What Was THE INCIDENT at Your Work?

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reddit what was the incident at your work when i was 17 i worked the egg grill at a big university cafeteria the grease oil and residue from cooking thousands of eggs each weekend would fall into a channel and drain into a removable metal trap about as long as my leg each night we'd remove the trap dump it and put it back again sometimes we'd rinse it too anyway as a new employee i was overly eager to please everyone i cleaned the trap with scalding hot water and tried to get it as clean as possible that's when i noticed the trap felt heavier than it ought to be it was only partially filling up because at least two stroke three of it was filled with some sort of blockage so i start banging the trap hard i keep flushing the top one stroke three with hot water and slamming the trap against the inside of a big garbage pail nothing's happening i keep doing this over and over because little tiny pieces of congealed egg and god knows what else are breaking loose finally i slam it once more really hard this time against the floor whatever was blocking the trap broke free and this horrendous freaking grey and black sludge comes pouring out all over the kitchen words cannot possibly freaking describe it the smell was like a living breathing thing a rancid mixture of purified egg bacon grease rotting flesh and whatever the heck else was in there it radiated instantly and irreversibly outward slamming everyone in the kitchen like a punch to the face i puked first it wasn't even a question i don't even think my mind fully realized what had happened i was just puking my guts out all over the floor in front of me i dropped the grease trap and turned to run and three other employees were throwing up also two of them into rubber made pails one of them into the sink where he was washing dishes people started running for the exits that's what i remember most this was at suny stony brook on long island and the cali cafeteria had about 30 plus people working back there at any given time we all met outside in the parking lot gasping for air trying to figure out what to do no one knew what just went down except for me they only knew something horrible had happened when i told them i'd cleared the grease trap they looked at me horrified nobody cleans that thing we just dump it they cried we haven't cleaned that thing in freaking years needless to say i was in charge of the cleanup it involved a crap ton of bleach several trips and a steam hose i found out a few more people threw up in the outer areas too out by the serving lines one girl threw up into the bowl of salad she was chopping anyway that's my story nothing will ever come close to that smell in my entire life and for that i derive a little bit of comfort that's why it needs to be cleaned dumbasses you better be running that place now i work at a boarding kennel and one day one of the dogs got out it rarely happens but it does happen occasionally we all chased this dog for about an hour until they sent me back to the kennel in case someone showed up there while they were trying to capture it i go back and about 30 minutes later i see on the news that there was a traffic jam on the highway and there is a cam showing three people chasing a dog in the highway it was something straight out of the cartoons i'm picturing the news footage playing yakity saks while they chase the dog last week someone accidentally sent an email intended for like four people to 8 800 people pretty much the entire building this triggered tons of people replying saying this isn't for me take me off this email which then evolved into tons of people emailing quit replying all everyone which then turned into people sending memes making fun of the entire audio in about an hour i received 216 emails 216 emails to 8 800 people is something like 1.9 million emails not including actual work emails outside of this that our email server had to process in an hour but to anyone who works at chrysler tech center sweet jeep greg that's the most innocent yet funnest thing i've read in this thread one of the vending machines in work malfunctioned and set all the prices to zero people formed an orderly queue to loot the frick out of it it was empty less than 15 minutes later and they say people can't organize themselves i work at a hotel and my boss isn't letting anyone talk about the fact that our graveyard clerk was fired for being caught on camera with the prostitutes in my boss office he's telling everyone he quit for another job that office after closing two male techs decide to take cushions off a couch hold them in front of their bodies and run at each other full force now one is an average 180 180-ish pound man the other is just under 400 pounds the little guy goes flying and splits his forehead open on the wall corner now we have a work injury that needs to be reported unless he wants the foot the bill for obviously needed sutures i don't remember what they decided or if they made up story for workers comp we do not speak of it there have been a few but the one that sticks in my mind was when the hr department had crap reigned upon them there had been warning signs the toilets on our floor took longer and longer to drain but no one thought about mentioning this to facilities some kind of blockage had occurred in our plumbing system however we were unaware of the consequences this would have i didn't see it all but apparently it started with the smell of feces then a brown drip drip drip from the ceiling shortly followed by a torrent which ran along the office coating five pcs and two people and their colleagues shite i turned up to see another member of hr holding a massive bin whilst a steady stream of light brown liquid poured out of the ceiling and filled it up i gave them a wave and