Withstanding Mental Attacks Pt. 1

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this program is made possible by the partners and Friends of Creflo Dollar ministries today this is the day that the Lord has made you can't you can't one about what you're gonna do tomorrow you gotta wonder about what's let's go you got thing about today and when the word says about today somebody up a dip on this post put me out tomorrow let's see it's just something about if you'll just take care of the day what you do today will change it's the battle between these years this is changing your world with creflo dollar now from the world Dome in College Park Georgia here's pastor dollar with today's message we're gonna start a new series here this morning and I believe it is it is vital in every area of your life we're going to talk this morning about taming the mind to receive the finished works of grace taming the mind to receive the finished works of grace now when you change something you bring it under control you take you take something that's wild or something that's not doing what it's supposed to be doing and you bring it under control you improve it by cultivation so we're talking about taming your mind there is a need to understand as Christian people what you need to do to bring your mind under control when it is alarmed to bring it under control when panic knocks on the door when you get bad news or situations and circumstances around you how do I tame my mind now why is this important why does a Christian need to absolutely understand this because ladies and gentlemen your mind is the Gateway to all of the provisions that G is already provided in you and it is also the Gateway to determine if you're going to benefit from the provisions of grace that has been made or made available to you now it is of necessity that we know how to win the battle between your two ears the mind is the arena of faith the mind is where you will win or lose it's all going to be determined between your two ears whether you have victory in a certain area or not is going to be determined by what happens between your two ears you got to understand that Satan is limited in what he can do to you Jesus stripped him of all of his of all of a party that he stole in the garden and he made an open shamed of him then and and really to be honest with you when it comes to what the devil can do to you he is limited ladies and gentlemen listen to me the only weapon the enemy has the only thing he can do to you the most powerful thing that he is not even the most powerful thing it's the only thing he has its suggestion that's all he has if he can use suggestion he will make a suggestion to you and depend on you to not understand or not know the truth or somehow talk yourself into believing the lie and it just sits back and watch you self-destruct he will sow a seed of suggestion and depending on whether or not you're in the word or not or who you've been listening to of what you've been around is gonna determine how you cultivate that seed and then the whole time you begin to give him credit for what he's doing in you and how he's blocking you and stopping you and it was only a suggestion oh my goodness you will win in life or you will win you will lose in life based on how you handle the battle between your two ears I think what we're for a moment man is a spirit he possesses a soul the mind will and emotion and he lives in a physical body we must understand that the day we got born again the finished works of Jesus has already been deposited on the inside of our spirit in other words you didn't get healed the day you got sick you know someone said well well I got sick so I need healing God didn't create healing the day youth discovered she was sick healing was was was given to us 2,000 years ago heal has already been settled but your deliverance wasn't made the day you needed to be delivered your deliverance was established two thousand years ago that's a part of your finished works your provisions didn't show up God didn't start working on you what you needed in life because you had a need now the provisions were already made ready 2,000 years ago it's all the things that we find that we need in our lives and somehow religion has convinced us that's when we go and and and and we sweat to try to get God to do something about what we're going through and what we've got to understand is it's a part of the finished work when Jesus on the cross said it is finished that means everything that pertains to life and godliness everything that concern with you your the scripture says that he has perfected and he will perfect that what's concern with you it's already been done it's a finished work healing is a finished work deliverance is a friend's finished work you getting a job cause you lost another job is a finished work there ain't no decision you don't make that God hadn't already prepared for it and so what the enemy will do is when you make a decision that maybe create some drama or something in your life one of the things you got to understand is that God's not working on fixing it at the time you made the bad decision it's already fixed it's already taken care of it's already apartment of the finished work it's already been done it's already over he already got you covered you got to now understand that your faith is a positive attitude towards something that's already been finished you got to understand that your faith is what appropriate is what goes and obtains what Jesus has already finished and so you've got to understand that how I think about this is gonna determine how my faith is gonna be released towards it if I don't think I'm already healed then guess what a suggestion from the enemy the accuser of the Brethren will say you are not healed check out how you feel check out what you're going through and he will talk you out of what you already have thinking that you got to get God to try to do what is already done it is crucial and extremely vital that we know how to this day win the battle between the two ears are you listening to me it's the accuser of the Brethren so we've got to tame our mind so they can receive the finished