Women, What’s Your Cringy “Nice Guy” Story?

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women of reddit what's your cringy nice guy story he wanted to impress upon me what a good guy he was and he was also too scared to ask me out like a normal person he killed two birds with one stone by having his split personality tell me it really wanted to kill me but nice guy was bravely holding it back because he liked me so much obviously i fell head over heels immediately i was friends with a co-worker we had hung out a few times socially after work and got along well but it never really occurred to me to wonder if he was interested in me at that point in my life i did not get a lot of male attention and honestly was pretty cringy myself but that's for a different thread anyway we were walking side by side and i guess he went to put his arm around me it surprised me like that someone is tapping you on the opposite shoulder trick and i turned abruptly he took it as incredibly rude gave me an angry lecture about leading people on and how disgusting you make someone feel when you literally flinch from their touch and called me a bee oh sorry for my reflexes about a week later another friend came to me at work to let me know that guy was telling everyone i was a w who was sleeping my way through the department nice the dumbest part was that i probably would have gone on a date with him if he'd asked i just had no idea he was thinking along those lines a bullet dodged in high school a guy i barely knew tried to convince me to tell my parents that i was going to a friend's house but really go hang out with him i was normally rebellious but got the feeling that my parents would be right in telling me i couldn't spend time with him i politely rejected his offer and blamed my parents so it wouldn't be awkward and he retaliated by covering my dad's car and died tampons patrick you're a freaking creep what a waste of tampons i've seen two guys get into a fist fight at an office christmas party over who was going to help an intoxicated 27 year old married woman get home i managed one of these guys and subsequently found out he had sent her 80 emails in one day with all that why won't you talk to me we're friends etc stuff he was fired but couldn't see how he had done anything wrong this actually just happened recently my good friend from college and i along with other friends from our program went out to a bar to celebrate finishing our degree he kept feeding me shots but i figured everyone just wanted to be drunk and have a good time the night is coming to an end and i'm quite incapacitated my good friend frantically approaches me saying that he had just seen a guy put something in my drink which i had just finished he told me that i would soon be unconscious and it was best that he take me back to his apartment so he could take care of me being heavily drunk and also quite scared i agreed and he helped me back to his apartment after making me something to eat and giving me some water we set up camp for the night on his couch he put on a movie and he said he would sit and watch me sleep to make sure i didn't throw up or anything as i started to dis off he started touching me first on my feet and knees and then my upper thigh i confronted him about it and he said after everything he had done he felt he deserved compensation i laughed it off but after he tried to make a move again i got angry and we began fighting he exposed to me that no one had put anything in my drink and it was all a ploy to allow him to make his move after some more arguing he decided it was best i left and he kicked me out of his apartment at 3am while i was still considerably drunk this is someone whom i've trusted and spent four years being friends with safe to say i'll be a lot more speculative with future male friends that's so freaking rappy and manipulative right after high school a guy came out of the woodworks and told me that he had a crush on me i thought it was nice but i just did not like him he was always buying me presents and dropping them off at my mom's house i always said thanks but told him i just wasn't entrusted we had the same group of friends so i would see him from time to time when i would see him he would pull me aside and politely ask me to go on a date with him i told him that i just didn't see him that way one day i ran into him at the store and he asked me out again and i went on this long rant about how i was going off to college and i didn't want to be tied down he ended up asking me out again i ended up walking away he came up behind me and pushed me he has this evil look in his eye and i ran to my car and called my mom he ended up messaging me a couple days later and telling me that he's just mad because god told him i was the one he was going to marry i blocked him on all social media and my phone he still managed to get my new address when i moved off to college and one time he drove almost an hour to my apartment he knocked on my door and he handed me a bag of my favorite candy i flipped out like i should have done many times before and i threatened to call the cops and get a restraining order i've seen him once in the last seven years with his wife and new baby i hope he has