went upstairs to our office i was talking to one of hr about this event as it is legendary and she said i'll never forget that it was my first day i did not expect the reign of crap to be literal i'll just make a list the time our manager punched a pregnant woman the time our manager was arrested for assaulting a guest the time our manager was accused for lighting property of the foe on fire the four time s are married manager slept with a much younger employee take note these were all different managers warehouse here a guy in a hurry decided he would climb three pallets high to grab a case instead of bringing the pallet down with a forklift well he slipped and bounced on the concrete floor now whenever someone does something and safe we call it bouncing where's bob oh he's in the overflow while bouncing around a talking warehouse i worked at a dq in high school and one day when i wasn't working the crew decided to initiate a new guy by making him deep throated dong complete with balls made of soft serve they took him into the back away from the cameras to do it but he left a note for the owner to check the cams the next day so he could see them making the phallus and taking him to the back the entire shift except for the victim was fired the next day for allowing it to happen needless to say i'm glad i wasn't working that night i worked at a hospital and it was common that a group email was sent out to see what people wanted for lunch it was pretty much the entire floor somehow one of the guys replied but had copied in a conversation and he was having with a girl he was boning which revealed she was potentially pregnant she worked on the same floor i was the first one to notice and pointed it out to him he frantically went from desk to desk asking that they please delete it a while back i apprenticed at a small furniture workshop for a few months the total number of employees was for the boss head woodworker myself a night shift finishing pro who i've never met and the general laborer the entire workshop was cluttered on a good day and downright treacherous on a bad one but somehow things got done one day we're rolling out the fruit of two weeks hard work a complete kitchen set in rich natural rosewood kind of a traditional asian aesthetic sort of thing lots of delicate little cross beams i had to hand sand one by one we wrap individual segments in moving blankets and ready them for loading into the company truck and then disaster strikes i hear sounds of argument from inside the workshop and the general laborer comes rushing out of the workshop i only learned the details later but apparently our boy was good friends with the colombian dancing dust and got caught snorting a bump right off one of the workbenches boss tells him to get his stuff and get out immediately which sends him into a frothing rage he grabs a sledgehammer and goes to town on the kitchen pieces annihilating two weeks and several thousand dollars worth of work this is when i learned an important lesson never frick with a man's creations especially if they put bread on his table boss threw a heavy spanner in the newly unemployed cokehead's face knocked him the heck out that was around the time that i realized woodworking may not be for me after all only stayed around long enough to finish remaking the kitchen set and for the boss to find a replacement for me people never consider the drugs and violence when they go into woodworking you're not alone well that was that one day one of the network guys was chatting up one of the female ops in the data center he put his hand out to lean on a post and hit the emergency power cut off switch no we didn't have a cover on it at the time the data center goes dark attempts to turn power back on friday the ups eight hours later the ups was bypassed and we got systems back up someone still unidentified poisoned a female co-workers soda with bleach some still unidentified substance she survived and is fine but someone who i work with tried to kill a co-worker oh man i worked at a construction site where some plumbers put pipe dope on some donuts and passed them around to the electricians pipe dope is a chemical used for sealing pipes that looks like powdered sugar yeah the cops were called that day i used to work at maccus and one time we had a girl cleaning above the deep frying vats with a cloth lots of oil splashes up onto the stainless steel anyway she dropped the cloth into the vat and without thinking reached in and grabbed it out she deep fried her hand and now has permanent scarring and nerve damage for americans that's mcdonald's worked at a big warehouse for an electronics wholesalers some kids trespassed nd got trapped in a container because the mechanism broke when they shut the door they were only in it for five or six hours they got in round midnight first shift workers came in around 6m but the parents were furious and the management exploded over the kids managed to get past the security guards the deputy manager exacerbated things by thinking it was funny and joking that the kids nearly got shipped off to taiwan or something parents didn't see the funny side idk of the parents ever followed through on threats to sue but i do know the guards had a lot more rules to follow in mt containers had their locks locked while open if that makes sense so the doors physically couldn't shut bonus it later turned out that the mechanism wasn't broken the kids just weren't thinking straight and were turning the bolt the wrong way they could have left at any time parents should have been furious at their kids not the dang company i was controlling at a strip club the person who sits there while you get to dance to make sure nobody is breaking the law when we had the waitress come up and tell us that someone was downstairs looking for a guy who had just booked one of the