Taking Authority Over Your Emotions Pt. 1

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knowledge will flow freely uninterrupted and unhindered by any satanic or demonic force and father I pray that you will speak through my vocal cords and think through my mind none of me and all of you Lord and we just give you praise Lord we just continue to just praise you take this whole attitude of praise everywhere we go everywhere we go father Jesus name we pray and everybody said amen well turn and greet two or three of your neighbors and [Music] [Music] amen well if you got a Bible if not I got one for you third John - I think we before I left we had a series going on taking authority over your emotions and I've had some time to really think about it it is more critical than I ever thought and I'm going to show you some things tonight that it's really gonna gonna really bless you and we're going to really hang in here because this is like it's gonna it's it's what determines your life to be honest with your whole life is gonna be based on whether or not you can control your emotions or will you allow them to control you so we're talking about taking authority over your emotions now emotions that's something we all have amen we all have emotions but you know sometimes they have us and that's when it becomes the problem we all have emotions but sometimes they have us you know we were designed by God to master life rather than be mastered by life I want you to think about that statement for a moment we were designed by God to master life to have mastery over life rather than to be mastered by life life should not be happening to you and there are lots of people that don't get that our job is to match their life I want you to just ask yourself this question his life mastering me or am i mastering life see one of the things that I'm sure about is that we were made in the image of God to put three things we were made in the image of God to reflect God's love to reflect God's power and to reflect God's authority we were made in the image of God to reflect his love his power is a in fact when God looks in the mirror he sees us you got to get a hold of this now we cannot allow religion to stop us from realizing who we are and yet the enemy is going to be coming after you every way you can to get you to not end up in the place where God has called you to end up in this area of taking authority over your emotions it has everything to do with you reaching the very purpose and the very call of God for your life and we're gonna have to understand how to take charge over the emotions so that we can master life instead of allowing life to messed up and there are a lot of people a bunch of people in this world that are being mastered by life and God did not create you to be mastered by your life he didn't create you for for your life to be a sum total of the stuff that happens to you that's life happening to you and that's not God's will for your life is not as purposed now all of this starts guess what where in your emotions all of this mastering your emotions and being a reflection of God's power and authority and being a reflection of all that God stands for in his love it starts in our emotions it starts in our soul now just for location purposes where your emotions are concerned man is divided up into three parts man is a tri part being man is a spirit who possesses a soul and he lives in a physical body sometimes religion has used soul and spirit interchangeably as if they are the same they are not you are a spirit being you possess a soul and you live in a physical body now the soul is the area where your emotions are found your feelings the soul is the place where you have your thinker your fielder that's your emotions and your chooser those decisions all of that is in your soul you are a spirit you possess the soul you live in a physical body now I've always said that success and failure in life is going to be based on what happens in your soul whatever whatever goes on in your soul which you don't understand about your soul versus what you do understand about your soul determines success failure blessings in curse it all happens in between these two ears it happens right here and and another thing we'll look at later on how the flesh that's what that's what was left over Jesus this is this is something I'll prove to you later on but Jesus didn't die so you can be free from the flesh the flesh is a mindset when I talk about the physical body there's some places in the word that it does refer to the physical body but the most of time when it talks about spirit versus the flesh it's talking about a mindset the flesh is a mindset that goes against the Word of God it's that way of thinking and that way of feeling that goes against God's Word the spirit in Romans 8 I'm thinking of is a mindset as well but it goes in line with the Word of God and so it says if you want to overcome a mindset that goes against the word then you're gonna have to get in the mindset that lines up with the word the spirit and the flesh that's something we'll talk about a little bit long because we've been using the word spirit and flesh but not really gotten down to precision where this is concerned so you can begin to see how to conduct yourself and what's going on when your feelings are responding to your circumstances what's going on when I allow the circumstances to dictate to me the emotions that maybe you think that your emotions should line up with your circumstances but they don't you don't allow you most people don't think they have control over their emotions that if something sad happens just supposed to be sad it's something frustration that happens he was supposed to be frustrated now that's not having authority over your emotions having authority of your emotions means that if a circumstances is now trying to govern your emotions to line up with it you take authority over your emotions and say no I'm not gonna allow you to line up with the circumstance just cuz the circumstances there doesn't mean your emotions have to line up with it if you understand that say you men all right now y'all y'all kind of stay with me a little bit I you know when I go somewhere and I preach out of the country it's wonderful it's great it's awesome it's amazing it's lots and lots of people and all that nothing like cooking in your own kitchen you understand me ain't nothing like cooking in your own kitchen boy I got a meal cooked up on this thing today we gonna spice this thing up amen so so so knowing where the soul is located now look at what he says in 3rd John chapter 1 and 2 he says beloved I wish above all things that thou mayst prosper and be in health and he says all of that your your prosperity or success what he's saying here I want you to be successful and and I want you to be healthy that's success in your physical body what do you call prosperity of the spirit born-again prosperity of the Soul renewed mine prosperity of the physical body health and he says I wish above all things that's a pretty pretty bold statement that says above everything I want you to be successful in your spirit your soul and even in your body and he says this is how it's going to happen this is how it's going to happen even as your soul prospers so it's prosperity in the soul is gonna benefit you in all of the areas of your life look at this in the amplified if you will how he breaks this down then the amplified because as goals your soul so goes your life that that's it wherever your soul goes that's what your life is going and wherever your emotions go that's where it will take you ok your emotions are designed to take you to place now beloved I pray that you may prosper in every way now that's awesome he says I want you to be successful in every way that's having a but that's mastering your life that's mastering your life knowing