RARE 4x4 '60 Honda Civic N600 Turnin Heads! Will It Survive?/ Run It Til The Rust Flies Off/RESTORED

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[Music] coming from nothing [Music] high stack it up stack it up stack it up stack it up [Music] making that money [Music] there will be no doubt [Music] stack it up well guys here we are again chasing after some more old iron now i found this girl on facebook marketplace and after about a week of back and forth negotiating with the owner we were finally able to agree on a price that met our budget with that being said i did not hesitate to go ahead and pull the trigger on this purchase and bought it completely sight unseen now a lot of times around the shop it's kind of hard for me and dad to break away so i reached out to my good buddy scott that we bought the old metro van from and he was willing and able to meet us halfway to pick her up so now we're headed that way we're about to lay eyes on her for the first time i have to say that this old girl is definitely in a breed of her own so i'm hoping that she's everything that i expected and more if not maybe we'll just flip her for a little extra cash [Music] [Music] what's a nice right thank you sir i got one just this knife that's a beauty ain't it it is everywhere i went everybody's going on and on about it getting some looks oh everywhere everybody trying to guess what it is yes sir well i sure appreciate you meeting us over here with us so i'd have never thought we'd meet up again at least this soon no but as soon as i saw it i said that looked like it escaped from pagoda yeah it looks like i could see it right there where the hell's yard man i love it i've never seen it nobody's ever seen anything like it yeah now i've seen it on facebook we've you know these little old cars in little honda 600s are kind of rare in themselves but we've had one once before but this one is in a category of its own for sure it sure is like i said whoever did it the way they did around the headlights and all the work they did really detailed a lot of those pieces yeah yeah it's kind of cool how they did the whole still used old jeep front grill on it there yeah kind of made use of where the headlights would have been on that though he really did a good job on it one of those got about every accessory they probably could come up with put on it yeah i like the little stop like the back too like old school bus stop light oh yeah and what is this piece up here the on the on the dash that clear thing what is that ah is that one of those things to indicate for a high beam or not or huh i didn't know what it was i don't really know what that well some of the old cars had them when a car was coming at you if you had your high beams on and then lower them off or whatever i don't know i don't know what it is huh it's neat looking anyway kind of like kind of magnifies it like a magnifying glass but i was figuring these fenders might have come off of those volkswagen things because the louvers in them is only reason why i would think that and it may be something when the sun comes through it that's your heater [Laughter] it might catch you on fire i'm surprised they don't have a sunroof in it right well if it did it probably wouldn't have any floors in it right that's true that's a tightly low car though considering four-wheeler whoever did it didn't do it too bad of a job with it it really did and those bumpers i know they probably weren't all for willis no so i don't know what they come off of they really do something small though probably maybe maybe the honda but you're right you're probably the honda yeah yeah definitely unique huh yeah the back end of it's kind of about the most uh primitive looking of the whole car i guess you'd say yeah there's that old stop light yeah i thought that was cool too pretty cool man yeah he said it supposedly it will run but i don't know well it looked like the straps are loose i'm like maybe they cleaned out the gas tank and i noticed they did have a little gas leak but nothing major than that you know yeah i didn't try to start it i just loaded it yeah but you got all the military wheels with it right yeah and spare i'm gonna look at the motor real quick i need a little old four-cylinder that would have been on that wheelies yeah yeah sure isn't it ain't too bad no it looks bone stock under the hood doesn't it yeah new battery that's a good sign yeah right well man i guess i'll try to get her get her unloaded and i don't know is there any keys in it either yeah keys in it but i couldn't pull it out so i guess it's just stuck in the ignition yeah well we'll roll her off i may see if it tries to turn over yeah i didn't even try it yeah i bet it will yeah it might have enough fuel in it yeah we'll get her unloaded here and see what i can't do with it right like i said it definitely blows in y'all's collection that's for sure yeah [Music] i guess i'll throw her out of gear real quick yeah yeah it rolls real easy where's the break i guess right there in the middle yes sir but there's a yeah emergency brake and then like i said it was in gear might want to cut your wheel let me roll