Will This FORGOTTEN 1975 K5 Chevy Blazer RUN AND DRIVE After Many Years? - Vice Grip Garage EP93

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welcome to vice grip garage my brother sean and i here need to move some vehicles around it's rifle motors piedmont south dakota here so instead of using this brand new dodge diesel pickup that's sitting right there we thought we'd fire up the chevy blazer that's been sitting here for a decade decade and a half seems to be better maybe it doesn't really make any sense at all perfect [Music] [Applause] so we're not positive on the year but i think i can dial it down to a couple because this whole removable top stopped in 74 i think 75 there was a full cab and then this side kind of snagged off on the back and they continued that i don't know all the way until blazers got super weird looking yeah what year is that 2000s i think i don't know and the front grille i think 74s had like the bigger rectangles yep so this is probably a 73. and 74 might have had more rake in the hood i'm not quite sure but we're going to call this a 73 and if we're wrong well that's just the way she goes you can bleep bloop it down in the comments they have a different hood different cowl here too does this go away yeah i think you're right i think the wipers yeah i think this comes back down to here come up she's got a couple hail dents maybe six or 150 somewhere around there unfortunately went through a big hail storm two years back it's probably a 203 because it doesn't have lockouts on it 203 transfer case oh yeah the np-203 new process yeah well let's take a look can you tell by the case or no yeah she's big and ugly it looks really heavy well there's a big ugly heavy thing down there yeah that looks like a 203 all right so she's all time four wheel should have a high lock low lock yep sure enough i'll be dipped it does smell in here like burnt electronics and dog food look at that vintage strap though this is really old that's got to be 70s huh it's crispy it's about to rip in half oh we got to cover that up see is that a string line bubble level there where here right in the deck yeah i don't know what that is it's uh well it's a tape measure tape measure leveler locker downer put it on a belt clip we might hang on to that here you go that looks good i'll put it on the pants right oh this i'm gonna let the heat come out of this the sun's going down but it's still hot out here and i ain't kidding yeah we got bfgs this one's all the way down she's a good i don't know five inches in the ground probably at least now i remember this truck i actually drove this blazer around i was probably 18 19 we're talking a long time ago she had shine on her was a pretty sharp looking rig actually everything worked but it's been sitting a really long time plate say 91 and i'm not sure why it's upside down but i can tell you it's ran after 91 i don't think it's that long what is that rated for 80 pounds yeah that's oh made it that's something it was chrome plated at one point oh yeah oh look at this trailer oh yeah what kind of a pin is that obsolete yeah hauling a lawnmower probably didn't have the trim on the old stop later lights she's got some rust coming in none of this was here when i drove it unfortunately that's too bad but i think overall this is a fairly solid rig and i'm pretty sure he was probably willing to sell it if we can get it out and get it running pretty plain jane interior but still looks good though it's not actually too bad water didn't get to it at least we got a small tiny hurry oh look at that guy one handle she's ready to work keep what is this oh touch that please i don't know if i want to touch it yeah get in there oh why is that so violently sticky what is that i have no idea honey we got cage there's keys i've seen that oh we probably should have checked that first actually we got keyage can't read the miles she's so fogged up oh my hand is so sticky now well i think what's really saved the interior is this tree growing right here on the fender well this actually wasn't here when it was parked so but you're right at least for the latter part of the day that's saved on the interior how do we get in the rear i don't know if i want to climb into this thing these fold up i think there's a lever down here it's back look at this crank down window don't see that anymore oh it's locked grab the cage i'm not a construction guy but i think this is foam that you lay on your sill plates before you tighten them down to the old concrete looks like garbage to me which is probably when that building was built um 20 years ago maybe not working well we might just have to use our imaginations we got some oh that's why oh sun visor that's a good one too those work good when you put them in the windshield oh we got a jack here's a clue maybe has a slipping trans we're going to wrap the strap i'm guessing to hold the roof down because it's missing most of the bolts well it's only missing one what is this seat belt rear seat belt yeah it's still good is that a nice scraper oh we got rubber on us yeah yep ah keep that that looks pretty good let's get down the roof i don't really want to touch that but she's sparkly which means she's ready to just stick in there why is this