Understanding and Overcoming Depression | Creflo Dollar

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[Applause] praise the Lord hallelujah Oh hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah I believe that today God's going to provide for us great deliverance in the area of emotions so if you have been dealing with any type of depression or if somebody said depression was a family issue I'm telling you in the name of Jesus I don't care what the issue is Jesus has already 2000 years ago taking care of your issue so what do you do when Jesus has already taken care of it what do you do when Jesus has already taken care of it what do you do when it's already finished you rejoice and you are exceedingly glad raised up come on shout in his house somebody for what it [Applause] so let's be seated and let's begin this this morning with communion let's take communion over healing in your soul healing in your soul you know we are often lay hands on sick bodies while we ignore the souls and I mean to tell you in the name of Jesus you're not walking out of here with a sick soul in your days of walking around with a sick of soul they end today I said it's over with today and we're releasing our faith over at Amen take the bread which represents the broken body of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ his body which was broken for you and for me and I believe his body was broken so that any area of brokenness in your life can be made whole Shalom Shalom wholeness for as often as you eat of this bread which represents his broken body do so in remembrance of him you may eat take the cup which represents the blood of Jesus for as often as you drink of this cup do so remembering that we overcome the enemy by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony about the blood of Jesus all is well you may drink now I need you to turn to two or three people in term the same thing all is well with you and your house would you please stand to your feet let's go before the Lord praying in the Holy Ghost somebody say what yep in our church we still believe in tongues there's a power that's released in this grace gift just for a moment let's just do that rebel standard ad hoc o Corazon de Yamato reach it de rien de la boca la la ba maintain that Eddie Arce owned a Dacron Derrick Angola Lobos Kidada oh well Abbasid era bah-bah-bah when you pray in the spirit you're releasing most holy faith rebel show Kohala la bas and araba when you're praying in the spirit you pray for things you don't even know about rebel shillelagh rioja so da da ba Mandan and Amanda a la la Papa wisdom is being released right now baba Cocula la ba Rev and le LeBron Roman needed to city crista Tyrion dou negate the grumble a branded abrazo toe mani giggle Bob mani carry Baba vanity read about Manny Parra Bob ribbon de calais and area ha rip uncle Alaba Alaba rebel Shelly Hezekiah kalapa Ribbon Day Maradona ban de la bandera de banda debacle of Rizzuto remainded be super mini DB to sue PETA maria de la vaca colaba maha sheila catalĂ  bascillica Caliban Raimondo la loco Sheila lapa Rebecca Caleb and Yoruba salad Abba rod Elia kala bandulu la banda la banda la banda la banda robust a la la baa here maja no ha Meehan an Orisha kakaka bah Rococo : le anonymous Inaba Michigan GABA mili be who she Kika la la banda linghu Shaba han and many andhra bhoja Colaba hula mashanda lapa walnuts beginning in the nominal allah masha allah la ba yah la la la la miseria la la ba Sandara an enormous anonymous own alien la la [Music] anonymous anonymous area la la mama here nanana na mo Coriana la la machine en any anonymous URI allah la basura de la la yeah Lana machi Coryell Alamos and anonymous and arugula mama see Tyrion anonymous Korean anonymous anonymous Chico really no really no really no Morea nananana lalala la la la maison de la la ba la Shanda Rihanna la ba yell anima sundaramma Sandara [Music] [Music] well I've not called you to be moved by the things that you see nor have I called you to be governed by the things that you hear for in every situation I am your God and I'm going to always be near so in these days that you are about to see don't allow this easement to enter in and be for I will never leave you and I said this and I'm it it for the things that are to come I already knew about them saith the Lord and I've already prepared you and set you in place for all of it so this is not to be confused or to fret or be afraid for what will come out of you will cause the enemy to be dismayed so in these times that are about to approach you please understand that I by my spirit will bring you through and so don't be moved by financial issues that are to come for I am the Lord your God I am the source of all that you do I will begin to lead and to guide you like I said all the way through and so you don't have to camp out in the midst of your trouble for I already told you that it will come but remember the power of the Holy Spirit and just begin to rejoice and understand that I am the Lord your God so began to invoke praise and begin to worship me for who I am and in the midst of all of the things that appear those things won't cause you to use lose your sleep because you know that I'm near so these are victorious times in the body of Christ for all of the scenarios that many have said and many have put forth I'm about to prove those things to be false for I am your God don't forget it I am working through you I am working in you and I will take this journey together but this is what I want you to know victory victory victory victory victory set the Spirit of the Lord in Jesus latitude No [Applause] hallelujah hallelujah halleluja halleluja hallelujah hallelujah somebody shout victory [Applause] turn and greet two or three up neighbors tell them you love them and then you can take your seats thank you Jesus thank you lord I don't know I don't know what a lot of you are in the midst of but the word of the Lord for you today is it's handled so look at whatever you're going through and just tell yourself it's handled Jesus says in this world you have tribulation he said but be of good cheer I have overcome the world turning your neighbors say it's handled anytime you feel like you're bout to lose it because you don't understand why this is happening and what's going through you you need to just realize it's handle what happens when you realize is handle the peace of God sets in and wherever peace is then the God of love and peace will be there to escort you through that thing let's begin to this morning in in 3rd John verse 2 we've been talking about mastering your emotions we've been talking about overcoming and having authority over your emotions and how it is the will of God for you to experience emotional stability in your life how it is God's will for you to understand that you can control how you feel it is God's will for you to understand that you know you can be accountable for how you feel you can be accountable for your emotions and when you hear people say well I just can't help how I feel that is deception all all day long you can you can determine how you feel you can determine that you can master your emotions now 3rd John verse 2 let's read 3rd John verse 2 out loud together and if you're there these guys if you can go ahead and put that on on the screen 3rd John verse 