works of grace and that's just not one of these little one two one two one two three one two three things no no it is it is it is it is something that is gonna require your attention attend to my word the scripture says so you gotta ask yourself what am i giving my attention to what am I thinking about what am i thinking about I am going to try today and and and in the following weeks to come to try to get you to understand that you must become a good custodian over your thought life you've got to become aware of what you are thinking you've got to check out the way you're thinking up into now maybe we've not thought about what we have been thinking about but you've got you can't make that's a real subtle type of thing you've got to start becoming increasingly aware about what's going on in your mind because it is the ground that satan depends on in order for him to have any kind of victory over your life he wants to be a part of the suggestions he wants to accuse he wants to plant thought look at what he did with Adam and Eve that whole thing was not about the devil showing up in the garden and beating him up look what he did he showed up with a very crafty subtle suggestion and with that very crafty subtle suggestion they started thinking about his whole objective was let me get them to start thinking about something that they've not thought about let me get them to start thinking about God's shortchanging them let me get them to think that God's little they need to start thinking about that maybe there's something that God don't want him to have and so he asked this question man he just shows up with a question half God said and she was doing the right thing she should have stayed there she said now what God said was that we can eat up all the trees of the garden except for that one right there and all he wants to do is get her to thinking something she was supposed to be thinking well maybe God doesn't want you to eat of that tree because he knows you're gonna be like him knowing the difference between good and evil are the thought the thought the conception of the thought the conception of the thought and now you have access to everything in the garden but now because of you now you're thinking about now you're thinking about one tree you think about one tree if you just get business by eating all the other trees you ain't you forget about the one tree but the devil says if I can get you to stop thinking about this one tree good lord have mercy and what happens is the temptation comes because the enemy was able to get them to start thinking about the thing he wanted to tempt them with in the first place I want you to write this thing down right here you cannot be tempted with anything that you don't first of all think about you cannot be tempted with anything that you don't first of all think about if the enemy is going to tempt you in any area of your life he must first of all get you to think about it and that's why the Bible is so consistent in the New Testament about what you think about think on those things which are good think of those things which are lovely think on those things which are of good report if there be any virtue if there be any praise think on these things those things that are concerning what Jesus has promised you and the grace of God has provided for you and so what happens is Satan along with the world and the world's system will have you to conceive that there is nothing wrong with allowing my mind to wonder and it is just all right for me to every now and then think about some things and if you closely examine your life and your closely examine your mind in the way you think you can hardly hold on to thinking about a Christian for five minutes without something else coming in to try to distract your thinking away from the word what is it that the devil knows about a Christian who will keep his mind stayed on that word what is it about I mean you do it you do it yourself I did this I said let me get into my friend place and let me see how long I can keep my mind on this particular scripture before something comes up to try to intrude upon my thinking and interrupt my thinking you do that you'll be surprised how long you can hang on to a scripture before something come up baby need about you or what I'm gonna do tomorrow what's going on right now before there's an interruption what is that what is it that the devil knows about this mind that has bought him success in victory in some people's lives that he don't want you to use it to bring success and victory in your own life the mind the mind his second elements of the mind ha ha y'all excuse me I got this personal relationship with Jesus I hear stuff when I preaching and I have to stop from crying because the stuff you're trying to tell me while I'm talking and here's just said to me do not confuse this with positive thinking people I'm not talking about positive thinking I'm talking about thinking that lines up with the word I'm not talking about thinking that is positive I'm talking about thinking that lines up with the word so you can snake positively about something and it may not be the Word of God but when you think about the Word of God hallelujah the positive gonna be in the Word of God also the power is gonna be in the Word of God you go around and think positive it's gonna be all right it's gonna be your eyes gonna be alright it's gonna be all right or you can go around and think the Bible says about his stripes I'm healed the Bible says that he carried my sickness and all my pain and all my disease and in the name of Jesus his life lives on the inside of me the very life that raised Jesus from the dead quickens my mortal body by that same spirit you can think about that or you can go around try to be a positive I'm not talking about positive thinking I'm talking about word thinkers I'm talking about Bible thinkers I'm talking about scripture thinkers are you hear what I'm saying it has been a trick of the devil for years and I'm trying to expose the light on this little tricky of trickery of the devil Wow you're sitting back wondering how did I get here how am I gonna get out of here the enemy is doing you just