Speaking in Tongues Pt. 1

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we thank you so much that we can come into a place and move in your presence we're so grateful that we can gather here tonight and began to minister to you in song then you begin to minister back to us o How Great Thou art and Lord there's nobody like you we have all decided to trust you maybe in the middle of a hail but we've decided to trust you and so Lord may the blessings of God be upon your precious people here tonight in other locations those who are watching through the stream and we say all is well in Jesus name Amen come up with chants together and let's give God praise well turning hook two or three of your neighbors and you may be seated tonight we got a lot of good stuff we want to get into tonight I'm gonna talk to you about you know speaking in tongues what it is how it operates and because you know people have people have really bought the lie of religion and the thing about a lie is that you can be believing a thing but can't prove it at all you can't you can't turn anywhere in the Bible to prove anything don't you know that's a problem when when you believe something and you can't find any Scripture for it so where did it come from did it come from you know you sitting in a place and you hearing teaching that wasn't correct did it come for something you grew up with but that ought to say something to you that I can't find this anywhere in the scripture so maybe it's something I need to look at and so there have always been people who have mocked speaking in tongues and that's not gonna end that is something that you know was you know back in the day and it's still here today and so I want to make very clear tonight I'm teaching to believers and you know it's okay that you don't believe this but you you know you know how to believer in this particular thing but I am gonna do a very detailed job tonight to go through some things that I think will really help you out and I want to deal with this first issue of whether or not speaking in tongues is a valid gift so go with me to the book of 1st Corinthians chapter 13 verses 8 through 10 anytime there is a misunderstanding in the word it's gonna probably be probably be because people didn't get the context of it lift something out of context and then consider what the whole thing said as such as this so speaking in tongues is a valid gift for today and it accompanies receiving the baptism of the Holy Spirit so the salvation and the baptism of the Holy Spirit are two separate experiences and you can see that in the book of Acts chapter 8 4 through 8 you can see it in action up to 8 14 through 17 read the entire chapter aidan it just shows you being born again was one experience but being filled with the Baptism and the Holy Spirit with the evidence speaking in tongues was an entirely separate experience and so have you noticed that the number of people who have just kind of shied away from that we don't want to talk about tongues and you know we you know the I just think it's a bunch of gibberish and just I think it's just a bunch of ignorant Church folks that are just buying into anything and so we're gonna do an intelligent presentation for you tonight you're going to listen to it intelligently and you're going to pray that I'll be able to preach it intelligently and we'll walk out of here with our tongue talking intelligence cells about how to understand how to make our lives better amen all right so some people say that tongues ceased when the last apostle died I may have ever heard that before that tongue stopped and it ceased when the last apostle died but this is a misunderstanding and the misunderstanding of this is a it's a misunderstanding that stems from a wrong interpretation of first Corinthians chapter 13 and so let's look at first Corinthians chapter 13 lhamo read 8 through 10 and then 11 through 12 and and just show you so what am I trying to talk about has tongues ceased because if it's ceased and I have no business talking about tonight if if tongs have ceased then nobody should ever teach anything concerning tongues if it's over with so I've got to start at first base has it ceased well look at verse 8 he says charity never faileth or love but whether there be prophecies they shall fail whether there be tongues they shall cease and whether there be knowledge it shall vanish away now if I read it and stop right here then you would say AHA see their tongues shall cease but you gotta read on you gotta find the context of it okay read the next verse verse 9 he says for we know in part and we prophesy in part verse 10 but when that which is perfect is come then that which is done away is that which is uh excuse me which is in part shall be done away now let's look at verse 11 let's go and read that eleven and twelve when I was a child I spake as the child understood as a child I thought as a child but when I became a man I put away childish things verse 12 for now we see through a glass darkly but then face to face now I know in part but then shall I know even as also I am known now the key to this is this little phrase here that talks about that which is perfect when that which is perfect is calm when that which is perfect is calm now the context of tongues will cease when that which is perfect has calm prophecies shall not come back in go back to verse eight when that which is perfect is calm so what I am showing you is number one that which is perfect has not come I'm going to show you that when he says that which is perfect he's talking about and he just says to see him face to face he's talking about after this life is over with when you're in heaven in your glorified body looking at Jesus face to face that's when Tongzhi sees okay so now watch this in context just from that explanation and see if you can see this charity never faileth but whether there be prophecies whether this show they shall fail whether there be tongues they shall cease whether there be knowledge it shall vanish away well none of that has happened in fact you know where it says whether there shall be knowledge that knowledge self shall vanish away let me know your place there and go to the Book of Daniel chapter 12 and for he says here that knowledge shall vanish away well if that's true for right now then it's going to contradict the prophecy for the last day and in the Book of Daniel chapter 12 and verse 4 here's what it prophesized about knowledge in the last day Daniel chapter 12 and verse 4 through there say Amen he says but Thou O Daniel shut up the words and seal the book even to the time of the end many shall run to and fro and knowledge shall be what he says at the end knowledge shall be what at the end knowledge shall what okay so you know he can't be talking about you know knowledge sell cease because at the end it shall increase so we already got a problem there Daniel says at the end is going to increase and right here it says it shall cease well when is it gonna cease its gonna cease when we're no longer here speaking in tongues is only good while you're on the earth speaking in tongues you will not need it when you're when you're no longer on the planet it is only it is only beneficial for you when you're on the planet now go back to first Corinthians chapter 13 and eight and I've put a lot of things and you shall we're putting things in context here just imagine reading that one scripture first Corinthians chapter 13 and eight and walk away like so many people have and then they got this big message or tongs up C's well where'd you get that from 1st Corinthians chapter 13 and 8 yeah out of context let's read it again charity never faileth but whether there be prophecies so the only thing that you that'll never fail whether you're here in heaven is love he says prophecies they shall fail you won't need it when you're in heaven okay Tong's they shall cease the only times you need tongs is why you own on the earth okay and he says whether there be knowledge it shall vanish away you don't need that you know everything now okay won't need it in heaven so look at verse 9 as he talks about this he says for we know in part and we prophesy in part here verse 10 but when that which is perfect is calm that's the key when that which is perfect is come when that which is perfect is come well has that which is perfect perfect calm no have you received your perfect lower five body no when that which is perfect is come then that which is in part shall be done away with so he's talking about the prophecy in part the knowing in part it'll be done wait wait with when that which is perfect has come that hadn't come yet we still arriving were still on earth look at the next verse 11 he says when I was a child to speak of the Thailand as soon as a child I thought as a child but when I became a man I put away childish things verse 12 and so likewise for now we see through a glass darkly so right now we're not seeing everything like it could be seen while we're in this physical body but then face to face notice he's talking about now and then but then so when it's gonna happen but then it's gonna be when you're leaving the earth and you're in heaven and you