The cheapest bucket truck on craigslist, and I now own it.

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hey guys and how's it going and I haven't had put a be up in a little while I've been a tad bit under the weather still fighting with that but we're gonna try and put a video together of at least uh my most recent purchase and that is a bucket truck the house needs paint our house is kind of very ornate as far as you can't exactly put a ladder up against it and do what you need to do I need to do a bunch of tree trimming work I have a cabin it's down a three quarter mile trail and the trail is getting over the round I need to do some tree work over there I'm getting to be an old man and my back is not the best so me standing on the ladder for two weeks peanut scraping a house does not seem like a very great idea so I came up with what I thought was a great idea I was looking around for a cheap bucket truck you guys won't want to hear the the front story just skip ahead to we started seeing the picture of the truck but I just give him a little backstory on it so the Craigslist he's a great place to go shopping okay yes and no so I kept kind of looking around and trying to find a smaller one I'm not looking for a big huge machine and try and look for something like maybe a cable company had or you know that kind of deal and had a couple of deals like made offers on and don't get responses in or was sold or you know whatever and one of them went back and forth for about a month which is the one that I ended up picking up and it was about 70 miles away from here so price kept going back and forth not a problem with the charging system and it's like I think he wanted 3,500 I offered with its issues in the fact that was sitting for a long time on the ad 2500 he got back to me game back and forth over about two weeks we finally settle on a price of I think it was 2900 delivered again he was 70 miles away and I figured if it could drive 70 miles at least it would be too bad the fact that it could make it here so he got here and of course the three pictures that he showed in his ad were three pictures of its best possible you know they were taken from fifty feet away for a reason and you'll get to see that in a second but so he got here I suffer from really bad migraines the guy showed up here I was having dealing with a killer migraine at 8 o'clock in the morning so I literally walked around it for about 10 minutes said to him thank you for your time for bringing the thing down here I could offer you one of two things I will either offer you a hundred bucks for your time and your gas because it would cost me that anyway to go look at the thing and come back or there abouts and you can take the thing back home with you or it can offer 2500 I was kind of hoping he was gonna take the hundred bucks again I was not feeling well at all I just kind of needed to move on and go back to bed and cover my eyes until the pain subsided so that's what we got and it's the back story on it it has been sitting he pulled it in here he lifted the bucket up moved it around back and forth just enough to kind of show that it physically worked and then we made the deal from there so I have a title I have the machine it's been sitting out there for a couple of weeks now let's go grab the keys go see what we got so the pictures were taken from this side I think one from the back very far away and again this picture was much further than weight than what you see here and the third one was might have been a profile going this way say welcome to this angle one from the this side and one from that side never showed the other side should have been a red flag yeah said it's a I asked them about Rasta go I understand it's gonna have a little bit of rust but as long as it's decent you know I don't have a problem with it so so death got a little bit you're in there yeah that's attractive huh and kind of failed to mention that do they hit he is a 89 Ford e350 one-ton man it's running a versatile lift she said was 40-foot it's more like 27 powered by a generator is what runs the hydraulics for the bucket I got an extended decking or bumper set up here so you step up onto the bumper up onto the generator into the bucket and then this controls up there not quite sure what that's supposed to be that's not maybe predecessor to the plastic bumpers blew the taillight back together just everything there's not a straight panel on it anywhere it gets a better hold on plastic window that is the mount for the lift and I guess you can control it mechanically from in here by running those valves on the bottom I have not looked into it at all again I've never looked at it for ten minutes he had to take a set of jumper cables run instead of armored cables to this battery to be able to get the generator to start to be able to fire it up let's get three batteries sitting in here and watch Europe any of those are gonna be any good got a cage from the front I don't know what that's gonna do any because I think the door swings this way yeah mr. Plain Jane yeah I expecting to see anything radiant here anyway you know most of the work trucks are just that work trucks plain-jane season does even have AC and don't think so think that van has a hundred fourteen thousand miles on it but that's a lot for something that's getting used like this some lovely rust repairs or rest repairs I'm not looking to restore this thing I'm just I just got it to use it to get the job done what I need to do which is you know what like I said again preparing and painting the house tree remediation again at the cabinet then the cabin has a bunch of work needs to be done and sometime in my