The Hang Man | Pastor Keion Henderson

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you can do better than that our God is great and he is greatly to be praised let me action father's house has God done anything for you today that nobody else could have done even if they try if God did something for you today that nobody else can do then you ought to do what nobody else can do for you and let's give your God the rising of the Sun so the going down of the same he is worthy to be praised before you sit down I want you to give a thunderous applause to our bishop who who's in africa preaching right now i praise so you so he can hear it they treated him so well I asked him I said Bishop how is Nigeria he said I didn't go to Nigeria he said I went to Wakanda they they just rolled out the red carpet in the pasture as has been texting me saying is the Bishop happy is the bishop happy they just rolled out the red carpet and I expressed a bishop I said you know we know you're in America but the nation knows you as a father and it's amazing to see what God is continuously doing in his life he's an amazing man of God a amazing mentor and then instead standing here today is just my second favorite woman on earth I got to tell you that my first is my wife Alicia that come on wave baby that's my wife Alicia second favorite lady on earth is mother jinx come on y'all praise God for mother Jake's she is amazing I often tell her God gave me a wife but you gave me a woman and I remember the day you met my wife and her spirit was inextricably connected to yours and we often mention your name because you represent a fork in the road for our life and 12 years ago I met her and it seems as if we've reimagined ourselves because of your hand on her life and I thank you so much for your touch to all of the pastor's it's all the pastors and the Deacons and members and friends when I got up and I saw that rain and I know rain is like snow in Texas and so I said Lord Jesus I guess it's gonna be me first lady first lady second lady third lady and a couple of Deacons and that'll be it and then I looked up and saw you and I said you know what I'm not the only one who made it through a storm just such a legacy this isn't the first storm I have to try through I've been in storms all of my life but thanks be to God I made it come on give God some praise in this place today listen I'm gonna keep you standing because once I let you sit down that'll be it I've got some product that they all have in the back I've got one series called when others make your life difficult this this sermon come on you didn't raise your hand already you just look like you live with five negative people right now I want you think it's a CD in here for every one of them but but that's CD because sometimes life throws you that curveball and you're connected to somebody who's difficult and and you can't get away from them and so that series it's not about divorce it's not about quitting is not about walking away it's about how are you going to handle difficult people that God gave you I tell people this all the time people want to get married and you want to marry a good person and I understand that but the thing that God's gonna do when you get married is give you somebody who's strong in every area of your weaknesses because the purpose of marriage is not so you'll be happy the purpose of marriage is so you'll be more like God marriage is the best avenged allistic tool God has ever created this sermon here is called don't lose your head don't lose your head this this is about when the Prophet was chopping down the wood to make who said that come here brother come in I you on the job and you come to get it well you clean it in the Board of Health - man I tell you he came in shush I hope they got some of them go up then show them this I hope this sermon here is called and this is this is this one here this one has gone I think this has about 500,000 views on on YouTube the name of this one is called the pressure of being gifted come here man no him cuz anybody dude here y'all give it to him until he calm down somebody hand it to him come and say up here to tell it stay I'm gonna give I'm gonna give you something - yeah we'd be done I'm also I'm releasing last time I came here if some of y'all were here if you remember I released a single call give me more and y'all supported it so well June 15th I'm doing something crazy I learned to play the guitar and and I'm releasing a new single called holy and it's coming out June 15th here you are you got the first copy it'll be coming out on June 15 [Applause] I can't I can't wait to see it everybody I let hear that song says it's it's a song that will reverberate around the world and it is my prayer that God will bless us to do so from the book of Esther Esther chapter number 6 I believe if you are ready for work God has one in this place today Esther chapter number 6 beginning at verse number 1 if you got it say I got it if you're still looking say hold up if you don't know where to look dr. James is here every Wednesday probably you sit with dr. James for five minutes you wouldn't know everything about the Bible she is a genius amen I know what good preaching is sometimes people preach other conferences and I might not know what they saying I just look at her if she's shaking her head I've laid a man Esther chapter six the Bible says on that night the king could not sleep and he commanded to bring the book of records of the Chronicles and they were read before the King and it was found written that Mordecai had told big not a big data and to rest two of the things that the Kings Chamberlain's and the doorkeepers had said who sought to lay hands on the King as a reverence the King said what honor and dignity hath done been done to Mordecai for this then said the Kings servant that miss ministered unto Him there is nothing done for him and the King said well who's in the court now Haman everybody say Haman Haman was come into the outward court of the Kings house to speak unto the king to hang Mordecai on the gallows that he had prepared for him if I if you don't hear nothing nothing else I say I just want you to remember that he prepared the gallows for him he purport paired the gallows for him the king's servant said unto Him behold Haman standeth in the court and the King said let him come in so Haman came in and the King said unto Him what shall be done unto the man whom the King delighteth to honor now Haman thought in his heart well of course it's me of course he doesn't want to honor anybody but me and so since I think it's me King let me tell you how I think we should honor him let the Royal a pair will be brought which the King used to wear and the horse that the King used to ride and the the crown that the King used to wear on his head and let his apparel and the horse be delivered to the hand of one of the Kings most noble princesses that they may arrayed the man with all whom the King delighted to honour and bring him on horseback through the street of the city let's throw a parade for him and proclaim before him thus shall it be done to the man whom the king denied a time then the king said hey man you show right