Won’t He Do It | Pastor Keion Henderson

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down and I remember jumping up with all 42 inches of my vertical leap somewhere around there and I can't do it no more I jumped 42 then and but I'm older now I'm at least around 41 it's something lost the hints but I jumped up and the block the shot and and I was my head was about to hit the backboard so I had to duck and I'll end it on my left Hill on the ground in my knee pop back and they bent backwards the way I've bent forward and I tore every ligament in his knee and I remember hearing the injury in my ear I heard it pop and and when something happens to you tragically it has a way of getting in your head right and and and I want you to follow me on this because now I'm so careful because I don't ever want to go through that again so people ask me do I play basketball I say no I can still play but I'm not willing to go through that pain for free and so I stick to doing things I get paid to do if I get injured getting paid it's worth it does that make sense so if I were a professional basketball player I will go out there and I would do it but since I'm not good enough anymore to be paid for it there was no so I can get my exercise other ways and so so I had to rehab to get my knee together and I remember the doctor said to me he said that when you when you want this injury the hill he says I can do the surgery you got to stay off of it he said what you're gonna have to do is for the first six to eight weeks you're gonna have to stay off of it completely and I have to lay in the bed and I have to always have my leg elevated because because of the the way blood flows see when something swells in your body it's a it's a presence of blood and so in order to get the swelling to go down you've got to get the blood away from the injury and so I had to elevate my leg above my heart so that the blood would flow away from the pain and what it would it would flow away and and and I thought about that why would why would a person if you were to sprain your ankle today I promise you the doctor will tell you ice it and elevate it anything of a lower extremity you've got a you've got to ice it and elevate it and I wonder why do I have to do I have to do that and I realize after what I just told you but then there is a spiritual ramifications that the Lord just gave me yesterday and I thought about it that the only way the injury could heal is is that I have to ensure that the injury and my heart are never on the same level we're ready I had a help can I help y'all y'all at church today I want you to hear me I had to make sure that my leg was elevated above my heart because I could not have my injury and my heart on the same level and the reason why some of you all cannot get over your injuries is because you've allowed your heart to stay on the same level as your hurt they they hurt you at a place and you cannot get over it they they injure you at a place and you cannot get over it and your heart is still in the same place as your hurt and anytime your heart and your hurt are on the same level you remain injured that's why people come in church and they say well I don't want to serve in church because I've been hurt in church and I got Church hurt and they can't serve in church then what happened is is you allow your heart to stay on the same level as your hurt and now you're missing the benefits of serving God because you cannot get your heart above your injury now that's why when we read this text and I want you to read it and I'm not going to be long the Bible says the Lord the Lord heard the in the day of trouble and and and here's what the context of the text is normally when you read a psalm it tells you exactly who the song belongs to that's why this psalm says the chief musician it is a psalm of David so we know now that this psalm has been transcribed and prescribed by David the psalmist but what we see in this text is something we don't see in many other Texas because whenever you read a psalm of David it is normally in the first person the Lord is my shepherd I shall not want he maketh me to lie down in green he he restores my soul yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow I will fear no for thou art with me thy rod and thy staff they would comfort the Lord is my light and my salvation whom shall I fear the Lord is the strength of my life whom shall wouldn't win my enemies even my folks come upon me to eat up my flesh they stumbled and you see all of those first personal pro I meet but when you get to this text you see something you don't see often it is not David praying for himself go back and read it again the Bible says the Lord hears you in the day of trouble the name of God of Jacob defense used so now we are moving from the first person and now we finally see David in a position where he has lived so long that somebody's praying for him and David is now the recipient of prayers and the children of Israel are now praying for him somebody say they're praying for him and what is happening is he's getting ready to go into a battle and now they are praying for him before he gets in the battle and the Lord gave me my first thought because most of the time when we read in the scripture whenever you see somebody making a sacrifice before the battle they always win it when you see somebody waiting until the victory has already been given to the enemy they lose so here is an example it is not about the battle you're fighting it's about what you're offering God before you get in the fight so right now right now David and his people are offering up prayer before they go through battle it's the same thing that your Xhosa fat did the Bible says that Jehoshaphat went to a battleground and was faced with his enemies but what he did is he put his preys team together and had them to offer a praise and the Bible says they offered a praise before a sword was ever poured out they offered a praise before a shield was ever brought out they offered a praise before a knife was ever brandished and the Bible says that after they finished praying they appraising they showed up at the battlefield and the people they were getting ready to fight