Why You Should Give Creeps a Chance (w/ Boyinaband)

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creeps the people who just love too much I mean with my friend Dave from boyinaband one of my best friends of all times are you gonna go the biggest creep I know no so what is a creep you ask well a creep is a person who does things that are considered creepy or unwanted because of their affection for someone usually it's a man being creepy towards a girl that he likes that's awful you say you know I could be saying all these things no you you think they should all die you say well let's plead their case just for a minute how about you sit down okay so let's get started let's list some creep behaviors [Music] so first stuff staring at you in public even though you don't know them this might come across as creepy this might be like do you think this is a bad thing to do it depends what the person is doing there are reasonable circumstances to stare people in public like what if there really are yeah let's let's assume that you're a pretty girl and you're on a train and you can't go anywhere and I am a creep and I'm like yeah well I should have got on the female lonely carriage they do in Japan and in Korea member thanks for that but first off how do you know that he's even looking at you yeah you have to be looking at him yeah first up you have to be looking at him and secondly this guy might just be blind have you thought about that you may be able estoy thinking that he is looking at you how could you assume that this guy has vision right I thought the Assumption in this circumstance was defending creeps not defending people who kind of look like they might be creeps yeah well I'm just saying that I'm defending the people who people I mean it's a mix I to me this feels like each other just move out the way the argument a little bit yeah anyway if you're angry about someone staring at you in public and you don't know that they're actually staring then you're an ableist from right I think we can all agree with yeah okay good that's the least approve I know I'm not gonna [Music] okay so another creepy behavior is to stand unnecessarily close to someone like in a lion at the grocery store but have you thought about this maybe the creep is just avoiding another creep so he has someone standing really close to him so he's actually moving away so you're assuming that he's the creep but he's actually avoiding another creep that's really close to him I like this logic this just like creeps all the way down yeah it's like a loop of creeps or maybe maybe someone just smells really bad you know how spicy foods are getting more and more popular with you know international foods coming all over the place yeah and that's leading to more upset stomachs and more people smelling bad so in reality it's a systemic problem and not actually his fault for going close to you got you and spicy food is like mostly from immigrants and stuff like right correct so what you're saying [Music] and now the creepy behavior is to drop off love letters at someone's house do you find that creepy give me an example love letter actually I'm pretty sure anything that could be considered a love letter is creepy okay I feel like this granted him figuring out where you live is bad Oh figuring out yeah yeah yeah because like he's leaving them at your house right so it's not like a friend that you've told no no no no this is love letters that just randomly turn out okay but at least he's doing the best with it like he's being totally upfront with that he knows where you live the creepy thing would be if he was actually secretive about it and didn't show that he knew your address that's what it's creepy but leaving a ladder he's basically is showing you that he knows it that should be fine you also have to agree that it's charming to use physical letters in this day and age even though there's text and email and everything this guy is probably a keeper he goes against the grain he's a man of stature he's willing to use the classic type of letter instead of using all these newfound gadget things right why do you think it would not be slightly more appropriate to talk to someone all right good luck [Music] so another creepy behavior would be to look into your home with binoculars again that's just gonna escalates it a little bit so you're gonna try and defend this now yeah okay granted this can make you feel uncomfortable yes but if you think about it a creeper looking into your house with binoculars is actually surveying your house for burglars for free if you can't afford something like a state-of-the-art alarm system then having a couple creepers looking at all of your windows at all times it's actually gonna be a really good early warning system and they care about you so they will probably try to contact you if something happens like if a creep so yeah yeah it's a creep shows up and like they're surveying the windows which is the most common ways to get into a house so really what you need rather than just having one creep you need to have like a little a small army of creeps there's like a critical mass of creeps that you need to watch out for the other creeps in case they get too creepy that seems fat yeah [Music] another creepy behavior can be to phone someone's house non-stop I think of it like this we all wish that we had more work hours to the day right we want to get more things done it can be hard to stay awake through the night and work if you do want to push yourself that little extra bit creeps can help you by kind of calling again and again throughout the night keeping you up Pomodoro is the system that's supposed to make you more effective when you take little breaks every seven minutes if they call every 15 minutes you can actually be a lot more effective with your work it can be a really positive experience especially if you want to get more done yeah I don't think there's anything to be upset about right [Music] okay so next creepy behavior is climbing into your window and watching you sleep I thought we'd already offset this creepy behavior with other creeps oh yeah but this he succeeded somehow I don't know why but yeah do you find this a creepy behavior to climb into someone's house and yes I can see that but if you think about like this this is probably just one of the binocular boys checking