Will an ABANDONED Truck AND Boat Run After 12 Years!? - Part 1

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ladies and gentlemen welcome to another episode of junkyard digs today we're in ames iowa reviving a 1977 dodge d150 adventurer but i'm not alone i have dylan mccool and vice grip garage with me today i brought these guys here for a very specific reason one dylan if you do not know who this is is the king of mopars here on youtube at least these trucks you know way more about these than i do and derek from vice grip garage is a huge boat nerd which brings me to the second point of today's revival attached to this truck in the last 12 years sitting right here abandoned is a boat where i come in is that boat in the back has a small block ford in it so between the three of us we should be able to make this pile of garbage behind us run we're gonna have a lot of wind and a lot of trains driving by today so bear with us i'm sure the audio is a mess sorry kevin in post christopher cool tell us what we're looking at here today so we've got a 1977 hd150 and the best way you can tell that this is a 77 is the fact that these are clear where the 78s would be amber so an interesting little thing for the dodge guys if you know these trucks you know that this is a very rare and hard to find piece because it's a two year only option every other year this truck you'd have marker lights right here that's good so we've got a really nice grill nice bumpers under the hood we've got what i'm assuming to be a 360. it's a two-barrel we've got everything basically untouched it's a factory ac truck uh we've got power steering power brakes and cruise control so there's a lot of really good parts here everything's still there it looks like the wiring is mostly relatively untouched besides what we've got going on over here but even down to like the fan shroud the radiator everything is here so i think we can make this at least run for the most part we'll be able to uh check the oil in it make sure the engine's not locked up or anything like that you know make sure that everything looks good throw a battery some gas in it and see if she'll break the life so the adventure package was that what gave you was that like the top of the line pretty much i mean you get like trim package on the inside you get the fancy wood grain on the door panels on the dash uh it's it's a lot of just fancy extra stuff definitely exceptional but you know this fancy stuff no it's basically just plastic wood trim i mean i think it'll be a really interesting video to see this thing run it's it's all there so that's that's a plus my favorite part is the um turbo action tire on the front this is a minnesota car uh it has been sitting since 2008 according to these tags we'll look around inside so we can find some papers to verify how long it's been sitting overall it looks like like nothing's rusted out the brake lines are all still there i bet this thing pretty much kicks off and goes we'll see the hard part of today's video is gonna be what's attached to the back let's go check it out all right so we got a 77 cobalt and uh slide down here she was made in the good u.s bay as you can see from this guy right here i have no idea what a cobalt is but she was number nine in the fleet uh we got a ford 302 i'm told it's the first time i've seen a ford engine not look backwards or something the distributor is finally away from the water so that's good and back here we'll check out the drive she's got a i don't know what is it she's a merc cruiser 888 which is just some made-up number but that's better than an omc which is just short for on my credit card they don't work very good she's had some work pad and i don't know we got a prop maybe so anyway this will probably have to come off a lot later but oh wow he's got a nice ladder on her oh never mind that's broken we got a racing steering wheel some sort of fish finder and i have no idea what all those switches do that is obscene there's probably 39 of them uh i'm gonna guess this boat probably does a good 32 maybe 49 miles an hour but most likely 27. looks like she was registered and i think that's the year in iowa so 2010 yeah i think it would have expired in 10 so it could have been before that maybe it kind of makes sense i think you spot it's like three years in iowa yeah so probably seven eight or seven eight or seven yeah these are probably part together the interior is meant in this thing i mean this just needs a little bit of armor all right and it'll come around i think you got a cooler up here yeah see you put your anchors and whatever wow helps me understand how to get this out that's still good it smells so bad i think it's all got in there these don't lift up normally they do but i mean it's a good boat i think it just needs a wash the ford will start they always do it's even got some goodie doors here did you see the plant growing in there in the ski box i'm gonna name that herbert i think this feels right i'm gonna guess that she's probably got more holes in her than a chain link fence but she might float probably not the frame of the bed are not on speaking terms oh it's like old band-aids and cardboard it's really bad let's let that air out hey dylan is this factory uh camper lighting or is this an add-on with you yeah this is the uh you know redneck gig i can't i live in iowa but actually from tennessee wiring mod why did they cut it right okay well i think it looks nice so kevin's going to go grab a battery for us real quick basically we want to make sure that this thing is not stuck because we start cranking on that starter with a stuck engine things will go wrong there you are sir one battery i'm not gonna hook that up that's dangerous uh well an awful sense do you think so oh yeah what could go wrong i'll smell for fire go ahead let's see if any kind of lights come on do we bring the keys they're in the ignition oh okay hey i got headlights yep everything wow park light i bet the blinkers work that's right got a blinker no oh yeah yeah i got a right blinker you got a left