Everything Wrong with Rachel Hollis (Deep-Dive)

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[Music] hello everyone I hoped you and your families are staying safe and well here's my deep dive on Rachel Hollis come with me down the Karen rabbit hole and she couldn't resist the cake and then figured there was no point and some of them I knew exactly when the quote came from right and followed her everywhere [Music] now if I've learned anything from YouTube comments recently its if you criticize anyone and I mean anyone it means that you're automatically jealous of them so just to get ahead of all of those comments I just wanted to say first and foremost I wish I was a motivational speakers bankrolled by the most predatory companies in the world to parrot question all the old is written and then passing them off as my own from thousands of millions of impression on women just to inspire them to sing further and the debt it wasn't like notching what iota of my own privilege okay so now we've got that off our chests I work out every single day of my life even if it's for only 15 minutes but I do something every day I'll like do push-ups I'll actually physically push myself to do something with my body that feels hard because I'm like Oh sis you know you did 50 pushups this morning like this meanie on Instagram is nothing oh girl you're gonna have to run 10 marathons and lift a house to do with this video you may have seen my reason that deep dive videos on the MLM company lularoe the speech that Katy Perry gave to the screaming Huns many of the Instagram pep talks that Deann would give us about just being happy and happiness is a choice it's a wonderful feeling to wake up in the morning and go I decide I choose to be positive I decide I'm the one who can teach them and I mentioned toxic positivity the idea that you can just do anything that you want to in life you just you choose your moods if you're upset or depressed go on a bottle that up screw the cap on tightly just hide it so far up deep inside of you that you start walking funny well Rachel Hollis that seems to make money out of that kind of mindset being the literal personification of that mindset if you melted down all of the live laugh love wall decals in the whole world and morphed them into a 5 foot 2 Caucasian woman Rachel Hollis would be that why do so many people have those live laugh love signs are they forgetting to live laugh and love oh my god there's no pulse look at the sign look at the sign I forgot to live I'm fine I said that's not a camel that's my wife I love you oh I love you too being stuck in quarantine recently I've ended up reading her book girl wash your face I went into the book with an open mind I'm gonna be very fair on her I'm giving my own personal opinions on her work and her general message and if you agree or don't agree with anything that I say then I'd love to hear it in the comments I do try and read every comment that I get but please just please be nice anyone who has a different opinion on the subject to you has come to that decision because of the experiences that they've had in their life that has led them up to this point so just be respectful to me and to other people I'm here discussing this book because I I find the issues that surround Rachel Hollis to be very interesting and how they affect the politics and socio-economic situation of our times so without further ado if you've ever seen any of my videos before you'd know that I like to go way too deep when I research any subject and I have dug so far deep into Rachel Hollis that I am currently in her lower intestine you can see their frustration and the contempt for her husband that she's hidden deep inside I can see the green smoothie that she ate for breakfast and I know what her farts smell like she would lead you to think that they smelled just like yours but they don't they reek of those horrible green smoothies protein shakes and privilege but wait wait what's that is that is that a whiff of morals no before we get into the nitty-gritty let's get some US background knowledge on Ray Ray Rachel Hollis was born a Pentecostal preacher her grandfather also being a preacher and after childhood watching her father speaking to his congregation trying to uplift the lives of people through God rachel describes her childhood as traumatic in her book and during her public speeches her father had a temper and would punch the walls he would ignore her unless she achieved something massive and her parents were going through a divorce and when she was 14 Rachel found her older brother after he'd sadly taken his own life after battling with mental illness for many years my parents marriage was abysmal like the entire time I was alive and they were together was abysmal dad has a really bad temper so I'm the daughter of a Pentecostal minister and we were that like everything looks perfect on the outside and on the inside you know punching holes in the wall screaming at the age of 19 Rachel decided she desperately needed to leave her family and she graduated from high school early started a college degree and dropped out after one year because she'd landed a job at Miramax in LA I only went to one year of college I think it's so neat that I have maybe garnered enough life experience that even though I didn't go through school I have some wisdom to impart rachel's la dream was to become an actor and as she says in a book to meet Matt Damon and marry him instead she met Dave Hollis he was a Disney executive so after two years together they got married and Rachel left her job at Merrimack to start her own company a party planning business she ended up throwing parties for Bradley Cooper rashida Jones the Karen and Al Gore and moved on to corporate events as well even planning the Sundance Film Festival during this time Rachel also had dreams of being an author she wrote three fiction books party girl smart girl and sweet girl party girl was a fiction based on her own life focusing on the culture shock of an innocent virgin Christie girl moving to the glitz and glamour and raunchiness of LA to become a party fun half of big-name celebrities which he first wrote party girl it was rejected by her publishers because they thought the book would not sell by up straight you'll to have some sex and she refused so instead she googled how to self publish a book the book ended up being a huge success despite her refusal to add a little bit of Filth Rachel also set up a blog to proper party planning business as a bit of a marketing tool but it ended up taking off on its own right garnering 200,000 visitors a month more and more women signed up to Rachel's online brand of lifestyle tips style tips and recipes Eggland's Best eggs reaches out and they say we want to give you $250 if you will put our eggs in your next recipe the blog soon became a bigger moneymaker for Rachel than the party planning she decided to pursue it full-time Rachel uploaded a photo of herself in a bikini showing stretch mark with an uplifting caption about body positivity and other women that shared the post in their thousands and it went quickly viral other women started sharing their own bikini photos with their stretch marks and other imperfections and she started a mini movement for body positivity online Rachel loved the feeling of empowering women and she wrote another blog post about her struggles suffering with Bell's palsy which causes your facial muscles to paralyze and it's normally caused by stress her publisher told her to take the picture down thinking it would damage Rachel's image but she refused she said it was inspiring to other women to pose her imperfections again her audience was in love with the sentiment and began sending her messages and sharing their own struggles and stress with health problems this is when Rachel decided she wanted to enter their self-help space in 2018 Rachel wrote girl washer face and mainly through word of mouth the book made the New York Times bestseller list that girl wash your face is a pure type specimen I did not think it was gonna happen her book was endorsed by celebrities including Drew Barrymore and Reese Witherspoon and high of the success of girl wash your face in 2018 Rachel went on to write girl stop apologizing in 2019 which also made the New York Times bestseller list hi after the success of Rachel's second self-help book husband Dave decided to leave his job at Disney and pursue his own career in the self-help space after Rachel had convinced him to attend a Tony Robbins conference and it changed both of their lives rachel is now 37 and her media empire along with Dave on board is thriving she has four children ages 3 7 11 and 13 and she has two podcasts as well one called rise and another one called rise together which she hosts with Dave as a sort of marriage counseling with podcast on top of that raishin they regularly throw conferences themselves for example a weekend long rise event in Dallas sold out in only two and a half hours Rachel and Dave also hold marriage conferences and she calls them getaway weekends and one of them reportedly cost one thousand seven hundred and ninety five dollars per couple for two days in September hotel not included no refunds everyday before 8 a.m. rachel gets up works out fees the kids does her morning Instagram Facebook live feed with Dave writes five things she's grateful for in her gratitude journal and then hits the ground running and we enter through a cocktails party today and the song we all dance to was don't stop believin by journey great I'm not this dance party that sounds like an awesome place to work I call it the non-confrontational wing of the hashtag me too movement or goop for red state women Hollis is carving out a safe place for women who want to be strapped and successful but may be uneasy about saying so out loud or even identifying themselves as feminists girl washa faces published under a christian imprint and has sold most strongly in the south and the Midwest Hollis ardent devotees are mothers and female entrepreneurs many of them working from home at the time of recording and Rachel has 1.6 million followers on Facebook and 1.8 million on Instagram it's no question that rachel has gained a huge following and it's been massively