the security of the windows you found a security flaw they found that you could get through the window so now he's inside your house checking for burglars it may be tiny burglars hiding places like armpits in noses maybe in mouths I don't know like you don't know that there's not tiny burglars like yeah they're not I haven't seen any like they're not common but you don't know I think it's good and the best way to make the burglars the tiny burglars expose themselves is to wait them out and watch for him so watching you know the nostrils that so they don't hide I don't think I'm with you okay if you've got tiny burglars AHA you've also got tiny burglar protection you don't know it's not that so why do you need someone to check for tiny burglars when you've also got tiny bug questions the only thing we need really is that his intentions are pure and he's in there looking for tiny burglars his intentions are definitely not pure he's looking for tiny burglars are you talking about someone who's definitely looking for tiny bug no I'm saying he could be like there's this possible deniability here because he may be our tiny burglars do you you don't know what the wood poles of I mean yeah let's move on that was a solid argument cannot we would have it look at some real-life examples of some creeps [Music] hey cutie you should send me nudes I'm not like the other guys on this app I'm just looking for a love Hey I don't really send people nudes sorry not even for me kissy face kissy face kissy face haha sorry so reasonable yeah way too reasonable to reasonable is the wrong word reasonable would be ignoring him and blocking him immediately yeah actually too nice but the thing is she misunderstood this whole conversation this is actually a guy who's really bad at tech this guy wanted to create a gay account on this dating app but he failed so he only gets to talk to girls and he's really frustrated about it right so he tried to ask but he had a typo b2 tried to ask hey cutie you should send me dudes and this is just an insecure gay guy explicitly looking for love right on the app and he's not willing to share any of the dudes all of the dudes to herself incredibly selfish am i right I think that's fair why would anyone ask for nudes and then say they're looking for love that doesn't make sense you have to be was absolute [ __ ] to say that yeah he's gotta be gay instead he was he was looking for dudes they send dudes guys appear dating by just contacting someone saying hey do you know anyone that's good like okay things like rub [Music] hey this is Dave not sure if you remember me haha yeah hey what's up nothing much just school work stuff like that you know you yeah saying basically haha so you and blacks yeah we are question mark not sure why you text me back with you you still have a boyfriend it seems kind of like behavior you know I was just making conversation didn't want to be rude and ignore you so instead you were off let me on okay Lowell I hope he sees these and breaks up with you honestly it's what you deserve I'm just looking out for a bro and he doesn't deserve a girl who acts like this leaving other guys on for the thrill of it like a bra I said sixteen words to you but go off I guess so let's talk about they're gonna defend this film yeah obviously this guy was born into a sect where where we're talking to girls equals intercourse okay okay so this girl should check her privilege because she wasn't born into a set yeah she wasn't born into a sect where people get pregnant from texts her and her privilege just disgust me here really that's the grossest part of this whole conversation why do you think this person is from a sect have you heard of Occam's razor when there is a simple explanation that's the more likely explanation why go straight born into a sexless sexist talking rather than this is a freaking creep that sounds like a simplistic way to view the world I think the sect is do it big okay so let's move on to a few reasons to data creep [Music] first off creeps deserve a chance like everyone everyone deserves a chance say yeah everyone deserves a chance we're all born equal Greg no one's done anything bad yet should you be alone just because you were born with the genes and circumstances that may do it took creep you don't control your circumstances you don't control your genes why should you be alone because of that you got like all other things that led you to being a creep I don't think that society would function properly if you I mean sure I mean I don't I don't care about other things I'm just talking about creeps right now we don't need to make this a broad whatever we just discussing creeps I don't make you to spot something else okay [Music] okay so another reason to date to create generally the creeps are unattractive and unwanted so nots dating a creep makes you a shallow and bad person no yes do you want to do good in the world you're a person who wants to do good in the world right yeah yeah but how people you need some of them because some of them I think you can conceptualize dating a creep as sherry I can see that but it's also something that's not fair on the creep like imagine if you found out that someone was dating you out of pity rather than not alone yeah so when dating when you're dating an awful person with few redeeming qualities you can be happy and and you know feel lucky because you're a good person and it's great to date that a pity because dating out of attraction or because you have fun together those are all selfish behaviors you know I mean like although those other things are fundamentally selfish while dating a creep is very unselfish okay guys thanks for watching us defend meet me me defend some creeps like sure to give creeps a shot definitely very very serious video the face hurts for cringe thanks so much for watching and I will see you next time don't forget to [Music]
Channel: RoomieOfficial
Views: 1,347,409
Rating: 4.9504008 out of 5
Keywords: Why You Should Give Creeps a Chance, creeps, creepy, stalker, animated, animation, comedy, funny, argument, roomie, roomieofficial, boyinaband, dave, joel, r/niceguys, nice guys, niceguys
Id: gLw7BcxvMoA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 47sec (767 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 07 2019
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