that it is possible and it is the will of God for you to be successful in every way that there's nothing about your life that's not supposed to be successful the will of God is for you to be successful in every way and that your body may keep well he says even as I know your soul keeps well and prosperous so again you prospering in every way you've been successful notice that's God's will for you to be successful in every way and even in your physical body is going to be based on what happens between these two ears what what's going on renewing your mind even as your soul prospers even as your soul prospers so what happens to a guy that doesn't have soul prosperity what happens to a guy but that doesn't get in the word doesn't study the word doesn't understand how to balance faith and worth he's always gonna be subject to religion he will be stuck in a twenty-year old thing that we don't went way past he's still back there talking about something 20 years old and we don't we don't went all the way up here your soul has prospered you so if his if it's thinking is stuck in some little elementary thing in the past you know Bible talks about day says we need to leave the elementary things while we continue to lay again the foundations of faith and always he says when are we gonna go forward that's so prosperity that you getting in God's Word getting in God's presence and allowing his word and his presence to allow your soul to prosper or to increase and to be successful and this is a real true statement you know the more you know the more you gonna be able to do you can't do no better if you don't know better right so what happens you stay stuck in the better that you know and there is something that happens when you get in the Word of God and you begin to prosper in your soul so as your soul goes the rest of your life goes that same way so you got to understand that what happens here is God create to be in control as he is in control and what he created us to do is to be in control of all the creation all the creation was created for us to be in control however in our failure watch this and our failure to control ourselves this is what happens when you fail to control yourself and and I'm speaking for specifically your emotions when you fail to control your emotions guess what happens you find yourself trying to control other people and God never never designed us to control other people so in our failure to control our own self we attempt to try to control others why do we do that to try to get that sense of superiority that sense of superiority that God created us to have he gave us that sense of superiority over all of his creation so we would see ourselves superior over animal kingdom and everything that is created but now you mess up when you can't control your own emotions you can't control your own self and then what happens as a result of unique not being able to control you you can't control your temper you can't control your anger you can't control a lot of things then what happens you now try to try to control somebody else and that is a result of you not being able to control your own emotions and I'll tell you when that happens ladies and gentlemen you know you're in a situation and and that's that's what if you look at life real clearly people you know who can't control themselves the next thing they will attempt to do is to control somebody else because there's this need to want to express the superiority that God gave us over his creation and when we find that that we can't control ourselves we feel like we need to go and try to dominate somebody's life and and and to do that so mastering your emotions it doesn't mean not having emotions that's not what it is mastering your emotions doesn't mean and this is a special for Christians because Christians want to pretend like they don't have emotions mastering your emotions doesn't mean I not having emotion God aided us and designed us to express passion and emotion he designed us to do that he wants us to have passion he wants us to have have emotions he designed us to do so we can enjoy but now what happened when sin and and the curse and Satan came in to pervert our emotions then perverted emotions now ended up hurting us and then we start hurting people around us our motions got perverted now we're trying to control folks and then those emotions hurt you and then you hurt somebody around you you know you you you you're hurt emotionally and now you ready to hurt other people that are around you this is not see I'm not talking psychology tonight because psychology deals with it deals with your emotions your feelings and your emotions but it doesn't deal with your spirit man and that's a mistake because the only thing they can tell you is about your feelings but I'm here to tell you how to take authority over your feelings and to dominate those emotions amen so we must not be emotionally ruled people we cannot be emotionally ruled people I'm gonna show you a little later on in the Garden of Eden you know we talk about you know Adam and Eve and they ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and a curse came on them but we that we very rarely talk about specifically and precisely what that curse was and you know what that curse was that came on them after they disobeyed it was the curse of being emotionally ruled that was the curse the curse of being emotionally ruled and now their emotions were moving them their emotions were directing their lives it was before they were being motivated by God in his spirit and his word but the curse was a curse of being emotionally ruled this is something that that religion has kept in hiding that you hadn't heard people talk about too much we don't deal with the emotions in church you know except for shouting and doing cartwheels and and and I am problems with that but we don't deal with your negative emotions you know why did you why did you end up doing what you did how did you end why did you end up and how did you end up in adultery and how did you end up in perversion and how did you end up in addicted to that or addicted to that your emotions took you there something you didn't good your emotions took you there and in every situation even when I was a therapist every situation was this is how I felt and because I felt like that being I did this and and and and and and in therapy you worked real hard to try to get to the nitty-gritty let's let's locate the feeling that moved you to do that and once you locate the feeling that moved you to do that I don't know I mean you know sometimes you would say you're cured I was never satisfied with that I mean I was getting people filled with the Holy Ghost and getting called to the to the medical director's office you can't do that I'm like well my patients are a lot better than y'all's are but that wasn't a part of the therapy but I'm telling you man something had to move you to addiction some at some emotion had to move you to be an abusive person some emotion had to move you so what happens when you can't control yourself and I'll show you in a moment if you can't control your thoughts then you can't control your emotions if you can't control your emotions then you won't have the peace and the security that you need in your life and then ultimately you will begin to control and try to control other people but your emotions ways what moves you there oh I don't know how I ended up doing this I do your emotions move you there those are emotions that will continue controlling you rather than you controlling your emotions that's how it happens all the time oh I heard somebody feeling I cussed them out and then what happened to do with me and you know what you can damage relationships that may not be able to be repaired or because they don't want to be repaired but at the same time as Christian people who are filled with the Holy