got your glorified body and in your glorified body you're gonna be looking at Jesus face to face okay that's the time he says now he says now I know in part but then you see now but then shall I know even as also I am known so my question to you right now has Tong's ceased know when will tongs cease when you get to heaven and you get the glorified body now I feel like I can go home right now I got a small class in the night now if you two looked at me and I see it has tongs see uh well you know that I by side coming at that in time I taw a hundred so can you see just from that when you don't rightly discern the Word of God just what we did you see how you can take the wrong interpretation out and create a doctrine that has been in this earth for I don't care as long as we've been saved and had been straightened out tongues exist the gift of property is prophecy exists tongues exists and so when we see the Lord face to face is when that which is perfect is come this is talking about the second return of the Lord or our gathering together unto him that which is perfect our glorified bodies so praying in tongues helps only while we are in this physical body and have the limitations of the mind that is not completely renew tongues will only help while we are in this physical body with its limitations of the mind that's the only time in the hell so what am I saying if you don't take advantage of tongs now why are you in the physical body you won't be able to take advantage of it any other time this is the only time why while you have a physical body that you can take advantage of speaking in tongues in fact look what he says in Romans chapter 8 and verse 26 Romans 8 and 26 it had pretty fascinating for you to hear that there's a gift given to you that can only be used while you're in your physical body and the enemy's tried as best to tell people no I don't exist don't use it there's a big gun here ladies and gentlemen and we need to get ahold of what this big gun is all about Romans chapter 8 verse 26 and look what he says in 26 he says likewise the spirit also helpeth our infirmities what is he talking about infirmities means weakness of the flesh so the spirit helps our weaknesses of the flesh alright so the flesh is weak and the only time you can use tongue is when you have a physical body and so he says you know likewise the spirit help with our infirmities all the weaknesses of our flesh what specific weakness is he talking about for we know not what we should pray for as we ought so he says the Holy Spirit's gonna help you to deal with stuff that you don't know about he says he'll help you to pray about stuff you don't know about there are lots of things that are gone in our lives we don't know about but by speaking in tongues you pray about things you don't know about glory be to God I cannot afford to live my to wake up and live a life without without praying in tongues because there's some things I don't know about that the Holy Spirit knows about and how many no you can't pray about something you don't know about if your mind's not aware of it how are you gonna pray about something that the enemy is designed for the day but you don't know about it something that's going on with you but you have been able to put your hand on it something something that may be the reason why this is happening praying in tongues helps you to pray about things you don't know about glory be to God there was a illustration years ago there was a woman who had a gave a testimony about her young son coming home on the bus and he got off the bus and he was getting ready to cross the street around the exact same time she was in the kitchen and started praying and the Holy Ghost she didn't know what was going on the Sun was getting ready to step out and a car was coming and as soon as he stepped out the board described it like this it was like when knock me back and he knocked back just in time and the car went by he didn't get hit and she realized that was the exact same time she was praying in the Holy Ghost I can't afford not to have this operating in my Christian life amen all right he says for we know not what we should pray for as we all but the Spirit Himself maketh intercession for us how how is he how does the Holy Ghost making intercession for us this is powerful you can't ignore what he's getting ready to say with groanings which cannot be uttered which groan he's reached talking about tongues right here what are you gonna do with that Scripture the Spirit of God making intercession with us for us with groanings which cannot be uttered pull it up in the MEI amplified just for a moment how do you how do you how are you not intrigued somehow to understand that you do not throw these scriptures away when it's so powerful here it says here but the Spirit Himself in the amplified well let's start the beginning so - the Holy Spirit comes to our aid and bears us up in our weaknesses but we do not know what prayer to offer nor how to offer it worthily as we ought but the Spirit and self goes to meet our supplication pleads in our behalf with unspeakable look at this yearnings and groanings too deep for utterance now that word utterance here is too deep for articulate speech in other words there is an utterance but there's a groaning there's a sound that's being made there's a language that's being spoken but you don't have the mentality or the training to utter it so you're going to be uttering a language you don't know it'll be unknown to you but somebody in the world may know it okay so it's not just gonna be a bunch of jabber he is going to personally pray for you by giving you utter another ins it's not something you're gonna learn you know I can go take French and I'm gonna take the what's that little box that people it's exactly the thing about you exactly rosetta stone none of that this is gonna be the Holy Ghost coming on you and you're gonna speak a language that you don't know uh I was very fortunate to have a witness years ago in the chapel I began to prophesy in tongues in another tongue I was not aware of the language but we had a visitor that night who was standing by my mom that said I didn't know your son spoke my language and she said well I don't think he speaks anything but English and and in tongues she said she said no that's my language he's speaking right there and then I turned around and gave the interpretation of what I was speaking and she said that was that was a perfect interpretation all of that was done by the Spirit of God I don't have anything to do with that all that was done by the Spirit of God I was yielding to the Holy Spirit he gave me the other uh pterence that I could not articulate in my English language but I trusted him and he did it and there was those kind of experiences I mean I'm praying for things I don't know about I'm praying in tongues and then I get up preach and revelation comes out of me I didn't study it I'm praying in tongues and I get up and preach and and and something comes out of my mouth something comes to light in my mind and that's that's the interpretation that the Holy Spirit will give you as well when you pray in tongues or you may go to work and didn't understand a situation and you're praying in tongues and then like mint shows up all the sudden he's making something obvious to you that wasn't obvious to your mind that's the wonder and the blessing of being able to pray in tongues and to to pray in in the Holy Ghost the Bible refers to you can also look at first Corinthians chapter 14 first Corinthians chapter 14 verses two through four we're gonna look at the entire chapter in context of first Corinthians 14 but I want to show you this real quick first Corinthians 14 verses two and then go to verse 4 now verse 2 says this for he that speaketh in an unknown tongue now it's not unknown to the whole world it just may be unknown to you he that speaketh an unknown tongue speaketh not unto men all right so when you come in corporate prayer and I'm praying in tongues that doesn't require an interpretation because I'm not talking to you okay but if I were to get up right now and give a message in tongues it requires me to interpret in English so that you can be edified about that but somebody used to come in when we used to be praying in tongues and walking up and down an aisle and people say yeah order you out of order you need to give an interpretation I just turned to him saying we ain't talking to you didn't require interpretation we're praying to God you don't need to know what I'm saying to God so either you pray in tongues and get out I didn't I went walking in the love walk back then for he that speaketh in an unknown tongue speaketh not unto men but unto God in that amazing so when I'm speaking in tongues I'm speaking to God that's pretty powerful and the Bible calls at a perfect prayer he says for no man understandeth him howbeit in the spirit he speaketh mysteries so people around are not understanding when I speak in tongues but I'm speaking of mystery I think that's defined in the amplified as a hidden divine secret not made obvious to your mind when you speak mysteries you're speaking hidden divine secrets that are not made