Guest Speaker: Creflo Dollar - April 21, 2021

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praise god [Applause] i think they're excited to have you here [Applause] praise the lord amen well i tell you we are really blessed to have creflo dollar with us creflo creflo has become a great friend and the main thing is this man can preach the gospel he's got a revelation of the grace of god and so he's been with us before he's here for two hours so anyway praise god chris we love you brother and just give us heaven yes sir yes sir well good morning everybody i got up at four o'clock this morning so that i get all my workout and all my prayer and everything i normally do in because i knew i was gonna be amongst people who understood the gospel amen father we thank you for this another opportunity to minister to these your precious sheep thank you lord that revelation knowledge will flow freely uninterrupted and unhindered by any satanic or demonic force and father i pray that you will speak through my vocal cords and think through my mind none of me and all of you it's in jesus name we pray and everybody said amen amen uh now we're gonna we're gonna deal with something here that uh maybe a lot of people have ceased to talk about or that maybe it's an area that we've allowed to slip but especially in bible school it is something that we need to we need to reel in and begin to understand we're going to talk about servanthood this morning because there's this weird idea that somehow you graduate from being a servant and if you do that whatever you call to it's just not gonna work like it's supposed to work so i'm gonna talk about servanthood the pathway to success servanthood the pathway to success now it's important to understand the right pathway to success and people want to be successful but somehow they don't understand or don't desire to go down this pathway to success i want to look at a few scriptures before i begin to talk about this uh proverbs 14 and 12 uh says this in the nlt he says there is a path before each person that seems right but it ends in death and then a similar verse says almost the same thing proverbs 16 25 he says there's a way that seemed right to a man but the end is is death now you know when you're trying to to achieve success you don't you don't have to go down a path that seems right jesus has clearly identified the path that is right if you'll notice here a couple more now start proverbs 4 26 i thought this was interesting he says mark out a straight path for your feet stay on the safe path mark out a straight path for your feet stay on a straight path and then i began to think about those who think well you know i don't agree that servanthood is the path that i need to be taking because god's told me this honey god i told you nothing different than what he's told everybody else and that is you ought to be a servant okay and then in proverbs five and six uh this was interesting for she cares nothing about the path of life she staggers down a crooked trail and doesn't realize it that shouldn't be so for those of us who are in christ jesus that we don't have to to go down a crooked path and be so deceived by the world that we don't even realize that now here's one of the reasons why i i feel like we need to talk about this today i believe that servanthood is the pathway to success and yet i meet so many people who have been called to one area of the fivefold ministry and it was like you know i'm gonna serve until i get promoted uh and and and and it's kind of well i'm i i'm a servant now and i'm cool with that but one day i'm gonna be the hair guy i heard a story of a man who said that he thought he was a great leader until his mother fell ill and then he had take care of her and he discovered that he wasn't a really good servant and at that point he decided well maybe i've been in deception all these years as far as my leadership is concerned because he began to recognize that that's what leadership is it's servanthood leadership and servanthood are the same and somehow we have this idea that you can be promoted out of servanthood promoted out of that path just because you have a new title and every leader in the fifo ministry that i've met that took upon that that whole idea of being promoted out of servanthood looking at who servanthood diminishing servant who is so they can wear their title are self-centered individuals where their anointing has gone dry if you want to be successful you've got to take on that attitude of a servant and so true leadership is servanthood and the greatest leader somebody says well where you get that from i got that from the greatest leader of all times jesus christ the greatest of all times and so i want to get into some scriptures because i don't want you to take this lightly but this is huge this is big i'm going to show you today that the greatest deliverance you can ever have is the being delivered from the pride of life where you work real hard to try to appear important to everybody you come around you know how easy it is to go around other people knowing you're delivered from people the greatest deliverance you'll experience is knowing you've been delivered from people you're gonna be more anointed i mean it's an awful feeling to walk into a room of preachers and then you're comparing yourself amongst yourself nobody wants to do that i didn't have to do that today when i walked in in a room with with two anointed men of god sitting in there i'm just thinking well praise god i'm delivered i don't have to try to appear you know important praise god i know andrew loves me that's who i came to see praise god i ain't got to walk in there well you know andrew i'm very important you know i'm no longer just a preacher i am a i am a a motivational speaker whatever i tell people i'm a preacher i was riding on tap and i went to what other dead guy picked us up he said mike could i ask you what y'all do i said i'm a pastor preacher he thought i was going to say a motivational speaker now that i'm not going to diminish the anointing that god has given me to serve in order to try to appear important into somebody else in somebody else's presence turn in your neighbor and say oh me then look at me and say amen all right let's get involved in this this morning look at uh mark chapter 10. let's start in mark chapter 10 and uh oh let's look let's start at verse 42 and 45. man i forgot i'm on the clock [Music] you know you see listen to y'all you know y'all i love it here boy y'all don't know i get beat up for preaching the golf but when i come here i get a healing going on hey man i get i stop i start feeling chill bumps and everything and my god my god amen all right now verse 42 says but jesus called them to him and he saith unto them you know that they which are accounted to rule over the gentiles exercise lordship over them and their great ones exercise authority upon them but so shall it not be among you but whosoever will be great among you shall be your minister or your servant so i think people in the ministry forgot about that it's you're you're you're training here at charis for servanthood you're going to be in the ministry you're going to be a minister that's what it is and whosoever of you will be the chief or the chiefest shall be the servant of all now watch this for even the son of man came not to be ministered to he didn't come to serve or to be served but to serve or to minister and to give his life as a ransom well how did jesus come come to serve he came to serve by giving his life as a ransom had jesus come to be served we would have never been the beneficiary of our redemption think of that he came not to be served but to serve jesus did and and became a ransom he became the peace offering we now can be a part of him because of the way he served mankind because of the way he served human beings and if your motivation for going to bible school is so you can be some big shot one day and not have the attitude of a servant i need you to rethink that this morning i need you to rethink that this morning true leadership is servanthood and jesus was the greatest servant of them all now when you see jesus making this decision to serve humanity human beings and humanity you you know he he can't be self-centered self-centered people are not interested in serving anybody but themselves and so his interest for us was even greater than than what he was going through and he identifies and i'll show you in a moment he identifies himself as a servant to his father so let's look at this in philippians chapter 2. one of the reasons i love coming here is is you don't look at me funny when i tell you to turn to a hundred scriptures you need to know what's in the bible you need to know i'm not coming here you know making stuff up philippians chapter 2 and uh let's start at verse 3. this is so so very vital here let nothing be done through strife let nothing be done through strife let nothing