Spirit I have to as a pastor teach you that you can have authority over your emotions you can dominate your emotions they would never given to dominate your life you were given those emotions so you can enjoy life not to have those emotions to make your life miserable and so I've had a whole new look at this maybe it was good I took a couple weeks off to really look at this because now you know how I get I take if everything up to the extreme so I can get it in you it's everything it's the most important message we're teaching that I'll ever teach because think about it if you can dominate your emotions if you can look at something that happens in your marriage and it irritated you and you can say you know what cheese not to deal with that right now let's deal with it tomorrow at lunch or dinner and I'll deal with it then but sometimes you have to know you have to understand that this emotion is taking me somewhere and we wait and when you hear this teaching you hear all of them we talk about stress when we talk about self-doubt when we talk about depression when we talk about insecurity and inferiority you're gonna begin to see how lives have become a puppet to emotions that they were supposed to have authority over and that's got stop is everybody's everybody with me let me people who try to control others are people who cannot control themselves and usually this is found in the failure to control their emotions it's right there well you know you're a controlling person that's cause you can't control yourself you can't control your emotions then you're gonna end up trying to control other people now there's nothing necessarily wrong with being in control the issue and the question is you're in control of what now we know God and called us to control one another so what is it that we need to be in control of let me go through that progression one more time we need to control our thoughts we need to control our thoughts all right why do we need to control our thoughts and is it possible to really control your thought you know I thought at one time I mean I remember saying this nobody can control their thoughts I remember brother Hagin when he was alive he used to say this all the time you cannot stop the birds from flying over your head but you can stop them from building a nest in your hair how let's look real quick in 2nd Corinthians chapter 10 and verse 3 we need to control our thoughts you can control your thoughts I'll show you by Scripture and then I'll show you practically how you can control your thoughts and that's where it's gonna start if you can control your thoughts you can control your emotions if you can control your thoughts you can control your emotions you remember the anatomy of life I went over the last time I'm here let's go over it again everything starts with what you're exposed to whatever you're exposed to that's gonna create the way you think the way you think will create the way you feel emotions what you feel will create the decisions you make those decisions will create the actions you take those actions will create the habits you create those habits will create your character the character will bring you to your destination and we reversed it if you want to change your destination change your character one change your character change your habits change your habits change your actions you want to change your actions change your emotional decisions if you want to change your your decisions you've got to change how you feel you want to change how you feel you got to change how you think and ultimately if you want to change all of that you're gonna have to adjust what you're exposing yourself to who you hanging around what you listening to what you're doing because all of it starts with all of it starts with what are you hanging around who you hang around with what are you listening to what are you seeing exposure what are you exposing yourself to what are you exposing yourself to that's that's first base number one and so if you can control your thoughts you can control your emotions and if you can control your thoughts and your emotions guess what you're gonna be able to make some good decisions good make some good actions create some good habits have a great character and end up in a great destination life is not you know happenstance well I don't you know some people are supposed to end up there and some people not supposed to end up there that's all that's crock that's that's not right that's not right iiiii it's not right I talk to people all the time and they want to complain about where they are and I'm like are you ready to change that and then when I tell them how and I'm like call me when you read it cuz you're not ready because you don't want to do absolutely what's necessary to create the life you want did not write a book on that how to create the life you want probably an even sale but it's a great book awesome awesome all right now watch this verse three for though we walk in the flesh we do not war after the flesh verse four for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but they're mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds now carnal it literally means of the five senses of the five senses and our senses have even been given to us forth to enjoy this life you know what you see and feel and touch and smell all those things have been given to us but we were never designed by God to allow those senses to govern our life there to assist our lives but they were never supposed to the Lord or govern our lives so he says the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but they're mighty through God watch this to the pulling down of strongholds strongholds our houses of fault that reside in your mind they're their houses of thoughts that have been constructed in your mind you have actually built up a foundation and you've built this stronghold in your mind and you can pull it down I'll show you in a minute look at verse five casting down imaginations and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God bringing into captivity every thought stop notice he says we can bring into captivity every thought so now all of a sudden the scripture tells us that we can be we can we can be maintenance people over our thought life your thoughts you know I used to think I don't know when this was but I'm really ashamed to say this but I was at this grocery store a long time ago I don't anything the chain of real stories exist anymore and and that was this this elderly ladies in front of me and this thought went by what would happen if you just pushed her and I'm like where did that come from and I was getting frustrated cuz I'm like where did that thought come from all right well of course I am a lady but the fact that it came through you know you guys are perfect y'all don't ever have a thought fly through so where did that come from where or why and that's when I realized you know at that point I was about to concede to the fact that well I can't help that I don't know where that came from and whatever and sometimes that's what the word I was looking for a fortress a stronghold is a fortress in your mind and sometimes those are just little materials that are being used to build a fortress in your mind to bring you to a bigger something later on and so I'll never forget hearing brother Copeland we were talking about this and I was like you know let's I said how I know where you're supposed to control your thoughts I mean come on the Bible says to cast down and to bring every thought into captivity now I want to do this with you again I've done it I know a hundred times some of you like you've done this over and over again but for the benefit who have not done it please help me do it one more time okay I want you to count from one to ten to yourself don't say anything out loud with your mouth until I tell you to ready