Will it start....1 that should 2 that were abandoned (PART 3) 75 Pete (y), 59 Mack(yes) 65 Pete ??

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to get her go [Applause] [Music] jeez what is coming out of that I don't know this smell it smelled anything that's new man that is chunky oh dude your mom called nested-if oh you know what it smells like it smells like it smells like somebody puked in there yeah yeah no yeah [Music] [Music] go go let's do this [Music] hey Tonya there's just all you cats who yell at me for not wearing safety glasses there's safety glasses and in a strange twist of fate oh I gotta yell it of course it pops right off [Music] all right you guys might laugh but then batteries are hooked up and there's not smoke coming on anywhere that's good news well it's not showing any voltage at the cables which I'm not really understanding interesting yeah no the battery's showing twelve point nine one this one showing thirteen with the cables are showing nothing with the cables showing one just a bad connection I mean it's not okay and that feels like it's in neutral just something click sound like a phone there's a one gazillion spiders in this door is there any wires on the back side of the switch that series fair loss which is the starts Illinois yeah I think that's probably could be better just to unhook these cables from a series parallel switch and do that because when I try to go right to the start of the other day man it almost welded the top must be something inside [Applause] myself in the face with an exhaust pipe you'll be fine thank you I appreciate your consideration okay well this is this is pretty sure that's possible yeah that's possible yeah a little half-inch wrench I do believe that as a half or so currently sit for 5/8 oh let me double check this thing is in neutral here you know we were your knob neutral wanna take that stick and put her on to the clutch all right safety glasses on eyes covered oh yeah what also blew the top right off this battery post well I mean we're going straight to the starter and this is what was doing before so we can well let me reverse myself I renounce my renunciation as a brand new battery I'm not saying ain't no good but I can't tighten it cuz the screw is so old and crusty here hold on I'm just gonna tap this and just see how bad it arcs and explodes ready good Jim whoo no it just blew the top of that yeah cuz I tried it that way and it blew the top of that one off and I tried it the other way so I think you're right I mean I think it will go I just think we're not making a good enough connection so as soon as it touches it's blowing right through that alright well let's give it a tug around the block and if ya if not we'll come back with a some sort of bigger switch [Music] [Music] No uh yeah we're dripping fuel well someplace there's a big puddle right there does that fuel drippings is that from last time oh love the return one Oh all right [Music] returned this was for posterity today [Music] more time and I'll Drive it back I'm [Music] you're out of fuel [Music] [Music] [Music] any fuel left in that line run I'm moving up to second [Music] [Music] some place down in Maple Valley and you got that thing running yeah [Music] yeah the Gator [Music] yeah where I hit it that's a crew that's pretty cool well that's the last time a thing ramp [Music] I'd say Kate it sure was that's cool to see see the old blue ghost coughing lurch forward like that that was pretty cool [Music] yeah he's got a we got this Calhoun's is alive I gotta my wife's got a 78 Trans Am sitting next to the house has been there for said he don't want it he just wants to get it started that went okay go it's dark the thing taste on the rats out of it get it rolling out of the tank don't wanna drop no kidding move some earth right there there yet until the phone yeah still going never gonna catch ya he's still coming [Music] [Music] roots drive [Music] [Music] [Music] anybody else want to drive where do you want it [Music] where do you want it [Music] put the battery in start right yeah tell you what I mean that wouldn't that quick little three-hour whatnot thanks for letting us do it sure that was a lot of fun I was just crazy huh what do you want for it 1,500 bucks [Laughter] well I had this whole time I've been feeling bad cuz I stepped on your shirt the last time you logged was Reagan went trucking yeah cuz the tags on this sir 77 I'm gonna need some skins she's gonna need a new set of shoes but fix that starter button it's a little sticky three times yeah well it's my own fault for killing it the first time man that's pretty impressive you can tell I don't know well I gotta figure out where we're going first there's a road that they're simply summer sod Road Nick yeah but there's a road back there I think it's the road right here well Jim said he drugged it off the mountain so we didn't have to go support hook to get it which I certainly thought out well it kind of takes all the fun it's kind of cool some old bridges a giant man this is this place is so cool I'd like thank you yeah I mean you just want to come he's gonna truck man look at this man he's out running his old hobby food running he's got a sawmill back there nice yeah this little dog farts she's serious so it was it was way up there oh yeah he's got you got the front so this is that cat and this is the nest next next adventure yup he took that he took this big monster and pulled it all the way down here first which I really appreciated him doing it was nice of them but it it's kind of the fun of its pulling it over there yeah that's it so this in here is a date right they'd be 71 first it is the French Connection column this time the de trop understand here's the problem with these things it actually set with a lot of water so yeah we put that on there the other data try to minimize any kind of water that's just straight water coming on there's any good care of water I think this might be trouble I think we might have some real problems I think we got some problems I think it mortar was full completely like pickle for or the employee ended up it's still porn I mean it's freely streaming so we've been running this and it's just starting to turn to oil here well guess what we drained the water and the water stopped draining and then this this started happening it's given birth to clops oil oh and more water well now there's oil coming all right I'm skeptical on this one starting I'm not gonna