obvious to your mind that's a powerful thing so when I speak in tongues I'm speaking to God not to man and when I speak in tongues I am speaking hidden wisdom that's not made obvious to my understanding that's powerful so I'm wanting to speak in tongues as much as possible why so I can pull that wisdom up just like a book it goes into a well and pulls water out of that well and all of a sudden speaking in tongues makes you smart and look at verse four so far we're just reading Scripture right he that speaker than an unknown tongue does what to himself that means to build up you're gonna build yourself up your build up your spirits build up your soul build up your physical body you're gonna you're gonna build yourself up but he that prophesies edifies the church now when we look at this in context you'll find out that you know it's one thing to do things to benefit you but in public you're always to do something to benefit the public over you so he begins to teach in chapter 14 the necessity of edification of the church verses edifying of yourself if I speak in tongues and I'm the only one being built up but because you don't understand you're not being built up he says you have to now exalt prophecy over speaking in tongues because it you got to you got to exalt understanding what's going on over anything else so you can't just sit and say I'm gonna speak in tongues and be I'm just myself up myself up I'm building myself up ain't nobody paying no attention you because they don't know what you're saying okay so we'll look at that when we we check this out in proper context and then speaking in tongues bypasses unbelief that is in your brain and allows you to talk directly to God it's so powerful but it's only for this life so when I pray in tongues I'm praying about things I don't even know about so it's hard for unbelief to hinder that prayer think what I just said I bypass in my mind and I'm praying by the Holy Spirit maybe about things that I don't even know about because you know you're praying about things that you know you do by we just read in roamers where the infirmities of your flesh part of it was not knowing how to pray about things you don't know about and so what an awesome thing to be to pray about something you don't know about but not even unbelief can stop it because when I pray in tongues unbelief can't even stop it because I don't know who I'm praying I'm just releasing my most holy faith well you'll see that better in context as well so here's the here's the part I want you to get it's it's only for this life speaking in tongues is only for this life while you are in this physical body so I am saying to you don't miss out don't buy the lie there are things you could be conquering and things you could be overcoming and you can be living an overcoming life but you bought the lie that tongue ceased so you don't use it you bought the lie that it's just a bunch of jibber jabber and you don't use it and the very things you're suffering in life this wonderful grace gift can put you on top but you don't believe it so you never execute or walk in it or you never pursue to hold on to it you know God wants you to have this even more than you want it look at what he says in Luke chapter 11 verses 11 through 13 Luke chapter 11 verse 11 through 13 and I I want to cover some of these bases as we get into this and I've tried to get as much as I can tonight and if not finish up next time this is awesome this is I hope you're so provoked that you start praying in tongues on your way home 11 through 13 he says if a son shall last bread of any of you that is a father he will give him will he give him a stone or if I ask fish will he for a fish give him a serpent 12 or if if he shall ask an egg will he offer him a scorpion he's talking about a father now and he says verse 13 if you then being evil know how to give good gifts unto your children okay how much more shall your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask him hallelujah and I'm talking about the baptism of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues I thought that was so simple but I remember the day where I asked him and he gave me what I asked for it amen and I'm telling you if you've never received the baptism in the Holy Spirit with evidence speaking in tongues you have a father that wants you to have this Grace gift more than you want it and this is this is pretty awesome so now let's establish some things here before we we get into this just a little bit more some people teach them you can't have any sin in your life or God won't feel you with the Holy Spirit you ever heard about her then you can't have any sin in your life or God won't fill you with the Holy Spirit so you got to go through a cleansing to qualify to get the Holy Spirit they think that God won't fill you with the Holy Spirit they think that God won't feel a dirty vessel basically you're you you've you a dirty vessel and God's not gonna feel a dirty vessel God doesn't have any other kind of vessel to feel you what I say it God didn't have any other kind of s of the feel I don't know what this this notion is that you're not a dirty vessel the only vessel the Holy Spirit feels our dirty vessels freak you out because you thought you were like Ajax clean if you were that clean you wouldn't need him to feel you something I say I need the Holy Spirit if you are perfect without the Holy Spirit you wouldn't need him did you hear me if you were perfect without the Holy Spirit you wouldn't need him so you can come to the altar I'll turn you can spin on it all day long and and they can rub all until your face look like Kentucky Fried Chicken miss winners and all them put together you still a dirty vessel that need the Holy Spirit to come in because he's here for you while you're in in this world now the purpose of tongues let me give you three purposes of tongs number one to build you up to build up your faith to build up your faith you imagine praying in tongues and not knowing the next word that's supposed to come out of your mouth but you're doing it by faith every time you spend time praying in tongues you're building your faith up I'm speaking a language I don't even know in my head I hadn't been taught and the Holy Spirit I'm doing it by faith it'll build your faith up secondly it draws out the power that's on the inside of you it draws out the power that's on the inside of you in a few months you're gonna begin to be whole Holy Ghost power like you've never seen it before but it's gonna be in the congregation it's gonna be at home on your jobs in the middle of the parks it's not gonna be the show where you come to church it's gonna be you doing it in your everyday lives when you recognize I have the power of the Holy Spirit I can do something about this situation that I see and number three praying in tongues the purpose of it is to draw out knowledge that is in your spirit draw out knowledge that is in your spirit there there are things in the Holy Spirit that you don't know in your mind and by praying in tongues you give birth to that you draw out the wisdom and the knowledge that's in the Holy Spirit it's just so amazing to me if you don't spend time praying in times you're never gonna know what I say it's true you know but you know I know it's when we started this ministry people were asked well how'd you do that how do you do that and it was real simple I pray in tongues and I just obey I just pray and I obey and and I had it right and then I got around all the smart people who told me I need all these smarter people to help me to do all these smart things and then that's when things change and I went back to doing it the way I pray and I obey and I tell you what I spent I spent an enormous amount of time praying in the Holy Spirit because I didn't know how to do this how did you start a church with zero people zero dollars and then he says I called you to give understand and I'm like how am I gonna give understanding when I want to understand them myself and I tell you one thing just praying in the Holy Spirit begin to make knowledge and wisdom available to me and all of a sudden these have you ever had a hunch that's basically what it is when you can pay attention to the hunch after praying in the Holy Ghost how many you had some things happen and you like I knew that you need to just start paying attention to the Spirit of God and just pray in the Holy Spirit he'll begin to give you not only that kind of knowledge but also for knowledge remember the Holy Spirit is gonna give you knowledge of things that are gonna happen in the future as well as knowledge that you need now but you never need to be at a disadvantage when you have the Holy Spirit you have all knowledge living only inside of you and all it takes is some time for you to pray and the Holy Ghost and pull that knowledge up and make it available to you so it pulls power up it pulls knowledge up and it builds your faith up now let's go to Acts chapter 2 Acts chapter 2 and verse 4 and the speed is up just a little bit Acts chapter 2 and verse 4 now here's what he says and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost and began to speak with other tongues now