Focus On God's Promise

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this program is made possible by the partners and Friends of Creflo Dollar ministries you can't be tempted by something you don't think about think about that just for a moment I'm here this morning continuing a series of sermons to try to get you to continue to think about what you're thinking about because it's what you're thinking about that's determined what you can receive with what you're not receiving what you're thinking about is determining what's manifesting what's manifesting in your life is what you're thinking about somebody says well I'm human well humans listen to wisdom from heaven stop thinking about human stuff and start thinking about Bible stuff and you'll manifest what humans need by thinking about Bible stuff more than you think about human stuff now let's join creflo dollar's for today's message if you have your Bibles join me again in the book of Mark chapter 6 we're gonna look at mark chapter 6 verses 45 through 52 and then we're gonna look at mark chapter 8 verse 17 through 21 now I'm believing God for a really intense session this morning you know the Bible says that it's the small foxes that spoil the vine and we want to recognize what some of those small areas that may appear to be insignificant and yet when when you pay attention to them they will yield the greatest results in your life and this is in the area of seeing manifestations take place it is time absolutely time for Christian people to know how to intelligently lay hold of what Jesus Christ through the grace of God has already made available to us it's time it's it's time for us not only to know that what grace is made available but we need to know how to apprehend it we need to know how to appropriate it if healing has been made available 2,000 years ago if deliverance has been made available 2,000 years ago if your prosperity has been made available 2,000 years ago if it's there on deposit then we should know absolutely how to how to walk in it we should know absolutely how to lay hold of it there are things that happen in our lives and yet we have authority and we've been given power over all the power of the enemy and nothing will by any means hurt us and yet sometimes we're not recognizing just what we're doing that maybe short-circuiting things and stopping things from fully being manifested in our lives and so in our thinking we've got to understand this one thing we're not here trying to get God to do what he's already done we're here needing to understand what we need to do so that we can see the full manifestation of what God has already done how many know there's a difference in trying to get God to do something versus receiving what God has already done and what's happened over the years we've been using our faith to try to get God to do what he's already done and we thought we were in faith winning when in fact we were in doubt because we wouldn't receive it already done and this is the part that Hebrews talks about entering or labouring to enter into that rest that's an oxymoron to labor to rest work to rest rest on what rest on what's already been completed rest on what's already been done rest on on the finished works of Jesus Christ and so I want you to listen to me now I'm gonna start off this morning with something radical with an extremely radical statement now the issue is you've been around so many radical statements over the last couple of years this may need this this may not even be radical to you anymore so just think two years ago and it'll be radical okay but here's the statement I want I want you to hear and I want you to think with me because then I want to spend the rest of the time proving this thing out live wholly live holy live holy how many times have you heard that throughout your Christian life live wholly live holy lives Olli and with this statement goes the idea that God won't bless you if you don't live holy and that's false live holy lives only live holy and with it is the idea that if you don't live holy God won't bless you and I'm saying that's false now am I am i insinuating are you saying pastor dollar don't live holy doly no no no no no no this is all about the things we try to do thinking that we're positioning ourselves to receive from the Lord live holy live holy live holy because if you don't live holy you're not gonna see God you can't get blessed ain't nothin gonna happen for you and when things don't manifest it's always about you didn't live right live wholly live how they live holy and listen to me carefully now I know this is thinking but God doesn't use you because you are holy or because of your holiness oh it's still radical - yes he's loving y'all all right finish it wrap bringing on home God doesn't use you because you are holy or because of your holiness God has never had anybody qualified working for him yet never I said God has never had anybody qualified working for him yet not ever don't fool yourself whatever you're doing you in qualified he just decided to use you cuz he gone if not cause you qualified it's because he is lord have mercy it's not your holiness that moves God well what is it then it's your holiness this is let me give you a definition of holiness and you can see it a little bit of holiness means being of one mind with God being of one mind with God whatever God thinks is right you think is right whatever gods think is wrong you think is wrong being with one mind with God and then listen holiness it's not your holiness that moves dog but it what is your holding is what's the purpose your holiness your holiness your separation unto God your commitment to God's Word it doesn't move God but it does determine how sensitive you are to God and how susceptible you are to Satan's doubt and unbelief now listen to what I'm saying it doesn't move God but it sure helps positions you to get what God did when he moved me being a 1:9 with God doesn't move God but me being a one mind with God helped me to be a recipient of what God's already done me being of one mind with God me living a separated life from unto God by me living a separated life unto God it positions me to receive the finished works of Jesus Christ why because I'm considering more of what God has done and said versus