Building an ABANDONED Bronco into a DIRT CHEAP Off-road Rig!!

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ladies and gentlemen welcome back to another episode of junkyard digs I just chugged a monster today we're going to be working on the Bronco getting ready for our cheap Chuck challenge next weekend yeah I've got like 4 days to take this from a rusty pile of to a rusty pile of that will drive over a log we've got to do a fuel system work on the cooling system do the stopping system the rolly over say stay alive I can't stick this finger out and a bunch of other stuff so so without further Ado let's get to work so like I mentioned right off the bat there's a few things that I have to get done and everything Beyond there is kind of like I'll get to it number one safety I don't want to die in a rusty piece of Bronco and if you didn't see episode one this thing is absolutely a piece of crap it's had like three layers of repair already on top of it it and it's rusted out since then that side was replaced if you come in here to the frame you can just grab the cab mounts and that's what's left of the frame so pretty typical Iowa Rust mobile so yeah not exactly the essence of safety here so what we're going to do is build a roll cage right above here to both keep the frame in one piece and keep me from dying if I roll over this of course means I have to do some fabrication which is honestly my weakest strength when it comes to working on cars is fabricating and welding and all that I usually just weld a stick to a nut and like yeah there it works so we're going to do everything right this time and in order to do everything right you have to have the right equipment which is where my friends at Rogue fabrication come in they've sent us their m600 tubing Bender so the first thing we're going to do is get that sucker set up so that we can bend our own roll cage in a badass DIY fashion like I said said I don't know a lot about Fab so we're all going to learn it together today let's get this thing put [Music] [Applause] [Music] together never been a great welder oh wow yeah those are pretty bad but don't zoom in on them I'm going zoom in on no one needs to see this [Music] no [Applause] [Music] well it's totally dark now but our Rogue fabrication tube bender is finally done not to do my own horn but I think that looks pretty damn sick with the red silver on the inside and black for the frame and I finally got to use those stencils I made in the Army throw a couple couple junkyard digs hidden in there in case you guys want to get one of these for yourself head to roguefab tubing vendor with a die starts at 725 and up if you're really looking to spend some coin they have their Elite packages which come with a bunch of dieses the machine PR welded some sweet graphics on it so they've got the whole Spectrum covered on pricing [Applause] here the fact this thing runs and drives is honestly very impressive remember this thing is such a piece of that it's literally scrap so we're doing it more Justice than it will ever get by giving it one last little riperoni on the internet [Music] I could have died we only have 3 days it is next Sunday it's currently Saturday if you do the math that's 8 but we have to be there on Sunday so that's seven pack and do the camera stuff Saturday that's 6 and I got three days of school we only have two days [Music] hey Tada let's just start working our way back sway bar uh running boards running boards cut some of that extra floor out we don't need that we don't have a floor to cut out that's true cut it out with compressed air not like the cutting tool just the blow [Applause] gun [Music] love it now this is for style we're not just neander THS that looks amazing hell yeah it does forgot the [Applause] spot that's attached to the I think it holds the grill on that's what that does not that a zip tie can't [Music] fix how does it look like a trophy druck it really does actually our approach angle is ridiculously good now all right so yeah we're just going to keep at this for a bit until the other side looks the same and then we'll be back it looks like a Torino it yeah it kind of does I'm getting Torino Vibe I'm not going to lie looks a lot cooler than I was anticipating was a little nervous but now I'm glad we went this this will allow us to open up the inner Fender Wells get a lot more air to that engine as well so when we're just idling Offroad for 7 hours we don't cook the freaking thing transmission cooler okay listen we got to talk you need to go over here man stay that should be more than enough for a toe Point all right steering stabilizer in the way someone already welded this bre cck it up here I'll see if I can get him off uh it's already blown there's oil everywhere it's junk we don't need it way it goes death [Music] wheel all right that sucker out of there okay next up is our sway bar we're going to get that guy out of there so we get some good side to side articulation this looks be a really beefy sway bar and I actually kind of want to keep him around so I'm going to put the death wheel aside don't worry I'll be back and then we're going to take the bolts off and remove it properly all right sway bar is off wow one really big convenience of having a super Rusty floor if I wanted to I could do all the under dash wiring from right here like it it'd be no problem it's just worked on the heater box oh there's some wires some more wires good to go well we've got all this stuff taken off now definitely have a much better approach angle I say we go give her a test real quick see if it does any better we got I want to say a course but there's a pile of dirt over there that we drove up before and it it made it could have been a little better we'll see how it does now oh my [Applause] God okay here we go what else you got come on little Flex way L Body roll now