future if I have it in me I'd like to make a tree fort over at the cabin and that would be very nice to help try to assemble that let's see some of the body damage on it I try to figure out why so he bought it I think to do some tree work and he ended up I think smashing the windshield out of it and he put a windshield in I don't think you did a very good job of it the chrome is sitting in the truck the roof is crushed here and some rust any miles your honor 1:22 I doubt that's 22 I always hear 122 up a little yeah hop up in the back I noticed that it's like nylon blocks where this boom to rub against half the bolts are missing out of them they are in place it did slide back and forth but that's a bit of a mess the roof is crushed in a bunch of different places I don't know if it's tree limbs that can Akane down on it or if you put the bucket down in wrong spots and kind of crush the cab some more that's a flexible body and here's where it gets good all right fail to mention the fact that the rope the roof is caved in about six inches in the center seems like a nice place to make it mosquito pool she controls but it's been sitting in my sieve it'll fire up did we show her the back section again he used it for tree trimming I think he got off a guy that was a painter and before that I would probably admit pretty much guess what if that hard we were staying over there I don't maybe gutters judging by the names that are on there let's go in and look I would say yeah probably probably um maybe cutters it's missing the spare tire I know why they he took that outs missing the jack maybe he felt like he wasn't getting his money's worth so you wanted to take whatever he could out of it gonna find a 1-ton spare tire for I'm I'll be lucky if I put 50 miles on this thing I really don't care too much about the body of it as long as the hoist works and the lift works and we can use it for its intended purposes I'm not that concerned about restoring this thing is just going to be used as a tool for me this is what you get when you buy the cheapest piece of crap on Craigslist I started up seafloor startup he's in it another plastic window I believe its carbureted it does seem to run fairly decent though it's a generator switch again it wrote drove 70 miles to get here I can't shut you off clean the lens hold on enough that's much better or not let's go close it up and drive it over by the garage nothing's leakin I sure hope that we have to adjust the [Music] yeah that could be an issue it makes it entertaining the drive with the automatic cruise control that you can't shut off see we can limp it over to the garage I don't know flood the crap out of it try to get the pedal to free up see that dead force [Music] yeah we are not gonna put it in gear like that wind up going through the house let's even get that under control [Applause] how do we get in - please I told you as a piece of crap I guess that's the propriety far-seeing the throttle it's gonna have to take the inside cover off yeah we're not having you had to anything from the front and only that it expert installation huh yeah well the bullet the other side came out this one why it come yeah optional access hall for getting you to the bottom of the threads let's go try putting ratchet on it what surprises do you think we're gonna find we pull that engine cover back whoops sorry judging by the fact that this Hardware does not come off a long time [Applause] stakes compliant this out of our way you injected hold on guys go for a ride with me yeah if you're on the other side see what's up with that throttle there's a pedal this might be a cable right here it is you guys can see up there we're gonna go try spraying a bunch of crap right up yeah that's right in the middle you can't see it from either side huh what's the engine size of this thing let's write like a 351 our thinking could be a 3 or 2 you guys mail me a little care package the other day we came with this funky flashlight like it thanks for all the other goodies to that right there just a put our issues let's get some fluid up in there we prop this somewhere good yeah you think that the long snout let's just soak the crap out of everything yes work that pedal a few times he feel helps and this one of those finishes have to worry about flatmates fuel-injected [Music] hard to see in here you see that's that's the stop right there goes back and can't it slowly goes back on up again Riga just left temporary the turn spring on there yeah I wanted to get over by the garage the battery charger hooked up to the one that's for the gym for the generator let's charge up and can kind of come back and do with that but when you go to lunch on with the soap first let's move around a little bit more yeah I know five minutes later seems like cannot block the light looks like it's returning the crank it up till it does yeah here we go Oh cousin crap at us [Music] well that's a little bit more manageable alright get the hood closed and lip it over to the garage attempting to be okay charging gauge seems to work oil pressure [Music] at least it's reading something right make sure those gauges even work shut it off you know what's going down cool [Music] yeah well this works [Music] try the brakes now [Music] all right so I think that should be the plant will go and open that side door we'll get a battery charger on that battery or one of those batteries will let that charge up for the boom they run decent alright go see if any of these three pieces crap have any life left to them at all very dim very dim this is probably showing the best of the three Dion it's twelve it it's a six year old battery the other two who knows alright so