Firebird Formula First Start in Years!

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welcome ladies and gentlemen to the editing studio here in junkyard Diggs headquarters / my apartment you'll notice behind me is a screen with all the files pulled up for today's video and what I notice on there that you don't is that there's a lot of those missing yay one of our biggest fears as a youtuber is losing content and I lost probably 10 files and not just any 10 files but in fact the first 10 files of today's video so since all these files are missing I'm going to improvise and tell you the beginning of the story right here I know it sucks but I'll have pictures yeah I got those check that out so as you can see 1973 Firebird this is actually one of my dream cars and it came up for sale in Oklahoma and I drove down and picked it up in the yard where some other vehicles such as this one that one this GTO pretty sweet the dude was in them literally like the most middle of nowhere I've ever been it was like old abandoned roads and stuff but we got this car out of there we headed home and we started working on it like I said I lost all that footage but what I do have is where we're gonna start right now which is the first time we got this car running in a number of years one thing though before we do start it is finally spring in Iowa look at green there's green stuff about damn time we had a hell of a winter now that it's finally warm out I can get you the content I want to make which is revivals legit pulling stuff out of the woods revivals that's what I love and that's what I love to make and that's what you guys love to watch so worry not we've got a couple more in the shop videos and then we're going back to revivals we've got some epic planned for this summer that is all I'm gonna say so without further ado I've said way too many things this video is probably gonna be way too long now so I'm gonna do a bunch of clicking and stuff over here and you know make this video which I haven't done yet so let's begin so we can dig this pig out yep she's rough she is dirty in here oh there she goes [Music] as said 4-speed bnm shifter goofy-ass he's got a 350 Chevy someone put gauges in it that's nice it's gonna be a big project it's gonna be a really big project like their stuff [Music] [Music] [Applause] with minimal blood and maximum hatred for iowa's know this apparently extremely hard to move beast is finally in the garage at home where it belongs after a nine-hour trip she needs a roof she needs a winch oh okay well this thing is rough it's arguably as rough if not worse than that sixty-eight LeMans I bought except for the fact that this one potential it runs which I'm gonna go to bed and we will find out tomorrow which will cut to now day two Lucas here let's see it's evaluation both eyes on the Firebird the Robert it yeah Wow it's not as bad as a Rasta it at least not like that car in the salvage yard that they covered the whole thing in bondo oh that that make yeah oh just got so many diseases give all the AIDS now like I said it is is in and out of gear they're there they're just not very crisp you know that's linkages or what transmission looks like I'm gonna have some wiring fun yeah at one point if someone good on this car they're gonna put these gauges in and they put the 350 in pretty decently I don't know why you're inside I got rain in here oh yeah from that and then they sold it to some subpar individuals and they did things to it and painted everything yes so I'm gonna go grab a shot back if someone wants to start on the bolts for the hood yeah my suit and we're gonna start cleaning this thing out battle to it there she is our small-block 350 is finally been unveiled and I can see the fun starts already oh god what is this what is everything [Music] [Music] hey it's an AC car no let's think that run makes me feel a lot better there's no windshield channel left to put this back in nice just put a little bondo over that and you'll be good to go so run okay well no continuity we used to have a ground all right so I crawled under the car and now look at our ground cable and it has definitely seen better days so I'm just gonna bypass this and we're gonna use this nice practically ground wire from I believe the f250 so we're just gonna put this over here somewhere okay seeing that the thermostat wire connector was also spray painted orange I'm gonna redact my statement and say that there's no way someone went through this engine at all he's gonna redact his statement I don't know what that means but it's ooh that's a retract I'm going to retract oh you got rust on your teeth okay terminals are on let's try this again do we have - whites yes yeah let me get out of the way in front of the first prank and without rank and who knows how long hey the fuel pump works does it yeah huh that cranks that cranks good oh god this fuel everywhere yeah alright so we know we have oil we know it pranks we're gonna catch all that fuel and that good what do you say yeah might as well see what she does never have spritz didn't check anything with them okay music we even have power I guess is the fast way to find out [Music] dude it's part I mean it'll run probably because you say it just sitting right here oh no you're right that was you're right so right I try not to say that so I don't know you want to okay ever do one more this makes me feel better about the price at age four and as long as the car doesn't take off order backfires Oh that'll be good well they need to clear some cylinders out so you're losing the belt Oh just started filleting oh yeah that's