be done through strife so if you're dealing with strength in any area you got to let that go i said you got to let that go i said you got to let that go if you're dealing with strife in any area i ain't i'm not mad at nobody why i i'm a servant of everybody so i can't be mad at anybody are you listening to me he said let nothing be done through strife or vain glory but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than themselves now this is going to have to be the mindset or the attitude of a servant esteeming others better than yourself he says look not every man on his own things or his own interests but every man also on the things or the interests of others so now somebody else's interest is going to be priority in my life and not mine see we can't exalt our interests above somebody else's interest now watch this so he says this is the attitude we ought to have let this mind be in you which was also in christ jesus so he's getting ready to set the attitude servanthood is an attitude that's exemplified by jesus and watch him set this attitude let this mind be in you which was also in christ jesus who being in the form of god thought it not robbery to be equal with god so jesus did not seek equality with god but he chose the role of a servant instead he said here but he made himself of no reputation boy that's awesome it's hard to try to try to work for a reputation you know if there's a good reputation you got to make sure that nobody don't you don't do nothing make it bad and if it's a bad reputation gotta work real hard try to get it good but if it's of no reputation boy you can you can have some peace amen you know to be of no reputation and you you wouldn't listen the number of preachers that i have met that are so concerned about their image and their reputation end up messing up their reputation because they're so concerned about their reputation and see if you don't know it by now you don't need to be concerned about somebody talking about you somebody always going to talk about you somebody talking about you right now you just don't know they're talking about you you just need to get free from that you don't need to ever come to a position where you're operating in the anointing that god put in your life and you're hesitating about what you're going to say because you're wondering who's going to agree with it who's not going to be agree with it let me tell you something right now some people don't like you and some people not gonna like you some people gonna agree with you some people are not gonna agree with you you're gonna have to you're gonna have to you know learn how to grow up a little bit and not be concerned about your enemies you got them you will have them and one day you will send them a thank you note and a thank you card because sometimes it's that stuff that comes from your enemies that causes you to stand up like you're a grown spiritual man [Applause] so let them talk i know people people talk about me although i ain't got time to be going and investigating what they saying about me oh pastor you heard what they said about you i'm not gonna go and look at what they're saying about me and that's the thing you need to know don't you go and investigate social media is not on my phone now i can be used for good but it's not on my telephone because i don't want to click on my phone every day see notifications that creflo dollar this and dollar that you can talk about me as much as you want to but i hang on here [Applause] listen the same people that beat jesus mugged him were the same people that he died for well the same people he he he he chose to serve he served the people that whipped them with the catalan tails he served the people that called him a wine a bible he served the people that dogged him out see that's what i'm trying to do and i figure if i don't know you've been talking about me i can serve you a little better see i'm see i'm still human i might not serve you 100 if i know you've been talking about i might give you about 65. you know cause because god's still working on me and i might need some help especially if you've been talking about my mama now see i gotta cut you not see jesus help me right now see [Applause] but jesus he wasn't like that it blew my mind that he he served the people that had him crucified shed his blood body was broken so they could be whole and you worried about your little reputation [Music] what they gonna think about you you know you blackened you appealed all these white people in this mountain you concerned what the brother now i'm going to say about you boy please you you're not here because the brother sent you here you're here because god sent you here the holy spirit led you here so you can come out this mountain go down and go help the brothers somewhere [Music] look at you some of you like me now some of you don't i don't care i can't tell you how much i don't care now that's not being indifferent it just means i won't carry the care i will not be in debt to your drama because it'll it'll affect my servanthood my peace is my most valuable asset and i'm not going to spend my peace on somebody else's drama that's what you got to have in ministry and that's what you have to have as a servant and i've had to serve in some cases in the midst of betrayal i've had to serve when it hurt i had to serve when they were talking about me and dogging them out i had to call the same people who slandered my name and i and i say i'm i'm willing to do this because of jesus what he did can be compared to what he forgave people of was can be can be carried to a trillion-dollar debt and what he's asked me to do when he asked me for to forgive can be compared to like a nickel and that's the foundation of as you prepare your life for anointing and the presence of god like you've never seen when you go down this path that doesn't seem right it is right and it brings you to a place where you'll sit back and say lord how did i get here because you went down the right path now there are some preachers who create their own path and they may see some level of success the problem with that is if you took the wrong path to get there you'll be humbled you might be first for a minute before your last but if you go the right path in the right way you'll not only be first but you'll have endurance you won't be a fly-by-night preacher that was here one day something bad happened and now you gone cause your evil day came and found out that you were not gold silver and precious stone but you were wood hay and stubble y'all don't like me let me go on let me get home so he says but but made himself of no reputation and then he took upon himself the form of her servant and was made in the likeness of man now what was the key here verse 8 and being found in the fashion as a man he humbled himself he humbled himself in my mind's eye i see him taking the knee and submitting to servanthood and in my mind's eye i see him complying to the role of a servant now i'm thinking this but i'm like lord i really need you to show me this in scripture i know it's true but allow me to see some things here that that i can begin to share with other people because i believe that this servanthood attitude is exemplified by christ and the lord spoke to me he says it was one of the final lessons he gave before he left and his disciples thought that they understood what was going on and jesus looked at peter say you don't even know what's going on here go to john 13. let me show you this verse 1. saint john chapter 13 and uh let's look at verse 1. i declare in the name of jesus that you will be anointed to fulfill all that god has put on your life hallelujah hallelujah john 13 verse 1 now before the feast of the passover when jesus knew that his hour was come and that he should depart out of this world unto the father so this is at varian of his ministry here having loved his own which were in the world he loved them unto the end and the supper being ended the devil the devil having now put into the heart of judas iscariot simon's son to betray him so here's the last supper they're celebrating the passover and jesus in verse 3 says jesus knowing that the father had given all things into his hand and that he was come from god and he went to god i mean he's he's setting up i mean please understand i know who i am i come from god i'm getting ready to go to god he's put all things in my hands now watch this so he he says that and then he rises from the supper laid aside his outer garments his garments and he took a towel and girded himself now if you were there that day you're probably looking at jesus like what you're doing what you're doing you you just told us who you were you come from god you're going to god all things in your hands and you took your out of garment out and you took the towel all right watch this now so he took the tower and he girded himself like that servant does at the door when people are are walking