successful in what she does and she has an unfathomable work ethic but it's her message a healthy one for all women let's have a look at the main subjects Rachel gives advice on in her book and in all of her work and tries to answer that question now the first thing to note about rachel is that she's not a licensed therapist but she does believe that she's qualified enough to advise people on the mental health and states things as fact that sometimes seemed to me dubious at best if I told you that I know a way to rewire your brain for happiness would you believe me girl I've got you but to her credit she does advise women to go to therapy who goes to therapy wants to go to therapy think about therapy are you kidding me she also mentions actual mental health disorders in her book on page 5 and does advise people to deal with those serious mental issues with professionals and work through them properly which is good but she does go on to say that your sadness and she makes sure to distinguish sadness from actual depression is caused by you basically in the introduction to the book the very beginning a quote on the first page is the truth you and only you are ultimately responsible for who you become and how happy you are that's the takeaway it's also the first time we read that Rachel likes to call her fans her tribe which just feels wrong so I'm going to avoid using the word tribe for the rest of this video but this is one idea that carries through the book and that also carries into her online presence and that becomes tagline we choose joy she's even got it on a t-shirt it does remind me of my journey into the world of lularoe and the way mark would just gas like people and tell them that they're choosing to be upset when he smoother with yet another failed launch so in response to this I think there's a lot of benefits to feeling angry at like if you sit there feeling angry about sort of thing as long as you're a constructive kind of angry person you can sort of get all of your thoughts in the light and decide what you want to do with the feeling it might be having a chat having a word with the person who you are for sorting sorting the thing out that you off in the first place but if I just decided to like dance to my favorite song and choose joy and try and forget about it then the same things just gonna come back and bite me in the ass isn't it it's just it's just gonna me off again isn't it so Rachel met Dave Hollis when she was 19 years old and working at Mira Matt he was 27 she was 19 and he was 27 can now make it any more me yes they met in 2002 and married in 2004 so let's look at how this beautiful love story started shall we on page 44 of girl wash your face should have it bookmarked here Rachel describes seeing Dave for the first time in my mind he turns around in slow motion the memory illuminates when I first see his face he smiles in me and reaches out a hand to shake mine the moment stretches into infinity and then snaps back together like elastic it speeds back up into real time rachel goes on to say that dave has a lifetime of dating experience ahead of her being 27 years old and she's 19 and she's also a Christian Bell and he never asked her age and she also never volunteered the information he asked her out on the first real date that she'd ever been on she dressed up to the nines and he turned up casually and they go to a restaurant and then he goes on to say I hope you're not one of those girls who's afraid to eat on a first date and then he proceeded to talk about himself for two hours straight what a catch but she let him talk about himself because she was so infatuated with him she goes on to tell a story of Dave treating her like absolute crap for a whole year being his booty call and all the while she thinks that he's her boyfriend Dave's friends called her the 19 year old and one day at a party Rachel introduces Dave to someone has her boyfriend Dave gets so annoyed at her that he says to her and I quote you've never acted your age before but last night it was like it was written on your shirt and then they didn't speak for two weeks he flirted with other women in front of her he would go out with friends get drunk and not invite her but he would call her afterwards after he'd got home for sex she didn't believe in sex before marriage but she eventually did it with him anyway just to desperately keep a hold of him Rachel basically spends the whole chapter just blaming herself for Dave's actions which doesn't seem healthy she just vaguely says that he had baggage which made him immature and then outright says that she just doesn't blame him for anything she says he acted that way because she allowed him to and then one day he properly breaks up with her because he's moving too far away from her to be an economically viable booty call basically I am 1% the practical pragmatic sometimes change to reality person he probably just sat down and did the maths have worked out the petrol money was more than just you know hiring a hooker for the night so then the next day he calls her to ask her if she's okay and then tries to get into some small talk coop out with her family which why would you break someone's heart and then call them the next day for a light-hearted catch it seems like extremely manipulative to me like he wanted to stay friendly with her just in case he was ever back in the area and wanted to hook up again that's what it sounds like to me but at that point she decides to not even engage with him in conversation and breaks off the relationship entirely and tells us that she never wants to speak to him again so this is her showing strength and anyway the story ends up with Dave turning off her her house the next morning and banging on her door and she describes it like it's a movie or a romance novel and then she says after that moment their love story was reborn all of a sudden life with him after that moment was great no information about what he did to change what she did to change nothing just a magical fairy tale like ending so basically my takeaway from this chapter is that this this whole chapter could allow a woman to basically think that a husband or a boyfriend or girlfriend or a fiancee or any partner treating you like crap is their own fault and not only that but you should believe that that person can change it still and one day marry them and spend the rest of your life with them I hate to break it to you Rachel the 99% of the time in the real world that's not true you you can't change someone else if they don't want to change and yes someone will treat you a certain way if you let them but it's still not your fault it's it's their fault if they're manipulating you because you're eight years younger than them and very clearly inexperienced it comes to relationships Dave was 27 I don't think there's any excuse to be made for him here whatsoever as a side note as well the book as a whole just seemed like very heteronormative as well like there's no mention of gay couples or lesbians anywhere I can remember up until the second to last chapter although I did hear that she was asked to remove the second-to-last chapter because her Christian publishers were not happy with it being in there but she fought back against it so I do wonder whether she left out any LGBTQ content out of the rest of the book just in case she did have to remove chapter 19 because then she could just simply remove it and the rest of the book would be completely clear of anything to do with that community whatsoever it does make you wonder it does also remind me of Lila Rowan away happy Hearts Club they always seemed so obsessed with couples and marriage and they also seem quite heteronormative as well like I can't remember seeing any LGBTQ couples in their videos or any selling any leggings anywhere that's interesting she also never really flirts with the idea that breaking up with someone or divorce could ever be the best option it's always about working through your issues with communication girl if your relationship has to end it has to end I think people need to realize this as well in this interview she even says that her relationship with Dave is more important than her relationship with her children my marriage is my most important relationship like that comes before my children mm-hm my that like we have to be whole and solid for each other or we can't show up for these babies she kind of excludes single parents here by and rather in all of her work she doesn't really acknowledge them here she's like basically flat-out saying you can't be fully there for your kids if you don't have a partner moving on to Dave it doesn't sound like everything came up roses completely after that night he showed up on her doorstep because Rachel tell stories about how they would get uncomfortable when she spoke about her business goals in front of him and his Disney executive mates so she would intentionally play herself down because he is corporates male executive mates expected everyone's wives to be housewives and baby machines we learn Alison's did we not all of them anyway he's still treating her like crap in my opinion our conflict resolution styles I shut down he will battle you to the death like he will battle to the death I'm like oh gosh like if I try and talk to this guy about this huge thing he's gonna he's gonna debate me until I'm like you know what you're right you know which is what we had done for years and you just please them you're like okay okay you're sorry yeah yeah girl if you need to go to a Tony Robbins conference to get the confidence to argue back to your husband did the relationship really turn around that day was it really perfect that day actually sounds like you were just stuck in this terrible dynamic in your marriage for 14 years and now you've got a podcast together and you're advising people on how to have a great marriage it sounds like it's only been a good marriage for like the last two years and before that it was just generally terrible from like everything that she said that's what I've got he says how she was CEO of her company but when he decided to join the company he told her that he wanted to be CEO for the benefit of his own career prospects in order for us to make this decision I had to step down a CEO which was