our cylinder with five diameter faces and circular symmetry symmetric faces we need to leave one okay now as you can see i can double click on the side of the wheel on this line enter edit form then i hold alt make it slightly round oops didn't select the other side i press command z to cancel i hold command to or control to select the other side also now i press alt and make it smaller let's say like this i release alt and the key and the mouse then i hold alt again and i make it more face okay so that's how it looks for now so i select the whole line of the wheel i press and hold alt i go slightly inside and then i release alt and then i press alt again and go inside a little bit further so basically we've created these faces and then with second alt we created these faces now let's do it on the other side we select by double clicking the whole circle then i press alt go slightly inside then i press alt and go more inside just like that and i hit ok now we need to connect these two edges for that we go to modify menu and we choose merge edge i double click on the first group then i select second group by double clicking on it and i click ok so basically now we have a wheel now we need to make the nice beautiful looking wheels so i click on this face then i hold shift and double click on this face that's how i selected all the faces in one direction then i press command c or ctrl c on windows and i press command v or ctrl v in order to paste the same faces i click ok now i double click on what we have pasted i enter edit form and i make it smaller something like that maybe a little bit bigger it doesn't really matter and i hit ok so now we select only one part of this circle let's say this one enter edit form again i will choose right view now by holding alt i'm still holding alt and i click on this square in order to drag a little bit out of the wheel out of this circle some shapes you see where it's going so let's say we put it like this we can correct a little bit like this then i hold alt again to make it one more face i release alt and i make it slightly bigger then i pulled out again i'm trying to finish my wheel i release alt make this slightly bigger okay so that looks already pretty good we can always adjust our wheel just by adjusting one point and it will be quite symmetric on the other side so let's say i want this line to move a little bit like that then let's say this point i want to move like that and you see that it's adjusting all of them okay so now let's make some let's make some nice let's say decoration on our wheel for that i choose these faces i enter edit form i change my view a little bit so i can see what i'm doing then i hold alt and i go inside of the wheel so as you can see we need to make a little bit bigger i press command z cancel we need to make this part slightly bigger edit form something like this don't worry if your will look different because that's what designers do they never look the same okay now let's try to do the same let's try it with just one side edit form i hold alt and i go inside so as you can see that worked out let's move this side a little bit out so that it won't be so rough okay looks good i hit ok now let's try to make it thick from modify menu we choose thicken we choose body we want to be thicken and i want it to be let's say minus one millimeter so that it will be thickened inside thicken type we can choose either sharp either soft so i will choose soft and i hit okay so you can see how my wheel looks like right now okay let's switch on our car model here it is next to the eye and now we need to move these two bodies in order to put it in the right place so i switch to the bottom view i press m to move on my keyboard i choose what i want to move and then i move it let's say slightly out of the car then i press ok then i hit m to move one more time i choose this part and somewhere like here will be fine let's see what we've got good now we need to modify this arc in order for our wheel to look better so i enter edit form and i choose the lines that i need to adjust you can choose points also in order to adjust i can see already that our car is slightly out of proportions but for the sake of tutorial i'm not gonna adjust the whole car that you can practice yourself okay that's what we have i hit okay i double click on these two edges i enter modify form and i make them flat again oops come and see okay now they look flat now i want to move this wheel at the back i press m to move i choose this wheel and i click here create copy sorry i have two bodies selected i'll choose wheel click create copy and i move it to the back with this arrow so that it will be in the same line let's say like this okay then i press m to move and i move this part create copy let's move okay now we need to form that shape also edit form and we start to forming okay that looks better for me let's adjust our car a little bit seems it looking quite boxy it doesn't have to be exactly the same like i have each designer likes different style okay now let's make the arcs for the wheels i choose the right view so double click on this arc make it slightly bigger then i double click on this arc make it slightly bigger then i'll double click with the command on both of them now i will extrude them a little bit on the side i hold alt let's say like this then again one by one i will make them smaller i hold alt something like this okay let's make this flat let's make this also flat good let's finish with the rear wheel alt and then we go this direction okay double click and then we need to make this part flat this part also have to be more flat let's readjust a little bit the shape edit form okay let's say i'm happy with this result let's see if we can increase some edges modify increase looks like we have everything under control so let's raise this part actually let's delete this line and let's delete this line then i select this both faces and raise them slightly up maybe even more up okay i still think that this is a little bit too high we move it down okay so let's close this arcs double click then i'll go to the bottom view i hold alt and i move them inside just one millimeter then i hold alt and move them inside a little bit more sorry we forgot to grab our rear wheels so i hold ctrl or command double click switch to the bottom view hold alt one millimeter then i hold alt again and we go all the way until our our wheels finish i hit ok so as you can see that creates arcs for the wheels now we need to close them i double click on one arc i enter edit form and then i try to catch this here the corner i press alt i make them slightly smaller then i press one more time alt and i close them up like this so as you can see that closes our arc i press ok now we have to connect all these points in one from modify