that that U ability bar is gone it's not pulling it around let's hit this at a different angle oh it twisted so much oh God all right I'd say we're making progress in the right direction let's go get some lunch come back and finish up the running boards in the back half good [Music] stuff all we go does that look a lot better that does look a lot better you're right Kevin good job okay same on that [Applause] [Applause] side those were the worst thing I've had at take off so far okay um everything's done up front and on the sides let's move on to the ass end here we go bumper is still good so we're actually going to save this guy it snowed last night it's a solid 34° outside Winter's here my favorite seeing that it's going to be like 40 6° the day of the event I might want to put these doors back on when we get a little closer to it but for now I'm definitely taking them off so that we can get a little more room in here to work oh I been the wiring why are there even wires what is there a speaker oh Jesse hello uh can you have a wire cutter oh convenient of timing for you to arrive for the day yep oh thank you sir you saved me you're welcome yes it's possible to take this off with one person if you're smarter than me can you remember the wires would you like a door uh I'm good I have some dang old all right so it's time to do the roll cage we've gone ahead and stared at the frame and some other bit for 40 minutes so by now the required time of thinking about stuff should be up and it should come to me as we go we're going to remove this spot so we can get to the spring shackle below and then build some gusset plate and off of that to strengthen both the spring shackle which may be rusty and obviously the truck which is Rusty then we're going to do a hoop right here one step at a time and step one is just cut stuff just again like yesterday a lot of cutting and building stuff tired of getting dirt in my mouth so I actually wor a mask that's all tacked up um I'm going to finish this off and then we'll be back to see the end result of our br ret tree for one side it only took an hour I have no tools for fabrication of Discovery you know as much as this little Eastwood is kicking ass I don't think it has the amperage for the job we're trying to do this thing's maxed out and it was not intended for this type of use this is for Sheet Metal this is a great little welder so I think I'm going to head down to the welding store grab a new 220 and we'll be back tomorrow I have spent my entire life with worn out used poop welders I've never been able to make a good weld until now because of that right there that is a brand new Lincoln Electric 256 MIG welder I was tired of losing time screwing around with all this other stuff and making booger poop welds so I went down to the welding shop and bought myself a brand new $33,000 welder out of my own pocket so it just goes to show that not everything on this channel is sponsored probably 85% of the stuff I do I pay for out of my own pocket so I have to thank you guys for watching sharing and liking these videos and subscribing down below if you have not so that I can keep buying equipment Vehicles parts and tools to keep making you guys content free right here on YouTube with that being said I shall now ground this vehicle to what I'm going to dub Clifford The Big Red welder and we're going to melt some stuff together and build ourselves a roll cage let's get to it that's more like it so it's come to the point in the video where we're going to wipe all the dust off of our brand new freshly painted and assembled Rogue tube bender and figure out how the hell they uses this thing now usually when it comes to fabrication channels showcasing one of these they know what they're doing and they're using big words and they're talking like blah blah blah numbers letters numbers and I'm like what's happening that looks cool you can do some cool stuff with it but I don't know what you're saying that tells me that this product has an advantage over other products so we're going to do something no one does we're all going to learn how to use this thing together cuz I have no idea there's some numbers and a stick and some some offset things and some clrs and a bunch of holes and pins and I'm going to hurt myself on this all right first thing I'm going to do is spend about a half hour on Google I'm going to go through the entire instruction manual go through all the videos on rogue's website uh look up the fabrication series that guy's got a lot of great stuff about Tu bending learn a bunch and then come back and I'm going to show you what I learned and see if I can figure out what all this stuff means and we'll all go through this as a team yay friendship you don't have friends oh okay that's a shape we've drawn a shape we've made progress we watched some videos we went through some rog's videos honestly Joe if you're watching this you're way too smart okay I don't know what the hell you're saying half the time I watched him like four times and he's just like I built the cage where' the numbers come from what do I do with my hands anyway we've made this shape these are just arbitrary angles don't look at them geometrically we know from our machine over here it's got all these nice little stickers and stuff to tell you what everything is these are offsets these two pins need to be set in the same holes so and if I spin this guy you guys can't really see it but right up here there's a sticker that says this is a 6.0 Center Line radius CLR die so I need to run these on six there's a 1.75 in tube on a 6.0 Center Line radius numbers don't know what it means it's arbitrary to me at this time I'll figure it out someday I know on a 6.0 Center Line radius right here it is .14 in per degree of tube take up like you use that much per degree and I know over here that we have an offset of 