Can We Get ABANDONED Tow Trucks to RUN? - Part 1

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today's video was brought to you by Squarespace stick around to see how you can get 10% off your first purchase another episode of junkyard dig today we're doing some weird [ __ ] again I'm here with junkyard Mook my brothers on the camera and we found two 90s Ford tow trucks both turbo diesel trucks but with abandoned but sold to us we have titles for these trucks they are legally ours but the black one is locked and we cannot get in and the red one does not have an ignition key now I believe that this is a 7-3 ID I trust and the red one's a powered stroke this one's a 4x4 and that one's a manual so they've got potential to be pretty good we'll find out so first we're gonna start with the red one and then we're gonna move on to the black one in a separate video you can find that right up here when it comes out but we're gonna see if we can get them both London today let's go dig into that power stroke now not to be one to make excuses right away but most of my knowledge lies with gasoline engines and carburetors this was a great learning experience for me and I ask for your patience during this video however there is one thing I already know from watching zip ties and bias plies I need to go pick something up all right so these have been here for five six years from what I know like I mentioned this one's locked they cannot get in as you can see they're completely sunk in the ground this one's got two front flaps that's great cool pretty big rigs this one's an f-350 it has one just an F Super Duty series I don't know what that means I do know a thing or two about 90s Fords and I've learned a thing or two about diesels since the last time we touched something so I know I can get this one running assuming everything is mechanically fine I know I can get this one running without a key but I think the steering wheel is gonna be locked I don't know if we're gonna be able to go anywhere without a key the red one is open so we can at least get into it maybe Hotwire something ah yes a thing I believe this to be a obviously direct injection turbo diesel power stroke I want to say these are a 7-3 ah yes 7.3 liter diesel so I brought a couple batteries oh this one actually has batteries cool I'm sure they're flat alright let's go dig through the interior look for a set of keys see if there's happens to be one hiding in there that's kind of when I'm banking on right now oh yeah we're in all right looking for keys oh yeah that's price here well it cool never there's a five-speed it does okay listen to 95 this was 2012 well we must be missing a door knob handle oh yeah water bottle with water in it use panels off for some reason just hope that that was commenced against Nate looks like a negative on the Kia so far let's just check out what's going to see or hear watch external power or something no keys all right well that sucks um but before you go hot wearing this I do have one option that we could test out here's my crazy idea that's probably I can't work at all these are the keys from Bronco I used to own in high school it's the only set of 90s Ford keys I owned this is the only 90s Ford I own I don't it's actually been scrapped because I rolled it but I saw this set of keys and as you can tell they're old as [ __ ] I've had these since I've been nine years now speaking of nine there's nine different options last-ditch effort know what it's the right set there's words it works yeah it actually turns the full ignition okay so what is that like an eleven percent chance there we go now we have a key thank you Bronco it never stops giving the engine is in Luke's f100 and I have this key I think that's about it okay let's get some batteries and see if there's any fuel in this and what else and whatnot and do things and stuff yeah revivals alrighty we got tain tools on the job helping us out today with these batteries change it out and see if anything comes to life might be okay they're probably all right we got the classic 40 6382 accessory wire loom drop me first thing we do we got power wait to start water in fuel there's still water in the fuel I'm gonna roll this down they work hell yes nineties four to the wind this has got a hundred sixty six thousand miles on it roll the glow plug is a couple times and the Lord crank it all watch this thing be locked up I'd be upset damn well so far nothing okay so I know these are weird like this isn't the actual solenoid I think there's a secondary solenoid down on the starter I'm gonna just crawl him to this thing sacrifice myself be under there and smack some [ __ ] with a hammer we'll see what happens dee says this diesel seems to be made of confusion starter really rusty start early [ __ ] something this works it'll be a freakin Christmas miracle suddenly we have a starter it was the solenoid [Applause] coming to realization yeah okay I think just figure something out there's this nice handy dandy hatch here on top of this stupid freakin accessory piece the only reason you would need in here quickly and often is a ha if there's a fuel pump here a fuel filter up here there's some [ __ ] I don't know so figure this out as it go I imagine there's a Schrader valve around here somewhere maybe that's a filter right there I believe so I should be able to pop this top off and prime that there I don't know I'm gonna keep googling things move does that sticking the thing all right here we are so this right here very hot why I believe this to be the low cloud relay right here this is a fuel filter of sorts here's a Schrager valve that I should probably be able to use to help Prime the system here 60 with a gas would have been great okay careful not to dump all this crap into the filter you know defeat the purpose of a filter so we're gonna add this to the list of stuff we need to grab from O'Reilly that's disgusting alright I'm gonna try to soak all this for unquote diesel fuel which is like a half gallon definitely know in other ways to pop this out like the pump I brought ridiculous so from the looks of it on the fuel that's sitting right here that's been flying out so there's maybe some water in it so keep an eye on so we got most of