this one down a little bit there you go looking all right on that side yeah you got plenty if you can get it go that way a little [Music] yeah this thing i think we'll have fun with it if we can get it up and running this thing's light isn't it yeah it rolls real good like i said i never tried starting it get that fire right there he told you around didn't it yeah it's supposed to run i believe it he's a good guy he sells a lot of good stuff yeah you got the merchant break yeah i guess i need to don't that's the first thing i do let's see what's the load back up my load bites move my truck and then come back and it's done rolled off onto the interstate right my name is scott seahorn i had met lance a while back uh he purchased a ice cream truck from a friend of mine and anyway i've watched her channel so i really enjoy their shows and weather restore stuff anyway he had found this down by me and uh it looked just like something that needs to be in his yard it's kind of stuff that he builds and collects and so i was happy to bring it up here to meet him halfway in here in greensville texas [Music] well what do you think about her she's different for sure i think i've been seeing about 20 people taking pictures of it already yep it's uh it's quite the one of those things that everybody likes to look at but nobody wants to have right yeah he told me that it would run but old brake pedals all the way down to the floor on the then you're used to that though yeah i guess i can see if it'll ready ready it's out of gear my initial ignition switch just eventually crank it in the floor turns over at least yeah i may got the ignition switch in the wrong position nothing ouch i'm out of gear oh how about that it does run it does run it doesn't sound bad either huh oh that's crazy i'm gonna try to drive it on the trailer let's let the trailer down i'll just drive it up on there there i'd rather do that than push it cool well sometimes you can't ever tell [Music] [Music] there we go i guess come on though low gear little bugger she should climb right up on there though definitely looks like it was built for him look all right looking good hope this emergency park works i love this little thing already [Music] good i think that's good well i don't think the emergency brake works anyways i can't believe it runs that good though i know it yet i don't know if you have issues with it spitting its butter and trying to come up or not but yeah it seemed to huddle pretty good coming up that thing and that i was surprised yeah looks like it's made just for you right up our alley yeah it'll fit right in the shop yep i figured let's get her strapped down get her back to the shop i don't know what the plans are on this old girl just have fun in it yeah i'd love to take her off-road see that hopefully the four-wheel drive works in it and dig into it and these these old four-wheel drives yeah a lot better than the newer ones yeah they're hard to break too so they'll get her strapped down and get her back to the shop say what we can't tear up on it anyway it never ceases to amaze me how lance is able to go out and find these these weird vehicles creatures whatever you want to call them uh but normally we wound up having to go out in the woods and spend all day possibly two days trying to dig them out if he can find them and we load them up at the walmart parking lot instead of digging them out of the woods that's a plus for me [Music] you know i never really know what to expect when you buy these vehicles sight unseen especially when you're dealing with a frankenstein of this category here but being able to lay eyes on it i have to say i couldn't be happier with it a lot of people say stuff was running when they were parked but this one actually cranking up driving on the trailer it's definitely going to save a lot of time that we're going to have to invest to it in the shop [Music] i can't believe she actually runs well very seldom do we have one that'll actually drive into the shop huh yeah very seldom do we have one that we're not going to bag though i don't know what makes you think that i'm being that she's already up and running i figure we'll have to figure out something to do with it but yeah at least we ain't got to figure out if if she'll fire up or not but right well it's got the main main hard part what i consider the hard part done they did a pretty good job on this whole thing i mean it's yeah obviously there's some stuff rigged yeah that's kind of to be expected when you try to put a honda civic on the jeep frame i guess yeah i think so figure this thing right here needs to go ain't much of a gas tank that's even a little bit more embarrassing than our gravity feed tank we use i think we could almost use a coke bottle and get that much gas in it yeah and everything else on the motor-wise doesn't look too bad it's not oily or anything like that right well carburetor must be pretty solid i'll choke it and hit the pedal and it cranks right up so i mean really that's what gas and brakes yeah yeah no no breaks you getting a wild hair idea that we try to do break someone getting a little bit crazy on us there well