count no not what your mouth let's do it again don't count don't open your mouth you're counting in your mind your thoughts ready go now shout your name alright what happened to your thoughts they were interrupting one thing they stopped because your your thinking had to cease because your mouth is opening up and what was coming out of your mouth caught the fault because you now have to think about what you just see it that's how you control your thoughts when the devil comes in and says you will not live then you open your mouth and say the word says I will live and not die and you cast that thought now and the devil says you know you're gonna be you're gonna be broke all your life you got to open your mouth up cast it down don't let that all remain in your mind to be used as material to construct the fortress in your head or construct the strong hope cast it down how do you cast it down you open your mouth you speak the Word of God that contradicts the thought that went in your mind you're gonna be broke all your life no way my God shall supply all my needs according to his riches in glory I am prosperous I am wealthy I am healthy and I am sound you have to open your mouth sometimes says where people don't think I'm crazy alright alright don't open your mouth and let all them stupid style stay up there and you probably will be crazy one day cuz you let all that stock stuff there and this is takin authority this is takin authority I'm not talking I just just sweet look crispy listen I believe every bit of this work I am qualified to preach when I'm preaching tonight I would I wouldn't I went down something y'all have not ever been worldwide dogged out like me how did I make it through I cast those thoughts down I ain't gonna sit up and think that well first of all I ain't gon listen to it and I ain't gonna read it so don't send me no letter cussing me out it'll never get read by me I'm tearing it up and it's going to fire 101 trash can listen to me open your mouth that's why you get the word that's why you're coming so you can understand what the word is so you can contradict that thought and the Bible says you cast down the image maker imagination that's an image maker guess what it's not what will make the image the thoughts you keep those thoughts up then you start thinking about those thoughts morning what you think about you're gonna start seeing a picture of the very thoughts that's been coming in your mind okay casting down imagination every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God so any thought that that's higher than God's Word you know God's Word says you're healed another thing I'm coming in and says you're gonna die of the sickness now all that exalts itself above the knowledge of God's Word and it is worthy to be cast down and bringing into captivity you can capture every thought and bring it to the obedience of Christ that's awesome that that's authority right there look how powerful that is you can capture every negative thought and cast it down with the Word of God or or you can be a normal average person without Christ and let those thoughts torment you I mean you got children you better learn what I just say it you better learn what I just say it I'm in and so if you can control your thought life and you can I just showed you then you can control your emotions control your thoughts you can if you control the way you think you control the way you feel somebody said I feel depressed first thing on my ass shoes what have you been thinking about because that's pressure in your thought life I feel depressed well what's the simple solution there let's deal with what you've been thinking about let's show you how to take authority over your thoughts and your feelings will line up with the with the changes that you make you hear what I'm saying you don't I don't don't you know well you just don't know what I'm going through and you just don't know what I feel I do not want to be insensitive and sound like I'm out of love but your feeling and going through everything you want to feel and go through yeah just the other span no I understand perfectly how this system works I think the first bad circumstance coming in your life and it ain't gonna be the last and there are things that hurt they hurt but that's the time yellow bull Chicago a lot mostly reticulum banda i am gonna show you if i get to it tonight that if you can control your emotions there is a fruit of the spirit called what temperance and temperance is self-control do you know what self-control does self-control moves you into place where God's been trying to get you so all of this stuff that's happening is an attack against destiny that's right and all he's gonna be doing for the rest of your life is presenting circumstances to see if he can let you can get your emotions to control you and with those motion control you they're gonna take you away from your destiny an airplane if I am if I am one degree off course just one degree of course the more I travel one degree of course the more more I get farther and farther away from my destiny so the same thing is true with you not taking stand please I'm not saying you're not taking this this series seriously but I am I am I am I am like like man this is this is really where our Authority is concerned dude you get this you turn into a whole nother person and you're gonna hurt you have to learn how to pause some of y'all go to you just go up to handler too quick you've got to learn how to just steal I yeah you gotta learn how certain things don't need to be responded to right away you just gotta learn how to pause and shut up you got to get on an anointing oh shut up because wherever the words go then everything else gonna follow and the Bible says if you can control the words that come out of your mouth your tongue then you can you can you can steer your life but sometimes you open your mouth up and they're gone it's messed up I mean angels like hold it hold it hold it hold it hold it well I don't like you either got dollars you to miss them the fear of being disrespected causes you to respond as if sometimes something the disrespect has actually taken place the fear and that's what happened with a lot of black men I'm afraid you gonna disrespect me so I'm already got myself tensed and ready to go and I'm gonna respond to you as if you disrespected me and it hadn't even happened yet my fear of disrespect caused me to move in my emotions to do something and I end up in jail because you ain't gonna disrespect me even if I got to go to jail I ain't gonna let nobody disrespect me nobody's disrespected you you just have the fear of disrespect that moved you into a panic mode and now you're responding in your emotions that's gonna end up getting you in trouble wow that happened with me and mine in my children it was like I had and I didn't even know this and into God showed it to me I was so afraid that they're gonna disrespect me and I'm not gonna let you disrespect me so I was all ready to go in a argument mode or blasting you down mode because you ain't gonna disrespect me and I'm not listening I'm saying all I'm thinking about is you're not gonna disrespect me and the Lord dealt with me on that and said now you need to change let me show you how to handle this and I'm telling you when when I changed and no longer walked in the fear of disrespect and would be able to pause and not respond to some disrespectful comment or something that came out you know what happened they changed when Tim it was the provoker when Tim and I never heard anything like that I think I taught it at the men's fellowship about you know avoiding the fear of disrespect everybody take a deep breath I feel like I just pour it all out on it and y'all like had a man leave me alone it's everybody that's why I wanted to share that with you so you could be alright you I turn enables