considering more of what the world has done and said and what he is saying here is when you live holy when you live a separated life when you live a life committed to God you're gonna stay away from a hardened heart your heart is going to be flexible to see what God promise comes to pass so the reason I want to live holy and reason why I want to have one mind with God is because if I whatever I neglect my heart will be hardened to whatever I don't neglect and consider my heart will be sensitive to so if I am spending all all of my time considering what God promised then all of my life is going to be about believing in trusting God and receiving what he's done but if I find that the affairs of the world has so distracted me that I don't consider God's Bible God's promise God's Way of God's how he thinks then what happens my life now is open to the doubt and this and the devil and now I'm tempted because of what I'm thinking about listen to what I'm saying ladies and gentlemen it is not it is not sure you cannot learn how to overcome doubt you what you can't overcome you can't learn to overcome doubt and unbelief but it's a greater thing not to be tempted with the doubt and unbelief in the first place you can you can work on and learn how to overcome it or you can position yourself not to be tempted with it in the first place really isn't that possible yeah remember you can't be tempted with something you don't think you can't be tempted with something you don't think you can't be tempted with anything you don't think now here lies the whole ingredients of everything that we're trying to really get ahold of it you can't be tempted by something you don't think about think about that just for a moment I'm here this morning continuing a series of sermons to try to get you to continue to think about what you're thinking about because it's what you're thinking about that's determined what you can receive and what you're not receiving what you're thinking about is determining what's manifesting what's manifesting in your life is what you're thinking about somebody says well I'm human well humans listen to wisdom from heaven stop thinking about human stuff and start thinking about Bible stuff and you'll manifest what humans need by thinking about Bible stuff more than you think about human stuff human are you following what I'm saying what I'm saying here you can't be tempted if you unless you're thinking about it to me that while it's so these are things you know but here's what I'm asking you to do I'm asking you to focus some I say focus you know that means to give attention to a thing it literally means to aim at a target or to aim or target what I'm saying is you have the knowledge right now that you can't be tempted without thinking about it you have that knowledge and so you know you know to consider it means to think about alright so you know that if I think about and consider the word I'm gonna be open to what that word says coming to pass in my life you understand that but you also know if you neglect the word your hearts gonna be hardened and that's not gonna come to pass in your life right so let's use healing for example if you spend time just thinking about by His stripes I'm healed just thinking about how I'm healed just thinking about why I'm here and you never consider dying you never consider not being healed you never come this thing not going away all right then you're only going to be open to what you consider healing healing healing but what we don't understand it's like God was saying to me I'm trying to show you how to operate the kingdom system as a human and your mind is a trigger as a man thinketh so is he I'm trying to show you how to benefit from what I have made available to you while you are a human and while you are human you have to understand that what you think about is going to determine what can happen in your life as a man thinketh so is he alright so I'm considering the word I'm considering the promise I won't consider the problem I will not consider the problem I didn't I saw brother Copeland do this all the time he would only consider the word he would not consider the problem he wouldn't talk about the problem he would and if he found himself thinking about the problem you would hear him say to himself naw naw y'all aren't thinking that I cashed that down I'm thinking this I'm thinking well I thought well maybe that's just you know he's a whole month more spiritual than I am and and maybe I gotta grow that's just an indication I need to grow some more no he understood that what you consider is what you have what you consider is what you see what you can say that out with me what I consider is what I see now my question is what do you want to see so whatever you want to see that's what you need to be considering only consider only consider only but that's gonna require focus so I can impart this knowledge to you last weekend today but now here's what its gonna require it's gonna require you every day becoming more aware of what you're thinking about to become aware of what you're thinking about so that you can listen I'm talking about I'm talking about for this to work it's gonna require focus it's gonna it's gonna it's gonna require intentional focus on target purposed focus in other words what are you believing for well you have to bring that into focus and keep it focused you have to bring it into focus because what you see in focus is what you're gonna see in life whatever you're looking at and focused in on whatever you giving your attention to whatever you are considering your vote your on purpose focus see it's one thing for you to say well I know about that it's another thing for you to say I am doing that and I am focused on that every day and let me give you even more of illustration you know ten minutes go by and your focus my kids are my take my kids are taught of the Lord and grace shall be the piece to my kids my kids are taught of the Lord the great should be the piece of my kids the seed of the righteous shall be delivered this either the righteous and my kids are enjoying Redemption I think about that and you're thinking about that all right that's pot that's not even a minute right okay so the next two minutes comes up and you think dear God you think that you