make haste and do everything you said but not for you do it for Mordecai I want you to go back up to verse number four now Haman was come out into the outer court of the King's house to speak unto the king really what he was going to do is he was going to the King's house at this very moment to ask for permission to hang Mordecai I'm telling you right now there's the devil in your life right now seeking permission Satan desires to sift you like wheat but the Bible says Jesus says Peter I prayed for you see sometimes God talks to himself I want to use for us subject today the hangman and I want you to know that there is somebody that is seeking permission to hang you but he won't be able to do it because God has a hitch our protection already situated about you touch the neighbors say the hangman Spirit of the Living God fall fresh upon us it's once again that I come asking for your permission to preach not to entertain but to proclaim that you are the Christ use me and guide me order my steps in your word hide me behind your old rugged cross cover me in your blood that they may see none of me but O Lord all of you I'm yours in your mind use me as an instrument and have me to play the tune of your choice we ask these things in the name of Jesus the Christ and everybody who loves them shout a man may be seated in the presence of the Lord the author of this book is shrouded in mysterious particulars some suggest that its author is its main character brother Mordecai there are those who are antagonistic regarding that approach and suggest that this book is like Hebrews we know not who the author is we don't know we do know possibly we don't it's not as important it's the fact that it is also amazing that we may not know the author equally amazing that from the beginning word of this book to the ending of this book the name of God is not mentioned one time so we may not know its author consequently the book doesn't name its God but although we don't know who the author is and we may not see the name of God in it there is no doubt that his fingerprints are all on it you see sometimes you have to you have to dust a thing to find out who touched it last as we dust this scripture with the aura and the oil of the Holy Spirit we discover that its author may not be prevalent but as God is ever present this story reminds me of sitting in the kitchen at my grandfather's house watching the soap operas I hate it every second of it as the world was turning he was our guiding light you're not careful you'd end up in a General Hospital I used to hate the drama of the soap operas then I grew up and started reading the scriptures recognized it was one book full of drama this book goes right in line with that synopsis there is a king who initiates himself on the scene of the book initially his name is azor eros and he throws this this lavish party he has this party and he invites everybody to come to the party he would show off his wealth for six months at a time and then he would have this party at the end and as he had this party he called everybody together and summoned everybody together he had a queen named vast time he says to the Queen he says I want you to come to the party so that I can show off how beautiful you are I want to show everybody that I got game and I was able to pull a legal tender and I want to show everybody that that I've got the most beautiful girl in the world and vastaa starts the first feminist movement she says I will not I will not come and be paraded around like a piece of meat you're not going to flash me around as if I don't have substance as if I don't have a heart I'm more than a pretty face I can think I will not attend the party and and and as a rare say it so be it if you don't want to come you don't have to come but understand that the rejection of my summons also will add to the elimination of your position you know there are some people that when you don't jump when they tell you to jump when when you don't come when they want you to come they don't see the value of who you are because you don't respond to who they are at that moment it's difficult to respond to somebody who's never the same I wouldn't have a problem responding to who you are but who you are is not who you were and so when you find out who you are let me know so I can respond to that she doesn't come she doesn't come the King says oh alright well that's fine you must you must not know who I am when I say jump you you're supposed to say how high that's fine don't worry about it you don't have to come he goes to the princess and he asks for advice he says what shall we do they say first of all let's banish her but second of all we got to get a hold on this because some of the other women are looking some of the other women are looking and and if we don't get a hold of this all the other women see they got their own interests they say all the other you got to handle your woman because if you don't handle your woman we don't have to handle our woman y'all you see what I'm saying so they say listen you you got to do something because all of the other women are going to start to reject us the other women are going to start to not listen to our authority you've got to been assure the King says that's exactly what we will do but I can't be woman less I've got to find the replacement so I want you to do me a favor go and get all other young fair virgins and some of the beautiful women and and go get them and bring them to me y'all following me so far I'm trying to show you something don't don't don't miss this because when you read this scripture you have a tendency to believe that this story happens in isolation in a vacuum but what God does in this text is he an ish and illuminates and gives us a display that sometimes he uses miracles to solve a problem and other times he suspends miracle maneuverability and introduces providential procedure he says for this case I'm not going to use a miracle for this case I'm gonna use Providence everybody say Providence Providence is a compound word Pro before video to see God gives things before hand Providence he sees to it beforehand watch this that the solution is already created before the problem don't miss this cuz I'm just setting it up so you'll see how good your God is he always has a solution and then there was a problem most people think that there are problems and then God reacts with a solution what to think that God reacts with a solution at the time you have a problem would be to isolate your God and to take him out of eternities past and put him into Kronos and chronology God does not operate in time he rides whole time he never did anything in time God author pink said God is so big that he has a watch pocket it's the size of the earth he says he says watch this he says God sees to it beforehand that there is a solution before there was a problem that that that when Noah created the ark it had never rained so God had Noah build a solution before there was ever a problem before before a man had ever sinned in the garden God had already had Jesus Christ to ensure that there will be a solution before there was a problem now know that historicity would teach us that Jesus came in John