6 in cuz this clamp which this will make more sense when we get into it but this is where the tubing clamps is 6 in away from the center of this die which the bend in this machine starts here so not all machines use this offset the Rogue Fab does it's not that hard of math we only got 10t sections of pipe cuz that's all we we can grab and that's going to be like 150 in to do one solid hoop so we're going to do two and then probably Bridge it it's probably super wrong and not what you're supposed to do for a a roll bar but this isn't a roll bar I'm intending to use this is a last ditch safety roll bar uh if I have to use this it's going to be a bad time there's bigger problems I need to worry about if I'm going upside down like the floor falling off hitting me in the face so we know we have a 6.0 Center Line radius equals 104 in per Dee and we have a plus 6 in offset for the clamp y up and turn 33 in there we go so now we're going to come up and we decided we want to do a 30° Bend and then a 60° Bend to kind of match what the Broncos got going on now time for math if I'm doing this right and I'm still as like actively trying to figure this out right now 30° times our 104 is going to be 3.12 in so this this guy right here this this Bend this whole buddy is going to be 3.12 in that's a that's a potato not a two there here we go 60° Bend times the same tube take up this guy is going to be 6 2 4 now we're starting off with the hardest thing possible we're doing a bend in the middle of a tube and then trying to measure out to another one so our first Bend is simple it's just 33 in we're going to come backwards for the offset 6 in to what is that 27 and then we're going to put a line call that c for the clamp cuz 6 in beyond that b is going to begin which is the bend which is going to exist for 3.12 in the question is where the hell do I put the next line where is this guy where do you exist in this little Fiasco right here buddy if we take 36 and F it down to 33 I don't know is that how that works no oh no the pipe's still 36 in Long it's just not 36 in tall there we go I think I know why he needed the total height the total height of this wrong side of the marker the whole wiener Glide height of this freaking 52 in so essentially if we wanted to just make a pipe that came up to here that was straight it' be 52 in tall but we want to make a pipe has a Bend right here which is going to use up 3.2 in is it 3.12 would it normally be three and now it's 3.12 30° .1 de do then it get shorter yeah does it get shorter or longer I can't read all right here's what we're going to do we're going to do it your way for the first one to figure out what the happens to a piece of pipe when you bend it we're going to stick that sucker in there at 27° inches 27 to inches we're going to bend it to a 30 and then we're going to pull it out and look at it see what goes on does it get shorter does it get longer does it flip upside down does it burst in the Flames I don't know okay but we're going to figure it out I'm an engineer I should be able to do this maybe like the day I graduate they go here's your diploma and I just go that's how you bend pipe duh this man there like chomet and zoology and a lot of go GES in here you know what sten says oh yeah you're right it'll be fine it'll be fine here's why there's a rogue Tu Bender sitting in my garage right now this is why this is a 7 fo7 piece of pipe It just fits and the rest of these are 10 that I have to bend there is no room in this damn garage so if I had to put this thing in a tube bender right here and swing it this way or swing it that way or swing it whatever Direction left or right I've got to have like freaking 14 ft around me to do it but yeah n we're just going to do it right here between all these cars next to a bunch of engines and four wheelers and junk I don't have time to clean up and that's possible because when this bends it bends that way everything stays right here it's awesome all right so we have our C1 Mark in the forward side of our clamp block where I can see that line I understand that much I'm picking up what they're putting down there what old mate heti they got old mate he it's about time to turn on old mate he old night winter okay everything looks to be in the right spot so very nervous sounding I am quite nervous so it shouldn't blow up that bad we're going to make sure we're zeroed we're going to B what are we bending 30° 30° now there's this thing called Spring back whatever that pipe relaxes back to the difference in that number it's going to be like probably 27 if I had to guess I need to go 3 30 - 273 Beyond 30 because steel is springy and it wants to R main this nice straight tubular shape and we're going to make it do a dink so we have to overbend it for it to relax back to perfectly 30 Dees pretty easy to do on this machine come on weld it'll be [Music] fine I see why their hydraulic units a bit nicer it's really fast okay our pressure die pin is tight we're reading exactly 30° I'm going to loosen this guy until I can turn this and keep my nuts away from the Springs there we go so we're loose right now we're at about actually 26 so we got about 4° of spring back so we're going to bend Beyond re tighten this Bend Beyond to 34° had to do some math there sorry barely made it through that one here we go come on girl okay so now I relax this 30° there it is I press a button I turn a knob I have a pipe that's a different shape that's pretty damn cool look at this I I did it right here among all the stuff I'm tripping over I can bend tubing just fine so if you're really tight on real estate the Rogue m600 tubing Bender is the way to go let's pull this out take it over there see what magic happens to pipe when you bend it and do some more math okay so here's what we got our roof height 52 in and if I take this tape measure all the way up