we've saved this part of it maybe we can yeah we could we could go ahead and try to do brakes on it i figured probably needs all the works master cylinder wheels cylinders all that stuff at least check the price of it yeah because if i'm going out mud and i kind of want brakes yeah you might need brakes huh well let's get started go ahead and get this old gas tank out of the way and try to figure out something i don't know if the fuel pump does have a fuel pump i don't know if it's going to work or not but if not we'll try to you know pick something up for that right we can run a little inline pump or something on it get the gas tank worked out and then price some brake parts and decide what we want to do from there yeah it's really hard to say of whether or not these parts are going to be hard to find for this car being that it's half honda half wheelies just makes it a little bit of a challenge in itself but being that it is a wheelies on the bottom half on the drive train where we're looking for the brakes and the master cylinder all those parts there i think it's definitely going to be a lot cheaper and a lot easier to find if this was we were looking for the honda civic parts those things would probably be almost impossible with such an early car so hopefully i can dig in here find some parts hopefully they're reasonable and get this thing a little bit closer to stock [Music] i already got it out of there yeah yeah it wasn't that bad just a couple screws back here and a board wedged in back behind it there almost fell out oh that's a little scary yeah doesn't look too bad no it looks solid it stinks yeah yeah i smell that old gas got a little gas still up in it don't oh yeah got a bunch of them a bunch of rust that won't hardly go through the filter will it [Music] definitely ain't gonna work in the carburetor no well surely that we can try to clean that out somewhat because it looks pretty solid i'd like to go ahead and try to use it if we can and with it having gas in it i mean if it had a leak or a hole in it i don't think there's no rust holes in it probably try to mount it up in there a little better yeah i think we can figure out something better than that yeah well i got us some brake parts master cylinder wheel cylinders so when will they be in oh they got them as well oh i actually have them in stock so yeah i figured we'd have to order them but i don't know if you want to go ahead and take a little break grab some lunch pick those up come back and pull that off and start on those sounds good to me get this cleaned out and then we'll see if that fuel pump's going to let it pump up through everything start messing with those stupid brake lines already i hate those signs when buff first got this car i was a little unsure about it to me it kind of seems like a dad mobile not really like a speed racer or anything like that but i don't know dad and bud started working on it and it's growing on me well what do you think on her i think it's my favorite car really yeah what are you gonna think when we decide to get rid of it i'm thinking i might offer you a smart car for it i think everything we've bought so far since you've been helping us has been your favorite car though yeah yeah i know where she gets that from well sometimes they're easy to get attached to that's for sure i definitely like her as well i don't know how that can be on something that's so ugly but hey that's me so what's the next step on it well that's got that gas tank dropped out of there i figured we'll go ahead and start on the brakes hopefully all the four-wheel drive stuff works if it does we'll kind of want some breaks in case we get to sliding off the road or something i'll have to crawl up underneath there and it may be fun most of the time them old brake lines are hard to get out hard to break loose you think it's going to take longer hopefully not i guess we'll see how it goes though good thing you know if they mess up we can have breaks to begin with [Applause] [Music] so [Music] oh there wasn't a whole lot of things that we needed to do to this vehicle to get it up and running so we decided to spend a little bit more time maybe on the brakes and the gas tank than that on this so i've got the wheel off we're fixing to tackle these brakes i'm going to try to wrestle the wheel cylinders i don't i don't really understand the his thinking on this you know normally he's just like let's drive it without breaks that's just going down the highway though listen here's going to be going through the mud so he wants brakes [Music] so most you guys probably know that we don't typically mess with a whole lot of brake work around the shop here me and dad will normally pull in these old vehicles and try to get them up and running and i'm very anxious just to send them on down the road the way they are with this one already being alive i just feel like we're probably just cheating ourselves if we don't go ahead and fix the brakes on it but being very old being four-wheel drive being drum brakes at that and i'm not really familiar with them i mean i don't even know who knows when we're done here if it's even going to be any