one yeah when does cardboard get crispy like that it's like a chip wow just lean on it give her out of there nothing nothing original jack that goes oh shot glasses oh what's it say nothing oh the uh the route i think that's franchise this is canadian okay canadian blazer got another tanya harding back here she's been she's been modified that's a really good one it is give me a weight estimate 12. well i think where we're gonna start is the usual let's uh pop the power barn and we'll see what we got going on under that and we'll see if it's free if we can spin it over i'm pretty sure it's gonna spin over hoods on it no reason it's gonna have a bunch of water in it and we'll start working with ignition and fuel see if we can get this thing to fire up i'm pretty confident 37 38 mostly what's your guess run yeah 200 percent that's it's up there that's a chevy why is it jiggling so much look at that what is it oh see all those trash bees let's get right in here carl bill jake bob there's no i even see a steve over there steve up top right there all right we should probably um we should probably take care of that first i've got stung today you got stung yesterday yeah we got some kiddos here so let's get some break clean and just do a wasp delete real quick we just did a science experiment and we learned that from a distance the straw is about the same as no straw in fact i'll show you ready equal go i just blasted them all big dad already yeah you were fighting with the one demon over there and i got them all this drops way better than wasp killer it is that was my arm 100 oh yep brake cleaner is cheaper than wasp spray i'm just going to tell you now where are we at here i can't see nothing get up in here a little bit oh something blew out of there they're up top oh right here oh there's a huge nest right there you know i've done this for years without hornets or bees and all of a sudden everything around here it turns out this rifle is just a nasta yeah at least we're cleaning everything too though yeah i mean look at this here we're good i think we're good now it seems to be fairly we didn't even use a full can no i got i got a half can still i think this means more are coming though so this looks really complete it does only the mice have gotten to her yet no i don't see got some weeds growing in here and stuff but we got well let's be careful about that sean that's what we were fighting yeah well and then well i guess it was here fairly large one but the wires are intact distributors there all the belts are on i think you're right about the transmission oh yeah there's another court more juice well let's just see what we got right now give her a whiff oh that's oh that's gone that's gone yeah it's black there's metal on it too yeah well yeah probably why she was parked but we'll still try to get it running at least this is a blue block i don't know if they went to the corporate blue in 73 today so this is probably a replacement the guy that owns this said that it was a 305 and probably was replaced so we'll crawl behind there and get the casting number off the block we'll just confirm what we're working with but i think it definitely has been swapped plus it has emission stuff on the water neck bone there is some orange paint back here so i don't know if they just got a short block and then painted the valve covers to match or what we've got some adapter rooney's on the battery cables the carbon looks really clean oh yeah looks damn near brand new is it locked up let's see if she yeah pretty stiff this has been played with that's been wired up blocked off but i mean it's all here severe oil leakage around there this doesn't look factory i don't know yeah let's just get that just barely on there and cross thread it maybe we might just cut that belt off i'd be safe and but yeah everything else it's looking pretty good oh here's a look at this oh that's the funnel for the trams well that's what we're working with wasps for coming back you know where over here don't like them yeah they they bite you what is this some sort of thingamajigger for the ac yeah as far as the checklist goes i think we're doing pretty good i mean it's all complete it's there we're gonna need a battery some fire making a happener we'll check the oil here in a second trans oil is not looking good for sure uh you want to pull the coolant see what that looks like rust anything in there oh actually it's green really yeah there's green juice in there wow okay did not expect that at all but one last thing we have to buy so that's fine we're gonna start by uh seeing if this thing rolls over we'll put a wrench on the crank might even be able to pull it with the fan blade and the belts but we'll see if it rolls over and we'll go from there see if they work well i don't think they work yeah you got some arts and crafts falling out of them what else is in there there's a quack them a later paperwork so the boys are gonna take some glass cleaner from spray away they're going to start cleaning off the dash and that sticky steering wheel we got to get that taken care of don't do all that while working on the engine here trying to fit my sasquatch arms in from up top and then sean said hey you can easily reach that from the bottom