very hard for my ego very sorry he's the CEO otherwise you wouldn't have done it he wouldn't have done it and that was a conversation that we had here babe if another company and this was over many conversations feels like if another company tapped me right now to come and I would talk to you all CEO some other start and and it's good that he did because I would have continued to try and run it and you over and do all of it and the whole reason he's here is because I was struggling to do both like I can't run the company and be the face of the company simultaneously yeah so we talked about for a long time and that was I really didn't I just loved like self-made CEO female CEO and then I had a girlfriend she said if you ever just written down which parts of your job you actually like to do and see if they're the CEO job and I did and I was like oh holy crap no I don't want to be CEO I don't want to figure out the finances I don't want to hire people I don't what I care about is the content I bet I care about the way it looks I care about the experience that you have I want to write I want to look at the visuals like I'm the creative chief creative officer I don't know what to read into that but it just sounds a bit like he's still in control of this relationship I don't want to psychoanalyze anyone I don't know though but that's what she makes it sound like in all of our interviews and everything so dave has his own self-help book out now called get out of your own way and yes that title has been used before because it seems to Hollis's are incapable of coming up with anything original but we'll come to that so I haven't read this book but I came across a great review here from The Washington Post and I'll read you an excerpt of the review which goes some way into explaining the gaping plot hole in Rachel's book about how they became a better husband Dave Hollis tells a story about how he became a better husband his wife Rachel Hollis at the massively successful self-help guru at the moment told him that she was pursuing a lucrative deal for her company Dave scoffed there's a 3% chance that'll happen he told her months later Rachel presented him with a gift you got me a bracelet with a charm reading 3% on it she'd landed the deal now that's a masterclass in effective passive aggression thank God for that de Vries strangely triumphant passive aggression can be effective no doubt but toning in Hollis ville will you find somebody who'll tell you is the path to a healthy marriage every chapter of get out of your own way closes for the takeaway section headlined things that helped me at first it seems like an act of modesty an acknowledgment that what worked for him won't necessarily work for you but ultimately it's not as a stick a way for him to tell stories about his ongoing growth and fulfillment the mountains he climbed the revenue targets he hit and frame it is actionable advice success in Hollis ville isn't becoming a better person who is more engaged with the world it's Craven careerism its admiration and money it's running your floor sir a sparkly Instagram filter it's thinking you're improving when Speights dangles off your wife's wrist boom and I find that very true of rate tools book as well a narcissistic way basically for her to tell stories about the mountain she's climbed and the revenue targets that she's hit and the fancy handbags that she's bought and frame it as actionable advice but welcome to that too so as I mentioned before Rachel's changed Dave's mind about self-help and conferences and when she convinced him to go to Tony Robbins conference with her Dave used to call it a cult so now they're on their own marriage conferences and they regularly speaks at Rachel's rise events and I do wonder whether rather than Dave having some sort of epiphany what he actually realized when he went to the Tony Robbins conference was how much money he could make I did some quick research on Tony Robbins and he is a wealthy wealthy man oh and on top of that nine women have accused him of sexual assault women who have been his staff members and followers have said that he's assaulted them on stage in front of thousands of people and that when a woman said she liked the me2 movement because he was making women feel safer he Walter out for having a victimhood mentality he seems like a very shady guy but that's another rabbit hole for another time truth we went to their marriage conference last summer we had spent time in their material including their lives that podcast and I hadn't read a book as a coach and my home from the therapist we were expecting a ton of value new content especially for the price point we quickly learned then we were not her audience it was duplicate material that we had heard many times on their other platforms when they served as champagne and begun to talk about Pandora's box at sex toys and how they enjoy telling Dave's penis into a vibrating sex pistol with the [ __ ] ring they enjoyed so much but whoops she said it was the alcohols fault we asked for a $1700 refund disappointed does not even begin to describe bye to all the Felicia's just one more thing don't take advice from Dave about how to survive a dog attack there are these two very large old retrievers right so they're big dogs and the gate that has opened to let their car go out is now leaving the yard the gate is still open I'm running towards the open gate these dogs they were beasts they got up on their back two legs there now like running towards me and as soon as I saw me they came banding up and I went into full like yeah get back to your house and I like I acted like I actually birthed these dogs these dogs are running at me like they were about to attack me and I was like nope I am currently your master you will listen to me let's get back into the art and immediately like immediately they were like okay sounds awesome so that happened listen to me we are now on page 13 of this book we get the infamous story about Pam the part of this book that gets the most vitriol from reviewers basically she tells the story a fictional story about a co-worker called Pam who is doing a diet called whole xxx which sounds like some bullsh and I'm dyin to be honest under the breakroom she sees her eating a meat lovers Pizza friend from work was constantly starting something new every three Mondays she announced a new diet or goal and then two weeks later it just ended what if you called her on it like hey Pam I thought you were doing whole 30 meanwhile Pam is sitting in the break room eating a meat lover's pizza and telling you she was doing whole 30 and even though it made her feel great two weeks into the program her son had a birthday party and she couldn't resist the cake and then figured there was no point now she's gained back the pounds she lost plus a few extra Rachel goes on to ask this rhetorical question y'all would you respect her the woman who starts and stops over and over again would you count on Pam or the friend who keeps blowing you off for stupid reasons would you trust them when they commit as or something would you believe them when they commit it to you I'm sorry I don't know why I have to put on a really fat American accent when I read from the book basically rachel will judge anyone who gives up on a diet and puts on a few pounds rather than losing Sun and she expects us all to feel the same so despite not being a nutritionist or doctor or having studied anything in the field and she helpfully gives us some advice on page 182 I believe that humans were not made to be out of shape answer the early over weight and she also says you need to be healthy you don't need to be thin but she constantly insinuates that even being 50 pounds overweight is just a terrible way to be even the people who enjoyed the book in general it's like the sentiment in this chapter so she's basically saying like it's not okay to be overweight it's what I took from that chapter which is a old statement in a world that really needs more understanding I think Rachel tell us a story in the book about dealing with comfort eating causing her to become overweight in the past and how she got through that the whole message being that you don't have integrity if you can't stick to a diet and shut off those fifty pounds and I think it says a lot more about Rachel's issues with body image more than anything in a way because they're my legs but because like Landon should be someone that we want to be and I want to be a tall and thin hey it's Rachel Paulus hey it's Rachel Rachel who paulus protruding are you pregnant belly yeah and we would go to pictures a really bad picture of us playing croquet looking at my god it's so bad look like I got stung by a thousand bees your hair game is also unbelievably better because that picture also showcases alack my hair everyone fair number of everyone's hair is better really we were stumped by a thousand bees you're just a bit chubbier than you are now and like a lot of women who follow you are gonna be similar weights to what you are in those pictures and now they're gonna be thinking that they look like they've been stung by a thousand bees and Dave a protruding pregnant belly holy Christ so she wants to help people to unfollow Instagram models who have like six-pack ABS which are unattainable bodies for many women to have fewer mothers and are also trying to work etc or for any reason so that's a good thing that she tells people to follow these Instagram models and I agree with her sentiment here but I feel like women following Rachel Hollis on Instagram in a way who's just as bad because she's perpetuating the same kind of feeling in the women who follow her like they want her wealth they want her carefully curated happiness and it's not real you want good be in a good mood all the time which she seems to be on her Instagram I know that you know on social media every woman has six-pack abs but like I have a muffin top I don't know like hey I know that that mom is like killing it and her kids are in 75 activities and they're you know they say yes ma'am and no sir you know my kid just rammed his head into the wall and let the kitchen on fire so that the other 75 moms who had the same day can go like praise the Lord me too like I'm not the only one there's this