Wartales in a NUTSHELL... Why 89% Players Love This Medieval RPG!

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If you are looking for your next gaming fix,  people do spend hundreds of hours playing   Wartales , if you come from more mainstream titles  and you want to develop a taste for more niche   games, welcome, it was about time, you realized  that Jessica from highschool was not good for you,   I knew you could do the same here and find  out what true love in life, really is,   George RR Martin, I would have said Brandon  Sanderson, but sadly not everyone knows about   him so I will have to keep him in the fetish  list. Where the books are actually finished. If you stayed after that joke, thank you,   if you actually liked it I wouldn't recommend  you my therapist, I ‘ve booked all the hours. I love to follow popular trends so  let's start comparing Wartales to   popular games you may know, my grandma  used to say “ Comparison is the killer   of all joy” but she also used to say that  I could become a doctor, and here I am. When someone starts telling you about  a game they usually reference the most   popular game that is somewhat close, it is  like Battlefield, it is like Counter Strike,   or everyone’s favorite “it’s Dark Souls  like” – Dad how is highschool- Well son,   Highschool is like dark souls, but we still  haven’t figured out the respawn mechanic” So Wartales is like when you tried to play Darkest  Dungeon but you don’t want to open the emotional   scars left from fustigating yourself over  dozens of hours and still not beating the game,   you have some Xcom nostalgia but you  can't dig Battlebrothers graphics,   said in another way, if you draw  a 6 and 4 , you have the drawing   of a two years old, but if then you add  three circles, boom, you have Wartales. But what will hook you is the sense of progression  from turning a group of homeless wannabes into a   group of mercenaries worth their salt, it will not  be easy. You start by giving them some ridiculous   name and you take them into an adventure into  an unforgiving world. You find the first town   and get your first bounty mission, it says  it's easy but you find out that easy has a   different meaning in this game, god forgive you  if you actually picked a medium or hard mission. You spend some days camping, and finally meet  your target, you barely make it to town alive, ah,   healing potions, if I had just bought some before  getting herpes . You buy some meat and camp,   no one knows how to cook yet so raw meat is  in the menu tonight, you meet knew people,   quite a few will want to kill you, some,  you will hire in the tavern others you   convince in the battellefield, and wait  for the stockolholm syndrome to kick in. You become more vagrants than mercenaries for  a while, should have listened to mom’s wisdom,   stick to the plow avoid the bow, but eventually  things start working out, someone makes a pot,   now you can cook, you have a tent , you still  have to share and the ants can and will still   climb through you ass crack but at least you have  something over your head. Now we have a pony and   a wolf, you learnt to craft some gear and now  this guy thinks he is carrying the party after   giving him the best armor, it is these little  adventures that make you grow attached to them,   until you pick the wrong fight and  it's time to make some sacrifices,   or maybe you stole a bit too much  and someone has to pay for the team,   don’t hate the player, hate the game, I  will bring you back soon sir williams. This will not be the only thing to hook you,  but this is not sandbox, I know you still fancy   ruling your own kingdom but you attempted that  in Rimworld and it turned into “Dinner with the   Cannibals” so you will not be ruling lands  in this game and it is not a medieval sim,   this is a strategy game where you masterfully  plot how to shield your warband from getting   massacred , it is a more mainstream version  of Battlebrothers where the combat doesn’t   feel like an intense game of chess where you can  kickstart the French revolution at every moment. The combat is one of the Crown Jewels of this  game, you know, turn based games for people   not into the niche feels like picking up the  wrong queue at the supermarket , should have   not picked the one with the ancient citizens,  they always pay with loot from the 1800s,   cash, as a bonus you won a 15 minute journey  into your Hall of Questionable life choices. Only a few games master the formula of blending  action with strategy allowing them to transcend   the niche appeal, XCOM or Baldurs did,  they brought many more elements, but lets   be real very few beat tossing midgets at your  enemies, I’ve also learned that in highschool. Wartales has that fluid feel and keeps  the combat fresh by allowing you to   choose between many set ups and combinations to  massacre your enemies, having lots of classes,   subclasses and types of weapons you can try , and  while you will not be blowing aliens like in xcom,   the amount of enemies, tactics and the smooth  flow of the battles keep the game fresh, although   some people complain that it gets eventually  tedious, but look at the hours of these guys. But strap in, because sadly this game  for me is like a burger, a solid burger,   has cheese and the essentials down, but where  is the zing? That extra kick, the final mojo,   the mod support, the community would  have rocketed this game and sadly I   wouldn't bet on mod support happening,  the game was finished like my jokes,   missing the punchline. But Jokes aside it stands  at 90% on steam, a hard achievement but in reality   is far from perfect, yet it is a damn awesome  game that will hook you for dozens of hours,   if you want to know more I did a 25 days  in Wartales video. Thank you for watching.
Channel: Ashen Games
Views: 2,695
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wartales, wartales review, wartales gameplay, indie games, rpg, rpg games, best indie games, turn based games, strategy games, medieval rpg, wartales in a nutshell, pirates of belerion, pirates of belerion dlc, pirates of balerion, wartales dlc, indie game, wartales walkthrough, wartales 2023, wartales priates of belerion, wartales review 2023, Wartales, Turn-Based Strategy, Game Review, Indie Gaming, Best RPGs 2023, Steam Games, Let's Play Wartales, Fantasy RPG
Id: XNmVH5pK4bo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 44sec (284 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 29 2023
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