squeeze down there she goes she's murdered oh yeah right in the face yep in the eyes and everything well where's that coming from i don't understand come on so she's rolling over i can't get out of here he's gotta lean downhill dirt my eyes for some reason more bees so next we'll check the oil and it makes here it's got a little bit of juice in here then we'll throw a battery in over here and see if the starter is going to spin it over but before we do that we'll disconnect the fuel pump later down there so we don't suck whatever's in the tank if there's anything over into the fuel make it happener so this pump later has got a return line and then the inlet which was completely loose down here just gonna snag this off just gonna snag we're gonna snag this off like that and that way she doesn't suck up any more junk and if and need b we can hook up a different fuel source there and run her into here we'll just dump some fire maker down here and see if it barks at us and if it doesn't then we'll start chasing the ignition but i'm thinking it probably probably might but the sun's i mean we got i don't know one minute or something 17 minutes 42 seconds left sunlight well i spent all day getting another car running on the property here so i did the right thing and just took the battery out of that one this is a marine unit from fleet farm but it's got a thousand cold cranking amps so that should just turn this motor upside down basically oh something broke that seems to be really high doesn't it yep take that thing out of there what is that that's way better well it's an adapter so you can run smaller batteries in it who runs smaller batteries on old junk who says i need a smaller battery well good point yeah this is possible later well this is negative batteries in i mean this is fine we're gonna run a fire test i don't see anything smoking yet it usually comes right a whist here and just get nothing i want to smell inside see if the dash is burning sometimes mice eat stuff cause a short no fire nope it smells like spray away all right so i think we're good these adapters are pretty slick i might have to grab some of them i'll find some gas and we'll see if this thing barks off i'm just going to roll the key forward see if we get any lights or buzzers absolutely nothing let me check the radio before we start it that seems important nothing there either should i just see if it cranks first yeah do that also by the way there's a massive hornet's nest right in the door frame perfect oh that makes sense why there's 16 more hornets over here there's nothing when i crank it are the cables right yep well if they got their posts labeled yeah grown yeah nothing's happening i'm gonna relocate these because i think they're just gonna to start stinging when we go to crank this thing deleted back to the old chalkboard we're going to start with the ground up here because oh there's a nut on the bottom really yep she's been strapped before that's the easiest because we're pretty lazy so we're going to clean that up uh july it's pretty clean it is actually wherever my leatherman is oh under your elbow there's a file on there we'll juice that up a little bit put that back on but most likely and usually on these chevys the positive posts down there on the starter later gets corroded you got to clean that up get some brass showing on that connection and then she'll spin over but we're just wasting a little time here basically we got another nest in here anywho i'm gonna just hold the key on start sean's gonna lead along the wires we clean that ground up nothing go ahead nothing oh there's a 97 97.4365 chance that the issue is the positive cable and the starter down there and my jack is currently holding up some other junk on the property so one of us has got to try to squeeze under there and reach the starter oh look at this here what do you got do i can i get underneath there you think well no no i i obviously can't get under there all right i'll slide underneath the rig here and what a guy's trying to do is see this cable here we're going to take that off and see what the connection looks like we might just have a bad starter also there's a spider crawling up my arm right there anywho if this one's bad we might be able to find another starter in a different blazer that's pretty clean and it's actually been cleaned up with the cheek poker so someone's already done this great that means most likely this starter is bad i took off the positive cable on the starter cleaned that up dumped 74 gallons of stuff into my eyeball hooked up to i'm a lone wolf 6000 trigger still nothing so i am 101.3 sure that we've got a bad starter on the unit so what we're gonna do i think is walk over here and yeah over here we got some more chevrolets and blazers we should be able to grab one out of one of these units front end and this one is clearly just not happy this one looks pretty good though i want to see if you can flip that hood up we got engine this is complete actually well the wires are missing starter down there yep it's in there all right so here's our starter i'll take it out of this guy i'm guessing that one that's almost part of the earth now most likely doesn't have a starter yeah well which one's oh that is pretty rotted