pressure from Rachel not to have six-pack ABS but to be constantly happy but most of all rich in this BuzzFeed article there are a couple of quotes from a woman who used to work for Rachel for me the point where it became really dangerous was when I noticed a fat shaming component to her platform more set there's a lot of talking about being overweight is hindering you from achieving your dreams or if you don't stick to your diet then you're not a person of integrity that shaming component is really harmful I realized that either I had to kind of adjust some of my expectations in order to continue working there or change some of my views about my own body she does also seem to have an unhealthy relationship with food even now she always touts this recipe for a green smoothie that she makes every morning because it fills her up and it's so good for her but she says it tastes horrible and then of course there's people in the comments like oh girl you need Arbonne you need just plus girls Shakeology so it should puts losing weight down to simply burning more calories than you take in in the book my no expert but I wouldn't put myself in the position of trying to give advice to like millions of women who have different relationships with food and different body times I've heard this fact about calorie burning like it's not wrong but it's also not that simple and also I've heard that dieting just doesn't work most of the time but it also comes down to the fact that rachel has time to work out because she's got a nanny and a home gym and she's used personal trainers in the past and she can smoothly afford to not be overweight like she makes it seem like it should be that easy for everyone oh and she's recently decided to release the Ryze app in which Rachel tries her hand at being a fitness coach because Rachel doesn't know how to stay in her own lane [ __ ] another tidbit of advice Rachel constantly touts to her followers is that they must drink water cheers to that Rachel specifically as she says on page 183 if you take your weight in pounds and divide it by two then that's the amount of water that you should drink in ounces I had to do a lot of converting here on Google to try and work out what the hell that meant because I work in metric but I worked out that for me that would be nearly two liters I've looked into this and any recommendation about how much water you drink per day is very contested by science and health professionals all around the world many of them actually agree that it's absolutely fine for you to just drink water when you're thirsty because you also get loads and loads of hydration out of the foods that you eat and also from things like tea and coffee [Music] it's preaching miss Hollis said recently then the church I grew up in or honestly in any Church I've gone to the pasta always is using stories from their real life to illustrate a point to you so that's what I do so by publishing her book for a Christian publisher Rachel managed to get her books to the top of the Christian faith bestseller list which has made a pretty well-known in the Christian community unfortunately even though Rachel clearly wants to have the Christian community under her wing along with atheists and people of other religions she alienates a lot of Christian women with her use of faith in her work so just some of the comments under that interview from Rachel on of Christian YouTube channel Rachel never mentions Jesus of God or her faith in any into why do you even have her on this channel wow she really worships herself doesn't she I do not see the fruit of the Spirit here at all a lot of you and self references I don't understand why she calls Tony Robbins her hero if she is following Jesus Christ I really don't understand I also come across a summer blog post from Christian women who have had their viewpoints on her to share what is Rachel Hollister's dream I felt actual sadness when I read it jesus never called us to chase after power money and fame he actually had quite a bit to say about those things he called us to lay our pursuit of all that stuff down and follow him he said whoever finds this life will lose it and whoever he loses his life for my sake will find it she posted something that said it doesn't matter what religion you are who you worship yes it does matter who you worship and who your God is and if your were any position and you have a following like that you need to be careful the words that you speak especially when you claim to be Christian and you're just saying things straight against the Bible and the God that you claim to serve so that kind of heated me up and followed her everywhere one of my friends is in a MLM business and Rachel Hollis stood on stage and claimed Beyonce as her Lord and Savior then you know that is straight blasphemy and it just breaks my heart that somebody could do that oh that's not a joke that is not a joke that she bells down to her that is Satan working through Rachel Hollis meaning what no host up a few weeks ago and I honestly didn't even think anything about sitting on my back patio having wine yeah and people lost so what big trouble oh we are we have offended half of America but so upset you know you said you were a Christian in your drinking and infirmity and I was like first of all whoa she also at one point and go wash your face quotes a passage from the Bible but just attributes her own meaning to it which has triggered some pushback from soon followers to the passages let marriage be held in honor among all and let the bed be undefiled and then she goes on to say what I take away when I read that line is that the things that happen in my bed with my husband cannot be weird or bad or wrong so she takes it to mean that it's not an Christian to experiment or get a bit freaky in the bedroom but it's actually about adultery one thing I think is good about Rachel's advice and it's directed towards the Christian community is actually tells people to go to therapy like she does in her speech to the military wives who goes to therapy wants to go to therapy think about therapy are you kidding me 12 people therapy in Christian communities I've read it holds a bit of a stigma because like the general consensus is that you should go to God and go to church for all of your answers so I think this is a good thing now I'm not of any religion myself so I can't really comment on Rachel's use of religion in her work from a place of experience but it seems to me like maybe maybe she should leave the religion out I'm not sure but when I was reading the passages in the book being long Christian the Bible passages and references to God like they didn't bother me but they also didn't resonate with me at all [Music] so rachel has never disclosed her political affiliation although she does have a book by Michelle Obama on her color-coordinated bookshelf that she regularly films and for now and I've not seen any books about Trump from what I've read about her opinions on certain subjects in her book I do believe rachel is a progressive liberal woman but she also knows many if not a large majority of her following is based in red states women in red states and 53% of white women voted for Trump so the closest Rachel ever got to speaking about her views on politics was in one YouTube video from August 2016 a few months before Trump was elected which has now been private 'add she said the current state of politics was terrifying but then went on to say I'm not gonna talk about my beliefs or my palace affiliation because I know that we're going to some of us disagree and I'd rather not know if you disagree now I don't blame Rachel for not speaking about politics on her platform because it always tends to alienate a lot of people in her cases it may well a lien eight perhaps most of her followers so her decision to interview Joe Biden was interesting to be honest she was probably mainly thinking about elevating her own career as he would have been the most famous person that she ever interviewed however so many reasons I think people will be following Rachel for the same reason that they voted for Trump people believe that he's a good businessman because he was the host of The Apprentice and there's a load of buildings and casinos with his name on them for some reason that means that he'll bring jobs back to America because he's good at business even though running the government is a completely different ballgame but in reality he's kind of okay in business he got there by inheriting a lot of money and ripping off a lot of less fortunate people so people see Rachel's financial success and they believe that having her as their leader or they grew she will bring them along to prosperity with her but that's the thing like I believe that Rachel although she works clearly very very very hard she's also lucky to be where she is and it's the same with Trump she never really acknowledges her look I was listening to a podcast called the worst bestsellers and they reviewed girl washer face it's a great episode girl listen and one of them described Rachel is Christian mom hot so as in she's beautiful clearly but not in a way that's threatening she's not steal your boyfriend hot and I agreed like I think it's served her very well and I think that is along with her natural tenacity and work ethic and her very personable nature and talent for speaking under pressure that got her that job at Miramax in the first place even though she was under qualified and ended up being a launchpad for the rest of her career but not everybody has that not everybody interviews well or looks the part for the job that they want to get neither do they meet a well-paid man at that job which becomes their husband and then helps her financially just start up her own party planning business but we'll come to that for example you can't deny her whiteness powerfully helped her non-white women deal with systemic racism constantly and she's also made it in spaces that are female dominated as well like party planning and lifestyle blogging and she's never had to deal with the setbacks that a normal woman faces when trying to get into male-dominated careers she was also pretty blessed with good timing I think on some parts she started a blog like just before online blogging