to that same mark it is 55 just a little over 55 in which is simply the 33 in base plus 3.12 all the way to 55 so it is the height plus any bends before it that's what I've learned okay so this video is probably getting way too long at this point and no one cares about me talking about math but I figured out what's going on here so from this point to our ceiling height of 52 in is simply the height that the hoop needs to go plus the bend length so it's it's literally just straight line math it's got to go up 52 in we're doing a 30° Bend at a 1.04 de offset we're just going to add that 3.12 to 52 and that's our pipe length to the end of that ceiling height now where this all comes from cuz we know all these variables besides this guy right here this is X we don't know where to put this exact line for the next B so we're going to take the length of the pipe to this the ceiling 5512 minus the length of the initial leg minus the length of the initial Bend minus half of the 60° Bend which is going to leave us just this x bit which is 15.88 in so from here the the end of this Bend to the point in the middle of the next Bend is just under 16 in now I need to do a 6 in offset again for our clamp so we're going to take another six off that and I have a 9.88 for our second clamp position which is simply I eyeball about where this Bend stops right here and then add 9.88 in hit with a sharpie throw it back in the Bender let's do it I feel smarter oh by the way Rogue sells a uh software called bentch that does all of that for you and I looked at it's actually very affordable so if you guys don't want to go through all that but you want to have the beauty of have one of these they've got you covered there [Music] too 60° that looks like half of a roll cage we did it we did a thing we did a bunch of math and we made roll cage we're over 90° yeah it was definitely over [Applause] 90° actually kind of antiac and with that we have the bends for our roll bar we as you notice added another Bend uh when we put that one in we didn't like quite where it landed so we put a 20° down here on the bottom huge thank you to Rogue Fab for making this video possible by making this right here possible in a space this big you can find them online at roguefab dcom [Music] there we go as you can see it wasn't doing much as a gas tank because there's holes in it it's now Tuesday evening the scen part of this was Sunday evening I've been at school for the last 2 days and I finally was able to break away and get down the shower from here on I have to make a video for this week and then finish up a couple things for school I can finally get back to this Bronco I won say we're on track to have everything done for Sunday cuz we're definitely not but we're on track to have a roll cage in here by Sunday maybe good enough for the trucks ey roll I think that's good for now obviously it needs some supports cuz it's a big wobbly thing and it's not perfectly level and there's a joint in the middle but hey for my first rollar in a car that literally does not matter and this is just for my own safety I'd say that's pretty good okay so we have our main hoop but as I showed you earlier it's pretty floppy it's actually better now that it's cooled more but we still need something to come back and Brace into what's left of the frame back here and I I say What's Left of because I touched the body mount and now we have this hole so what I think I'm going to do I'm going to go all the way down to the bottom of the frame weld come up and put a plate weld weld weld then do whatever this angle needs to be to come up and meet up with this guy okay let's switch everything into engineering mode we have this shape here's our roll bar up front here's our upper hoop and here's our down we will have an angle right here that we'll just use the tube take up math that's on the Rogue Bender to add to the length that this pipe needs to be so we know a few things here we know the total height here is 44 in we know this rear Height's 10 in and we know that the distance between the hole we want to put the bar in and the existing bar call this hoop is 32 1/2 in now if you haven't caught on it's a really good idea to pay attention in school trigonometry is something you will use every week of your life especially in fabrication so here's what we don't know we don't know this angle and we need to know this angle so that when I bend this bar it lands on this existing pipe and we don't know the length of this I mean I could just pop the tape measure out and measure it there's actually a seat in my way so this is actually going to be easier than removing a seat trust me so since our rear comes up 10 in we're going to take 10 in off our front so from this triangle right here is what we can solve for we got 34 in on the front 32 and 1/2 along the bottom we're going to break out our calculators don't get scared this easy stuff okay all right opposite adjacent from this angle opposite adjacent that's tangent so TOA all right we're going to turn a calculator on we're going to throw a tangent inverse in because we're trying to find this angle we're going to go 34 / 32.5 46.2 n so this angle right here this guy Theta is 46° we're just going to round pretty much what I thought it would be now we have two sides and an angle now all we have to do is solve for this side up here take a quick Swig of your beer and do some math so this is side A this is side b side C is your hypotenuse we know from Pythagorean's Theorem that a 2 = the square < TK of b^2 + c^ 2 simple math ladies and gentlemen so we're going to go let's see 32.5 s + 34 s we're going to take the square root of that whole thing it's going to equal side C calculator says 47.0 3 in so now we know everything we know the length this bar needs to be we know the length the total bar needs to be and we know the angle we need to bend it at so we know it's going to be 47 + 10 in plus 45° * 104 4 68 we're going to run up to 69 because nice this bar is going to be 61. 