that in the beginning was the word and the Word was with God and the Word was God now that may be true that John introduces us to him parenthetically through the scripture but there is a Jesus all the way in back in Genesis chapter 1 for the Bible says in the beginning God said to us let us create man in our own image and after our likeness and and the Bible says that the Spirit of God hovered over the waters which is why I tell people when Peter stepped out of the boat he did not walk on the water he was actually walking on the Spirit Jesus Christ was there before they were seeing Noah created art before there was rain and God probe video had Providence to make sure that all of what was happening in the life of Mordecai was a setup for come back give your neighbor high five and say your setback is a setup for your comeback I don't know who I'm talking to that sitting in the potter's house right now and I don't know who's watching online right now but I came to tell you real quickly be not weary in well-doing for you will reap a harvest if you faint not do i is there anybody in here that knows that you've come too far for God to turn around now and that God has done too much in your life for you to give up now and that that got paid that wait on the Lord shall renew their strength and mount up with wings like eagles I came to tell and about 2,000 of you all just hold on a little while it might not make sense right now you may not understand what God is doing right now but God is working behind the scenes through your hangman to make sure that you go from the back of the line to the front of the line hollaback every Bible says that he throws a party vest Todd doesn't show up the Jews have now been exiled into Persia as herrera's is a Persian king he's looking for a replacement now of all of the beautiful Persian women there are available the one that he picks is a Jewish girl who's in exile who so happens to be the niece of Mordechai who's a surrogate father after the death of the father now you see two things happening at the same time they both are exiles roaming in this Persian land and now you see a elevation happening because motorcar goes from being an exile to the Chief Minister and now Esther goes from being an exile to the new Queen what Esther did not know is that there was somebody in her position that God was already making a way for them to get out of the way so she could step it to her new season I came to tell somebody in here today that God is getting ready to induce an Esther season over your life somebody is living in your house right now somebody is driving your car right now but the only thing they are doing is knocking it down so it can get in your price range who am I talking to in here today you have seen your husband already but God is allowing life to knock him down so that when you find him and he finds you he will be shaped in every area that you need him to be shaped in I don't know who I'm talking to but God is working behind the scenes to make sure that when it is your season you got enough sense to know when it's your time give your neighbor high five and say it's my season it's my time Esther goes from being an exile to sitting on the throne next to her King who am I talking to look at your neighbor say I'm going from an apartment to a house you know I don't know how I'm gonna get there from there to here I don't know how I'm gonna go from catching a bus to owning a bus company I don't know how I'm gonna go from getting my hair done to owning the salon I don't know how I'm gonna go from being where I am to where God watching them but it's not my business of how I'm going to get there all I need to know is when God says go I need to be ready Shep you'll never say get ready as a matter of fact don't get ready stay ready so when it God calls your name y'all I wish I had some ready folk in The Potter's House I wish I had somebody in this place that knew that this is your time [Applause] Esther goes from rejection to royalty in a moment you see sometimes when you're rejected you feel like nobody wants you sometimes when you're rejected you feel like God has forgotten about you but David will tell you their rejection is a container sometimes God rejects you or allows others to reject you so that nobody will have fingerprints on his blueprints sometimes God is doing something in your life he keeps you away from everybody because if your father would have raised you you you would have thought like I'm Yoda if you would have grew up in that house you were trying to grow up me and you be like all your other sisters and brothers that are strung out on drugs right now if you grew up in a house that you wanted to grow up in you would not have the grit and the grind that you have right now if you grew up rich you wouldn't know how to take sugar and grits and put toast in the oven and put some butter on it and sprinkle some sugar and cinnamon on do I have anybody who knows how to take rolling noodles cut some hot dogs up in it and pour some you didn't learn that and I mentioned you learned that it oh you know how to make it cuz you didn't know how you was gonna make it you know how to make it happen because you remember moment in time when the lights wore back do I have anybody in here Esther and Mordecai are exiles and now they are being elevated at the same time because God is proficient at smuggling a deliverance into a dilemma yeah don't miss this God will sometimes smuggle our deliverance into a dilemma you'll be going through a dilemma not knowing that God has a deliverance inside of the dilemma oh I wish I had about 50 people to give somebody else a high five and say that's good news for me I can pick him up and put him down right here I can shout all the way to the poor you mean to tell me all the hell I've been going through was God's Way of getting me to the next level you mean to tell me every liar was getting me one extra closer to the truth you mean to tell me all of those bad relationships was what's what's what's preparation for the sort of thing God you mean to tell me I was broke so that I could become rich you mean to tell oh I know I get it let the weak say I am strong let the poor say snap somebody said was a setup [Music] [Applause] the entire time what you thought was rejection was preparation the entire time every tear you were crying God was pushing you towards destiny every opportunity you felt that the devil had taken away from you God was saying not yet not yet it's not that you're not ready for the opportunity the opportunity is not yet ready for you I got to put some more ingredients into this contraption so that when you get it it'll be full grown Esther come on sit in your seat it ought to be warm I have to the other person written it for you this is your Canaan and I had somebody in it to make sure that the roads were already paved when you arrived had somebody ended already to make sure that you can get houses that you did not bill has somebody in it to make sure that you could get vineyards that you did not plant that's why you need to stop being mad at your enemies they build the stuff so you can get there faster come on Esther it's your time so he comes in and Esther