was already dead why not because they will get warriors but because they had enough sense to offer something up or I wish I had a church in here today it's the same thing that happens in 2nd Samuel when the children of Israel go to fight against the battle against the Syrians and the Bible says that they had offered up burnt offerings and they had given an offering before the battle the reason why most of us lose our fights is because the only time we give an offering is when we're trying to get God to do something lord help me in this cold church and I'm not just saying a financial offering whether it be you don't pray until after your heart is broken or whether it be you don't pray until after the relationship is over whether it be you only become faithful in church when you're trying to get God to do something you want him to do God says I don't want the offering that comes after the battle I want the offering that comes before the battle and if you give me the offering before the battle I will make sure that the victory belongs to you so I came to tell somebody in here today you can keep your money but you'll lose the victory I want to tell somebody in this place today that whether your offering is an offering of worship or whether your offering is an offering of prayer or whether your offering is an offering of things given whatever you have for God I don't want you to give you when you're in trouble I want you to give it before you get in trouble because if you give it before you're in trouble in the time of trouble he will Lord help me in this church today somebody say before the battle so the Bible says that the first thing they say in verse 1 is made the Lord answer you in the time of trouble the first thing he'll do is he'll answer me nobody's that that's good news because some of y'all have been wondering Lord when are you going to answer me I was talking to one of my sons today Jason he said sometimes he's felt as if he was saying God when is somebody going to come and rescue me have you ever been in so much pain and so much taught murder that you had to ask God God winner you're gonna come when are you gonna show up when are you gonna answer my prayer I see you answering all these other prayers and God I'm not greedy but when you gonna hear me I don't want everything I just want what I've been asking for and moreover I don't just want what I've been asking for I want what you promised me I want what you showed me in a dream I want what what my momma told me that that that was mine I want what my father said I want what I've read and what I prayed and what I felt in my spirit and he says that the Lord will answer you in the time of trouble which lets me know why most people don't want the reason why they don't get answers is because they always escape trouble that he answers in the time of trouble he does not answer when your bank account is full because there was no question he does not answer when your relationship is good because you're not asking anything so sometimes God has to cause a problem so he can answer it such don't ever say this problem is God's doing God is trying to show you that he's a problem solver that he's a heavy load Sharon that he's a burden bearer and so sometimes in order for God to prove to you who he is he has to cause a problem that only he can solve and then see if you have enough faith to say what a friend we have in Jesus all of our sins and griefs to bear what a privilege it is to carry everything to God in prayer touch somebody say take it to God because there seems to be a spiritual correlation between people who win and people who offer something up before trouble then people who try to manipulate God to answer their trouble that the time to pray it's not when you're in trouble the time to pray is when everything is alright I'm talking to every one of y'all right now where everything is going good look just you need to start praying now here's what the old folks used to say you're either in the storm you just come out of the storm or you are on your way to a storm no matter which way you look at it trouble is coming in your direction you got to offer up a prayer before the war you got a tithe before your cellphone get cut off no coming here trying to give an offering right now because you need God to turn your phone back on you you need to be doing that before the lights go out you need to do that before they come to repossess the car because watch this your offering is a seed if they are already coming to get the car the see won't save the car because it won't grow by the time they come get it [Applause] Lord help me in his church touch the name say he might not be talking about to you but he's just talking it takes time for your seed to grow so you can't come in here on Sunday and offer something expect God to act tomorrow it's got to grow it might save you from next year's trouble but it ain't gonna solve today's trouble because today's trouble was taken care of AB I see that you that you planted last year in the time of trouble he will answer your prayers sacrifice before trouble ensures success in times of trouble sacrifice before trouble ensure success in the time of trouble the reason why God here David in the time of trouble was based on how David acted in a time of gladness how do you act when you mad do you come to church when you're in trouble or do you wait to the trouble is over and show up do you come to church and say God I need you to touch something and when he does it then we don't see you for six weeks are you because do you know there are a lot of Christians and I ain't talking about nobody I'm just talking about what I'm talking about but there's some people who just come to church saying they need something got and the moment God does it they out but they're some of us in here recognize the devil is so cunning and he's so he's such a slithering snake then I can't afford not to come if I can get here I can't I can't afford to miss a Sunday because I'm tired what I'm tired of is living below my expectations what I'm tired of is waiting on somebody to do something for me so I was glad when they said unto me let us go to the house of the Lord I don't care if it's