1974 NOVA Will It Run? Why Do I Do This To Myself?

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so i think i made a uh big mistake and john let me john didn't stop me so you're an adult man you hear that i'm an adult i am an adult but i'm an adult with a sickness a problem and uh well i hope that i didn't make a mistake we're going to find out aren't we yeah so um it all started with john noticing i think you noticed it yeah my seat belt no you can't put this on me i think you noticed it john noticed a uh aerostream camper in a a lot in like an impound or two lighter yeah a tow lot and uh well he's always wanted i don't know always he wants an like an airstream camper and did you bid on it at all yeah well i didn't but our friend taylor did because i didn't have any cell phone service right okay so uh you didn't wind up getting it because uh you set a a limit yeah yeah someone else bit higher 500 higher than your maximum bid apparently uh so sad and then right afterwards there was a a 1974 chevy nova for sale and uh i just couldn't help it and i'll be honest i went over what i wanted to spend originally what was your top dollar in your brain originally five hundred dollars okay but then i was like ah eight hundred dollars and i got it for 7 45 or something like that and then i found out there's no uh there's no title something like that yeah so i've got to try to apply for a title for this car and i'm not even sure i can get it but we'll find out um if the car is worth putting on the road it better be for 745 dollars yeah do they know what it is yet yeah i said 74 chevy nova four-door so it's the crew cab crew cab nova and uh so we gotta go i gotta go pay for the car this morning and i gotta see about making arrangements to pick it up because it obviously does not run so uh i gotta thank john and taylor enablers or enablers exactly but it's a cool looking car i like the patina i like the color yeah yeah it's it's pretty cool it has a v8 in it right it does have a v8 in it according to the pictures you know the pictures look like a v8 they either came with a straight six or v8 and the breather was right in the center which tells me v8 if it's off to the side it's a six cylinder i just hope it's not a rusted out pile we don't know we have no idea we're gonna go check it out right now so see you guys in a second i'm having the nova delivered to the house to john's house and uh the the delivery guy just called me and said he's on the way so i'm gonna meet him at the end of the driveway and uh get the delivery okay that ain't him that's a dump truck look at that thing so [Music] so i just had a wonderful lunch thank you john yeah it was good i had uh some asian chicken it's good so uh it's been tearing me up dude i have got to find out what kind of engine this car has in it it has on the label here either a 350 or 400 and the easiest way to tell is the crankshaft the vibration dampener okay a 400 has like some it's externally weighted it's got external weights can we get a shovel to clean that out yeah things so the vibration dampener has a cutout in it because it's externally balanced the other way to tell is it's missing like two freeze plug spots underneath the manifolds those are harder to find so i'm just gonna clean up this mess and uh find out what it is and i'm keeping my fingers across guys that it's a 400. you just don't run across those every [Music] day [Music] all right i'm going to get a 15 16 to turn this uh alternator so i can uh get a 360 view of the uh dang it bobby those leaves so what i like to do is i like to turn the i used the alternator as a good way to turn the engine over and what i'm looking for is those cutouts on the vibration dampener which i hadn't seen yet if it's a 400. kind of thinking it's a 350. it's a 350 350. uh unless someone swapped it out the only uh there's a numbers on the back of the block and there's numbers underneath this alternator on right in front of the head that i could read of course i can't make these out completely but i'm betting she is a tree fitty that's still pretty awesome i mean yeah i mean i was i was hoping four or four hundred of course man why not but uh looks like a tree fitty so i'm pretty confident this is a 350. now the biggest question is will it run i don't know i don't know either i bet you it will i'd like to find out yeah and before i find out i'm going to have to i mean i could hot wire it but i'd like to replace the ignition switch so i can hit the key to crank it over and stuff so anyhow oh my goodness this is a points it's got a points distributor on it huh so it doesn't even have electronic ignition on it that's weird that is weird that's real weird mid 70s i'm gonna have to do some research if see if they had points on a 74 chevy nova man what do you think of that pile of junk i pulled out from the uh battery box area it is not small that is pretty normal yeah yeah so all right well cool car 350. hopefully yeah that's right hopefully so the local parts store had the ignition switch i needed to install in the car so now i need to take the steering wheel off gotta take that steering wheel off and i have to remove a screw underneath the turn signal assembly and then i should be able to replace the tumbler so that's cool and it's got the steering wheel cover which is absolutely nasty i don't know if i can clean it up or not maybe ought to i hadn't seen these type of covers in a while i wonder if i just want to clean it up and keep it man this thing's still got the am radio oh ah this is disgusting whoa all right so let me get some tools and we'll get started on this job [Music] do [Music] okay