changed so not a stereotypical nice guy really but i met him at a party gave him a ride home and after belting out don't stop believing together he asked for my number we went on one date and texted for a week then saturday morning i woke up to 50 plus texts that started with asking what i was doing sleeping because i worked in the morning and went all the way up to i should just kill myself since no one wants to talk to me i told him that was unacceptable as i had already told him i worked saturday morning but even if i hadn't there's no reason to text me over 50 times if i'm not answering i'm not answering he whined about being so nice and how good he was to me and blah blah blah blah blah thankfully when my friends asked why i was ignoring such a nice guy showing them the texts was enough for them to drop it i met him at a party gave him a ride home and after belting out don't stop believing together he asked for my number i always find it way more mortifying when the story starts off with totally normal and cute behavior i'd forgotten about this until i read this thread like a lot of these stories i've had more than my fair share of nice guys tm but this guy was definitely the worst this guy messaged me on ocupid he was 62 not necessarily a deal breaker except i was 20 and he was a dozen years older than my parents i said thanks but no thanks i was uncomfortable with that much of an age difference good luck out there he flipped non-stop messages vacillating between how i would regret this weedling compliments and apologies and call me a w a s a blue baller etc literally dozens upon dozens of messages a day he was a lawyer he had ways of making me regret this i would never do as good as him no other man would treat me so well and i'm a w if i say no on and on this was many years ago at the time you could report someone for harassment on occupant but it didn't stop that person from messaging you finally i told him i would meet him in the city at a popular college bookstore at 2pm wouldn't you know it i somehow forgot to go after another day or two of the rating for standing him up he got the hint and disappeared a 62 year old lawyer really should think about their public image should say a screenshot of harassing communications get out in the public or to the partners at his firm or something along those lines i was 21 at a bar doing research for a paper and this really old be a ghost kind of business looking dude starts talking to me telling me i'm cute asking to buy me a drink i say no thanks not interested and he says i'm not pretty enough to reject him well apparently i am i met a guy one night after a night out exchanged numbers he was handsome seemed normal we met for dinner and i was surprised when he brought flowers and a bottle of wine as it was our first date and we knew nothing about each other yet throughout dinner i noticed that he would ask questions but not listen to my answers he seemed in his own world as if he was preparing his next question very robotic he mentioned that his sister was out of town until he was house sitting for her in the building a few blocks away okay even though he weirded me out a bit i was young and still felt like things were going fairly well anyways when we left he was walking me to my car i was wearing heels and as such felt comfortable holding onto the crook of his arm for support as we walked as we walked he tried to persuade me to come into the apt building that he was supposedly house-sitting we'll go up to the rooftop he said best view in hollywood which was the clincher for me bc it was so corny and also so creepy i kept saying no no i have to get up early etc when we got next to the building he tightens his grip on me and said what's your problem his facade dropped and he looked scary and angry i bought you flowers i brought wine i paid for dinner as if he was checking off abc is supposed to equal d then we were having fun where and we end was pulling me towards the door and twisting my arm i pulled away from him and literally ran to my car and pulled off i have no doubt he would have raped worse me if i hadn't i know this is beyond nice guys but the way he felt that he had systematically performed his steps and earned more from me the horror stays with me tl dr first date with a normal seeming handsome guy who seemed to think if he robotically went through the steps of a successful first date that i owed him to be forced into an apt building and got scary angry when i refused i had to run that's actually why i don't wear heels on the first few dates sometimes you gotta run i used to work at gamestop and the building was connected to a starbucks he recognized me from high school it was a year under me so i had no idea who he was i generally kept to myself he'd talk to me as i waited for my order and he seemed pretty cool a couple weeks later he tells me i'm pretty and if we could hang out i'm engaged so i told him outright he promised me that he just wanted to be friends and i'm apparently a very gullible person he'd get me free starbucks tell me i'm a great artist yada yada about two weeks later he asks me to meet him at a bar because he is upset about something trying to be a good friend i go to comfort him so i go to the