which one's higher they're pretty clean well this block there's blocks on it yeah this one's higher get your tape measure on it let's let's make it official we're talking 16 inches there what we got over here maybe 14. yep definitely this one well is it safe oh the level doesn't work anymore just you can't buy nothing good anymore i'm going to make sean crawl into this one i think look at this tire oh man can we get this tire somehow or at least the trim ring well looking how deep the rim is in the grass there's absolutely no way that tire is good oh you're probably right the grasshoppers are just thick pretty solid cheyenne i'd say call roger you might be able to pick this up pretty cheap actually if you don't mind fighting dump bees yeah i'm gonna just eat this we're just gonna keep it closed well just oh it's pretty sweet actually extra torque converter oh you never know no key all right we'll get some tools come over here land this poison ivy and uh get the starter out i slipped the jack off the axle tube got it stuck between the tie rod the sway bar turn the screw on the bottom so we're just going to do the right thing and just bring her up with this i think we'll reuse those blocks eh [Music] good yeah a little too high or is that going to work good ah did it lift at all or no oh the tire not up no is it yeah oh so we're good yeah oh well we should have just been using this whole time i guess sorry i freaked out a little bit there doesn't sound good well these bumpers are just hard to find anymore well now that we got the 80 harbor freight jack back we're gonna go back to ruining our lives getting the starter out from here yeah i think the exhaust you can just move out of the lane wow it's hung up on my arm at this point we got a block heater ah that doesn't sound good but keep going does the starter look like it's potentially good looks terrible perfect there's so much oil coming out of this motor that check the oil i bet there's none left in it all right let me look you just i can't reach it we got so high in the air now oh she's plum full ready to run oh well actually the whale looks really decent this might be the next revival she just needs every single electrical wire spark lighters distributors messed up for some reason this is another ac blazer getting bound up from the drive shaft oh look sean i don't want to complain but i think you need to hurry up a little bit i'm on it i just smashed my head i'm so mad right now why out of all of them i can't move without getting dirt in my eyes oh yeah you're right i forgot about the safety squad yeah oh the exhaust is coming down now bolts are out yeah oh brand new starter right oh that looks strange that's gonna be a great replacement was it underground oh what is this there there's no way this is gonna work dude well we're too far in it now we're just gonna have to test on her well i'm trapped in here now we're gonna have to do something to help me you just let her hang let her hang down well i couldn't see anything look at the dirt on the wire first off you can get into that oh it had a bracket elator on it oh that's a hydra open my eyes oh keep them closed you just go by feel sean ah what if this doesn't fit well i'm going to be very angry today is just not going good oh here hold on yeah there we go wait is that a 9 16 on there oh yep that'll work bring that into there so the front timing cover on this must have just been shot because it just threw oil over everything down this and the starter has got at least probably a quarter inch of just i would say there's three pounds of grease on them well most of it's in your beard i can tell what's that tail pipe doing what's wrong with it this right here that's good look at that swoop why did i do that to myself well hey starter's out oh good well it's brand new look at it that's gonna work good for us we've got a blazer starter tester upper 4000 here got a rigged up 40 amps just give her a tickle so she runs well i mean it'll clean up sean well i ripped my good going to town shirt though downy and a couple stitches you'll be fine anyway this nice unit we're gonna put in that blue blazer look how thick this is actually never seen now all right a guy got the old bad starter out i'm getting ready to put the new starter in here nice thing about chevy is it just doesn't matter if it's small block she's going in so this one looks fine and we'll wipe her down probably not and just stick it in there oh ready to rock kind of rutted in here a little bit but a guy wallers around on his back reaches up in there there's not a lot of room but sean went and got the jack for me and brought her up a little bit so i get my belly underneath current office view just letting this pittsburgh eat run this bolt down here's a really nice night out though look at this it's cooling off sun's going down skeeters aren't out like shawn's on a beer run not quite sure maybe he's out there i'm over here oh i got i got a beer in the hand here i'm going to stick this out and assume you're over there yeah i'm good we didn't hurry it's really dark out well anyway 72 months later we took a bad starter out and put an even worse one in it spins though it did spin so we're confident so now we're back to where we were when it