this is interesting they were filled with the Holy Ghost and began to speak with other tongues you can see that tongues is associated with being filled with the Holy Ghost they were filled with the Holy Ghost and began to speak with other tongues as the spirit they began to speak as the spirit gave to them the utterance so this is a Holy Spirit utterance it's coming from him this is not utter insis coming from your intellect it is not an utterance that's coming from your mind it's not an utterance that came from something you learned you know you took French so now you know you start speaking French you know you you you you knew how to do that this is an utterance that comes from the Holy Spirit that's given to you from the Holy Spirit it's your prayer language that comes from him it's your it's your language that he gives you you get the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues you get now you know just like a baby you know you didn't come out the room say what's up mom and dad what we got to eat you started off with what's with syllables right and that's what you have to explain to Christians you know it's like you know you may come out with a couple of syllables here and you as you go before God with that your language being is to grow it begins to build your faith you begin to get more and the next thing you know you're talking fluently in a language that you didn't go to school to learn and you know we'll see in a moment how all those people who were there and acts when they when they did this first Corinthians 2:14 we all read that uh yeah let's go forth first Corinthians 2:14 and then I want to rush because this is pretty important I just want to hurt him get to the context of putting all this together first corinthians 2:14 says but the natural man receives not the things of the Spirit all right the natural man doesn't receive the things of the Spirit some guy says well that's confusing to me or I don't believe that that's cause your carnal carnal carnal means of the five senses it means of the five senses a person is carnal because everything they choose to believe or not believe goes through the filter of their I gave their ear gate where they can smell what they can see what they can touch so if they can't smell it see it hear it touch it then it's not real because the carnal man says unless I can comprehend with my senses then it's not real and so basically saying a natural man is not going to receive the Spirit of God because he's trying to filter all of this information through the natural realm and this isn't natural you know and so you're trying to say well I never forget when they late pretty late put hands on me in time I will speak and then I got kind of upset I was like whoa I don't know how to speak but one language English and you know the guy was like in the name of Jesus then they start casting Devils out devil come out and I'm like dude I know building them in it must've been the devil because I was freaking out you know and it was crazy they took me it just should not have taken me that long but my I was trying to filter everything it was like you're asking me to open my mouth and say something that I don't know and so if I'm gonna open my mouth I can only speak here and he was like no shut your mind and your natural out and trust God and when the Spirit gives you utterance just speak as the spirit by faith to do that and I'll never forget it all my mouth up and I said laughs was it like for real and and I just kind of you know la la la you know la la la la la la la la and I was just kind of freaking like yeah but but I felt the presence of God come over me and I'm like la a lot of remember that what was that I said whoa and and at the same time when that happened some came over my physical body I knew this was greater than my my brain and I was like whoa it was like a shock through my entire being and I'm like la la la so all I knew is if I say that loud enough for someone kick him and I took that long I'll took that la la that's the only thing I had la la I took that baby home and it was 1 1 1 9 I was praying I was like I'm not stopping this time I'm just gonna let that baby I pray for I don't know how long I was like whoa I got me a language I want that baby out for and I and I was I would could not still do the natural how do I explain this through the natural I knew one day I would have to teach this and teach people how to how to teach people to receive the Holy Spirit but at that time my natural man almost kept me from something that was spiritual and that's what it was saying but the natural man will not receive the things of the Spirit of God why because they're foolishness under him I said then thought this is crazy this is this is crazier you know I'm thinking this is a cult or something this is stupid nobody does this and I found out that a lot of people did that I just didn't know how to do it and man it was foolish and he says neither can can neither can he know them because they are what spiritually discerned spiritually discerned and it requires faith to walk in spiritual things and that's what was required of me that night was faith to walk in something that was a spiritual thing now look at first Corinthians chapter 14 and 13 first Corinthians chapter 14 and 13 this is this is important all these things are important I'm trying to give you enough scriptures to deal with all the questions that may come up after it's over with are some people asking you questions 1st Corinthians 14 13 says wherefore let him that speaketh in an unknown tongue pray that he may interpret and so I'm like if I'm saying all this why stuff sure we'd like to know some of it so I was trained well I'm on praying tongs Roku that I read about Sunday and afterwards I'm gonna say Lord give me the interpretation of that and and sometimes that interpretation will come to me unexpected I'm in a meeting and we're trying to figure out something and bam the light shows on you know knowledge is one thing but wisdom is the ability to use that knowledge and what he'll do is shine the light on the knowledge that you have accumulated somewhere and assimilated together and you'll see things you never said you never saw before and it was amazing to me I would be sitting there dealing with some pretty rough issues issues that I've been told I gave the answer to and people had to get several degrees to be able to give that answer but that came by the Holy Spirit and I know it did cuz I just didn't know it except when it the Holy Spirit hasn't has a tendency to take something complex and make it like common sense when it gets to you what does that call revelation he just begins to reveal things to you and you know you just got it by the Holy Spirit now what I'm talking about you're never gonna know about it unless you're willing to live live this life and believe this life and in fellowship with him other than that it'll be foolishness to you you'll laugh at it you'll think this is ridiculous this is the craziest thing I ever heard the only problem is is I'm reading all of this out of the Bible so the next thing you're gonna have to deal with is all that stuff that I think is crazy and funny it came from the scripture so what do you do with it you're gonna take your eraser and erase that like you've erased a whole lot of the things in your life or you're gonna finally sit down and say you know there's something to this this may be the missing link to my life this might be why I'm crazy is crazy because I'm I need some stuff that I don't have in the natural amen now so wherefore let him that speaketh in an unknown tongue pray that he may interpret an unknown tongue pray that he may interpret now I get people who say well you know tongs is a language you're exactly right let's go to Acts chapter 2 verses 4 through 13 and look at all the people who were there Acts chapter 2 verses what I say 3 through 13 4 through 13 I'll show you this and then we will we will rock and roll on 1st Corinthians 14 all right for says and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost and began to speak with other tongues as the Spirit of God gave them the utterance now this is the day of Pentecost that happens so here's what happened then look at verse 5 and there were dwelling at Jerusalem Jews devout men very educated men very you know prominent men out of every nation under heaven at that time that's pretty strong all right now when this was noised abroad the multitude came together and were confounded because that every man heard them speak in his own language so all those people that were there all of this stuff that was going on on the day of Pentecost in the upper room they heard their language being spoke but now watch this next verse and they were all amazed and marveled saying to one another behold are not all these which speak galilaeans uneducated people there's no way they're supposed to know how to speak our language these are uneducated people but the Holy Ghost is on honey don't let your education ever put you down because when you got the Holy Ghost he'll bring you above somebody else's degree you just make sure you get that HG degree and that be a degree that born-again