blinker dude we could just drive this to lunch left the boat i realized now how long this setup is that's like 30 feet at the end of the boat even moves our hydraulic brake lights we might have brakes is that first i'm driving this back home so before we tap the key or across the solenoid or whatever we're going to end up doing we want to get our air cleaner off for the first time since since before cries make sure there's no mouse poop in there there we go oh yuck a two barrel so generally if you can move your throttle yeah we can feels good felt like i almost had an accelerator pump for a second what uh what does this stuff do it's a good question yeah like i don't know spaceship some alien stuff up here choke dehydrator generally if you can move your car there's no moisture that's gotten at least this far into the engine and things spin over with that being said you never know if this thing is blown up and seized and parked so i say we tap a key and see what happens is there anybody more capable than here uh we need an adult oh dry that's a good sign did we bring water derrick had a jug but i think he drank it we could empty the beer cooler under there all right i'm going to tap the key ready nice um oil dipstick right here oh i would have never found that i was looking over here well there's oil there's plenty of oil how gasses smell kind of but not too bad derek you want to lick it yeah bring it over here it's fine it actually looks things like for real there is a little bit of gas in it he looks things off camera i watched him do that to my transmission dipstick on my charger so it's just a recreational thing not a camera around at all he just did it oh wow you never see these in nice condition they're always busted i know it's even full of washer fluid factory tie downs this is worth the whole truck right there this thing is just getting better and better i bet if we hit this with brake cleaner and then they're fire off it has to for sure you want to disconnect the pump first just in case it sucks up any kind of tank let's pop our factory fuel line off there she goes so dylan this is an electronic ignition system right yes you have your ignition box right there there this is your voltage regulator yeah you're an engine box and your balance is over there so we have a backup one of those because those are very prone to fail i left them at the shop we don't have a backup one because it's a very prone to fail um but yeah we could see if it'll work first at least somebody has done a number on the wiring yeah there's some sort of few fuse missing here i don't know what it does we'll just pretend we didn't see it do we want to be smart and take the cap and rotor off and try to clean out any corrosion or just hit this with brake cleaner and see what happens um oh that looks cap's pretty clean pretty good distributor looks clean on the inside see i'll file that quick yeah so even though it's been sitting for 12 years we're gonna guess this has been moving around not so much to say recently but probably five years ago because all the tires still have air and everything and everything looks pretty okay but we know it's been off the road for at least 12 years so it could have been sitting here for that long we don't know oh jesus i'm gonna let you put that back on derek he's on the distributor now the ignition system is now yours give her a second to dry off i just want to know yeah the level of corrosion on these wires oh that is pretty bad so we'll uh we'll see if this works if it doesn't run very good we know where to look i've got the magic goo someone want to go hit the go button john you go ahead i'm standing back i don't trust these i'm gonna make i'm gonna not be in front of it in case it's not in park ready yep oh this is gonna be an easy day on this end try her again oh there's that there's that mopar starter all right hang on dylan let's wait for the train that's dead but it looks like a hornet met up with a fly it down we're trying to work over here anyway no brake cleaner none of the things please god though please what i almost threw up what paint that paint here's what we'll do i'm going to throw it up in the air and i'm going to skeet shoot him out derek you might want to move the wind's going that way pull oh he's done legitimately can we talk about what that was i don't know what that was if you know what that was in the comments if you're a bug ologist whatever the hell they're called let us know should we be concerned for our lives go ahead you want choke so when you let off the key it quits running yeah if you got the ballast with you that i bet you that'll that'll make you actually run i don't have the ballast with me i also know my multimeter i just realized can you uh bypass them just it'll send a little more voltage to the uh so what we're dealing with right now at least on a ford the way they're wired is you have two posts on the side of your solenoid your battery post and then one two s and i is what they're labeled their start and ignition when you crank this one's energized and it closes your solenoid and then the ignition wire receives 12 volts to run your coil while you're cranking so what's happening is while you're cranking you have a battery draw you lose voltage but your coil will remain at 12 volts because it has that secondary source now as soon as you let off the key that solenoid opens back up and your ignition is fed through a second source elsewhere from the key through a ballast resistor which drops it to nine volts and then it feeds the coil what's happening is as soon as derrick and dylan let off that key the ignition cuts out and it dies so we could replace that ballast resistor bypass that ballast resistor yeah actually this is a 12 volt external resistor required so the coal the coil is the correct one i've seen that if you say internally regulated or internally resisted it's i've seen that cause problems but i could also just put a wire from there to there and we could be done so we will see what we can come up with here and get this sucker to run i don't