in the streets and they come by the house and they walk in that house and and and they're they got dust on their own on their feet and and there's a servant there with a towel ready to wash their feet and dry it off before they come in the house he did that and and after that he poured water into a basin and began to wash the disciples feet and to wipe them with the towel wherewith he was girded then cometh he to simon peter and peter saith unto him lord dost thou watch my feet and jesus answered and said unto him what i do thou knoweth not now but thou shall know hereafter see this is this is way more than the doctrine of foot washing way more than that i i know what people were trying to talk about but you know they just they just concluded that that's the only thing he was doing trying to introduce the doctrine of foot watching now you've got you got to know that there's more to this than washing somebody's feet [Music] and he said peter you don't even know what's going on right now but you will [Music] now move over here to verse 12 because peter peter talked about well now lord you're not going you're not going to watch my feet and jesus said well if i don't wash your feet you won't have a part of me and then peter said well watch under my arms wash my head my hands you know what jesus was saying if i don't serve you with this ransom if i don't serve you as a peace offering as a sin offering ain't no way you're going to be a part of me now watch this verse 12 so after he had washed their feet and had taken his garments and was set down again he said to them now know you what i have what i've done to you now get a picture of this he he he's through with this and then he he he puts a garment back on he says all right do you know what what's happened here do you understand what's happened here now if you're just looking at it outwardly you're saying oh yeah you foot washing docking you you want us you want us to have foot washer service every sunday night i know what now listen i'm not against you washing feet but yeah i'm just saying it's it's more than that now somebody mad at me not what you got against foot washing well i mean up here on this mountain it's too cold for me to let my feet out to be washing my feet so that that's what i personally like i'm cold can i wash your feet now today brother i'll see you today see you next sunday [Music] all right all right so now watch this one lady got mad at me she said you know if you'll quit playing around and just laughing all the time maybe we can get in the spirit i said well you can just correct that attitude you got maybe you'll know we already in the spirit [Applause] and then i had to serve her see y'all mess me up where are we all right verse 13. all right watch this he says no you know you what i have done unto you you call me master and lord and you say well what you say is true for so am i so i am he says if then if i then your lord and master have washed your feet you also ought to wash one another's feet what's he saying i have demonstrated that i am willing to take on the form of a servant to serve humanity i want you now to do the same you mean you want us to wash some feet no i want i try that that was an example you have to talk to church no no it was an example there's more to it than foot washing you're still trying to watch somebody's feet you you remember that adam sandler's movie and the guy on it mr deeds little butler you know every time he every time he turned around the butler popped up like you want me when we do your feet and watch this he said for i have given you an example that you should do as i have done to you what has he done he served humanity now watch this verily verily i say unto you the servant is not greater than his lord that is sent greater than he that sinned if you know these things happy are ye if you do them now the nlt translation and some other translations says if you know these things then blessed are those of you who will do them empowered to have success are those of you who will do them you know what he's saying here if you take on the form of a servant and serve humanity see it's not it's serving god first and foremost it's serving the kingdom and then it's serving one another and you don't understand i'm serving you as a result of me making the decision to serve jesus and to wipe that out of your ministry and not create a culture of servanthood you might be diminishing an empowerment that will bring success into your life for if you know these things and do them you will be blessed you will be happy you will be empowered to have success in every endeavor of your life i don't know about you but my middle name is creflo servant dollar amen i know some of y'all think like so what you asking me to be a slave again no i'm not talking about that oppressive type of thing that tries to control somebody's future i'm talking about i will serve the guy that gave his life for me as long as i'm alive because this earth is not my home i look forward to waking up you know when days that sleep in the lord see reason why i said they that sleep in the lord is because if you fell asleep he gonna wake you up i do look forward to being awakened the first time that second time i want to be awakened and and be in my my body my spiritual body to be with the lord i look forward to that and to me the ministry is not a profession this is not a career call it's a ministry calling and i want to see i want to see my lord i want i want to live a long prosperous life i want to be a hundred and look back like i look now [Applause] i ain't trying to be no 100 and where y'all at anybody in here i ain't trying to do that but i have chosen the essence of the relationship over what i can get from the relationship i want him and i will not diminish my anointing and my calling and my position as a servant trying to be successful going the wrong way are you listening to me look at real quickly mark chapter 9 uh verse 33-35 mark chapter 9 verse 33-35 my god i love god so much sometimes when i'm preaching i have to just kind of calm down because i just sometimes i want to stop just just get on my face and just cry before the lord i sense his presence and it's just you know i'm not i'm you know i talked to this one preacher one time and he was talking about how bad life is and and and just you know where's god and you know you know well have you tried praying i did that it didn't work i did that it didn't work well what about the relationship i did that it didn't work and i'm thinking it sounds to me like you're trying to find an excuse to remain where you are and and i and i thought about that i'm like you don't know him you're sitting up there talking about all the stuff you tried and it didn't work you don't know it how about let's serve him how about let's let's forget about all the stuff you trying well i prayed this prayer and it didn't he don't seem like he answered it well i asked for that didn't seem like it came through it took a year for the other stuff to come through god dawg i'm glad god god because if i sat in that seat for one time i wouldn't answer none you asked with your bad attitude well thank god i'm not god pray all right mark 9 33 he says and he came to capernaum and being in the house he asked them what was it that you disputed among yourselves by the way he was asking like he already knew he says but they held their peace for by the way they had disputed among themselves who should be the greatest let's talk about who shall be the greatest and i believe literally they were talking about who's the leader amongst us and he sat down and he called the twelve and he saith unto them if any man desire to be first he said the same shall be last of all and servant of all i know many people in ministry who are working hard to be first i get this strange question they come up to me and say how long did it take before you got here what are you talking about well how long did it take before that happened there huh and everything was like you know an outward type of thing how how long did it take before you went from you know five people to where you are right now and i'm thinking i know i ain't even i don't even i don't even thought what are you talking about why are you asking like it's some kind of business plan and i understand there's business in the ministry i got it but i'm trying to get you focused in on the attitude you need to have yeah that's business you got to do in church that's stuff you need to know and god will help you with that the holy ghost will give you common sense when you don't have them and common sense these days and time is not coming people need god real bad they don't even know it they don't even know how bad they need god at least some people talk and i'm like under my breath i'm like jesus you need jesus really bad something wrong with you you have a devil on the inside of you i want to cast him out but you don't want to let him go let's