was daylight we're gonna see if this thing spins over sean's got some gas that i think is out of my snowblower from two years ago that'll work yeah that's not good not good nope that's fine and if it runs we're still going to move stuff around i mean we got a little bit of daylight left no no not not much all right give her some fire maker well that doesn't shoot down the hole at all go ahead [Music] fired give her more yep she's going to run all right let's hook the boat tank on you know the good gas i think we need to get i don't know if i got enough fuel line let's rig it up we do yeah let's throw her up on the canopy and we'll bring her around right down in essentially locate the gas tank it'll come down either way yeah that's right you're right okay let's get to it we're running out of time so roger's got the bobcat lights going shawn's got his truck lights going now we can kind of see what we got going on we got a fuel tank up here we're just going to bring that down and swoop her in right down to the pump down there it should be fine i do have an air tank we'll throw some air in the tire back there and i think she's gonna just do its thing when in doubt just run off 20 feet and call it good something like this that perfect length oh yeah you need a service loop out here just paste something like that you bring it around see yep that looks factory actually yeah see okay need some zip ties just can't see nothing out here okay you ready i mean she wants to run uh-oh does the timing sound really off or not so bad not so bad you just start fire anyway okay we'll keep going oh that sounds bad uh give her more gas maybe that'll help yeah sometimes you just got to bring them around there we go we got oil pressure this sounds pretty good actually ain't gonna lie no way it's idling look at that it's idling really low actually low that's like 600 rpm less than that probably a lot of smoke a lot of foot well i mean that's good enough for me wow let's get ripping on some cars yeah let's just pull some stuff around uh we need some air in this tire back here i mean not a lot a little bit well it's got dual pipes i don't remember that that's a runner accelerator pump even works yeah that's weird i mean there's some squeaking and stuff flopping around but hold on no no well let's get that all the way all right i wonder we might need oh no we don't need to tape it we'll just bring it up around here that's fine john's going to run down and find the air tank it's i mean we can't really see what's happening and i remember a strap from about 1952 that was in the passenger seat so safety 19th we'll strap that onto the roof and somewhere over here i got to hook onto a pickup and get it out of the way it now seems like the right time to just do work no no it doesn't well the chances of this tire holding air is 19 at best [Music] is it doing anything i'm not sure yeah i don't hear like the bead blown out oh it's coming up it's coming up yes wow i've had a lot of weird luck with tires out here that just doesn't make sense the rest of the day was terrible so at least we got this luck it was like five inches in the ground yeah i know good enough yeah seems good right okay i don't know if that's down or not maybe we try to move it back first yeah hop in there all right oh no we got tran slip it's wanting to move but [Music] [Music] why don't we uh throw a little bit more transmission juice in her checker again i just can't see nothing it smells not like it was absolutely black when we pulled it out earlier well yeah i mean it's 74 quarts low seems like we've done this before already whoa whoa whoa now these are the wide mouth ones you know they float light a little faster it smells like cucumber salad or something celery something a little different yeah there you go celery you're right heater works old small block chevy that's all you need is just a blower motor all right try it again yep three quarts and a tree in the hood headlights don't work huh you have them on yeah yeah they definitely don't work done there we go ready to work [Music] power steering does not work well these tires are slightly inconvenient get them up here sure somewhere over there oh is that the discoverer it is everything is going good laser quit it's not getting fuel and i primed it with the old mouth later that didn't seem to work sean got stung in the armpit again hooking up the chain second time today and then starter's dead it just it's not doing nothing i just got stung in the armpit i mean that's it doesn't make any sense anymore i think what we'll do is we're going to hit the starter with the tiny harding hope it brings it around all i'm wanting to do at this point is just bring this truck backwards so ironically i'm tickling the starter with the same hammer that we found in the blazer you want to try her now sean yes oh that works out oh lost pair of pants oh we're close we're almost there i can't see nothing yeah i can't see anything either is the wheel straight on this truck probably not nope can't even see that this door doesn't open well you better climb into the other side huh we got more dump bees there's an empty box is there a seat in there i can't see yeah my feet oh well anyway straighten them wheels out that's not