Side with Minthara Outcome | Romance, Betrayal, Companion Reactions Scenes - Baldur's Gate 3

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tongue he can't tell us nothing the prison the Goblins tell me that you extracted a confession from our prisoner true soul without your help they would have extracted nothing but screams and blood it is time for the raid to begin the Grove and those who are hiding there will fall there is a weapon the absolute seeks I'm sure those wretches have it hidden away there we will find it amongst the dead and the ashes her excitement is palpable she lingers on thoughts of victory of unbelievers blood spilled and of the weapon she will seize it in the absolute's name you feel Shadow Hearts anxiety the weapon the absolute seeks it's the artifact that she carries the same one that protected you as you entered the goblin Camp her mind focuses the cultists cannot discover that the weapon they seek is within their grasp go to their refuge and make your way inside as a friend I will gather a reading party and move into position you will open the gates from the inside when the time is right to strike we will cleanse the place of infidels and Burn It To The Ground in the absolute's name and then we will be the first among her favorites good marshalling the Goblins is no simple matter but my War ban will be ready to attack by next light let's make your way inside once I am in position on your signal we break them and when they are dead the absolute will reward your faith for the absent gather the Raiders it is your leadership I'll need that luck along with all the oak father's blessings it seems the absolute forces are already marching on the Grove I'll have to try and get ahead of them do what I can farewell I don't expect we'll meet again at least not in this life Gods you have a habit of turning up where you're least expected but no less welcome for that we've spotted goblins in the woods what happened at their camp foreign Hells I didn't expect it we were almost ready to leave well there's nothing for it now I have a fight it will have to be we threw them back once if you're with us perhaps we can do it again what I have is no choice we need to thin their numbers quickly if we're to survive every ounce of oil that we could spare has been buried out in front of the gate we'll blow the horn to draw them in and pray our fire arrows strike true your courage is catching it seems or perhaps I've finally lost my reason make what preparations you deem necessary and then Sound the Horn let's have this done [Music] this is it everything turns on this foreign [Music] but I also know that you have been fighting your whole lives we have never been handed the easy choices all the gentle paths and this is no different these creatures would take our lives our children our future and we must resist a splinter of Works its way into your mind a pretty speech it almost brings a tip now slit is to open that gate the absolute once all of them dead [Music] what are you doing it'll kill us all Hells you're with them aren't you [Music] nothing personal you betrayed us [Music] sway into your mind the look now we can Cleanse This Place completely kill everyone a glorious day the absolute will be pleased but there is more to be done this place is home to Druids root them out I kill them so much so easily spilled praise the absolute she will reward us well for this Exquisite Carnage look at me you see the slaughter of the tieflings again but through her eyes the Delight of blood the Symphony of Screams glorious the absolute loves you true soul and serving her as you have is the path to True power there is a bond between us true soul can see what you are what you want and you can see what I want through her eyes you see yourself skin glistening with sweat hands bound ecstasy or Terror maybe both you feel her breath on your neck her fingers running down your spine and then is over I will come to your camp tonight we will celebrate this victory together as you approach your Camp the raucous celebrations have already begun Volo has fallen into the Goblin's clutches again and appears to be chronicling your misdeeds the Goblins praise the absolute but their celebrations also honor their leaders menthara and you you fought well and so did these creatures thanks to our leadership when you're tired of their company come to me tonight you are mine this one is a true Soul parasite it can enhance you can absorb its potential open your mind to it do it you already know how your mind swells as it subsumes everything the tadpole has to offer everything it was and everything it was destined to be grown your power and improved your chances of survival and what a glorious celebration hip deep in Gore the Goblin's still good wine it goes straight to the Head Shadow heart's mind is drenched in drink and confusion she's killed before enjoyed it even but now an ill twist sting feeling lingers in her gut one that has nothing to do with the wine what's wrong with enjoying a gift from our guests maybe if I down enough of this swell it'll pickle the worm in my skull guilty ridiculous well it's not to be guilty for I serve the lady of loss we strip those tieflings of Hope itself just let me enjoy a drink in peace Maybe but I know better than to share my bed drunk unless you meant to raise my spirits by other means ah sitting such an engaging activity let that doesn't sound half bad well hello welcome to my humble party what's your poison rat White you're