look at this i've come to the place where i realized that serving others is the very essence of ministry you're very anointing that god has placed on your life is not for you it's for somebody else the anointing that's on andrew womack is not for andrew it's for you he just equipped us with an ability to serve you but sometimes people turn that inward that's that's not to be used to prop your ministry up or to choose to prop your image up the search for validation see any time there is a flesh selfish end to your service then your servanthood is hypocritical because your motives are questionable and so in fact look at this uh first corinthians chapter 12 7 in the nlt first corinthians chapter 12 and seven and enter your anointing is not for you but it's for others oh my god the day i realize that wait a minute that the anointing is not for me it's for others it's it's my equipping to help me to be able to serve you you know it's a great honor to be able to share a gift that you have of teaching but not all parts of the church like that gift of teaching i've been invited to places where they had 77 000 people and everybody was a preacher screaming and everything then i'd get up and teach and i said well i'm i'm not that because it hurts my throat so i'll just teach louder turn to the bible because i have an anointing to do what i haven't known to do to serve people but mean for me to put aside my anointing to serve you and try to pretend like i have an anointing that's not mine to serve you it puts pressure on my service to you and the scripture says here you can put that back up for me real quick in first corinthians what i say the nlt yeah first corinthians 12 7. he says a spiritual gift is given to to each of us so we can help each other it's given to us so we can help each other the anointing that you have so you can help somebody else don't you know that's the reason why the enemy is working overtime to try to keep us apart do you understand that there are anointings we can have to help each other the division that was just in the world but now is in the church the church has now got to be we got to lead the way in reading this division [Music] you understand what i'm saying this should not be division amongst us when there's division i don't benefit from an anointing you've been given to help me and i refuse to be divided because of the color of your skin that's just like telling me i don't like you cause i got a black ford truck and you got a white one i'm not doing that so you you know just get over that it's like that's not gonna happen i'm not gonna let it happen you know i test white folks sometimes some of them i come up to and i kiss them in the cheek just see what they're gonna do to know to know some black lips just touch their cheek [Applause] if they get a little bit too uncomfortable i'm like i'm gonna do it again you ready you might wanna get used to it because if you plan on going to the same place i'm planning on going we're going to be living together for eternity and and and you've got something i need and i got something you need i was teaching years ago on on reconciliation and and i said boy if we can figure out how to get together and share anointing man you take a you take a white guy and put him in a black church for a month take a black guy put him in a white church for a month and then send him back home man when that white guy go back home man he gonna know how to praise the lord thank you jesus hallelujah hey thank you [Applause] you sent that black guy back home he gonna be on time for church [Applause] i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry the white man clap on the first beat let god arise and enemies be scattered the black man clap on the second beat let god arise but if you know if you put us in the same room we won't miss a beat we'll get we'll get every beat in the room the attitude of servanthood will work against the strife and it'll work against the division and we'll come to understand wait a minute i don't know where this attitude comes from but i need to get rid of it because i am separating myself from an anointing that god has placed on somebody that might not be the same color that i am and i need that anointing to serve me an error and could it be that what you're lacking what you're lacking might be tied up in the one you don't like [Applause] so that means i gotta go home and call irma huh i'm a show get on my last nerve but i call to praise the lord well see that's just an opportunity for you to trust god see we we talk all that that christian ease but then when it's time to do it we don't want to do none of it we hear great great tweets great sayings that you can tweet at and don't even got to be careful sometimes people tweet things that sound good but ain't true trying to sound deep some of y'all wondering did you and andrew drink something for you came out here yeah we got up early this morning we were drinking new wine that wine that comes from him amen so your anointing is not for you it's to serve others how dare you become a pastor and now i'm the senior pastor such and so such and so and and and and and i surround myself i i was the guy that served the head man and now i'm the guy that's going to be served i wouldn't serve you because you don't understand what's going on here i'm not serving somebody with some selfish ends or somebody that i'm serving just to make you look good in your image and stuff like that i ain't trying to do that so when i first started my church i had to demonstrate servanthood i helped put the chairs out i had to demonstrate servanthood in that capacity until my guy said stop please let us do this we sure there's some other areas you can be serving in can we please do this because i got kind of upset i'm like i understand that the servant has access to a pool of anointing to to to do whatever needs to be done because i wasn't in that place before and i don't ever want to resign from that trying to be concerned about getting somebody to validate me as a pastor because when you're doing it right as a servant you're not counting the people in the seas i preached to the chairs for so long [Music] i had to get up on sunday morning on our way to church to do the virtual meeting and i tell my wife i said tell me i'm shocked because ain't nobody else there they're gonna be able to do it she she said you show up and i said praise god let's go amen now let's check this out now colossians chapter 3 verse 23-24 colossians chapter 3 23-24 i think this is a pretty good foundation for us to do some stuff on the second half here he says this that's the nlt colossians 3 23-24 he says work willingly at whatever you do as though you were working for the lord rather than for people yeah yeah so when your boss trying to figure out why you why you work so hard and why you're such a good worker you're like i ain't doing this for you no don't don't do that but i'm just you think i'm doing this for you i'm doing this for jesus no no but on the inside you recognize that i'm doing this for jesus i'm working as unto the lord and next verse 24 he says remember that the lord will give you an inheritance as your reward and that the master you are serving is christ that we are to be the best workers they ought to be calling carrots and saying send them some more than them christians send them some more than people i don't know what y'all doing i'm double centered they're the best workers that sent them in fact i ain't nobody else except for folks from charis but you know what happens in some churches we don't demonstrate that because we don't have the attitude to serve we're afraid somebody's going to take advantage of us i've had to serve when people were taking advantage of me i was in a situation where i had to cut the grass i had to scrub the floors the piano player quit i had to learn how to play the pen and play for the choirs but you know what happened when the pastor got sick and had to go in the hospital guess who he called on to take his place while he was going through his operation a servant somebody that's loyal because a loyal person will change their plans to meet the plans and visions of the one that he serves so i asked you where is your servanthood good place to stop [Applause] praise the lord all right we want to receive an offering for creflo and i'm not going to take a lot of time with this if they would go ahead and pass out the envelopes if you'd like to give a cash gift please do that but you know creflo didn't come here he didn't ask for anything there's a lot of people that will demand a minimum amount and creflo hasn't done any of that and you know he flies his own plane and i'm not i'm not really qualified to say how much that cost but i know that one person who flew from a less distance than he did had to spend ten thousand dollars on jet fuel and so i would suspect that you know there is a lot of expense and i asked him when he came i said