bar and he's already drunk i didn't drink because if things turned sour i could just leave he gets all feely on my thigh i tell him i'm uncomfortable so he stops apologizes that he's drunk i kick his butt to pool and he asks me to go smoke with him i don't smoke cigarettes but sure i'll go talk he pushed me against the wall kiss me and put his hand in my pants i fought him back but a dude leaving the bar got him off of me no nice guy will ever be trusted again tl dr he used my gullible nature against me and tried to rape me there was a customer who came into the coffee shop where i worked i asked him what he wanted to drink and he moaned something that will fix a broken heart i forced a smile while he told me that he had been stood up again i smiled through all of it and when he still hadn't told me what he was going to order i suggested what i like to drink he asked what it would cost and i said no charge tomorrow's another day i made his order and went back to finish washing dishes he came back in and brought me a cosmo magazine saying he was a magazine vendor and he thought i might like it and thanks for being nice i said no problem wished him a good night and forgot about him a few days later my co-worker races to the back to tell me this guy was back and blocking our drive through now when he came in last time i had my wedding ring on a necklace because i didn't like to wear it when i was washing dishes i asked her what he wanted and she said he was demanding to talk to me i said tell him i'm not here she says he saw your car okay that is creepy he knew what i was driving i reluctantly come out after popping my wedding ring on my finger the guy has a large bundle of carnations and a box of chocolate and is in one of those big old 1970s vans with the little circle window on the back row i made sure my ring was very visible and made sure to fiddle with it i came up to the window and asked how i could help and he saw my ring his face reddened and his tone became very threatening where did you get that ring this ring my husband gave it to me on our wedding day seven years ago he is p he begins to bellow at me you weren't wearing that last time i was you just didn't see quiet you be i tease freaking ass like you that keep nice guys like any from getting a date he threw the carnations at the window as we pulled it shut in a panic he beat on his steering wheel and honked the horn and yelled profanities we were about to call the police and were locking the cafe doors when he squealed out of the drive-through almost knocking the patio furniture over yeah he was a super nice guy oh geez i went to school with a nice guy neck beard anime katana sword wielding r i am various kind of guy he would talk about how girls only like the big jock guys and how they neglect the smart intellectuals like him he also talked about how he was waiting for a girl to be smart enough and good enough for him which doesn't make any sense at all but okay he weighed about 90 pounds had vampire pale skin and bleach blonde hair which he wore at an awkward too long in the front length so it could cover his eyes he started hanging around where i would eat lunch my freshman year of high school no one wanted him around but we were nice and we would just smile anyway neck but would get while eraser close to me making up reasons to touch me i am really short so he would set his arm on my head grab my shoulders just awkward and wanted touching so i told him to hey maybe don't touch me he did not get the message in fact the not so sly hair smelling weird touching increased and i said zip cuz i was shy well he got my number from one of my friends and started sending me those creepy asterisk messages example hey good looking walks over to you and puts arm around you i missed you runs hand over your soft hair hugs you feeling your nice boobs press against my strong manly chest i didn't respond and they just got worse and worse he sent me a shirtless photo that nearly blinded me i texted him telling him what he was doing was making me uncomfortable but that didn't stop him he started us to risk texting me about how he was gonna rape me and how i was gonna call him daddy and like it i learned how to block someone on verizon that day i never told anyone about it i had to go to four years of high school with this kid getting too close making me so uncomfortable tldr nice guy neck but won't stop sexually harassing me at school sends me texts about how he's gonna rape me i block him he still tries to hang around me at school high school sucked comma he sent me a shirtless photo that nearly blinded me this is a really scary experience and i'm so sorry you were threatened like that but this line made me laugh so hard some guy messaged me online and seemed nice enough asked if i'd like to meet up with him i said sure he tells me a starbucks between our places and said he'd see me in 30 minutes i was like whoa not right now it's 10 p.m he said okay but he'd like to keep talking to me if it was all right a few days later this exchange happens over messenger him hey what's up me nm how are you him i'm good me good five minutes past so i assume he was busy for a sec him well if you don't have anything to say you freaking be don't let