Can memes cure his depression? (w/ Boyinaband)

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hey everybody my name is Joel from Rumi official I'm here with day from boyinaband today we were very tired and we're gonna try out something very different for my channel and that is we're gonna be looking at I'm not gonna say it's memes because now really means but it's some very positive stuff we're gonna have an overload of positivity with you guys we will all feel a lot better by the end of this welcome to very important positivity the Facebook page oh okay so this is gonna be an ironic dissection of positive meme no we're not gonna be ironic we're gonna try to feel as good as possible for those of you don't know Davey's not the most positive of all people in the world I agree you're probably public with your depression it's upset that we would cure your depression to that finally how edgy is this is this over-the-top no let me kill my depression it's fine otherwise this is insensitive let's departed okay so welcome to a very important positivity the Facebook page where depression comes to die depression comes to die let's get started the sailors of the HMS Hermione built a hammock for this ship's cat convoy oh that's cute that's pretty freakin cute I always used to pronounce it homey own and yeah fourth book had a mia one that I said in Swedish oh yeah that's adorable right I'm feeling positive already I've been using Spotify to secretly spy on my friend again not sounding so positive okay yeah one of my closest friends names the Spotify playlists with specific names one of her playlists is called sad lady hours and every time I see her actively listening to it I shoot her a hopefully inconspicuous text asking what she is up to that I love her etc hope she never notices the pattern that's very manipulative yeah maybe they want some privacy I don't know yeah sorry I'm being too negative oh oh okay so for this room emerge edit we have at door key music hero on Twitter it looks as if video games made her violin let's first give her a scary arm switched out to white suburban wall to this place that gives me the heebie-jeebies and let's make her hold something that's truly frightening and ugly like Jonas let's add some blood and as a final touch let's just make her face scarier there we go videogames made her violent if you want to be featured in this amazing way tweet a pic of yourself in room emerge to a true me official grandma can we get breakfast at big dogs no I have breakfast at home breakfast at home a little girl from China covered the cat's on the street with leaves because she was afraid that the cat would catch a cold I hope this girl is having a great day I think about her a lot I wonder if that cat got trod on because it was so camouflage was that yeah yeah there's just Brody and Flynn Flynn wanted to be as tall as Brody but now Brody is much more susceptible to sneaky forward chumps 14 out of 10 for both and some non answers he protect he attack but most importantly he thinks his friend's head is a snack and a little craps and smile now I'm smiling I'm gonna ignore the fact that there have been racist associations with the word friend and we're eight dogs the twitter account has previously been involved in controversy this is very sweet I'm feeling so positive in the 19th century of Holland a Protestant man and a Catholic woman who weren't allowed to be buried in the same light turn their graves in Jim monument that holds hands over the wall at it looks like a handshake friend zone for eternity yeah it doesn't say that they were like in love or anything or married or whatever so yeah could just be yeah friend zone for eternity no this is love this is sweet it's kind next when I told my manager I was fasting for Ramadan they had a whole heart heart meeting to discuss how to make my fast easier by changing my shifts and their durations they also had a mini presentation about it so everyone understands what I'm doing and why hearty face hearty face comments that sounds really nice stop being so unpause ative I don't know how I feel about this I'm really glad they were kind but I don't think anyone's religion should force people to change their schedules around if they were willing to that's great religion should stay out of the workplace look at all these people trying to be less positive this is not what this page is about stop thinking yeah stop thinking and be happy this is Nils Boland an engineer at Volvo he invented the three-point seatbelt in 1959 rather than profit from the invention Volvo opened up the patent for other manufacturers to use for no cost saying it had more value as a free life-saving tool than something to profit from that's sweet this is not my type of positivity ok what's your type of fault I think it is like things are bad but there's hope things are bad people died in car crashes but there's hope he's trying to help yeah exactly yeah be me uni student depressed oh it's already hating me walking to nearby liquor store to numb the pain this is the first time you felt positive in this video number pain hahahahaha tourist trap store in the way sells tacky souvenirs and whatnot go in on a whim postcard is like effing 25 cents I totally zoned out doing this what happened so long drunk depressed guy on a whim who buys a postcard uh-huh and sends it to his mom and dad five days later he gets a call from his mom saying how it made their week and that night he didn't drink himself to sleep I like that one that was the first like unequivocal bleep nice thing it starts as a dark that's why I can relate can relate I'm feeling good how about I read it and you act it out be me be loser who drives the liver they drive the van be loser who drives a delivery van all day work is boring as Frank gets new puppy the puppy is sad when I go to work have idea I will take puppy to work with me next day put puppy invent oh the puppy I thought the puppy was very good puppy sit shotgun all day does not piss or poop you cab take puppy to park during lunch break puppy waits patiently while I make deliveries drive home realize work was fun with my little puppy buddy have never had this much enjoyment of work you puppy very another one where it's like my life is horrible but I had one day yeah these are the ones that I like I have a friend who got his dream job training as an aircraft engineer