Why you want to recruit every single Companion in BALDUR'S GATE 3

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hey what's up everyone Otto here with a small Baldur's Gate 3 tip for you this is something that probably you've already thought of um it just kind of occurred to me as I was playing through a little bit the other day and I figured I'd share it with you in case you haven't thought of it yourself but I'm gonna explain why you want to recruit every single one of the hirelings that are available so in order to recruit the hire links we have to recruit Withers or have Withers join our party and so Mr Withers here you'll find him in the runes as you explore the runes I won't go into detail as to um how you pick them up how you get them to join the group because you know part of the experience is learning all that for yourself so I don't want to spoil anything in that regard but once you have Withers in your Camp fate you can speak to him and we can hire a number of hirelings so require a new ally wait for the dialogue here a resurrection I guess we can skip through this all right I would like to talk about hirelinks and I would like to recruit a hireling all right so I mean yeah we've got a number of guys available here I've already recruited two and I recommend picking up Paladin right away or someone with some heal spells I think uh would be really useful but I mean it's your personal preference and just as you can start to afford recruiting more of these guys you can uh basically unlock all of them I as far as I know I don't know someone can correct me in the chat but as far or in the uh in the comments as far as I know there's no limit to how many people you can have in your Camp so um having a reserve of these guys allows you to sub in different characters as you start to deplete their their skills and their spells and then even even if you don't want to necessarily bring them out into the co into combat you can come back into Camp anytime and if you've got the paladins or whatever you can you can paladins or clerics you can heal your other characters and then that way you know if you have a particular four that you're really attached to you want them to participate in the majority of the combat at the very least you want to recruit some of the healers just to get the the party healed up but if you're worried about the cost like ah you know it's 100 gold really it's so worth it there's no there's no negative because all of these characters come recruited with gear as well and so including the very valuable Scroll of revivifies so you know even if you even if you in a situation with where one of your party members gets downed it's more advantageous to recruit one of these guys and use the scroll of revivify rather than use Withers to to resurrect them because they come with all this other gear as well so which you can you can sell or whatnot or whatever uh whatever you prefer but anyway that's just sort of my take on it yeah as players get hurt whatever hurt use up their skills their abilities Sub in some new guys and then that way you don't have to use the long rest use your resources up for the long rest so you want to get the most out of out of your adventuring party before you have to actually actually use up some of your resources in a game you know when you're playing on the higher difficulties and you want to get you want to maximize everything that you're doing it just you know completely makes sense to have a huge party and just get use out of all of your characters anyway that's all I've got for you today guys thank you so much for watching if you enjoyed the video today or found this helpful um consider subscribing to the channel we need uh as many auto bots as possible alright guys take care
Channel: Otto Resolve
Views: 50,492
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Baldur's Gate 3, Shiro Games, Otto Resolve, RPG, Open World RPG, Strategy, Guide, Beginners Guide, Baldur's Gate 3 Beginners Guide, Baldur's Gate 3 Strategy, Baldur's Gate 3 Guide, Baldur's Gate 3 Beginners Strategy, Baldur's Gate 3 Tips, Baldur's Gate 3 tips and tricks, Baldur's Gate 3 tips for Beginners, Baldur's Gate 3 trick for Beginners, Guide for Beginners, BG3 Tips, BG3, Baldur's Gate 3 Party Guide, Baldur's Gate 3 Hierlings Guide, Baldur's Gate 3 Companions Guide, Hierlings
Id: UXWbHk6NZrw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 32sec (272 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 06 2023
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