like he did Adam and Eve just if I can give a suggestion to try to get you to thinking in our direction then I can sit back and watch you create your own havoc if I can get you to be alarmed about something if I can give some get you to get you to panic about something you know what you know what panic is panic is groundless fear that means you start being afraid when there's no reason to be afraid but what the enemy says if I can keep you in that fear if I can get you to believe a lot and talk yourself into a lie being the truth as if it's already there then if it's not there I can use your faith to bring into manifestation something that ain't what even there when you started being alarmed about it it's time to beat him at his own game that when he shows up with a father you said no no no no no this don't think that way and when he shows up with something you say you got me worried about tomorrow but the Bible says don't worry about tomorrow since tomorrow got enough to deal with itself so you got enough to deal with today don't be thinking about no mark so I so now you got to you got to get your thinking in control as you start thinking about tomorrow you got to say now don't think about tomorrow think about the day tomorrow we'll be here but think about the day I'm right here today I'm right you gotta learn how to enjoy today you gotta learn how to rejoice today this is the day that the Lord has made you can't you can't worry about what you're gonna do tomorrow you gotta wonder about what's going you got think about today and what the word says about today something says you have a difficult day suppose put me out tomorrow let's see it's just something about if you'll just take care of the day what you do today will change your tomorrow yeah y'all y'all not here I'm Trump it's the battle between these ears it's the back this is the arena of faith this is where you're gonna win it this is where you're gonna lose it this is what's gonna determine your future this is what's going to determine your tomorrow right here up here in your mind and the mind is the battleground and I'm telling you you can have authority over your thinking you can have authority over your mind and if you can learn how to tame your mind the reason why I call it taming the man is because when your mind gets all out of control and it starts thinking stuff and going all kinds of place you know have you ever laid in bed and just you just went crazy you just thought hey you didn't open your mouth you went crazy with your mouth closed just making all kinds of stuff next thing you know you got start getting nervous and then you could oh jesus you ain't y'all need my happen you would you're laying there if somebody was looking at you they try to figure out what's gonna happen how'd you just land that beating yourself up with your belt let the devil tell you how bad you are you ain't nothing remember what you did 20 years ago then you walk you up through 20 years in 15 minutes and you you're lost how your pillow sitting in there but what if we can tame our thoughts tame our tongue bring our mind and our thinking under the control of the Holy Spirit and deny access to the suggestions of the enemy now once you become aware of this you're gonna become aware of the different suggestion that he makes to you throughout today and and there's a way to handle it the Bible says casting down every thought that exalts itself against the knowledge of God but now wait a minute if you don't know the knowledge of God how you gonna know when that's a thought that is trying to come against the knowledge of God so now that's why you got to get into word that's why you got to be on a church that'll sit you down and tell you something and give you some knowledge break you off some knowledge see you you got listen it just can't be about all this coming in let me feel something and oh wow how how no no no you need that you need to hear something you need you need to have some word that's gonna create a thought so you know that came from the word you need to see it in the Bible so you know that came from work so when the devil show it was something that didn't come from the word you're not listening to something that came through the pulpit water and was playing why the preacher was moaning and groaning and then you walked out of here like the Bible says I'd rather have Jesus then silver and gold and that ain't nowhere in the Bible like the Bible says God helps them that helps themselves Benjamin Franklin's here that there ain't nothin in the Bible so you got to know that what you thinkin comes from the Word of God you got to know where it is so when the devil comes with [Applause] so when the devil comes with this with this suggestion that's decorated in religion wrapped up and went in a Boeing and looking good you'll know you'll know as you start taking it apart wait a minute that ain't gone when the devil comes up to you and you didn't lost this and you don't lost that and he's trying to get you to settle for a loser living a life where you lost everything and then he throws this yeah you know like the Bible says the Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away you got to be upset no God didn't say that job said that and he was in a deranged mind his mind was being messed what when he said that but I'm not gonna do like Joel did I'm gonna say what the Bible says that the gifts and God the gifts of God are given without repentance that once God did something for me he didn't change his mind and he has blessed me hallelujah and he hadn't changed his mind you got to learn how to cast I got there I got the chill dear God I feel like a rocket getting ready to take off you got to learn how to cast those faults down and make those things obey the word because if you don't you'll find yourself flowing with the suggestions of a defeated foe and all he got is an accusation and he don't want you to know this has the lordís best way I said Lord what do you only talk about this weekend and he told me he says taming mind so they can receive what I finished I said what would mean he's acting all that I have done is being blocked because they won't hold up their