Creflo Dollar The Unbeatable Mind 2015

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the following program is made possible by the partners and Friends of Creflo Dollar ministries I dare you to pick out a destination of the finished works of Jesus Christ and watch the Holy Ghost show up take you to that destination and then they'll come a day where you'll say there it is now from the world Dome in College Park Georgia here's pastor dollar with today's message there is a battle that's going on between your ears there's a battle that is going on to see if you will begin to walk in the finish manifested works of Jesus Christ or if you'll lose the battle of the mind and live your life wondering and asking the question where is God now ladies and gentlemen it is something that we have to know about there is a reason why certain things did not manifest or there was a reason why certain things did not happen and for the most part when our mind is out of control and doesn't line up with the word of God it hinders us from receiving what Jesus has already finished most likely a lot of times when we go to pray about things Jesus is already to finish those things he's already done it every time you look at a situation in your life and you wonder war well I'm not gonna handle this Jesus has already got their cover he's already taken care of it and as I said to you before he loves being trusted he loves being for somebody to lean on him and rely on him and to trust him and what we've got to do is we've got to change the way we think about it we've got to get get our thinking renewed we got to get our minds renewed so that we'll find that our thinking is lining up with his way of thinking and even though the Bible says in Isaiah 55 that our thoughts are not his thoughts and our way not his waves the end of that says but I gave you my word and through that word then you can begin to have his thoughts and through his word you'll begin to have his ways but we cannot allow our lives to be dominated by thinking that it's on the outside of the word or thinking that don't line up with God and if you don't find yourself thinking in line with the word then you are thinking in line with something else and that's the battle that's that's where you're going to win it or lose it between years up here in the mind the arena of faith the place the battleground the place where victory is obtained in your life is based on how you think as a man thinketh then in his heart so is he he is in his heart where he think the way he thinks in his mind and you can't change the way you live until you change the way you think things won't change in your life until you change the way you think if you allow a wrong way of thinking to be traditionalized you have a wrong way of thinking that you won't let go of then you're neither will your life ever change and let go of certain things because you're thinking hadn't changed and so it's been one of these things Satan has been able to hide behind he's been able to influence our way of thinking and that's why I keep saying now we've got to start thinking about what we're thinking about that's got we've got to become consciously aware of what we are thinking about you know there may be something going on at the end of the week and it's something that concerns you at the end of the week but it's Sunday today don't allow yourself to go to the end of the week today think about today think about today don't think about the end of the week the end of the week already got enough for you to deal with and end of the week so don't go to the end of the week stay right here today and today count your blessings and today realize it's okay someone says what my rent due Friday yeah but the day it ain't due today you just find the day today you don't have to hide your car today hey tip the head you can answer your telephone take it tomorrow has enough to deal with and you just wouldn't believe the victory that can show up in your life just by getting your mind and your way of thinking just settle in today today I feel good today I have the joy of the Lord today everything gonna be alright today who ever been harassing me to get the bill paid they closed this Sunday today today are you following what I'm saying so there's this little thing that he's been doing an irritating thing where he's been blinding the minds so that certain things won't come to your awareness and today I want to just look at and expose this little trickery of the devil and if the Holy Ghost will let me I'll be able to do it but if not we just keep just let it roll amen now let's let's look at some things here before we go to the 2nd 2nd Peter let's let's look at just what we're talking about let's look at this title of this message this objective painting your mind what to change something if you're going to tame something that means to bring something under control get and get gear to get the perspective of a wild animal who's out of control and he needs to be tamed or you remember the old western pictures you know Gunsmoke and High Chaparral and something I like what what we're not where you used to go out and they find horses and they would have to tame those horses they'd have to break them in and bring them under control your mind is out of control when it is no longer thinking in line with the Word of God when you're thinking lines up with the word of God the Bible refers to it in Romans chapter 12 as sober thinking but when you're thinking is is out of control or the Bible refers to it as intoxicated thinking intoxicated thinking is thinking that then line up with God's Word it doesn't line up with God's heart in God's Way and so if you allow your thinking to be governed by fear and if you allow your thinking to be governed by panic and if you allow your thinking to be governed by what's happened to somebody else then your thinking needs to be tamed or that or it needs to be bought under the control of the Spirit of God and it needs to be bought in line with the Word of God tame in your mind taming your thinking