a UI so what happens you control your thoughts then you have control over your emotions and when you get hold of your emotions then you'll have peace and security on the inside of you and what happens then you eliminate your need to control other people now you don't need to control anybody a husband doesn't need to control his wife anymore because he can control his thoughts his emotions he's got peace and security on the inside there was no need to control anybody a wife doesn't need to control anybody because she has that same thing on the inside of her now if you can control your emotions you can absolutely do and I am not backing off on this if you can control your emotions you can absolutely do anything turning name said you control if you can control your emotions you can do anything whoa hey let's go to proverbs chapter 16 32 because proverbs 16:32 I want to look at it and the King James and the amplified proverbs 16:32 says something like this it talks about if you can control your your emotions I mean your your mightier than any army but the opposite is true if you can't control your emotions mighty armies will invade your life and control you he says like this he that is slow to anger is better than the mighty he that is slower than anger it slow and slow to anger is better than the mighty now I told you anger is a response it's a anger is is fear-based it's fear base anger is is is is an expression of your fear that's why when you get angry from this point on every time you get angry you're afraid of something anger is an expression of fear I am afraid of something and so I'm expressing it through my anger I tell you the story about when Tafel was doing business she was still running the record label and she's getting ready to do business with somebody and I just just I just I expressed anger and and the Lord asked me he says what are you afraid of and I said don't you mean what am i mad at he says not what are you afraid of you're expressing your fear I was like wow I never saw that before I said I'm afraid that they're gonna take advantage of her and hurt her he says well why don't you just tell her that Wow after that was a big turnaround in my life and I wrote that book on fear and overcoming the spirit of fear because when you can understand that fear-based issues will always produce other issues in person's life so he that is slow to anger is better than the mighty a man or a woman who cannot control his emotions when you lose your emotions you are the weakest person on the planet when you lose your emotions I gave an illustration the last time I was here about let's say up person who was driving his car and he was your brand-new car it was your brand-new expensive car and somebody they were not paying attention and they hit your brand-new expensive car okay and instead of you waiting to the police showed up and do everything properly you jumped out of the car you got in this person's face you were expressing your fear your anger your out of control okay and you know the person kind of brushed you and you you hit them all right now the police comes and they arrest you all right and it's Friday and your job said if you miss one more day you're gonna lose your job well you got to work on Saturday but the judge is not in on Saturday right judge judges don't work on Saturday and Sunday you know and and then so you're there you've lost your job all of that started when you couldn't control when you lost your temper when you couldn't control your your temper don't don't come with all the other excuses for why you got put in jail except you were a man out of control at that point you were very weak man so when we talk about manhood the weakest man on the planet is the one who cannot control his emotions the strongest man on the planet is one who can control his emotions you you you you actually think you're showing people how big and bad you are because you lose your emotions and you stop throwing so I don't understand why people do that I mean I see that on the movies they get mad and they they tear up their furniture or stuff they work hard for you know they tear the stuff off the table and break the lamps and all that ain't ain't never gonna be that man to be tearing up stuff I don't spend my money to buy they get baseball backs and knock the wind out and they caught now I can go outside in the woods and do that somewhere else you know you're weak you're weak man because a strong man who can control his emotions also has the wisdom to know how to wisely deal with that thing and that's real power being able to think about and we got to share that with our with our brothers man we got listen you're not you're not strong when you're losing your emotions you're not strong when you run in the house and time I'm gonna get a gun and I'm gonna shoot you you're afraid see when I was growing up did nobody go getting on guns we we had a guy miss Rayna in the neighborhood who had boxing gloves and you had a beef you had to handle like a man and you get it in the front yard put the boxing gloves on and and you and you know whoever get knocked out and then most of the time you come out of it you so tired cause you just think you wanna you know anger got your exhaust after you finish like man and yeah I man you go by freezing cooking y'all friends for the rest of the time ain't nobody shoot nobody that's fear that drives us to want to go and shoot somebody and we don't even know our emotions are are causing us to do that people their issues going on in our society then we don't even we don't even have the we don't even know the beginning wisdom of how to even track it back to the foundation of the issue we have no idea politics can't resolve that you can go and make more laws and come up with more rules that's not gonna solve that and that's what the church comes in that but the chants don't even know how to do that they don't even though I explain it they call it a demon and all I would it would have or got a demon bring the boy and we need to cast them out get him delivered and then only mum teach does it well I mean he might have a few demons in him but those demons are working on his emotions and he can take authority over their motion Said's been stripped you don't have too much authority to do nothing unless you yield your emotions to go to way he's suggesting is everybody finally I'm like so seriously gone I'm gonna go and get somebody piece of my mind you ain't got much mine left just keep your mind and don't be piecing it out to people that's that's what what is that and you want to show somebody that you're tough what's that that's not that's not demonstrating real power and strength we're empower and real strength is demonstrated to the person that can be quiet and think and have self-control so he's better than the mighty and he that rule of his spirit he's better than he that taketh the city look at this in the amplified I mean this is pretty powerful he's talking about a guy who can control his emotions being mightier than an army look at the amplify says he who is slow to anger is better than the mighty who rules his own spirit or soul then he who takes the city and that word referring to soul now so a man who can control or master his emotions is more powerful than any army that takes a city so now let's let's just pause for a moment let's there are three main issues I want you to get out of what I said before I start preaching three main issues let's review for a moment number one you can take control over your emotions say that I can take control over my emotions okay number two self-control is a godly force designed by God to direct our lives where he has designed them to go self-control is a godly force it's a fruit of the Spirit temperance it's a godly force it's designed by God for what purpose to direct our lives where he has designed them to go so when