Shield of faith I said what's the shield of faith for for fiery darts I said what are the fiery darts the suggestions of the accuser that every time he say something when you hold a shield of faith up in other words he says you're defeated and you're gonna die they should have faith is the Word of God says that by His stripes I'm healed and in my pathways there is life and there is no death that's the of faith up you know what we've been doing we got to share the faith is leaning against our leg and we got fire adults all in the chest on the hip sitting here hanging out there he'll look like an earring just walking around dogs everywhere somebody what's up man oh no just you know man I see this clearly in every area of victory the accuser showed up trying to convince you that the accusation the lie is the truth that's what fear really is fear is somehow making yourself seem like the lie was the truth that ends today world changes now I realize I had to share description and I don't made it feels a little funny with you me talking this long without opening up a Bible but I got to get everybody on the boat before we start the journey I got to make sure you understand the destination I got to make sure you understand where we on our way to somebody said we're well on our way to oh here s really is one word victory victory mine I'm also stuff you've been trying to get to happen getting ready to happen because you're getting ready to take back the battleground stuff that you've been wanting to see you getting ready to see I'm telling you right now but glory is Yalo bachata the glory of God is here and he is ready with what I mean anxiously awaiting for you to remove the accuser out of the way and to accept the truth of what he has done you will begin to acknowledge as valid truth what what the Bible has already declared is yours you are not the sick trying to get well you are the well protecting your help from sickness and disease trying to rob you of something that Jesus has finished for you 2,000 years ago you are not the broke trying to get rich hallelujah you are the rich protecting yourself from poverty and lack trying to take what has already been delivered to you you got to learn how to respond to the devil when the devil says poor you say rich when he says week you say strong when he says defeated you say victory you don't sit there and lick what he says incubate in your mind to grow up into your mind you got to open your mouth and you cannot cast down thoughts with your mouth closed the key to total life prosperity is the Lord it is God's presence in your life that causes you to be successful not your personality or the number of degrees you may have and I believe this which combo package will inspire you to stop pursuing things and start pursuing God when God's rock-solid presence is with you his favor will be evident in your life and take a moment to reserve your copy of this powerful ministry resource today you never have to struggle to be good enough again grace will teach you how to live righteous and godly in overcoming emotions creflo dollar journeys with three people who triumph through hardship also receive experiencing God's best and the two message series favors on my side included along with the mini book no fear here the overcoming emotions combo available today for your love gift of $35 or more when you call or logon on October 28th at 7 p.m. at Savannah Georgia creflo and Chaffey invite you to the 2016 change experience this is going to be like this to be successful my children will serve the Lord I am happy I'm happy degree of pain it's the final change experienced this year October 28th 7 p.m. in Savannah Georgia be there what it means to be a partner is not just to give of your money but to be a strong supporter of the ministry and not only that but in a more spiritual sense to actually be involved a lot of our partners cannot physically go to the actual countries and cities even within this country the doctor dollar pastor tab he traveled to taking the gospel of grace but we need their funds through their love gifts through their prayers through even when we come to their area them attending our services or our conventions they're showing that they're actually an active part of what this ministry is accomplishing you may become a 20/20 vision partner by calling us or logging on to our secure website thank you for your faithful financial support our prayer is that God's grace will super abound in your life today and always God's Word declares that he's given us everything we need that pertains to life and godliness so refuse to be discouraged by what your present circumstances appear to be right now God is for you and with you so you can overcome negative circumstances and enjoy the fullness of God's blessings in your life to encourage you we're giving away a life-changing free offer today it demonstrates how to practically apply the word in the face of everyday challenges and gain the victory in life you're not condemned today's free offer from creflo dollar will educate you on how to walk in victory each and every day of your life to receive your free gift simply phone in when you consistently get in the word you can expect God's abundant blessings to overflow in your life Thank You partners and friends your love and financial support makes it possible to bring this message into billions of homes all across the globe you
Channel: ByGod'sGrace
Views: 3,948
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: amazing grace, grace lyrics, Creflo Dollar Ministries Live, grace and grace, Creflo Dollar 2019, Creflo Dollar Sunday Service, Jesus, Preaching, world changers church international praise and worship, Pastor Creflo Dollar, Bible, Creflo Dollar, grace sharer, Dollar Creflo, CrefloDollar, amazing, Ministries, Word Of God, Creflo Dollar Sermons, World Changers Church, Pastor Preaching, world changers church international, Ministry, three day grace, Withstanding Mental Attacks, Dollar, God
Id: _JojOErT3yw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 32sec (1712 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 18 2020
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