got pretty big and influencers became a really big thing we're not all on a level playing field but we need to to an extent help each other out but that's just my opinion don't come for me or if you want to come for me do it in a respectful way but I think her boot strapping philosophy and the way that it's garnered such like a loyal following is very telling of American and British politics as they are today are we only truly responsible for our own destiny it makes me think of all the current conspiracy theories about certain cell towers being the cause of a certain virus making it worse by making us weak but do you know what you're doing now you're laying 5g you realize that don't you yeah so what you know that kills people because people are trying to find order in chaos people want to believe that they're in charge of their own destinies because in reality the world is unpredictable and random terrible things happen all the time that we can't explain like this virus and people want to believe that somebody intended this to happen people want to believe that somebody was in control of this virus so there must be way to control them to stop it happening again in the same way people want to follow Rachel because they want to believe that they have control over their own lives to be able to have a life like hers well that got deep but I'll finish this section with a quote from the book brights I did how positive thinking is undermining America and I will move on as the economy has brought more layoffs and financial turbulence to the middle class the promoters of positive thinking have increasingly emphasized this negative judgments to be disappointed resentful or downcast is to be a victim and a whiner no doubt the growing financial insecurity of the middle class contributes to the demand for these products and services America has historically offers space for all sorts of sects cults faith healers and purveyors of snake oil and those that are profitable like positive thinking tend to flourish George W Bush has been a cheerleader in prep school and cheerleading a distinctly American innovation a product of Bob Woodward Condoleezza Rice failed to express some of her worries because she said the president almost demanded optimism he didn't like pessimism hand wringing or doubt the truth is that Americans have been working hard for decades to school themselves in the techniques of positive thinking and these included the reflexive capacity for dismissing disturbing news [Music] so what Rachel doesn't seem to mention much about in her book at all is her own privilege and it's not surprising it's a self-help book it's supposed to sound like she's made it through from rags to riches she meant students her grandparents a lot worth cotton-picking Okies from time to time and she puts across the idea that her parents were poor even though I don't think they were terribly poor as I mentioned her dad had a bachelor's and master's and doctorate and business management and he was a pastor I know that they can be well-paid though not necessarily I've heard it depends on how hard you can blow viruses away in her second book in her self-help series girls stop apologizing she touches on the subjects haven't read that book but thankfully someone posted an excerpt of it in the Facebook group girl shut your face I have a photo from that time with my 11th birthday party with a handful of friends from school in this rundown shabby apartment I remember being embarrassed I remember the box cake mix in an old Pirates I remember that we couldn't afford decorations I remember being hyper aware of two things first I didn't want the kind of life where I lacked funds for special occasions second it's not very convincing to assert your independence from my mother in this case if you don't have the financial means to back it up I vow to myself that day that I could be wealthy when I grow up it was my birthday candle wish I stood in that tiny dining room on stained carpet in front of the yard sale table and I promised myself something better I will never live like this when I have the ability to prevent it I was vehement in this someday I would be rich so by the sounds of it this happened after Rachel's parents divorce Rachel's mother has thrown a party for her birthday and provided everything she can to ensure that she celebrates us hope burps it to the best of her abilities she's got friends and loved ones around her and all Rachel can think about is how poor she thinks she is like this is just insane either she's lying to get some point across or she has been insanely obsessed with money since she was 11 years old I don't know what anyone else was like when they were 11 but when I was 11 I was barely aware of how wealthy my parents were or the people's parents were how did she even know any better she said she came from a small low-income town like we're all of her friends from bel-air or something I don't understand if this is true I'm very sad for her and and especially for her mother but it seems that Rachel's obsession with all things materialistic just never wavered into adulthood the chapter 13 talks about seeing a woman on the street with a tiny Louis Vuitton bag and she said the bag represented the kind of woman she dreamed of becoming so rich basically this tiny bag costs a little over $1,000 that she talks about seeing a woman with that very bag in the street with perfect hair and makeup and a cute outfit and that she bounced that one day she wanted to be as stylish as that woman aka rich it's funny how she never really mentioned any other female role models in the book other than this one woman that she saw in the street one day wearing expensive clothes it's the only role model that rachel mentions nothing about wanting to help people with her platform or the thing about wanting to change the world in a positive way with her time on this earth it's literally all about money and on page 71 she mentions that her biggest dream is to have a vacation house in Hawaii so much so that she keeps a picture of one inside of her closet door she just completely normalizes being so materialistic and she doesn't question why she wants such shallow things and extract perhaps the deeper issues that we have in societies to do with capitalism and desiring like wearable status symbols in the form of overpriced bags one of the little tidbits of advice also is to write down your goals so Rachel said that she wrote down in a journal every day I only fly first class why don't you aim higher Rachel why don't you put down I own a private jet write this dope filled world right get in an air get in a long tube with a bunch of demons then you'll be a prophet preacher one huge part of her privilege that she literally never mentions in the book unsurprisingly is how her marriage to Dave at 21 benefited her he was head of international distribution at Disney so he was responsible for getting Disney movies into cinemas all over the world and he got paid a lot I don't know how much but in this Lewis house interview he mentions in passing that he was on seven figures so if he's right that would means that he was earning at least a million dollars every year so as soon as Rachel married a man she had him on lockdown like a virus she left her job and pursued her party paying business and yes it takes a lot of hard work and tenacity to be able to start a successful party planning business in LA but it also takes a lot of capital Rachel had the safest capital in the world being married to a man who was on seven figures and it was he was never in any danger of losing his job like he said it himself like the job was too easy I was doing a job where I could not fail and not because of me but because of the strength of the team and the strength of the slate the movies were too good and the teams are too great he was never challenged in his job so it was too easy so how I think lucky were you Rachel but you were in that position so yeah it's funny that she never mentioned it and also in in homemade form or documentary she tells the audience about a boob job that she has and I don't know if she like meant the story to be particularly inspiring but I don't know how it could be really but she talks about the state of her breasts after having three kids in this sort of quirky fashion they're all on the same level I you know might know how to do my makeup or I might have pretty hair but I have the same gross stuff weird stuff funny stuff embarrassing stuff that you do because I never want it to feel like that there's any difference between you and I look like an old tube sock and you filled it with yogurt okay and not even like not I have my Greek yogurt not that thick yogurt like this is like Activia like that's in the bottom of the tube stop and I'm sorry but the nipples are now they're facing down their downward-facing dog do your ears hang low yes that she's describing them like that disgusting Rachel there are gonna be women in the audience you have had children and who have boobs like the ones that you're describing and maybe even worse and she's basically like stood on the stage doing body shaming here and it's probably making some of the women in the audience feel terrible about their bodies because they're looking up to Rachel and she goes on to tell a story about how she goes and gets surgery to correct them because guess what rachel has enough money to do that but what about the women who don't have enough money to do that Rachel should they maybe try and accept their bodies and love their bodies as they are no you should get up at 5 a.m. and work so hard at your MLM business that one day you can have a boob job and fix the things that are wrong with you because you're wrong and ugly and wrong and then it goes to a scene where she's talking about how important it is to talk about the hard things in her life [ __ ] was that hard was that hard thing that you had to go through huh it's just like a stark it's a stark contrast to that original bikini photo that she posted years ago about accepting and loving your body after having children what she constantly tries to make herself smaller against her own advice in her book to make herself seem relatable to her audience today I decided to do egg whites and spinach which