supposedly i'm supposed to take a screwdriver and bust out a little slot in there which allows me to push on a button and remove this lock cylinder so i'm going to give it a shot it busted so i'm supposed to be able to stick a screwdriver in the hole and press on a button i'm going to have to put this camera i'll just down the carnage [Music] i got it there we go guys got it i'm betting i need to clean out the metal out of here there it is and it's locked into place let me try the key oh it works all right let's get the steering wheel back on all right so now that i have the bat oh what was that one of those little jumping cricket things so now that i have the battery hooked up let's kick this thing over i bet it doesn't even fire over i bet it doesn't even turn over holy cow it actually sounds pretty good it sounds like it's lacking compression but you know whatever so let's check the ignition we have spark i cannot believe we have spark with this thing since it's been sitting so long let's uh put some fuel in the carburetor and see what happens so i'm going to fill up the bowls on the carburetor which looks like it's right down this little hole right here it's full let's see what happens cranking wow it's smoking like crazy ghostworks whoa [Music] gobbled up way too high someone cranked that idol up why'd they crank it up like that i see it's the uh the choke is still on wow guys i mean she's a smoker but uh so far so good wow so transmission fluid is low i'm going to top it up and then i'm going to see if it'll even go in gear there we go all righty so let's fire this thing up put it in gear [Music] [Music] [Music] well has three flat tires and uh it just won't move i was smoking the tire on the rim cutting right through the tire so unfortunately it won't move so i need to get some tires for this thing so i guess the next thing i need for this thing is some tires so i'm going to run home get some rims and tires and then uh i think i'm gonna have to do some brake work because the brakes don't feel that great so oh what that didn't take long now what it's a bit of a smoker a little bit yeah dude that's cool it fires right up i know did you even like touch the carburetor no what a transmissions just have should be a 350. so three speed yeah nice job awesome ain't it yeah it does have a misfire so it really needs a tune-up can you rev it up yeah i can rev it up look quiet not too bad that's not a lot of that is kind of blackish yeah there's like white and then black in that little blue it's probably a rust in the exhaust and blue is definitely uh oil and stuff but the more i run it the less it's smoking cool like in fact yeah 850 bucks right 8.47 so basically 900 is delivered and it's running off the gas that was in it so this thing probably wasn't even sitting that long i think it i think it was okay it's a pre-ethanol fuel and it won't move it's uh quiet i can't believe how quiet i'm pretty sure it's got everything on it i think it's got the uh telling murder and everything it won't move because the flat tires i'm smoking the tires on the the rims on the tires oh yeah yeah i got it in second gear burnout second gear rim's spinning spinning an entire burnout so yeah isn't that great yeah so basically i mean engine and transmission is basically worth probably 800 and 900 i think so so you have a whole body too yeah that's awesome yeah put this thing on marketplace for two grand right now i probably could i probably could yeah that's crazy man isn't that cool yeah but it's a cool car i wouldn't sell it just yet it needs some need some rims on it yeah but it says it says on the fuel gauge and it's just above empty so i'm expecting it to give out at any time okay man it idles and everything nice job sir thank you thank you very much awesome so you just put a battery in it and hit the key is that all it took i i was checking the ignition and i had no ignition and i don't know uh oh yeah i had my camera on time lapse while checking the ignition yeah and i was like darn it so i had to do it again the second go around the ignition worked so i guess it just had garbage on the points and it cleaned itself off i didn't touch them which is awesome no sir can't beat it with a stick and it goes do the brakes feel okay no i think there's something there but uh really very spongy i i topped it up it was empty and i topped it up and i'm hoping it'll fix itself but i doubt it you might you never know i doubt it so that's cool it is freaking awesome congrats sir thank you 350. i think it's a heck of a buy for for what i got in it so you can put tires on it and drive it home that'd be pretty cool i don't know i can always drive behind you at the trailer actually sounds like a fantastic idea all right i think i might have to do that john came up with a fantastic idea i'm gonna have to uh tune this thing up here get the wheels and tires on it get the brakes bled feeling good and i'm gonna have to rode this thing road trip this thing three hours home i love it all right guys that's it for the video thank you for watching hit that notification bell give me a like check john out at uh cars and cameras thank you sir yeah and uh i reckon i'll uh catch y'all later nice job again i know man this is freaking awesome
Channel: Isaac it'll be fine
Views: 141,354
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: carsandcameras, nova, hoarder, classic, chevy, runner, will it run, pos, isaac, itll be fine, help, why
Id: gst7RZNoOqQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 43sec (1723 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 16 2020
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