that's not regular right uh no cause that's not moving over here is that working now nope okay well that explains why it's in here at an angle so i'm gonna gently just use it back [Music] i mean we're just getting thought on from every direction oh why we were just about to win i tugged on it for one foot and it went no that not gonna happen the uh sill plate bent in half and cut my leg open is the boat tank out of fuel yeah it's 100 empty shut her down hey i think your lights turned off on your pickup [Music] good morning up on the hill bright and late sean had to work today that's fine brought some 93 octane with me fresh gas that'll be good for the rig and i already topped her off with some nice clean oil seeing this in the daylight again really nice truck it's too bad it's just sitting up here but anyway we'll fill her up with gas if she'll fire up again and we got some work to do yet tire's still holding here that's convenient we didn't make it very far what is this 19.6 feet that's okay she was rotted in pretty good actually sometimes you find some treasures down here so i always like to double check i forgot to mention last night when we checked the oil off camera i did also run the block casting number back here and it is a 305. if we want more info we got to get to the pad underneath the charging whirler here and we're not going to do that no reason to tear it down it's running fine but that would tell us van or truck stuff like that but it's a good sound a little engine runs great kind of thinking about washing it today you can see just from scuffing it this paint she's coming right out of it maybe we'll do that before we park it again get some of the mud off of it she is a thirsty rig i think we went through two gallons pretty quick there no it was probably more like a gallon but anyway seemed fast not used to seeing gas be clear huh guy i'll shoot some juice down her since we ran her dry last night she'll fire right up a bit i guess it helps if i hook the battery back up again tried to save on this last night so i discoder i don't know why there's redneck diamonds all over the floor in here there ain't no broken glass she needs more primage here we go now bring the thunder [Music] i can't believe this thing just sits in idles like this fired up immediately last night sat and idled like this good running truck let's get to work i'm gonna swing around since it's daylight and i can see miles will pull off the hit eh wow kind of tight in here for no power steering i wonder if the power steering belt came off is this not even trying it got messier than a kid with crayons out here last night but it's tough when you can't see nothing [Music] well i think a guy's just gonna go easier around a little bit been so long since it ran got to use it just a little bit instead of just parking it right away oh i forgot to look at the entire steering pump now we'll do that in a minute we'll just come down through here come up by this gravel pile sneaking through here a little bit got her down to the shop here ran the air hose out and topped off the tires a little bit he was saying he's got full quarters for this both sides i'm sure they'd go with the rig but since we're down here i think we are gonna run some water over it see if we can get it to shine up just a little bit bentley's gonna help wash her down what we're going to use is tied powder in just a little bit of warm water and see if we can get some of this paints come off and i think it will shine just fine get the don't shoot any gas out at all [Music] so i'm gonna let it dry won't be perfect but it's gonna be a lot better just a little bit of rubbing compound and this old girl would go a long way but we got most of that scum off of there not much shine but just a little bit nice looking truck i think i'm gonna go put it around a little bit up on the hillside and go park it again and by the way i was wrong it's a 75 not a 73 so that would be the last year that they had the full removable top and then they went to the steel up here so you just took off the back part there there you go guys got it tucked in over here with the other blazers we moved this gmc around basically down so we could fit her in but what a good truck it's got all those ears fired right up idled almost immediately then we put it straight to work and it did just fine but i'm glad we got it cleaned up and running again that's gonna do it for this episode thank you guys for watching appreciate it very much we'll see you next time [Music] you
Channel: Vice Grip Garage
Views: 1,370,619
Rating: 4.9487567 out of 5
Keywords: motortrend, roadkill, vice grip garage, vise grip garage, vgg, k5, k5 blazer, k5 blazer build, mustang, k5 blazer restoration, chevy, chevy blazer, abandoned, forgotten, revival, rescue, neglected, 4x4, 4 wheel drive, all wheel drive, off road, forgotten car, forgotten truck, first, start, in, cold, farm, barn, field, first start in 20 years, first start in 30 years, will, it, run, will it run, run and drive, scout, bronco, rare truck, suv, many years, drive, grave
Id: G8wJRWEL0v4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 40sec (2800 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 27 2020
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