this word tame also means to improve through cultivation or through development or through some kind of work so so I don't expect for you to do this voilá in one day but I do expect for a process to begin to where the first step in this process is that you're recognizing when you're thinking and when your mind needs to be bought into control when it needs to be tamed so you have to set your mind and keep it set on the Word of God just like you set an alarm clock and you keep it said you have to set your mind on the word and keep it set there but now what I'm asking for you to do is to recognize when your mind is not set on a word and it's been set on something else if Satan can can cause you to not pay attention to what you're thinking and it just becomes a subtle thing a subtle thing in your life then there'll be all kinds of things going on in your thinking and you you won't be consciously aware of it I'm trying to get you to become consciously aware that my thinking is not lining up with the word and I need to bring it into authority with the Word of God right now I need you to become consciously aware that wait a minute I've been sitting here thinking about the wrong thing more than I've been thinking about the word thing and I need to correct that but if you can live your life every day and not be consciously aware that your mind has been set on the wrong thing and you're thinking the wrong thing and the enemy is making suggestions and you're considering all those congestion you'll find that you have allowed his thoughts to be planted in the incubator of your mind and they began to grow and very subtly begin to move into manifesting something that wasn't even real that's all fear is telling you a story of something that's not even real fear is a lie that somehow you talked yourself into believing it was the truth and if that thought or suggestion can be planted in your mind and you start thinking about it and not be aware of it then the next thing you know the thing you fear the most has come has manifested has showed up and that and meanwhile your heart because you've not been thinking about the word has been gradually hardened towards the Word of God and now the lie looks more real than the truth and what ends up being valid what ends up being manifested in your life is the lie when you had the finished work of the truth does everybody follow what I'm saying turning your age States think about what you're thinking about and then it simply means becoming aware becoming aware of what's going on between your two ears and so to tame that mindset my mind is out of control when thoughts outside of God's word begin to dominate my thinking and when fear begins to dominate my thinking my mind needs to be bought under control of the promises of God in order to receive the finished works of Jesus Christ now let's deal with the other part of this objective taming the mind to receive the finished works of Jesus Christ I mean when Jesus on that cross says it is finished that means he's not going to try to do something that's already finished and then he's done healing is a part of the finished works of Jesus Christ so when you hear or suggestions from the devil that tells you that you know no you can't be healed because you didn't do this you didn't do that or you did this you did that you need to you need to cast that fault down and say now now wait a minute healing has already been done Jesus did not provide healing the day I got sick Jesus had healing already in place before I got sick so I'm not I am NOT the sick trying to get well I am the healed protecting my health from sickness and disease that's trying to rob me of what I already have I am NOT the broke trying to become prosperous I am so you got to realize who you are first so you'll know how to fight see we're not trying that we're not trying to get victory we're not fighting for victory we're fighting from victory to victory we're not fighting for healing we're fighting from healing to healing you're not the broke where I am you see ain't got none no no you got to receive what Jesus has done not based on what you see but you got to do it based on what is he has finished this work you're already too prosperous you're already too rich you're already to healed you're already to deliver now you're going to have to reach out and take possession of what you already are not based on what you see the Bible called Joseph a successful man while he was a slave Oh y'all don't hear me while he was a slave he was called successful and because he received that he went from part of his house to the jail house to the Pharaohs house and then what he had believed he had received the manifestation of it showed up because he would not allow his circumstances to define his mindset he would not allow his mind to be set on what he could see and what he could feel and what he could touch he allowed his mindset to be set on what Jesus said and I'm telling you sexual mind and keep it set on the promises of the Lord Jesus Christ regardless of what the suggestions are going to be are you listening to me so 2nd Peter chapter 1 verse 3 says this he says according as his divine power that's Grace has given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness through the knowledge of him that has called us to glory and virtue so we have been given all things that pertain to life and godliness in other words everything we'll ever need has been made ready everything you'll ever need has been made ready it's it's you getting to a place in your life where you will acknowledge the validity the the truthfulness the actual reality of the finished works of Jesus Christ Jesus has already done it now he's waiting on you to acknowledge that this is true this is valid this is real that this exists this is not something that I'm making up in my mind in the fantasy world it exists it exists now you can't see it and you can't feel it but it exists and you don't let go of that he's waiting for you to acknowledge this Hey notice what no notice one comes up the