liquid out of there definitely some water in that sucker you'll notice I'm on my phone a lot that's because I'm actually googling everything as I go instead of annoying people and asking questions about what is this carburetor on Facebook when they could have just you know googled the Holley numbers stamped in the side of it just like I have to do when you ask anyway Derrick from vice-grip garage says that my friend is P not diesel and the diesel expert here in town I know says oh my god so things are going great let me steal this from you down here in the bottom of the fuel filter bowl there's a heater element you can see him right there notice how he's broken and then notice how the fire trucks are also coming right now and it's not cuz we're on fire yet so it's not even awesome Luke would you do yeah in time that would probably have to be fixed but just a kid running I don't give a [ __ ] so I think we'll be okay this is just straight water right now well sure of it don't eat it got my whirly pump here with hoses I found laying around didn't try to suck out the rest of what is just absolutely definitely water from the bottom of that filter Bowl [Applause] just to ensure ident grew up anything important I decided to give my buddy rich from the boss garage a quick call tow truck we're trying to get this damn thing running pulled the fuel filter out it looks like a rusty potato [Laughter] [Music] yeah it was separated the top half was still diesel so I don't know so rich says it's a dumpster fire thank you rich back to the dumpster fire the sponsor of today's video is Squarespace the all-in-one platform designed to help you build the perfect website portfolio or online store setting up a website with Squarespace is easy in fact it's so easy I've done it myself yeah me the 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mail if you've already ordered everyone says this is a crank to prime system just hit the Schrader valve give her how away she goes I don't see anything coming out of the standpipe cranking it a little bit so I know these are oil ran injectors or some [ __ ] but that's all this whole after what we're trying to do here so somewhere my battery's all day gonna give her the old zip-tie bias-ply method hit this with some ether leave this filter it off and see if I see anything come out of that standpipe so to see if we're getting fuel for not throw some in the tank it seems like this liquid in the tank it might just be water put some ivy clog you know coupon shot I know it's probably all got air in it and it just needs to crank for a while so we're gonna expedite that process with rpm just hey I'm gonna stand over there liquid of sorts come flying out of the standpipe and the stack is still smoking what I know about these injection pumps is they do not like water going through them so I need to make sure I have this fuel coming through this filter bowl we've actually run this okay so I'm gonna place this old filter cap over top so we can prevent it in from spraying everywhere even though it's probably water not very flammable we're just gonna fill this up about halfway and then just keep siphoning out without letting it actually get up to the feed points Oh diesel so we're done here that's a revival white cotton powder okay let's uh got here oh wow look at that yes a diesel water slurry my favorite okay we have disconnected the lines halfway down or Kevin did and now we're trying to flush it train it and just get rid of this garbage look at that garbage get out of there also I found a bursted brake line all right so we got a couple gallons out of her now real slow painful process as you can see it's not something we wanted to run through a motor so that's one down be it because my pump is finally dying after two years or we're actually into the bottom of the tank I'm going to put fresh fuel in and flush that out so that's clear we quieter with your damn diesel tow truck I'm trying to keep my own damn diesel tow truck going [Music] I just he keeps stepping on something that makes noise apparently and how he found a you found a shiny one of these no it's an ant flap look at the back okay well we think we're about to the point of our diesel or in between fuel I do have a can set up running a reservoir or an external tank to flush out everything in front so we're gonna do that first let this keep running until she's pretty much dry BB bat boo boo boo good to go okay so the source is plumbed to an external fuel tank clean diesel the returned from the motor and the mechanical fuel pump is gonna go in this bucket Luke is still working on draining whatever's left in the tank because our pumps about shot a little weirdly calm so it's taking forever I'm gonna run this off either to try to get everything in the front half the fuel system flushed out back through the filter I'm gonna be a disaster what is it [Applause] all right bowls full okay at this point I'm gonna put our new filter in and let it run through the filter back to the return line hopefully quickly flush all that fuel out get all that water out of there and not let any of the large chunks or [ __ ] get past where there should be a filter I'm looking at the fuel that's in the bowls right now and it looks healthy enough that I'm not where you're looking as much water in the injector good bye beautifully white filter never gonna be this color again enjoy it while it lasts oh wait [ __ ] yeah okay now goodbye beautiful white shelter these are learning and experience this is what happens when you don't let the glow post cool off that's an ignition cycle and the ether causes is a predetonate yeah it makes a huge explosion make sure you let those cool off before you hit it with ether and some engines just don't like ether so use it sparingly [Applause] there it is they just started solenoid still but hey it runs okay so a pro tip if you're having trouble with one of these and you really want to verify it take this in 12 volts positive in this end to the solenoid and if you touch it and it goes click click click click click click and doesn't do anything just click it a shitload like I did off-camera and they'll start working it'll like smack it a whole bunch give her that corrosion that's solenoid