Tuesday night Thursday night Sunday morning at 9:00 Sunday morning at 11:00 anytime I can get here i'ma get here if I don't have gas money I'm a prayer pull some gas money if I don't feel like saying Amen I'm gonna keep on worshiping until I feel like it if I got a headache I'm gonna take to advils and come in here and ask God for healing I don't know who I'm talking to but is there anybody here that ever came to church well you didn't feel like it and there's something about coming when you don't feel like it and when you bring it to the altar some goddess started working on you and before your nod you'll leave his shouted and thinking God matter of fact some of y'all didn't feel like coming today and you feel better already the devil talk to you but when you were getting off work you know you hungry you need to go home you need to go he ain't gonna say nothing new you already know what he's gonna say but I came to tell you that no matter what's going on in your life I came to tell you he'll do it he he'll do it somebody's staying home today and they gonna be mad and frustrated when they get in the morning and when you see them tomorrow they're gonna be why you why are you so glad what's your shout about girl I just found out he'll do it slap your Labor's say won't he do it he will answer you when you find out God will answer you you'll stop being the press over people who won't give you answers some of you are stressed out because you are looking for an answer from somebody who hurt you they don't have it if they had it they wouldn't give it to you he will answer you in the time I just said listen some of y'all just miss what I just said I'm talking about that anger you got for your daddy who didn't raise you and that anger you got for your mama who didn't hug you and that that attitude you got what your boo because they left you and told you they want to be single but they didn't stay single long that mean they really didn't want to be with you and you sent up here trying to figure out what did I do wrong and all I need is him to tell me lied and he just told me a why I feel better he don't have an answer because only God has the answers touch your neighbor and say he will answer you in the time of trouble they will lie to you in trouble he will answer you you're looking for your answers from the wrong person you don't get answers from people who hurt you you take your hurt to the answer you don't get even with people you say god this person hurt me and I want to hurt them but i'ma turn them over to you because if I put my hands on it then I'm gonna mess up the victory I'm gonna keep my fingerprints off of the situation so not only can you answer my problem but you will solve my problems won't he do it he will answer you in the time of trouble stop stop stop asking them just telling me why who's guilty I don't know I am NOT it i don't i'm not saying we got to get back together I just need to know why okay so y'all just go back hard like you ain't never talked any baby I can't everybody here got that one song when you hear that take you back to when somebody dumped your tail and you be proud no I got one what you get for thinking you tough thinking can't nobody dump you all of a sudden you think you had it made and found out you got dropped can't figure out why I fallen and I can't get it so ever so Moscato d'Asti is crying you know they said they always got to have Lion ain't it that wine is the sad drink they don't care if there's $3 about it be Bulls falling or Southern Comfort just being that drunk off a $2.00 worth of liquor cuz you sad looking for answer [Music] not only will he answer you but he will defend you won't he do it he will defend you what's what the Bible says the God of Jacob will defend you ax myself Nicole why not the god of Moses after all he did lead the children of Israel into the precipice of the Promised Land why not the God of Joshua the one who picked up the pieces and came behind the Emancipator and got them over to the promised land and got them into the place where the milk and the honey was flowing why not the God of Adam who was the first man to ever walk the face of it why not the God of Enoch who was walking with God and all of a sudden transmitter gated himself into the celestial source and why not the God of Isaac oh he is the God of Abraham he's the god of Isaac and he's the God of Jacob but I had to ask myself I said self myself said I said self why in the world would in this particular text he say the God of Jacob then I went in started to look into the text and I start to find out that Jacob was a trickster I can't figure out why God would even connect himself to somebody who had a twin brother and had the audacity to reach out and grab his heel and pull himself back in so that he could be the firstborn I couldn't figure out why God will connect himself to somebody with such a bad reputation and and and and I see what he did after it's no wonder he changed his name from Jacob to Israel I see I see what he did at the end but I can't figure out before he changed his name because he let me tell you most of us won't fool with people until after their reputation has been repaired I can't figure out why God would hook up with Jacob like that why would you the perfect one the the the holistic being the the lily of the valley why would you connect yourself to somebody with such a bad reputation and then I found out what Paul said in the book of Romans that he says that Jacob I loved and Esau I hated which means to me that God had chosen to love Jacob before he had even poured esau back in which means now that we're talking about the god of election now what is election ladies and gentlemen election is when God chose you before you chose him I'm getting ready to help somebody in this place today so the reason why he said that the God of Jacob will hide thee is because he's letting us know the God who has the proclivity to pick whoever he wants and bless whoever he wants in spite of reputation in spite of notoriety in spite of mistakes in spite of false and failures the God of Jacob Wilson so I came to tell somebody in here today that God loves who he wants to love he blesses who he wants to bless he