degree and that Holy Ghost is good agree amen and they were all amazed back and they were all amazed because saying one to another behold are not all these which speak galilaeans so get a hold of what this tongue is it's not just jibber and babble you're gonna be speaking a language of somebody and you may never know and there may be ancient languages that are come up there may be languages that you can't find today that are rare languages and that's why people you know you use just I mean listen to people when they're praying in the spirit and stuff like that you can you can hear sometimes you might even be here to pick up some familiar languages and stuff you know I heard I heard a agen woman speaking Spanish one time and she's praying in tongues and and praying before God look at the next verse here and so he's going to give a list of now and how and how hear we every man in our own tongue wherein we were born how we hear every man in our own tongue wherein we were born verse nine and he started giving a list of where all these different people came from look at verse 10 there's like 13 of these folks that showed up and look at verse 11 look at and he says and we do hear them speak in our tongues the wonderful works of God so they were interpreting what they were hearing and what they heard and their own tongue was the wonderful works of God verse 12 and they were all amazed and they and and were in doubt saying one to another see if it's always gonna be somebody in doubt what meaneth this what meaneth this you know if I were to begin to prophesy in tongues and you you not aware that I'm gonna follow up with a interpretation you may what mean at this and you think oh that's strange or that's a cultic and and and and that's weird and all that other kind of same thing and and man we have we have just bought the lie that religion gave us and we got a book to go and read it but the won't nobody read it thank God you got a church where you got pastors and stuff that'll teach this kind of stuff and take it take their time and just show you where it is and then you got to decide what you're gonna do with it but I am NOT living my life in this crazy world without the gift of speaking in tongues because there's too much going on I don't know about but when I pray and the Holy Ghost it all seemed the work is fine amen verse 12 when the next verse 13 others mocking saying these men are full of new wine so you had two groups of people those who went away amazed at what was happening and another one that's saying man these people drop they trip in they trippin and so you know what's happened you can hardly go into churches right now and and even see the the exercise of speaking in tongues because people are afraid of it they don't want to be afraid of being accused of being weird or oh they drunk why they trippin and I'll be on TV sometimes and I'd be preaching sometimes I slip up in tongues I oh man I did stop what stop watching that's just who I am I was in class when I was teaching high school I taught social sciences from tenth grade to the 12th grade I didn't do it real own but I was teaching the world history and and I got up in the middle of class and I was so excited about being to talk about the authentic historical accounts of the Apostle Paul in Jesus and and I stood up for the class and I and I and I and I went off I didn't mean to do that I was like and then he said what was that not and they've taken a walk yeah I don't even worry about that let's just go to something else you understand and I was I was just I was just amazed I've seen it work some amazing things as a therapist I had a patient who it was pretty messed up this was the it was bipolarism down but it was psychotic episodes that came from so much acid and stuff and just ruined itself and basically you know that's just basically how he was gonna be and he came and asked me he says was there any hope or anything that can be done he says I just feel like there's something that somebody's not telling me and this was just against every protocol that existed and I pulled him into one of the rooms and I said listen what I'm about to show you and tell you you can't tell anybody and I said you're born again because I led him to the Lord he got born again I said but I did leave something out you didn't get baptism of the Holy Spirit with the evidence speaking in tongues he said what's that and I went through the scriptures and showed him and he was like I can have that I said yeah you can have him if you want him and I said okay now lift your hands up and I send out try to be quiet and I said the name of Jesus you feel to me and said father and father you know give me the Holy Spirit you know with everything speaking in tongues and I said I'm gonna lay my hands on you and you just go ahead and receive and I laid my hands on him I mean as soon as my hand got near here he could not he was just like this is the grid whoa he's just gonna walk around Brendan Tom's wound I'm thinking that time - would go ahead and pack my bag I'm out of here the thing that happened though he begin to make supernatural progress that his doctors couldn't explain to the point where somebody who was supposed to stand much longer ended up being discharged and at the interview that he left he says could you just tell me what happened it was just like a turn around what happened he's at Creflo Dollar ministered the baptism of the Holy Spirit to me oh man [Music] medical director called me up in his office and he says you know we really don't usually do that I said yeah I know I mean it's been nice knowing you he says no that's not what I'm gonna do he said you think you can do that again I say what you're talking about he says now I can't make people come but we can make it optional and I'll give you a group you do whatever you did with him with them and it'll just be between me and you I said I can show do that for you I made that happen because and we had the highest discharge success rate and to this point they still don't know that it was cause I was laying hands on them and give them impression the Holy Ghost and and the power of the Holy Spirit it changes your life it builds you up in your spirit strong in your soul peace rest and in your physical body it will literally start your strengthen in your immunity system and it'll build your immune system up because you're spending time praying in the Holy Spirit it has health benefits as well and what I'm telling you you won't ever know until you do it amen now let's go to first Corinthians and now let's put all of this in context see the Holy Spirit has come to tell you and me everything we need to know to walk in the fullness of God's plan for our lives so let's look at this in context and show you some things and I think I can squeeze some stuff in so I'm gonna go kind of fast because I want you to look at some stuff first Corinthians chapter 14 verse 1 now 1st Corinthians 14:1 is comparing the gift of prophecy with the gift of speaking in tongues and basically what he is saying is rather than you edifying yourself you I want you to make sure you edify others when you're in the church and he's not saying that prophecy is greater than tongues except when it comes to giving people interpretation and understanding ok so now watch this 1st Corinthians 14 verse 1 follow after charity and desire spiritual gifts but rather that you may prophesy so we're gonna walk in loved is our spiritual gifts he says not that tongues is better but I'd rather you prophesy because nobody will understand or be edified if you speak in tongues in a public place and they don't understand the language of speaking verse 2 for he that speaketh in an unknown tongue not unknown there so it's unknown to you but if somebody somewhere may know it's unknown to use he that speaketh in an unknown tongue speaketh not unto men but unto God for no man understandeth him howbeit in the spirit he speaketh mysteries that word mystery is defined as hidden secrets or wisdom not made obvious - to your mind I think the amplified says that go to the amplified and this real quick will go back and forth to the King James and amplified 1st Corinthians chapter 14 verse 2 and amplified literally breaks that that last part down he says for no one understands or catches his meaning because in the Holy Spirit he utters secret truths and hidden things not obvious to the understanding secret truths think of that how do you want to know the secret of something secret truths and hidden things that are not made obvious to you understanding that comes when you speak in tongues verse 3 and King James first three King James but he that prophesieth speaketh unto men to edification exhortation and comfort so this is the key if somebody gives you a prophecy it should do three things it should build you up edify it should exhort you and it should comfort you if somebody's prophesying over you something that doesn't bill you up that doesn't exhort you and that doesn't come for you that it prophecy didn't come from God i prophesy to you that you're gonna fall dead today dude you ain't even heard from God just get on out my face no it has to bring edification and comfort