68 in and there you go that's why I pay attention in [Music] school all right so our tube is bent uh we're going to cut it the length and then we need to notch the end so it'll fit nicely around this other bar now this of course requires a notching machine which is exactly what this is right here this is Rogue Fabs notcher they sent us this as well along with the Bender you can't tell it came Prett welded cuz it looks a lot better than the welds I do thing is I don't have their cart and I don't have any raw materials or any kind of cart to mount this to so I need to put it somewhere which is exactly what this truck is [Music] for just straighten it out a little bit there we go Tada notcher fully mounted and R run H okay back to the [Applause] notcher [Applause] okay here we go yeah it's actually worse look at that that's supposed to be a frame it's like twice as thick now cuz it's delaminated rubber's still good though that's that's nice you're doing no one it yep okay we got tons of room to work uh bit of weight reduction has been given attention to and I can go ahead and clean that up prep that for a weld in a plate and strengthen that hole in the frame cuz it's kind of at a critical spot okay it is now Thursday it leaves us pretty much 2 days until the event I have today tomorrow and Saturday is wrap up the last little bit to make this thing run and drive again hopefully today I can finish the cage uh start working on getting a fuel system in place and finish the rims and tires issue that we have which let me freaking explain to you this beautiful debacle in the back of my truck outside in the rain I have a pretty gnarly set of really old really hard dryed rotten tires that are meant for Offroad for like side by side or small vehicles I paid 400 bucks for the set cuz one of them's got a big hole in the side wall we're going to do some sketchy stuff later to try to fix that but here's the problem this is a 15-in rim on a 5x 5 1/2 lug pattern like I said those tires were going to run at 14s and these are 15s now they do make a 14-in rim that is 5X 5 1/2 for trailers this is not one this is a 5x 4 and 1/2 which would bolt up to this truck the problem is it does not fit around the brakes the brakes hit so I took myself down to the junkyard and came home with all this this is a Dodge Ram 16in by 5 and 5 1/2 Rim as far as the lug pattern goes this would bolt right on however if you'll notice the offset on these rims which is where this bolt plate is in relation to here and here it's literally right here which is horrible because thing would be essentially there which would hit this and everything else so that is not an option as well so I've got 15s with tires on them that don't hold air and aren't very good I have 14-in tires that are great I've got 14in rims which can't go on cuz they'll hit this and they can't bolt on and I have 16-in rims that can bolt on but can't go on cuz they'll hit everything back there so I need a solution here's what we got if you're careful enough you can cut the center out of a rim the only thing holding this in here is four welds 1 2 3 4 this is a big ring and the center plate gets welded in in four spots simple enough I say simple enough but it's actually a pain in the ass to get that out it took me like an hour to get this out and then you can take a 14in rim and weld this right there which is exactly what we're going to do cuz we're only going to go 8 mph Offroad and nothing matters which is why I'm starting to love this off-road stuff nothing matters you can have bad U joints it could be on fire your tires could be 8 in taller in one side and flop up and down it doesn't matter cuz you do 5 mph crawling around all day at idle speed and vibration doesn't exist rot has square drive shafts made of square tubing they go and it's fine cuz you do three so in the spirit of off-road I'm going to weld this all sorts of random other stuff and then torch out the other side have some 14's mounted on here and bolt this sucker on it's going to be the scrub stomatic 3000 but we're going to have rims and tires to go Offroad for like 200 bucks saying that out loud I realize how much that actually cost me [Music] oh man what I would give for a plasma cutter all right changing up our methods a bit cut through the top instead of the sides wonder if that right there would work let's try that that might be amazing right there okay so I found something that worked I cut out the front of this Rim all of this right here is gone and I've taken this piece minus all this around the edge just cut between these holes and placed it right here in this Rim this gives me a good set into the wheel well and it stays about that far off of the caliper which isn't a lot but it should be enough so yeah that's what we got it works though let's see if it it fits on the truck does and it turns it doesn't look that terribly uncenter I think I did pretty okay I'm going to go get a fan set up get a little little more circulation through here I got the door open now and then repeat this whole process for about 3 4 hours until we have four rims that are done and go have some tires mounted we'll be back hey moo what you got these were sitting on the porch when I got home what that's an Eastwood box well heck this is a surprise I was not anticipating prior to starting this project I had been talking to Eastwood because because I like their company and I like what they make their Mig 135 welder that I had been using up to this point has been great but this project was just too much thick metal for it to handle so we had to upgrade like I mentioned I had been talking to Eastwood previously to try to get some tools in the shop but I didn't think anything was going to get here in