2 he says beloved I wish above all things that thou may its prosper and be in health even as by soul prospers beloved I wish above all things that you may prosper or that you may be successful all right or that you may be whole he says I want you to behold and when you talk about holding this you're talking about completeness when you talk about holdings you're talking about nothing missing and nothing broken in your life and that's God's will God's will is for you to to be whole and successful in every area of your life now you need to know that you need to know that's God's will for your life so that when it's not so you can resist it you need to know what's God's will so you don't tolerate and put up with something that's not God's will for your life amen and he says and I want you to be in health even as your soul prospers so according to this scripture as goals your soul so goes your life look at this in the amplified as goes your soul so goes your life now you are a spirit being say out loud I am a spirit being say this out loud I have a soul and I live in the physical body now you are not your soul and you are not your body the religion uses the word spirit and soul interchangeably as if they are the same they are not the same you are a spirit you have a soul you live in a physical body when a man dies his spirit and soul leaves his body and that body stays in a box and we accept our responsibility to do what we need to do with it you are a spirit but you have a soul now we talked a lot about spiritual things and we should and we talked a lot about physical things and how God wants you healthy and healed and we should but we kind of bypass the soul area which is it's the place where everything happens your soul is made up of your mind your will and your emotions your mind your will and your emotions now let's understand what the emotion area is all about your emotions your emotions the word e in Latin have a bad word emotion that word e it means up out and away in the Latin I don't know eight motion motions up out and away the word literally means as far as your emotions it is they are feelings on the inside that are are triggered by pain or pleasure to move you in a direction your emotions are feelings that are caused by pain or pleasure to move you in a direction now everybody in here has been called by God to accomplish of the will of God for your life there's a purpose for everybody in the room you were you're not just here for no reason at all there's a reason why you're here there's a purpose for you to accomplish there's a will of God for your life so now the enemy gets together and they strategize to come up with some strategy to strategy strategy to try to stop you from accomplishing the will of God for your life to keep you away from that design purpose in place for your life and so the area of the emotions is where they're planning to try to move you away from the will of God for your life because if a circumstance can take place that triggers a negative emotion then those negative emotions that you don't deal with are designed to move you away from the will of God for your life and yet if the Word of God and praise and worship and the presence of God triggers godly emotions and self-control then it's designed to move you right into that place where God has planned for your life so you can have you know you'll have got the emotions and you can have negative emotions but emotions that's the place where you're gonna be moved emotions that's the place where you're gonna be moved you can either be moved closer to the will of God for your life by allowing godly emotions to be triggered or you can allow all of the circumstances and situations in the world to trigger negative emotions and it moves you away from the will of God for your life so how do you explain all the negative circumstances and situations that happen well hey those negative circumstances situations are designed to trigger some kind of negative emotion so that Satan can now ride your emotions like a surfer rides a wave and move you move you completely away from the will of God for your life and move you in the places where you have to pause and say how did I get here how did I get in jail your emotions I guarantee you bought you that how'd you get back into abuse and drugs your emotions got you there how'd you get to the place where you pulled the trigger well you were you where you stabbed with the knife will you cut somebody out when you yield it to this sin where you ended up in the wrong bed how did you get there your emotions took you that those negative emotions took you there and don't come telling me we don't need to hear about it in church because where you end up the majority of the time your emotions took you there the weakest man on the planet is a man that cannot control his emotions you're not a strong man because you can cuss and demonstrate how out of control you are and let me tell all of our single women if you are dating a man that cannot control his emotions he will attempt to try to control you later on because when you can't control your emotions you'll attempt to try to control people and it's not God's will for you to try to control people so before you say I do let's see how this man see what triggers when something don't go right you don't need to marry that joke until y'all can see see him in the negative situations to see how he would see what come out of him first you don't want to marry that joke and wake up next morning he floating over the bed with his head spinning around spitting up green stuff time I gave me some coffee [Applause] so this is a vital subject and I hope you're seeing it over these I don't know how long we've been preaching to see that this is a vital area of your life taking charge over your emotions it is not God's will for a life to master you it is God's will for you to master life it is God's plan and will for you to experience emotional stability it is God's plan and will for your life that that when circumstances happened and you trigger those negative emotions for you to take charge of your emotions and not allow your emotions to take charge of you now please don't misunderstand me I am NOT talking about becoming emotionless that's another problem we have in the church we go too far to the left too far too right I'm not teaching you not to be emotionless and create another level of funniness that the church is already created you got issues turning your neighbor this is also turning your neighbors say you have an issue okay so don't get offended come everybody in the house got a issue don't get offended by you means everybody in the house got a issue see you wanna you wanna you want to be judgmental of the person that fell in adultery but you don't want to judge yourself on how mean and rude you are to the waitress that came to serve you at the restaurant and what happens you don't you you don't take serious about the fact that I can control my emotion I can have authority over my emotions I am responsible for how I feel and my feelings do not have to govern my life amen and let's go look at one more scripture and we'll start Romans chapter eight and six one more scription i'll tell you what we're gonna talk about Romans chapter eight and six because this is this is vital this is so important that as Christian