think that now I'm asking you to arrest that thought say no I'm not gonna think about that to see that the righteous shall be delivered I'm great shall be the peace of my kids the seeder now because you're so used to thinking and considering the other thing how do you know is gonna require some intentional effort on your part to say I have authority over what I think you were free moral agent right say out loud I have authority over what I think now now I find myself Oh several times yesterday doing this no I'm not thinking that I'm thinking this and I speak the word and changing I walk around like no I'm not thinking that I'm thinking this and you take authority over your mind and then you keep doing that and then you'll find yourself that's what you're thinking about all the time you won't even consider the other thing you won't consider that you'll only consider the thing the thing you really ain't that something thing you really want to happen that's the thing you consider less you consider the fear of it not coming the past you consider all the other things that can come to pass you consider all the doubt about it but you need to stay put Abraham what not consider the deadness of his body neither would he consider the deadness of Sarah's womb but he praised God and that's what you got to do some time when that when it seems like that negative thought keeps coming that's when you guys say lord I just thank you for the one the good one the one that you you're thinking about in line with the word see what I'm asking you to do is not just get more knowledge on what I'm saying I'm asking you to practically hear this so that you can begin to respond this way so that you can begin to come to church with some supernatural testimonies of it worked at work at work at work what you will think about what you will put your mind on what you will consider what you will give your attention to what you will be holy about that's what will come to pass that's how you position yourself to receive the finished works of Jesus Christ by collaborating in your consideration by collaborating in your thinking by collaborating in your attention the thing that Jesus is already done it's a lining up a collaboration with what he's already done up here up here if every man think it's so is he if that's what the word says you are what you think then basically if I want to be what I think then I have authority over what I think so I start thinking the right thing so I can be what I think that make sense so I want to show you how powerful that is all right lack exists don't think lack Thanks think big my God has supplied all of my needs according to his riches in glory I am in super abundant supply and then every time you go to think about like no no I'm not gonna think that I am in super abundant apply I don't know how you gonna take that no I'm in super abundant apply what am i doing I am maintaining focus I'm maintaining focus it's like the Apollo when it took off to go to space they had to make course adjustments every 10 minutes every 10 minutes they had to make course adjustments in order to get to the moon it wasn't just stand right there every 10 minutes they had to make course adjustment and I'm asking you to be willing to make course adjustments every day I don't care how many times I'm gonna make the adjustment because I am headed towards that promise manifesting in my life I cry sometimes because I want to see you get it and what happens is when you don't get it over a period of time you kind of resolve well it was just what meant for me and it is meant for you if it's in the word it's the will of God for your life and it is meant for you but it just requires you to make the course adjustments in your thinking I'm not asking you to jump off a building I'm not asking you to do anything physical I'm asking you to just do the course adjustments where your thinking is concerned start thinking start thinking in line with the word think the promise of God think the promises are not the problem not the problem not the problem the promise the promise the promise and then don't let yourself just sit there and think the problem the problem the problem don't just let yourself sit down think you know the tragedy the tragedy the tragedy no they see guilt and condemnation is designed to keep you there I don't care how your children are acting they're gonna be exactly how you see them they don't even know it they don't even understand but God is gonna honor you and he's gonna honor your consideration he's gonna honor your consideration I don't care don't be moved by don't be moved by in the midst of a bad situation you're just sitting there thinking what you think thinking never just think thinking what you think thinking what you think what what do you think well I'm thinking what God thinks that's holy that's holy so why am i living holy cuz I'm positioning myself to see what God said and promised come to pass in my life and it can't come to pass in my life without passing through my mind [Applause] you don't think I'm broke I'm broke you don't think I'm okay they're in you don't think dear God I just got $12 I need 22 dollars how do you handle that that's pretty practical in it got $12 I need $22 passed or two but I'm gonna do that here the lamp no no here's what you do I got $12 Oh God thank you for $12 what I give you praise list without my god $12 yes Jesus I think I could have step over $20 right and then you're genuinely thankful for that $12 you have now just initiated the miracle of multiplication and if you just keep thanking God and keep living you're gonna bump into the results of you're thanking God for 12 hours see you got to understand that there's something happening down the street around the corner behind the building that you can't see but that's why God said I want you to be thankful and give thanks hallelujah he took he took the two-piece fish dinner remember John chapter 6 and he gave thanks to God for what the Lord had provided Lord you gave us a snack we got 20,000 people to faith he would need not one time considered there's 20,000 people to feed and that's what most of us do we consider the problem he didn't know you can do about that you know what a few fo four three you can consider folks out four foot three I'm just