walks in and she becomes the King and now you see this Providence Mordecai is the Chief Minister he has God's heart Esther is now the queen she has his heart look at God maneuvering his way in the person you see him do you see him so he he's not just gonna kick the door down he's an expert at miracle maneuverability he finds this way into Persia through the heart of the king two times through his heart with his wife and through his heart with his chief minister and Mordecai and Esther now are being elevated at the same time now now but there isn't always an antagonist to every good story just when you think everything should be going well the devil always got his hand in the mix anybody know that old devil he always shows up when you don't need him to show up I mean definitely I needed you to show up when the job was paying me full time I don't need you to show up when they cut me down to three-quarter time huh I don't need you to show it when I'm sick I don't need you to show up when my mom's not feeling well I don't need you to show up when I'm at the hospital feeding my father through a tube I don't need you to show up when my children are misbehaving you shouldn't showed up when everything was calm but the devil does not sharp when everything is going well he shows up when you just feel like giving up and at the same time Esther and Mordecai being elevated there was another brother going through the ranks his name is Haman Haman the hangman he's got an executioner's license and and everybody that the King needs to take care of him and say I got you don't don't worry about that you go ahead on and be the king I'll kill everybody that come up against you Hamer's pulling levers and levers and and hanging everybody and and and and here he is now he's being elevated now you got to understand that he also has another problem he hates Jews guess what Mordechai is a Jew not only is he a Jew he's an elevated Jew and Haman is out here trying to annihilate the Jews so much the Bible says that that Mordechai runs out into the street and begins to put ashes and sackcloth on himself he's so frustrated at the plight of his people and now just as Haman is looking to annihilate all of the Jews one keeps popping above the surface after all that he's done to subvert all of the Jews there was just one guy who has an anointing on him that no matter what Haman does he keeps slipping out of the grip of the hangman and and and and now he's being elevated and Haman says I tell you what I'm gonna take a page from Nebuchadnezzar's book I want everybody to bow to me the Bible says everybody bowels except for mark you know when you have an anointing you don't have to bother nobody oh I came to tell somebody in here today that you are so anointed you don't have to play politics you are so annoying that you don't have to subvert you are so anointed you don't have to manipulate slap your neighbors say I'm a win just being me oh I wish I had somebody here saying I'm a win just being me that means if my hair is nappy I'm a win with a nappy head if I'm short I'm gonna win under five feet if I'm skinny I'm a win ten I wish I had somebody in here that new it doesn't matter what you look like on the outside greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world I wish I had about five hundred people here to find somebody and encourage them and say you can win just like you all you have to do is speak like she's speaking walk like you walking like you a can sing like you singing talk like you talk because God is not looking for somebody who looks like you want to be God is looking for somebody who looks like what you ought to be slap somebody say I'm a win just like this you don't need a bitly to win you can win in a Corolla you don't have to live on a hill to win you could be under a bridge right now I'm telling you I serve a god that can come and find you where you are dust you off put your feet on straight street and have you from an exile to experience do I have anybody in this split matter of fact I want to give you about 15 seconds to start praising God in advance that you're getting ready to go from where you are to a matter of fact give your neighbor how father say here's the new me I'm blessed and highly favored never should have killed me when he had a chance he should have killed me when I was old blood pressure pills he should have killed me when I was in the hospital but he messed around and let me get to the potter's house Mordechai house and anointing the purpose of oil is to create an environment where friction is impossible so now that he has an oil you loan him every time Haman tries to grab him the Rope won't work because he's anointed do you know what should have happened to you already good god a bush do you know where you already should be do you know that you ought to be dead so what do you know that you should already be in an insane asylum with your hands wrapped around your back but you made it out I wish I had somebody who had the devil he almost happy but I'll slip out of it that's why when you get in that car accident and everybody looked at that car and said how did you get out of that look at them and say the oil I gotta get out of here I'm approved to you I'm approved to you that God's got your back alright d-day has arrived Haman is now walking up the steps to the palace getting ready to seek permission to hang Haman Mordecai and as he's going up to seek permission the Bible says the day before point number one God gives the King insomnia he cannot sleep and he says since I cannot sleep somebody go and get the Chronicles and bring them to me it was like a presidential briefing it would help him to make better decisions on what was going on in the king and the province he says go read me the Chronicles and they began to read to him the chronicles and say on this day that happened on this day that happened on this day that happened and the other day when you were getting ready to come through the door there were two doorkeepers that were going to lay hands on you and kill you but Mordecai saw it and he foiled the plot if Azhar eris would have had a good night's sleep that night Mordecai would have been sleep forever so God gives him insomnia and keeps him up so that way when it was time for him to die it would not happen in his sleep it happened while he was a woke in a Bible says that he they began to read to him the Chronicles and they said no this guy Mordechai saved your life there were two guys that was standing at the door and they were going to kill you can I help you real quickly the devil does his best business at the door the Bible says that we've got three doors three gates we've got our ear gate my gate and I'm mouth gate those are the three ways that the enemy is trying to get in your life right now I bet you if you look at it right now there are people trying to say things to you that that would that would subvert your energy there there are things that you're seeing right now that you don't know what to do and there are things that are coming out of your mouth that you don't normally say but I came to tell somebody give your neighbor high five and say guard your doors guard your doors make sure