acknowledgement acknowledge him in all your ways knows what comes after that and he'll direct your path you acknowledge him he'll start directing you he'll start leading and guiding you see you got to locate the destination before you plot the route you don't hear me but once you once you begin to acknowledge that this thing is real and this thing exists it then becomes the job of the Holy Spirit to take you to the place of the realized destination in your life Oh hallelujah y'all better work with me the Holy Ghost getting ready to show up here it's when you begin to recognize this is real now you don't examine the reality of that based on what you can see feel and touch at that time what you do is you say this is real this is finished I acknowledge it's real I acknowledge as valid and then the Holy Ghost now begins to direct you to the destination of what you have acknowledged as being real so you start talking today prosperity is real in my life oh it's a real thing it already exists then the Spirit of God begins to direct you down the paths that you'll take she's already prepared paths for you to take has that lead to what kind of life the good life but he can't take you nowhere until you have acknowledged the place that you that you acknowledge is being real Oh y'all hope y'all got that by His stripes I'm healed and then all sudden you don't feel no different there's no different diagnosis but oh he getting ready to work now he getting ready to plate place you to the play he's getting ready to bring you to the place of the reality that you have received and that you have taken possession of and you will not be stopped because no matter no matter what happens in that path when God has designated a path for faith people who have received the acknowledgment of something they can't see right now you gonna get there if you've got to carve out new paths if he got to put a path where there was no path he's got to get you to the place of your acknowledgment so I dare you to pick out your destination this moment I dare you to pick out a destination of the finished works of Jesus Christ and watch the Holy Ghost show up and take you to that place and take you to that destination and take you to that reality and then they'll come a day where you will say there it is may we gonna go home right now imma tell you that right now i'ma tell you that right now I can live off that I'm not thank you teacher that anything on my nose I would either wrote it down everything's been done it's finished he he would not have put an Adam and Eve in a garden that didn't supply everything they would ever need now look at Hebrews chapter 4 thank you Jesus oh god we trust you Lord we trust you let me let me say something that that's it's been in my spirit for the last couple of days people have been wondering when we say self-effort does that mean no effort absolutely not I told you the difference between self effort and trusting God is all about who you depend on when I say self effort I don't mean no effort because you're going to have to have effort in following the Holy Spirit and doing what he tells you to do and that's the thing but you don't have self effort is effort trusting you for the outcome and not and not trusting God for the outcome you know we certainly are not talking about just sitting there and just when the Holy Spirit keep trying to say move and the whole spirit say do this and the whole spirit say do that yeah but if I move won't that be effort y'all know why I'm saying this right because there are people who expect that know when I say self effort I don't mean no effort I'm saying that we don't want any of your effort you dependent on you and your work we want effort that's led by the Holy Spirit dependent on Jesus and his work does everybody understand what I'm saying so that means you you if you go to get knock there try to doing things on your own ability trusting your own you're saying I'm doing this based on what I'm gonna do and based on what I know then I'm gonna get this to happen that's that self effort but you're saying you know the Spirit of God is leading me to do this and I trust everything that Jesus has done enough to follow him and do what he tells me to do and God I just trust you that this is going to be what it needs to be because when spirit God starts leaving you what if he wakes you up and tells you to go somewhere that you've not been used to going to but what if he tells you to give $10 to somebody you don't even know are you listening to me so that's what we're talking about I thought I just kind of stick that in there hebrews chapter 4 verse 3 now look at verse 3 we're talking about the finished works of Jesus he says for we which have believed do enter into what rest as he said as I have sworn in my wrath if they shall enter into my rest although the works were finished from the foundations of the world the works were already finished now it's time for you to start trusting God and resting and his finished works instead of sweating like a sinner trying to think you by your own works can cause something to happen but you're trusting in the finished works everybody say finished works of Jesus Christ that's what you're trusting in alright so how do we look at this how is the enemy trying to stop us from receiving the finished works of Jesus Christ well let's examine three particular points that the Bible tells us about our adversary some things you need to know about your adversary so that he won't play a trick in between your ears and have you thinking something that's not true let's go to Luke chapter 10 let's see this first point about the adversary that we need to know about Luke chapter 10 and verse 19 Luke 10:19 hallelujah all right first thing you need to know here I'm exposing the adversary so you'll you'll knowing when he shows up and you'll know what to do let's read verse 19 out loud together ready read behold I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy and nothing shall by any means now I'm interested in in what power the enemy has now if you'll