people we know how to take charge up our emotions because let me tell you something as Christian people if you don't know how to take charge over your emotions it demonstrates that you are immature as a Christian I don't care how long you've been saved the authenticity of your spiritual maturity is based on whether or not you can control your emotions and when you or cannot control your emotions you give us evidence that you are not spiritually mature a lot of people like to go around and talk about how long they've been saved and how spiritually mature they are and if you can't control your emotions you're not spiritually mature at all your baby that needs to grow up because you can't even control your emotions in the Satan knows exactly what to do to get you out of the will of God just trigger your negative emotions with a negative situation I don't know why people think it think it's strange for you to have trouble when the Bible says they that live godly chefs up for what persecution and every time something bad happened to you why Lord why that's not what social it's why me because you here in this world in this world you will have tribulation but he said be a good cheer it's handled now you have an opportunity to grow because it triggered a negative emotion and let's see who you're gonna go up on and instead of you going off on them you you control that emotion you make it submit to the Word of God and all of a sudden then you're like I'm growing some of y'all remember that when anything crazy happen you just flop them out give somebody a piece of your mind customize and then later on regret it but lately you've not been doing that lately you pause see law and you think down the road and you realize there's a better way of handling this and you respond like a Christian that you say you are I'm in now look at this Romans chapter eight and six for to be carnally together for to be carnally minded is death but to be spiritually minded is life and peace so what is a carnal mind a carnal mind is a mind that's dominated by your senses it is a mind that's dominated by your senses carnality is it literally means the word carnal literally means of the senses of the five senses so now how does that work if you see something that's negative and it dominates your thinking okay and now it begins to govern your emotions you are carnally minded and it's gonna eventually lead to death if you hear something or in this day and time if you go to Facebook and read something don't God gave you sense the senses to help you enjoy life but not to be governed by what you see and hear and feel he didn't give you feeling so you can feel pain and then let it govern your life all the way down to your mouth and you start saying I'm gonna die because I feel this no so don't be carnal minded or don't allow your life to be governed and led by your sensory mechanisms because he said eventually it'll lead to death he said but to be spiritually minded is what life and peace always it mean to be spiritually minded well John 6:63 says the words that I speak unto you they are spirit so spiritual mindedness cannot be achieved away from the Word of God so I love that you enjoy being inspired but you need to get some word I love that you like shouting and doing cartwheels and that's what you need to understand some work because I can I can I can inspire you and get you excited and and I can work on your emotional round but if you don't have some word that will give you a spiritual mind your emotions change you you can't live by your emotions you'll go to bed feeling like God loves you tonight and wake up wondering if he loves you the next day then you're not supposed to you know live by your feelings you're supposed to know God loves you because that's what His Word says you take me to several scriptures to show me what is worth saying that's becoming spiritually minded and when you're spiritually minded it'll govern your emotions and it will lead you to life and it will lead you to peace but there's no scenario that exists that is going to allow you to be spiritually minded without the word and this you know we're living in the time right now like I told you I just got accused of using too many scriptures are you serious two-minute scriptures but that's what we're supposed to eat when you come to this church I want you to eat the word I want you to turn to your Bibles I want you to know it's there I don't want you to just live in Upper you know look cliche sayings that I'll say to make you feel good I want you to eat that word rightly divide that word know that word so when the devil shows up you'll know how to intelligently fight and defeat him praise God y'all hear what I'm saying hear what I'm saying all right now now today we're gonna start dealing with the specific emotions that have been ruining in ruling people's lives and today we're going to start with the emotion of depression how to win over depression first of all what it is because man I've met people who who are depressed I met Christians who are depressed don't even know it they just keep trying to hide behind scriptures and they won't they won't deal with the emotion I really I really can't stand that a Christian that tries to hide around Scripture and tries to live like he doesn't have emotions that makes a very awful terrible friend because you know you know hey how you doing this is the day the Lord has made and I will rejoice and be glad in it see I can't having to do with you because I don't know what you I don't know what I don't know what this is I don't really see I mean you're attempting to try to be spiritual but that's not spiritual that's phony no but that's speaking faith yeah I understand you're speaking faith but so so let me show you how to do it so you're having a bad day and you're going through some rough times here's how you do it well how you doing today well you know what I'm going through some situations right now and I believe God's Word and and I'm gonna make it through but all is well there no wrong with that you think you're gonna go to hell by just lettin people I don't I mean I don't even how to minister to you know you you look down and depressed what's wrong and then you turn the wireless mic huh fake smile I gotta join the Lord yeah right you ain't even got to be a prophet to figure out you lying you're lying to yourself you in other words you won't deal with your emotions and if you don't deal with your emotions eventually they will deal with you and your phony wall so you can deal with him you know somebody came to me when when I was uh diagnosed with cancer and uh you know see what's going on I said well the doctor diagnosed me with cancer but I believe that by his stripes I'm healed so I'm still in faith I'm still in faith amen now let's define depression I want to I want to define it from three different perspectives so you'll know what it is now you need to get excited about this because I'm getting ready to to to unmask the demonic spirit of depression not as a therapist would because that's the issue you've been trusting the therapists and the psychologists who only deal with the emotions and the mind and you've not understood that God has supplied you with spiritual resources that can teach you to be met and teach that can show you how to be deliberate from depression while they're