better than when we started uh is it supposed to look like that what do you mean i mean all that slump coming out of it that's just grease i mean that's what keeps the front end greased up now yeah it's going to be nasty it'll get worse than this goodness yep [Music] this being a four-wheel drive instead of a two-wheel drive means that we're going to have to dig in a lot deeper remove a lot more parts get a lot more nastier just to get down to the parts that we need to remove [Music] as we're digging in deeper on this old car and being able to examine it up underneath it a little bit better checking everything out and it looks to be built together pretty solid not a whole lot of rigging as what i expected on this car whenever we first purchased it here so it makes everything a lot easier now everything is in a lot tighter of a quarters as they normally would be though so it just takes a little bit more time to get the parts off but the way they've got them done it looks like it should work pretty well [Music] [Music] well i got the master cylinder off there this little video baby just about to get this i think you got the brains and guts and everything pulled down yeah there it goes i don't even think about having to tear it down that much oh there we go a little dusty pads ain't too bad are they no paths look pretty good huh and master selling i mean they're well cylinders boats shot shot i knew they would be yep i guess i'll go grab the parts make sure everything looks to be what we need anyways i said a little bitty same way on this it's all just shot on the brake lines come right out though the part i was dreading the most you know that's good that's usually the thing that tears up first yeah luckily they built everything to where it wasn't too hard and welded the nuts on the back side so i didn't have to get a wrench back there cool i'll go grab them parts and some brake clean try to clean that up it sure is grimy yes grimy get it cleaned up and see what we can't get switched out alrighty so here's what we got going on right now we ordered a new master cylinder we ordered wheel cylinders uh the good thing is it looks like our wheel cylinders are going to be a perfect match except they're a whole lot cleaner and a whole lot better shape the bad news is uh our new master cylinder is about double the size of the original one that was on this car which means it's got a different size bore in here which might have still worked out but the problem is our whole bolt pattern and everything is off on that so i'm gonna have to get on the phone make a couple calls see exactly what's going on right here hopefully they've just got the the smaller diameter bore size of this master cylinder go pick it up we'll go ahead and start throwing these wheel cylinders on there all in all once we get all these parts put back in there new new new brake shoes all that good stuff this thing should be able to stop on the dime now back to the whole master cylinder problem we have here i made a few more phone calls trying to track down the proper fitment of this cylinder we need for this car the only responses that i've had so far is basically that that we can order another one but it's very likely they're coming in the same one that you've got there so now i'm trying to scheme up or think around of just you know what we might have around the shop or what we can do to actually make this thing [Music] i'm just doing what i don't stop doing what i do we bought this old mail jeep it had to bend at least six years ago and the fact that i even bought a master cylinder for something that's so far away from driving anyways just blows my mind and the fact that if this thing even comes close to being similar to fit in this car well i have to give all credit to god [Music] and that my friends is what you call a [Music] now that i've got this tour down far enough that i can actually see what i'm working on i can tell these wheel cylinders definitely need to be replaced so now it's just to get back behind them try to loosen off these old rusty brake lines hopefully they'll cooperate [Music] now not really sure if i mentioned that i absolutely hate messing with drum brakes this is really not going along too bad i don't guess but you got all these springs everything's super rusted up front here now we're having to mess with all these bearings and grease everywhere but go ahead when we get these front ones knocked out move on to the back see how she works [Music] when i first saw the slime coming out of the front in it i thought who would want to do this every day for their job i mean dad had it all on his hands and his clothes more i saw bub and dad work on it i was like hey this looks pretty fun [Music] i don't think they'd actually let me work on it but if they did i'm pretty confident i could fix it [Music] [Music] we have a little bit of an unspoken rule around the shop here if someone shows a little interest with a little hands-on help on any kind of project we have going on especially if it's something that we don't really show a whole lot of interest in ourselves it's definitely fair game for them to go ahead and try to help