man you're just going to leave right after this and he said yeah he's got things going on and i said i'm impressed that you'd come here for just two hours and he said well i'm glad to do it for you so i want to bless creflo it's not that we're paying him back or anything he does things as unto the lord but we need to bless him he doesn't need to leave here without his needs meant so i would like to encourage you to give your best offering in and let's bless creflo he could be anywhere he wants to and he chose to be here with us today so we are really really blessed praise god so father right now we just thank you for creflo dollar thank you for the way that you're working in his life and the way you're speaking to him in the way that we're able to benefit from it and father receive these things that he's saying thank you father for anointing people and gifting them so that they can benefit us and so we just want to bless him back i ask that you'd speak to people that people would give generously and then father creflo will leave here knowing that we love him and appreciate his time and that he'll want to come back and so father we thank you we give as unto you and believe you bless it back to every single person who gives in the name of jesus amen amen so are we going to pass the buckets what are we doing well i don't want to take a lot of time here i want to give creflo time can y'all come and put the come and put the money in the buckets if we wait until the end of the service some of you'll forget everything i said so come just do it quickly and put your money in the buckets and let's get ready to receive again from creflo i tell you creflo enjoys coming here you can tell by listening to him he's having fun and i appreciate you all supporting him and and you know creflo has been preaching the gospel among some people that that's kind of not uh very well received he's had some bad things happen i think he's just enjoying people liking him amen so creflo we're ready for you brother are you ready to go again i am ready to go again man let's praise god for creflo thank you so much love you brother love you too amen [Applause] i love you too all righty let's uh let's go to first corinthians chapter 11. do a little reset and then i want to make sure we establish this thing first corinthians chapter 11 and one [Music] yeah i was having a good time i was thinking about that old lady you need to be more serious yeah bless the heart bless her darling little heart [Music] all right so uh we pick up you know mark chapter 10 verse 45 and lord i ask you to help us and and uh bless us in this session in jesus name amen uh mark chapter 10 45 we see there that jesus did not come [Music] to be served but he came to serve and he did that by not only paying the ransom but he was the ransom that was paid so that we could be delivered from the consequences of the law and be delivered from from the sin i mean think about that he he died for the sins of the whole world and uh you're talking about torment end up in hell and realizing that it was already paid for you had to do a sign a package and it's so so very important but let's begin there with jesus coming to serve and serve us with our redemption we're redeemed today because of his decision to do that well first corinthians chapter 11 and verse 1 he says be you followers of me even as i also am of christ so paul makes it clear that he imitated christ and now when i look at this there's no way that uh we can talk about we imitate christ if we don't imitate this form of a servant uh in fact you go over to first peter flip over there real quick first peter chapter 2 and verse 21 first peter chapter 2 verse 21 i'm flipping in this bible and they got him uphill him i forgot this was the place where i first enjoyed being on the screen uh he says for even here unto were you called because christ also suffered for us leaving us an example he suffered for us leaving of course an example that you should follow his footsteps i have to believe that that that servanthood example is a part of it as well i just believe it's the it's the the thing that will initiate all the stuff that you will try to get to happen in your life if you take on this form of a servant if you submit and bow the knee to this and if you'll not be concerned about you know your reputation and um you know trying to be validated by by certain people and so the life of of jesus christ was characterized by the quality of unselfish servanthood his life characterized by the quality of unselfish servanthood it's powerful that you look at the life of an individual and and that's how it's characterized and i and i asked myself that and i was like wow would my life be able to be characterized like that and at that point when i asked myself that question i'm like i don't know that i would serve maybe a little here but i was a little picky with my service you know and it's really challenged me to be very conscious and aware of the servanthood decision to that i've made in my life to know no matter where i'm preaching no matter what i'm doing you know every now and then i preach at a church that has 10 members and i enjoy myself doing it i enjoy doing it those 10 people up there and we're in that little place and we're just having a ball it just kind of reminds me that i'm not i'm not moved by this or i'm not moved by that i went to a guy's church one time and the biggest thing he was concerned about was you know an honorarium gift and and and the spirit of god i didn't know it and but spirit god told me to come to him i put my hands in his shoulders and i said i knew your father before he went home to be with the lord when he first started his church and now you've taken over and i said that's the blessing of the lord and i said you know what i'm i need you to understand that i don't know what you've heard about me but um i i'm probably not what you heard and oh by the way i don't want an unreal tonight none at all and he started crying this broke down crying i thought i cussed and i'm like i'm like uh you know what's going on he said that's the thing i was concerned about the most why won't you take another room i said no man i'm i just want to serve you i've never met you before i've never ministered to your church you just take that and do whatever you need to do it's friday night man i didn't have anywhere anything to do anyway so you know let's just do it and we had a ball now he hadn't invited me back but he sure kept that honorary you know i'm just playing okay now so i want my life to be characterized by the quality of unselfish servanthood that that's that's what i'm after i wanted to challenge me when i sit down and i've gone through some trauma or something and i really mean that because my ministry can have some traumatic experiences in it but can i rise up in the middle of that and do like jesus did with those guys that mugged him that's maturity that's what we need in the body of christ maturity my wife asked me one time she says what do you think is the real basis of real christian maturity i said it is when you have come to the place that you have made god your source for everything when he's made when you when no matter what happens you go to god no matter what it looks like you're going to god no matter what you feel like you're going to god when he becomes your source for everything you go to god and you see yourself as a servant to the most high god to the kingdom of god and to one another even where other people are concerned i'm doing a series at home now on relationships and i realize you know a lot of people don't even know how to be good friends they don't have even have good friendships no one of the marriages messed up because some most of the stuff you learn in friendship you take it to your marriage but you never learned it in friendship you're an awful friend what kind of husband you think you're going to be when you get married awful husband and so philippians 2 we we spent some time there uh let me read verse 4 and 8 in the nlt before we leave that uh that chapter philippians 2 because there's no question that if we as uh christians are going to grow and if we as christians are going to mature into christ-like character and and that this is an issue here we want to grow and we want to mature in christ like character and your growth in maturity is not based on how many scriptures you know i'm it's good to know scriptures but i'm talking about maturity and growth in christ-like character then we're gonna have to experience progress in in the giving of ourselves and ministry to and for other people giving in ministry two and four of the people that's gonna come from a christian who is growing and it's going to come from a christian who's maturing you're giving of yourself it's it's your ministry too and for other people how's your ministry too and for other people today right now what what's your ministry like two and four other people