just showing you how to manage it right I'm not gonna teach you how to manage depression we are going to open a can of whoop on depression and kick its butt this morning that's why something you at church today some of you want planning on coming to church someone you ain't been here in a minute and you just like woke up this morning and said I think I need to go to church this monitor I need a blessing let me go to church this morning all right so let's look at it from three perspectives number one depression is a result of external pressures external stuff that's happening in your life outside external pressures getting inside of our heart and weighing us down so it's an external pressure getting inside of your heart weighing you down something from the outside some issue some circumstance baby neither past shoes got a light bill due ain't got no money right now just lost my job some external pressure pressure coming from the outside and it's internalized and it wants to get into your heart and weight you down what does he say in first Peter chapter well I let me go through these and then I'll go through those scriptures the second perspective depression is stress and pressure internalized stress and pressure internalize now it's still external it's still coming from the outside but now it's in your heart and it's weighing your heart down you're now internalizing it and it's weighing you down have you ever had something on the outside and you just can't let it go and it just you're trying to you know distract yourself from it but now once it gets on the inside it's just there you're constantly thinking about it it's you're constantly rolling over in your mind it's it's weighing you down life feels heavy it just feels like just you know I just need to get rid of this it's just you know and and you're walking with it and in some cases you're walking and with it for days okay let's look at this last one and I think this is the one that's going to help us the most depression is the feelings that come from thinking thoughts that weigh you down it's feelings that come from thinking thoughts that weigh you down now we got down to a place where it's workable feelings that come from thinking the thoughts that weigh you down alright so now we understand from the anatomy of life that I've been teaching you that if depression is a feeling that comes from thoughts that weigh you down now we're gonna be able to diagnose it spiritually a lot better why because whatever you expose yourself to is going to produce the way you think whatever you think about is going to produce how you feel so however you feel came as a result of what you've been thinking about came as a result of what you've been exposing yourself to so ultimately if I want to deal with how I feel I got to deal with what I'm exposing myself to because what if I'm exposing myself to is producing the way I think and whatever I think is producing the way I feel now somebody says well why do I need to talk about depression and deal with that because you got to deal with how you feel because if you don't deal how you feel your exposure produces you're thinking you're thinking produces you how you feel how you feel now will now determine your decisions and you don't want to make decisions from negative feelings your negative decisions is not going to produce the actions that you take now you go be doing things from negative decisions that came from negative emotions that came from negative thinking that came from negative exposure you are now acting out on those negative decisions those decisions produce your actions your actions produce your your your habits you know we create habits and then those habits turn right around and create us we create habits then those habits create what character and the character brings you to the destination so where you are this morning it's not a mistake where you are this morning happened all the way back it started with what have I been exposing myself to what are you exposing yourself to what are you looking at everyday what are you listening to hours now what are you talking about all what's the exposure of your life if I if you would invite me into your life and you know and I'm just like a fly on the wall what would I see that you're exposing yourself to and people don't want to pay attention to that you got this jacked-up raggedy negative friend that you hang around cause you ain't got nobody else to hang around with and they're exposing you to all of their drama then you wonder why you think the way you think we really need to rethink our definition of friendship well you my facebook friend that ain't no friend Facebook came to find no friend that's somebody that's writing you that you had know nothing about you'll know what it looked like cuz they pits on them or they got the picture you don't know it doesn't help that's my friend that's some lonely person that has no idea how to connect and carry on a relationship and to fellowship with somebody too scared to get together face to face because they don't know how to govern themselves so they have behind the computer as they never develop skills to have relationships with people because they're too scared of their insecurities that they've been accused of in the past and that may not be an issue you might have a gift that somebody turned into some kind of curse okay I leave all that loan ain't trying to mess with your little facebook stuff but I'm gonna tell you right now you are not my friend I don't know you like that a friend sticketh closer than a brother what have you done for me lately to call yourself my friend [Applause] somebody look man what do you expose yourself to that's creating my thinking you got to value yourself enough to dismiss some people from your life [Music] because if it costs you your piece what it's too expensive and you cannot you cannot you cannot spin your piece all other people's drama because you scared that's the only friend you will ever have you're an awesome person God's got somebody that's gonna be awesome in your life you don't have to put up with somebody who don't want to change who just want to dump drum in your life when you look on the phone and you see them calling you have to only reason you asked because you bore it these are practical things you can do and you won't do it and you keep putting up with that stuff and so what's happening it's governing you're thinking what are you watching it's governing you're thinking what are you engaged in in the booth in the back in the corner in the dark when it's private when nobody's around secretly shielding yourself so you what are you doing because however you think will determine how you feel and if you feel depressed there is some thoughts there are some way of thinking that's weighing you down and that's what the devil wants to do through guilt and condemnation continue to weigh you down from the past mistakes and the past errors when Jesus has already shed his blood to deal with that you can't let it go because you can't believe you subjected yourself to that that you allowed that to happen that you did that that you did this and this something that stuff happened 20 years ago and you still can't let it go because that way of thinking is weighing you down it's been internalized it is now a part of your life and unless