a Conquering Hero and you want to drink foaming piss not that I'm judging of course so what are we drinking too other than a pile of courses hmm to surviving um delicious so has anyone in the camp coach right I'm sure she is if you can trust her not to bite your head off once you've done the deed whatever makes you happy I suppose as long as you don't come scratching at my door the fire is nice I'll stay here for a while this is the worst moment when the screams of the dying have faded and the Conquering hordes howl and Yelp as they come to their vile climax Massacre a spectacle of Slaughter and I what are these bloody stumps that used to be such delicate harpists of the weave no two Shadows are darkening my soul the shadow within and the Shadow Without you you let me down this path you really are absolutely heartless aren't you I don't know myself anymore all this it's not who I am around you I'm not who I want to be I should leave God's damn you you're right a few things are more powerful than the will to live or Carnage such as this the shadow within is spreading like poison corrupting kindness and compassion perhaps you'll understand me better when you know the truth of my condition no A Night Like This is unfit to Bear witness to such a tale it's unfit for most things now please permit me some peace amidst this vile revelry we'll speak but another time I have seen the kisraki Terrace screaming nyogi's legs from its belly to Fashion into blades yet they could not match your nerve today it was enough to drive me to Madness a pity for us both you've turned your back on me so often Perhaps Perhaps not I will take pleasure when I wish and from whom I wish one day Fortune May favor you [Music] she looks you up and down her mind touches yours you feel her hand at your neck her lips closing around yours are you ready to give yourself to me good I will join you when you go to your bed you are mine [Music] you are here come with me [Music] now lie down neither [Music] it is an instruction now silence lie down [Music] run fast your obedience will make this more enjoyable for both of us you want you you and you shall have me [Music] as your bodies lock together so do your minds her whole being is laid bare before you 've hidden at the center of her desire you discover something unexpected fear I would have you by my side in menza berensen when our work on the surface is done [Music] speak to me tell me what is in your heart [Music] as did I during the battle my mind raced my blood burned I was righteous [Music] I only heard your breath and your voice the absolute was silent and strange to say me Comfort [Music] how is that possible the artifact pulses softly sending out a warning it is a friend this is blasphemy but so much that has happened since I left the underdark is like a dream of somebody else's life I I do not know myself anymore except tonight I wanted this for myself I must pray and you must rest tomorrow we will have fresh orders in your dream you stand over yourself as you sleep a knife in your hand murder in your heart you are ready to strike to end your own life but then a shock runs through your mind this is no dream [Music] wake up true soul we must talk I watched over you as you sled peaceful and silent and I spoke to our god I asked her why she had chosen you made you one of her faithful when you are so clearly broken beautiful but broken there is something missing in you I do I do when the absolute failed to answer me I feared that you had somehow infected me with that same absence and so I decided that you must die I miracle happened as I took out my blade her voice returned to me he told me what I must do to purge myself of doubt she told me to decide your fate to determine if you are worthy if you are I am to send you into her Embrace at the seat of her power [Music] then you do not belong to the absolute I believed for a moment that we might share a path but I still sense that absence inside you and I fear it I take no pleasure in what I must do in another life I would have taken you as my consult in menza baranzen it is time kill them campsite is secure blood soaked but secure leave the corpses bee let the maggots feast our betrayers deserve no better what's done is done we should check the corpses for valuables very well turn your back knot on your ally lest you would see it pierced forget the Yankee dictum a lesson taught in flesh and bone this very night associate as you wish your eyes at your peril you shall know how to keep a party interesting at least you've spared them The Hangover tomorrow what's inside foreign trade by a drow commander of the absolute how unexpected a turn of events but no matter what's one more kill But A fitting coder to a day of carnage
Channel: Northalix
Views: 199,714
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldurs gate, baldurs gate 3, baldur's gate minthara, minthara romance, minthara romance bg3, baldur's gate 3, baldurs gate 3 minthara romance, bladurs gate 3 side with minthara, baldurs gate 3 druids or goblins choice, baldurs gate side with druids, baldurs gate side with goblins, baldurs gate 3 side with minthara, baldur's gate 3 companion reactions, baldurs gate 3 all companion reactions, baldurs gate 3 companion reaction minthara, bg3 shadowheart, bg3 astarion, bg3 romance
Id: eK9AKesLd1A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 21sec (1581 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 05 2023
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