what I'm saying look at you can feel the belt off here's what a belt you can win it it's obscured comment in the comments your favorite belt flavor and this can be yours your get back in there huh smile on your face promised a huge intakes [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] I don't think the ignition timings right no I don't think so either what's up you know what's good about this is this time we got that 60 frames per second so right now we feel a nice slow motion of Luke exploding extra ugly okay so we're gonna rip this carburetors off put a different carburetor on I've got a few on the shed and then we'll carry on of life and horsepower so we got the carb off I have no idea what the internal condition of the thing is if our accelerator pump is toast but it looks pretty pretty clean and it was like some some remanufactured or rebuilt unit and you know it does look pretty good so it makes me think that it ran in recent times but anyway juststay gonna look at all the settings when we first pulled it off transfer slots are extremely exposed check out the idle mix screws they're completely not even or even even close to being so so I guess needless to say we can do pretty good here basically I'm going to set the transfer slots to ask where we'll get our mix screws a turn and a half we might start to turns out with that intake being the way it is and then we'll just adjust our timing around to see if we can get a fire and idle where it wants to idle so anyway I'd be wondering Kevin if you have all these nice little carbs sitting next to you why don't you just do that I'm a long ways from any parts store in the middle of nowhere so we have no gaskets so we're just trying to just for the sake of firing up and see how it runs see we can shift it into gear or anything it's we'll just use what we have for now yeah we're just gonna use that gasket is imprinted to the bottom of that so it should still seal okay not what we suggest doing if you have the ability to get a new gasket get a new gasket and yeah we're not gonna leave it like this this is just a fire up and see we have this will not have a quad on it at all no way no no you're gonna hurt its feelings whoo all right so I'm gonna go get some water go up this radiator check out other fluids Luke's gonna go ahead and set the initial settings on there and then we will slap that on there and if you're wondering hey how do exactly Luke how exactly do I you know set my ye olde initial settings guess what there's a button right here yeah hit that button but learn yourself something make yourself better I was gonna say I'm gonna give away all my secrets no no no no but if you guys want to learn click here under the 289 go subscribe to him better yourself better the world make better cars wreck left you know the usual Thunderhead 289 all right our car biz rebuilt as it needs to be we tested our needle and see it works we're gonna go ahead and put that on now yeah yeah so just hooking the fuel line up before going through all the effort to throw it back on the engine there your fuel pump on we're not bringing a fuel up out of the float vents so yeah I'm throw it on yeah maybe we'll have actually a functional carburetor no I think we will okay so time has passed the quanta jet is back on loose cowl of our initial settings set to where you once that least something good to start from with our choke locked out so we're not fighting that yeah yeah that guys there's not going anywhere we have our electronic fuel pump set up here and we're going to for the first time in feather prime the carburetor Kevin wired up backwards so proud of this yep there is flow to the bottle god I'm going to verify our firing order times in the past what don't look at that dude these are so screwed up oh my god this alright let's just take a break and completely redo these wires alright so we got that mess of the wires main and random spots all sorted out we're gonna hit key and see if we got it right this time great yeah [Music] it works if you turned the fuel pump on I didn't get it on in top of that we have a tongue depressor you want to go [Music] [Music] I need to reset the mix screws so you got a little smoky out the back like glue yeah but a little bit of black there's pretty significant blow but yeah so I won't feel bad putting a Pontiac motor in this right away no but I mean that doesn't mean you can't have some fun with this beforehand oh yeah absolutely let's get this thing dialed in a little closer and there I don't think it was ever rebuilt I think someone shot it with some paint definitely it sound like a stock cam back there it seems pretty stock yeah and through an intake on and colder today it idles at first you know I was at first what we did there it was we took our PCV valve off because we know this wow this looks old and janky and sure enough if you suck on it I know you don't know what that what's actually happening here but that PCV valve is shot so that thinks the huge vacuum leak that we had at the base of the carb oh we keep playing with it see if we get this up in idle yeah I think the next step it's almost like it runs fine it runs fine then it gets a little temp under it and it starts like you can you can hear it firing the cylinder out the exhaust and you know getting the reading on the timing everything looks good we checked our firing order again it looks good you know I'm wondering if we have a bad valve adjustment once it warms up our exhaust valves are hanging open so I think the top of valve cover I guess or pop both of them and just check the preload on everything cuz they all Chevy 