you change the way you think you are not going to change the way you feel so how do we deal with the pressure the things you've internalized those external things that have not been internalized that feeling and that way of thinking that is now a part of your your heart how do you deal with it you have got to change the way you think you know what it's called renewing the mind you've got to change the way you think if you're gonna change your life you got to change the way you think if you're gonna change the life you got to change what you think now I'm not talking about going to self-help books we keep trying to replace God with other things or other people you know what that's called idolatry the Bible prophesizes about an idolatrous degeneration it's a generation where God is no longer 1st place anymore it's a generation where people don't seek God first it's a generation will we see everything else except God it's a generation where we put money in God's place we put other people in God's place we put other resources in God's place we put the therapists and the psychologists in God's place and we continue to try to use other things to replace God and I am Telling You how long is it going to take before you realize that there are only certain things that only God can do only certain things that God can do and you keep trying you keep trying your best and if what you're doing only will it will only give you temporary results it'll give you temporary results but God will deal with the very root of the issue God wants you to have peace God wants you to have joy you want you to have life he wants you to have it more abundantly but you won't you won't put in first place you continue to operate in idolatry I'm not gonna go to know God and then you tell people why because I've been hurt and church hurt it's a very reason why a bunch of idolatry has taken place and most of the hurt you let yourself get hurt you let yourself get offended see when you love God you don't you can't you can't you can't move me from God you can move me from you but you can't move me from God I mean I still love you but it ain't gonna be tight like that you gotta understand relationships of three relationships are three parts there's an out-of-court relationship you have there's an inner court relationship you have and then there's a holiest of holies relationship you don't let everybody behind the veil that's some of your problems you let too many people behind the veil and you gave them intimate things that they did they have not yet earned some of those people in your life need to be out of court people those are folks hey how you doing how to family good to see you ain't no out Court people got no business coming in your house because I'm saying people who scope your house up and when you're out of time you already know all right and then you got inner core people you know people that know people that go out every now and then with we lunch together we spend time together maybe they come over your house and then you got those Holies of Holies people then ones you call and say I'm hurt I'm tired I feel like I just don't want to do it no more people that you can receive an impartation from because you know they're gonna put some good stuff on the inside of it so you see the problem you are allowing outer core people to do the job that only holds the holiest people's for them so you need to reevaluate your relationships how do you know having a family meeting here this morning you know y'all look at all where the phone descriptions and I'm trying to talk to you for trying to get you attention weighing you down you losing it or winning it right here what's weighing you down up here what's the stuff you got up we're thinking about thinking about your children feeling bad cuz now that you know better you wish you had a chance to do it again and you can't take yourself through that you did all you knew to do at that time and maybe you didn't do it right but thank God for the Holy Spirit I mean your parents were not perfect their parents were not perfect and you were not perfect but thank God for perfect Jesus who can pick up where we left off and give whatever needs to be given so that our children can get where they need to be just like we get what we need to be but don't beat yourself up all your life don't don't wear that don't beat you don't don't let your kids condemn you beat you up tell you all your life you ain't enough you didn't do this compare you with other parents make you feel bad and all that stuff don't know about that know about it and then you spend half your day worried about your kids regretting wishing you could've did that wishing you could've did that you need to get out of that that's weighing you down you'll internalize that and you'll stop feeling so depressed over something that happened 20 years ago none you can do you can't go back and do it again what's done is done but what you do have is you have a relationship with a Jesus that can fix every era or everything I'll never neglect anything you didn't do you can go to Jesus and believe him and God has a way of setting up searching circumstances and situations and he can train your kids the Bible says my children are taught of the Lord and great is the peace of my children and that's what you need to be thinking about instead of thinking about all your mistakes because in this day in time I feel sorry for people who having kids this day in time comes it's it's all different it's all different you can tell your kids that you can advise your kid something and then they go to the social medium and post it and then get all these foods to come in on it and then they come back and say and you know why you know and you know all of the wippen that's about over will hit me and see if I won't call nine-one-one see back in the day if i called 9-1-1 on creflo senior he would have killed me and then not one come on do what you got to do but I bought you in this world and got dogged I'm gonna show take you out my dad had knocked me out one time I thought I heard that Star Trek named space the final frontier here's what I met what are you thinking about what's weighing you down what's weighing you down you gotta let it go now here's what the Bible says let's get some scriptures in there now first Peter chapter 1 verse 5 verse first Peter chapter excuse-me 5 verse 7 first Peter chapter 5 and verse 7 now let's see what the word says about all this stuff do you have a pretty good feel of what this is that we're dealing with these are feelings that weigh you down in the area of your emotions trying to depress you and move you away from the will of God for your life you know Bible says Jesus was depressed em I showed you that but he didn't let the depression win let's read verse 7 out loud together ready read casting all your care upon him how many you have ever had care there should be about in the room everybody if you didn't raise your hands that's a line there below you right now everybody in here has had care see that's what I want to talk about what we in church hang a little no I had no yeah you got care not using a bit worried about how long I'm gonna preach casting all your care upon him casting all your care upon him casting all your care upon him and I'll forget about the second part you got to do the first part