out the best they can [Music] it really excites me that has showed an interest in working on these old vehicles and that christian is really good at whatever she does she tends to put her mind to it and she goes at it and stays steady with it until she gets it complete the only bad part about that is when she gets home with greasy hands and greasy clothes her [Music] mama [Music] i honestly don't know the names of most these tools but i'm working circles around dad and if the car just so happens to fall apart i'll just blame it on bub now that we got that behind us uh one last thing on this brake system to see if anything's even functioning the way we needed to we need to go ahead and add a little fluid top it off try to see if we can get the air out of this system bleed the brakes see if they'll pump up and see if it seems like it's going to stop you ready yeah all right here it goes all right starting to get a little bit of a pedal already oh good maybe it kind of gravity flowed okay hold it getting anything yeah get some air and some fluid okay pop it pump it oh i hear the brakes yeah i see it moving back here okay all right starting to get a pedal now yep just straight fluid that time all right cool it's feeling pretty good good yeah it's it's i can see the tires locking up so i know they're the brakes are working yeah i can hear the front ones too already you ready uh yeah go ahead and start pumping and i'll get positioned here i don't know what i'm gonna do with a vehicle that actually has work work stop ready yeah oop i don't know if that was the brakes are you i heard someone heard something squared out a little of both i think whenever it came out it kind of scared me okay we're good front ones front ones yeah they may not need much no the reasons here didn't need merits so you never know when you're working on these old brake systems and that these old brake lines that are in there they're they're rusted you don't know how much pressure they're going to hold you start pumping it up and out anything could blow [Music] that pedal feels better than it does on my duramax i think that's got it i guess we've done something right anyways i say we let christian do all the brake jobs from here on out i'm definitely game for that especially when it comes these old drum brakes yeah yeah i was surprised that it was we went into it so deep on the front but yeah sometimes they can be a pain in the butt but worked out pretty good and heard getting to get a little hands-on never hurts anything i don't guess not surprised me that she decided to after saying [Laughter] yeah i don't like slime yep that's always a neat learning experience you got to get hands-on but always fun at first until you're doing it every day and sometimes it can it becomes a job becomes a job for sure this one went pretty good i feel like so at least we got that part done move on to the next step and see what else we can dig into her i mean anxious to see her get her out on the road and see what kind of looks we can make sure we do have brakes yeah try them out for sure huh she got a little slime on her yeah before we can see if this old car is going to actually stop for us we got to get a little go back into her with that old rusty gas tank we definitely don't want to put fuel into it and have it pumping up into this fuel system so we're going to try to just try to clean it out the best we can see what we can do see what we're even working with here [Music] yeah there's some big ol nasty stuff up in there yeah i don't know this thing may have seen it's it's the last day quite a bit of old pieces of stuff down in there but we can try to keep flushing it out maybe put some degreaser and some cleaners and stuff down in there keep sloshing it around and they make a good fuel tank see where we can seal it we have to keep that rust from getting any worse but i guess it's just a little bit of back and forth back and forth and clean until it looks like it's coming out better than uh root beer brown i guess you'd say with metal in it [Music] it's breaking a lot of that stuff up loose in there around this neck though i can see already i can see a lot down through this hole not floating around we've definitely dealt with our fair share of old nasty fuel systems around the shop being that we buy a whole lot of vehicles that have just been left abandoned that old fuel just sets in there it gets gummed up it gets rusty it just turns into a nasty funk that's exactly what has happened on this old tank right here but like i said this is not a surprise for us as long as we can get this thing cleaned out we should be able to put it back up in there everything should work fine get some fresh feel to it see how she actually runs off come on girl pumping already pumping already i hope it is i ain't spraying it you see anything getting in that fuel bowl yeah it's about half full well it's a fuel pump works in huh yep got good oil pressure no trash i mean it's dark colored but i don't see any trash really yeah well i guess that's obstacle too to mark off the list anyways i say let's get it off these jack stands and see if she'll actually stop [Music] i