me on and let me think that we can be together you're nothing but a freaking w anyways only w lead nice guys like me on frick you freak you you freaking w yep nice guy met up with a guy from collegiateclub.com and we had planned for a quick bite to eat i had forgotten my wallet so he came to my dorm room with me to quickly grab it we get there and he immediately starts looking around at all my off photos etc around the room he finds my homer simpson slippers and a rooster beanie boo my nephew had left there he takes the rooster and stuffs it in homer's mouth and makes it move as if the slipper was chewing and says look at me i am vain i create suffering for animals so i can feast selfish hungry bee i was speechless but then he opens my drawer and starts throwing makeup around saying this is tested on animals i am vain animals suffer from my beauty and then opened my wardrobe and started throwing clothes around saying these things have been made in sweatshops my friend called security on him tell us more about vainlord i work retail and have for more than 25 years i once about nine years ago when i worked in a liquor store had an older customer that would come in and i thought play flirt with me a lot of customers play flirted with me so i didn't think anything of it plus this guy was like twice my age and i was no spring chicken i had no idea that he seriously thought we were really flirting until one day he asked me out not in a regular way mind you oh no he said so we've known each other for a while now i'll just wait until you're off tonight and then we can go out i'll take you to expensive restaurant i politely declined he went ballistic long story short the manager banned him from the store for life thank god i lost a bunch of weight and my ex from high school contacted me out of the blue he pretended he wanted to catch up and claim that he was in a committed relationship so i'll let him visit me i was very naive long story short we had non-consensual sex and he outright said that the reason he contacted me was that i owed him my body because he suffered so much embarrassment having to date me while i was fat what the frick he was a nice guy but had his friend stalk me in an online mmo after i was late texting him back he was also super passive aggressive like i see you online but you aren't responding to my messages the straw that broke the camel's back was when he showed up at my college campus which was an hour from where he lived and wanted to randomly hang out but he wasn't a creepy stalker he was just a nice guy i didn't understand help the girl i like won't respond to my emails greet letter omega i went on a first date with a guy casual date for coffee it wasn't terrible but it was obvious that we didn't really click that well he did the typical nice guy stuff during the date where he talked about how he was different from other guys knew how to treat a woman some talking down on jim bross etc i ended the date pretty quickly as i wasn't really feeling it and had just gotten off of a midnight shift so it was past my bedtime he insisted on walking me to my car and opening the door for me fine whatever then he hugged me and when we went to break apart he tried kissing me i turned my face and he immediately got agitated blocked me from entering my car and said what no kiss i'm a pretty easy going intolerant person but that was the first time something like that had ever happened and i immediately felt a slight bit of fear as the guy was blocking my car and was about six feet four so much larger than me i immediately put on my super serious face and said no sorry i really need to be getting home now and luckily he moved took a bit of a break from dating after that recently read the gift of fear and it's changed the way i perceive this kind of behavior it's a little dated but i highly recommend the read my best friends we'll call him dan mom threw a joke moving away party for him because he was going to be traveling abroad for three months we had a big dinner at a restaurant that dan chose dan also got to invite five or six of his friends after the dinner we went back to his place and had a very relaxed house party it was really just me and dan having a blast dancing to music and laughing everyone else just kind of sat around but one of the other guys let's call him jack came up and starting talking to me just generic get to know you type of questions i figured he was just trying to make things less bland since dan was the only one who knew all of us at the end of the day he added me on facebook which is pretty typical for college in no way did either of us indicate we're interested in each other and two weeks later jack posted that he was moving out of state for a job a few weeks after that i get a message from jack where he tells me he's really interested in me and would like to date my dude you're a three-hour flight away aside from all the reasons where i'm not really even interested in him he accepts and tells me that he understands just kidding he acted like he understood but a week after the facebook message he called me at 2pm on a weekday plastered out of his mind telling me he loved me and that he could have seen himself being with me i asked him what he was