time so I went out and bought a brand new $2,800 welder and sure enough the next day six boxes were sitting on my doorstep Eastwood surprised the hell out of me and sent us a bunch of stuff starting with their MP 250i multi-process welder that's actually the box of accessories this right here is the Versa cut 60 plasma cutter they sent us a welding cart a welding helmet an extension cord everything we would have needed for this project now that it's almost done damn you coid 19 and of course to make things even worse this plasma cutter I've needed all morning showed up 30 minutes after I finished welding the last piece for the rims but there's still actually one more plate in the rear I need to cut so we are still going to put this sucker to use and see how it is now I chose Eastwood simply because they are so affordable and that makes it far more relatable to you guys at home who would like to have some of this equipment for yourself their MP 250 I welder with all the accessories is 1,000 bucks that's like $1,500 less than anyone else charges for a standard 250 series MIG welder this right here which is what we're going to break out and use today for the remainder of this project is their Versa cut 60 this is their biggest plasma cutter they've make it goes through like a freaking mile and a half of Steel and it cost $700 now you look up into the other names that are making plasma cutters and you're going to spend $1,500 for the same size of machine Oh What A View air pressure amps on off some gauges some con connections so simple you what I have to hand it to you you make the easiest tools to use let's put it to work okay I've read the instructions everything's set at the amperages it should be this sucker grounded let's see how this Versa cut 60 does to this I believe this is 5/16 plate let's give her a hell how is this legal this is the best thing I've ever owned if you run a welding shop and don't have one of these what are you doing this would pay for itself in like a week with the amount of time you save done this has to be the coolest damn machine that's still with power I'm just really bad at making circles that's that's the downside of it though means I'm almost finally done getting showered and Sparks cuz I don't wear long sleeves and gloves hey you know what they say if you're going to be stupid you got to be tough my skin is leather now that's what leather is made of shut up all right so there's one of our bars we're coming down to our last big well when suddenly I remembered holy crap I almost forgot Eastwood senta this welding helmet which I'm now looking at for the first time and holy crap this thing is awesome oh it's a there's things on the side it's like a panoramic oh yeah panoramic oh wa oh my God this is so much nicer I can see I can actually see I've been fighting this for 3 days and now that I'm done welding it's like everything else on this build I opened the box that e would sent and it's a solution I can see so well like literally this to this there's no difference like very very minimal difference typical welding helmet and full light pretty dark eastwoods panoramic welding helmet very bright Mo I am your garage mate clean up your it's all over the place so through that one the uh art color is green and everything's hard to see this one is a bright blue I can see the area around where I'm welding so much better okay that needs tighten it is now Friday afternoon we have tires these are some I don't even know off-road systems from like 2004 they are rock freaking hard these only have 15 lbs of air in them and I can totally not even press them down at all these held air overnight our rims worked out pretty well let's go ahead and roll them in the shop button up the last couple things I need to cut and weld put these on and test drive the truck again right down the shoe that was [Music] hot [Music] there we go we have all four of the big meaty tires on all of our caging and Welding is done for the frame it is time to go drive over that little unsuspecting not that bad dirt pile once again see if it breaks in half oh hell yes it just feels bright all the dash lights work like perfect they all of them this one all these everything works that doesn't even happen in our good cars what the hell so you got to get out of it and look at it for the distance on the side man is it amazing it's amazing oh my God yes yes that thing is awesome dude that thing is kickass oh that oh boy I'm going to say it now in case we have issues at the event the tire with all the crap all over it blew out the sidewall right here and we put a patch in and then threw an inner tube in here it's on the back for a reason cuz there's like no way back here but if that the name's going to stop us is that time fire all right to the Dirt Pile I will say there's a lot less creaking in oh never mind there is less no there's a little it doesn't Flex as bad as let's take this sucker back inside and start off on the mechanical attributes we need to figure out a gas tank see if we're going to mess with the brake we only got two Ls on one of the tires and we still have open differentials front and rear so we have 24 hours to fix everything pretty much let's get to it so we found this piece of sheet steel in the scrap pile that just happens to kind of be near the shop so we're going to throw this in there oh dude it is like no perfect look at that right to the top gives us somewhere to put our gas tank and keeps that leaf spring from hitting me in the back of the head when it comes off let's go back inside it's really cold out here damn that would have been like 45 minutes with a grinder I love that thing it is Friday October 23rd at 700 p.m. we leave at 700 a.m. Sunday October 25th which is 36 hours from right now so we thought let's just sit down to the old freaking uh to-do list on the bumper fuel tank okay we're