is one of my go-to that's not what a real morning routine looks like let me show you so this is whey protein powder that I mixed with a little water it's a great way to stay full and get your breakfast really quickly unfortunately I think it tastes disgusting but after I took it down my coffees usually ready which is all I'm living for at this point see she's not perfect she can't function without coffee oh yeah like skipping breakfast and chugging a disgusting protein shake down I also hate food as well so real I actually eat pure building sound for breakfast fills you up till dinnertime and you literally [ __ ] bricks no calories absorbed about 7:30 our nanny arrives which is awesome because trying to get ready for work with three little boys can require some assistance oh and she brings the nanny around so real and relatable don't even laugh I totally wear a shower cap I've got to preserve this do cuz I don't actually know how to blow-dry my own hair it doesn't know how to blow-dry her own hair so relatable I also get mine done at the sound on every few weeks - gonna keep that blowout fresh you know when she has a home gym just just like all of us yeah because here can we bother to actually go to pitch in my my rice oh relatable have you seen the traffic in LA next I give all the boys a kiss pack up my backpack and then I grab one of my pre-made green juices before I head out the car to work oh my god disgusting green juice to start of the day because nothing's changed since an hour ago I still hate food so real I know there weren't any special omelettes or like really beautiful hair and makeup like the other girls on YouTube but this is what my morning routine really looks like wow so relatable Rachel oh my god I love her [ __ ] omelette it's funny how she never really mentioned tsunami in her book as well until they acknowledged business at the end like she has a whole chapter about asking for help which is a lot harder when you're not paying the person to look after your kids I I moved to LA at 17 and pretty and pretty early on I started to meet some influential celebrity friends Paris Hilton was one of them and through her I met my boyfriend Ray J and our relationship then led to me getting a show on E which led to product lines and when I started dating Kanye I just that is Kim Kardashian so here she even jokes about other people who've used their connections to elevate their own careers girl you married a Disney executive Rachel's next book should be called girl marry a Disney executive and then put up with his terrible personality for 14 years there are definitely people who will read that I have a nanny or that I have a full-time housekeeper and will get pissed because I've experienced it before they're gonna be like Oh must be nice to eat bonbons all day while someone else raises your children I'm like you know what Pam you don't know anything no Rachel no one's saying you eat bonbons all day you can only work very hard but say to other mothers out there they just didn't have the same launch path that you did she himself flexes here in there as well I think YouTube channel there's a video dedicated to Dave getting his new 69 Bronco built from scratch I don't know how much that would have cost them but it took them two years to make it from scratch just for him to his exact specifications one of the things the book has been attacked for is you say that anyone can kind of pull themselves up by the bootstraps and go that's not true for everyone and I disagree miss Hollis told me I just to the marrow of my bones disagree because there are too many people living in opposition of that belief I moved to LA left a crappy childhood got three jobs and worked really freaking hard I'm not saying everybody has to save opportunities I'm not saying everybody has the same resources of course they don't but you meaning the public buying into the idea that it can't happen for you because of what your life looks like right now doesn't serve you it doesn't serve you that's the hill I'll die on she said hell no Rachel you forgot to mention your executive husband again Rachel I know he's very easy to forget Hollis equates having made it with being able to drop a lot of cash on a status symbol bag using purchasing power as a path to self-realization Pentecostals have long associated spiritual blessing with material wealth which may help explain why there is something talismanic about the Louis Vuitton bag for Hollis it showed her hard work as strategic goal setting child the kind of earnest face that got awarded in the form of $10,000 consulting check and I think that's interesting and the reason that she's so popular in the MLM space as well a huge part of the marketing that people use to get people into emmalin's is the materialistic wealth showcased by the higher up consultants they get away retreats and the pictures you see all over social media it's all designed to make you feel like you're missing out on something awesome and Rachel's goals are the same a picture of a vacation house in Hawaii pinned inside her closet door it's parallel to those pictures of leadership retrieves is its a destination that you can get to when you can achieve and it's completely materialistic and they'll say that you're helping other people in MLMs such as using words for groping people into the scheme like sponsoring to make you feel a bit better about wanting it like the benign believe that you're helping other people by roping them into a scheme like it makes you feel good it makes you feel charitable and like the most messed up way ever but in reality it's all about that lucrative vacation the car and the deliver come back [Music] but why why why is Rachel so obsessed with money well in part I think she knows who our audience is which is why she talks about it so much she knows exactly who's paying this huge MLM speaking checks and she wants them to keep coming if you need to know why MLM is are bad then watch this video but her audiences MLMs and military wives MLM mws Momoa Melua she doesn't really keep it a secret either she knows this people know it thank you for hollering at the other girls on your MLM team to read it thank you for telling the other wives on base that it's worth their time that being said she stopped speaking on other people's stages now she said so she says she's only gonna be speaking at her own conferences from now on I'm guessing because they're so big now that they're making more money than the MLM conference has ever did make her that doesn't mean that she's no longer supporting the industry for example I think Debbie Neal from our bond would be very pleased with the chapter called the lie no is the final answer although she does say at the end of the chapter don't harass people again I'm against but rather find an alternative route like leaflet he messages an announcer machine in this key nice speech Debbie Neil tells a story about how she called someone 30 times in the early days of her business and filled up her voicemail machine 30 times and then then she goes on to say how she's now one of her highest earning downline this person that she had so here is Rachel doing a motivational speech as a doTERRA convention remember Pam now she's a Karen and that's a voice in your hair think of all the things now get that voice a physical manifestation if you have to imagine the voice in your head as a real person think of what he or she would look like right I'll give you mine feel free to use her her name is Pam she has Kate Gosselin's haircut from drowning camp blessing not just a something now Kate Gosselin when the show first started talking about Pam always wants to speak to the manager she's always upset right she's that you guys know who I'm talking about right Rachel you can't describe a Karen to a roomful of Karen's and then go and call her Pam her name is Karen we all know what you're talking about hang on a minute when Rachel was judging Pam for eating pizza hey Pam I thought you were doing whole 30 Pam was actually the voice inside Rachel's head the voices side Rachel's head telling her she's ugly and fat and she'll never amount to anything looks like Pam got Rachel back go Pam eat pizza and cake and insult Rachel Hollis be more Pam I've never addressed effing you one time Pam but super loud we're like a lot of people are gonna be like oh my ears don't worry you're fine Pam you got this you're stronger than her we're hashtag team Pam I wanna hovering right under a number in red right under a certain amount of team members and they just can't get past it you in here so for me I was back that million dollars and so I heard this guy talk about who said it's a psychological threshold and what you will do if they're not mindful of it is you will start to self-sabotage you will actually prohibit yourself from going past it not knowing who does it look at by their business or personal finances because you don't want to know thank you for your honesty that was me anyone have someone right now who's actively judging them for being at something like this yeah how favorite part of any racial how this speech well if any it was the 50 pounds overweight right Sheldon yo judging us you are a small business owner and small business owners are the backbone of this country and that is something to be proud people in emmalin's of not small business owners Rachael and you're just lying here and I know you know that's a lie Rachael because you're a clever girl and right now you're unsure and right now you don't know and right now but there is so much potential right now you're on show right now you don't know so she's like tapping into the mindset here of like the exact kind of person who would join an MLM someone who feels lost and she knows most of these women's businesses are like not going well in the podcaster dream a journalist goes to one of the conference's and she says every woman who she spoke to you in the conference for the limelight which was the MLM conference that she went to she said every woman there was was complaining about how badly their business was going and they were there at the conference to try and lift up their spirits because they weren't making any money so Rachel knows that all of these people are just sad and failing attempting to grow