doing drunk on a weekday and he replied drowning out the sorrows of your love he asked me why i didn't feel the same way and let me tell you i am just not into you was the wrong answer he just kept saying over and over that he was so nice to me he hadn't done anything wrong he couldn't seem to understand that it doesn't mean i'll automatically fall for him we had known each other for months and had only met once it was the strangest thing i've ever experienced to be fair though he was really nice almost feel bad for the guy betty looked back on those two moments like you know why met a guy at college who seemed like a wayward out-of-towner that wasn't having any luck in the friend department word was he moved up from cali so we started working as semi-study buddies he was taking courses for a different major but there were courses i had done already he knew i had a boyfriend but decided one day to ask me to dinner i specified as friends and his response was something like sure or it could be a date the fact that i was in a long-term relationship didn't seem to make a difference to him so i declined after that my courses got switched to online courses so i stopped seeing him as much until he added me on facebook and started trying to ask me out again i finally told him no that if he couldn't respect my current relationship enough to lay off the date attempts that we didn't need to be friends then he went uber religious on me started preaching at me constantly that he was terrified about my destiny of going to heck and wanted to save my soul so that didn't happen basically just admonishing every single decision i ever made as a person and determined like no other to convince me that my sinful ways would undermine me in every way kept saying he didn't want to see his friend go through that i told him forcing his religion down my throat was the surefire way of pushing me away permanently and proceeded to block him i gave him a lot of chances to understand that what he was doing wasn't cool but he was so convinced that he was just being a nice guy i've chatted with guys usually acquaintances at a party bar get together who get angry and offended if they find out i'm not single not looking to go home with them even if it's basic small talk or we're chatting as a part of group and there's zero flirting involved you're treated like you're intentionally leading them on or wasting their time when all you did was talk about work or the weather hey you asked if i was interested and i immediately set the story straight ah well there have been many but one in particular takes a cake when i was a freshman in college i met a guy through mutual friends that seemed to be really cool i was really intrigued by his intellect and what i perceived to be kindness zero red flags from this guy he seemed immensely compassionate due to the suffering he'd had to endure growing up he had cancer and had to get a testicle removed and has also discovered his father hanging one day after his mom up and left among other things anyways i invited him over to my dorm on our first date and before long we went from discussing literature to taking the danger highway to the b-o-n-e-z-o-n-e after sex he says the first time i talked to you which was over the internet mind you dear readers i decided i would tell you i loved you after the fourth date i kind of chuckled to myself and brush it off because this isn't the first time this kind of thing has been said to a girl after sex all right anyways he then asks me if he's the best sex of my life and if i'm ready to be exclusive i say something to the effect of i think you're awesome but i don't want to rush into things let's have a few more dates and see how this goes he immediately gets up puts his clothes on tells me you're just like every other w who doesn't want a man with one freaking testicle and leaves never heard from him again coma b-o-n-e-z-o-n-e my internal voice said the soul a chill iron cinematic we met through a mutual friend at a party i was really into him and he seemed into me we talked for hours sitting in her living room exchanged numbers and then talked four hours again the next day we covered so many topics i couldn't possibly remember them all but one thing we discussed was relationships versus hooking up he said that he was only interested in an actual relationship and he preferred to take things slow i was fine with that i was supposed to be leaving to go with said mutual friend and some others to a convention that weekend so he asked if i wanted to go out to dinner together the night before of course i said absolutely i was really looking forward to it some plans changed on his end and dinner out turned into breakfast out the morning i was supposed to leave since he lived a few blocks from my friend's house it made perfect sense to me so i said yes again when he picked me up from her place he told me breakfast out would have to be breakfast in at his apartment but it was okay because his roommate wasn't home that's when things got weird okay breakfast in someone's apartment isn't the worst thing in the world but a breakfast only i was expected to eat was extremely strange he just sat and watched me as i tried to finish this bagel and scrambled eggs