have a multimeter to just check continuity so i'm going to do it the old-fashioned way and use a test light here that looks grounded we'll shove that there got this here put that there all right so our ballast is just good oh yeah they're both good so it's either that plug or this myriad of a wiring debacle right here let's uh just do this a little hint there we go is our key currently on there's a lot of slop in it too you know that could be another reason it turns the the turn cylinder on the lock it could be bad okay let me because there's a lot of delay in here yeah give me a second twist that key around we'll see if oh i got the tiniest bit of light right now now yeah uh twist it around a bit oh hang on do that again now it's a line slowly roll back okay keep going right before it goes off it flashes brighter yeah so that's that when i was rocking it yeah when i rock it back before it's off it's when it was firing yeah well so right there is brighter uh no not yet right there there okay so where you at right there so that's ignition on um how do we just cross the solenoid an eighth of an inch back from full turn pretty much [Applause] horizontally right there there's your arm oh we got tunes i don't want to break his dash pad so since this is just going to be turning on and off while we're going down the road we're just going to hot wire it thing you want to stab it into the ballast resistor hey okay that's how we're gonna hotwire him let's crank her again let's see if she'll run ready yep no fuel out of our mechanical pump yet so [Music] so we didn't see anything come out of the tank at least on the fuel line we're going to disconnect this metal line right here if i could ever make it work and just disconnect everything from the pump side running the external tank right here with an electric pump so that tank has anything inside of it first thing it's going to do is spray everywhere on hot exhaust we don't want that all right let me pull it out of there yeah yeah oh yeah hey this is good clamp i'm keeping it oh our freshly smashed gas pan thanks to luke's butt um damn ac is in the way he needs it wow that was like i'm telling you these inner fenders are perfect for this external gas like it was meant to be they knew this was going to happen they knew yeah you guys think it's going to rust off so you don't want someone to put a bucket up front so what we did derek and i had actually taken and rerouted our fuel line over all the heater hoses so we can actually see when things go wrong and honestly i don't see why the factory didn't do it that way from the beginning it's even got the right bends in it i think they meant to do that they put it on wrong that's what it is and we fixed it well we need a power source for our fuel and we know our headlights work so i'm going to unplug these headlights and shove a bunch of wires in them all right go ahead sir yep now we will have a little voltage draw but we don't care it works great so let's um let's bleed our fuel line here go ahead turn that back on otherwise our likely stuffed needle and seed are just gonna not let fuel come up so one thing i don't know is if the red wire is actually positive and the black one's actually negative oh it might be going wrong way yep i'm actually wired backwards let's try this of course the black is red and the red is black it's a mopar that sounds better and awesome oh that did not look that's not that's fresh we just put in oh i look like varnish yeah it's just fresh old fuel it's got ethanol in it all right go ahead let's see uh how bad our floats are stuff i hear it filling of course you can't get to the dang thing is this our vet well i do say i don't want to fill it up too much it might work i think it's like good anything i don't think so i'll give a little more if you want yeah go ahead i think she's full and the needle and seat work the pump like started bypassing give her a crank i guess oh hang on our accelerator pump doesn't move that's why it sees oh i just thought of something when you crank the headlights turn off yeah oh our ignition's not on that's what it is oh this will probably help go ahead dylan go ahead go ahead all right well i've seen this movie before uh it's gonna be another case of the van where it's full of like goo in the bottom and everything sees beyond belief right i'll get a screwdriver we'll pop the top of this off and see if we can get those main jets to flow some fuel again that's just sticky oh that's not even bolted down oh what the hell yeah the carburetor is loose vacuum leak just a little one that yes get broke need a break on that side i can save it over here no kidding that is disgusting this uh thermatic choke thing over here or whatever you want to call it actually moves there's a bi-metal spring in here that as it heats up with the exhaust crossover this will change where your choke sits this one actually still functions i've never seen that before usually they're completely rusted in half or obliterated how much to drink it um i give you a mopar fair enough it's not worth it get that in sunlight how nasty that is full of rust on the bottom of the bowl there look at this oh wow was this on fire might have been i think it was on fire it's all like burned see how matchy this stuff is that's why our main jets won't flow anything or anything honestly will flow anything that's where our accelerator pump was sitting all that gummed up in the bottom is holding still all right snip these jets out of here these look fine yeah that's great that's all right yeah i think it's just it might be a little lean it's just down and just supposed to be blocked off right wow do you want to take the bottle plate off too you can just get the jets unclogged i think that's fine well we need to blow it yeah we need to make sure it blows out the venturis oh these spray pretty good all sorts of sediment my gas tank's sitting for a long time gas just breaks down turns to varnish i have to get something to run through the jet if we can they're both toast found some picks forgot i had them i don't