and occasionally he messages me just to tell me about all the different types of planes he saw that day most of the time I have no idea what any of it means but it's so wholesome and I'm so glad he's happy Oh what do you mean go back you appreciate this wait what's wrong with it it makes me crawl I don't know what it is it's just nice like someone's that like is being all enthusiastic like oh it's a patronizing thing you're like yeah this is boring but I'm gonna let you go on because like you know have fun whatever it's kind of gross yeah I know I'm trying not to let anybody who's reading this I pray that whatever is hurting you whatever you're constantly stressing about gets better may the dark thoughts the overthinking and the doubt exit your mind right now make clarity replace confusion may peace and calmness fill your life I see a lot of these kind of YouTube comments particularly on my more depressing videos it's just like whoever is reading this or whoever needs this I hope you have a nice day I totally understand the sentiment I personally struggle to take something so impersonal as a positive thing I don't quite know what it is because like in principle that's a nice thing to say why do I have a problem with that do you have a problem with that they're trying sis we shouldn't be angry but it's like you're angry what would it take with someone to say something like that and for you to actually him take it in I think you can do it in very small doses and then you gotta be mean yeah I was gonna say I think you didn't do that pretty well every once in while you were nice to me but generally we were mean to each others yeah I think that's the better way to do it [Music] lightning round who year old needed a $20,000 wheelchair but his parents couldn't afford one and insurance wouldn't pay for it so a local high school robotics team got to work and built in one instead hello he looks happy next Australia's Christmas Island has bridges for crafts prevents them from being crushed under the wheels of cars doing the maths immigration that's amazing actually like this one that yeah that's cute that's such a weird design for a bridge so many crabs next I just want to thank black women Twitter for teaching me that when I go to the doctor and request testing or medication and they say no ask them to document refusal in the chart I just tried it and it worked provider came back and said I've reconsidered you know your body slash life best hey that ginger was this ha that's really interesting I'm learning here this isn't happy this is education next most of you know cheddar has medical issues and tears through his bandages head flows are expensive so I made him a flannel out called Slee oh that's very cute little hipster cat this is Molly she was born with the rear end paralysis but just got some fancy custom booties to help her out 14 out of 10 she won't stop smiling Howard doesn't like some booties my dad is mentally and physically handicapped and who is unable to work or in earn an income he's been saving his pocket change for the past month and for some reason I thought nothing of it until I came home from work to this today oh honey love that oh that does sit that's really sweet and he's like Oh next bedroom cup shake are you in your bedroom cops accumulating take a moment to bring any cups through the kitchen one second and there is a cup here be right back what's that yours I think it's yours thank you so much [Music] cuff comments my mom goes throughout this during World War two the winner of the Tour de France Gino Bartoli put his fame to a good cause he hid counterfeit documents in his bicycle and smuggled them through Nazi checkpoints these documents saved over 800 jews lives that's awesome if that's true that's dangerous thing for him to do as well yeah it's really difficult to understand the scale of this to appreciate just how kind this is yes let's move on to something light-hearted is there a cat a wonderful actually is a cat our ex-marine teacher has a student draw a cat of the day on the board because he likes to he was gone Friday and wasn't able to so this morning he took out his phone and open neko atsume and drew a substitute cat I loved his teacher that's adorable I remember when I was in Matt's class I had a good math teacher at some points I mr. Langley haha he put like 15 questions on the board and said we're gonna do these questions today and the last question was just draw a cat so I went through all the questions really quickly because I wanted to draw a cat I still remember that to this day which is a genius method of getting me to do the work end of my story end of your story Bono's that final puzzle yeah meme of the day yes I think you should read it out and act it out okay I think it's cute that think humans do when they see a boat pass and the people on the boat wave at them and they wave back absolutely no reason they don't know each other they're not trying to communicate anything other than look I am on a boat hello and they're all like I see you on the boat hello in a genuine moment of wholesome human connection and excitement okay that's my feeling about this whole video okay guys thanks so much for enjoying some positivity with us this has been great there's nothing pressed anymore this isn't this cute it I don't know why someone didn't suggest this Facebook page is that the title of this video this video cured today's depression anyway thanks guys so much for watching I will see you in the next video love and happiness and positivity and I pray that you have the best day and all of your overwhelming thoughts and crippling anxiety floods away from your body for three seconds we're gonna go stop filming and go have some really human connection huge thanks to my top patrons Christian garrison Matthew barczyk Keon Wang Vicki for admin sebastian 707 coral I this is my rent money batoon Ali Engel & freznar thank you
Channel: RoomieOfficial
Views: 1,080,505
Rating: 4.9732056 out of 5
Keywords: positivity, depression, positive thinking, mental health, happiness, positive affirmations, funny, facebook, facebook page, cure, comedy, challenge, dave, joel, boyinaband, roomieofficial, roomie, lol, commentary, reaction
Id: retW-EijD5E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 44sec (764 seconds)
Published: Sat May 18 2019
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