to a new level in your multi-level marketing business doesn't just require classes and webinars in a 6 social media presence it also requires someone to help you around the house since you will have less time for that it's impossible to build big things entirely by yourself a whole team of people helped me build my company over the last decade it took family and babysitters and nannies to help keep our family afloat during the times I had to put in extra hours in an MLM why don't you just hire a babysitter and the money I'll punch further into debt hook the world's biggest cheerleader as a husband celebrating my wins and covering my losses both financially and emotionally in those early years I'm sorry the biggest cheerleader in the world as a husband that's what Dave is now the one that thing years made you feel ashamed of your own goal so you minimize them in front of him and other people right also the one who told you that there's a 3% chance that you get that deal that one is a cheerleader is he I'm just imagining Dave Hollis as a cheerleader now [Applause] [Music] so rachel is no stranger to mingling with people in the multi-level marketing space at Milan for instance who's interviewing her here by the way the title of the video is watch this if you struggle with self-doubt and he has loads of videos titled this way in order to like fish for people who are probably easily manipulated and then uses his platform to make himself into this person that you should be looking up to like he's incredibly rich and he's part of this MLM called world Financial Group one where they sell insurance all sort of thing and the whole industry just makes me sick so rachel has endorsed the industry throughout her whole career so here she is interviewing Jessica Honegger the CEO at maggiore MLM and Rachel can be seen wearing their necklaces all the time and I've gone to their website and there's this huge banner on their homepage of course exploiting the current situation that many women are in right now touting themselves as the answer stay home stay connected earn a paycheck with a purpose and here she is bigger not lularoe leggings of course I tried lularoe leggings they feel like butter and are amazing this is from Emily yes I have that's what I wear around the house I have some spider webs and some ones that look like the Jamaican flag and they feel great by the way I did a whole documentary on lularoe and it's so ride you can see part 1 and part 2 of that on my channel go check it out these about why you guys want we want to send things but I promise you do as long as they're not a bomb I will open them on camera don't have me Rachel oh speaking of lunar Oh look here it is afrin Lindsay wheeler the perpetual liar and pyramid and aya who are doing incredible things for their family they are reaching their goals today five years after lularoe started you didn't have to get in when it first started to be successful you can start today and build an incredible business books like but if you've been working at something for the longest time and you can't figure out how to monetize it or you can't find any customers it might be because it's a terrible business girl say that every MLM conference this speech here is not an MLM conference it's just a business conference so after you wonder why she's not ever said that in any of our MLM speeches it's a terrible business there's no way to skip the line oh wow so now we move on to Rachel's speech at the Beachbody and a land convention which by the way just the name of this company makes me feel sick everything on the it's not for free apart from Rachel's conferences even when they're just digital during a pandemic you still have to pay a lot of money for them and for Rachel to tell you to have a plan when you lose your house like move in with your mother-in-law you will keep moving for like you have so many other times in your life so if that were to happen what would you do and be real right now being a leader is facing the reality of your situation if there's a chance that you could lose your home yes that's scary yes that's hard yes that's terrifying write it down I'm afraid that we're going to lose our home because I lost my job and if it happens what will I do have a plan you know you are Rachel because I got pizza that I just ate so rachel also says that you shouldn't fake it till you make it all the time to go to that I'll sing that I would like fake it to make it whoever her figure till you make it I hate that phrase because all that happens when you fake it is you alien alienate yourself in the community of people who can actually help you you know that would sing fake it till you make it I hate that expression I hate it because I think the only time you should fake anything is confident and I think that I've done really well with the idea of fake it till you make it I think it's such a funny thing in business you know I do I speak a lot of business conferences and it's a question that you get often do you believe in the idea of fake it till you make it and I do because I think it's worked really well for me well that one page 34 she does she does admit that she has a flaw of hypocrisy so we should all listen to her and feed her advice right and finally we come on - Rachel's issue of hair plagiarizing so fuzzfeed originally called Rachel out for multiple instances of quotes being posted to Rachel's Instagram account but without credit to the original author but rather with credit to Rachel herself and then after BuzzFeed called her out the posts were deleted she's especially fond of this Mark Twain quote that she parents - applause every time that she uses it in speeches comparison is the death of joy comparison is the death of joy and she also uses it on page 8 of girl wash your face without credit also in this video celebrates books she points out a few plagiarized quotes that come up in Rachel's second self-help book girl stop apologizing and here we've got Kiki Chanel pointing out some further examples from her beachbody speech in this interview she's quotes Joe Dispenza Joe Dispenza yes said in an age of this much free information ignorant is a choice correct so that's basically the same thing that she says that same thing she absolutely loves saying in all of her own speeches is everything is on the internet for free that's basically that Joe Dispenza quote and that's the first time that I've seen her credit it to him and by the sounds of it she doesn't even know if it was him who really said it and then on page 141 of her book as well she literally admits to wanting to check if Mindy Kaling has trademarked her phrase cardio fantasies so she can turn it into her next book or line of activewear on this morning routine video as well she talks about how she gets up at 5:00 a.m. to read other people's books about management and leadership and she's literally HiFi seeing phrases in the book that she's probably gonna steal at some point so in chapter 19 there's only one right way to be I actually thought that had a really nice sentiment to it it was probably my favorite one and it's the one that her Christian publishes allegedly wanted her to remove because it was too progressive for her conservative part of her audience apparently but it basically tells the story of how she grew up in a very sheltered little town she only knew or the white Christian straight people and she talks about the first time that she left that town on her own she saw two men holding hands in public and people of other ethnicities and how amazed she was and she advocates going out and mingling with people who are not like you who don't look like you and don't vote the way you do etc it's just to widen your perspective which is lovely and then she ends the chapter on page 205 with the quote every year you close a new chapter in your story don't write the same on 75 times and call it alive which is a quote according to BuzzFeed which came from Robin Sharma so she kind of ruins it with a plagiarized quote right at the end but she does quote Maya Angelou in this chapter and credits her well misquote sir but who these she tried but but recently she came under fire for quoting a Maya Angelou on her Instagram and just outright attributed it to herself and she got heavy heavy backlash especially from the black community and she eventually took it down and offered an apology but she blamed her social media team for it basically so that's great so in conclusion not everybody hates Rachel Hollis a lot of people love her obviously otherwise she wouldn't be so successful I read her a book called girl wash your face this was a really good blog we just finished reading girl watch your feet wash your face by Rachel Hollis I can't wait to hear what you off out of this I really loved it so what's her appeal well it's clear that a lot of women feel that they need to hear what Rachel's saying even if it seems like obvious advice it does help to literally hear things and it can copy give that kick up the ass that you might need to start a new project and have the confidence to do it but here's where she goes wrong hold on hold on I'm just I was I don't I'm I don't I'm just someone talking crap she needs to listen to her haters she constantly blocks people who leave comments criticizing her on her social media and she admits on page 151 of girl wash her face it she once got one bad review on one of her fiction books early on and since then she's not read any reviews of her books at all and the fiction books from what I've seen are actually quite good and didn't get that much negative so she's not read one of them many many bad reviews online about her two most recent books and she's not seen any of the criticism she's getting and I guess it's one way of dealing with you mental health when in the public eye like I could I could choose to ignore my comment section altogether so I don't have to experience and if you abusive ones but I want to engage with my audience and I want to hear the positive and the negative opinions about my work as long as it's constructive criticism because I want to get better but it's quite clear that Rachel just launched this constructive criticism in with like all of her haters and ignores it all and then the consequently issues doesn't actually