first casting all your care upon him when was the last time you took a care in your life and said God I cast this care on you because I know you care for me I'm giving this to you God because I know you care for me I'm not gonna carry this I'm not gonna feel it no no no I'm not thinking about that again I'm cancelling on the Lord and every time they thought ever come up say no that's God's business now and it comes up again no I've already cast it on the Lord and it's gonna keep coming you know you've got some kind of sickness or disease and then the care of it comes and you're thinking and you say God I I cast the care of this sickness on you and then the devil come out you're gonna die on that's God's business right now and by the way I'm already I'm gonna live and not die you cast it you can't stick now somebody said well how many times you gotta cast it as many times as you need to cast it refuse to carry it see these are the answers that's not my issue my issue is this is so simple excuse my English is you go do it this is so simple it's you're gonna do it you sent up for your saying yes I agree amen but when the care comes will you cast it will you open your mouth and say no I'm not carrying this care I know what it'll do to me I'm not carrying it I'm casting it God I'm cancelling his care on you right now in the name of Jesus do this take your right hands balled up like a fish on the inside you just put all your care all your cares in there all right all of us in there all right now put your hand back like you get ready to throw it all right not releasing let me duck all right come on all that stuff in my life [Applause] get rid of it if you find that you are carrying care get rid of it you shouldn't go to bad bedside wake up saying get rid of it now does that mean almost I'm gonna feel perfect emotionally at that time well no not at that time unless you replace what you're thinking about that's why it's so important get in a word replace what you're thinking about with the Word of God what what does a word have to say about that care you just cast well I'll know where it is in the Bible do you got iPhone you got a phone ask Siri Siri Oh give you scriptures Siri will give you scriptures cereal cereal give me give me all the scriptures in the Bible that talk about freedom from worry seriously here's what I found so what are you gonna tell God when you get loud I wanted to I wanted to cast my count on you and think on your scripture but I couldn't find it God said use a lot I gave you serious Google all them things you talked with I gave you all that all yet do is ask them you wouldn't ask me but at least you could have asked Siri nil we really what excuse do you have Cass all you carry him because he cares for you now look at Hebrews 13 and 5 Hebrews 13 and 5 now we're gonna be on this for a couple of weeks because depression is a big item Hebrews chapter 13 to 5 let your conversation be without covetousness he's saying here your lifestyle don't let it let you like let have a lifestyle that's that's not full of covetousness greed or the area of idolatry where you have said money is first place and not God forget a God I need the money you know that's what the spirit of Mammon wants to do Mammon is a demonic spirit that wants to convince you to trust money and not God Mammon says don't trust God and don't need God you have money trust it and the sad thing about it you work so hard you sacrifice you do all this stupid stuff so you can get to this particular point in life and then you get a certain financial position in life and you get all the stuff you ever wanted and dreamed of you know here's a sad part and when you get there you realize wow I was deceived it ain't here you had a lot of money you can buy a $10,000 but dream got no friends to tell you you sharp you finally got the car you want but don't nobody want to ride with you you got a beautiful house that you hunt because the only I don't want to come see and you realize Wow life is a sum total of who you spend it with it's relationships and you beat everybody up trying to rise to the top financially only fine not that anywhere it is and only way you pushed everybody out the way because that was the single focus yeah God wants you to prosper God wants you to have enough money to do what you want to do but at the expense of replacing him with your endeavor to try to get there I don't know what ain't worth it because at the end of the day when you owe and you'll need hurt and you can't go in the back and get your clothes on I want to know I got some people that I can call to help me yeah you know I need to come home and get an EOP record let your conversation be without covetousness be content with such things as you have you know the Bible says godliness with contentment will produce great gain but what happens it's so hard for us to be content because we keep looking at the horizontal plane of life what does it mean you can't hardly enjoy life because you keep look looking comparing yourself with the horizontal when you think you're all right you look down there so oh man look what they got oh wow look what's going on with them Oh what's happening in there and you're not happens a lot of ministry right now preachers can't hardly do what God tell them to do because they're so busy looking at what somebody's doing quit trying to be a broke expression of somebody else and learn how to just be who God called you to be a broke imitation of somebody else so what happens you're always going to be looking horizontally and it's gonna always be not enough not enough not enough all your life not enough not enough not enough you got to change that so instead of me looking at the horizontal on the horizontal plane I'm gonna start looking on the vertical plane and when I look up I see Jesus enough I see Jesus enough I see Jesus enough and now I can value myself value my call value my life because I'm fulfilling what he wants me to do without comparing myself with everybody else you know you can get depressed because you can look on the horizontal plane and say da when is it gonna happen for me we're mine Gong Kong and yours already there but you're so busy trying to be like what you see in the horizontal you won't pay attention in value who you are don't you know you got to be okay with you before it's gonna be okay in your life and as long as it's not okay with you you can always be struggling to try to meet the expectations and standards of the Joneses forget to Joneses I told you the other day I'll never be 6/8 man it would have been nice they've been 6/8 walk out here just towel over y'all but you you got to be okay with who you are somehow you got to look in the mirror and be okay with who you are but I'm just a little overweight yeah but your husband loved all that he loved it and you looking at some billboard some Photoshop billboard but some girl who been painting she don't look like that for real if you see it in person say take your makeup off and by the way if you're about to get married take your makeup off that man need to see what he really married don't marry a mask though merit match take your makeup off take your hair unit off take your eyelashes off if you order the but take the butt off let the man see let him see what he married he need to see what he got [Applause] that does