delivers who he wants to deliver and it does not have to explain to you why your life was perfect and my was jacked up and I still got favor I want you to give your neighbor high five and say I don't know he loves me I don't know why he cares but I think God every day for the God of Jacob I thank God every day for every day for the one who looks beyond my faults and sees my knees I thank God every day that I can go to bed wrong and he still wakes me up with new mercies now some of y'all can sit there and act like I'm not talking to you but some of y'all lay down bad and still got up good snap he'll never say thank God for the God of Jacob Alexa means God chose me before I chose him John 15 says you have not chosen me but I have chosen you if ever you come in church and you need something to shout about you were elected understand ladies and gentlemen that if we were to put this in context this means that you lose the popular vote and you still win trying to save I'm saying now it means that everybody can vote against you but you can still win the election and I want you to know that the devil and your enemies and your haters and everybody who does not like you voted against you you did not win the popular vote but you are still going to heaven because you won the election those whom he loved he also foreknew in other words God picked you before you ever picked him you got to get this you ain't saved because you accepted Jesus you say because Jesus picked you and what you did and you had to confess with your mouth a decision he already made do you understand the words that are coming out of my mouth all right how many y'all knows some people that if you really had to guess you know they ain't going to heaven if you had to guess I mean y'all know for sure but if you just have to guess you'd be like I don't know who going but I just know they ain't do you know that when God looks at you he ought to be looking at you the same way you looking at the person who you think shouldn't go but he predestined to pig listen good God Almighty okay he spits on the ground clay makes Adam and Eve Adam and Eve have Cain and Abel and Cain and Abel has children and their data all these kids coming up not got a I got a whole different idea Lord I'm nauseous and say if I'm saying it really means if you really look at the text I can't really find out how Adam and Eve were the only ones created oh god I don't y'all gonna mess with you it's gonna mess up your theology because by the time you get to the next chapter they're already 70 people populated in the earth and two people could not have done that so Adam and Eve may have been the first ones created but there is plausibility they're not the only ones created but that's a whole other thing cuz some of y'all man isn't even open enough to see that but what I'm trying to say what I'm Chuck see listen I have a whole lot of stuff in me that I can preach but you got to be to take it I'm not gonna cast my pearls to swine but but that's a whole nother sermon what what I'm trying to say to you all is is you've got you've got you've got God who has created man no let me not go let me not do that [Applause] let me move on but be honest so so what I'm saying is he created every man in the world all right whether you were created through birth or creation whether you Immaculate Conception like Jesus or whether you were brought out of Adam's rib like eath or whether you came through your mother's birth canal like us all of the billions of people who have ever been created this is what God did you you you not you you you you not you he picks you okay why are you looking at me like this coming when did he get when he pitched I mean what's so good about you that God gained anything by choosing you what did he get a liar a cheater a non Tyler come on it ain't like he got nothing somebody would have bad attitude somebody always snapping their fingers and what'd he get what'd he get do you understand what I'm telling you so he elected you and picked you and everybody who's not going to heaven he didn't pick now if you ever needed anything to shout about snap you'll never say won't he do it if you ever needed to shout about anything it means that God said duck duck goose and just pitch you and said you are going to heaven I don't know why but he picks you and let me tell you something when God got favored on your life you don't gotta explain nothing to nobody I dare you to just look at everybody say I got favored landing and you can lie on me I'm still gonna win you can talk about me but I'm still gonna win they can take my house and I'll get another one they can repo the car and I'll get another why cuz I got favor oh wait a minute elevation Beth Heil he elected us he made us higher than the H ll [Music] [Applause] he was elevating you when he elected you you were going up from the day you were born don't you let nobody tell you nothing different the doctrine of election predestination is one that has been forfeited in the new church because everybody thinks that they can make God do what they want them to do and so we around here teaching people that if you speak those things that are not as though they were you can get them regional Bible carefully he speaks those things that are not he speaks those things that are not as though they were you walk by faith and not by sight you were elected elected made a little lower than the Angels ain't L you are you you've been winning why you were losing he's a very present help somebody say I was chosen that's crazy me me that is in me that is in my flesh - al Aeolus no good thing and he still he picks you when you don't pick you you don't give yourself a chance sometime by the time you finish sabotaging your own dreams and talking negative to yourself and telling yourself what you can't do God has picked you in occasions when you haven't even given yourself a chance I'm a preacher whole series on the election I just need to preach a whole series on the election so that I don't have at least at Archer so we'll have people walking around here thinking that they pick god how you gonna pick somebody who's all-knowing how how can you pick somebody who is and worse and it's to come and