realize when she's causing actual harm the BuzzFeed article by Laura Turner describes Rachel's social media presence and rising like curated imperfections she touts the self as being honest but what is honesty when your life is your brand she'll post pictures after a workout looking like all sweaty and realistic and she reminds me of Lele pons in a way like posting like a super hot pet it's like all of her 15 year old followers and then you swipe and she's like making like a Snoopy face cuz she's such like a nerd but she can because she's hot and she constantly posts about her like glow up and the main thing that contributed to that was a nose job that most people couldn't afford and the fact that she got her bracelets taken off one day that's it what's most disconcerting however isn't the mixed messaging it's the writers reference points or lack thereof because her own life is the story that she sells for a living Hollis rarely looks beyond it she turns inward in order to understand and explain the world and occasionally to the TV show friends rejuve Barrymore movie that's fine if you're writing a journal but less compelling when you're positioning yourself as an international feminist leader she makes a big point of her own transformation from ungainly overweight child to adult objective desire aided by a rigorous diet and exercise a boob jobs hair extensions and dyes and makeup artists and advice from stylists but she also urges women to accept and love themselves she tells ladies to dream unabashedly big then offers an example of this as a mum who gets in shape and loses weight for the sake of her family's health i think rachel is so popular because she's pretty good at saying things that feel great on a surface level but she never really gets into the nitty-gritty of like what she actually did to get to where she is in her business today she's ever asked anything about what she practically does in an interview she just kind of avoids saying anything of value like politician just falls back to her usual tropes and that's perhaps because a lot of it was looking she just doesn't want people to realize that and because it's not inspiring and it's not what people want to believe that they don't want to believe that it's look people don't want to believe that anything is scary or random or hard to understand your own moods and emotions are hard to understand and hard to control sometimes but you should try and understand them so you've got a better chance at controlling them not stomp them down into the stained carpet while crying into your box cake but some people like Rachel style because it's like realtalk or tough love kind of style but is it though or is it just abusive Rachel didn't realize when Dave was being abusive to her so like and she still doesn't seem to realize and blames on herself so Rachel's fans in a way you're an abuser relationship with her she will insult them in like passive ways until they blame themselves for their flaws then they drop at least $300 to go to a conference because Rachel's telling them that if they don't go then they're just making excuses again up 50 stop talking yourself out of it stop making excuses if you want to go you are grown human you get to make that choice make it happen and if you have a spouse who you're worried about having to convince that this is a worthy thing I'm happy I'm super happy to have a conversation with frankly anyone who is worried about that me to you the woman who is maybe struggling with how to bring this up to your husband or me to your husband had to have either either of you threat Dave everything you need to know is on the internet for free though apart from the stuff that you learn of rice conferences it's life-changing and if your husband won't let you go then Dave will have a word with him I would call a subsection of Rachel's audience a bit like a court following you are the exact example of why other people's opinions of you don't matter I have read both her books and I can promise you and if she read this article she has enough self confidence that your opinion doesn't matter the refreshing thing that I learned from Rachel Hollis is that you are compacted in your opinion unless you from which I or anyone else who supports her or has their in any other writer can possibly move on without yours having any impact on their mind goals etc I do believe that you exhibit the exact type of person that loves to pick a person togethers obviously doing something good for millions yes millions of women and turn it into a judgement fest to possibly make your own self feel better hey that's none of my business new day you and I think your opinions would have been more well-received if they came from a place of your heartfelt advice rather than a place of pushing your beliefs I've been meaning someone else stay permanent the irony of that last statement is not lost on me it's that the patronizing tone and my complete dismissal of just trying to truly understand what the article was really saying and falling back on it just be positive message just sounds exactly like every woman from an MLM has been in my comments in Miami land videos before the reality is we need people to criticizes so we get better so we improved as long as we do it nicely and I found this one comment from an ex fan of Rachael interesting I used to follow Rachel Hollis on Instagram and read some of her blog I liked her peppy upbeat funny and then I realized that she was actually just capitalizing on my own lack of confidence internal shame and desperation to along somewhere the longer I was in that state the more I were tuned into her videos purchase her books buy tickets to her conferences etc she capitalizes off the exact situation women are experiencing that she is claiming to fix but surely as Rachel would tell you no one can fix you and not some stranger on a screen certainly not an upper-class white woman in America who has yes worked hard for what they have but undeniably being given the resources lack of obstacles and oppression and lots of look to do so what wrote me the wrong way with Rachel is the same as many other critics she is a white wealthy woman that believes she is speaking to everyone she seems to have no understanding of her blindness to intersectionality or how tone-deaf her preaching is to anyone who doesn't fit in the same box but there are some aspects of Rachel Hollister's personality that we can take inspiration from like the determination that she had to self-publish her original fiction books when publishers kicked her back again and again and again admirable the way that she moved them we've patched at the age of 19 and got a job in LA that was amaura bull she was clearly mature way beyond her years at that age but her determination is sort of given her like a tunnel vision view of her career and there's people outside of that tunnel who are like trying to tell her that she could do better but she's got the blinkers on and she's powering through without thinking who she's harming in the process and I think that's mainly young women in MLM businesses and that kind of determination would be great if she was still writing fiction books to this day but she's not she's giving real advice to real women who are looking up to her and she's putting her fingers in her ears and singing la la la when anybody tries to tell her that she might not be affecting these women in the positive way that she thinks she is or perhaps she knows full well how harmful she's being and she doesn't care because now she's got all the Louis Vuitton bags in the world that she could ever want and Dave's got his Bronco she's well on her way to getting that beautiful vacation house in Hawaii I have this idea a year ago um cuz I'm such a nerd and I just love movies with dance numbers so bad in this rise build-up as much as I have participated in plenty of planning conversations there are very few things that I've had an opinion on because it's not my strength the only thing I mean this is the craziest thing but the only thing one of the only things that I really had an opinion on was the value of a finale and I'm seeing pitch perfect and subtract too and I was like would it be amazing if we had a finale and so we're gonna in this not like anybody else not like any other video meanwhile Pam is sitting in the break room eating a meat lover's pizza and lovers Pizza meat lovers Pizza [Music] hey Rachel is Pam the woman you taught dancer can I speak to the manager all right it's cute coming in the break room on your head do you have any shot don't mind me wanna cry into my meat love but sisa I think you missed us at the meaning of Paul 30 did you eat 30 whole pieces and can you turn it down a shoe stream you know what you don't know anything about dates built in it dildo I'll bet you had boots like Tokyo said hey look well - Oh Swee'Pea fold them up like sheep wear my bra comes up they're like CVS receipt my son's love this perfect decorations were from Target he didn't give a [ __ ] about those things on the topic and yeah I ate some cake but I still look like a fox and you know what [ __ ] it came from a box I can't afford [Music] [Music] yeah you don't know anything hey hey hey hey Pam hey I thought you were doing say 30 meanwhile meat meat meat meat while Pam was sitting in the break room meanwhile me evening meanwhile I thought you were doing still 38 lovers means that you can eat meat lovers Pizza meat lovers Pizza you can't eat meat lovers Pizza couldn't resist the case current through a resistor cake meat lovers Pizza he ain't meat meat lovers Pizza gone would you respect her scale would you respect her feet lovers being done would you respect her skill would you respect her you've gained a few pounds you off plus a few extra extra no we weren't going no way no way no way all day of snow way no way No away [Music] but now you bonbons all day while someone else raises your children stopping up
Channel: münecat
Views: 288,355
Rating: 4.8384695 out of 5
Keywords: anti-mlm, rachel hollis, lularoe, arbonne, mlm, multi-level marketing, self help, toxic positivity
Id: IxICfpi9IFg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 93min 0sec (5580 seconds)
Published: Wed May 20 2020
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