you're in when you're operating in the in the in the fruit of temperance and self-control you're giving God the opportunity to take your life where he's designed for your life to go so if you spend all your time out of control you're gonna you're gonna spend all your time off course and I don't want to be off course I don't want to spend my time mad I don't know I don't want something I'm so glad I something well the Holy Spirit or inside of me reconciled back with my father I didn't want to spend nothing to spend the rest of his life me being mad at him it's just like okay whatever is done is done you know I'm a Christian now I forgive let's go on I'm so glad that I was able to do that it takes a lot more energy to be mad than it is to for you and some things you may never figure out and you may have to make your mind up you know what let's just go forward and the whole deal about you were awful parent well that's alright when you had your baby then let's let's compare record they don't become time as a mile off everybody think you was awful parent ill you have your children and they start giving you back what you gave your parents amen and the third thing I want you to get out of what I've said so far uncontrolled unyielding emotions lead to controlling the wrong thing uncontrolled and unyielding emotions will yield to you controlling the wrong thing and what's that people all ever do is get you to a point where you can control people now let's go to Hebrews chapter 415 let me now give you the official definition of emotions what are they emotions are feelings on the inside caused by pain or pleasure emotions are feelings on the inside caused by pain or pleasure trying to move you in a certain direction feelings on the inside caused by pain caused by pleasure but the objective is to move you in a direction a direction of pain or move you in the direction of pleasure now this is really cool in Hebrews 4:15 to know that the Lord Jesus Christ experienced feelings to know that Jesus himself had emotions and to know that in the Garden of Gethsemane distress on him was so horrific he even said that I felt like I was gonna die that was the stress that was demonstrated when blood got through his sweat glands and he started sweating blood that's a condition that some people have when they're under stress but you have to be on the tremendous amount of stress when that happens so if that ever happens to somebody doesn't mean oh my god they're Jesus that that that's a that's a physical thing that happens to people when they're under a great amount of stress so can you can't even imagine the stress he was on there because he was getting ready to take on the sins of every human that would ever enter the earth Wow and so he says for we have not a high priest Jesus is our high priest he says we have not a high priest which cannot be touched with the feelings of our weaknesses he was he was touched with the very feelings of our weaknesses he says but was in all points tempted like as we are but notice even though he was touched with all of the emotions and the feelings of our weaknesses yet there was no sin what was what what does the scripture saying he would not allow his motions to control him even though all of that all of our stuff was on his shoulders he still controlled his emotions and he did it to the point where there was no sin he had emotions his emotions did not have him he had emotions his emotions did not have him now this is amazing for time sake let's go to mark chapter 14 starting at verse 33 in the amplified bible and i want to read down in verse 35 i want to give you a picture of what jesus was going through here and yet he was that's the whole king this is what adam and eve couldn't do they could the the curse in the garden where they were emotionally controlled and look at what they ended up doing their emotions led them alright now watch this and amplified he's talking about jesus who's in the garden and he took he took with him Peter and James and John and he began to be struck with terror oh my religious church didn't tell me this about Jesus he was struck with terror and amazement and he was deeply troubled watch this and depressed no one ever told me like this this is just this is Jesus this is the man with emotions and and bearing all of this stuff and thinking about it he was depressed what Jesus depressed and he said to them my soul is exceedingly sad overwhelmed with grief look at all these emotions so that it almost kills me remain here and keep away and be watching alright so here is Jesus and I'm not even gonna mention a part of so stressed out he's sweating blood and you've never been that stressed out and yet you turn your emotions you give the authority to you emotions and runs life and heat no if I die I will not yield to these emotions I'm not gonna do it I'm not gonna give these emotions look at these emotions that they were described I'm not yielding to him so what do you do I want to what do you do when you feel like you're in such grief such terror such depression you're sweating blood out of your pores what was he doing resisting someone say resist you're gonna have to resist certain emotions that come your way Jesus was resisting so what did he do I need to find out what did he do in the middle is verse 35 and going a little farther oh so he went it wasn't much but he went a little farther see you can stay home and be depressed or you can get up and go a little farther what was the second thing you did and then he fell on the ground watch this and he kept praying that if it were possible the fatal hour might pass him so there are two things we see here while our emotions will often try to influence and determine the decisions we make we must do what you see it do you understand that you understand the decision that Jesus had made I'm going to the cross I'm gonna my blood I'm gonna be this sacrifice I'm gonna turn on this New Covenant and all these emotions show up to try to stop the decision if I can affect his decision I can stop what he's getting ready to do and cancel this whole plan that God has so what did he do he went forward turning neighbors say go forward in other words keep going in the direction you know God wants you to go no matter how you feel keep going in the direction you know God wants you to go no matter how you feel I can't tell you the number of times that I wanted to quit and give up but I had to keep going in the direction no matter how I feel felt no matter who was talking about men no matter what they were reporting no matter what new narrative they created I had to keep going forward no matter what I mean some of the things people have said it's just ridiculous I was in Miami Florida one time getting ready to go preach and I got a call from a really close friend of mine and he was in a panic and he says okay okay man he said okay I'm just calling are you okay are you okay I said yeah I said what's going on well man I just heard the bad news bad news bad news I just came off the beach what's the bad news I'm getting ready to go preach all night he said man I just heard the bad news man I preachers just call me and just told me that you know you just got caught stealing $30,000 on the church and they put you in jail I said okay let's diagnose this I said thirty thousand dollars for real all right and then secondly and and I put the cameras in place to catch myself I and I said it in this church we got money like that laying around I said where did you get that from a preacher you know what I did I said do whatever and I went forward a little bit more and I kept on praying now seriously you think well what's the big deal I could have carried that it would have been a mess the impact my that meeting that night it would have been packed of those people that night it would have impacted my knowing in that night but I'm like ain't