how can you pick somebody whose name is not I was and I will be but their name is always Moses they're what I'm opposed to tell them when they actually sent me tell them I am sincere he'll answer you he will defend you and he was strengthen you he says send me some help from the sanctuary don't tell him you don't get help from the church send me help from the sanctuary most people don't get to help because they don't come to the sanctuary yes God is everywhere at the same time yes he can bless you in your house while you streaming but forsake not the assembling of yourselves with other believers there's some stuff you don't get unless you come to the tabernacle I'm here to tell you right now if you read your Bible and you go to the Old Testament the Bible says that the Spirit of God which was representative by the Ark of the Covenant it was placed in the tabernacle and every time they tried to place it in a temple it wouldn't work and they tried to put it on the back of an oxen and a man that wasn't supposed to touch it reached out to try to touch it and the Bible says that he died reaching out to keep the glory because the presence of God is to be moved and it is not to be handled by people who are unclean Bible says that the Spirit of God the presence of God was in the tabernacle while the tabernacle because the tabernacle was a tent that they set up everywhere they went and so if they didn't want it here they took it there and the tabernacle was with them and let me tell you the children of Israel were in the wilderness but if you do the study they were not just in one wilderness they were in five wood is the reason why God was with them everywhere they went is no matter what the wilderness was they had to Tabernacle with him first thing that David did when he became King one of his major moves was to build a house of cedar so that the tavern so that the Ark of the Covenant could have a place to rest because he said God it makes no sense that I have a house and that we don't have a place for your spirit and and so God says I will strengthen you out of Zion that in and of itself is a whole nother sermon why Zion because Zion is another name for Jerusalem I will he says I will strengthen you out of Zion strengthen in this Hebrew context actually means to sustain and conflict won't he do it has anybody ever experienced God's sustaining power in a conflict have you ever been in the battle you didn't know how he was gonna win and you are afraid that your enemies were gonna triumph over you come on talk to me church but won't the God of Zion come in and make your enemies your footstool just somebody say I know that's right I have seen the Lightning flashing I have heard the thunder oi I have seen syndra cos - and trying to conquer my soul but I heard the voice of Jesus saying still fight only he promised never to leave me and never to leave me alone and I come to tell somebody who does not know that God will strengthen you exciting and there is something about the sanctuary there is something about coming in the house of God there is something about dwelling in the secret place of the Most High I will let nothing separate me from the love of God neither height nor depth and let me tell you something whenever you get in the sanctuary and the Holy Spirit gets to moving I promise you if you'll open up your heart and open up your mind and get your mind off of your problems to get your mind on the problem solver you'll start to see stuff working itself out and why you trying to figure out God will be working it out and I prophesy in this room right now that God is handling bank accounts and interest rates and houses and children and marriages and health issues God is dealing with it right now some of y'all left some trouble at home today wondering what God was gonna do God told me to tell you heal strengthen you slap somebody to say heal strengthen you from Zion and he told me to tell you because you came to the sanctuary you are about to experience the peace that you have never experienced before because you came to the sanctuary of the God of all peace one of my favorite scriptures is Colossians 1 in 11 I read Colossians 1:11 all the time here's what it says God was strengthen you with his great power so that you will not give up in trouble if you will be patient say everybody one shot he will hide me in the time of night he's so yeah if you'd be patient will you stay in trouble long enough for him to come get you or will you have already escaped before he shows up in the secret place people happy which means you can be in trouble he will hide you and while you're in trouble trouble will be looking for you came finds you strengthened you'll strengthen if you will be they that wait on the Lord if you were just how can you get ahead if you are head of God the man in the country of the gadarenes who has 6,000 demons in him what if here two went to an exorcism doctor and got the demons out before God showed up Alijah what would have happened if God would have let you die when you were asking to die you would have missed the whirlwind and the double portion look at what you miss when you get what you want you got what you wanted but she missed what he had for you because you were not patient enough to wait on the joy of the Lord to be your strength I've learned to wait until my appointed time to everything there is a season a season a time to live and a time to die you've gotta wait I know you wanna quit cuz it hurts but you gotta wait I know it's painful but you gotta wait I know you wanna I know you want the next chapter to start you want the next season to start I was talking to a young man today he brought me a book he wrote a book he's got the book published but the book is nothing more than a documentation of his pain if he didn't hurt he couldn't write if I have never cried I couldn't preach to you I couldn't tell you about faithlyn us mine have been tested I can't tell you about healing unless I saw him do it I couldn't tell you that God will save your marriage in mind what Norma's on the rocks I didn't come to fake with y'all today I can't tell you that he'll give you financial freedom if I wasn't at the point of total bankruptcy I