done no rear bumpy pool noodle heater mix door Mini spoolie thermostat fluids um bad you joint up front but there's obviously going to be a bad H joint up front 5 m hour yeah doesn't matter oh floors I mean all we've done is a roll cage and tires it's literally it took me like five days brakes ah yeah there's that thing brakes Dash optional air conditioning definitely have to get that one done never mind this one above it I don't think we're going to have time to put a electric fan in it so we're just going to hope that it's you know 30 and snowing like it's supposed to be somay and we'll be fine the truck will be fine but we're going to die truck's not going to run hot we're going to be Frozen like let's go make a run to all the stores before they close and then start burning some Midnight Oil just kidding it's actually like s o'clock like I [Applause] said I found the tire it's really knobby so as you can see here we're just changing the oil slowly waiting for it to drain out looks like it's going pretty good yep [Music] sweet that's a fuel tank strap her down and Plum it up we're going to go home now get some beauty sleep hit it early tomorrow morning for the last day we won't wake up [Laughter] beautiful it's Saturday morning the event is literally 24 hours from now and speaking of 24s it's 24° outside right now with a high of 36 and snow tomorrow so I'm going to do the only thing logical and make sure we have some floors in here to keep some heat in uh using this expanded steel let's get to it I'm being sarcastic by the way this is to keep the sticks from hitting me in the face this is going to work great not so quick little update Kevin's off getting parts we are currently working on replacing this C shock that we've taken out and while he's gone I am replacing the thermostat and as you can see right here someone has used some sort of Goo to plug up the radiator yes tasty that's a thermostat so today our time is short but we have a lot of hands here Jesse is doing the thermostat we're put the 160 in make sure we stay cool while idling around all day I'm building a trade set on top of our fuel tank so we have some spot for coolers and gas tank and parts uh muk's working on some stuff cleaning some stuff up in the cab the last poop out here and there it's just busy work we're hauling butt open to get done in time for tomorrow chopping things off the list pretty good I might be able to get to the mini school and stuff we'll [Music] see okay so here's what we got we have a random piece of radiator hose from O'Reilly's with a hunk of one and A4 pipe and then a metal capab and this is our filling system we use used the existing pickup line and everything from the boat to feed into our pump through our filter L dah this here is our tank vent and I have a ball valve on the end of it so when we're riding along we turn our vent on everything functions just fine and then we flip upside down and fuel were to start coming out the vent we go oh no more fuel that comes out the vent upside down boom sealed system can't leak I don't see how this could go wrong I'm sure it will will teach me how it can go wrong to finish things off we have this rack that I made that will hold our cooler and everything we need back here damn that actually looks pretty good we're almost to the point where this thing is good to go for the weekend and then anything beyond that is modifications to help it Offroad such as the mini school and whatnot so let's keep chugging away see if we can get there so if you remember on the Revival we had to replace this solenoid and we were having I don't remember if it was in the video but we were having some weird issues where like it would start but we had to use an accessory wire for somewhere else and the key would only work for the like coil but not the actual crank and all the electronics would only work when it was running like it was running off the alternator so I came to test this and I went boop boop fire it up and we were drop in voltage slowly and I thought about it and I decided Well if the alternator is working it will power our lights when the vehicle's running and only when it's running which is what we were having but if the batter is working it should still start the vehicle which it was like everything was working just not together I thought about it and thought about it and eventually I came to a conclusion this wire right here was my biggest clue we used this initially for the fuel pump and stuff and then in time it quit working just just stopped I was like what the hell is going on here so I thought about it and then I decided you know what all this sat here without a solenoid just out in the open not bolted together for 10 years and probably corroded so I pulled it apart and sure enough all of these wire ends were just busted the hell so I took them and filed them down cleaned them up really nice and I've put the bolt back on and we're going to see if this works now I should know right away if that was the issue if we throw the switch for the fuel pump and the fuel pump turns on if I can get this to stay cuz it's been cut in half there we go all right actually we should be able to know even before that if I pull the headlight switch and the headlights come on we're on the right track ready yep well you got one headlight okay fuel pump got a fuel pump all right let's see if the key works fully there it is that was a problem all off all these wires although they're bolted together really tight they're so Rusty that they weren't connecting to each other the battery was connecting to the solenoid and the alternator was connecting the power of the system but the battery and the alternator weren't on speaking terms and it was a mess so now 14 volts we have a charging system it runs better too all right so everything under here is good to go we've got a new thermostat