ain't you you know and sometimes some certain things you don't need to respond to just you yeah whatever you know yeah whatever you know whatever yeah I got ten planes and and and and I got mansions in every state in the country yes Amen I'm not gonna disrespect somebody came he showed me some pictures of this these three beautiful houses and I said where'd you get this from oh they're yours I said well I agree a man if you don't give them to me I mean they say some of the craziest stuff somebody called me and said oh my god I just read that you raped five teenage girls I said Jesus keep me near here you got a kitchen cuz first thing he wants to do is make you so angry that the emotions are gonna take you away from where God wants you to be are you saying how this works they're always gonna be a tax or this is gonna be for somebody the attack is most of the time gonna come when you're close to the Destiny when you're close when you've got ready to kiss the distant here's the sad thing about it you're about ready to kiss your destiny and your emotions out of control and you're right there and it's taking y'all with him now you got to reroute certain things just you're gonna have to quit trying to build your reputation you got to be like Jesus of no reputation Jesus was of no reputation you so concerned about your reputation that you know okay well you know when you have a good when when you concern about reputation then you're gonna have to if it's not whitney's be gonna do something try to get it up and if it's lower you're gonna always worry but if you have no reputation you're not concerned about any of those things I had to finally get to that point where it's like you know what what ever I don't even care I'm gonna preach the gospel of grace if you don't wanna hear it don't come but I'm warning you people in the United States there are countries that are catching this thing now there are nations of the world that are catching hold of this grace thing that listen to every word that we preach out of this ministry on the gospel of grace and have committed their life and ministry to preaching this gospel around this world amen so don't think for a moment it's happening big-time are y'all seeing this but I've already made my mind up I'm gonna preach it I already made my mind up I'm gonna dress like I want to dress like I don't even go down you know a preacher ought to have a collar on them things eh my neck I ain't wearing no collar no mo I'm not doing that choking on that so I can walk around looking like I'm saying timoni is I'm not doing that I am saved by the spirit and by by what comes out of me not by what I dress what I wear now I'm not talking about being inappropriate anything but I mean I'm just tired of the religion I am attacking it with everything that I got none of that I mean why people dying and going to hell we playing church and try to figure out a little church games to play with people people people need the truth and we plant witness that's doing stupid stuff you can't come to church because what you did last night with what you do last night - no - do good and don't do it not as sin so hush I apologize my emotions took me there okay what's this all right so the second thing we see him do he kept praying talk to God when you feel struck with emotion when you feel struck with fear when you feel struck with discouragement when you feel struck with depression pray through it that's the best time that someone says what you pray when you feel like a know the best time to pray is when you're having a chance to cuss somebody out or prayed through and that's why y'all think off batons because when you're motion being attack you you can't you can't think about what you want to say Lord in the name of Jesus I pray count up Jesus kill you need to pray in tongues you need you need praying time you need praying times you need help when you're praying tell the Holy Ghost will help you to pray as your opt to need to pray in tongues so how do we deal with our emotions and how we deal with those emotions will determine whether we experience the blessing or whether we experience the curse is it's not whether God's gonna bless you a curse you God's already decided to bless you but your emotions and how you deal with them will determine which one you walk in or give your authority to the ultimate curse like I said they came in the world when Adam and Eve sin was the curse of being emotionally ruled person so this doesn't mean it's a curse to have emotions it's not what I'm saying this does not mean it's a curse oh my god my times up I didn't even see that did the clock just go off or has it been off let's wrap this up so what was I saying being emotionally rude doesn't mean that emotions is a curse we just need to make sure that that they don't have us is what I'm saying you just got to make sure that those emotions don't have you so I guess I'll pick up with this next time I want to talk to you about three factors in making successful decisions versus emotional decisions so three things we can do to make successful decisions instead of emotional decisions and I'm gonna show you how emotions are really the source of seeing in our lives I'll show you wherever those is most emotions are when they're negative they can become the source of sin in your life and just show you a whole bunch of stuff this is gonna be an amazing series you want to invite people to be you're gonna come here and get this thing because it's you're gonna change you're gonna change and you're gonna see yourself like wow look at me two months ago I woulda did this but now I know ain't no use of me getting weak I'm gonna be the strong person here and control my emotions you get anything out of this tonight amen would you lift your hands up and let's just praise God and thank him that we are not emotionally rude that we are not emotionally rude we have self-control we have temperance but more than anything we have the Holy Spirit we have a helper and Holy Spirit we need you we need your help Holy Spirit we're human we're gonna be exposed to negative emotions like we have spot but you're gonna help us and that's where we submit ourselves that's the difference that's what makes us holy is that we separate from what the world and how they do it and we depend on you we trust you and we depend on you Holy Spirit we give you praise right now now father I pray that you minister to everyone who's here tonight I pray that you will minister in the name of Jesus to those who are on stream tonight and I think you look we're never gonna be the same again because we have authority over our emotions and instead of our lives mastering us we now will master our lives in Jesus name Amen come on put your hands together give the Lord a big hand clap of praise amen they'd been well let's let's give in our offering tonight and if you need an offering envelope if you raise your hands the ushers will be more than and happy to put this to help you out and we've got an amazing week coming up we're gonna be ministering in to thank God in the northeast part of the United States and we pray for South Carolina and that storm I take dominion over that thing right now in the name of Jesus and I declare no loss of life and you lose your force closer you come to land you lose your force hallelujah hallelujah we have a part a praise God use it amen God is so good loving child to God love him love him he's done more for you than you even understand he's done more for you than than what you would even understand and we have we have made a commitment until Jesus comes we are not gonna be in last place where this grace is concerned successful people that are seeing God work in their lives he has a destiny for you and that destiny cannot continue to be missed because we can't control our emotions in that powerful that makes you think twice like let