couldn't tell you that you couldn't exchange your garment praise for the spirit of heaviness if I didn't have to shout with tears in my heart brain confused of priests broken I've worship said I have given Brooke I have smiled when I was unhappy and I have helped people when I needed help myself that's how I know won't he do it he will strengthen you and he will remember you they're still praying for him and they're saying God I prayed that you will remember all of his offerings I pray that you will remember all of his burnt sacrifices may he grant you according to your heart's desire and fulfill your promise God cannot grant you a blessing bigger than your heart your blessing is always the size of your heart may he grant you according to your heart if you don't have a heart for people if you don't have a heart to forgive if you don't have a heart to turn the other cheek sometime not not every time if you if you don't have the heart to serve somebody who doesn't serve your back if you don't have the heart can't ask God for something bigger than your heart according to you and that thing gonna get broken stepped on I was talking to somebody the other day and Nick was talking he said man how do you deal with being hurt by people you do the most I'll be doggone if it don't happen every time every time I tell myself I'm gonna evade that trap I get my dumb butt right back in it and a half of the game sometime I feel so stupid why don't I see that coming because I didn't look at it with my eyes I looked at it with the heart is blind and I think every one of those people were heart test and I was on the spiritual EKG to see if I was functioning enough for the next level I said Nick I said you know I have thought about this I said son if I could tell you anything I think that when somebody has a goal and you are the goal they will do the most and once they get what they came for they will go and you will be left wondering why is it the person that I did the most for why did they take what they came to get and leave and then blame you for not depositing and then I realized something that every one of you all need to hear me say you cannot put new wine in old wineskins and that my friends is not the wines fault it's the skins fault if I were the wine I would be looking for new skin so what you have to do is do it anyway and know that the blessing that you're gonna get for doing it it's gonna be the size of your heart let that trouble keep stretching your heart oh and it hurts if you got one it hurt if you're not cold and calloused and evil it hurts and you can I have learned to stop trying to fool myself talking about I'm good I ain't good I'm mad I'm hurt I'm frustrated I got angry and you know what I did hurt somebody who didn't hurt now I'm walking around with an attitude around the house because somebody willing to live with me and now the people who live what you got to deal with chill nasty self because your heart ain't big enough to understand that you should never make somebody pay for a bill that they didn't run up [Applause] and now you have broken their heart because somebody else has broken your heart said recognizing that sometimes the heart has to get broken because God has to get something in it he can't get through a crack now I've learned to be content whatever state up whether bass bound stop giving stuff wondering what they gonna do if you gave it to him stop walking around here talking about at least eight at least they could have did the least they could've did is what they did is what it is and missing cry crop out stop walking around trying to act like it don't hurt cry found you somebody you can trust and get it out don't tell the wrong person oh by the way if you don't have nobody like that in your life I told you one you can tell him he will answer you in the time what you're gonna do you're just gonna cut everybody off just you're just gonna hate everybody huh just ain't never gonna love again you just ain't ever gonna date again because somebody broke your heart are are you gonna allow God to heal you are you gonna lie you know the heart is a muscle so it has to hurt to grow see you see Delroy huh send up there y'all see me and Dale the same size come in I train them every Monday Wednesday Friday see how similar we are in size here's a little smaller than me but I understand I understand let it go but all I'm looking at is a whole lot of pain as he got a tear this stuff down man all of this is pain because in order for these muscles to grow they have to be broken the only difference between me and him the reason why he's bigger than me is because in this area he can take more pain when I quit he kept going when I stopped he did one more I'm a ate a cheeseburger he ate a leaf that's all he eat is Leafs and err I'm like what you eat today lettuce leaves water and oxygen I'm like I had burrito some skittles and a strike but he's taking more pain and whenever somebody can love once more and forgive once more and can pray once more they have the bigger part there by having the spiritual muscles and whenever your muscles are big enough God would give you my weight he will never put more on you 1st Corinthians chapter 10 verse 13 he will never put more on you than you can bear your trouble is only a reflection of the size of your heart and if you have a big heart you always gonna have a lot of trouble let me finish this then the writer writes one word I can imagine they must have been crying cuz can you imagine all of that pain like gorgeous but you just touch our King would you please protect him he's been through so much he first had to fight a lion Danny had to fight a bear den he had to face Goliath then he had to go fight the Syrians then he had to fight the Philistines four times and here he is again can't win for losing let's just pause and rest I can't take no more he pauses right here and the writer just restin says I am overwhelmed by the amount of pain in trouble and I've been in I wanted to just minister to some of you are who are at the Sayla part of your sorry just God just give me rest I know I know I would say keeper a man I don't feel like praying and I know the scripture says turn the other cheek but