today right now it doesn't it's not it doesn't take a big thing you know people are really going through some things and during the time of pandemic there were lots of people that got demon possessed and don't even know it no i am so serious i'm so serious there are people who were so demonically oppressed trying to figure out what was going on and in the middle of all of that they opened themselves up to more demonic activity more than you could could ever even imagine and it now it requires us to begin to mature and serve other people with the anointing we have so that we can remove burdens and destroy yokes and that's what the anointing does it removes burdens and destroys yokes and a lot of people don't even recognize it we kind of get caught up with the world and think well there's nothing really wrong just go see a therapist and all that but the therapist can't handle that like you can so be sensitive to that don't think it's a strange thing when god says i want you to cast that devil out of that person if they're willing to cooperate i've had some people to contact me and say pastor i i believe i'm possessed with a demon help me i'm like no problem i enjoy that amen now look what he says in the nlt he says don't be selfish now we're going to put a lot of uh attention on this uh in this session don't be selfish don't try to impress others now you've heard that heard me mentioning that but that is so real some stuff you might hear me saying you think no i can't believe it's like that and when you get around that and then it puts you in little circles in the back room and then where the real them shows up you're thinking like wow bruh i think i need to be excused you are oneself or something or i might get back there and say well that explains it look at you he says don't try to impress others think about in your life who is it that you're still trying to impress [Applause] i didn't hear that i probably didn't need to hear it be humble thinking of others as better than yourself that's where we begin to grow while we're there philippians 2 and and in verse 21 servant living stands opposed to the primary concerns we see today we're the focus of our culture in this country and society is more on our own personal happiness and comfort that's where the focus is for the most part my comfort and my happiness and that's what i'm i'm i'm dealing with here uh he says all all the other cares only all the others care only for themselves and not for what matters to jesus christ i want to be concerned about what matters to jesus i don't want to get caught up in anything more than i get caught up in what matters to jesus the way i live matters to jesus how i treat somebody matters to jesus me walking around with strife in my heart that matters to jesus we're going to see in a moment what grieves the holy spirit somebody said it's sin i tell you what grieves the holy spirit more than you're saying is how you treat somebody are you concerned about what matters to jesus i am ah so if we begin to live this life we're gonna have to confront what the bible pretty much nailed what was going to happen at the end time now i want you to listen to me closely here you didn't laugh enough and everything and this is my last session and i need to i need to you know i need to give it to you all right now i'm telling you i love you right now ahead of time turn in your name and say brother dollar loves you are you ready you know i've been setting you up the whole time all right now watch this second timothy chapter three all right check this out second timothy chapter three ah man praise god glory jesus now a society and a culture that's only concerned about its personal happiness and comfort second timothy chapter 3 and verses 1 through 5 says this this is a true saying excuse me he said this know also that in the last days perilous times shall come would you agree with me that we're there for men shall be lovers of their own selves the apostle paul looked around one day and he saw that idolatry was in the was was was in was was full of the city was full of idolatry and idolatry is when you place more value in something or someone that's greater than god the thing might not be wrong but it's the value that you put in it there's nothing wrong with your cell phone there's nothing wrong with you know the the power and the technology of the cell phone unless you put more value in that than you do god are you listening to me and the setup for this whole thing this this idolatry that is just it's just everywhere idolatry and mammon now look what he says for men shall be lovers of their own selves covetous which is idolatry boasters proud blasphemers disobedient to parents unthankful dear god just unthankful and ungrateful unholy without natural affections truth breakers false accusers incontinent fierce despisers of those that are good traitors heady high-minded lovers of pleasure more than lovers of god wow the percentage of people in our nation right now that just don't believe in god we're the light of the world now you got to know that god is not going to for one moment let satan think that he can win at anything [Music] and this thing has turned around whether you know it or not god's getting ready to use you big time yeah there's some amazing things that are getting ready to happen all right now watch this uh glory to god having a form of godliness but denying the power thereof from such turn away so in today's society a focus on on satisfaction has become society's goal i would dare to say even society's religion focus on that today's mindset look at look at look at what we're dealing with we're we we we all but worship movie stars they can do no wrong we celebrate days that come from the word of god and we don't put it in there we're trying our best to get rid of jesus on east and replace him with the easter bunny just like we try our best to get rid of jesus on christmas to replace him with santa claus and then if you'll notice halloween is coming up i see more decorations in my city during halloween than i've ever seen before something's going on but i don't want you to be in darkness the greatest move of god that's ever hit the planet is about to show up i believe that with all my heart [Applause] there is more of a concern for self-fulfillment than serving god and others as seen in the life of jesus christ people are constantly trying to find an excuse to stay away from the church well i'm mad at the church and they got this thing about church hurt well i don't want to come because i don't like this and i don't like that and and this happened and that happened there's just a lot of emotional immaturity as well as spiritual immaturity i mean the apostle paul said i thought i could talk to you as a spiritual man but i found out i had to talk to you like like like the world because you understand them more than you understand spiritual talk so before i get deep where i'm going i want to make sure that we are on the same page what then is servanthood i first of all declare that it is an attitude it's a state it's a condition but it's an attitude and it's a quality of one who lives as a servant who who submits itself to god first and foremost that's important that you hear that i'm submitting myself to god first and foremost you you can't submit yourself to the man and forget that you're submitted to god in my city we had a church that all kinds of weird things were going on and they were submitting themselves to the man of god and they got involved in you know all kinds of sexual sins saying that they're serving the man of god and all that other kind of stuff that ain't god that's what you that's why you submit yourself to god first because if it's not right listen if it's not right with who who you're trying to serve then your submission to god first will take care of that stay with god stay with god don't let somebody talk you into some funny little believing thing stay with god if it's wrong with him it's wrong a servant in submission to god seeks to meet the real needs of others servanthood then is the condition or it is the state of being a servant to others and ministry uh to others rather than the service of self check out your service and make sure it's not a service of self now sometimes we know when we're serving self but kind of put a little butter on top of it to make it seem like we're really serving god you got to be honest with yourself you have everybody's got to have an honest mirror that you can look into where you can take care of what needs to be taken care of everybody needs to have an honest mirror needs to have an honest mirror you need to have a time where you can go before god and be honest with yourself there was one i'll never forget this when i found my honest mirror i went before myself in the ministry and said you're selfish you're selfish you're just thinking about yourself self-centered and bitter and you're comparing yourself amongst