dancers for an hour i assumed it was one of his mates so i dismissed it with tell his mate he can hold his own dog for an hour when the waitress goes uhhh it's his wife she says they have a flight to be on and she found him when she checked where his credit card had been used i dang near crap myself laughing and we went to get the unfortunate patron he was crowing now i'm single i don't have a wife on and on until he walked downstairs and saw her muttered oh and walked out with her with his tail between his legs kudos to the wife she was trying so hard not to lose her crap at the staff and the dancer i bet he got freaking slaughtered later over a year in strip clubs only angry partner incident ever i don't have a wife oh right that wife one office affair got leaked to the media and the husband of the woman involved accused the man involved of coercing forcing the wife into having sex i used to work at an armored car company near boston we had an inside job one day it was super freaking intense until we pieced together what happened here goes truck pulls up to normal stop driver's cousin gets on track truck drives around lawrence crappy town north of boston for 45 minutes and stops at its normal stops to pick up more money truck drives to driver's cousin's house cousin makes two trips bringing duffel bags into his house truck drives away and finishes another hour of its route two hours later pulls up to lawrence police station to report robbery that happened two hours and five miles ago said they were robbed by six and a half foot tall asian man two hours after arrival at police station driver and partner are under arrest well played men guy gets a dui one night in the army well in my unit this means his chain of command all the way up the company goes to see the brigade sergeant major this isn't a really rare occurrence but if you get to dui you're more or less regarded as a [ __ ] bag and you're gonna get kicked out fast forward a few months guys separation paperwork is close to done and he should be out soon we have a training rotation across the country coming up and the commander needs a driver we don't have enough bodies so the commander works a deal out to save him from separation if he'll drive for him in the training exercise deal is done guy is a fairly seasoned soldier and has a combat deployment under him and does really well at the exercise even gets an award and people have changed their mind on him weekend after getting back from training exercise guy drives drunk around post drifting and drag racing and doing dumb crap in his mustang he loses control and drives through a fence and hits a particularly expensive military vehicle mps are called and arrive at the scene they try to arrest him but he sucker punches one in the jaw breaking the guy's jaw and his hand the other mp tackles him and he goes to jail same situation as the first paragraph happens again and sunday night he is released from jail and is told to show up monday morning he doesn't show up monday morning his leadership goes to his barracks room is ransacked guy went awol they wait a few days the guy updates his facebook with his new location and pictures of him this goes on for a couple months guy's stepmother drives him from kentucky to wyoming where his father is going to sneak him into canada a father is drunk and can't drive and refuses to help at all stepmother starts fighting father cops get called to the house guy goes to hide in the house cops defuse the domestic violence situation and take the father into his house they hear rustling in the attic and the guy falls through the ceiling right in front of the cops last i heard he's doing time at a military jail somewhere a cigarette caused a small fire in the mulch outside the fire alarm was pulled and employees calmly followed escape procedure except for the network admin he ran into the server room uncabled all servers and began to derrick them and haul them outside on his back a real hero god bless it our boss fricked up and ordered the wrong stuff that cost our company over 20 euros k i fricked up and that cost company 300 euros guess which one of us got written up our corporate office is on the fourth floor while the main store is on the first floor the storefront has no restrooms just because it's not the kind of place where people will need one anyway someone had directed a customer up to the offices where she could use the restroom the double doors to our office burst open and this lady comes running through the lobby and down the hall leaving a trail of crap and a surprisingly huge amount of it everyone noticed a horrific smell first and then the sight of it it was especially hilarious because we had the disney corp in taking a tour of the place they were ushered into the conference room and someone made the receptionist clean it up she was crying hysterically i really can't put into the words the sheer horror for everyone involved but to this day no one laughs about it and no one will speak of it if i was the receptionist i would just quit on the spot ain't no way i am touching other people's brownie bits we had two at my old job mcdonald's first was when we got robbed at gunpoint dude darvin threw the drive-through window and pulled a gun demanded money etc etc i'm still kinda shaken up about it to this day it was legitimately the scariest thing that's ever happened to me second was when someone died in our lobby this really old guy came in and sat at a table suddenly he just falls over and doesn't move a muscle one of my co-workers started doing cpr he's trained for it but the dude was already gone give me all your money and do it on the mcdouble we don't have a big drinking style christmas party anymore since one female manager was double-teamed at our christmas party while a third guy filmed it on his phone it's just a low-key lunchtime