if something else happens to me I don't know what I might do and I know what the Bible says about marriage but if that Joker talked to me like that one more time you don't know I had three brothers growing up I will fight a tube sometimes ladies and gentlemen you just need to rest I see people there's always going and I'll be looking at people they'd be like I got friends and relatives and they ain't nearly got what God has gave me but you can't ever get him they can't never answer the phone he's always busy always doing something ain't got nothing now y'all know somebody like ain't got nothing he always doing something always busy not recognizing the strength of rest of summertime backing off so that you can step up that you can't stay in this perpetual cycle set it said you just got out of relationship I know you don't like being alone but baby you need to stay single for a little bit I know I know you don't like being alone and I know that when you're alone you start doing all kind of stuff and all that kind of stuff and because I'm am i doing it at the right time River Karen all the stuff maybe this is a season to get to know yourself so you can stop being identified by people who don't know you it's actually namesake pump your brakes Oh love cars see yes watch what he did when he was arrested stand on your feet give me something so watch what he did when he was arrested he says I'm gonna pause and I'm gonna shout about the favor of God on my life and he says something it's worthy of our teaching he says Yahweh we'll help his anointed he could have said Jehovah he could have said Elohim he could have said Lord that would have been easy but he says Yahweh so that we might know the part of the Godhead he's speaking about see calling God Yahweh as the proper term it's like st. Peter and James it's a designation says right here verse 6 Yahweh will help his anointed it starts us right back where we started because Yahweh is a Hebrew word for I am which means he's basically saying the one who never started can bring this trouble 20 the one who was absolute is absolutely in control of this situation he is referring to the omniscient omnipotent all-knowing all-seeing God letting us know that there is no where you can't be that God's faith cannot find you ain't ever been in the trouble that God can't reach [Music] you don't have an endeavor to god-king bliss [Music] one of our members came up to me Sunday and said boletus I said what she started a business I remember just like it was yesterday I went over there the day she opened it and I prayed and we rubbed oil on the doorpost she came up to me and she said pastor you ain't gonna believe what happened I said what happened she says you know tilman 42 i said yeah the one who owned the rockets and the billion-dollar buyer she said yeah she said i just signed the contract [Applause] [Music] oh no she said I signed a contract and I'm a retainer I want you to hear what I'm telling you could take this Oliva every Sunday she ties not from just her personal she ties from that business go back to read his text he will remember your offerors he will remember your offerings he ain't just gonna remember your shout he's not just gonna remember you'll praise the angle remember your tongues he will also remember your offerings God has a long memory he ain't never forgot nothin I'm telling so don't you fret don't you worry cry if you gotta cry we're on if we gotta run scream if you got a spring punched a wall if you can afford to get it fixed make sure you don't hit no stud and break your hand make sure you go in between the two whatever you got do do it because playtime is over it's go time now is the time that they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit if there's anybody here that's been waiting on God to do it and today your faith has been encouraged and you believe that you're walking into a season [Music] [Music] Jesus [Music] [Music] listen if you ever doubted god that's no problem you're not the first you will be the last factious won't be your last time down I want you to get over the guilt and the shame of having questions wondering you know because people will make you feel bad because you don't always get this card kind of faith you a human being that's he picked disciples who questioned him he picked disciples he had to look at him say well you're not watched with me for one hour in other words you can you can't pray flower you gonna fall asleep what Jesus with them they went to sleep he called them to be disciples they run across people with demons in them and they come to San Jesus can you help us to get these demons out Jesus I gave you the power to do it are you coming to me and asking me to help you to get these W you can do it there will come times in your life you are but there will come times in your life what trouble will make you lose your energy in the faith and your courage and strength and it's okay it's okay because Donnie McClurkin told us whether we fall down when we get up again your problem is not that you fail the problem is that you stay down you'd think that your problem is that you said if that were the problem then what was the death of Jesus for Oh the sin has been paid for and Jesus has already forgiven you the problem is you never forgive yourself and the problem is as we always are anthropomorphic in our philosophy towards God that means that we give him human quality quality quality so we think God thinks like us and he doesn't it's like one man told me he says the reason why fish can live in water is because they don't think like people because of a fish had a human brain the first time he came out of the water he would blame God as you know the first time something happen to us we've got why you let this happen to me and God set up there why for your own decisions so don't feel bad be not weary don't don't worry about that I wanted to introduce you today who he was the Australia you'll answer you he'll defend you that's the god you serve stop saying God through the eyes of negative people and let God introduce you to who he really is so you can really really know who God is he's not nearly as critical as you think not nearly as weak as you'd