as fast as possible so i could stop feeling like a zoo animal and when that was over we started chatting and for a while everything was normal again then he kissed me and i was okay with that but he started trying to go a little further and i put a stop to it i said look we both discussed this and made it clear we each weren't interested in a hookup i pointed out that he had been the one to bring up taking things slow and not jump into bed right away while still trying to kiss me he said i know but i'd make an exception for you cool i wouldn't i called an end to the date and walked back to my friend's place all that effort for what to try and manipulate me into bed he could have said all he was interested in was sex and i probably would have still slept with him but instead he felt like getting sex required some sort of clever plot to convince me i was special and wound up with nothing i'm seriously just going to hand out stickers that say actually talk to your partner honestly one of these days really the floaty green crystal should have been the first red flag but seriously ugg what a douche kept trying to hug me like every time he would see me i'd never hug him back yet he kept trying i was a work study then and he'd go to where i worked just to see me i'd be walking down the hallway with a professor and they'd watch this guy 5x the size of me open his arms to hug me as i walked by him idk if it counts as nice guy bit it was really cringy i'm a girl but this story is about my husband and how he caught the bad end of a nice guy a few years before i met my husband he decided to go to her party he gets there and some random girl walks up to him says you're cute and kisses him this amused him so he started chatting with her while chatting he notices a very angry short man standing next to her the man is scowling at my husband and it's making him uncomfortable he can tell the guys p at the attention girl is giving him and it's just not worth it so he stops talking to random girl turns away and starts walking to another room it's at this point husband feels short man punch him in the back when he turns around short man is running away and actually runs out of the house and never returns to the party husband laughs it off cause it wasn't even a hard punch but then somebody notices husband is bleeding and there is a hole in his shirt the short sucker hadn't punched him he stabbed him random girl saw this all go down and was pretty mortified turns out the short dude was obsessed with her they were best friends and he accompanied her everywhere the knife was pretty small so it didn't do any real damage but he still has the scar that is not where i thought this story would go frick glad he's okay i was on a dating website but hadn't logged in a little bit when i did i found two messages from the same guy the first one was telling me that he thought my profile was great he had a dog and loved hiking okay cool i enjoy those things the second one came two days later saying how i guess you don't want something real b his first message was actually decent so if it wasn't for his crazy nice guy follow up i might have given him a chance dodge that bullet i had a date with a guy i met through okcupid when he found out that i was at the time writing erotica for a living he put his hand very gently on mine and asked with all the sincerity in the world who hurt you no one hurt me guy i got paid money to write stories about people [ __ ] each other and i had a whale over time he absolutely would not believe that i enjoyed my job and that i wasn't lashing out as a result of some obvious sexual trauma i'd had in my past that he could somehow save me from god only knows how actual sex workers cope on dates if that's a common approach to people who aren't terrified to openly discuss penises there was no second date i was friends with this dude for over two years nice dude but we had different views on things and i just wasn't interested in him in that way he tried to ask me out before but i tried my best to tell him i only liked him as a friend but fast forward i get a boyfriend and the dude hated him he tried to tell me lies about him and say he was flirting with girls behind my back and just making up terrible lies about my boyfriend after i called him out on it he was embarrassed but tried to put to blame on me and shame me for dating someone else when he asked me out first i still talk to him sometimes but he still posts things on his facebook about how girls led nice guys on and date other people girl you should be riding my dong cause i called dibs that dude probably if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: On Tap Studios
Views: 72,014
Rating: 4.9366875 out of 5
Keywords: cringe date, cringe dating moments, cringe dating stories, dating, dating nice guys, nice guys reddit, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, sub, reddit cringe, memes, comment awards, dankify, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, chill, story, stories, reddit on tap, reddit stories 2021
Id: hJ5tjEMytuc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 34sec (1954 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 05 2021
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