bbq type of event nowadays wouldn't be a party without a spit roast guy i used to work with came to work high on pcp stripped out of his clothes four six cops but naked as they struggled to bring him down was taste multiple times on a sunny friday afternoon in july we had a full-grown man just drop his drawers in the middle of our ladies wear department took a dump stood up and walked out like it was no big deal that was a classy joint let me tell you our bartender a very attractive young woman got drunk on the job and had sex on the bar during business hours on a slow day really wish i could have been there for that one guy put a big can of monster in the freezer instead of the fridge because he was late and he wanted it to cool quickly he forgot about it for a while after a few hours he took it out and opened it the can exploded monster was everywhere on him on the floor the ceiling the walls in about a 10 meter radius it was glorious he took a towel wiped off his chair and continued working one jackass was able to shut down the exchange servers by simply sending an email i remember it like it was yesterday it's around 9am and i get an email from someone i don't know that says you have been given access to this sharepoint yada yada now as a lowly intern i didn't know what this sharepoint was for or if i needed access or not so i shrugged and moved on with my work life then the emails started this mother sucker decided to forward this email to a corporate distribution list of about 10 000 people people started replying all out of habit to tell him that they wanted to be removed from this sharepoint so that they didn't know what this sharepoint was my boss and i are just sitting here looking at our monitors cracking up at the emails coming in about an hour later and they are still flowing as time goes on the emails get more and more payoff people replying all saying stop replying all and clearly not helping the situation after about 2-3 hours the exchange team shut the server down to clear the emails waiting to be sent i had about 400 in my inbox so that means that a minimum four million emails were sent out in the span of about 2.5 hours but no work was done that morning it was great i was an intern at a chemical company around 10 o'clock one morning the fire alarm goes off everyone in the building is being evacuated why who knows i'm just doing as i'm told and go to lunch i get back talk to my supervisor and he tells me that someone in maintenance brought a bomb in the police took him away in cuffs and closed the building i got sent home early but anyone with their car keys inside had to stay and wait until the bomb squad came and cleared the building they were at least three hours out i couldn't believe that in a company i thought was filled with engineering nerds and chemists someone brought in a bomb apparently he was making it using tools in the maintenance department or something i'm not sure rumors he was a vietnam vet with some ptsd crazy story couldn't believe it using a throw away because some redditors know me i was once on assignment in malaysia muslim majority country for two years some guy brought food which contained pork and proceeded to microwave it in the communal microwave couple of minutes later the smell permeated the whole office it was quite small and the company had to ask religious officers to come cleanse the place over two days so we had free off days needless to say the person got a earful from hr i'm malaysian not muslim and that is hilarious my company does a lot of work with very high pressure valves so naturally there are some incidents fairly recently my boss and i were trying to switch out a valve while some other guys were running a test on the other side of the room normally this wouldn't have been a problem because there is a gate that shuts off water to one side of the testing facility but this time there was some sort of mistake and the gate wasn't closed it read closed the handle that closed it had somehow broken from the gate so the handle could read closed but the gate was still fully open so my boss and i started to change the valve by undoing these massive one-inch bolts that connect the valve to the pipe these bolts are not easy to remove and we have to work as a team to get them off there are bolts and i think we get eight of them off when the emergency exit pipe starts to gush a fairly substantial amount of water i ask my boss if that is supposed to happen he replies it's not and he runs over to the gate to see if it's open it read closed but he can't see inside the pipe he said something about there being leftover water in the pipe and then starts to open a runoff gate i was about to ask him if i was supposed to put the bolts back on when i was heard something that sounded like a gunshot the rubber seal of the valve popped out and i was hit but a huge spout of water right in the chest and thrown backwards into wall we had a similar occur on a competitor's machine someone was taking a fluid sample and opened the wrong valve high pressure fluid injection through the eyeball mushed his brain instant death only a one stroke four valve but 6000 c is scary if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] so bye for now
Channel: On Tap Studios
Views: 51,527
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Keywords: the incident, the incident meme, work incident, incident at work, workplace incident, funny incident, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, sub, reddit cringe, memes, comment awards, dankify, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, chill, story, stories, reddit on tap, reddit stories 2021
Id: rTkNESSiy_w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 9sec (1449 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 09 2021
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