okay if it doesn't bring those three things you don't need to receive it okay if a preacher gets up and say you know the Lord told me by the end of the day several of you are gonna be judged because you didn't give $1,000 in the offering don't even pay him no attention just pray for him he has totally missed God okay please understand God's not mad at you he's not even a bad mood where you're concerned all right for he that speaketh in an unknown tongue does what edifies or bills that said that weren't edify activists you know a large tall building you know he builds itself up but he that prophesies edifies the church so when you speak in tongues you edify who but when prophecy goes forth identifiers what why why do we prefer prophecy going forth to the church rather than tongues it's about understanding right all right so if I so if I came to you and I said you know as I said come on up here to miss you but you don't understand French so some people may get it some people don't all right but if I came at you and say well you know how are you doing sir okay oh oh I get that so I can come out and say como stop here to miss you and then I can turn around and say how are you doing sir okay the first part you didn't get the second part when I gave the interpretation you got what's the same thing if I came on you say please don't abandon a robust ABBA back did you get edified you didn't get if I right because you don't understand what I say it and it's no different than on on Christmas or on Thanksgiving they say you know Henry would you pray and you decide you're gonna be super spiritual let us pray they don't know what it is they think you got a demon in you boy they don't know what's going on so he says for the sake of people being built up who don't understand what's going on talk to them in a way that they can understand but now praying in tongues builds you up so it's not time I pick one of the other one he's saying there's gonna come their times you need to build yourself up on a day-to-day basis so I've already built myself up so now I'm coming and talking to you to edify you but I can't talk to you in the same way I talk to God to edify myself that's spent time today roboball Cucaracha I can't bring that same thing to you I come to you with tonight we gonna teach on tongues and this is what we kind of saying this is that you should be follow what I'm saying all right so now look at verse five I would that you all spake with tongues looking what Paul said I would that you all speak with tongues but rather that you prophesy he says I want everybody to speak with tongues now that doesn't mean that nobody's speaking with tongues in proper context you know he's talking about tongues versus prophesy somebody will take this and say see there Paul said he wish you all would speak in tongues so that means don't everybody not everybody speaks in tongue that's what that's what they take out of that scripture I wish that you all speak with tongues and they would say see they're not everybody speaks with tongues just like they're you looking for an excuse not to I would that all spake with tongues but rather that you prophesize that's what he's saying for greater is he that prophesies then he that speakers with tongue except he interpret that the church may receive edification so the deal is don't say stuff that people can't be edified with all right 6.now brother and if I come under you speaking with tongues what shall i what what shall i profit you except I shall speak to you either by revelation or by knowledge about by prophesy or by doctrine it's not gonna be a profit if I just come from speaking in you magic going other people and say you better back up off me people think you're crazy all right next verse and even things without life giving sound whether pipe or harp except they give a distinction in the sounds how shall it be known that it is piped or harp if we don't even sound like a pipe our heart verse 8 for if the trumpet give an uncertain sound who shall prepare him to the battle I imagine blowing the trumpet and it sounds like guitar all right force 9 so likewise you accept you utter by the tongue words easy to be understood how shall it be known what is spoken for you shall speak into the air verse 10 there are it may be so many kinds of voices in the world and none of them is without significant signification verse 11 therefore if I know not the meaning of the voice I shall be unto him that speaketh a barbarian and he that speaketh shall be a barbarian unto me verse 12 he's sitting us in church man even so ye for as much as you are zealous of spiritual gifts seek that you may Excel to the edifying of the church so awesome you have you can speak in tongues you pray in tongues you build yourself up but now you got to understand that if you're gonna build anybody else up it can't be just with tongues unless you've given an interpretation of what you're saying okay verse 13 wherefore let him that speaketh in an unknown tongue let him pray that he may interpret as well all right even when you're building yourself up 14 for if I pray in an unknown tongue my spirit prays but my understanding is unfruitful now this is important now here's what he said when I pray in tongues man is a spirit he possesses a soul he lives in a physical body so the part of you that is praying in tongues is your spirit so when a man speaks in a nun when you pray in an unknown tongue your spirit is praying but your mind doesn't understand what it is praying it is unfruitful Shanda but I can't tell you in my mind what I just say okay but I know what's going on understand what I'm saying because it's edifying it builds me up he says my understanding is unfruitful verse 15 what is it then I will pray with the spirit bringing how didhow you pray for the spirit in tongues and I will pray with the understanding English I will sing with the spirit we used to do that a lot we don't do it much la da si Carabas sorry anonymous ah singing in the spirit and in singing and understanding sign me further Christian Jubilee you know he says I'll do both of them Paul say verse 16 else when thou shalt bless with the spirit I can bless with the spirit I absolutely can oh yes I can there are certain times when I'm praying for people I'll spend some time praying in the spirit over before I pray in English because I don't really know what's going on with him and I trust the Holy Spirit that I'm getting ready to pray and my prayers are gonna change their life and so I may lay hands on him for a minute ago Sunday there there cooks on that outside before I praying and and and and in the in English but he says I can bless with the spirit he says how shall he that occupied he says else when thou blessed with the spirit how shall he that occupied the room of the unlearned say amen at the giving of banks so he says also when I'm praying in the spirit I can bless with the spirit I can give thanks with the spirit seeing he understandeth not what thou sayeth so of course if I'm around a bunch of people I'm I'm probably not gonna do that but if I'm around with a bunch of Christians like that understand what I'm talking about right now I'll be able to do that I can bless with the spirit I won't pray in tongues over grace but maybe if I'm around a bunch of Christians at the table that understand this I might say could we just praying holy goes for 30 seconds and that'll be fine but the unlearned notice he says the unlearned that's where the problem is the unlearned when they're in the room they don't get edified when all y'all who do know come together and do something so else when thou shalt bless with the spirit how shall the one that occupies the room of them of the unlearned say amen and then get at the giving of thanks so when I pray in the Holy Ghost I'm giving perfect things now I know this is hard to listen to when I'm teaching teaching you something because you have a tendency to just want to fall asleep and stuff like that but it's got to be tall you gotta you got to understand it I mean I would love to be your giving and coming here and say you're not speaking in tongues it's gonna be good Tom but you won't learn anything because it's just a bunch of emotionalism so I have to go through the scripture and show you all the stuff you have to do and you just gotta you gotta be just like okay stay awake get this thing get this thing so you can understand what's going on seeing he understandeth not what I said 4:17 for thou verily very barely give us thanks well but the other is not edified so he says when I pray in tongues I give thanks well yes amen yes amen well what a great skill Jesus has already done everything having a man ain't a-gonna let's do but pray and the Holy Ghost oh praise God I 18 he says I thank my god I speak with tongues more than you all verse 19 this is Paul speaking yet in the church he says I would rather speak five words with my understanding that by my voice I might teach others also than 10,000 with words that they don't know about okay verse 20 he says brethren be not children in the understanding how be it in malice be ye children but an understanding be men and then verse 21 yea in the law it is written