350 Kevin are all right so we have our valve covers off and things are looking great they're all loose I think I think we'll have to pull a rocker off and check and see if you know if it's a solid lifter but if it's a solid lifter I could see it running open but if it's a hydraulic lifter down in there they should have about at least 20 thousands of preload so obviously these are nowhere close and that would just chatter like no tomorrow and you're just losing lose them lift but yeah I'm not sure some of those are pretty loose some are loose on the other side it's probably a flat tappet cam 3 50 so could have wiped cam lobes who knows you know so it's really it's really just one of those things yeah we definitely need to pull one get a borescope down in there and see what it is before we do something dumb but alright it sounds it seems stock but I'd hate guessing just never works out too yeah let's do that I happen to have a war scope right here look at that huh is it a boy that's got an internal Cup in it that's all like that's definitely a hydraulic what else we got in there heat there's a lot of heat in there yeah it's a hydraulics oh well the valvetrain probably isn't adjusted right or it's got a bunch of wiped cam lows which I doubt because it has stock valve springs and their stock valve springs are pretty darn white so as long as it had in it it probably didn't wipe a cam lobe and it's almost every song or two so yes yeah I mean chances are somewhere to live some are too tight who knows all right so I'm gonna go through these and set some pretty low play around some more things see if I can find anything else wrong then I will take this on the oranges and donuts for now Luke's gonna head home he's got some some family functions to attend like New Year's Eve yeah for sure thank you for your help today sir this was a good old time I feel a little better about the car yeah yeah kinda runs but it's probably still getting replaced all right well Luke's gonna head home now make sure you guys go subscribe to his channel and I will carry on the rest of this until we get this sucker running well not really peace because you know the vehicle are you doing go home all right make sure you guys go subscribe that's under head 289 if you want to learn a lot of stuff like what's inside your ear you know yeah I know not that carb carb tuning adjusting your valve train building engines just whatever else do a lot of a lot of boring technical stuff but I think the frame rate goes up if you turn oh we broke the physics Jesus some of these are nice and tight some of these are really loose so I'm gonna go ahead and run one spring down all the way so I know the other ones completely free and then I'm gonna go ahead and set the amount of preload that we're supposed to have for a small-block Chevy with hydraulic lifters which is about half a turn it in until I can't spin this anymore until I feel the slightest resistance on the push rod and then run a half a turn and we'll see if that helps all right right there so I'm gonna go until I can't turn it anymore so I feel just turn to resist that's our preload I'm gonna carry that through for the rest of cylinders will fire back up on this together all right so there's the bevels let's see if this makes a difference go ahead [Music] go ahead try it again [Music] yeah holy hell that is violent yeah hit it again she just is not happy okay that's a lot of some oh wow what is happening down there so that fuel maybe dude can't see a thing Wow all right playing with the timing again try to get this sucker dialed in [Applause] [Music] the idols now [Music] what was that but hey that's that's full throttle without a pop so that's better than we've done yet you may notice all the smoke coming off that side that's from when we took the valve covers off sure enough our gaskets did not see it so I'm gonna call this good enough for now and let's go rip some freaking doughnuts in the yard there's snow [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh dude that was leaving after all the fighting we did you get to this far and just rip while we don't see like half a gamma gas with the rip some donuts out there that was badass so if you guys liked this video make sure you like and subscribe comment below what you think I should do with the formula 400 I think it's definite take support this has been a dream car of mine the last four years this is my favorite car in existence and I now own one that's going to take a lot of work there are plenty of noises we're out there doing strip and some burnouts some some stuff hitting things it's okay I can stick my arm but thank you guys for watching like I said it makes you like subscribe to every one of those in the video loop me myself Luke you don't have a I will see you guys next time on junk our digs peace
Channel: Junkyard Digs
Views: 698,448
Rating: 4.8866491 out of 5
Keywords: pontiac, abandoned, forgotten, junk, yard, digs, junkyard, road, kill, roadkill, first, start, in, years, old, cold, 350, 400, v8, neglected, discovered, barn, find, classic, kevin, brown, motortrend, motor, trend, rebuild, engine, barnfind, iron, firebird, fire, bird, formula, trans, am, dream, car, turnin, rust, thunder, head, 289, thunderhead289, dylan, mccool, mustangs, 429, classicmustangs429, deboss, garage, power, tour, hot, rod, flyin, sparks, chris, fix, chrisfix, eric, the, guy, vice, grip, mike, finnegan, haggerty, 1320, hoonigans
Id: CECldCzZs7s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 15sec (1875 seconds)
Published: Fri May 10 2019
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