lie to you I'm a little bit nervous so I wonder if that's crack block and everything from the rear I think that's just rainwater that got in there but yeah we're gonna have to I'm just gonna let this drain and come back in a day or two sun's out it's nice and hot well it does seem to be turned into oil you know you'd be thinking I'd be a little nervous right now but if it was easy everybody do it so I mean optimistically I'll say it'll run anybody wanna take bets I think I might be in trouble on this one y'all alright ma'am we'll be back out here Wednesday we're gonna work on I Russia gonna back up the mountain today we are hopefully gonna finish get the 59 Mack all put together whoop I got an ambulance coming the other way hold on my my intro is being delayed by an emergency mister [Music] all right back in so we're gonna go ahead and get the 59 Mack buttoned-up we're gonna tug start it one more time run through some hydraulics make sure everything's good on that I think we have an idea how we're going to solve the battery wiring problem so my goal is to kind of leave that in position that we can start it when needed with the battery without having to tug it every time we kind of figured out the the mystery to tug starting it which we're gonna cover in this video here and then we are going to go get into the 65 as I'm sure you saw that was full of water the good news is the water was coming out clean wasn't looking like creek water the oil came out like sludge tar or whatever you want to call it so a little nervous about that one we're gonna we're gonna start by trying to see if she'll roll and then probably gonna leverage some two-stroke resources to get some guidance on what to do with that thing all right getting up so our first question that's not a birdie yeah it's that and there's boon dry so I think my plan here is I'm just gonna fill this thing up with water climb underneath there and see if it come running out the bottom and I think that's going to be our first first mr. venture oh you're wrong we got a leak there's a leak where's that oh it's just pissing out here well I'll tell you what oh that's actually good news though okay why is that good well because it means there's nothing means there's some water in the radiator yeah I guess so I only put a couple gallons in it all right well unfortunately that's not what I wanted because I like to be able to tell if I got water chucking out the bottom of the motor so that's a special kind of smell ya know if something smells not right don't feel right all right well let's get this hose off of here yeah what's the mean stuff yeah well I need some I'll need some stuff just a few things just a few things yeah well I'll tell you what though I'm not not not optimistic about that there you go I mean like it means there's some water in there somewhere so the good news is all the water is chucking out of that hose in the front quite frankly I got nothing coming out of the block so I think that means well means we don't have like a colossal a big crack in the block I'm pretty sure it's the opposite of a shower may I just you reckon I think it was a little bit beyond jeez what is coming out of that I don't know that's chunky oh I'll send it just send it yeah there you go there she goes well she didn't smell anything let's new man I'm never what is their head that is chunky oh dude your mom called let's do you know what it smells like it smells like it smells like somebody puked in there as well yeah yeah no I yeah it looks like someone pooped in there chucked right in there that's all right yeah just stick your fingers it's just rust yeah it's just old rose that's not rust like that before so here's my thought yeah how what you thought what you thinking I think I'm just gonna put a bar on this I think I'm just gonna put a one accessory Drive just kind of start feathering this thing back and forth and see if she'll turn yeah just mark the crank at 3 o'clock the crank 3 week just making forward yep we're just doing that because we want to be able to like twist it further damn yeah now up or down what's that well we're gonna do shimmy shimmy you see that fan moving and then a little bit not even slightly I saw it twitch well it winched I'm gonna grab this bad boy hold ah my sucker come on I'm not your socket I did see that fan move I definitely so here's the problem how it means is there's so much paint and goop on that I can get on it really good look right here yeah oh it definitely moved yeah movement is key ready laughter okay so I think the question becomes like how violent then we don't want to get with this thing ready that's a real turn there okay she's moving yeah hey what what's that little tiny coming on here I think what I'm gonna do well I think I'm gonna do two things I think I'm gonna pull the valve covers and see what the injectors look like but before I do that I think I'm gonna call Joe and see what he's got to say about us that moves just a tiny bit so yeah let's uh let's give Joe a call when to call me when not you've been shot stabbed it's a boy it's a girl it's mine it's not mine it's leaking you're stuck in the play here why not to call me it's yellow and therefore junk it's green therefore a tractor yeah well let's see what else do we have here you forgot to put oil in it and therefore it's gonna be expensive you forgot to put water in it and therefore it's gonna be expensive there's a whole list here I don't think any of the supplies I think we could I think we can call them you said it they'll call back I was just going through my list I went to call Joe you've been shot you've been stabbed it's yellow and therefore junk so could use a little guidance on this Pete here's where we're at I dropped the I dropped the the plug out of it a bunch of water come off the bottom like nine gallons honestly there was already some water in it it does smell like vomit it's the worst smell I mean like we can hardly stand to be here whatever is coming out of the radiator smells so bad and we started it just rocking it back and forth we can get it by yeah we can get a little bit of movement like an inch on the fan what do you think you think put the plug back in it put some oil in it keep working it back and forth till we get a full rotation or well I got an inch well how violent do I want to be with this thing I mean should I be standing on the bar or near the master of two strokes all right I will continue to roll it over I pulled these