with men of other tongues and of lips with I speak under this people and yet for all that will they will not hear me saith the Lord and and it goes on but you get the thing here now I want you to go to Jude the book of Jude I got a few more minutes here well I actually don't but I'm gonna take two minutes is that Alright if I'm taking anyway jus Jude Jude verse 20 and 21 and now out in here Jude 20 21 I know it's a lot of information but man go home and start doing this and tonight if you've not received the baptism at the Holy Spirit with evident speaking in tongues we're gonna make sure that happens tonight look what he says this is an all subscription but you beloved building up yourselves on your most holy faith now it's one thing to have faith but he said your most holy faith faith responds to what grace is made available most holy faith responds to what grace is made available what's the difference one has understanding and the other one has faith without really on the and what you're doing and say what what you're saying so but you beloved building up yourselves on your most holy faith how praying in the Holy Ghost all right look at the next verse and what happens when your parent Holy Ghost keep yourself in love with God how many know you need to keep yourself in a little God how do you keep yourself in the love of God and what's praying in Holy Ghost I said what's praying in the Holy Ghost so in our front way and I pray in tongues I keep myself in the love of God I look for the mercies of God our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life now here's what I do and I'm I'm going this is just a practical way of of understanding what the scripture says and understanding what we just read together now let's put it all together so in my prayer time I go before God and I spend some some time reiko-san dedication Adele bacopa rĂ¥sunda la sende Osen la la brasa dah bah stop now I just said a secret truth and I just said wisdom that's not made obvious to my mind everybody follow me so here's what I do sekito Robuchon de Corazon de la la la la la ba father I believe I receive what I just prayed in tongues and I release most holy faith for it to come to pass what did I just do since I know I just prayed a secret I release faith for it I don't have to understand it or get the interpretation before I release my faith go ahead and release your faith quoted about Sunday at about Salah Lord I believe I received that and I release most holy faith for back to come to pass oh my gosh you know what starts happening there's no fear that can stop what you just released with your faith why cuz you don't know what you say but you know what you say it was good you know it was the divine secret you know so so don't wait until you have to see it or understand it before you release your faith and pray some more in tongues but it cool Sunday that I cross on all this is good I God promises me that I did the devil can't interfere here angle be saying on a cursed or they pay someone cuz I'm doing it by the Holy Spirit the rebels son get in there Kosala father I believe I received that and I release most holy faith forward to come to past I have seen more miracles take place in my life unexpectedly and I had to go back to the times when I did that when I did that and I'm doing that today Sunday lagrosse O Lord I believe I received that and then I'm a pretty more minutes in tongues but after I finish and feel like I got a release um I says well how long do you do pray in tongues until you get until you feel a peace or release I feels like you've taken care of it you know I'm saying best way I can explain is and and so I never stop praying in tongues without releasing my faith for what I just prayed in tongues for but a lot of people says well why would you release your faith well you just spent time praying you have to release your faith in English so why not release your faith where tongues is concerned this is a wonderful level of spirituality that if you'll start living it you will start experiencing some things I never forget a friend of mine we were in the car and and I started praying and he started praying in tongues and I just started praying with in tongues and then when I started praying in tongues and I stopped he said I agree and I stopped I see can you do that he said what the Bible says what two or three she'll agree as touching anything they shall ask it shall be done he said you just asked something I don't know what it was but it don't stop me from agreeing with you cause I didn't have the interpretation of what you say I said let's do it some more and then he prayed in tongues while and I agreed with him both of us in our ministries we had the most successful years in that that year when we did that because the power of greement was sent forth when we were praying secret truths in the Holy Ghost see there's one thing for you to do this and I don't know but it's another thing for you to put your faith and apply your faith to it now listen here's what here's what I think about tonight you do whatever you want to do with this it's in the Bible it's the truth it's real I've got 36 years or more experience walking in this way you have to do what you got to do but I'm never gonna stop doing this and ain't nobody in there mama can ever shame me and to stop and doing this you can say I'll arrest you if you pray in tongues again I just got to go to jail and I guarantee if I pray in tongues that's going to change - I don't count many nasty letters I get on count many bad comments I get on social media I am I've done this enough you got to understand when I didn't know how to do nothing I knew how to get myself up at five o'clock in the morning take myself to that back room get on my face and pray in tongues until I gave birth to something I knew it I knew when things weren't going right I'd go out somewhere and tapping out we used to go to Kiowa Islands and I don't know why we chose that place to go to and just spend time praying in the Holy Ghost until we gave birth to something and I'm telling you now after after all of these years - I'm telling you I'm telling you what I know that may be the missing link in your life as a Christian you're so busy at thinking you got all the little right curves and everything in place so you can get your blessing and honey there's just certain things you don't need the Holy Ghost to help you with so why not submit now and say Lord fill me with the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in tongues so you can start using this grace gift it will change your life I mean you first started doing it it'll change how you feel how you look I'm telling you it it you know if you single and you're kind of looking for some some I'm just saying you know this is gonna do this gonna do so much better than max back then and and Mary Kay people looking at you and I say what oh you look so what happened I've been spending time with Jesus I've been spending time with Jesus it was the most amazing thing I've ever heard when I first heard somebody teach on this I thought this is the greatest thing I've ever heard and I thought I got to have it I can't be without this grace gift and all these years you know I don't know when I get on that pulpit I don't know what it looks like from your perspective but I come out here on that pulpit I'm thinking I don't have before scriptures and a few notes and I don't know how I'm gonna feel this hour I have no idea and you know years of guys just think I'm gonna run out of sermons there's one day I'm gonna stand up and say well I'm gonna say no boy that's it I'm telling you man he has been faithful but part of that has been spending time praying in the Holy Spirit it just seems no matter what I was facing he orchestrated it to always work out for my good always I want you to know God is with you in the middle of your addictions oh somebody say to me well I said this statement this past Sunday I said God doesn't judge you Holy Spirit had been sent to judge you for all your wrong doing he sent the drugs you for your wrong believing and if you fix your unbelieving issue you'll fix your wrongdoing issue they said you just as wrong as two left shoes first of all I start laughing and then secondly I thought no you just as deceived there's no shoes you bought the line everybody think God matter yeah everybody think and you know when you think God's mad at you when you're in the middle of the course and the travel of your addictions you know what you got when you were Satan but when the shame comes over you when you even think the Heavenly Father is ashamed of you you hide and continue to travel in your addiction as if you're just trying to keep it away from God and God has not left you he loves you in the middle of your brokenness and in the middle of your addiction he's already taking care of your sin but you won't believe it he's not mad at you he's not upset with you and I keep hearing preachers tell folks God's mad at you God's gonna get you no he is not you are the apple of his eye he loves you he's never gonna stop loving you and as soon as you believe it you're gonna be able to turn and look at him and pray and say god help