sure you can consider it all day long it'll make you talk I believe it's just if you just start thinking taller you just wrote me somebody shorter than you something might happen god knows how to fix it but why do we consider the lack more than we consider the abundance God just told us he said here's the will of God for your life be thankful give thanks so Jesus did that I'm giving thanks Lord for this for this distaff thank you Lord for this thing thank you Lord for this snack and he only considered that the Lord who provided the snack can provide for these 20,000 people and so he said pass it on he could consider that what he never came that we didn't ever pass his mind that it wouldn't work you know how awful it is if you can get yourself to that place where it doesn't even pass your mind at an angle work then it doesn't even pass your mind and ain't gonna come in that you won't give place to that thought that says the lack is there the pain is there the sickness is there the issue is there you know what that takes some training but I'm gonna show you in a moment even though some people feel like well fear is a human thing and doubt as a human thing and you know that's the thing you put up with I agree with that but you don't have to put up with it the Bible talks about training your senses you can train your senses to agree with the Word of God to see and and that's what I'm asking you to do a mess in the whole church to train your senses I want to hold church that's experiencing the manifestations of God that they're not going to consider the the contrariness of the promises of God you're only considered the pumps and that takes training your senses training your senses training your senses training your senses if the teaching you just heard on today's broadcast bless you I encourage you to get the entire series today faith comes by hearing the word over and over again now the more time you spend thinking about and studying God's Word the more you're going to start living by the word now get this series entitled making God's promise of visible reality and remember that a renewed mind will result in a powerful productive changed life in today's must-have teaching series making God's promise a visible reality creflo downer explains how overcoming failure and succeeding in life begins with the way you think this phenomenal three message teaching is available by calling or visiting Creflo Dollar ministries org today life's a battle and you don't have to be defeated you have the greatest weapon of warfare known to man Jesus just one drop of his blood on the battlefield changes the game unleash the power of the blood of Jesus with creflo dollar's four CD series the blood and the glory this powerful teaching will show you how to take dominion over every battle you're facing in life order today and we'll also send you this two CD series open doors and over running paper which will rescue you from Satan's landmines and lead you to God's haven of rest will also include creflo dollar's book five ways the blood of Jesus changes your life all for a specific gift to the ministry or separately for a love gift of any amount request your copy of open doors and over running favor stand tall and be victorious get these powerful weapons put the enemy under surveillance and watch your troubles retreat has this ministry and broadcasts been a blessing to your life if so why not partner with us and become a blessing to others there are so many lost and hurting people all over this world who need to hear about Jesus and the gospel of grace so if God is leading you to partner with this ministry don't put it off just think the money you spend on a cup of coffee can buy a meal for someone less fortunate and demonstrate the love of God let's pool our resources become a partner today and empower us to reach the masses with the over-the-top good news of the gospel partnership with us is as simple as calling in writing in or clicking online together we can reach people everywhere and expose them to God's love mercy and unmerited favor become a partner with Creflo Dollar ministries today Birmingham Alabama get ready for change join Creflo Dollar live at the Birmingham change experience when you believe that God loves you you'll believe that God will heal you if you believe that God loves you you'll believe that God will deliver you and special guest Michael Smith God made a decision just on his love to forgive you of your sins every day just because he loves you mark your calendar for the Birmingham change experience June 27th at 10 a.m. 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. register today this summer don't miss New York camp-meeting 2014 with your host Creflo Dollar for nights of powerful teaching dynamic worship and breakthrough I really like the messages I've been hearing and it's true ones transformed [Music] this year's power-packed lineup includes Bishop TD jakes bill Winston Andrew Farley and Gregory decal make plans for New York camp-meeting July 15th through 18th at world changers church New York at the Paradise Theatre in the Bronx so log on to Creflo Dollar ministries org and register now join us at world changers Church New York located at the Paradise Theatre in the Bronx our service times are 6:00 p.m. Saturday and 10:00 a.m. Sunday for more information visit us online at world changers church new york org because of you Creflo Dollar ministries has been loving people and changing lives for over 20 years your love and financial support is being felt around the world
Channel: ByGod'sGrace
Views: 1,283
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: grace and grace, CrefloDollar, Creflo Dollar, Word Of God, Bible, Dollar, Creflo Dollar Ministries Live, Focus On God's Promise, Pastor Creflo Dollar, world changers church international praise and worship, World Changers Church, grace sharer, Jesus, God, Creflo Dollar Sermons, Dollar Creflo, amazing grace, Pastor Preaching, Ministries, Creflo Dollar Sunday Service, three day grace, world changers church international, grace lyrics, Creflo Dollar 2019, Ministry, Preaching, amazing
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 31sec (1711 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 18 2020
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