we' got fresh oil big spider just crawled out of that um we have a fuel line set up we have a charging system our fans moving a ton of more air since we tightened the belt it was slipping all along but we just couldn't hear it cuz it was old and soft I imagine if I have time I'll replace that accelerator pump diaphragm again but as far as everything under the hood goes think we're good to go so let's go check our to-do list see what's left I bet this video is like an hour long by now all right alternator Zing the front left shock has been taken off we can't find one so we're either going to go no shocks or see if we can get one off the burnt turd let's do a fluids check fix the shock and the wheel studs and then we're like done besides putting a mini Spool in and it's it's 2 p.m. that's pretty damn good if I start tearing to this one I can do this one at the same time went down to O'Reilly's and found a shock that is hoop on the bottom pin on top of similar size and we're going to put it in maybe we'll see it's fighting us got massage everything into the proper shape and then we'll be good to go it's probably 3:30 day before the event we're going to pop all of this stuff off and pull our axle shafts and our Center section and put a mini Spool in yet at least that's the goal [Music] and boob okay brakes are off this tensioner is gone doesn't matter we're going in the woods pins all right so at this point we'll pop these four here off and bring our axle shafts out each end and then we can pull our Center out of the the front let's do it there we go oh look at all the delicious goo I forgot to catch Perfect all right there's one side do the same for the other pop the front out put the Spool in I hear yell it only went my mouth a little there you are sir I grab this kind of told you I grab it kind of shitty it's in the bucket that works it's where I wanted it so with that we have an empty axle housing I am going to get started on replacing everything for our brakes Ashton my buddy from Quick performance here in town is going to do his magic on throwing that mini Spool in to save us a little time and then I won't screw it up so I've never done one this is not a good scenario to rush through it the first time I'm going to do one so it's a good learning experience for you though yeah that's that's true so while Aston is putting the mini Spool in that Center I going to go ahead and get these brake plates ready so that when he gets back we can slap the axles in hook up the brakes do some brake lines and be done we're using the brakes that came off of Muk truck from her last video I made sure to save them so that we could do this all right Ashton just got back from Quick performance down the road dropped off my Center section Saved Me 2 hours of time thank you very much sir if you're unaware what a mini spool is it essentially replaces your spider gears with a solid block of metal so this is now a solid rear axle and if I ever wanted to go back to having an open differential I could whereas most people take this out just weld it all up and that's how it is forever and it's essentially junk if it breaks or fails or you want to put un limited slip or anything in I still have a perfectly usable 9in housing call up quick performance they are $15 for a 31 spline mini spool 15 bucks you can have a solid or axle quick call them up they're located here in as if you are local let's go ahead and get this sucker back in the truck put our axles in and put all of our brakes on okay Center sections all clean RTV is on now let's put it in a m 7580 lb that's all oh rest in peace RTV ow rest in peace my finger we'll get these nuts back on torque everything down and then put our axles in put our brakes on and fill the sucker with goo up up down down up up down down that's clean right there no air we have rear brakes hell yes all right throw the drive shaft back on fill the differential with fluid cross everything off the list go Wheeling can I it up now oh yeah up up okay our brakes are done Jesse and Luke are putting the tires on and everything on the back of the vehicle is finished I am going to pop this accelerator pump out emphasis on top uh if you remember this was like the small diaphragm and this is the big cup so we're going to change that around so that we have the big diaphragm in the big cup and there we go tighten this back down put the carburetor back on check all the logs do one last fluid check on the coolant and oil and loaded on the trailer there it is we're done all right with that it is 8 hours until we have to be an hour south of here in Knoxville Iowa for the Make It or Break It Toys for Tots event as far as I'm aware we're going to have about five or six rigs similar to this meing is out there and it's going to be one hell of a fun time so we will see you next week right here on junkyard digs where we take this hunk of junk and see just how well it does Offroad if you like this video leave a like below make sure you subscribe to support the channel support junkyard moo Thunderhead 289 Dill the cool classic busting 429 Vice G garage toas garage cars and cameras the whole gang we'll see you right here next week peace [Music] cold blooded as [Applause] [Applause] hell all right let's get this stuck on a trailer and head south we'll see you guys in like few hours a week what the
Channel: Junkyard Digs
Views: 1,208,617
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ford, bronco, revival, old, cold, abandoned, neglected, forgotten, junk, yard, digs, junkyard, vgg, vice, grip, garage, road, kill, roadkill, rustiest, truck, ever, owned, drive, from, grave, budget, cheap, challenge, build, eastwood, rogue, fabrication, welding
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 46sec (4126 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 13 2020
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