yourself [Music] and in doing that you have belittled my blessing [Music] and instead of appreciating my blessing because you compared yourself amongst yourself you belittle what i've done in your life everybody needs that mirror that you can look at that mirror of honesty in that mirror of truth and so ephesians chapter 4 28 i mentioned this to you earlier let's look at this and i better hurry up i'll get where i want to go ephesians 4 verse 28 [Music] i believe in verse two he says let him that stole still no more but rather let him labor working with his hands the thing which is good that he may have to give to him that needeth let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth let it be good to the use of edifying that if that that that it may minister grace unto the hero i want grace to go in their ears not corrupt communication he says and grieve not the holy spirit of god whereby you are sealed unto the day of redemption well what grieves him he says well let all the bitterness go let the wrath and the anger and the clamor and the evil speaking be put away from you with all malice be kind one to another be kind one to another be kind one to another it shouldn't be so for a christian to go to a restaurant and give that witches a hard time [Music] to know to do good and and don't do it we're not just christians we're people of grace amen so they had a hard time saying they forgot everything you have no idea what they might have been going through and instead of giving them a hard time listening deep in your spirit now god got to tell you what to do that'll set them free i went to a store one morning my my babies were young then they're grown now but and and and my middle baby alex had had a birthday and and i i went to publix i had them to make a cake and i went to publix real early to pick the cake up and i walked in there and there were two ladies in the back and i asked one i said uh you know just kind of sat there and they were just talking and talking and talking and i'm like you know they have to see me here and and they're talking talk and then i said excuse me and the lady said hold up can't you say i'm talking okay so i wasn't that saved at that time so i took i got my buggy i got my buggy and i pushed my buggy down a couple aisles and i said that that came from somewhere but right now i'm having a hard time with it and as i went down the third aisle god said uh uh will you help me out and i said yeah lord what he says i want you to go and give that lady a hundred dollars and i said [Applause] and i had to go down two or three more [Applause] hours it took three more hours but i went back over i said excuse me ma'am uh here lord told me to give you this she took it you know they got that frozen look like she looked at me and she looked at the money and she looked at me and she looked at money and she start crying she says i'm so sorry it's just i didn't know how to go feed my babies tonight i said dang i almost messed up it's time for us to come on up now y'all if we're gonna win this world back to the place where god wants it to be and you have the anointing to do that then we've got to put your differences aside and we got to be the body of christ that god has called us to be and that comes through servanthood that comes through through servanthood i like this little scripture in isaiah 7 13 when i was looking at this i just want to share that with you isaiah chapter 7 oh yeah i got a screen isaiah chapter 7 and verse 13. he says uh he said then isaiah said listen well you royal family of david isn't it enough to to exhaust human patience must you also must you exhaust the patience of my god as well it's like man come on this is you exhausting human patients whatever you're doing the human pig it's grieving him as well and we don't want to grieve other people with all the things that we carry and leave those things let them go so it means that i'm willing to give of myself to minister to and to other people are you willing to give of yourself that that really got me it's like am i willing to give of myself what jesus did am i willing to give it myself and some people would think well that's just as an abc message i thought you were gonna get down to the deep greek meaning of the fifth dimension of the grace of god you know when we fail most most of the time we fail in the basics [Music] when we miss the mark most of the time we miss the mark in our foundation and have to go back and pick it up again am i willing to do that now when you serve other people and when you serve their needs here's the deal now but you're doing it so you can get the praise and the promotion and the status then like i said before your service is is hypocritical there's there's there's a selfish end to your service you're not serving people out of the right heart to serve them you're serving people for your own promotion position i know some people who wanted to serve uh me for their own significance how they would look when other people were looking and you know they used to do the thing can i can i grab your bible and one day i thought about that i'm like i can carry my bible dear god i'm not a weakling i can carry my bible and i started thinking about all that and i'm thinking so so what's the real motive behind behind your servant and then i'd have some of them some of them would stand here and some standing there and but when we dismissed nobody would grab a broom the motive what what's your motive for serving let's back up a little bit what's your motive for being trained in ministry and then after you you graduate what what what's up what's are you going to turn this into a career calling or will it be maintained as as a as a as a ministry caller what's the motive with some people that are so clear especially ministers who show up out of nowhere to help me out i asked them at the beginning tell me what you want they said what do you mean just tell me what you want what are you doing what i want tell me what you want so i can tell you whether or not that's going to be possible somehow i said brother dollar this is not scripture yes you heard the woman in matthew 20 come on here for a moment let's say matthew 20 20. come on what's your motive what moves you to do what you do you make it sound good about what you're doing but what moves you to do what you do because if there's going to be failure it's going to be failure that started with wrong motives verse 20. then came to him the mother of zebedee's children with their sons worshipping him oh that sounds good don't understand can't worship in him hallelujah thank you jesus keto robo come on outside in time time honda but now watch the rest of this she came worshiping him and desiring a certain thing of it oh i got a motive i'm not here just to worship you but my motivation for being here is i want to see if you can you know uh set my two sons up and uh so i'm here worshiping you but here's what i really want jesus told her listen lady that's not mine to give you know what he's saying i'm a servant to him i came as a servant to god he he'll do that you asked me to set you up and i'm a servant why don't y'all do the same thing and the disciples were really disturbed by this move here and jesus began to talk about this servanthood that would take place here now as this was going on you talk about motives i started looking at some things here about two masters see servanthood was god's plan to be a blessing to the not only the church but also to the world servanthood is designed to be a blessing to the church not wearing everybody out i mean there's a lot of things servanthood will do and it'll bless it'll it'll bless the world you blow people's minds when you show up to serve them out of the right reasons and right motives there's a woman we all got together and went to the do y'all have cracker barrel here somewhere you know you already know what i'm talking about right pancakes with blueberries on the inside of it and real bacon pork bacon not none of that turkey cardboard all right so so we all got together at the table and we decided that the lady who was serving us just seemed like we just all picked up in the spirit and she's really having a rough time so we gave her like a 600 tip [Music] okay so we rolled it up so she didn't know just put it in the hands we said now we love you you don't know us but we love you anyway and we believe in that the best is going to be in your life and we just we just want to know what we can do and we want to serve you in this capacity of what we can can give you she said okay and then she walked in the back the door closed and i heard somebody [Applause] thank scream thank you and then she came back crying [Laughter] well they what's wrong i needed 400 dollars and they gonna put me up my apartment now they had no money and i don't know where it was gonna come from there's nothing in the world like the feeling that you know that god has used you [Applause] i