that's what I do what's real about a charger on maybe one or two of them let them sit I'll go to eat and we'll regroup meet you back here in about 40 minutes if drawing 10 amps I'm boost let's knock it down to medium while we're done with that please just take a charge that's a good time yeah Yannick cabassa Alma in me and a couple more motrin still drawn a decent amount usually when they get filled up it goes down to zero but then we'll work with what we got stopped at the parts store grabbed a couple of a terminal end because the ones that were on there are pretty much about as nice as the ones that were on the UM battery for the engine so we got 2 4 here and 2 4 yeah making battery I switch set battery charger over to a one of the other batteries with that work on the territory cleaned up those two wins at least that should make some halfway decent contact let's see I do believe we started in the front I'm not sure that though if we just turn it on it or is it crank from here on I give up alright let's go see if we can find it crank I don't think anything here does let's go try for right on the generator itself go with that they throw the battery charger on that battery and between the two of them maybe we'll have enough to get it going all right we're hooked on boost let's see if that's enough to get her does it have a choke it does let me get you in the stand all this stuff I definitely want a service before we try using it any kind of great feel the carb [Applause] smooth it looks like all the mounts are blowing out it's hitting the metal on metal down there I can see mouse nest material kind of around the sides of the fins got to go pull that apart to get into it see it it's got a throttle right here let me just grab that [Applause] [Music] see look looks like an electric choke see tie wraps hang Indiana behind it so you know somebody's been in here monkeying with it you'd have it going better than that - he ran in idle I'm trying to find some kind of I'm guessing this is either gonna be a kick down for a solenoid or it's a weird time [Applause] isn't that the kind of thing you want to go trust your life in and get 30 feet in the air and relying on that yeah yeah may skip trying to run in the bucket and show that part of it but we'll get into a service later on on the generator get that squared away I have to feeling maybe the air cleaner is probably full of water or mice or bolvar you know and it's kind of choking it off is what it feels like I played with it a little bit more and decided to go the bucket rocks so far back and forth to [Music] I need that generator to crap out I think that's as far as we're gonna test it if we can bring it back down but sexes it doesn't have any like you can't feather in it's just either it goes or doesn't go that one's not too bad [Music] that's just let's just say it's a tad shady everything worked kinda but it just needs that tunnel love so for future videos I think it should be pretty good first thing I think we should go through is probably that generator get all that off of there we'll go through that and get that functioning like it should and then we'll look into some of the other stuff also going to look at when how it is as far as lights and cameras and [Music] that's the hard that's funny what's got directionals it's not working on the dash all right guys all right the horns my favorite part just it's worth 10 bucks more now ain't she a peach well you see if we get ourselves a floor jack a 2x4 or 2x6 and we push on those ribs and try to kick that roof and give it a crown a little bit maybe the other direction and shed some of the water off and let's give her like new see how much spring back we gotta do that front one too and that's probably gonna fall break something good yak yes yeah we'll work on that front one and when we will come back to the back one let's go try that fron we are now on a positive arc I would say we tuck it inside something other where just let that one down not bad shall we give her one more maybe on this side of the light we'll call it a day for now are you saying one more shot right there area and go over he's gonna come down bound back down anyway noise alert peek outside see how that looks now definitely needs more but I'm beat use a push right there in the center there well guys that's it for me for today we got the elites go check it out make a couple more videos of this definitely it's gonna need it I'm gonna throw the battery charger on trickle charge we'll let that go for the this afternoon and I'll come out tonight and I'll disconnect it see how that battery comes back that's it that's what happens when you buy the cheapest piece of crap bucket truck on Craigslist it's not terrible it is what it is it's uh you know it was cheap money if I can everything operate and do what it needs to do and do the repairs to my house and tree work and everything I'll be happy with it and we move it on to the next guy that wants to paint his house for a few grand right alright guys with that gutter down I want to thank all you from hanging out in the garage with me and we'll get back into the regular routine this is I feeling a little bitter about another week or so we'll get back on for the bikes till then I'll see you later
Channel: Mustie1
Views: 253,889
Rating: 4.9449034 out of 5
Keywords: mustie1, bucket truck, craigslist, will it run, work truck, engine, cold start, old start, boom truck, tree cutting, house painting, handy man, maker, restore
Id: Ap-xrRKTCv8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 37sec (2077 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 24 2018
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