guess we'll see what she does got a little hill here can at least try out my brakes on so far so good we got breaks that's good yeah i guess christian knew what she was doing after all i think i'm gonna go ahead and try to make our little faithful trip over to the car wash all righty i'll just uh tag him behind i'll get in the vehicle in case i go wrong we'll have it yeah if you see me sitting on the side road you know something probably went haywire okay i'll see you there i think this thing will climb a mountain as low geared as she is definitely could use some power steering though can't believe how well this carburetor seems to be adjusted and running dirty as that feel was it's getting away tail second gear she's doing pretty good i'm glad i had brakes too because i don't think i would have might been able to beat that truck i'm like christian this might be one of my favorites around the shop as well now definitely gets a lot of looks she made it what i can do [Music] the coolest thing about this old car to me is just how much attention it grabs wherever you have it the first question that they ask is exactly what is this thing and you try to explain it to them and it's like a willy it's a willie it's a honda i mean i don't really know what you could call her i mean wanda if we could go with wanda on it i guess but willy wanda willie wanda so we'll go with that willy wanda and the chocolate factory are chopped up chopped up willy won in the chopped up factory there she is [Music] [Music] better hang on [Music] here we go you think about it those brakes weren't good don't they yeah i was a little hesitant at first you never know brakes are something that can be a little important piece to a project what i'm doing you did good thank you by now some of y'all realize how these old gears start turning in my head up here uh being that me and dad kind of brainstormed together and come up with a name for this car uh wanda willy wanda in the chopped up factory which i have to say fits this car to a tee i couldn't get on my phone fast enough to call up our good buddy dan shanks in texarkana just to see if he was willing if his schedule was open uh maybe he could throw some cool logos on here something that will definitely grab a little bit more attention that we're looking for around the shop well what in the world you drove up now now we get that response everywhere we go it seems like how are you you know what everything's got to be unique yeah this is actually an old 1960 honda civic i guess basically the first honda civic and they've set it up on an old 52 willys jeep frame so it's kind of what spurred off the the name of this old thing you know people like you know what is it honda and it's a wheelie so we come up with with wanda all right yeah right a honda and a willie so well i got something laid out you know y'all want to get it off the trailer we'll put it inside and see if we can't get some yeah believe it or not smeared on it believe it or not this one actually runs and drives and stops well that's that's the first little different on it yeah yeah that's it all right yeah i'll get it unloaded you want it just in the shed over there put it right there in the shop we'll uh start gathering up some stuff and see how it turns out okay sounds great i sure appreciate it thanks so much [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so i had somewhat reached out to shanks and let him know on the theme of what i wanted on this car sent him over just a few simple logos over some designs that i liked and the cool thing about it is that when we got there i mean he'd already been messing with it he now already had it all drawn up exactly the way he was going to do it on this car so being able to lay eyes on it the first time i have to say i'm absolutely in love with it i cannot wait to see him put this together paint it on the car and just see what she looks like in [Music] person [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] i'm an artist myself so painting and drawing it's really easy for me to get distracted and it's so satisfying to watch him paint this [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] well we got her done it looks like you've been pretty steady at it actually yeah that second side goes a whole lot faster than the first it's uh we could spend two days letting it or we could spend a good afternoon so i think i think we're right on that's right exactly yeah it's got a cool 70s 80s vibe to it so it definitely matches the weirdness of the vehicle i'd say yeah i like it did a great job on the color choice too i think it kind of complements the rest of the vehicle it looks like a wonka bar don't it does there you go that's it yep all right well cool i appreciate you getting on it i know it's kind of a spur of the moment type deal so uh we're that's what we do around here everything's everything's done today yes sir all righty well i'll get you paid up and let's get it loaded up and head back to pagoda and see what we can't do with your name like a good show out of it all right thank you sir yes sir it's time to get going it's time to move on we'll do this