you don't hear anything there's a matter of fact I want you to stop having conversations with all of these negative people and I don't care if it is your mama I don't care if it is your sister matter found trying to get somewhere we can be related but I refuse to be depressed I'll come I'll come to dinner on Sunday but I will not come to your pity party on Monday I will reverse my curse and make sure that I get myself out of all of the negative situations in my life I'm tired of seeing negativity I'm tired of hearing negativity I'm tired of Caesar I have anybody who's tired of it you know it is possible to be related to people and still not relate with them I don't have to be the press cuz we kid when you stop depressing me I'll show back up have you ever been around people every time you come around here always there how you doing well how you sleep last night not good how can you not sleep every night for a year you be dead you sleeping good sometime how you sleep it work I ain't sleep at all how you ain't never slept you got to be careful because sometimes we walk through doors and we call it a blessing but you'd understand that there are two three four assassins waiting on you to walk through your doors King has insomnia he can't sleep and now Mordecai is alive you know I thought about that and I came to tell y'all God's got a blessing so big for you there's somebody gonna have to lose sleep for you to get it some of y'all just put a loan in at the bank last night the banker was up with your name on this thing just touch her never say I got a blessing so big somebody's gonna have to salut sleep for me to get it there's a banker right now a creditor right now somebody who's looking at your name at an on an application somebody who's looking your name on the certificate there's somebody right now they can't sleep your name keeps popping up what is it about Johnny what is it about Mary what is it about Susie I don't know who they are God's gonna keep somebody up until they bless you matter of fact I want you to look at your neighbor say neighbor I'm Michele so that you can stay woke because you might be the one God's gonna use I dare you to wake up every day and person in your section and count until they get up because it [Applause] touch your neighbor say this is a no sleeping section matter of fact look down your whole row and say if you own this road this is a praising section because if God is blessing your neighbor it means he's in the neighborhood if you got somebody who looks blessed you ought to start shopping because if God did it for bill look and say are you blessed are you bless are you blessed if your neighbors blessed it means God is in the neighborhood somebody ought to start giving God some glory tell you gonna learn today you're gonna learn a day my blessing is connected to you you're not gonna sit here and sleep somebody gonna wake up until I get what's mine somebody gonna wake up until the blessing is released in my life somebody is gonna wake up until the roof off the windows of heaven open and the somebody messes which you've got to disturb their sleep you ain't got to worry about it right now right now they woke eyes open don't know why cuz you can't mess with a king's kid I wish I have somebody I might not be perfect but I'm here I might have been wrong but I'm here I might not be what you think I should be but I'm here somebody's shot I'm here messing around with me you be walking next year I gotta let y'all go you know and I don't mean to say this but you know what I like about Mordecai when when he when they recorded what happened they recorded the names of the two dudes who tried to get him so I like Mordecai cuz he don't have the Ministry of somebody said now I'm gonna come through I'm gonna come up through here and get some of y'all man and I'm hitting and quitting I'm gonna be yelling out of here but but but he don't have the Ministry of somebody said I can't stand for who come and tell me what they said but can't tell me who they are you get quiet how you got enough nerve to tell me what they said but can't tell me who they is part of my ebonic relapse and then my second question is why are they comfortable saying what they said you know why because loyalty is a grown man's game kids can't be loyal you got to be grown to be loyal you got to be grown to say let me tell you Bishop such-and-such said such and such and you can tell such-and-such get out panting tell him I live in 96 45 I don't go to sleep to 10:30 I can't stand folk could always tell about what they say then why are they comfortable saying it to you because wherever you are complicit that's what your honor goes so if you conceal the liar then you care more about the liar than the person you tell him the truth to that joke I said it was him and it was him and you can tell them that I said how many y'all got that in you ha I know this is the potter's house I know this is official crap how many y'all got that kind of gangster in you just touch the neighbors say I'm saved but I ain't delivered I I'm on my way I still got a little hood left in me now I know the Bible and I know how to pray and and and I got a nice little living room set but if you backed me into a corner I know how to say is it and I show enough know how to say good lord I gotta get can you stop expecting loyalty from people who don't give you honesty y'all gonna make me just forget about my whole little sermon can you stop expecting loyalty from people who can't give you out if they can't be honest how they gonna be loyal King has insomnia now he has an inquiry okay Mordecai saved my life what has been done for him what y'all do about it look at all the jealous folk none we do nothing that's what he posed to do he said it's not our custom to allow these kinds of acts to go unrewarded it is our custom in Persia to reward people especially at this level who's in the courts entered into his gates with Thanksgiving enter into his courts with praise so there's a difference between the gates and the courts say I can get through the gates with Thanksgiving but I can't get into the course until I praise because Thanksgiving will get you on the premises but praise will get you the promises sis so who's out in the courts and making decisions it just so happens this day that the person who's in the courts that have to make the decision on what's about to befall and be bestowed upon Mordecai is the hangman Haman is in the court today but Haman doesn't know that the king makes a decree that he wants to honor somebody he says we're just gonna honor somebody and I need some advice on what we should do for that somebody Hema says well of course he wants to honor me oh whatever he be talking about there was no one greater than me hey man I've done everything he's ever actually to do of course this is for me King I tell you what we should do you know that role that Givenchy robe that you had I want you to pull that one out I want you to go and get your Prada crown and I want you to go get your Ferrari horse now I want you to go get it not only be gonna get it we're gonna have a parade we're gonna ride whoever you're talking about now I don't know who you're talking about