valve covers off right now just leave them on and try to turn this thing over alright well we'll get to we'll get to rocking it back and forth I'll pull the valve cover if I can get enough if I get enough crud pushed away that I can get it loose without dry and half the earth and the motor did it completely is like I need a small trowel to get the crap out of there all right well I'll just start rocking it back and forth I'll give it one complete turn and then if that works good I'll maybe go with a ratcheting wrench and just start getting a probably take that take the track hoe and pull this thing down to the shop get everything blown out of it at that point and I don't know how many years it's been I'm gonna guess this thing's been sitting here for probably 25 35 years so it's it's definitely got old diesel in it I'm just I'm worried you know your back one wind fuel oil was fuel oil we'll get to rocking this thing over I'll check back with you okay all right thanks brother bump up we're getting something there we go oh okay TJ keys you got my wrench for the Pentagon bus go forever here [Music] yeah well tell you what I don't want to do is well so far as I'm going that way where's the check mark right we haven't [Music] gone terribly far right but Oh like you said let's make that full rotation see where we're at yeah yeah so I get to like right there and it just ceases yeah you in this wrench man well it's no I'm teasing I'm teasing oh go for a little bit more of a turn huh I think we might be going over this is what how far as you had me cut well yeah [Music] we were complete rotation right well on the top one would get the bottom I had it marked yeah I think we're past we're over a complete rotation alright well well it's nice [Music] [Music] yes [Music] you you I'm gonna try to turn them wheels see if I can't make your life a lot easier [Music] [Music] right all right [Music] so like their brother yeah ain't got time for you you oh great [Music] my guys you you can't see my facial expression but I'm frustrated that we're going to a place called while this is good well now I'm probably not gonna eat so I can I'll just have a bite it's not more whatever that's cool anybody else want to drive that thing I do Holly did I think did you see the back of that seat yeah they're burning it is that birth I mean I don't imagine otherwise it just got cooked in the Sun there's things living in there not brothers that's just that's just melted film that's it I think somebody had some problem with their drawers I think I better Drive anymore honey I had a little problem at work today I don't think you should be eating those guys station hot dogs now you know I got them burritos I'm so sorry I'm gonna need a handy way you ready buttercup I'm ready princess let's do this let's get this job done that's good so universally special about this golf cart hey it's a lot of fun what's this we got here that's for no that's a whole box truck oh yeah that's good it ain't a box draw it's more of a rough but it's a holler at some kind like a water water or something maybe no it's not for hire I'll tell you that it's old board but the question still comes will it start we started hey what's I'll tell you what you were thinking about parking in there well and you're messing around tortillas oh boy I am messing around enjoy a little bit well part of me wants to drive through that tunnel I know but then something in it it's probably a bear they're pretty lime green all right well I'm gonna go up here just a little bit trying to show you guys that's when Jim took you up here what's that this my Jim took you up here yeah he took the whole family up here already so this whole thing here it's kind of cool yeah that is no it's not an old shabby drew it said it's a drilling it's a good compressor no it's a Hydra let's for stuff in a hole and sign him out and pull it full adapter mine better run away yeah he's got everything I mean this is just kind of the bottom this is part of the deal this is the bottom it's spread out like all the rest of them all the rest of the minor operation someone up near her the top all right would be I don't want to know messing around it done today all right well there is something in there something lime green whatever it was I got a know if that four star it's not for I can ask which he will ask which three of them back I said hey that old Ford back there how long since its run suspect which will hunt push would you like to clarify yeah I saw it was really cool comes back to the universal question will it start Oh dump us yard is any game I mean you want to talk about a backyard with a view I know man well it's got to be kind of cool to go out of your house and to roll up the mountain and start blowing holes in it for work every day what are you gonna do honey I think I think you probably think I'm like I'll blow the top off that there mom you're gonna come with me sweetie now I'm gonna make cookies I'll let you like I'll let you like the views I promise I won't do that short one like last time is the best part it's the best part nearly forty forty that was if that was me also until he come track and by she be about thirty feet fast we go she's looking back Vic Ron honey what no I thought that fuse was longer so you know what stinks okay like I've lost seven pounds this week that's because you know your millennial freaking nephew gets to eat a Reuben and my lunch was a chicken sandwich with nothing on it and I whoa and I can't even eat the potato salad and I'm not complaining like dude listen I never accidentally ate a steak in my entire life like I knew exactly what I was shoving in my mouth but I want to stop at this really cool place in the way home called the Alpine and so for lunch I got a chicken sandwich nothing and he can sit dynamite at Reuben and then you'll probably get the whole menu at the Alpine too daddy carried aren t all right
Channel: countrylife
Views: 114,641
Rating: 4.8446016 out of 5
Keywords: Kenworth, peterbilt, restoration, mack, cabover, cab over, semi first start, Semi restoration, big diesel start, working truck, semi restoration, mack restoration, country life, farm life, mechanic tips, fixing a no start, will it start, first start in years, will it start semi, freightliner
Id: 2s0uMJBTDak
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 53sec (3293 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 11 2020
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