we choose weld verticals and we're starting to connect them just by clicking and this will connect with that okay we double click we choose edit form and we make them straight just like that perfectly okay now we need to do that on the other side which is our back so we double click edit form press alt make just a little bit the angle and then press alt again and we close it okay then from modify we choose weld verticals and we choose our points again sometimes the model can go boxy like this no this time it didn't go but sometimes it can go very boxy um it's like when i connect this point let's say with this point you see that's what i have we press command zit and we select all the points again from the beginning so as you can see everything good i press ok now i double click again here on the line choose edit form and i make it straight okay now it's perfectly straight basically the shape of the car is ready now we just need to move the wheels on the other side okay so let's make the mirror we're gonna choose symmetry mirror double duplicate i'm gonna choose my wheels i cannot choose both okay we will do it one by one so mirror plane will be this x y plane okay then again symmetry mirror duplicate okay again i choose symmetry mirror duplicate choose the body i want to be duplicated and then the plane okay that's why we put our car directly in the middle so that we can use this function properly mirror duplicate this wheel on this side okay in order to make windows and the rest of the lines it will take us a little bit more time so let's make easy parts that i would say will not take so much time so let's make a spoiler for that i choose this i press command and this face have choose command c in order to copy and command v in order to paste now you can see that i have two faces with the actual symmetry function selected i choose ok so now let's shape our our spoiler um i choose m to move and i rotate it a little bit so it makes it makes a little bit more easier i will position it let's say here okay now we can either leave it like a rectangular shape or we can select this point and hit backspace or delete and what then that's what we end up with so now let's form it in our car i choose this spot i added form let's say from the top view i want it to be somewhere here from the right view somewhere here let's see how it looks doesn't looks quite sporty let's make it maybe slightly bigger and this point is a little bit way too much like this i double click to select all i move it out a little bit well for this tutorial let's don't make too much adjustments because you know sometimes it can take much more time but that's how i would do this spoiler in the car okay so that's our spoiler small little tiny but good enough for tutorial then we can make a how they call it skirt choose these three faces command c command v now i have these three faces okay i will move it slightly away from the car for now i will delete this point i will delete this point also then this line will go inside this line also will go inside together with this line okay now let's mirror that on the other side symmetry mirror duplicate this t-spline body against this plane and we have it on the other side okay now let's make the front spoiler i choose this command this this sorry this and this faces command c command v and now we have one more body let's delete let's say this point let's move this point inside the car somehow like this okay so that's how it looks for now let's do the same at the back command c command v okay let's delete this point let's move this point outside this will go inside this point also will go slightly inside now you see it's kind of blending together we can switch off this spoiler okay and then we select these two lines and move it slightly inside as you can see i'm switching on and off the bodies in order to get closer get easier to my actual bodies that i want to modify okay so that's how it looks now you can keep modifying whenever you need adding some stuff let's say i want to add to the roof this the error section command c command v and then we just edit form and starting to starting to shape what we need to be shaped so let's say something like this a little bit too high then we can make it lower okay we can do the same in the our hood we can do the mirrors pretty much similar way you can do many stuff in sculpting mode but just remember to make all the possible adjustments before you actually thicken your model okay so now if you want to 3d print this model it has to be a solid body for that what you have to do is just choose this thicken and choose bodies you want to be thicken let's say i want this car to be thickened in order to thicken it inside i will go minus since it's a very small car minus one should be enough thick in type soft or sharp i prefer sharp for the actual body but okay let's make it sharp okay so now we have thick sharp body sharp that this is this edges become sharp so we have pretty much solid body of the car okay so basically that's the our car is ready so now let's go to render and make some colors i choose finish form i press here where it says design i choose render we choose appearance here bodies components i want paint i want metallic paint let's say red color and i just drag and drop on top of my body then i will go simple glossy black sorry i choose faces and let's say i glow paint silver glossy black on the front window let's make it side windows okay let's make some metallic black for our other parts okay so looks like this car is kind of ready without the headlights but for this tutorial i think it's more than a knife let's set up some simple scene okay let's see how it's going to look in render pretty much big wheels ugly car i can say this is one of the my worst designs but that's one of the way to make a car at least i would say one of the easy ways nothing much complicated but if you practice more you will get your own results and please subscribe and like the video and have a great modeling [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Max 3D Design
Views: 17,900
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fusion 360, tutorial, Fusion, 360, Fusion 360 tutorial, tutorial fusion, 360 fusion, tutorial fusion 360, 360 fusion tutorial, how, how to, tutorial for beginers, fusion 360 for beginers, 3d printer, 3d printing, ender 3, creality, max 3d, max 3d design, 3d design, sadels, maksims, Maksims sadels, how to 3d, how to 3d model, cad, software, cad software, easy, step by step, learning fusion 360, Sculpt, sculpt mode, f360, Car, Car modeling, car, follow along, tesla, new tesla
Id: wyqQtLjt_WM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 57sec (3057 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 19 2021
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