potentially it will start working 3 out of 5 times this is one of the 3 unfortunately it happened off camera but if you're in a pinch all right so to cap it off for tonight we're gonna see if this thing will move under its own power it's probably got a bunch of flat tires I can turn the drive shafts like a quarter turn before engages that's all fine we just want to go there and it'll come back tomorrow fix the brakes there at the tires drive it around [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] well I smell a lot of clutch whoops I'm sure the brakes and everything we're stuck but they're not anymore from the grave the flat tires took out a bonfire in beers we've done it we've done it yeah who's the player with his nose [Applause] [Applause] who say that is the comedy [Applause] [Applause] stinking down more yeah [Music] it's not so don't all right lettuce perfectly good levers over there it's about the line Oh [Music] we pop the stinger life [Applause] plays a few heads rolling closes tow truck all right welcome to day two of the tow truck survival today we're gonna finish the Red Power Stroke truck and get started on our 7/3 IDI starting things off with the air compressor get some air in these flat tires then fix the brakes and away we go well that's a problem it's just coming out as fast putting it in I think we have to get tires on the other side has to take all the back tires up the truck and get one good tool on each side assuming we have two good tires over there I don't know we're probably dollars so what we're doing here and since this rear brake line is blowing halfway down I found the giant hole when I was doing the fuel stuff yesterday I'm just gonna disconnect this and put this quarter inch NPT plug in here so that we will still have pressure to our front brakes and still have brakes assuming this is the rear yeah I'm gonna say it is cuz it's totally dry no all right we'll fill this up the fluid give that a little bleed and see if we got brakes breaks in a bottle apparently I shoulda brought more yeah they gave us half the reservoir that'll do all right up down up down that shouldn't do bingo-bango alright so we're gonna fire this sucker up see if he wants to start today pull it forward and then work on getting some tires on the back now correct me if I'm wrong in the comments and let me know what you guys think but I've noticed this truck needs to crank for a few seconds until it builds oil pressure at which point I stopped cranking key off key on try again and it fires I believe this is because the fuel injector pump is oil pressure driven am i right and is that normal let me know down in the comments [Applause] [Music] okay so here's my plan we got two good tires over there no good tires over there and you can run on one tire on each side so we're gonna pop the outside one off this side put on that side do a bunch of this go all my three and a half ton jack has okay great oh and let's torque him to ten to house it it'll go great oh Jesus this is gonna be a good day I tell ya there's still one on the very bottom they sold a bunch of [ __ ] right here now okay rinse and repeat Oh we're gonna compress the ground I just broke the jack in half I don't know how to get this down now 2015/16 damn it one brand new floor jack later we got the old one out let's try this again please lasts more than five years thank you is asking a lot from my cast iron to be fair whoo got him damn it is hot out is it better really angry now you close their door no they're mad really or is it Wyatt what why don't you let me take off this tire yeah I swear to God okay things I have to do by 3:00 subscribe for more wasps bites that put like hit markers in got a hit so I think I know why at least this truck was is obliterated obviously a nightmare I don't ever want to have to deal with but probably will first hell why do I keep doing things with big trucks can you tell what changes might dominate the one going faster alright that's that with our Chrome's throw the other tires on the back of the truck drop this thing on the ground torque the other side it's ready to drive we're toiling to the point we're gonna drive this thing from the spot is sitting right now do a couple practice laps up and down this alley and drive her home to the shop and get started on part two of this video which is the 7/3 turbo IDI truck over here this truck has COC numbers but like legally drive this I believe so it's not air brake [Laughter] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] the cutest I believe we got to build some oil pressure first and then stop and then do it again how do i DS will things up we don't go faster when I did mr. here well there's a non synchronized first year shaking like crazy [Music] and here chains all over the place pedometer grunts shaking really bad the transmission Bolton interception is it death wobbling at 25 something losing the front end is what little breaks we have hold on hombres well freshly still good chuckling edge I will say that's pretty fun sure runs pretty good at turbo kicks in schools minutes it's pretty fun [Applause] [Music] [Applause] all right so that's gonna do it for episode 1 of the dual tow truck survival part 2 we're gonna be doing that black tow trucks past some other things but it might be pretty interesting so I suggest you guys go check it out this who knows what's gonna happen this time I thought this would be pretty easy it was a roller coaster so I want to thank junkyard Mook for all the help my brother for filming make sure you guys go subscribe though my friends Thunderhead 289 dillon the cool is the boss drive I stripped garage classic most things for twenty to nine cars and cameras I'm missing somebody gotta move good enough we'll see you guys next time enjoy your digs peace you
Channel: Junkyard Digs
Views: 1,052,211
Rating: 4.8881745 out of 5
Keywords: revival, first, start, in, years, old, cold, junkyard, digs, revive, iron, ford, run, can, we, get, f350, Tow, truck, turbo, diesel, power, stroke, powerstroke, deisel
Id: wV6B9tUvFHc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 6sec (2826 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 26 2020
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