but whoever you're talking about we go out of him brother King because that's what she's supposed to do we're gonna honor we're gonna have a parade fall in his honor and oh and by the way I think that you should have one of your princess to be the one to bestow the honor that's what I think you ought to do that's what up yep that's it that's my recommendation so say you came King says you know what do that do all that don't let no no what you say it fall off but here's the caveat do it for Mordecai oh I came to tell somebody in here that God had your enemy plan your elevation slap your neighbors say the devil did it that girl that don't like you at the job is the reason why you about to be promoted God is using some finally belief who to bless you do all that answer but do it for Mordecai you know sometimes God will use somebody else to open up a thing for you the Bible says that when Elijah was by the brook that he commanded a raven to feed them but you do know that the beak of a raven it's not strong enough to pick through the flesh of an animal so how can a raven who does not have the ability to kill nor to to get flesh from an animal take it to somebody who needs it well what a raven does is he flies and he waits on the wolves to catch it and when the wolves catch it and bite it and open it up then it goes down because even God makes a way for a scavenger and uses somebody else to open it up for him if God will open it up for the Raven he oh I wish I had somebody in here that would start praising God right now you thought it was gonna be too tough to get in you thought it was gonna be too tough but God sent me to tell you that he already sent somebody to open it up for you give your neighbor high five and say it's an open season for you it's an open door for you it's an opportunity for you and God has already used somebody else to open it up do all that but it isn't for you it's for Mordecai who do you understand the words that are coming out of my mouth I said Mordecai huh you talking about that cab that didn't buy Oh Bible says he went home and told his wife he was sick do you know how sick your enemies get watching God promotes you matter of fact you need to just carry alka-seltzer in your pocket every time you pass by the enemy there you go I know you're gonna be sick there you go there's somebody's sick right now that's why they won't call you that's why they won't show up that's why oh it was traffic I couldn't make it oh you a sick says I have an announcement everybody I need you to announce I need you to proclaim that Mordecai is being elevated I see a shadow because it's the same way Jesus came in Bible says that John proclaimed that there was one coming you see because every time God elevates you there's always an announcement that comes first I came to make an announcement y'all just miss what I said every time God gets ready to Elevation he sent somebody to announce and I came all the way to Dallas to make an announcement it's your time I came to make an announcement it's your season I came to make an announcement that you are not the head the tail you are the head I came to make an announcement that you are no longer the bar you are the lender I came to make an announcement that is your season matter of fact would you help me help somebody tell us the announcement is here in it's time for you to walk into your season of elevation somebody shot this is my year now while I'm announcing you can't just be sitting there like okay that's cool if I announce it you better shout about it if I now said you better give God glory if I'm announcing you better give God some praise do I have anybody [Music] that's real cute that's real cute that's real cute because what you're thinking God boys what you already had this is not your old position this is a new position so since this of new position you don't have to have a new price let everything somebody's shop [Applause] somebody said tell you later I got announced when I got an announcement I got announcement about a time this year's over you won't be single anymore I got an announcement I got an announcement by the time this year is over you're gonna be a millionaire I got an announcement I got an announcement I got an announcement I know you lost your hair and chemo but God told me to tell you the next time you go back to the doctor they won't be able to find anything I got an announcement I got an announcement I got an announcement I got enough blood question is skipping over a generation I got an announcement my petition is skipping over I got an announcement God's about to elevate you I got one else when your kids are coming off of drugs I got an announcement your nephew is getting out of jail I got an announcement the loan that's been approved I've got an announcement the marriage is going to survive I've got an announcement [Applause] I just saw something I just saw something the King has insomnia the King has an inquiry after his insomnia and his inquiry he's about to give mordecai and inheritance how are you an heir when you're not in the bloodline inheritance I can't be an heir because I'm not related you don't have to be related when you are anointed go give the go gift Mordecai all of what you say it all that needs you to take all of that and I need you to give it to him but I love what God says next he says I know you hate them so I'm not gonna let you give it to him when you want to cuz some people will have stuff for you but they're holding as long as they can the king says God says through the King make haste in other words do it oh I came to tell somebody that I ain't talking about next year I ain't talking about next month snap your neighbor say right now I wish I had somebody who'll praise God right now some on the show right now right now right now right now not later but now [Applause] I'm the Korean declare that by the time you get to the parking lot the glory will already be released all your life by the time you get home the miracle will already be done matter of fact your husband is watching online and you've been praying for he's shouting the literal cut artist guys about to take you from the rope to the robe now Haman permission denied you cannot hang Mordecai but you can't bless him King nope I can't I can't do it I found a loophole in the contract you said that the person who was going to bless him had to be a prince I'm not a prince I'm an executioner no problem I wrote the contract I can make an addendum I now promote you to be a prince which means that sometimes God has to elevate your enemies to bless you don't get mad when you see your enemies getting blessed because the gap between you and them are so wide that God has to lift them up so they can reach you I'm going to make you a prince so that my Providence can be upheld now go do what I say and he goes to bless him but after the Kings insomnia and his inquiry and his passing of the inheritance let's skip now and lastly look at mordekaiser integrity because now he's blessed and two things happen the Bible says Haman gets an attitude and goes home and tells his wife there's an attitude starts hating on what happened to Mordecai Mordecai got blessed and went back to the same