me not to make those dumb decisions you'll say I have always been here I've never let you go I'll knock down a mountain in order to come to rescue you but I can't do anything if you have more faith into thinking that I'm mad at you and don't want to have a nun Ahdoot you no more God will change your life and all of the brokenness you experienced when you were little all of the tragedies the molestations the all of the things that happened to you that could have probably affected you the shame that you walk in the condemnation that you walk in God's not managing and in the middle of everything you've gone through he has always been there it was not God that turned his back and walked away from you every time you turned and walked away from him and I'm asking you to turn back again and run to your father's arms and let him deliver you from everything you've ever been through I love y'all tonight you do what you want to do with this sermon but I'm gonna keep doing it for them I guess what we say we keep doing it into 2082 and he see I got me hehe and when his 2007/8 here you ain't even here to hehe amen god is good lift your hands up and begin to worship the Lord and thank him for what you got father we received this grace gift we received this grace gift we thank you for giving it to us we think it will learn more about it you'll teach us some things about it even as we begin to walk in it and we're just grateful that you've never left us and you'll be with us even into the end of the world we love you Jesus will give you praise Oh hallelujah Oh praise You Jesus praise you Jesus just for a moment just forget about your problems forget about your worries forget about what's do just worship Him just for a moment just thinking for loving you we're not ever leaving you just thank him for healing you thank him that he never left you somebody just lied to you he'll be with you even unto the end of the world God is good holiday would you put your hands together and give the Lord a big hand clap afraid he's worthy he's worthy you know what I did last night and I don't know why it came with such passion but when my head hit the pillow last night I said I'm gonna trust you you know sometimes you you say something and it rings differently but there was a dog go ninis a permanency about that statement and it was like I'm gonna trust you I'm gonna trust you and the next thing you're not was it it was in the morning because he gives you that sweet sleep trust God ladies and gentlemen you know the only one going through what you're going through everybody I know got something they face you can wake up tomorrow morning and choose what you want to be worried about today but choose to trust him and true choose a dispraise in me I'm just I'm just happy I'm just I'm just praising God you know we have great generals we'll go and be the Lord Billy Graham went home to today at 99 years old nine years old what an amazing man of God what an amazing man of God all as well and some of us are left here to carry on to do what needs to be done and I tell you what boy it's gonna be a lot of fun you might want to get your help together hang around and see what's going on well how do you know Jesus ain't gonna come back bat in baby I hope you're right I hope you come back in the morning but there's a lot of people that need a lot of love from us and I believe you got what they need to take care of it let's give our offerings to get you out of here man thank you so much for coming to Bible study tonight spending this time with us if you need an offering envelope raise your hands and the ushers will be glad to get one to you and as we give tonight just keep reminding keep reminding yourself that this giving is actually an action of my trust this is an action of me this is me saying I trust God I mean nobody knows the financial situation you're in nobody knows the financial situations I'm in they think they know nobody has any idea but I trust God and I'll be a giver for the rest of my life cause that's the only way I have an assurance that something Goods gonna happen and when you have an opportunity to trust God don't bypass that opportunity and there's one thing to say I trust him it's another thing to to give to prove that trust it's so awesome man may the blessings of God be on you so strong that you have an experience with the Holy Spirit that cannot be denied I pray that through a dream through a vision through an experience between you and God something personal between you and God that nobody can take away from you be blessed and you're going in blessed and coming out be the head and not the tail above and not believe walk in the favor of God that every time you will ground somebody they want to do you good and make you happy and you won't be able to understand what did I do to deserve it please understand this is the Lord's doing and it's marvelous in your sight may the blessings of God be so strong on you hallelujah that that blessing on you will have you praising God in places you say you would never say hallelujah may that blessings of God be so strong and being so impactful on your life may you be delivered from the shame of your path and nothing in your past will put shame on you enough to stop you from worshiping God I rebuke shame right now and the scripture says he that believeth on me shall not be put to shame no more shame on you no more shame from the past you're letting it all go no more shame I command you to be free from that shame right now in Jesus name so father this is our scene and we saw it in faith we saw it in Thanksgiving we give to you and we're here tonight to be a blessing to one another we're here tonight to pray with one another to give enough a hug or a smile even as we go out what can we do to bless somebody before we leave receive this as our trust in Jesus name we pray I'm in praise God OSHA's go ahead and receive this tonight yes amen so final word tonight as you give your offering as you if you're here tonight and you've never made a decision to make Jesus your Lord and personal Savior it's not a Bible study I know it's our Bible study tonight but you can get saved on behind us 39 if you've never made Jesus your Lord and personal Savior why'd die and go to hell for rejecting the plan of salvation don't do that receive him tonight we'd love to pray with you tonight secondly if you've never received the baptism of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues why not tonight we'd love to minister that to you tonight all is well with you and if God's calling you to join this church a church alive is worth the drive imagine what would happen if you would just come to church every day for a year something happened to you thinking you won't be the same you're gonna have to make some good decisions and I believe you will amen so at this time if that's you you want to come down for anything get born-again baptism ho spirit join a church it's you you can stand at this time everybody stand minister to somebody they need some help in coming down would you help them come on down I can separate me from your love nothing can separate me from your love nothing can separate [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] congregation I don't you appreciate those who have come up here tonight we certainly praise God for them and those in your local churches tonight we thank God for you as well let's pray for them father I thank you and we declare grace grace over their lives every mountain be reduced to a plateau we think if they can never and will never be the same again and weary we release the blessing of God on their life to work in them through them and for them and we thank you for that now in Jesus name we pray and everybody said amen hey wherever you are tonight if you came down to the altar there's some guys they're gonna take your ladies gonna take you to a prayer room they're gonna minister to you give you a biblical understanding on how to obtain and how to maintain what you can receive you're never gonna be the same again so at this time if you'll follow them we'll excuse you right now to just take a minute and we're gonna make sure you got it and got it right amen god bless you and we're so thankful for you amen now in the Hamill's able to keep you from falling boy I forgot that I've been saying it for 36 years and I forgot it now to him was able to keep you from falling and to present you faultless before the Almighty God be glory and Majesty and Dominion and power both now and forever and everybody said amen you are dismissed good night everybody [Music]
Channel: ByGod'sGrace
Views: 14,656
Rating: 4.8372092 out of 5
Keywords: speaking in tongues, speaking in tongues song, speaking in tongues church, creflo dollar, speaking in tongues bible, speaking in different languages, speaking in tongues prayer, speaking in tongues funny, how to speaking in tongues holy spirit, how to talk in tongues of the holy spirit, bible speaking in tongues, bible speaking in tongues verse
Id: nKhD0jcH-wQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 0sec (5040 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 18 2020
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