know what size these jets were but i know what size they're gonna be not that big hey see through it now that was our problem so we got a carburetor gasket from o'reilly's and there's a lot of good parts in it that we got excited about and we're basically going to redo this carve the rest of the way here on the tailgate i'm going to get this float off and pop in the needle and seat here but this pin doo dabby thingy is stuck in here so there it comes it'll be better off putting the gasket on the top i think so oh god sweet all right there it is that's a pretty much fully rebuilt car minus the whole cleaning everything part so we'll uh bolt this all together and slap her on well we got a new gasket to replace that melted burnt one there's gonna drop that carb on there perfect all right all right there we go that's a that's a carb rebuild let's turn our headlights on and fill it with fuel all right now we got a little leak already but that's fine a little bit sleeping out right here all right yeah that's good enough all right son see if this sucker will run okay dylan oh we gotta accelerate here though needs a little tuna i go again what have you guys ready i got the choker i don't see any blatantly obvious vacuum leaks right oh jeez oh okay well turn the speed turner off dylan we're gonna get a timing light because our distributor does this great we're just going to tune it right here so we can get this sucker done and move on to the boat go ahead derek give it a good one i might have to get a little warmer go ahead i can't oh my god we're missing a plug [Music] it doesn't want to idle there but yeah we'll deal with that later all right let's lock her down just like for this one your way to tickle there you go there's got to be two gallons in there maybe three there you go you're to the bottom of the expansion tank that's how it wins all right should we try here again yeah this time we're going to run it in neutral just to engage the pump on the transmission because a lot of these old chryslers that they sit a long time all that fluid will settle right down at the bottom of the pan and you try to rev it up and drive and make it go you're slipping all those clutches dry so we want to engage that pump in neutral let it spin over for a little while and hopefully when we pull it down in gear should go forward if not we have problems every single fuse is blown the horn is blown the ignition is blown heater was blown the ignition is blown how did our key work no idea what the hell oh that's ignition accessory that's that's why the blower motor won't work either i bet because yeah the accessory has to be activated yeah there's a whole uh glove box for you crazy bastard here i got there's a bug again he smacked me in the eye watch this now let's see no no can i get a refund [Music] so dropping it in neutral engages the pump and that's when we realized that hey this transmission actually has zero in there i mean it shows a little bit in park but as soon as it cycled all that fluid nothing so we probably had to add more than just one quart but this will be the first one at least see where we are good [Music] so we have a little too much fuel slipping in somewhere because we just closed the idle mixer screws all the way and open the choke up all the way and now it's running the best it has yet is it this fan making more noise from me also our our fan may have started working and this is how i moved around [Music] oh let's see if it dries it might be just that there's eight tires stuck in holes too just a walnut that'll help well you can tell it's been sitting for this long at least oh my god look at the tire point mowing boing [Applause] yeah we might have to uh reassess this one can we lose at that side no no oh you may there might be a hole you're right with dirt yeah it's beautiful all right i'm going in with the white shirt i don't know you volunteered the good news is the shocks are intact but i think they're shocked can you give it a shove which way forward forward yep ready smell the handle oh all right yeah oh you breathe like a caterpillar coming out of his cocoon emergency beast and i'm still ugly how'd you keep your white shirt that clean like it's the quality of shirt kevin a little more air in the tires [Applause] oh yeah [Music] uh so so always smoking because the plates are all still going yeah well what's smoking i don't know it kicked the plate almost immediately that was the worst i've ever heard that was approaches it was a pretty weak burnout but it did it i had i had to throttle it with the accelerator pump just to make it keep running yeah it's getting worse yeah well we've nothing but abused this truck since we've had it running after sitting for 12 years [Music] life oh well we're going to end this episode here i want to thank you guys for watching make sure you unsubscribe to dylan the cool and vice grip garage it's a lot of fun working you guys on this one thank you for the help after this we're going to pull this back into the shade and start trying our revival on the boat so make sure you keep an eye out for part two where we do that we'll see you next time here on juncture digs i forgot to mention this truck is on its way to tennessee if you want to see the videos of it get brought back to life and put back on the road the way it was meant to be head over to dylan mccool's channel where he's going to be doing just that good luck dylan have a safe drive lightning speed extremely he's the guy that wouldn't necessarily this is a garbage truck nobody wants it except me it's ugly burn it anything you
Channel: Junkyard Digs
Views: 382,937
Rating: 4.9468632 out of 5
Keywords: dodge, d150, adventurer, truck, boat, cobalt, revival, abandoned, will, it, run, after, years, old, cold, start, forgotten, neglected, road, kill, junk, yard, digs, vgg, junkyard, dylan, mccool, vice, grip, garage, first
Id: m6L8-V8FhEw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 47sec (2387 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 16 2020
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