position that he was in before he got blessed see that's what integrity is can you do your old job with new accolades motorcade I said I'm too big for that now I got too many members to go shake hands I got my companies too big to go out and do customer service I don't do care I don't do the cash register any more I'm beyond that God says I'm testing you to make sure that you don't allow your inheritance to injure your integrity can you go back to the place where you were hurt and operate differently because of what God is doing in your life because God says I can't send an old you to a new place she really knew what was happening you wouldn't be depressed if you really knew what was happening you wouldn't be talking about church hurt what a devil's remote Christmas all from churches with that church hurt terminology did anything I've ever seen in my life they hurt you at your job you'll be there tomorrow date every time I go to the grocery store and see how much they charge for milk I get hurt but I go back hurts my feelin's how much bread cost these days you go to the dentist they hurt you you'll be back in six months goes back right where he was richer did he ever been but more humble than he had ever been goes right back and said mama I I'm just here to serve I'm not gonna let my blessing cause me to not be one you know you knew what was going on you you wouldn't be as depressed as you are he's he's using all of this the story closes Haman bills the gallows to hang Mordecai but keep reading he actually built his own coffin not only does he hang by a thread that tell you who is that sure of two weeks ago but ten of his sons hang from the same rope what the devil meant for evil god it's gonna turn it around for your good the hangman in your life ought to teach you that the rope they have for you is for them don't you fret don't you worry a Thousand shall fall 10,000 but none shall come now that'll be somebody here right now to begin to praise God that you face that rope you face those obstacles you faced depression you faced suicidal thoughts you faced it all but is there anybody in here that's glad that you made it do I have any survivors and the Potter's House somebody ought to begin to praise him right now do I have any survivors I don't feel no waste time I want to lift your hands in this place I've come too far from where I started started from [Music] nobody told me that the road [Music] listen I don't want I don't want to get you in a rhythm I want to keep your worship this is if your hands wherever you are lift your hands will be on no fall against you shall prosper yeah whoa this is my favorite part God will do just what he said he would do he will stand by anybody no he'll come through [Music] no I'm gonna lift those hands on this place [Music] [Applause] somebody lit those had to say God will do just what he said he would do anybody know he'll stand by his word [Music] should have been me [Music] with No anybody know I could have been left alone what's out of bread I'm just another number with a tragic in but he did not see fit to let none of these things be but everyday by his power he keeps all keeping me Paige [Music] it could have been me or somebody was about to kiss the hope somehow to catch on in here without afraid I just another number with a tragic in but he did not see fit he keeps all keeping me come on the little stand there and say played you [Music] [Music] I said [Music] [Music] I gotta let you go but I hear what a friend we have in Jesus all our sins and griefs today anybody know he's got a friend in what [Music] to not just some things but Oh Oh what peace we often Oh what needless pain we bear [Music] and it's not because he doesn't love us it's all because everything I don't know who you are I don't know where you're standing I don't know where you're sitting there is a move of the Holy Ghost in this place I believe that some of you all have been facing the gallows all of your life hanging on by a thread you're blessed financially but still feel trapped in hey some people would think oh because you have what you have you are not have any problems that's not true it doesn't it doesn't matter what you have what matters is who has you and no matter what Haman is doing in your life whether you live on the hill or the bottom of a mountain under bridge it doesn't matter God is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him be not weary and you're well doing hug your neighbor tell him God's got your back God's got your back God's got your back God's got so bad guys guess what [Music] everything everything hook somebody else telling me everything [Music] or you ought to spend across the aisle and find somebody who looks like they need a touch telling me everything [Music] you are find somebody who looks like they need a check which man [Music] [Applause] [Music] there is nothing that's too hard for God [Music] [Music] come on you ought to give a brain hallelujah from the rising of the Sun to the setting of the same he is worthy to be praised rejoice in the Lord after you rejoice again I say rejoice smuggling deliverances into your dilemmas it looks bad right now but it ain't going in like that you're gonna have the last laugh I will never ever forget I was in Fort Wayne Indiana I went over to Tacoma Washington to get my master's degree in theology and I saw a man and when I saw that man he said God told me to tell you that you're gonna be the next pastor of my church at that time I was pastoring a church that I started with five people in the town that only had five thousand african-americans I started the church I was 21 years old I was a senior in college at the same time I was so Baptist I named the church the pilgrim rest Missionary Baptist Church at 21 my first five charter members were seventh between the ages of 72 and 93 everybody can I thought now everybody came to church sleep they would sleep before service started I remember our first offering was $12 15 cents i pastored that church never got paid a salary - after the twelfth month my first salary was $50 a month hmm then they moved me up to 250 and I thought oh wait I'm balling Saloni may heal Jessie Henderson Vanessa Henderson Bonita early I remember him I remember I had to bury him and I remember crying being in my twenties doing funerals like that started that church I never will forget though I was in California preaching and I came back and the water main had broken in the basement and I got back the look church that we was written $500 a month had 8 feet of water in the basement that no longer house service didn't know what we were going to do what was I gonna do with this $12,000 a year enterprise that was all I had I remember young man told me he said he was preaching I won't say his name he said to me he says that both wisdom and money are answers and he looked at me and he said money answers all things and he read Psalms 112 to me and I began to recite some 112 and then he said I need a hundred and twelve dollar seed now you're gonna ask somebody for 112 dollars to get paid $50 a month you must have the wrong person and then he's proceeded to see as if he read my mind and he said and some of y'all are thinking