behind me that day is gonna come i'm breaking the walls down one by one nothing could stop me that day is gonna come [Music] needless to say our friend dan has done it again uh the artwork on this car had just turned out phenomenal i love the colors he went with on it i feel like everything just complements each other very well on this thing so once we get it back to the shop we can kind of gaze it out a little bit more still itching to do a little bit more to this car not exactly sure what but very happy with the way she's turned out so far well what do you think on the old girl i think he did a real good job on it it kind of looked like a pretty slick yeah made it look like a candy wrapper kinda yeah i guess a bite-sized one anyways yeah he almost did a little bit too good a job it's a little better than the rest of the finish of the car yeah i'll be able to paint them fenders find a color and we can match those up a little better it definitely ain't ever going to be no show car but no because we can work with what we got on it that's right yeah and at least we've got some kind of a logo on the side of it that kind of gives somebody a definition a little bit of an explanation it she's wanda she's definitely chopped up so that's in a world of pure imagination this is this is the baby of it i guess yep it already gets a ton of attention i know that's just gonna put the cherry on top right everyone wants to get the picture with the little cute car though so i'd like to try to before we put it out and kind of wrap our names around it i'd like to try to add a little bit more maybe some aggressiveness to it a little bit of something that maybe will make old women and little kids run from it rather than run to it yeah we can do that or run over them yeah no we can't do that we can't do that [Music] they should be blaming you [Music] was wasted well it was wasted all by you and all the love that walked away was really left behind by you [Music] down down so low how deep into the ground can one [Music] have mercy on my soul oh lord no longer than we've had this little car already we just hear the responses of what is it can i get a picture and she's so cute with that being said i had to do something about that stumbled across this really cool set of 35-inch mud tires they're old they're worn should match perfectly on this old car so we're going to throw them on there see how she looks definitely think it's going to help her [Music] attitude [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] around you you've got to find a way to be free [Music] [Music] deep into the ground can one man dig have mercy on my soul [Music] [Music] do [Music] wind [Music] [Music] i got a fresh and this is my world now [Music] [Applause] this is my world now [Applause] it was definitely something i knew that we could live without around the shop but being that the money was so right on it was just one of those things i felt like i couldn't pass up so here we are you know a small investment some old wheels and tires that i had laying around the shop some cool logos cleaning her up a little bit and this thing's going to grab all the attention that we could desire with it for sure just keep putting her to the test [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] i have to say that i could not be any happier with this old girl in the way she's performing everything seems to be running really well all our gauges are working we've got good oil pressure she's not getting hot on us and she's shifting through all the gears it's just super rewarding to actually get her out on the road up to speed and let her get the attention that she deserves [Music] [Applause] [Music] try to get her back to the shop i don't think the headlines work on this old girl [Music] well here we are going to sleep for a little while anyways [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey guys i hope you enjoyed the video if you love this crazy contraption as much as i do then you'll especially love this 1973 scout and 20 thousand dollars all you have to do is go to omaze.com restore it and enter for your chance to win and the best part is every donation supports the pediatric cancer program and the research they are doing at the monroe-carroll junior children's hospital in vanderbilt so hurry up that's omaze.com restored go there donate and good luck so [Music] you
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Keywords: restored, kravened kustoms, turnin rust, turning rust, classic car, classic truck, rust, junkyard, abandoned, rescued, kraven, custom, bogata, lance bush, restoration, chevy truck, wyatt bush, ratrod, patina, antique, kraven custom, weird, unique, will it run, neglected, chevrolet, gmc, huge, rare, swamp, honey hole, woods, saved, maxxd, buried, parked, rusty, forgotten, honda n600, willys, jeep, willy, cj, 4x4, mudder, lifted, micro, civic, awd, rat rod, n600, honda, wonka, monster, revival, revived, omaze, scout, scout ii
Id: CUnieLleES4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 58sec (3598 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 23 2020
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