not need to be revealed all honeymoon that could be a scary thing you start taking stuff off take a leg off start humping at you around a bit come on baby come on got time for all that the church has become that phony that's why I'm talking to you about this we got to get rid of the phone in this and we've got to appreciate and embrace the authentic and see what God has made see the beauty of what God has made someone said past what's going on with you I I went to three states yesterday I'm just honest when I'm when I'm kind of tired I'm honest you know I have some persons got problem with this way if you just quit if you just be serious for a minute maybe we can get really spiritual you see that is your that is your problem that's why you got that twitching you're here like that that's just your trial right now you need some joy in your life girlfriend you need some you need some laughter in your life you need to get happy about something instead of coming to church out deep and I'll sit did it have I got time for that laughs put your some jeans on and come to church go get you some now ladies praise God get your freezer cook huh me freezing cook you depress that you don't even know it and you call it a spiritual some of y'all there left this much and so long some of y'all scared me laughs we in churches already left [Music] he said be content with such things as you have for he has said I will never leave thee nor forsake thee now I want to show you this in the amplified real quick show you this in the amplified and you ain't you ain't got to be where I'm on preach a long time the game at one o'clock you know you already know you should love this church no football season you know you already to know but what if the Lord want to heal he's already healed 2,000 years ago you better go ahead and get it you better get it you better get it hail and no hands I know all these thousands of people you better get what he already did [Applause] turning neighbors they get it it's done you're already healed you already delivered you already sound you're already prosper Jesus has already done everything you'll ever need in this life I know you still coming here playing no Church you go ahead and reach out you take it by faith walk out of here deliver walk out of here he'll walk out of here sound turn out as I said get it I know look at this this is awesome let your character or your moral disposition be free from the love of money what is the love of money the love of money is when you trust it more than you trust God it is when it is first place and God is no longer first place he said including greed avarice lust craving for earthly possessions why is he mentioned in this this is the very cause of the thinking and the faults that are internalized because of the lack thereof and not having enough and can't pay this and can't do that says your life and character shouldn't be put up with all that and craving for earthly possessions and be satisfied with your present circumstances and with what you have why should I be satisfied with my present circumstance of what I have he's gonna tell you for he god listen to this guy's himself has said I will not in any way fail you nor give you up nor leave you without support I will not I will not I will not in any degree leave you helpless nor forsake not let you down nor relax my hold on you are sure Italy not praise God hallelujah hallelujah he said he's not gonna relax his hold on you he's not gonna let you down he's not gonna fail you he's not gonna leave you praise God turn your neighbors say it's handled [Applause] now the ultimate area that we're gonna have to deal with to defeat and win over depression is we got to get to the point where we've got to deal with those thoughts if you don't deal with the way you think you're not gonna deal with the way you feel so you got to deal with how you thinking now what does the Bible tell us and warn us about our thought life well look at Philippians chapter 4 verse 8 through 9 Philippians 4:8 through 9 it's got to deal with how you thinking man as a man thinketh as a man thinketh this is this is cool the was in the wrong place as a man thinketh comma in his heart so is he it's not as a man thinketh in his heart as a man thinketh Pauls because the way you think can enter into your heart and that's what depression is it's a way of thinking that gets on your feelings that enters in your heart you internalize it as a man thinketh comma in his heart so is he you are in your heart based on your thinking now look at this here's a warning here finally brethren whatsoever things you whatsoever things are true whatsoever things are honest whatsoever things are just whatsoever things are pure whatsoever things are lovely whatsoever things are of good report if there be any virtue if there be any praise look what he says think on these things verse 9 he's telling us those things which you both learned and received and heard and seen in me do and the God of peace shall be with you you accountable for what you think about you do know that right when you sitting at home by yourself and you ride a car you are accountable what you think about well I can't help I'm thinking about this yes you can you can cast down thoughts you can't help the way you think about stuff look at this real quick look at Matthew chapter six and let's start at verse 25 you have to understand that your life and the outcome of your life and the destinies of your life is gonna be based on what you choose to think what you choose allow yourself to think about all the time this is this is what are you thinking about man and I guarantee it's based on what you've been exposed to what are you thinking about I tried to sit down and look at I think what's the name of this it's a reality show like a hip-hop reality show there was so much stuff going on I try to TV off I said I can't I can't I can't I got that people were cussing each other out and doing all kinds of stuff and fighting and I said do people live like this I was like if I saw this every day I would and had to think about this whole time I've been dear something somebody women fighting each other and it's almost a minute I know therefore I say unto you take no thought for your life oh my goodness do you realize what he just said here you have authority over your thoughts you can be a custodian over the way you think turning your neighbors they wake up you need to start going to bed I mean God get you extra hot with anything get you out when you still not I might as well stay home if you're gonna do that I mean I appreciate you being here I have to stay up bi I take no thought for your life what you mean take no thought for your life you know about what you should eat what you should drink nor yet for your body what you should put on I now hold on what you telling me not to think about these necessities for life physiological needs but I eat what I drink even my clothes don't think about it the actual word here is to have no anxiety over it don't worry about it all right what you shall eat don't worry about what you should drink don't have any anxiety over those things why verse 26 the whole the files of the air for they sow not neither do they reap nor gather into barns yet your heavenly Father feedeth them are you not much better than they are so anytime you wondering