how we're gonna do it now see that means nothing in here when I say 112 dollars you have to imagine I'm in a town where there not enough people to fill up this church you see the difference and when he said 112 dollars we heard one thousand and one hundred and twelve dollars that's what we heard and he acts forward and what I did is I took 112 dollars I put it on the altar and I remember saying God can you use this hundred and twelve dollars to bless this church because listen this 112 dollar offering was larger than the whole month's budget at the time so I gave it the next Sunday in walks a couple that owns a beauty shop in the barber shop they walk in and they say oh this is our grandmother she told us about you and we just came over here to make sure that our grand mama is in good hands yeah not knowing that those two people had six kids who came with him that day so the church doubled I never forget I preached the sermon car I want to be a player no more first Corinthians chapter 13 you know we when Paul talks about putting away childish things they joined the church kids join the church where the kids brought their friends and brought their boyfriend then another couple came in and they were barbers him and their own beauty shops cuz you know they were going to community and before you know it in the first year the church had grown to a hundred and twenty people we were in a whole year with five I planted a hundred and twelve dollars 120 in the next 12 months listen to me the only thing that can break a cycle is a seed every woman in here who's ever had a baby it was a seed that broke your cycle think about it cuz since y'all act like I only see it when we stand before you and and we raise offerings a lot of people say oh my god did it go with that again I remember one lady came up to me and she said she said she said past it just bothered me you you talked about the offering for for 20 minutes she said it just vexed my spirit I say you know what Victor's my spirit is that you drove two hours to go to work and work 40 hours to get it and it wasn't enough you did more work to go get what wasn't enough I spent time trying to show you how to make not enough into more than enough this is Dallas the traffic is terrible I remember coming in one time it took me seven days to go to miles I've started on Sunday I didn't finish to Monday I think it was something like when we do this we're not trying to get anything out of you were trying to put something in you you know my testimony I came my first desk was a TV dinner tray I still got it at my house now every time I eat my wife bring got it's the same tray how y'all mama had a - I knew it was for him they were like kind of like color and and it came on the little handle thing and it got a little weak but you keep them trays don't you and maybe you got a little over now and it's holding your flower or something like that at the house and trays lasted forever didn't he still got it to this day still to this day I still I ate off of his Sunday I did on Mother's Day did not baby mm-hmm because I didn't mind going back to my old post I'm gonna ask you to do something and I don't really have any anxiety if you can't it's it's fine with me I'm gonna tell you what the Lord told me and and we're gonna go home because we're done I want first of all for me and I told my wife or do it I'm gonna I'm gonna give my tithes here today I'm gonna give my ties here at the potter's house today because this is my church this is my bishop this is my pastor alone that I'm gonna give 1112 dollar seed because when I started this journey I did it with 112 and now God has elevated me so I'm gonna do it on another level if anybody wants to match me and do that baby if you'll bring me that envelope y'all give a hand of my wife I'll have a stand with me if you're if you're if you'll do that with me if you'll do that with me I want I want those of you who will match ups with this 1112 dollar Caesars of Psalms 112 see we've done this so many times God has bestowed life if you if you'll meet me here at the altar I want you to meet me here right right quick that's and it doesn't you know pressure if you don't want to do it you don't have to this is not a half - this is a warrant to the rest of you of one hundred and twelve dollars see and we're gonna leave it's not a fifty dollar line it's not a twenty dollar line it's not a if you can't do that get as close as you can that's fine but those of you who will meet me at this altar let me tell you something let me tell you something prosperity is having enough divine resources for a divine cause that's what prosperity is it's not having a lot of money is just having enough to do what God wants you to do with it when most people tell me I don't have any money I find out they don't have a plan if you find a plan God to give you the money to match their plan Amen somebody hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah people are still coming from the back do me a favor and tell the people who are thinking about it say hurry up so we can go home don't think about it long we're only gonna be here as long as you want to be if you don't have anything do me a favor just give a praise for these who are coming just praise God for them go come it's still coming still coming one of the reasons why I do this how many of y'all know that when the bishop was going since he's such a high level preacher and all of that you know everything goes down when a when a person like that it's not here so you know how many people got online today and saw I wouldn't him and said oh I'm gonna stay sleep do you know how many people that waited online to see if he was gonna stand up before they left their house to come here and so when everything like that happens it goes down but how many of you want to make sure that when he gets back he can't even feel it he doesn't even know anything happened because it's our job to hold up his arms come on Potter's house we're gonna make sure that he knows that God can continue to use him all around the world and that this house after 20-some odd years we are mature enough to be able to operate in his absence am I right about that it's still coming they're still coming god bless you they're still coming the rest of you getting your one hundred and twelve dollar gift together and we're gonna stand we're going to give together we're gonna stand we're gonna give together as a matter of fact once you get that hundred and twelve dollar seed or whatever you're gonna give just stand up wherever you are the PMT's are getting in order right now and those of you all who back there you need an ink pen okay he got one right here let's ask him can you borrow thank you Jesus thank you [Music] who are we praising and what is he he's worthy from the rising still coming god bless you
Channel: Pastor Keion Henderson
Views: 21,064
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Keion Henderson, Bishop Jakes, TD Jakes, Potter's House, Dallas, Lighthouse Church, Houston, Elevation, Hang Man
Id: -kfLbTOeE7g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 0sec (5400 seconds)
Published: Mon May 21 2018
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