break this word up the first word power is translated authority so he says I give unto you authority to tread that word tread means to have absolute mastery over something so it says I'm giving you a thority and with this authority you're going to have absolute mastery over your enemy I'm giving you authority to tread over serpents and scorpions and over all the power the second word power is translated ability so he says I give you authority over all of the ability of the enemy I'm interested in this ability I want to know what ability does my enemy possess I don't know what he has now listen to this in the amplified verse 19 says behold I have given you authority and power to trample under or upon serpents and scorpions I've given you authority over physical and mental strengths and ability your enemy has something that will infect or affect your mental state of mine and what is that suggestion suggestion because here's what he says Jesus says I have given you authority over all of those of The Devil's ability to try to mess with your mental capacity I've give you see if you can deal with him on that level you can handle the physical capacity but if you don't understand what his abilities are his abilities according to revelation is 12 verse 10 I believe his abilities the Bible calls him the accuser of the Brethren and the Bible says that he accuses the brother in day and night working on your way of thinking to try to get it out of line from the Word of God and get you to begin to give attention to his suggestions and the Bible says you have authority over that you have authority over all of the ability of the devil and watch this and nothing shall by any means hurt you so the lie that the devil will put in your head is that this is gonna hurt you the truth that the Bible has already said in his word is nothing will by any means hurt you so how many times you have Christian people waking up all day being afraid that this is going to hurt them instead of thinking all day nothing shall hurt me but his ability is I gotta keep telling you this don't hurt you this guy and what he'll do is he'll use your present situation he'll use the present circumstances to try to support that wrong suggestion this is going to hurt you look at where you are right now now you got to change some things right there you cannot allow his suggestions to cause you to look at your present circumstances because if you look at your present circumstances it'll add weight to the suggestion you've got to know you just got to know what the truth is nothing shall hurt me and you got to understand this as a Christian who believes in the finished work of Jesus I am not moved by what it looked like because the devil's gonna always take advantage of what it looked like in order to get the victory in life you have to begin to think about what you're thinking about if you don't align your thoughts with God's Word you'll open yourself up to the deception and all of the lies and the suggestions that come from the devil now if there's a battle constantly raging in your mind get today's message series because this it's going to change your life forever it's called are you in the game winning the Battle of the mind it's just the ammunition you need to fight back when the enemy attacks you're thinking so get your copy today overcoming the devil suggestions can be tough but you're not alone order creflo dollar's latest series are you in the game winning the battle of the mind and celebrate victory today are you tired of the way you've been living each year many people begin the new year with the hope of reinventing themselves and creating a better life creflo dollar's 5 CD series new year new you will show you how to change your life simply by realizing who you are in Christ ordered today and you'll receive creflo dollar's two-part series doing the impossible which shows you how to overcome obstacles you've struggled with your entire life you'll also get this inspiring devotional 30 days to the new you and this 2015 calendar offer a specific gift to the ministry for for a gift of any amount receive doctor dollars groundbreaking series doing the impossible whether you're seeking a stronger marriage debt freedom or emotional or physical healing this series will show you how to receive your breakthrough and start living the life you've always wanted get your copy today whatever you make happen in someone else's life God will make happen in your own life good measure pressed down shaken together and running home now at this ministry we feed people daily we clothe people we provide housing for people dig ditches and other country so that people can have clean water to drink visit people in hospitals and prisons to pray for them folks by the grace of God we do it all but guess what every time you give your finances to support us you do it as well and for that we say thank you thank you for equipping us to take this gospel of grace to the world when visiting New York and Atlanta joined creflo dollar at world changers church international service times are Saturdays at 6 p.m. Sundays at 10:00 a.m. and Wednesdays at 7 p.m. for more information visit us online at Creflo Dollar ministries org because of You Creflo Dollar ministries is providing a new understanding of grace and empowering change in the lives of millions of people every day your love and financial support make it possible for this broadcast to be seen and heard in multiple languages on 6 different continents
Channel: Creflo Dollar Ministries
Views: 206,545
Rating: 4.7666173 out of 5
Keywords: Creflo Dollar, Pastor Creflo Dollar, Dr.CrefloDollar, CrefloDollarMinistries, Gospel, Religion (TV Genre), Christ, Holy, Spirit, Lord, Truth, Word, Salvation, Prophecy, Prophet, Preaching, Holy Spirit (Deity), Hebrew, Jacob, Action, Study, Control, Adventure, Grace, Messiah, JesusChrist
Id: 27L1vUjAvBE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 36sec (1716 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 05 2015
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