hoped the moment God asked is a problem he solves one and they have time he saws when he creates one sometime he'll lift you other times he'll let you hang out of them sometimes he'll meet you at the top of a sycamore trees that that kids and sometimes he'll let you climb down like get it into a wine press sometimes he'll let you get in the lion's den but I don't worry he coming in there see the fire doesn't mean that he doesn't love you it means he wants to show you that me some fireproof respective when you leave here today you put the devil on notice I know whom I redeem is I know who my Redeemer it's [Music] he's the fairest of ten thousand those of y'all who can't break out a nought if you can't get here I want you to break out in prayer wherever you are find somebody in your area because we all get ready pretty [Music] just hook up with somebody that here cuz that sister needs you to wrap your arms around her she she had to received a hug all day long pull somebody's name no matter what may come your way you got to put your life in his hands come on everybody's thinking I know I know [Music] [Music] [Music] holy spirit have your way in this place but cast all our cares to you because you've we know you care for us we thank you God that you're getting ready to turn this house into a house of testimonies that other contracts are about to be signed of the businesses are about to explode other deals are about to be made other hearts are about to be mended we thank you God that you've been exercising the muscles of our heart we didn't know God that you needed our heart to be big because our blessing was gonna be big we didn't know God we were just tired of being walked over we were tired of being hurt we were tired of being confused we were tired of not having answers but but we didn't know that we were gonna write books with this pain we didn't know that we were going to start businesses with this pain we didn't know that we were going to get to preach through the world with this pain we didn't know that we were going to start a ministry with this pain we didn't know that we have to hurt to bring our family member to Christ we didn't know God that we had to be blind so the lovers can see we didn't know that we had to lay down so that people at the water can see that you can rises up and we could put our bed on our back and walk we didn't know that you have to let our wine run out so you can turn water to wine we didn't know God that you have to let us be blind so you can show people that you can give sight to blind eyes and we didn't know that you had to use us to give hearing to deaf ears and we didn't know God that you broke us to show somebody else that you are a mender of broken hearts we didn't know you were using us an example we we have to die in the tomb so that you can show somebody that in four days that you can raise us up we did not know what you were using us for but we thank you that you chose us we didn't go willingly god we went kicking and screaming but with takes you that you will never leave us nor forsake us we pray God that you will speak to this broken heart that doesn't seem to be able to get an answer God in this pain and wonder of why did it have to be us but all we've done all the timing all the praying all the sacrificing and your response to us is because your blessing was so much bigger don't forget to find print in the contract - good Lord giveth and he taketh away but blessed be the name of the for your name is a strong town [Music] you said if you be lifted up you would draw all men to you we didn't know you were using our life as a magnet we did not know that you use in our pain to draw people to you we didn't know forgive us for our trans precious forgive us for misunderstanding and forgive us for not knowing that your purpose is always secure [Music] Oh Oh God [Music] oh Jesus [Music] Minister to the Supreme God we're just human we're born in the sin and we were shapen in iniquity we thought we had to be perfect and we thought we had to put a throne up and we have to act like nothing hurt us but we count just as we are [Music] claire's us with hyssop plan out our transgressions forgive us of all of our sins we didn't mean to do it we didn't want to do it all we wanted to do it but we tried not to do because evil is present on every hand we will perplexed but thank you that you are mature enough to look beyond our faults even when we are not [Music] we want to be better parents [Music] we want to be better leaders [Music] but we can't do it [Music] open the ass of our heart we want to see [Music] minister to us tonight Oh God like only you clear killed us from the inside out [Music] we've cried our last tear because we know that you will do it [Music] in Jesus name we pray somebody released that hand to begin - clapping Chewbacca Lord [Music] just as hi Oh come on the Signet words [Music] just as I am [Music] what everybody lift your voice like thing [Music] Oh thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] or discusses from this place never from your presence allow us to get home and find everything in order the name of Jesus we pray somebody say hey man hook somebody on your way out and say he'll do it [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Jesus just as I am Mike [Music] and love thank you [Music] my god [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] see [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: The Lighthouse Church of Houston
Views: 51,337
Rating: 4.8852224 out of 5
Keywords: Won't He Do It, Won’t He Do It sermon, power of success, Power of Passion, Pastor, church, faith, lhhouston, Senior Pastor, LightHouse Church, trust, how to trust the process, why do things happen, Sermon Highlights, Latest Sermon Highlights, Instant Inspiration, Latest Sermons, Waking Faith, Sun Stand Still, study bible, children's church, pastor appreciation, Bishop, pastor keion henderson, jesus, god, keion henderson, elevation church, senior pastor, waking faith, bible, gospel
Id: 06_CSL4zHe4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 20sec (4400 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 06 2018
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