me chill I might be close to something and then I promise you every time you get close to something good some circumstance is gonna come and try to go in your emotion and we've never we've never heard that I need to write a book on this because I got a lot to say and I don't know if I'm gonna have time to say it but we're gonna preach it all here on Wednesday night I should be preaching it on Sunday but I can't you know y'all got to help me you preach it get you equipped and then you go preach it Amen all right holy offerings up let's give it to God Father we thank you for this seed that we're about to so it's our privilege to not give even not give emotionally we're giving out of a cheerful heart we give because we love you we thank you and we get praise for who you are and what you've done we so cheerfully and we thank you Lord for your promises we receive it now in Jesus name I'm in OSHA's you can go ahead and receive this offering tonight I got five hours in me five hours so make sure you remember the point we're going to talk about emotional decisions versus I don't know right decisions accurate decisions you are some total a lot of times of the decisions you make decisions are open doors into reality it doesn't become a reality until you make a decision and we've got to learn how to make better decisions we got it we got to learn how to make better decisions kind of got to back up from where you are and then back up see the decision you made see the emotions you had see what you've been thinking about and see what you've been hanging around or you're gonna keep making bad decisions and ending up in bad places and that's not God's will for your life God's will for your life is to be successful because will for your life is to be successful amen and what is real success accomplishing the purpose for what you have been sent here to do that's real prosperity to to accomplish the will of God for your life real prosperity is not money in the bank you can have money in the bank and be dying to cancer are you prosperous now you a sick man dying with money in the bank it's about wholeness and soundness nothing missing and nothing broken in your life that's what it's about so if you're here tonight and you never made Jesus the Lord of your life please listen to me man how many times do you walk out of the door unsaved how long you gonna let that happen you know there's a path that leads to life and then there's a path that leads to destruction the question you got to ask yourself is how long have you been on that road and are you running out of Road before you meet at the end of that road how long are you gonna play that game do get your life together the tormenting thing about Hell is that the price was paid and you never signed for the package that your name was in the Lamb's Book and got blotted out because you did not make a decision to make Jesus the Lord of your life nobody wants to do that let's get saved tonight don't walk out of here unsaved don't continue to walk out and say get your life together with Jesus man there's a lot of stuff going on in the world today one of the most significant things is that they're rebuilding the temple right now as we speak and that's a huge sign of the return of the Lord the Antichrist is probably already in here somewhere but that's a huge huge huge sign so don't don't don't reject Jesus man make him your Lord and your Savior and do it tonight secondly if you if you want to receive the baptism in the Holy Spirit with the evidence speaking in tongues let's take care of it and thirdly if you believe that God wants you to join this church or wherever you may be whatever Church world changes Church you may be in tonight let's connect man let's get the words let's connect let's do it do it do it let's respond to whatever the Holy Spirit was saying to you that's why we're having an altar call right now so you can respond to what you believe the Spirit of God was speaking to your heart and your life so this altar is open if you want to come down and take advantage of it I'd love to pray with you I'm gonna ask everybody to stand and minister to the people to your left right front behind if they need some help in coming down would you please help them to come down in Jesus name it's my light and salvation whom shall I fear who shall I be afraid [Music] shall appear we shall be beautiful singing he sure loves you she shall appear [Music] sink i watch [Music] say hi hi [Music] see [Music] say I will try say we said I hope never know we said I hope he said we said see you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] down here this tonight and those of you who come up in other churches we thank God for you let me pray with you for a moment father we declare grace grace we shout grace grace over their lives that every mountain will be reduced to a plateau and I thank you that the blessing of God is working in them through them for them now I declare grace explosions in their life and all is well Jesus name we pray and everybody said amen if you've come up you've got somebody up there it's gonna take you to a prayer room and just take a few minutes and they're gonna minister to you and give you a biblical understanding of how to obtain and how to maintain what you came to receive we thank God that you'll never be the same again so at this time if you'll turn this way and follow our guys to the prayer room and someone assist my brother here so you don't need to go up there amen give them a big hand here come on well lose you well I love you anyhow now under him was able to keep you from falling and a present you faultless before the Almighty God be glory Majesty Dominion and power both now and forever I plead the blood of Jesus over your life all is well with you and may the grace of God lead and guide you and protect you in Jesus name Amen god bless everybody good night Wow I hope you guys got a hold of that you know when you begin to get into God's Word you start understanding how to apply it in your everyday lives it'll make a mark that can never be a race you will understand grace you'll be empowered to change thank you so much for joining us today continue to join us for all of our live services and make sure you log on to the social media platforms I've got things to say and I've got things I want you to hear and I want you to learn I want you to understand and I want you to grow in grace and be empowered to change I'll see you next time the 2018 change experience which Creflo and taffy dollar is coming to New York New York September 28th and Los Angeles California November 2nd forget everything you have ever heard everything that you have ever thought matters not experience for yourself I don't want to miss out on anything that they have so where they go I go God's looking for the thankful ones we're gonna fake it with it's right for banking when it's wrong for faking women in a hard place it's time to give thanks 2018 change experience New York Marriott Marquis in New York New York September 28th and Crenshaw Christian Center in Los Angeles California November 2nd seats are free register today
Channel: ByGod'sGrace
Views: 5,230
Rating: 4.9714284 out of 5
Keywords: Pastor Preaching, world changers church international, World Changers Church, Ministry, Living By Faith Not By Emotions, Taking Authority Over Your Emotions, Creflo Dollar, Pastor Creflo Dollar, Bible, CrefloDollar, Jesus, world changers church international praise and worship, Creflo Dollar Sunday Service, Creflo Dollar Sermons, Ministries, Dollar, pastor creflo dollar, Creflo Dollar Ministries Live, Creflo Dollar 2019, creflo dollar ministries, Word Of God, Dollar Creflo, Preaching
Id: Cp6bQ1yF2rE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 24sec (4584 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 18 2020
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