if you're gonna get your needs met look out the one to find you a bird and you will not find that bird afraid that he's not gonna eat today oh Jesus y'all rip we gonna find something to eat today chew chew oh no dog we bye [Applause] you're not gonna find a stressed-out bird because the Bible says your your more important you have you carry more value he values you values you more he said they don't gather in the morning yet the heavenly Father feedeth them are you not much better than they verse 27 which of you by taking thought can add or worry or anxiety because you know that's what worry is worry is meditating on the negative thoughts of life that's what we're is you're meditating on those bent and negative thoughts worried and meditating on those negative thoughts that that can be internalized and become depression he says which of you by taking thought or worry can add one cubit to his statute verse 28 and why take ye thought for your clothes man consider the lilies of the field how they grow they told not neither do they spin and look what he's not 29 and yet I say unto you that even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these 30 wherefore if God so clothe the grass of the field which today is and tomorrow is cast into the oven shall this is what he says shall he not much more clothe you what's this oh ye of little faith now he wasn't saying that you have little faith as far as measure he is saying I'm talking to people that won't let their faith stay out in the field and work I'm talking to people who have faith today but don't have it tomorrow I'm talking to people who out faith this month but won't have it next month in other words in the midst of those trying times where you're tempted to worry where you're tempted to question he says let your faith stay at work and he says the reason why you are worried about what you eat and what you drink and you worry about your clothes is because you're normally in faith you had faith when you were in church but when you went home to see the situation you pulled your faith off the field and it stopped so when he says o ye of little faith he's saying o ye of little endurance of faith oh ye of a short burst of faith when you were in faith you were charged up but you let it go you pulled your faith out of the field and say oh no I don't see it yet I don't know ain't nothing changed it and what you've got to do is you gotta say no matter what I've seen what I hear what I feel I believe God I'm not gonna stop believing God my faith is gonna stay on the field and then I come to dammit I come to mom may not come next month but I am NOT gonna stop believing God and for those people honey you will experience breakthrough but god of the breakthrough will show up in your life but you got to stop pulling your faith off the field once you send your faith out it stays out there until it accomplishes what you sent it to accomplish and the whole time he says here's why you worried cuz you're not in failure what is he telling me man if you'll get in faith and your thoughts are in what you're believing for you remove those thoughts that can produce worry in your life what does Jesus have to say and look at verse 31 therefore take no fault take no fault also you have to take about you have to take about how do you take a thought when you say it oh man this is powerful how do you take a thought when you say it he said take no Thought saying you take a thought when you say it brother Hagin used to say this you cannot stop the birds from flying over your head but you can stop them from building a nest in your hair you cannot stop thoughts from going through your mind but they don't have to build a strong hole in your mind okay-y so the thought comes through just cause it comes through doesn't mean you have to get me life and say it it comes through just mmm shut up all right so what if you have a thought that came and it it pitched the tent and it just Bay then you can cast it down you can cast your thoughts down I've done this illustration for a hundred times I don't know let's do it again I want you to keep your mouth closed don't say nothing but I want you to count from one to ten ready count now say your name what happened to your County it stopped why did it stop because you open your mouth up and that had to see so it could receive what was coming out of your mouth you catch thoughts with words not with thoughts you don't try to cast negative thoughts down by thoughts you would look kind of crazy using a bit like I'm wrong now that's like Dingman they got a tingling in them knowing the negative thought comes to your mind you're gonna die that thought um your mouth up I will live and not die and according to the word this is what happens you catch that thought and you you cast it down you are becoming a maintenance person over your thought life the only way that thought can build a strong hole is that you just sit there and let it marinate or meditate you sit there and just start thinking about opening over again ain't no good ain't no good I'm just sorry I don't even know I'm here you just end up just just thinking all that crazy stuff I might as well just call me you know get high do something you know just all it uses it and you won't open your mouth one time to cast it down and say what God says about you you would be surprised the number of people who have become victims of their thought life now let me give you four quick symptoms of depression number one is reclusiveness reclusiveness is the this person was departing from reality for me they're not saying things as being real number two my times out my times out come on lift your hands up and trace a lot my time y'all greet it y'all greet it y'all got no hurt Oh preacher come on the preach it's 12:03 it's time to go I gave you one hour of teaching well what's the other three come to church next Sunday if Jesus hadn't come back I'd be here the same message to be here we'll finish it then take my hand lift your hands up and open your mouth up and give the Lord some things giving thank him for what you got thank him for what you got you're redeemed from depression you're redeemed from depression all right now listen to me right now while your hands are lifted while your hands are lifted by the authority of the Lord Jesus Christ and in the name of his son Jesus I command the spirit of depression to go right now in the name of Jesus I command the deliverance that God has made available to every born-again child of God to every person at the sound of my voice that you be healed from that demonic spirit of depression depression go depression you will no longer torment depression you will no longer control depression you will no longer lead your time is up and I call every man woman or child in here the curse of depression no longer rules in your life for whom the Sun sets free is free indeed come out and shout about it you are delivered from no more depression give me Dean your MIDI [Music]
Channel: Creflo Dollar Ministries
Views: 112,429
Rating: 4.8285956 out of 5
Keywords: Creflo Dollar, Spirituallyminded, Pastor Dollar, Depression, Church, World Changers
Id: NU-Drl2PT5U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 35sec (4535 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 07 2018
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