had a guy oh man who that day had decided he was going to kill himself he was a friend of my grandsons and and uh they were they were graduated both of them and we were going to go to college and you know his experience was real easy you know when i was young i thought i had friends but they threw me in the trash can and i woke up drunk man what what is that you wake up in a trash can so he had decided i'm gonna kill myself tonight and uh the spirit of god just spoke to me he said i called him blanket my grandson i said i said where's that that guy that you hang out with he he said well he's home i said both of y'all come here bring him over to the thing i said the lord showed me something and uh he bought them over and i said uh have you been having suicidal ideations he said his eyes got teared up he said well i don't think i want to talk about it i said well that's fine god told me um to pay for your four years of college he collapsed and fell down crying and he got up and he said um uh i was gonna kill myself i didn't believe in god i was an atheist until now [Applause] graduated from college working in china learned a new language and caused me every chance he can get to say thank you for allowing god to use you to serve me in the worst time of my life that's the kind of stuff i'm talking about and i brag on him all glory to god but look at this now here's the question i i need to need you to look at and consider because it's big it's big around this world matthew chapter 6 24. now here we go this is this is big matthew 6 24 says this and you can pull it up in the king james no man can serve two masters no man can serve two masters for either he will hate the one or he will love the other he will or else he'll hold to the to the one or despise the other you cannot serve now here are the two masters now follow me carefully you cannot serve god and mammon now for the most part people immediately say you can't serve god and mammon and even the translators and and i see where they're coming from but mammon and money are slightly different mammon is the influence and the spirit that's own money so when you start trusting money more than you trust in god you're under the influence of the god of mammon he says you will either serve god or you will allow yourself to serve mammon so here is what you're gonna have to choose when mammon becomes your master then mammon controls your values and mammon controls your priorities and mammon will control your pursuits rather than god and when mammon is is controlling all those things in your life that's evil now let me show you what i'm saying just stick with me for a moment first timothy chapter 6 and 10. first timothy chapter 6 and 10. when mammon when you allow the spirit of mammon the spirit of mammon says you don't need god the spirit of mammon says don't trust god the spirit of mammon says trust money don't trust god trust money he says here for the love of money is the root of all evil well what is the love of money trust in money more than you trust god now here's one thing i do know the root to all sin is not trusting god that's the root to all sin in other words when you don't trust god to provide for you what will you do you'll steal when you don't trust god to to fix your marriage you'll commit adultery if you don't trust god with your sexual identity you'll change it [Music] the root to all sin is not trusting god now listen to what he says there he says for the love of money is the root of all evil the love of money is not having money the love of money is when you trust it idolatry or value it more than god you rely on it and trust it more than god and so if you were if i were to define mammon and i got this definition well out of my book that i wrote on mammoth that nobody seems to want to read about ma'am because they think it's about money mammon is a spirit or an attitude and an influence that tells us that if we have money we don't need god mammon says buy and keep while god says sow and reap mammon says cheat and steal while god says give and receive so the entire system of mammon is in opposition to god's way of doing things which is why it's so dangerous to get caught up in the mammon traps it's where you don't trust them anymore the gospel the gospel of grace is all about trusting jesus for what he's already done it's all about you know i was saved by grace but i got it through my faith and so what happens is in this world right now mammon has invaded society and people are trusting more in what money can do for them under the influence of mammon and not trusting god so here's what's going to happen you servants you will demonstrate a life and the results of trusting god you will demonstrate what it means to live a life trusting god and serving god and showing people the awesomeness that comes with trusting god and what happens is what you're going to find out is you'll begin to prosper in the financial realm more trusting god than those who trust money more than they trust god i'm telling you right now god is going to do some it's going to be a supernatural transference of wealth coming into the hands of people who will serve god and trust god and refuse to serve mammon and refuse to trust money more they trust god this gospel is going to be preached and it's going to be preached first class all over this world because i've got to believe that there are still some people in the body of christ that trust god i got to believe there's still somebody that trusts god i got to believe that there's somebody that can trust god when they need something that they say god help me do it and i'm telling you it's accelerating i have had times where i asked god for something in the morning and it was there before the sun went down [Applause] i have had times where i was getting ready to ask god something and got a phone call and before i asked it it was already done i said look at here look at here look at here [Applause] do you understand you don't understand what i'm saying i i god showed up in the middle of a pandemic and wipe every lasting debt that i had in every church [Applause] y'all don't hear what i'm saying this is the lord's doing so excuse me when i tell you that no matter what's happening i got to rely on god i got i got to lean on him i got to trust him i don't tried man i can't trust no stimulus package because i don't know when they gonna stop it i'm gonna trust jesus hallelujah and he will make a way now i'm telling you right now don't choose mammon choose god because mammon wants you to join his church mama wants you to trust him but we trust god we don't trust in horses of chariots we trust god and that's what my faith is every day i get up and i say lord i need you and lord i trust you and when and if you should fall or make some dumb decision to do something you know what you do you look towards heaven and you say lord see i told you i still need you that's real maturity you don't go to beating yourself up you say lord i have evidence that i can't live without you lord i have evidence that i still i still need to see what i just said look at what i just did there's evidence that i still need you and your word has made it clear now unto him who is able to keep you from falling and to present you thoughtless before the almighty god be glory majesty dominion and power amen [Applause] i'm a servant i serve him i serve at the pleasure of the only one that could have saved me [Music] i serve at the pleasure of the one who was whipped with a cat of nine tails i serve at the pleasure of the one who was crucified dead and buried i serve hallelujah at the pleasure of my lord and my savior and i've made my mind up that's who i'm gonna trust i'm gonna go with god and i know people are making decisions to go with other stuff i'm gonna go with god come hell of high waters i'm going with god no matter how many people leave me i'm going with god no matter what they say i'm going with god no matter how much money i need i'm going with god no matter who died and go home early and i'm gonna miss some i'm sticking with god i'm gonna stay with him because i would have lost my mind a long time ago if it were not for what he has done and what he has promised me in this word i'm going with god i'm going with god i hope you make the decision i hope you make the decision to go with god i'm telling you go with god go with god go with god amen i think i had a better time than you had i love y'all thank you so much hallelujah hallelujah thank god i tell you that is awesome that's the kind of message that you can follow emulate follow creflo as he follows god that's awesome god bless y'all thank you for a great day god bless you
Channel: Charis Bible College
Views: 15,245
Rating: 4.8648648 out of 5
Id: pqTQFRfsrfk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 100min 35sec (6035 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 21 2021
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